#not spoilers or anything just ooc whining tbh
untolikeiron-a · 7 years
I’m Tired.  If u don’t like danndy ba.nd tbh why are u following me.  i am Tired fam.
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kindasortaameyzing · 5 years
A Hot Take on j//nerys
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*posting this as a separate post bc tumblr’s being dumb as hell* 
First of all, anon, thank you very much for this ask, because BOY OH BOY have i MANY FEELINGS about the magical targcest ship that is j//nerys.
This is about to be a long ass post. Also, includes spoilers to Season 8 Ep 1 (I’ll tell u when!)
First of all, when watching Season 7, I could not find myself shipping J and D. Like...I can see what D&D tried to do with the buildup and the chemistry (like the cave paintings and Jon Chilling with Drogon), and idk if they meant to make it so awkward and stunted, but it was. I felt -1000000 chemistry in between those two characters, frankly speaking. I could see some of it nearing episodes 6 and 7 if I squinted, but I was just kind of blown away by how I absolutely could not get behind this ship that the show has supposedly been leading up to for seven seasons.
At that point, I did kinda believe in Political!Jon because it made more sense for his character rather than falling in love with Dany “White Savior Complex” T. Before watching S8 Ep1, I already didn’t think jonerys was going to be endgame, even if they were canon for the time being. It was just such a stilted relationship and the Dark!Dany was coming in STRONG. But after watching 801, may I just say…
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*if you haven’t noticed, S8 EP1 spoilers start now*
Here is a pretty hot take that I don’t think I’ve seen anyone share:
Jon Snow is infatuated by D. Maybe even in love with her. But he absolutely does not love her.
Let me start with the distinction. J is infatuated because he’s almost maybe even obsessed. He knows her as the Breaker of Chains, the Mother of Dragons, and all these mythical things that her title is, and combined with the fact that she swooped in to save him when he was going Wight Hunting, I think it’s just a bunch of savior idealism mixed in with a tad bit of Stockholm Syndrome. Not to mention, I think he’s being blinded with his obsession of finding more allies to fight against the AotD, and he’s willing to overlook all of her many, many faults to get there. He’s thinking very short term right now.
And honestly? I think that this infatuation is an ongoing trend with Daenerys’ lovers. None of them truly love her as an equal, except Drogo probably. They are besotted with her. Jorah, Daario, and mayyybee even Drogo to an extent -- they don’t love her, they are in love with her.
So does this kill Pol!Jon? Mayhaps. I think, actually, that Jon started out with those Pol!Jon motives in season 7, and I think he sticks to them up until Eastwatch (if his lukewarm reactions to D and clear annoyance with her has anything to say about it). To me, when watching Eastwatch, it was like a flip was switched. Suddenly, so suddenly, Jon was bending the knee to this woman who swooped in and saved the day. And I think his whole “let’s all be truthful once and for all” spiel in Dragonpit is sort-of evidence as to the falling of his Pol!Jon motives. (tbh, I can see how it could actually bolster the Pol!Jon argument, but it’s irrelevant).
Admittedly, this was all conjecture in my head. Up until Season 8. And BOY oh bOY did this episode feed me.
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[Yay to Robert and Cersei parallels, anyone?]
I know a lot of people felt as if Jon was rather ooc in 801, and I agree. I think that’s due to his adoration for Dany. Not sticking up for Sansa when Dany threatened her? Asking Arya to take Dany’s side and making that little jab at Sansa for thinking she’s the smartest person in the world (btw, she absolutely is)? Generally being complacent as hell?
I think, in all those moments, he’s warring with himself. On one hand, angel-on-his-shoulder Jon knows that family should come first, that he should fight and stand up for the ones he loved. On the other hand, he’s desperately trying to justify his infatuation for D. He’s grasping at straws, and I think he’s scared of the fact that he is. I think the most telling part of this is when he tries to justify D’s murder of the Tarlys (AND, might I add, he doesn’t even know that she burned them alive yet, just that she killed them. Oh, i cannot WAIT for this tea)
Just...watching that scene [I’ll put a pic when I can get one]. Jon begins by looking confused and worried as hell. He’s beginning to look past his infatuation and see the truth. And he really tries to defend her, he does -- “I’ve had to murder people before” or whatever he says -- but Sam CALLS him the fuck out. And let me tell you? In that fucking scene, Jon doesn’t look angry. He looks scared.
And OOF that scene with Sansa? “Did you kneel for the North or for love?” (I’m paraphrasing, sorry if it’s not accurate)
Jon hesitates. He knows, in his heart of hearts, that he’s supposed to be doing this for the North, and he’s trying to justify his infatuation with Dany and marry the two, but it isn’t working.
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And the “Did you ever have faith in me?” I think Jon truly thinks what he’s doing is right. Or it could be right. He’s may be looking for Sansa’s validation, partially, because at this point even he’s unsure of what he’s doing, but that’s a little tinfoil. 
Now, on to explain the existence of J//nerys moments that don’t involve the two characters themselves..
Davos, Varys, and Tyrion talking about a marriage alliance. I’d be lying if if I said I was surprised by it. And I don’t blame Davos for trying to push it. In an ideal situation if D was an actual good person, it would make sense. But she isn’t, and Jon doesn’t love her. Not to mention I find it kind of funny that they were looking at the pair and then we find out D’s just whining abt how Sansa doesn’t like her. Very romantic.
I think that scene was necessary for two reasons. I think they might add in a push for a marriage alliance in Ep 2, when I predict that the tensions btwn Jon and D will begin, and then Jon just reveals it can’t happen because he is, ta-da, a Targaryen. And then D will go back to Dragonstone before the Battle of Winterfell while leaving her armies behind (which people are predicting). But second of all, that scene was absolutely set up for Varys’ last line -- “Nothing lasts.”
A very purposeful line. A very purposeful shot to J and D as Varys says that line. This, more than everything else, confirmed that no matter how canon j//nerys might seem now, it’s never going to be endgame.
Now for the dragon joyride scene! Yay! Let’s take a break in the middle of literal war preparations and ignore an alliance about to fall apart at the seams to go chill at a waterfall that should be frozen over!
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Honestly I thought this whole scene was such fanservice. There was no emotional aspect to it, no swelling music or long-awaited release. But D&D put it in there, using their precious screentime for a reason.
1. I think it shows Jon “embracing”, or lack thereof, his Targ side. It’s very clear he is not made for it, and he is not enjoying it. When Dany first rode her dragons, she did so with ease. Jon is absolutely not having it. I think this goes to show in some little way that no matter Jon’s blood, he’s a Stark. Or maybe it’s showing a melding between his Stark and Targaryen side. Idk. either way, there wasn’t an ounce of romance in that scene that didn’t seem forced
2. Foreshadowing for Dance of Dragons 2.0 much?? I think this is very much an introduction to Rhaegar-staying-with-Jon and knowing that Jon can control him
3. Oh my god was the romance one-sided. D instigated all the romance, she instigated the kiss. Admittedly, Jon obliged, but uh...his whole kiss while staring at Drogon? I???? What??? Ah, yes, very romantic????
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I love D staring at Jon with all this love (I do think she loves him, and his betrayal will turn her to Dark!Dany, but more on that later) and Jon just trying his best! Keep your queen warm! uwu!!!!!!!!!!! 
PHEW! That’s all the meta-y thoughts I have on j//nerys. I’m also beginning to think that j//nerys is the Bad version of Ygritte and Jon? As in in both cases, I believe Jon began by trying to infiltrate the enemy party and pretending to be in love, but then actually truly falling for the girl in Ygritte’s case and falling in infatuation in D’s, and ending up having to betray her because it was never going to last in the first place. Also, cave/waterfall parallels maybe. That being said, Ygritte and Jon is far, far healthier and balanced, and this is just a crack theory, so don’t hate me on this one!!!
I really found it funny how j//nerys stans after 801 were frantically giffing the dragon joyride and makeout session bonus pack and blatantly ignoring how the entire plot of the story was pointing to Dark!Dany and the strife btwn them. Also, I could literally do an entire other post about Dark!D and how I absolutely hated her in 801 and then another one about jonsa, so if anyone’s interested, lmk!
TLDR: Jon has feelings for D but it’s not even close to love, it’s infatuation at best. Pol!Jon happened initially, but then faded away.  j//nerys is hella one-sided atm and even if jon truly loves D, it’s 101% not going to last longer than like ep 3. Also not mentioned but if D insults Sansa one more time I’m going to kick her ass.
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