#not really but I kinda bash lokius so I want to let people filter it
capu-ci · 3 years
People whining that they've been queerbaited with a potential Lokius like... No ? They literally had no scenes implying they could have a thing for each other? They literally not even had an ambiguous moment? And If you're saying that it has been teased in interviews I... kinda don't care. I don't listen to them anyway, what's important is the show itself and what it shows.
They just.. interacted? And have at best developed a good friendship? How is two men having a rather good relationship, without any ambiguous discutions or anything, queerbaiting? You queerbaited yourself dude.
And if you say that because Loki has been confirmed m-spec but the story is implying him having feelings for a woman... Go back to the definitions of m-spec and genderfluid. As much as I know what you're denouncing, Disney taking once again the easy way in queer representation, you can't say that him having feeling for a woman (is it tho? Since she's probably genderfluid too) is making him less queer.
And if you're just bitter that your OTP isn't canon and that Sylvie is more or less another version of himself.. That's on you, but at least leave people have their fun and stop going into the ship tags to send hate. Because as much as you don't like this relationship, it can't hurt anyone and even is a pretty good image to say "Loki finally starts to love himself", in a pretty direct way.
Anyway, don't listen to people saying that Loki is horrible and a queerbait, they're just bitter.
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