#northern passage
i-am-gogo-btw · 2 years
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clementine!!!! i love you baby!!! clementine from @northern-passage
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tale-wind · 1 year
inspired by mr fiddlesticks ifs, an incomplete list of my favorite interactive fiction romantic interests
Bautista and Nazeri from Greenwarden
Azad from A Tale of Crowns
Ki-Ha from Project Hadea
Noel from Northern Passage
Aspen from A Bard’s Tale
Hadrian from The Golden Rose
Dev from Heart of the House
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pseudogirlie · 2 years
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vel touched
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definitelypersie · 1 year
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Here’s my hunter for an IF called The Northern Passage (see more about it @northern-passage !!). From the first two chapters alone that are out I was immediately drawn in and totally fell in love with the setting and story! All of the characters are so richly written and have such unique personalities? Seriously this is like one of my favorites and I can’t recommend trying the demo enough!
My hunter here is named Rose Lancaster!
She’s very quiet and has a very cold steely exterior, her gruff demeanor and tall, stocky build don’t help her appearance. However, those walls can be broken down with little effort for those who try in good faith. Rose is quite soft spoken and curious to those she saddles alongside. With her social skills and self preservation skills both lacking, she’s lucky to have her handler Lea close by! She’s altruistic to a fault and is very accident prone, I’m sure Lea is tired of dressing wounds after the years of them being partnered lmfao.
She does eventually begin to address her own wounds but at first they’re really rough. To the point where Lea has to reopen and readdress the wounds. It’s yucky but has to be done, thankfully there’s minimal complaining from Rose with Lea being all close though ; )
Last doodle is a rough chibi idea of what the ride out of Keld looks like. Rose battered up, both looking sour with nothing to show for cleaning up a werewolf other than dirty clothes and unaddressed wounds.
Lea was created by @northern-passage !!
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the-hoarse-bard · 2 years
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The northern passage was, well, north of my home. There was a small grave outside the entrance to the tunnel. The marker didn't give a name, but I tipped my hat to whoever was buried there as I went into the mouth of the tunnel.
A small group of six were in the cave, four guards checking over their gear, a cheery-looking man in overalls whose voice I recognized from the advert on the radio, and a very shifty looking guy in a vault suit with a pip-boy on his wrist leaning against one of the tunnel supports. Jed would probably be the best place to start.
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Jed's voice had a lot more timbre not being heard through the tinny pip-boy speaker. He greeted me warmly, and took my hand, "Howdy, friend. Heard my broadcast, did you?" He glanced down at my pip-boy, "Yeah, you look the type," He released my hand, and I tipped my hat to him, "Yep. I'm a courier by trade, but business has been slow lately, so I figured I'd sign on for this expedition." Jed stuck his hands in his pockets, "Well, I'd hate to disappoint you, but as long as Ricky over there is around," he pointed to the high-strung young man in the vault suit, "I don't think we'll need you. Tell ya what though, if you can get Ricky to chicken out, we'll have you on board. I'll be honest, I like the look of him a lot less than you."
Jed went back to walking over his checklist with the guards, and I turned my attention to Ricky. He was tapping his foot on the stone tunnel floor, and drumming a tense tune on his arm, looking almost like he was ready to snap right in half at the drop of a pin. I walked up to him calmly, "So, I hear your name's Ricky?" He looked up at me, his bloodshot eyes darting toward me from behind the cop shades on his face, "Hm? Yeah, yeah that's me. You looking for trouble, bud? Cuz I got plenty to spare." He gave me a smile, I could see he was missing a canine on the left side of his mouth.
I shrugged, "Well, this trip only needs one pip-boy, so it looks like we're competing for the spot," Ricky's smile fell from his face, "Yeah? Well, I'm one of a kind, see? I've been places and done things, lot's of 'em!" I stayed quiet, I could tell he was readying some bullshit story as we spoke, "Anything makes the mistake of pissing off Ricky, I'll deadeye him, her or it. In fact, that's my nickname, yeah! 'Deadeye' Ricky." I crossed my arms, "Uhuh, yeah, sure," He continued, "Why, uh, once, I got jumped by three.... Deathjaws! Except, actually, it was four of them! Imagine that!" I raised an eyebrow, "'Deathjaws' huh? You sure you don't mean deathclaws?" His eye twitched a little, but he doubled down, "Nope, you heard me right, deathjaws! They're like deathclaws, but with bigger teeth!"
Ricky didn't even pause for a breath, "Or, there was the time one of them Steel Brotherhood assholes made the mistake of messing with me! Last mistake he ever made!" I shoved my hands into my pockets, "'Steel Brotherhood'.... Do you mean Brotherhood of Steel?" His eyes avoided mine as he thought of a retort, "Uh, well... What's it sound like I'm saying? If I was saying what you said I was saying, then yeah, I said it!" He was cracking, "I was walking right along, and up pops one of them Brotherhoods. He yells, 'hand over that laser rifle, asshole!' and I do, just to make him think I'm scared. But I'm not, because I never am. I draw my 11mm machinegun and BAM! BAM! Right through his eyeslit! D.O.A," I leaned forward, "Too bad there's no such thing as an 11mm machinegun." Ricky gulped and stammered, "Uh, there is so! Or was it 9 or a 10, I don't know! I don't care! Said I was good at killin' shit, not good with numbers!"
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I stood back up straight to get away from Ricky's breath. I could see that he had a bad case of cottonmouth, too, "So where ya from, Ricky?" He relaxed a little at me backing off, "Well, I grew up near Dayglow out west, so yeah, I grew a third nut that glows in the dark!" I looked him up and down, "Then where'd you get the pip-boy and the vault suit? There's no vault in Dayglow," The sweat returned to his face, "N-Nice job, eagle eye! Yeah, I got a pit-boy," I corrected him, "Pip-boy," He swallowed, "Yeah, that, pip-boy! And a vault suit, too! What of it?"
I looked Ricky dead in the eye, "So where'd you get them?" He scoffed, "Vault two-two, where you think? It's where I grew up!" I raised an eyebrow again, "So where's that?" He shifted his eyes left and right, "I-I can't tell you that, I am sworn to secrecy, or something like that... To the people I left behind!" He smiled, sure he was safe. I called his bluff, "You're lying. You have no idea where it is." He stopped smiling and he tried to say something before sighing and giving up, "Y-yeah, you caught me. I may have been exaggerating a little. Truth is, I got this here pit-boy and vault suit off a dead prospector who came out of Zion. Guy was dead when I found him, okay? Had a ton of shit on him, that's how I know there's good loot in Zion!"
I looked down at Ricky's pip-boy, and noticed something, "Hey Ricky... You know how that thing works right?" I pointed to the pip-boy, and he said, "Y-yeah, it makes me more badass! Jed says it has maps and shit, that's why I'm here!" I looked him in the eye, "Well, then you should know it's not working. The screen's locked up and the reboot button is missing," He got angry at that and yelled, "Bullshit! Ain't nothing wrong with my pit-boy, I mean pip-boy!" Jed looked over at us concerned, Ricky pulled me into a huddle, looking nervous, "Look, this gig is sweet for me! Don't go blowing it for me. What do you want anyway?" I smirked, "What I want is for you to scram, Ricky. This expedition doesn't need you." He stood up, and yelled again, "Fine! You win, asshole! Have fun leading the expedition into an ambush! I hope you all die!" Ricky scampered out of the cave, everyone staring at him.
Jed walked over to me, laughing, "Haha, good work son, the job's all yours now! It was fun getting to watch Ricky squirm, too. So, the pay is 25 caps per day, half up front, half on return. It's gonna be dangerous, Utah's full of regional warlords and gangs like the 80's. Not a lot of safe places to stop and rest, and we're imposing a weight limit. We'll be going through some box canyons, and we don't want anyone getting stuck." I nodded, "Don't worry about me, Jed. I've hauled myself across the whole Mojave. I can handle it." He smiled, "Well, your gear all looks in order, let's get going then. I'll fill you in on the situation in New Canaan along the way." The guards finished up their equipment checks, and we all headed out the east end of the tunnel. Toward Zion.
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lichtpause · 3 months
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had their tattoos on the brain :')
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cienie-isengardu · 2 months
Sokka's sexism
Sokka’s sexism from the earliest episodes is an interesting case, because the Southern Water Tribe, at least from what was presented to us on screen, doesn’t seem to operate that much on gender roles? Especially when compared to the Northern Water Tribe?
I mean, yeah, warriors (men) went to war, while women, children and the elders stayed at home. But as Hama’s story shows, when Fire Nation attacked Southern Water Tribe, both female and male benders were fighting against invaders arm to arm and it seems like they were the actual first line of defense there, not the non-bender warriors.
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In contrast, during siege of North Pole, in the final of Book 1: Water, we don’t see any female bender helping defend their home except Katara, who was involved in protecting Aang when he was in Spirit World.
Since all the waterbenders were captured from the Southern Tribe, it makes sense that non-bender warriors stepped in and got involved with war, while the kids and elders were left under women’s care.
Another example comes from “a ceremonial test of wisdom, bravery and trust”, known as ice dodging. As Bato explained, it is a rite of passage for young Water Tribe members and in their village “done by weaving a boat through a field of icebergs.” When a child turns 14, their father was supposed to take them to ice dodging, so they could earn their mark. Though the episode itself was focused on Sokka’s ceremony, Bato never specified it as something that boys alone should do and not only Katara (girl) but also Aang (outsider) is allowed to take part in the ritual. Once Sokka proved himself, everyone of their group got a mark, as a sign they passed the test. Interesting thing to note, since Bato did not specify it is a rite of passage for boys alone, it suggests girls were expected to know how to sail in boats of the Southern Water Tribe. Of course, again, war didn’t allow to continue this tradition as men (Hakoda, in case of Sokka & Katara) left to fight against Fire Nation.
Later, when Sokka and Katara reunited with their father, Hakoda did not try to send away Katara nor relegate her to just a medic job during the invasion. In Northern Water Tribe episodes, we learned that teaching for waterbenders there was defined by gender - women were allowed to learn only how to heal, while men how to use their bending in fight. Hakoda, nor Bato nor other of their warriors even for a moment questioned Katara’s presence on the battlefield nor the presence of women in the ranks of their allies like a blind, 12 years old Toph or the female water benders from Swamps or female(?) soldier from Earth Kingdom
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And during battle, Katara did not fight in rank with other soldiers, she first alone secured Appa during submarine attack, then alongside her brother and father took down guardhouses - Hakoda himself told her and Sokka to attack one when he took down the other one
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showing how much he trusted his 15 years old son and 14 years old daughter while ordering them attack on Fire Nation adult soldiers hidden in well guarder place.
Later, when Hakoda got seriously injured and Sokka temporary took the command of their forces, we could see that Hakoda relied on Katara to follow his troops and not ever once tried to send her back “to safety” or argued she should leave him behind, as often it happens with heroic (male) figures. Quite the opposite. When Katara offered him to “wait here if you want”, Hakoda firmly said “I want to press forward with the others”, which meant his daughter needed to come with him directly into an already ongoing fight (even if they stayed more at the rear of their army, they were still on battlefield).
She and her brother, alongside with the youngest members of Invasion, were forced to flee on Appa once the battle was lost, but no other adult woman was included. During Zuko’s coronation, when all war prisoners were released, in the background we could again see the female character(s) from Swamps.
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And let's not forget how impressive Hakoda was by Suki when she single-handedly captured the warden at Boiling Rock prison and did not try to stop her from fighting against Ty Lee alongside Zuko and Sokka against Azula.
Understandably, we have no idea how the Southern Water Tribe and its culture looked like before the war, even arguably, the characters themselves may not have a clear idea due to growing up in dire times. But my point is, Hakoda and Bato, the two main adult Southern Water Tribe’s warriors that Avatar: The Last Airbender allowed us to know more about, have never shown any direct sexism toward Katara or other female characters. And though Sokka was the oldest boy at their village, there is no reason to think women did not hunt in absence of men, because one person would not be able to provide for a whole community 24/7. Also, as Hama proved, the Southern Water Tribe’s waterbenders were capable of fighting and their gender did not play any vital role the way it happened in their sister tribe at North Pole. 
Of course, Fire Nation’s repeated attacks affected residents of South Pole and their living conditions but from the little bits the show gave us, I think it is correct to assume if Sokka grew up with Hakoda around to guide him as he should, his behavior would be different from the sexism and dismissive attitude toward Katara or Kyoshi Warriors. For one, logically thinking Southern Water Tribe’s warriors need to do all the cooking, sewing and keeping their camp clean all on their own during war so it is not a “girly job” but a vital part of a warriors skills to survive and ensure their equipment is in the best condition. But Sokka doesn’t know it, because there is no one to teach him the importance of those skills. All Sokka had was father’s farewell words to cling to - and I’m not sure if Hakoda truly expected his son to be able to protect Katara and the village in his absence, or he just tried to make Sokka feel a bit less depressed about being left behind. You know, by giving him purpose and a Big Important Job to focus on and to feel needed and trusted. 
Which leads me to think that Sokka’s sexism is not rooted in Southern Water Tribe’s culture itself, but in his own insecurity and pressure of being the oldest boy in the village. If girls could be warriors - and be better than him - it would put into question all his self-worth, purpose and the trust given by father. Once Sokka met Kyoshi Warriors and later all the skilled girls, it challenged him on a very personal level, but he accepted the truth and moved on and alongside, finally became a true warrior and a man. 
And I find it indeed an interesting case, as Sokka’s sexism and dismissal of girls is not necessarily stemming from the culture he is part of, but rather is the effect of not knowing said culture & pre-war history of his Tribe. And of course, from his own insecurity. 
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and now, Clementine for @northern-passage <33
check my pinned for commission info and find tip jar at buymeacoffee.com/mt110304 !!
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exotic-inquiry · 1 year
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sketch of my hunter and Lea from @northern-passage
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forystr · 2 months
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Guess who lives rent free in my head
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inthedarktrees · 3 months
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Sherilyn Fenn | Twin Peaks
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i-am-gogo-btw · 2 years
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my dear merry, the love of my life!!! i love you so much!!! thank you @northern-passage for her!!!
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bastiantj · 10 months
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i blocked this comic out a year or two ago and i decided i missed him today so i finished it up a lil
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northern-passage · 1 year
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[ID: a banner graphic showing the open water of the sea. The water is dark and choppy, with a gray, overcast sky overhead, and fog obscuring the horizon. Text at the center of the image reads: “The Nothern Passage, Chapter 2: Part 1.” Above the text is a vector of two swords crossed in an X.]
The Northern Passage has been updated!
01.10.23: The first part of chapter 2 is now available to play over on itch.io. This includes the Blackwater route only. To access the new content, ensure that you choose to stay in Blackwater rather than leave for Highfell. Saves should work - though I advise you to still keep a save at the end of chapter 1, since any later updates to chapter 2 will require you to play from the start of the chapter again.
Along with the new content, various edits include:
The companions will now introduce themselves with their pronouns, as well as various other characters - Branwen, Mal, Hawkell, etc.
Edited the input process for hunters that use no pronouns. This should help clean up any clunky sentences where the companions talk to/about the hunter as well as allow for the hunter to properly introduce themself with just their name.
A new codex entry on Magic.
Alchemists can now choose to have hand tattoos (though the continuity for this has yet to be fixed).
New content warnings include animal death. This is only in one path, and it is avoidable, relying entirely on the player choosing whether it happens or not.
As always, please feel free to message me here with feedback or if you run into any typos, errors, or bugs, and I’ll work on getting them patched out for you all as soon as possible.
Play it here!
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Notes under the cut.
Going into chapter 2, there are going to be a few inconsistencies to be aware of, mainly when it comes to the combat - I’ve overhauled how it works, as well as made some adjustments to the magic and alchemy specializations. I’ve wanted to keep my primary focus on chapter 2, so I have not gone back in to make the more extensive edits to the earlier fight with the wraith, so please just bear with me for now! It’s on my list of things to do - it will either be the next update, or the one following the Blackwater part 2 update.
There also may be some inconsistencies around Duncan, and the way the characters talk about him. I’ve been working a lot on Duncan to make him a bit more interesting, but again, just like with the combat it’s just not something I’ve gone back to edit in the earlier chapters just yet.
And finally, the codex and character page have not been updated (aside from the Magic entry). There are a few other new codex entries visible, however they are currently empty. The codex as well as the character page have been frustrating me for a while, and I’m trying to figure out exactly what it is I want to do with them... so for the time being, the relationship statuses on the character page are going to be inaccurate, though your displayed top trait should still be accurate. It won’t lock in until chapter 3, but you can get an idea of what you’re trending towards by checking the character page. I still plan to add the hunter’s physical description to that page as well, I know a lot of you have been asking for it, and I promise it’s definitely something I plan to add once I sort those pages out.
Otherwise, I just want to say thank you all for your incredible patience waiting for this update! I’m very excited to finally share it with you :-)
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snakesartblog · 23 days
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returned to my hyperfixation on the northern passage and drew my hunter, moishe (i thought it would be fun and ironic to give them a "savior" name). they're so normal i swear
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scarletmeer · 24 days
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A portrait of my hunter from The Northern Passage!! Her name is Clarity for irony purposes
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