au-mashup-party · 3 months
Can you please do Micro! Sans and Ruby sans roasting each other?
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Ruby by @rubytale-chapter2
Micro, Splitz, and Nopal by me
Yosa and Chara!Blood by @foxalone
Mama Gaster by @nova2cosmos
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susartwork · 2 years
I think mama and papa are mad at me, so I'm hiding <D
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Nopal teleported to Basic, but... something horrible just happened. He's scared to death for Corrupted File and the others. He has a really bad sight of universes getting destroyed... especially when glitching.
Context from THIS RP and THIS POST
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foxalone · 2 years
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Chara: shut your mouth!
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*In an agile movement, Gaster exchange, places between Nopal and Chara.
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The atmosphere ceases to be heavy and dreary ... Chara is gone and will return another time.
Among all the calm a door appears near the place
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this could be either very good or very bad...
Inverso!Gaster belongs to: @nova2cosmos
Splitz!Sans and Nopal!Sans belongs to: @microtaleoffcial
Chara!Blood and Underblood belongs to me
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rubytale-chapter2 · 2 years
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I know you don't post much anymore, but I had to draw these three. There family is just so beautiful!! (I liked the old designs so I went with that) <3
P.s. congratulations on the proposal Micro!
Blaze Licit, and Nopal belongs to @microtaleoffcial🥰
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miltacos · 8 months
#381 Taco de mixiote de caracoles de nopalera con trozos de nopal y chile.
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Avenida Tuxpan #27 justo a lado de la FamaSúper Pirámides, colonia centro, San Martín de las Pirámides, Estado de México, C.P. 55850
Como sucede con otros platos en México, el nombre de mixiote implica a la vez una preparación, técnica y formato de consumo. La palabra hace referencia a la cutícula exterior de las pencas del maguey pulquero que se retiran para envolver diversidad de alimentos adobados o sazonados que se cocinan dentro de dicha cutícula al vapor, envueltos en otras hojas y puestos sobre brasas o comal.
El mixiote es una forma de cocción de origen prehispánico que sobrevive hasta la fecha y que permite reconocer el tipo de alimentación de los siglos previos a la época colonial mexicana. Sobrevive en zonas donde la producción de maguey pulquero sigue viva (Estado de México, Hidalgo y Puebla), y que son parte de una microeconomía que aún hace sobrevivir a diversidad de familias.
Existen mixiotes de todo tipo: verduras, proteínas animales, o la combinación de ambos. En esta versión se presentan caracoles obtenidos de las nopaleras tiernas distribuidas en la región, que son desflemados o purgados por algunos días, cocidos lentamente en agua con sal y colocados dentro de la hoja de mixiote junto con nopales tiernos cortados en juliana, rodajas de chiles, sal y cebolla en juliana.
La hoja se cierra y se envuelve en papel aluminio para colocarse por alrededor de 40 minutos sobre un comal caliente hasta su apertura y servicio en tacos.
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a-bjork-cute · 23 days
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San Luis Potosi, Mx.
Junio, 2022.
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escarabaja · 2 years
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Fotografía de Enrique Díaz en la feria de San Juan de los Lagos Jalisco,es el año 1940.
Una mujer con corona de espinas y el rostro vendado,va acompañada por un hombre que la guía y la sostiene del brazo,se distingue un nopal con las espinas incrustadas en el pecho de ella,en su mano derecha se ve un plato de peltre dando la impresión que es para juntar la sangre que le escurre durante su flagelación. Fé y sincretismo religioso, mezcla de catolicismo y sacrificio.
Texto por: Juan Carlos Cipres
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lapipaylafuente · 6 months
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La pipa y la fuente #69: Sofía Táboas – Pieza: «Cuadra San Cristóbal y tronco» (2023, óleo sobre abedul / 135 x 190 cm), que formó parte de su exposición individual «dia cronía», presentada por kurimanzutto en Casa Ortega, del 21 al 24 de septiembre, 2023. | Invitada: Sofía Táboas (@sofiataboas) - Conduce Jesús Pacheco Vela (@peach_melba). | Transmisión: martes 14 de noviembre, 2023, 17:00-18:00 h por Radio Nopal.
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outpost51 · 11 months
Happy STS! If you were to design a deck of playing cards based on characters in your WIP, who would you assign to be the King? The Queen? The Jack? The Ace? And the Joker?
Happy STS Nopal!!
You’ve triggered my cartomancy trap card!!
And given me the chance to ramble about some characters folks haven’t seen in Arsonist Chronicles yet!! [happy stim]
So I read a standard deck of playing cards the same as I’d read tarot (sans the major arcana), with the suits converted as such: spades = swords, hearts = cups, diamonds = coins, clubs = wands, jack = knave, ace = knight (I know, I don’t read the aces as aces, great crimes have been committed on this day). You didn’t come here for that though, you came for blorbos and blorbos you shall receive!
King of Spades: Taredd is as brilliant as he is charismatic — a shame he uses what would otherwise be qualities of a good leader to be a manipulative little bastard. He’s the current king of the Fae while the Seelie Courts hold power, and only recently assumed the throne after his father mysteriously abdicated mid-Revel. The whereabouts of former king Theodas are unknown.
Queen of Spades: Princess Cassara, Cassie my beloved. Sharp, clever, and as calculating as her brother, she’s quite happy in her position as second-in-line — she gets all the perks of nobility with none of the boring work that comes along with it. That, and she might have a massive secret mutual crush on her personal guard, and as queen, she’d be expected to marry someone for political gain. No thanks!
Jack of Spades: Funny enough, a queen — the nebulous queen of the Unseelie Courts, to be exact. Although, she technically isn’t a queen just yet; she slipped away into the night right before her coronation a few months prior to the start of Unlikely Adventures. There’s a rumor she’s sought a fresh start among the humans, in retail no less, but it’s so preposterous, it’s passed around as an ironic joke rather than viable theory.
Ace of Spades: General Nelene is the aforementioned personal guard. She was part of the ritual trade-off when the Seelie Courts took over — the monarchs of the two choose new guards from the ranks, and then trade. It’s supposed to be a show of trust but, well. Fae. Anyway Nellie has a big lesbian crush on Cassara and they’re totally ✨ Doin’ It ✨ on the DL, and they’re definitely Not Planning Anything Nefarious. What do you mean the Knight of Swords represents unbridled ambition? Noooo, no, Taredd trusts her with his life, his sister’s life, and control of his forces—
King of Hearts: Life — not for the King thing, it’s because she’s compassionate and generous, but she’s got great control over her emotions and she’s wary of disrupting the universal balance.
Queen of Hearts: Death. Yeah, we saw this one coming. She’s all the hyperempathy and none of the balance, thinks with her heart, doesn’t consider so much the consequences of her actions. Listen, you take an evening stroll through a graveyard and not feel your heart shatter into a million pieces over a little girl crying about her sister. I’m not saying I’d hand her a book of necromancy instructions, but I totally would.
Jack of Hearts: Ayla, of course. She’s the very embodiment of why we should not let our id run around unchecked. War crimes.
Ace of Hearts: Phada — she’s a whole can of worms by herself, and the reason we can’t have anything nice have vampires.
King of Diamonds: Savras Zegan! Yes diamonds is my FZS&S suit. Savras is a funny little hoarder of objects both mystical and mundane.
Queen of Diamonds: Paghana Fithum, mother hen of the entire supernatural community.
Jack of Diamonds: Miorina Stazor, don’t fear the Mia, but do fear the Reaper. Something, something new life, resurrections, etc.
Ace of Diamonds: Tom Smith — a man of utmost diligence. Nuff said.
King of Clubs: Acheron La Croix, Sang-d’origine bloodline. Imagine, if you will, the stuffiest, velvet-smoking-jacketest vampire ever. Now give him Dad Energy™️. Yeah, that’s Acheron.
Queen of Clubs: Fiery, determined, strong — Pamela Foster, president of the HOA and progenitor of the Castlebury Park vampire bloodline. It’s not often a new bloodline forms but when it does, it’s a big fucking deal — not to Pam. She has gardens to judge and citations to write and meetings to run and bake sales and festivals to coordinate and boy does she give the Vampire Council a run for their money.
Jack of Clubs: Psyche Hunter is a newer vampire and brings “fresh, young energy” to the council, whatever Acheron means by that. Personally, I think it’s because she taught him how to use a smartphone. Also, she’s been adopted by Keir and they’re bisexual power besties, and I just think they’re neat.
Ace of Clubs: Keir Toussaint is the perfect example of a centuries old immortal who’s fully integrated into modern society. This man was turned in fucking 1802. Fuckin regency era rake ass loves Fortnite and shitty beer. Brash, impulsive little punk.
Finally, we’ve reached the end. The wild card. The very embodiment of universal entropy. The Deep. [kisses his stupid head] Bastard <3
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elshells · 1 year
It's that time again, Happy WBW! Is there a real world place that inspired one of the locations in your WIP? If so, what is it and why did you select it?
Hi Nopal! Happy WBW, and thank you for the question! <3
Agent Ace: Harmont is heavily influenced by Seattle, which is close to where I live. Even though I wanted a fictional setting, modeling it off of a real place I'd been to helped me visualize and describe it better, as well as gave me a rough, mental map of the city. In the end if you take Seattle, fictionalize it and tweak it into something a teensy bit more futuristic, and you pretty much have Harmont!
EMBR of the Earth: Much of the story (when not in space) takes place along the coast of California—‌from San Diego to the Silicon Valley. Since I began writing it, I've actually been to San Diego, and I've visited other parts of California several times in the past. So while it's not as familiar to me as the PNW, being there in person still helped with the worldbuilding process!
Encore: The flashbacks all take place on a fictional island in the Caribbean (the only other real locations I mention are New Orleans and the Gulf of Mexico—‌even the city Cece lives in in present day isn't specified). I chose the Caribbean since the Golden Age of Piracy is such a focal point for the history of the curse, and IMO, there's no better place for pirates than in the Caribbean! :D
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au-mashup-party · 3 months
MNG kids roast each other.
Suggestion sent by (anonymous asker)
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If anyone is confused why some of them look older they are from Microtale: Next Generation, not the current timeline. It’s a completely different story from the one you already know.
Blithe by me and @nova2cosmos
Carmine by me ( @another-underfellsans x ruby red)
Suki, Nopal, Rosey, and Alice by me
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nova2cosmos · 2 years
Mama and Papa said thank you for the meal! It was super yummy!
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old friends 😍
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friesian · 2 years
5, 10, 14, 25, 29, 16 and 15 for marwyd. asking for a friend
5. How does their hair taste?
ever had grilled cactus??? nopales? yeah that. probably from the radius of him grilling or cooking things a lot of the time it just PASSIVELY tastes like that due to being smoked out so much. do not eat his hair again. HUA.
10. Have they ever attempted to eat an entire tube of toothpaste?
absolutely NOT because i think he hates the texture. reminds him too much of thermal paste. wigs him out. what if he mistakes the toothpaste for thermal paste one day.
14. Do they have arthritis?
funnily enough i do honestly think he does, but only in its starting phases in his hands, most likely the joints of his fingers. too much engineering and fine tuning bits and bobs really does finally catch up with you. not to mention the Dragon Slaying. that too.
♥ 25. What is the consistency of their saliva?
UHHHHHHHHHHH normal human saliva. so watery? if thats the right word for it. he's normal on that front. except for the DMT in said saliva.
♥ 29. Do they have games on their phone?
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everyone shut up.
everyone stop what they're doing and look he's doing advanced redstone engineering on his phone.
♥ 16. What are their thoughts on internet superstar Sans Undertale?
"who. what." -- marwyd, 1335 AE
♥ 15. How Gay Are They?
NONE GAY. NEVER. SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE'S NEVER SEEN A MAN BEFORE IN HIS LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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foxalone · 2 years
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Chara: shut your mouth!
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*In an agile movement, Gaster exchange, places between Nopal and Chara.
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The atmosphere ceases to be heavy and dreary ... Chara is gone and will return another time.
Among all the calm a door appears near the place
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this could be either very good or very bad...
Inverso!Gaster belongs to: @nova2cosmos
Splitz!Sans and Nopal!Sans belongs to: @microtaleoffcial
Chara!Blood and Underblood belongs to me
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elhuarachetxs · 1 year
Skip the line. Order online.
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miltacos · 7 months
#346 Taco de pescado en tempura de grana cochinilla, ensalada de nopal y kimchi de salicornias (chef Óscar Segundo, de Xocol)
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Evento Sabor de la tierra 2023 organizado por Arca Tierra, ex convento de San Hipólito, 24 de septiembre de 2023
Uno de los objetivos de este trabajo de documentar 1000 tacos es la de tener información gráfica suficiente para conceptualizar al taco como un sistema creativo con sus propias condiciones, límites, reglas generales, márgenes y posibilidades. Es un hecho que se percibe como un formato alimentario universal junto a otros como la pizza, el niguiri, y las tapas.
Desde hace más de 15 años las y los cocinerxs en México ya observan al taco más que como una opción alimentaria, y lo usan instintivamente como formato para desarrollar sabores, proponer texturas, y liberar su potencial creativo en este formato culinario mexicano.
Esta versión del genial Óscar Segundo, del restaurante Xocol en la ciudad de Guadalajara, ofrece sin medias tintas una interpretación del taco de pescado frito. El tempura coloreado -y ligeramente saborizado- con grana cochinilla (tintura natural prehispánica mesoamericana proveniente de los insectos del mismo nombre que infestan a los nopales o cactáceas desde tiempos inmemoriales) rodea perfectamente al pescado y lo hace crujiente y atractivo en color y sabor.
Una base de mayonesa y la ensalada de salicornias ligeramente acidificadas redondearon el bocado porque ofrece a la vez la acidez, dulzor, potencia de sabores marinos, y grasa que todo buen taco de pescado debe presentar para ser exitoso.
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