#not me gross sobbing at fanfiction again at 3 am
drabsyo · 3 years
Hi!!!! I was wondering if you could recommend some of your favourite fleurmione fanfics?
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Oh anon here we go... 👀👀
Saving Souls & Healing Hearts by BatwingLawyer 
(This one is *chef’s kiss* My absolute favorite. I adore this depiction of Fleur. She’s positively enchanting here, and everything about this fic is just incredible. I’m obsessed. What do you mean I’ve reread this three times now?)
Summary: Hermione Granger fled Britain seven years ago after the Battle of Hogwarts, still battling against the horror she endured. She's finally content in her quiet life where no one knows her as the Golden Girl until unexpected post from Hogwarts offers her the chance she had once dreamed of. Now, she returns to the castle to find her dreams, her family and her life; she might also find a certain beautiful French witch along the way.
Fighting is our form of Flirting by InsomniacAndBi 
(The first Fleurmione fic I’ve ever read!)
Summary: After Hermione witnesses her sort-of-girlfriend/sort-of-best-friend kissing somebody else, she immediately applies for a transfer away from Hogwarts. She thinks that she's lucky to get accepted into Beauxbatons only to find out that her new roommate is a total princess...as in, like an actual princess...of France. OR A Fleurmione Her Royal Highness inspired by the book by Rachel Hawkins.
Entwined and Entangled by OrbitalWings
Summary for Entwined: After an impossible encounter, two young women find their lives destined to entwine. This is the tale of Hermione Granger and Fleur Delacour, and how they fell in love. Summary for Entangled: Sequel to Entwined. Her Fourth Year over, Hermione Granger must come to terms with being apart from the one she loves. But as the days grow darker, Fleur Delacour still offers an island of tranquility in a rapidly changing world.
Hermione Granger: Tomb Raider by Artista 
(This one is new! But my oh my, Hermione Granger as Lara Croft.)
Summary: Chaos has erupted in the Veela clans with the death of the queen, and corruption in the High Council would threaten the selection of a new queen, possibly sending the clans into civil war once more. Only the rediscovery of a lost ancient Veela relic can prevent a hostile regime from seizing power, and Fleur Delacour is determined to find it, with the assistance of renowned historian and archaeologist, the nicknamed Tomb Raider Hermione Granger.
Of Teenagers & Love by anamatics 
(Signed, sealed, delivered. This fic owns me. ) 
Summary: On the surface, things are not always what they seem. It takes a few study dates for Hermione to warm up to the girl she thought was the ice queen from Beauxbatons.
Aucune Defense Pour Toi by  dgeheimnis
(This. I think everyone has read this!) 
Summary:  Love is like death, sudden and unexpected, long and drawn out. Fleur Delacour is no expert in the ways of love, the English or Hermione Granger. But in Hermione's seventh year, the learning curve is steep. Written, with permission, as a companion piece to Dreiser's "No Defense for You" in Fleur's POV.
So should I wear a wedding dress to our first date?  by  i_shall_wear_midnight, LostParkMih
(This is too cute!)
Summary:  Hermione and Fleur go explore an ancient ruin..
Runes by Cumbersome
(More soulmate stuff. We can’t ever get enough of that soulmate stuff.) 
Summary:  Soulmate trash. Because I can. And we all want it.
sometimes you've got to bleed to know by  jump_the_gunn
(This entire fic is an aesthetic; all about that detective partners vibe, and I’m all for it.)  
Summary:Ten years after the battle of Hogwarts the top half of a dead body appears in the office of the British Prime Minister's fireplace, with the bottom half appearing in the office of the French Minister for Magic. Aurors Fleur Delacour and Hermione Granger must work together conducting a cross channel investigation to find the killer. Inspired by The Tunnel TV show.
There are tons more that I haven’t finished reading yet, but so far here’s a list of the ones I have! Sorry--it got a bit long! But please, I hope you enjoy reading these as much as I have! 💖 
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avarice-inclined · 4 years
Can be used for RP and non-RP blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen!
1. FIRST NAME: emmett
2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF: i have an overall weird talent for mimicking character voices, but the most notable one is Stitch from Lilo and Stitch
3. TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON:   -✧ eyes, definitely, even though it’s a bit of an oxymoron because of how much i HATE making direct eye-contact in conversation, but i like eyes when i can look and the person isn’t looking directly at me -✧ how a person smiles is a big one, because happiness is really heckin beautiful and it’s even better if i know i’m the cause of a smile -✧ freckles. i absolutely love freckles, like, the more the merrier. it’s like having constellations on their skin, like the universe doused them in glitter idk, they’re just super pretty 
4. A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF: mac n cheese, esp if it’s nice and gooey with lots of melted cheese. i go absolutely ham for good mac n cheese lol
5. A FOOD YOU HATE: i don’t really care for beans of any sort. baked beans are an exception but, like, they gotta be the sweet kind. i hate sausage, in general, esp breakfast sausage because the smell just makes my stomach feel bleugh 
6. GUILTY PLEASURE: collecting stupid quarter machine figurines and writing complex, self-insert fanfiction in my head that never make it into written form because i am not brave enough to actually write any of that shit down lmao
7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN: leggings and a t-shirt, sometimes just a shirt and nothin else cuz i live in florida in a house with no central air and it’s HOT don’t judge
8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS: serious, but only because i’m not emotionally capable of flings and i have to get p close to someone for anything bedroom-related to come up, and if it’s gotten to that point i’m definitely already HELLA ATTACHED and probably already telling the person ‘love you’ in casual conversation
9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE: i honestly don’t know about this because, like, ideally i would have left my parents house way earlier than i did, or at least tried to assert my demand to be treated like a human being way earlier, but, then again, everything that’s happened in my life has led me to the point i’m at today and if things had gone just slightly different, i might not have met my husband, or i might not be as sure of my gender identity as i am now. so, like, even though a lot of things in my past REALLY SUCKED, there’s only a specific few things i might change but even then i’d be hesitant about it because i like how my life is now, even with all the shit i had to struggle through to get here.
10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON: probably, yeah, i am def that touch-starved bitch who craves physical affection, be it platonic, romantic, or otherwise. i’m not down to hug or cuddle with a stranger but, like, if i’m friends with someone and know they’re cool with it, they’re gettin loved on
11. A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN: all of the LoTR/Hobbit movies, any Studio Ghibli film, the last unicorn, WOLF CHILDREN EVEN THO IT MAKES ME LITTLE-GIRL SOB EVERY TIME, Venom, Detective Pikachu, THE PRINCESS BRIDE
12. FAVORITE BOOK: island of the blue dolphins, the entire animorphs series, DRAGONRIDERS OF PERN SERIES, actually just about any book with dragons in it where the dragons are complex and not evil is absolutely my jam, the Abhorsen series, also the Hunger Games... i don’t really have one specific favorite book that’s literally impossible to decide lol
13. YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO KEEP ANY ANIMAL AS A PET, WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE: anything that isn’t a spider or a bug that can inflict bodily harm unto my person. i just really love all animals okay just gimme a farm house or a ranch so i can have ALL of my favorite animals in one place that’d be ideal. but if i had to pick just one i’d want my cat because she’s the best little girl and i’ve only had her for 4 days but i would die for this chaotic little ball of fluff you have no idea. i am incomplete without a cat at my side
14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS [IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG, YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL]: (FMA) ed/winry or ed/ling, just let the kids be happy, (WITCHER) geralt/jaskier/yen, because geralt has two hands and both of them deserve to be held, (FMA) greed/not dying au’s, I JUST WANT MY BOY TO HAVE A HAPPY ENDING IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR?, (ATLA) katara/zuko/aang, lemme have my loving polyam pairings, (ADVENTURE ZONE) taako/kravitz, because the bar doesn’t get much higher than seducing the grim reaper with threat of tentacles
15. PIE OR CAKE: i literally cannot choose between the two, i have favorites from both categories and i BAKE so that makes it even harder
16. FAVORITE SCENT: vanilla, peaches, and books
17. CELEBRITY CRUSH: brendan urie or kiera knightley... also david tennant
18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO: new zealand, because i’m a nerd and that’s where LoTR was filmed, but i’d also like to go to japan
19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT: definitely an introvert
20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY: very much so, but i do still enjoy horror themes in movies and games, even if i can’t play most games myself and have to watch lets plays of them
21. IPHONE OR ANDROID: i’ve only ever had android phones. the only apple device i ever had was an iPad but since i was only using it for art i don’t have much of an opinion on it beyond that lol
22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES: i’m currently playing the witcher 3, whichever final fantasy has Noctis in it- i don’t know what the number is because i have a hard time reading roman numerals, kingdom hearts 3, and animal crossing new leaf (if any of you also play i am welcome to giving out my friend code if you’re interested!)
23. DREAM JOB: making a living off my art, or even getting into video game design
24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS: pay off debt/overdue bills, finally get hormone therapy and top surgery, and get myself and my friends and chosen family into a better house and away from abusive situations
25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE: i don’t think there are any characters that i hate tbh, i might hate things that certain characters DO, but that’s not the same as hating the character itself. from a design perspective, though, Tingle from LOZ can fuck right off, actually. WAIT SCRATCH THAT. SHOU TUCKER CAN SWALLOW A CACTUS WHOLE. that is all. ahem.
26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER: twi//light, until i realized just how gross smeyer was and how her writing is, objectively, not as great as everyone made it out to be
tagged by: stole this from @dolcetters tagging: if you wanna do it, go for it!
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selcier · 6 years
Obikin Fanfiction Recommendations Part 2.
Hi all! I’m back with another short list! Once again: This is by no means an extensive or exhaustive list. These are simple a few fics that I remember vividly for various reasons. Many of theme are masterpieces in their own right without the added benefit of being fanfiction. And many are fics that I have read over and over again. These are also fics that have inspired me to to my own writing. 
Like last time, there are many fics that are not on this list that I actively read and love and I’m always looking for more! I have excluded works that I love but are in the beginnings of their development as a cohesive story. This list also does include tumblr ficlets. If you have any recommendations to send me, please do! I have tried to tag authors when I know them on tumbr. 
What Dwells in Us by caudipteryx
Three months have passed since Obi-Wan Kenobi arrived on Tatooine. He has settled into a quiet, humble life in the desert, watching over the infant Luke from afar.
It’s not going to stay that way.
Favorite Line:  No. Why do I torment myself by looking at impotent symbols of an unalterable past? My brother is dead, and I am on my knees before this false-bottomed chest like a grieving man before an open grave. It’s fitting, perhaps, that our lightsabers shall be at rest together beneath a humble pile of clothing. After all, the one who called himself Obi-Wan Kenobi died with him. This is from chapter 1 - so no spoilers :) But it so nicely wraps up all the anguish and pain from Obi-wan’s character. And how deeply he misses his friend. *sobs*
Tumblr Prompts: Stairs by @glare-gryphon
Every time we climb the stairs, something changes
Principle of Superposition by @lacontradictionvivante
Obi-Wan and Anakin are sent undercover on a mission to the Outer Rim planet of Bar Neth. Originally a desert planet, the Republic sequestered its land for an experimental terraforming project. After decades of colonization, Bar Neth has become a patchwork of lush farmlands and desert remains. A fellow Jedi Master has alerted the Council of smuggled goods aboard a small craft during a routine customs evaluation at the Mid-Rim hyperspace lane border. Headed for Bar Neth, the former Master-Padawan team don their least conspicuous civilian outfits and tuck their lightsabers away in hopes of learning more about a curious band of smugglers.
Things do not go as planned.
Favorite Line:  He rolled onto his side to stare at Obi-Wan, the light of an old lantern casting a gentle orange glow on the man’s face. He looked younger when he was sleeping; less like a master and more like the man that shared citrus flavored ice treats with him in the Temple cafeteria after a long day of lightsaber training. Oh Anakin, you utter sop. *cries*
just a little bit by retts @clarespace
Anakin took a deep breath and leaned into Obi-Wan's space. Obi-Wan kept his ground and arched a brow at him. This was curious.
'I like being tied up,' Anakin whispered conspiratorially.
Obi-Wan blinked. 'I beg your pardon?'
Favorite Line: 'I like being tied up,' Anakin whispered conspiratorially. Obi-Wan blinked. 'I beg your pardon?' Haha just that opening sucked (!!) me in right away. Can’t you just hear Obi-wan’s incredulous surprise?
The Other Side of Paradise by @glare-gryphon
Anyone born of Tatooine knows better than to wander too far into the Wastes. It is a savage, inhospitable place: a land of dragons and raiders and ghosts. Farmers dare not set down roots, travelers dare not pass through its heart. It is cursed land, long-ago scorned by the gods of their people. Anyone born of Tatooine knows that should you stay too long, the Wastes will show you your past, your failures, your regrets. You will see what was and what could have been and what never will be. Those hills can drive a man mad.
It is there that he finds Obi-Wan Kenobi, at last.
Favorite Line:  Kenobi leans down, pressing one last, lingering kiss to Vader’s lips, and it feels like something inside of him breaks. The heart he’d thought long burned from his chest cracks, shatters to pieces on the sandy floor of the small hut. He wants to sob; to fall to his knees and beg forgiveness; to remain curled into the man’s chest until dawn and Obi-Wan realizes that this isn’t a mirage created by the desert. But he can’t. God, this fic reaches into my chest and rips out my heart. 
Pacify Her by lorraineblake
Anakin´s and Padmé´s relationship is a problem. Obi-Wan knows exactly what to do about it.
Favorite Line: With careful hands, the blond finished his objective and walked to his own bunk to get rid of his boots and outer layers. Falling to bed only when he was free of the confines of the most oppressive articles of clothing.
“I´m a piece of shit…” Anakin swore before covering his closed eyes with his flesh hand and eventually letting himself to fall to a deep post-orgasmic slumber. Yes, Anakin. Yes you are.
obikinweek day 1 by @glimmerglanger
“ Anakin hated it when Obi-Wan was injured enough to require a bacta tank; it gave him too much time to think.”
Favorite Line: Padme blinked her shining eyes. She said, “I didn’t cause that.”
“We did,” Anakin said, and the words sat before them, a bomb ticking down, running out of time. “I did, Padme. I should have been there and instead I was…” He was with her, in her bed, living the lie he’d made for a life. “I should have been there.” I’m so sorry Padme, but he’s right. Holy shit this piece gets to me. 
The Eighth Memorial of Byyzem by @fireflyfish
Part 3 (?) SCARverse
“ Ben Amidala wasn’t a fan of vegetables and, in fact, secretly believed that they were a Separatist plot to make him eat gross, icky things. Like lettuce. Who eats lettuce and really enjoys it? “
Favorite Line: “Your master was Obi-Wan Kenobi, right?” Mercy spoke up, her blue eyes wide with curiosity. “Mummy told me that.”
Anakin inhaled sharply and nodded, trying to keep the mood light. “Ah… yes. He was. I… I was very lucky to be his Padawan.” The pain in this is spectacular. Did I rec any happy fics at all???
Under the Four Moons by arnediadglanduath
On the cusp of destruction and despair, Obi-Wan manages to reason with and subdue Anakin on Mustafar. Now, with practically the entire Galaxy wanting him dead, Qui-Gon Jinn's former apprentice must decide if he has the strength and resilience to save his former apprentice from the temptation of the Dark Side, despite his resentments of what he has done. Can he save the Chosen One before he destroys himself? Or is is it already too late?
Favorite Line: “I was always rubbish at meditating. After we stopped doing it together I couldn’t center myself.”
“You could have told me.”
Anakin sighed.“I wanted to prove myself to you. If I couldn’t accomplish a task as simple as meditating, how was I ever going to becoming a good Jedi?” Doesn’t this just sum them up perfectly? 
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saveourskinship · 3 years
Thanks for the tag @thusatlas I’ve never done one of these. So
How many works do you have on AO3?
16 works, but if you count my collection of drabbles it is 42 (soon to be 61 once I finish updating my Ficlet Snack Pack.
What’s your total AO3 word count?
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Harry Potter mostly, but when I was twelve I wrote Greek God fanfiction but it’s hard to tell what fanfic in that space. I mean, the masterpiece that is Lore Olympus isn’t exactly fanfic, right?
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1) Transit of Venus
2) Curse of Fascinus
3) Her Curious Valentine’s
4) Are There Still Beautiful Things
5) Always Being Let Go
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I do! Even if it’s just to thank someone and wish them a lovely day. I think the only comments I haven’t responded to are ones like ‘huh?’ or ‘eh?’. I can’t do much with those.
In a very gross way, comments are like laxatives. If you want more shit out of me, shove comments down my throat. My motivation will jump from toodle-doo to PHWOAR if anyone knows or understands what that means.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
The Alternate Ending (Tragic) to Transit of Venus.
Transit of Venus was already pretty angsty, but the people wanted to see the most harrowing of the five endings I wrote. So I put on my patent-pending Sob Through Anything glasses (eucalyptus on the nose grip, moisture wicking on the glass) and edited a Romeo + Juliet- style ending.
Do you write crossovers? If so what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No, but I do write Easter Eggs. Though I do have a plunny to crossover Derry Girls with Harry Potter where the character of James is Harry being sent to Derry for his protection.
It is the only crossover I’ve ever dabbled in and the the couple pages I’ve written are utter madness so I don’t hold out hope I’ll ever publish it..
Oh, but do songfics count? Because then I have LOADS. Mostly Taylor Swift because folklore stole my soul.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yes, my favourite was telling me the entire premise of Transit of Venus was stupid and I should have taken a leaf out of their country’s way of doing things to up population and given tracts of land to couples . Soo... colonialism with implications of people displacement and other more heinous consequences they found preferable to a soul spell.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I do write smut. My favourite type of smut to write is romantic, sensual smut. I’m also very much looking forward to writing the smut for my crackfic.
I think my most favourite smut scene I’ve written though is in Her Curious Valentine’s where Theo reads really bad, gratuitous Dramione smut out loud in the company of both Draco and Hermione while they try and ignore him.
I laughed a lot writing that.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I honestly have no idea how I’d even check that. But probably not. I doubt anyone would want to take credit for anything I write.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but as an exercise to practice my Te Reo, I occasionally translate passages of my own.
What’s your all time favorite ship?
Dramione. I ‘White Flag by Dido’ Dramione. I stan, simp, ship, fangirl and tresh Dramione. I refuse to feel guilt, only pleasure. Please don’t come for me Ronmione fans, I like Ron, okay? I’m just shit at writing him and just make him say, “Bloody hell!” all the time.
But also Theo with anyone, particularly Harry. Theo is my favourite character because he is almost 100% fanon. He epitomises the Harry Potter fanfic community for me so I have to love him forever and ever.
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I’m writing a WIP called ‘The Madnesses of Men’ that details seven women’s relationships with the men in their life: The three Black sisters, Pansy, Luna, Ginny and Hermione. Each has a Seven Deadly Sin as the title of their chapter and each has a completely different writing style. Luna’s chapter is entirely poetry. Bellatrix is an exercise of insanity and a stream of consciousness. Narcissa’s is all letters to Andromeda that she never sent.
I would love to finish it because it is something very different for me but I’m struggling to find Pansy and Andromeda’s voices. Le sigh, maybe one day. (But let’s be honest, it’ll never happen.)
What are your writing strengths?
Humour - I have a knack for gargling up ridiculous scenarios when I’m brushing my teeth, giggling maniacally like a calcium-deficient vampire while frothing at the mouth with reckless abandon. I put these scenarios in my writing and it goes over well.
Angst - People tell them I make them cry and have been known to punch the heart’s out of people’s bodies so I thank them and wish them a nice day. I once exacerbated someone’s chronic pain condition (which I still feel soul-crushingly guilty about) and was asked to reiterate the ‘Heartbreak’ tag on a fic. I guess that means I’m good at it. Sorry again to that reader!
Trope Twists - My favourite thing to write are twists on tropes. I enjoy finding new ways to tell old stories. Stay tuned for my take on the ‘Unexpected Pregnancy’ theme coming soon.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Run-on sentences - I have a tendency to, more often than not, plug in far too many words which I think stems from some sort of childhood instinct that if I kept talking and talking then my sister won’t find out I drank all her juice and accidentally threw it back up on her favourite Skydancer.
Sticking to my plotting/theme - This has happened a lot. Incandescent was supposed to be a cottagecore, cute, fluffy romance Theomione. Now it is a sprawling space opera where Hermione has fought a god, has learned another version of herself will either save/destroy the entire world (not to mention Atlantis) and rescued a star after it was eaten by a black hole. Oh, and it takes place over one weekend.
The Absolute and Total Defeat of One Draco Malfoy had been fully plotted out for twenty-two chapters. It only took three for me to completely deviate. But it’s a crack fic, so it felt inevitable
The montage/transition pieces - I hate writing the banal parts between plot points. And I hate it because I’m really bad at it. I either skip over it too much or get bogged down in too many details.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I personally like reading dialogue in other languages. If used in a way that makes sense. Especially if the fic is set somewhere that doesn’t speak English, I like to learn a little of the setting’s language to immerse myself.
I tend to use use other languages sparingly in my own writing. Mostly because I don’t want to get it wrong and when I try, I end up in four hour long research holes of the best way to say ‘Hello’.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Ancient Greek mythology, I think. If it can be counted. Would that make ‘The Iliad’ or ‘The Odyssey’ fanfic? Oh gods, I’m going to obsess over this for days now.
What’s your favourite fic that you’ve written?
Transit of Venus because it taught me a lot, though I feel like I best nailed the setting I was going for in Are There Still Beautiful Things. The Absolute and Total Defeat of One Draco Malfoy always cheers me up.
But if I complete it and start posting (which I am DETERMINED to do, I WILL finish it before I start posting), I think my favourite will be my new WIP: What’s Owed When.
Tagging: @ohlenalena​ @megamegaturlte
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ladylillycrawley · 6 years
TMNT “Ghost of a Chance” FF Chapter 25 review
Got another review in the books, YAY ME!! :3 Enjoy guys!
Credit of story: @suthnmeh & @violette-aner
Direct link to GoaC chpt. 25: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11258484/25/TMNT-A-Ghost-of-a-Chance
-Ok, the chapter starting off with April’s day post ghost intervention? Yessh, talk about a rough… I did feel super bad for her when she talked about the bad events that happened throughout her day. Been there, done that girlfriend.
-Oh boy… The part where she accidentally left her homework and laptop at Donnie’s lab? Worst. Nightmare. Ever.
-Although, I did wonder why the heck Kirby sent angry text and missed calls when he knew she was staying at the lair. But then I remembered that since he’s been super antsy and anxious lately, so I guess it makes sense. 
-April worrying about Donnie from the night before: UGH protective April is my spirit animal right now!
-Casey’s entrance with all them bruises: can you say ‘typical teenage hockey boy’? 
-Casey bringing in alcohol to school… and then agrees to go to the library with April… Boi… I honest to goodness don’t know what to think anymore XD
-“’And then express-date. With ‘Moose’.” He wiggled the backpack again, the liquid contents sloshing quietly. April crossed her arms, and said squarely, ‘No Moose’.” – HAHAAAA yes! OMG I love how she keeps that lovable train wreck in line!
-That part where a piece of eraser got shot into her mouth made me shudder. Literally. That’s so gross.
-Confession.. Since reading this chapter, I actually used Casey’s “What’s your beef” comment… I learned my lesson afterwards. Never using that kind of comment in the heat of a discussion ever again.
-Damn Casey! That comment about April having to chose between normal life vs. kunoichi/psychic life? Low blow bro.
-Actually, I want to elaborate on that last point. So about April choosing between two totally different lives. Who the heck says she has to choose? Can’t she do what she said to Karai in chapter 2 and write out the chapters of her life on her own? Granted, she is only 17 and isn’t technically a legal, autonomous, adult in American laws yet, but still! Why force it? And for Casey to give her an ultimatum like that? Dude, if it was the other way around, I’m sure Casey would feel the same way that April’s feeling at the moment. Not cool. Though he is hurting, that was super uncalled for.
-OOOooooo…. That moment between April and Master Splinter nearly brought me to tears. I am super close to both of my parents and to see this side of Splinter was so sweet and touching. I love how, out of the very few adults present in her life, Splinter seems to be the only constant in her life. He may not be perfect and she does have her dad whom she loves, but I adore how Master Splinter tries to show her that he’ll be her sounding board when she’s ready. And if there’s one thing that April definitely needs in her life at this moment, it’s that.
-“You are Hamato. Whatever happens, know you can always count on your family’ - Oh my heaaaaaaaart!! SO! MANY! FEELS!
-“Michael, put that down!” – Pfft lol love that easter egg you guys threw in there!
-Ouch. Poor April. Getting dropping a showerhead and getting sprayed is no laughing matter. I’m a klutz by nature so I know the feeling.
-Oooooh April finding out about her laptop and then Donnie trying to make her feel better? Cuuuuuuuute!
-April hugging Donnie because of her gilt… I might as well just stop reading/reviewing just so I could read this section over and over again ‘cuz it makes me so happy. So sweet!
-OHMAGAWD then her smooshing her nose against his plastron bit nearly put me in a fangirl coma!
-I love how you guys made Mikey go from jokester bro to ‘no one messes with my unbiological sister’ to ‘lemme feed you’ mode in seconds. It just fits him no matter what TV series or fanfiction story he may be in.
-Sassy Donnie correcting April gives me life. Just saying. 
-“It is too much. I mean, two years ago I was just April, just your regular high-school nobody, and all of a sudden I’m this… Kraang McGuffin with superpowers who’s also a ninja wannabe. And I don’t know which version of me I like least, to be honest.” Ok… Let me stop there for a sec. First off, BRA-VO! That part right there, that’s me every freaking day. No joke, the first time I read this part, I swear I had to read it nearly four extra times because I was like, “I feel like I’m reading my own mind being played out on fanfiction… Weird”. Here’s the thing though, this is why I love April in this story. She’s playing multiple parts, working hard, and doing all of this to the point of it being unbearable, almost debilitating. And I get that. What saddens me a bit about this is that when she continues on to loosely explain herself to Donnie, it seems that she feels that she’s alone in the midst of it all. Which isn’t true, and I do hope that she both realizes it and that she’d heed Splinters advice about remembering that she can count on her family. No matter what. Ugh… such good stuff… Ok, back to the rest of the review!
-[Slow yet meaningful clapping] Thank you Donnie! Way to get that girl back to her right mind by telling her she can’t give up. Yes yes yes!!
-GAH I’m a puddle now… The part where Donnie allows her to look in his mind? And her response? The hand squeeze? Her admiring his hands??? My shipper heart is swelling big time. Bias I may be, these two will be the death of me and I’m ok with that TwT
-Lets be real though, Michelangelo secretly shipping Apritello is just stinking adorable. Like, adorable enough that it could melt both cold hearts and icecaps in my humble opinion.
-No no no no no no no no Raph… I get that you’re just trying to look out for your bro and BFF but… Nooooooo…
**Ok… That chapter had me in all different direction: sad for April, disgruntled about Casey, happy sobbing about Sensei’s words, giddy about Donnie and April lil moment, and peeved that Raph might do what I think he’s going to do… SO GOOD! Great chapter, great interactions, great everything! Nicely done and keep up the fantastic work! I should have the next few review’s up soon!
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illyriantremors · 7 years
Dearest Sierra, I have enjoyed your tumblr ever since I stumbled upon it about a year ago post-ACOMAF. I appreciate your viewpoints and your talent as a writer. With that being said... my favorite Harry Potter fanfiction is Dramione. I've probably read 100+ Dramione fics. Some are EWE, some shoot off during 6th year, etc. JKR made it clear why she despises Draco. But does that mean I don't love Dramione? No. Continue to write the Moriel that you love. In your hands, it's your story. Yours.
Anon, I want you to know that I may or may not be sobbing at work right now because of this. I woke up this morning and was reading everything everyone has to say about Mor and Moriel and I got really sad because I feel like SJM took something that meant so much away from me and I don't know how to write it anymore. I don't know how to love it again. I've been sitting here trying to figure out how to write them, but everything I come up with feels wrong now and unwelcome in the fandom. I'm so lost. Everything feels so dark again without them and without the family they were. Sarah took it and made it something gross and distorted and I want it back so badly.
So thank you for this message. It really means a lot that you think there is still a space for me to write and love them. I want that a lot. I am going to give it more time to see if something comes through. For now though I think I am on a break from
fic. Even writing the other ships or the squad as a whole... I don't know how to do that without Moriel. They were my basis for everything. So more time for now. I am gonna try to figure things out. Thank you for writing me though and reminding me that this story belongs to me (to us) at the end of the day and I can make it what I want, what I need. That means a lot to me.
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