#not LITERALLY everyone im exaggerating for comedy you guys get it
un-pearable · 2 years
the aggressiveness with which the JTTW text asserts that sun wukong is both ugly and short is so fuckin funny. it’s constantly reminding you he’s a) less than four feet tall b) bald, as he shaved his head to become a monk c) “ugly” - bc he. he looks like a monkey. he has monkey features. not really surprised bud. d) is skinny and “consumptive” bc he’s. a monkey. and e) got angry red eyes from the furnace but actually irl is. another monkey trait. he’s just a normal monkey. we get it. he’s a monkey. everyone since the 16th century has ignored this <3 hot monkey men abound
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soldier-poet-king · 4 months
i am going to kill everyone in this house and then myself HOLY FUCK
everytime im like 'yeah okay maybe bro 1 isnt THAT awful and we can have a single discussion that's not about anime without fighting' he pulls this shit
bro3, a young teen, asks a question about the new(ish) vacant house tax in the city, aiming to help pop the godawful housing bubble. IMMEDIATELY bro1 goes on a fuckin screaming rant about how the govt is evil and taxes are evil and literally quotes the ron swanson parks and rec sandwich bit yes the one DELIBERATELY EXAGGERATED AND SIMPLIFIED FOR COMEDY
and i, try, calmly to ask how he would like to fix things instead. he brings up a bunch of republican & libertatian states as 'havens' from tax. i ask how he would like public services to be funded. he replies that he doesn't want them funded. i ask why then he uses public services. he insists he doesnt, and 'as long as i have a job in the states i have healthcare'. ok. putting aside the obvious issues with workplace-tied insurance (which canada is not free from!! our health system is ALSO a shitshow. it is just MILDLY less so in some respects.) I ask about public infrastructure that he cannot avoid using, like ROADS. he yells and genuinely has a FIT. YELLING. like the apathetic guy who does not ever have emotions is fuckin YELLING at me about taxes. this man clearly has way too much fucking time online.
and THEN, i bring up the 'idk how to tell you we should care about other people' wrt public services that serve a greater good but that he might not necessarily use directly (education, libraries, childcare, senior care, social assistance, etc). and he straight up 'i dont care about other people. i dont care about strangers'. and bro 3 AGREES WITH HIM. this tiny baby child who i have practically raised as my own kid half the time and have tried SO HARD to impart a measure of kindness in this godawful house. agrees with him
and bro1 finishes it off with 'if someone has a second house, they deserve it' as if i didnt just finish explaining about social services and how rich people 99% of the time acquire wealth unethically and at the expense of the poor and how the wealth gap is only increasing and how yeah sure in an ideal world everyone would give freely, but as he literally just finished explaining to me while complaining about 'the liberals', people are corrupt and selfish, and so instituting things with widespread tax funded programs is going to help a lot more people than just oh let's hope these instinctively selfish rich people acquiring money thru unethical means take pity on the poors this year. like. we KNOW that doesnt work. my solution isn't perfect by any means but it passes on the slim margin of being NOT AS BAD AS IT CURRENTLY IS
i genuinely do NOT understand how anyone has so little disregard for the concept of a greater good, of societal health, of caring for people NOT yourself. how can he be SO selfish and yet still enjoy, and DEMAND, so much of the luxuries he enjoys in a developed country which historically and at present has profited off of various forms of exploitation!!! like!! bitch!!!!
not to be like im glad his 4yr relationship ended bc his gf deserves way better (for various reasons, not just his shitty politics, but this is pretty emblematic of his personality at large) + his friends are all shitty and terrible people and hes lowkey abusing alcohol and weed bc of them + he needs to get offline and go to a monastery for his health. but like. i AM saying that.
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tifaisms · 1 year
How are we feeling about the new one piece live action movie? I mean I know it isn't out yet but I like feel very in the middle, considering the trailer that we got
Like one piece is one of those IPs that a bad adaptation really doesn't matter since it's like widely loved and has been out for longer than I've been alive so like it's got major staying power. I just wonder how the one piece girlies on tumblr feel about it (twitter is literally a hellscape so I didn't want to go through that)
oh hey my first ask on this new blog, and its about one piece. fitting!
one piece is a series that is very near and dear to my heart. I only got into it in the last few years, but ive read the manga twice and seen the anime, and it consumes my thoughts on the regular because im autistic and thats just what autism does to me. so i feel qualified to discuss this. (you are right to avoid twitter - there are people that think yamato is a cis woman based on a vivre card profile, which have a history of being incorrect)
anyway, i think it looks good! i think the live action is actually gonna be good. i dont think its gonna surpass the anime or the manga by any means, because i think one piece works best when it is extremely cartoony and not realistic, but as far as live action adaptaions go, it has the creator on board making sure everyone is on the same page, it has a cast that come across as so passionate about this project, the set design looks great, and it seems quite campy, which frankly is the only way you CAN adapt the east blue saga. luffy is fighting a bad guy and its a very serious arc, the most traumatic of the backstories at that point, and luffy gets his feet stuck in the ground when trying to beat the bad guy. its a comedy first and foremost and if the special effects and hammy acting make it more comical and exaggerated then thats a good thing! it should be!
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lunar-lair · 3 years
I adore your tags on the post about my cousin asjdkskflg. perfection. and good on you for never doing what the comic showed!
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When I was 19, I tried alcohol for the first time. it was basically sparkling fruit juice but I hated it. oh god I hated it so much and I didn’t get why adults loved this stuff??????? but my friends/classmates were always like ‘oh yummy, love me some flavored nail polish” so I kept quiet so no one would know something was wrong with me
turns out everyone I knew was severely exaggerating (trying to fit in). one guy said he dumped his beer in the bushes during a frat party. a girl I went camping with poured water into an empty vodka bottle so she could ‘participate’ without anyone mocking her. a classmate once showed me their trick for pretending to sip by covering the top of the bottle with their hand. I even remember being 22 and trying to claim ‘8 shots don’t affect me’ as if my worth as a human being was calculated by the number of empty glasses I collected
Drinking is a rite of passage for a lot of people. you’re mature if you drink and adults love it, so you can’t be a ‘real adult’ if you don’t drink. It’s less about liking the taste or enjoying yourself - people want to feel part of the ‘in group’ and they do this by othering the ‘out group.’ (in group- likes ‘manly’ drinks, never gets tipsy, takes shots by the handful, etc.) (out group- lightweight, doesn’t drink at all, likes fruity drinks, etc.)
I have severe ADHD and a family history of alcoholism so I have to be extremely careful. addiction is no joke and people don’t treat alcohol like the drug it is. Some families won’t inform their kids of a health history that increases risk factors (or might not even know) which makes underage drinking even more dangerous
enjoy being 16 and don’t adhere to the rite of passage cultural that makes you ‘look forward to being [insert legal drinking age].’ I know how isolating it can feel when everyone appears to be ‘growing up’ and doing adult things without you, but if nothing else I’ve learned that being the only sober person in a group full of fools is free comedy
*disclaimer for angry internet ppl; things are complex, perspective is subjective, and a single persons experiences cannot be accepted as the ‘one holy truth’*
Oh lmao. Ok ill answer this in blocks the same way you wrote it also hi!!!!! :DDD yet again this is funny?? I spent a good 10 mins commenting on evanescant signs earlier lmao. ok 1st block alright
It is so very funny you say that bc ive actually tried gin. Takes like shitty peppermint and blueberries. Same for red wine, tho i had permission that time (still tasted like shit); never beer tho!! Regardless tonic also tastes Bad, all of my experiences w it have been Bleh. Not to say i ever had more than a sip/severely watered down gulp
PPASNSPSJPD OK LISTEN TO ME. Ive actually tasted nail polish remover AND nail polish before (finger sucking habits r.i.p spaced out bc epic f) AND IT LITERALLY TASTES LIKE THAT AOSJSOSJ. Like the same shit as they put on switch cartridges dude!! Except, comparatively, the only ppl I Personally know who drink like. Period at all are full blown adults i just dont get them either
AND ITS LIKE 4 AM HERE TOO SO IM HANDLING THIS SO V V CLUMSILY RIP but yea!! I mean, peer pressure is lowkey nonexistent in my town; we are so so so so christian and apparently a ton of bad shit happens a lot? But it never reaches me sooo w/e lmao. Literally havent heard abt anyone i know drinking underaged enough for it to be like. Anything other than 'hehehe i sipped the gin in the fridge >:3' like my shit was which is straight up curiosity. Also i already know that lmao; havent been in a room with a bunch of 13 yr olds whove huffed sharpies before?
(Ok 1 how did u get italics in ask?? And 2 lmao dw too bad. Epic disclaimer ofc!! But im like. In this lil Bubble where i have like 180 followers but no one ever actual interacts w my shit its v funny)
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tumblunni · 6 years
Okay..uhh..man i dont even know what pronouns to use for this character
Like the few posts in their tag call them nonbinary? But it seems thats just because of that one line saying "gender is stupid" which was literally in response to someone saying "stop dressing like a girl, youre a boy". And like every single artwork of this character everywhere forever shows her dressed incredibly feminine and like.. Calling herself a girl. And the series just treats it as "quirky gay man who's lol sooooo gay that he crossdresses all the time" and seriously everyone else seems to call her a man and she calls herslf a girl? Like this really doenst seem like a nonbinary character this seems like an old manga with a poor understanding of trans people that was using kind of offensive language to refer to a trans woman and like.. Now just looking back on it through a a modern lens we'd say it seems like how we talk about nonbinary people.
Cos i mean seriously man this is just a girl who always dresses as a girl and calls herself a girl and loves girly stuff and its just meant to be somehow 'comical' because she's uhh..well..clearly flat chested and the manga makes it clear she was "born a man". And seriously wtf is up with this "comical" slant to all of it?? Like im glad to see trans rep and i understand that its so flawed because its a really ahead of its time bit of representation that was made in a time when bigotry was a lot more overwhelming and LGBT equality had made less strides. But still it seems so weird that even if they think of this character as "a gay man who likes to crossdress" then they'd be portraying "him" as a joke when they'd had other positive gay characters before. And like its not even outright "eww trans women" or anythingits just like they draw her SO exaggerated when she shows her crush on Toya and then he's drawn all..comically disgusted? And everyone is all shocked? And it was really confusing for the first chapter before they had a character staye that she was DMAB cos seriousky it just looked like everyone being weird to this girl for no reason.
Like i wondered why on earth Toya's crush on Yukito was played so understated and never allowed to be outright confirmed even though its clearly canon and they were able to show Syaoran having a crush on literally the same guy before.
But seriously its starting to become WEIRD in regards to that! Like Ruby Moon is telling Yukito "i'll steal him away if you dont want him" so hey yes confirmation that it IS fuckin canon and they JUST WONT SAY IT. and then they have this really weird dance around conversation where toya is all "ugh gasp you're a-" and like he's...uncomfortabke with her being "a man" (SHE'S NOT A MAN DAMMIT) and she's like "but yukito is also" [suspicious gap in dialogue] "and you" [suspicious gap in dialogue] "him". Its all fuckin weird how much theyre dancing around saying the word gay or even saying a man loves a man yet they SAID IT BEFORE FOR SYAORAN! And then the dancibg around LGBT terms was actually used kinda cleverly here cos it could also mean "yes i'm a clow card and yukito is also not human". And probably the writers could point to that as reasonable denial if anyone accused them of writing a trans woman, i guess...
And uhh.. Yeah.. I think i get why these two situations are considered "different" by the writers.there was just a whole fuckin chapter about Syaoran realizing that her REALLY loves sakura and he only mistook his feelings for a crush on another boy because something something sensing subconciously that yukito had magic in him. And now its presented as CHARACTER GROWTH that he gives up on yukito and goes and has a straight relationship instead. And at the same time in the same chapter Tomoyo also decides to give up on her crush on Sakura WITHOUT EVER EVEN TELLING HER OR TRYING TO SEE IF SHE FEELS THE SAME WAY because she just thinks sakura will be happier witj syaoran. And this is meant to be noble and again be character development. And then looking back we had that whole plot of tomoyo's mom having a crush on sakura's mom and it being played all comical?? And her accusing sakura's dad of being a cradle robber and horrid for LITERALLY FUCKING HIS UNDERAGE STUDENT AND SHE DROPPED OUT OF SCHOOL TO MARRY HIM was again played for 'comedy' and she 'learns her lessonc that he's really a good guy and everything is fine.
So..yeah. It seems like a bit of an undercurrent of "gay crushes are a thing for children that you grow out of". Cos seriously the way they play the "comedy" on these older characters is like.. Infantalizing them? Tomoyo's mom is meant to be seen as immature and overreacting. And sakura's mom of course 'grew up' and got a 'real relationship'...
Or like i dunno maybe this was all an accidental implication caused by writers who just didnt realize what itd look like when they make EVERY SINGLE QUEER CHARACTER LOSE THE LOVE TRIANGLE and also refuse to actually confirm the one singular potential actually happy, healthy and recipricated gay pairing.
Also calling a trans woman a man and making everyone act grossed out by her expressing interest in her and making it all so confusing that even actual LGBT people dont really know what to make of it...
And then like there's also some bit where they say "oh well clow card guardians dont actually have gender", by which they mean "biological sex" cos i mean clearly they have genders! And why would "having no biological sex" give them ALL THE BODIES OF MEN??? Like seriously why would "cannot reproduce" mean "male by default"? Why would one of these "genderless" creatures make fun of one of the others for choosing to be female if none of them were born aligned to either of the human reproductive categories in the first place? Like its not "ha why are you being female, we dont have genders" its "why are you NOT BEING A MAN, we dont have genders". That makes no sense!! Also double wtf cos like 90% of all the clow cards look feminine and even half of the ones who don't still use female pronouns and get listed as female in the profiles. Like yes, all of them are drawn flat chested or with barbie doll anatomy but that doesnt make them "men by default"! And nobody's ever mentioned this before, we havent had kero-chan being all "ugh this is the DEVIANT Windy card that PRETENDS to be a girl" or anything. Seriously i cant get over the fact that its her straight up sibling guardian who's the one who makes fun of her for wearing a girls uniform. You are a goddamn talking panther!! What do you care about human cissexism!!
I dunno man the whole thing's got me a bit grumpled.
Also they continue dojng the damn nasty "romance" between a 35 year old teacher and a ten year old girl IN A MANGA AIMED AT TEN YEAR OLD GIRLS, and its presented all wholesome and life goalsy with no criticism whatsoever. Its been getting even creepier and it fuckin STARTED with him giving her a wedding ring! Now theyre really drawing attention to how young she is cos she sews a makeshift teddy bear for him and gives it to him as a good luck charm thatll make their love last. Gahhhhhh
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tumblunni · 7 years
expectation: man i can’t wait to romance a bunch of cute batchelors reality: MOVE OVER I NEED TO ESTABLISH MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIPS WITH MY NEW FATHER-IN-LAW
seriously i fuckin.. made my final decision on who to marry just because Porcoline i narrowed it down to leon, dylas or arthur but really leon didn’t stand a chance when he doesnt have a Sweet Hilarious Dad Figure In He Life ‘fuck yes accept me into the restaurant fam’ i love porcoline SO MUCH and I am so glad that they actually did give him a lot of scenes and significant character development, even if it was all optional random events. i was just so damn relieved that i wasnt just making up some stupid headcanon, this comic relief man IS INDEED more complex than he seems and CANONICALLY CONSIDERS THESE PEOPLE LIKE HIS VALUED CHILDREN WHO GIVE HIM A REASON TO LIVE and I dunno if you get a similar scene with the other two restaurant employees but when i married dylas he ADMITTED HE SEES PORCO AS THE DAD HE ALWAYS WANTED, AND GIVES HIM DAD ROLE IN THE WEDDING AND JUST *just* *just fuckin lays on the floor and dies from how satisfying this whole plotline is*
not that i didn’t love all the romance plots too but i just felt like this quality friendship with a comedy dad was the best fuckin bit and it enhanced those romances so much damn more like i like dolce the best of the female options cos i love her family scenes with the doctor couple too the ones who have the best fleshed out family relationships just make the wedding so much more CRYING FOREVER but i mean porco is still unique in being my favourite even above the damn guy i married lol fuckin PORCO IN MY PARTY ERRYDAY i will appreciate this sweet lonely dad and his immense comedic power he could have been a character entirely on his own and i would still want to hug him and maybe even get MORE FEELS because like OH NO HE IS NOT FULLFILLING HIS DESTINED ROLE AS THE PERFECT DAD SO CAN HE BE MY DAD INSTEAD THEN screw marriage routes i want adopt-a-parental-figure routes show up amnesiac in a town full of various adorable middle aged men and go on Epic Quests to win their fatherhood for your own
also seriously i fuckin love that he’s like The One And Only “Funny Pervert” Character I Have Ever Not Hated cos like he hits on you but its clearly a playful joke he’s never malicious or creepy with it, its always just super exaggerated parody of the trope, and he’s very well established as a genuinely good guy who would never actually do anything horrible. its not the super common trope of the “funny pervert” being a guy who LEGITIMATELY SEXUALLY HARASSES PEOPLE AND GETS FORGIVEN FOR IT and there’s like SO MANY scenes of him backing off immediately and respecting your boundaries when you say no?? like you get to decide between several punchlines to his comedic antics sometimes, and quite often one of them is “you say yes, he gets super flustered and takes it back” and then like his character development is going from flirting with you to like being a mentor mayor type and also hey lets learn about how his personality is really more defined by his platonic love for all these son and daughter figures, and WHOOPS he ends up seeing you the same way in the end and the flirting becomes literally just a joke now. poor guy seriously, he has that backstory of his one and only love dying a long time ago and he adopted her kid that was left behind, and now no matter how much he searches for a new love in his life he just ends up stumbling onto more children and also a large and complex web of platonic friendships with everyone else in town who deeply respects and cares for him. seriously its so sweet that he’s like.. found a new reason to live?? found a happy ending even if he never found love again?? found that he doesnt necessarily need to remarry to get that happy ending. found that he has a secret talent of being Everybody’s Perfect Dad and they all just CARE ABOUT HIM SO MUCH AAA (even if i wish that aaa all his backstory tidbits werent so hidden in forty different random events..)
and also its like.. more endearing because he’s like the only canonically bisexual character in the game that is actually allowed to outright say it and not be just all ‘wink wink nudge nudge but im really straight really’. I feel like i actually lost a LOT from the game by playing as the female character on my first playthrough, i had NO CLUE that he still does the jokey flirting even if you pick a dude! it adds a lot to his character to imagine him as not just The Everybody Dad but also like.. Supportive LGBTQ Dad In A Town Of ‘Oh We Can’t Outright Say Anyone Is Not Straight’. Seriously he even actually has scenes of being like shipper support for his kids’s annoyingly-vague hints of being bisexual that can never actually be an option cos the game is cruel. Porco: yo literally it is blatantly obvious that dylas has a crush on doug why is there no actual option for them to get married Me: I KNOW RITE?? porco is my fuckin relateable friend, yo im still salty that apparantly they were allowed to get away with having an outwardly bisexual character as long as it was a “comedy thing” and then they were allowed to just friggin hint that other characters were bi but NOOO you still cant marry them as the other gender and you cant see them hook up with their Heavily Hinted Crush if you don’t marry them. I felt so guilty marrying Dylas or Doug or Meg or Forte... and Dolce is double weird cos the game keeps being all ‘hey Pico is totally her adopted sister but also has CLEARLY A MASSIVE GAY CRUSH ON HER’ like hey i love both characters but seriously can we not have this creepy unfortunate implications of the censorship vagueness failing to remove the gay and instead just making her look incestuous... anyway porco u are the LGBT icon this game needs, can you be the head of the writing staff for rf5 lol
sorry just Miscellaneous Directionless Rambling About That One Npc I Liked
also like seriously if the rune factory series ever comes back i would love u forever if you add some canonical gay options like in a way its even more torturous to have the game discussing the possibility and dropping hints for you to headcanon it and stuff but then you know it’ll never be canon... *sigh*
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tumblunni · 7 years
OH MAN I somehow ended up unironically adoring Junya Kanashide??? He's seriously my fave p5 villain so far. Man we REALLY needed a good comic relief case after yusuke and makoto's sad back stories. So uhh yeah.. Spoilers for the third case of the game! But not really spoilers that matter or anything, unless you really wanna be surprised by the exact lunacy of Mr world's most ridiculous boss fight XD OKAY RIGHT LET ME BLABBER Like... It was SO GOOD that he's a complete outside context villain who has no connection to anything and just does stupid ordinary mafia crimes. It was great as a sort of framing device excuse to focus more on makoto's redemption arc/search for her own definition of justice. And it didn't really matter that she got her persona from fighting a guy she only just met instead of someone emotionally relevant, really her biggest enemy was her own self hatred and it symbolized her breaking out and showing her true personality for the first time! So yeah it worked perfectly that we had a stupid funnyman with no motivation except money, who gets like 5 minutes of screentime in his own plot. Makoto's was kinda the 'villain' for this whole arc anyway, it was so triumphant to finally see her join the team!! Thank you terrible money man for making this happen! Oh and BTW I seriously need to take a second to mention how makoto is literally the only character who had any sort of combat training before becoming a phantom thief. She spends ten hours filling the role of 'cliche catty student council president sitcom nemesis' and then suddenly 'oh BTW i know aikido' *runs off to punch shadows without a damn persona* And then instead of being all traumaness in her transformation sequence she just rips the mask off before the damn thing is even finished, and SHATTERS THE FLOOR TILES WITH EACH STEP! Shy nerdy sassy girl just EXPLODES into angry badass who's been hiding behind this prim and perfect mask for so long! And her persona ISNT EVEN A PERSONA?? She JUST punches shadows. Her persona is a fucking motorcycle that's like distant support friend compared to everyone else. Popemobile: "kick his ass honey I'll hold yo flower" ITS LITERALLY A POPE MOTORCYCLE IM NOT EVEN MAKING A JOKE!! so she punches fucking shadows and then drives her magic motorcycle out a window so hard they break thru the metaverse and land back in the real world sorry I CAN NOT GET OVER how much I love makoto!!!! ... Sorry that went offtopic. .. ANYWAY that's why terrible funny trash villain man works well as an excuse for her plot to happen. But I still enjoyed him a lot on his own merits! He's introduced as this honestly kinda scary and cool mob boss for like five minutes. I dunno if I would have preferred if he was actually a decent enemy like that? Like literally the ONLY time I've ever seen a fat mob boss character not played for laughs is the kingpin in spiderman. So seriously its an untapped market! BUT I do really adore his random subverted expectations terrible shadow self that is terrible in all the right ways~ The closest we get to any sort of personality description for this guy is that he's someone who pretends to act tough but is really just a selfish child who wants to live in the lap of luxury at any cost. Which might explain why his regular world design is honestly kinda inexplicably adorable?? He's got a total baby face when every other fat character in persona is drawn like frankenstein's monster. Its really rather creepy having this tiny chibi face on the evilest of all evils! And it is kind of a shame that he had a rather unique polite and soft spoken voice in his scary mob boss form, that was genuinely terrifying! They shoulda made his comedy shadow self sound even slightly similar, there's a million ways to do a funny version of that voice. Like an exaggerated nerd one! But every shadow seems to share the same voice actor for some reason?? Or else the distortion effect is so loud they all sound the same. ANYWAY His shadow self is just himself but dressed up like a banker with a fake mustache. Its hilarious cos he's still like a friggin 5ft tall 16 year old?? Also he's purple??? What??? And then he has this big fakeout demon transformation and his deadly sins form is just... The same guy with fly wings. Beelzebub is the most horrifying bonus boss in EVERY OTHER SMT GAME and this is what we got! I CANNOT BELIEVE And then (no joke) he starts doing terrible white boy rapping, and pulls a GIANT ROBOT out of nowhere to make up for his lack of boss form! The 'piggytron 2000', a giant death star piggy bank that shoots eyeball lazers. And then (NO JOKE) his ultimate move is turning it into a disco ball and COSPLAYING GANGNAM STYLE TO KILL YOU. Yes. This is a canon occurance in the persona universe. And then its just the most fun and low effort boss fight to make up for his deadly hard super long dungeon. It was over too fast! 10/10 would crush beetlejuice psy under a giant disco ball again And what is weird is that this terrible nonsense shadow is also like the most competent one they fought so far?? His dungeon is SO AWFUL and he actually spots you sneaking in and actively fights against you the whole way. His shadow self has ten times the screentime of the original! And he actually has the last laugh by not repenting at all, even though the real version of him is still gonna end up confessing his crimes either way. He just fades away with a big ol shit eating grin after revealing some important plot stuff to the heroes. Like.. Real junya was completely incompetent but his infinitely sillier shadow has apparently been operating independently of him and knows all about the phantom thieves and was making deals with some mysterious ultimate villain guy we had no clue even existed??? And now we're left with no answers to that, and shadow junya is probably still wearing that asshole grin in hell. Also his Treasure turned out to be completely worthless, its literally monopoly money with his face on it. Not even an intentional troll move or anything, that was LEGITIMATELY his single most important possession! Completely free of all character depth, right to the very end~! Oh god, everyone's FACES as they try and justify 'well its probably a metaphor about how he was a kid pretending to be badass', and then deciding the briefcase is probably worth more. Best ending to a thoroughly enjoyable brief moment of levity in a sad sad game! I salute you, gangnam Beelzebub! ... Also this mysterious villain ringleader person would probably be kicking the self if they knew the phantom thieves only found out about their plan thanks to disco monopolyman. This is why you don't make deals with comic relief, yo! XD
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