#none of the themes of this show are coherent in the slightest!!
scalematey · 1 year
-holds wednesday (2022) in my hands- you induce nothing but the utmost rage and adoration out of me. but mostly rage
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Is It Really THAT Bad?
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How many fucking times must I talk about this movie?
I feel like this movie doesn’t need an introduction. Everyone knows this film. Its reputation precedes it. It didn’t bomb and it’s not generally considered one of the worst films ever made (at least on the level of films like Robot Monster or The Cat in the Hat), but this movie is easily one of the most divisive films ever made. This film has generated enough arguments that, if we harnessed the energy of all the flame wars it has caused, we could probably power the entire world until the heat death of the universe.
With the impending release of Zach Snyder’s bloated redo of Justice League, I’ve decided to go back and ask myself of this film here… is it really that bad?
Here comes the most uncontroversial opinion: the action scenes in this movie rock (or at least two of them do). The standouts are the titular showdown, which almost makes sitting through the rest of the movie worth it, and the epic warehouse fight Batman gets into, which is like something straight out of the Arkham games. It’s so good. And aside from that, a lot of the cinematography in the film is good. The film knows how to look good, though unfortunately it does end up being a lot of style with little substance.
On the subject of Batman, I think Ben Affleck is a great and inspired choice. I certainly think he’s worthy of standing alongside Batmans like Clooney and Keaton, easily embodying both the Dark Knight and Billionaire Playboy aspects fairly well, though the writing does not always handle him quite as well as it should (we’ll get to that soon enough). Henry Cavill, while still a rather dour Superman, is as good as ever as Superman, and Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman was a great choice here, especially since she didn’t have control so that she could insert anti-Arab racism, like some DCEU movies.
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Perhaps one of the movies most impressive feats is how, in an uncharacteristic moment of brevity, it manages to condense the backstory of Batman into the prologue, getting it out of the way and not making us sit through yet another Batman origin film. This is literally the only thing the movie has over the MCU; where that franchise just has the character Spider-Man inexplicably in existence without even a hint of his origins, they just get Batman’s tragic backstory out of the way so we can see him beating the crap out of people. If more superhero movies want to take this route and just condense the backstory into an opening montage like this, I’d be down for it.
I really could just say “most of the movie” but that’s such a cop out. Let’s actually look at the problems. Let’s work our way up through the things from least problematic to most, shall we?
The best place to start is what Zach Snyder did to Jimmy Olsen.
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Jimmy Olsen is made into a CIA spook who is brutally killed early on, and yes, that was Jimmy Olsen. Snyder put him in to shock audiences with his senseless murder, and also because he felt the character had no place in his series. Does making Watchmen just turn people into joyless husks who like to horribly bastardize iconic characters? Jimmy Olsen is ultimately a small microcosm of the film, but he is the sum total of everything wring with the early DCEU. He is bleak, soulless, and shows a critical lack of understanding about the comics and why people enjoy them.
Now let’s move on to the more exciting problem to discuss: the villains. I don’t even think it’s worth wasting much time discussing what’s wrong with KGBeast. While it is kind of interesting they’d think to use the guy at all, the fact he never dons the costume and dies by the end of the film is unfathomably lame for a character named KGBeast.
Now, onto the main antagonist, and the most infamous part of the movie: Lex Luthor.
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Lex Luthor is horribly, horribly miscast. Jesse Eisenberg is a great actor for sure, and he’s effective in movies like Now You See Me, The Social Network, and the Zombieland films. But here he is being asked to play one of the most diabolical cunning geniuses in comic book history, and rather than play him as such, he plays him like a cartoonish twit. This Lex is utterly unrecognizable as Superman’s greatest foe. Does anyone think Lex Luthor would send a jar of piss to someone as a joke before he blows them up? That’s more something the Joker would do on an off day. Lex is not cunning, not intimidating, and not diabolical in the slightest, and yet there are moments where Eisenberg’s acting chops shine through and Lex, for a moment, is almost engaging. Luthor really suffers the way Doctor Doom tends to in film adaptations: the filmmaker clearly doesn’t get why people like the villain, and decide to do some weird, unique take that will only cause to alienate fans.
But perhaps the worst of them all is Doomsday. Doomsday has exactly one claim to fame, and that’s killing Superman, so as soon as he shows up if you have even a passing awareness of the character you know how the movie is going to end, which robs the film of tension for its last battle. The fact he also appears with little buildup and doesn’t have any characterization doesn’t help; Doomsday is just the Big Gray CGI Blob that superhero movies try and pass off as a final boss for the heroes to fight. This has worked precisely once, in Iron Man. The Incredible Hulk and Venom did not make it work, and this film is nowhere close to being in the same ballpark as Venom.
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By and far the biggest problem, though, is the movie’s incredible length and its very existence in the franchise at this point in time. This is an epic superhero crossover in which two of the biggest comic book characters of all time fight and then team up… And it is the second movie in a franchise. While they do a good job of establishing Batman rather quickly, Wonder Woman comes out of nowhere. And then at the end, Superman ‘dies.’ We have had one single movie prior to this to make a connection to the guy, and yet here he is getting a temporary comic book death with no buildup whatsoever that we know is going to be reversed sooner than later because the movie telegraphs this to us.
Imagine if, instead of building up the character over the course of a decade and putting him in all sorts of different stories, the MCU went right from Iron Man to Endgame. You go from a simpler, character-driven piece to a massive crossover where a hero dies right away, and it doesn’t give anyone time to care. Tony Stark had multiple films worth of characterization under his belt before they threw him in a crossover, let alone killed him, but Snyder expects you to give a damn about a Superman who just started his career in the previous movie of a franchise.
And the ass-numbing length of the movie is no justification. Even before the director’s cut came out this film was a slog, and the director’s cut really does nothing to earn its existence. All it does is add more runtime to an already tedious and bloated film, leading to the same exact ending and fixing none of the overarching narrative problems of the thing. The problem with any director’s cut is that ultimately the movie is still going to be Dawn of Justice, it’s still going to lead to extremely rushed character decisions, and it’s still going to be a mess. You’d have to redo half of the film to make this into a worthwhile and coherent narrative that’s actually worthy of being an entry in a superhero franchise.
And to top it all off, the movie spends far too much time foreshadowing for its own good. People criticized The Mummy for shoehorning in way too many shared universe elements right off the bat, and if that movie was bad for it, so is this one. The cameos from all the members of the Justice League, while striking, could be excised from the plot with little to no impact, and the Knightmare sequence is just excessive and weird.
Is It Really THAT Bad?
The answer to this question has never been harder.
On the one hand, this film does have some merit. There is some good casting choices, good cinematography, good action… But then, on the other hand, the film is overly long, pretentious, has poor writing and dialogue, mishandles everyone aside from Superman, and is just incredibly unpleasant.
This film is in many ways the exact problem Christopher Nolan created with his Dark Knight trilogy. Nolan, by grounding the fanciful characters of comic books into a realistic setting, created a climate in which someone could suck any sort of joy or meaning out of comics. The success of his films meant that people would see dark, gritty realism as preferable to joyous, colorful escapism, and the negative effects of his films, however good you find them, are still felt today even as filmmakers are finally shaking off the grit. Dawn of Justice is the zenith of Nolan’s style of superhero film. There is nothing fun, joyful, or engaging to be found here; it is simply the characters you know and love forced into dark, miserable scenarios that ends in death and misery. Where’s the fun? Where’s the color? Where’s the wonder, the excitement, where is any of it? This film paints a bleak and miserable and hopeless picture of a world of superheroes. It really makes me think of this rather famous comic panel:
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I absolutely hate this movie, but not because I think it’s bad. I hate it because it has enough good ideas where it should be the best thing ever, but it really isn’t. It’s a miserable slog of a film that does nothing to justify or earn its massive runtime whatsoever. It really does belong somewhere between 5 and 6 on IMDB, because I can almost see why people like it, but it just isn’t even remotely close to being how good its fan say it is. This is not a good superhero movie, and this is not how we should want superhero movies to be. There is a market for serious superhero fare of course, and there’s no reason that these films can’t engage with mature themes or anything, don’t get me wrong. But this is absolutely not the way to do it.
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baconsoupforthesoul · 5 years
The Ink Demonth- Day 4- Light
Into the Light
A/N: I feel like I’m really stretching these one-shots to fit the theme of the day but my initial idea for this one just hit me in the face one day and I had to write it. This was a blast to write so I hope you enjoy~
Ink rippled and shifted as a solitary figure trudged along the flooded hallways. Most of the inhabitants of the fallen Joey Drew studios referred to this being as the Projectionist, although he would never refer to himself as such. What was left of Norman Polk didn't have enough coherent thoughts running through his head to even realize he had a name. He spent most of his time in a daze, his thoughts mere static as he endlessly patrolled his inky maze. His upper body lurched with each step, his arms dangling loosely by his sides as the projector that was now his head jerked back and forth. Sometimes, there were voices among the static in his head, but the Projectionist’s mind was too scrambled, too far gone to pay them any attention. If his mind had been aware enough to be curious, he might have found these voices familiar, conversations long past, too far back for him to properly remember anymore. Most of the time though, his mind was simply filled with the sounds of his Projector, running wildly as it endlessly clicked away while the tape spun round and round and round.
The Projectionist’s dull existence was only ever punctured when there was an intruder in his domain. While he may not remember who he was, or what he was doing here, the sight of any moving creature instinctively sent him into a blind rage. Level 14 was littered with the corpses of those unfortunate enough to cross paths with him. There was no rhyme or reason for the Projectionist’s attacks, he wasn’t capable of reason anymore. All he had was his maze and his projectors. Occasionally, he would stop his endless march through the ink to stop and stare at the images moving on the walls around him. While he could hardly comprehend what he was seeing, the light from the other projectors gave him some measure of peace, and the moving pictures brought him as close to joy as he was capable of feeling. He didn't know why that was, he couldn’t even question why that was. This was his existence, and there was nothing else but this.
As the Projectionist continued his eternal patrol through his forsaken halls, he spotted an intruder unlike any he had encountered before. Rather then another deformed toon or wailing Searcher, a man stood before him. If the Projectionist had been able to perceive him properly, he may have taken notice of the sag of the man’s shoulders, the tired and drawn look on his face or even just his graying hair. But the Projectionist didn’t care about any of this. There was an intruder in his domain and he needed to end him. An unholy shriek sounded from the speaker implanted in his chest as he rushed at the man, his arms outstretched, ready to strike him down. The intruder yelped as he scrambled to get away, but his tired body didn't seem to have it in him to escape the wrath of the Projectionist. Gaining on his prey, the Projectionist managed to corner him in at a dead end. The intruder turned around to face him, his back pressed against the wall as he held up his hands in a pleading gesture.
“Norman!” The man shouted a name that no longer held any meaning to the creature before him. “Norman, stop! Please! It’s me, Henry! Please, you gotta remember, I’m H-” The Projectionist cut off the man’s frantic pleas as he wrapped his hand around his throat and slammed him up against the wall, lifting him by his neck so that his feet dangled uselessly underneath him. The intruder croaked as he clawed helplessly at the hand squeezing the air out of him. “P-please…” His victim wasted more of his dwindling air to speak to his killer, his eyes now overflowing with tears. “N-norman…” As the man’s eyes started to glaze over, he reached out a shaky arm and grasped onto the Projectionist's shoulder.
The Projectionist froze as a strange sensation flowed through him. The feeling of another person’s hand on his shoulder… it was familiar to him… somehow. Suddenly, the voices among the Projectionist's constant static started blaring in his head. For the first time, he was fully aware of them, able to piece together the words floating through his mind. They were familiar, he knew these voices, these conversations, these moments. Norman… Henry… he knew those names. Norman…. That had been his name… and Henry was…
Abruptly, his consciousness which had been suppressed for so long sprung forth, as if a dam had burst open, as he let his hapless victim drop unceremoniously to the floor. Norman fell to his knees and held his hands in front of his projector light and let out a horrified shriek. He remembered, he remembered who he used to be, what he used to be. With his new-found awareness came the torment of knowing what he had lost and what he had become. Norman shrieked again as he hunched over himself, his body trembling uncontrollably. How long had he been like this? He couldn’t even remember how long he had been trapped in the endless static of his mind. Some of his thoughts were still blurred and confused and Norman held onto his coherent thoughts like a lifeline, terrified of reverting to the mindless monster had been for so long. He could remember some of the things he had done, the way he had killed and maimed everything that had crossed his path. A pit seemed to form in his stomach as the Projectionist lifted his head to stare at the motionless body before him.
“H-Hen-rey?” The name came out crackly and distorted as he tried to force his voice through his speaker. That’s right, he remembered Henry. He had been his friend, they had worked together for years. That touch on his shoulder had felt familiar because that’s something Henry used to do. He remembered Henry clapping a friendly hand on his shoulder in greeting many times. He even recalled Henry gripping onto his shoulder as Norman helped him home because he worked himself to exhaustion again. “Hen-rey?” Norman's hands shook as he reached out to grasp the man’s shoulders but Henry didn't show any signs of stirring. Norman had… Norman had done this. He had attacked his friend, had chased him down and choked him to death with his own hands. And all the while Henry had been pleading with him, trying to help him remember and he had killed him. The Projectionist let out another horrible shriek as he hunched over himself. Oh god, oh god, ohgodohgodohgodohgod. What had he done?! He truly was a monster, there was no way he could repent for something like-
Henry suddenly let out a loud gasp followed by a coughing fit. The former animator tried desperately to get air back into his lungs but he seemed to be struggling to get a full breath in. Norman’s head swung up, almost clocking Henry in the face with his projector. A soft whine seemed to emanate from Norman’s speaker as he held his hands out uselessly in front of him, unsure how he could help Henry. He reached out hesitantly and began rubbing circles into Henry’s back as the man fought to get his breathing under control. Once Henry could go a second without coughing, he squinted up at Norman. “N-Norman?” Henry managed, his voice strained.
“Hen-rey.” Norman managed to say the man’s name again, his shoulders sagging with relief.
“Norman? You… you...” The Projectionist watched as Henry’s eyes overflowed with tears. “You actually remember… I can’t even… oh god, Norman…” Without hesitation, Henry pulled the Projectionist into a hug as Norman let out a garbled noise of surprise. “Norman, I’m so sorry.” Henry sobbed into his shoulder. “I’m so sorry this happened. I didn't know, I didn't think he, I never thought he would be capable of, oh god I never should have left! Maybe he’s right, maybe this is my fault, I should have pushed a little harder, I-”
“N-n-no-oo. Hen-rey.” Norman cut off Henry’s hysterics and wrapped his arms around the trembling animator. “N-not. Your f-fau-lt.” While Norman didn't understand everything Henry was babbling about, he knew none of this had been his fault. Henry just continued crying into Norman’s shoulder, mumbling out frantic apologies. While Norman knew his memory was still spotty at best right now, he’s pretty sure he had never seen Henry break down like this before. The Projectionist couldn’t blame the man in the slightest though. Norman looked down at his inky hands resting on Henry’s back. He knew what horrors had been born from this studio, as he was one of them. Norman’s shoulder shook and soft bursts of static from his speaker almost sounded like sobs as he held Henry tighter. When was the last time he had hugged someone? Hell, when was the last time he had interacted with another living being without violence? Norman couldn’t recall but he was going to cherish this moment while he could.
“Norman… I…” Henry’s sobs had quieted down slightly but his breath still hitched as tears continued to fall from his red-rimmed eyes. “I’ve gone through this so many times. I can hardly… I can barely believe this is even happening. You’ve never, never recognized me before.”
“W-w-what?” Norman asked, sounding puzzled. Never recognized him before? This was his first time running into Henry, wasn’t it? Just how screwed up was his memory right now?
“I just… god Norman, I’m so tired…” Henry whined as he leaned heavily on Norman. The Projectionist didn't mind though, as he rubbed circles into Henry’s back as he did before. The two of them stayed like that for some time, Norman not eager to break the first positive human contact he’d experienced in decades, and Henry too exhausted to do anything but lean against his old friend.
Eventually, Norman realized as Henry’s breathing slowed even more, that the animator had actually fallen asleep on him. The Projectionist let out a garbled huff as he regarded the man in his arms. Leave it to Henry to fall asleep at a time like this. The guy could work for days on end and then just fall asleep in the most uncomfortable or inconvenient places. Norman was sure the man was in desperate need of some sleep, but he knew they couldn’t stay here much longer. There were few safe places left in the studio and Norman had no idea when another threat could present itself. The Projectionist carefully repositioned Henry and slide one of his arms underneath the man's legs. He lifted him up easily, helped by the fact that Henry hadn’t exactly been gifted in the height department.
The Projectionist started trudging through the ink with newfound purpose. While this place had already ruined him, tormented and twisted him into a monster, there was still hope for Henry. He’d get his friend out of this place, it was the least he could do for the man who helped him to remember who he was. And so Norman marched on, holding onto Henry tightly as the light from his projector eliminated the way.
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poisonflamegames · 6 years
Sea of Thieves: Yarr or Naw?
It's been a few months since the awaited pirate game came out. Back when it wasn't released, a couple of my friends got access to the beta and told me the game was "mind-blowing", so my hype for it was off the charts. Hell, I almost bought it at full price on release, but Microsoft was giving out two-week trials for their Xbox Game Pass service, which in itself included Sea of Thieves, so I decided to "test the waters" before buying it; pun intended. I feel like my thoughts on the game have marinated long enough for me to make a proper analysis, so here we go:
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Sea of Thieves, in its essence, is a simulator, though it wasn't designed to be one. The game tries very hard to be an exploration open-world adventure, with combat and puzzles and all of these super cool things; but they don't quite connect well or are delivered in the most coherent way possible.
And no, I'm not biased for the fact that I'm terrified of swimming in video games; I’m looking at you, Jolly Roger Bay.
Let’s start by talking about what you actually do during the game. You start off in a tavern in one of the various outposts scattered throughout the open-world’s map, with a moored ship in the coast. From the outpost, you can pick up missions that will require you to sail to nearby islands and find hidden treasure, at least most of the time. Aside from that, the rest are just things that mildly add to that basic experience, which comes off as extremely lackluster, and trust me, it is.
One thing I really did enjoy though was the sailing. At its core, sailing is very simple: You just got to lift the anchor, lower the sails and control the ship via the rudder. Wind plays an important factor, though it is very simple to understand and react to it as it has very distinct visual queues for both its direction and for when you place your sails correctly against it. It feels amazing.
On top of that, if you’ve got yourself a crew of friends to play with, things just get better. Sailing becomes this huge collaborative effort, with little tasks to take care of that can be easily divided and taken care of as a group; it really gives you off the feeling that you’re a crew, specially once things start going south. It also gives you plenty of room to goof around, because of course, it wouldn’t be a multiplayer game about the pirate life without that.
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While sailing is quite a delight (also given that it’s probably what you do for 60% of the game), the rest is a little...boring. For the missions, you get maps with X’s on them, marking treasure waiting to be unearthed. Once given said map, you have to both match the shape of the island with the same one in the ship’s actual map, and then find the treasure once you get to the island. Unless you haven’t been playing the game for more than 20 minutes, these two factors cannot even be considered mechanics because they don’t present a challenge in the slightest.
To add to it, once you do unearth a treasure, you don’t actually get to keep the contents of the treasure, which feels very odd thematically. Instead of keeping what you find, you got to bring these chests of treasure back to the outposts and sell them. I’ll give them the credit that while this is obviously very lame from a pirate-themed game, it makes things a lot more straight-forward when battling other ships, as if you board an enemy’s ships, you can just take their chests.
Speaking of combat...it really isn’t the best. You get a sword with two basic attacks and one of three different guns: a pistol, a shotgun and a sniper rifle. Your ships are also armed with cannons, but that’s really about it. It reminds me a lot of Minecraft’s combat system, and that says a lot from a game that tries to be so immersive. You just slash and shoot at things, hoping that they die and/or sink; there’s really not much else to it in all honesty.
This brings us to another topic in which the game really fails at: progression. As you do missions, you gain coins, but your pirate or your ship don’t really level up. With these coins, you can only buy cosmetic items such as apparel, skins for your weapons or ship parts, but those never make your character or ship “better”, and that, of course, gives you a feeling of no progress. You feel like you never improve or get new things, and that is the exact opposite of what you want in an open world such as this one; because as soon as you’re done discovering most of the map (which isn’t that large), you’re gonna start getting tired of the game very fast.
We can’t forget are the elements that spice up the game every now and then, most notably riddles and the appearance of the Kraken. A few times during the game, you’ll have these random effects trigger to make things a little bit more interesting. You can find bottled messages in beaches which will contain riddles for you to find incredible treasure; but when you realize how tedious and unfun they actually are to get through while also providing the same kind of loot that you got to sell in the outposts, you’ll just start ignoring them as they aren’t worth the extra time and effort.
Lastly, the Kraken. This random event triggers every so often when you cruise around certain areas in the sea with a lot of loot on your ship, and it is...a little boring, honestly. You see the water turn black and tentacles come out of the water, but the fight is easy as cake. You just got to shoot the tentacles and repair the ship whenever it gets damaged, and before you know it, you’ll get through. That’s kind of it. My friends and I were screaming in shock when it first started showing up, but once we defeated, we were solely disappointed.
I’m pretty sure you can picture the experience of playing this game after reading what I had to say about it. While the overworld looks very nice (and has great water), the game doesn’t really have that much to offer. My friends and I played it for about five hours, then realizing that we had done most of what the game had to offer. That wouldn’t be so bad if the game was fairly cheap, but having in mind that this game came out with prices higher than standard retail price, it really makes one scratch their head.
You can really tell that most of the game’s budget went into making that sea water look crispy as hecc, but outside from that, I’m not entirely positive if Sea of Thieves is even a full-fledged game, it seriously needs a lot more to really consider itself one.
Now, one thing I was taught in game dev school is that a designer shall never criticize something without offering ideas of their own to improve upon whatever they’re happening to be criticizing, so I have crafted a few suggest that would perhaps make the game more appealing to others.
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For starters, Sea of Thieves doesn’t really have an end game, meaning that ultimately, you don’t have a major goal to complete. It would be nice if the game had some kind of massive trasure scattered throughout the game, much in the fashion of the Treasure of Cortés from Pirates of the Caribbean. It would give experienced players a big objective to achieve while keeping the ground leveled for everyone to contribute to fair and balanced encounters between ships.
Another thing that would be great would be NPC ships! To any person that is starting to play the game, assaulting other ships is really daunting given that you can’t really estimate your chances of victory since you’re on even ground. Players that just pass on assaulting other players’ ships are missing out on a great part of what the game is about, so how about having non-hostile NPC vessels? Crafts that you can invade in an easier manner and pillage them ruthlessly would certainly not only give players more to do, but would also give them the thirst of assaulting actual player-driven hips, haha! 🏴‍☠️
Lastly, and something very important about open-ended games, is giving the feeling that the world the players are in is living and breathing. This could be achieved through the use of events that could happen periodically and players would come to know of through outposts. Things like treasure rushes, races or actual working Wanted! posters that could lead to notoriously violent players.
Given that the game currently has none of those things, you’re safe to assume that the game is empty. To a player, it feels more of a sandbox simulator than an actual objective-driven, fun experience, and I feel like the platform that the game currently is has a ton of potential for great things, but I don’t really know if I can trust Rare to elevate Sea of Thieves to something in which I’d actually want to play again.
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Between Life and Death, Chapter III
Fandom: Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Major characters thus far: Jonathan Joestar, Dio Brando Pairings: None Word count: 4,066 (9,642 total) Warnings: Semi-graphic violence, dark themes, endgame spoilers for Phantom Blood and Stardust Crusaders. Notes: There is a playlist that goes along with this fic, designed to sync with the story if listened to while reading the fic. You can find chapters 1 - 5 here, or alternatively here on YouTube. For chapter 3 only, go here.
Chapter I | Chapter II | Read on AO3
Chapter III: These People are Weird in Here
These people are weird in here And they're giving me the fear Just because you know my name Doesn't mean you know my game I look myself in the face And whisper "I'm in the wrong place" Is there more to lose than gain If I go on my own again? On my own again
~Marina and the Diamonds, “The Outsider”
Jonathan was suspended in the air, in a nightmareish hellscape version of Cairo- simultaneously Cairo and not, like Jonathan was in the city, yet also in empty darkness at the same time. Below him was a pile of dead bodies, in front of him was a broken clock tower and a water tank gushing blood, and surrounding him was knives. Dozens and dozens of knives, pointing at him from every possible angle. From an unseen location, Dio’s voice spoke. “One second has passed…” Dio’s voice boomed, sounding as if he was walking around Jonathan, but always in his blind spot. Jonathan tried to turn his head, searching for Dio, but he couldn’t move. “Two seconds have passed.” Each time Dio announced the seconds, more and more knives appeared, filling Jonathan with fear. “Three seconds have passed… Well, Jojo? What will you do? When time resumes, you can try to block the knives with your Star Platinum, but with so many… How could you possibly block them all?” Dio chuckled darkly, his voice seemingly coming from everywhere at once now, reverberating in a way that felt like he had destroyed physics themselves, filling Jonathan with fear. He knew that Dio was right; there was no way he’d be able to block all those knives. Unless he could knock them away now, or get to cover, he was done for. Jonathan tried to reach for one of the knives, willing his body to move, but he was still paralyzed. There was nothing he could do, as more and more knives threatened him. “Four seconds have passed.” That was very, very bad. There was only one second left. If Jonathan didn’t move, he was going to die. Why couldn’t he move?! He couldn’t afford to stay still! Jonathan tried with all his might to get away, his soul screaming at his body to move, damn it, but all he could manage was the slightest twitch of his right finger. That wasn’t good enough! He needed to get away, now! “Five seconds have passed! Time resumes!”
Jonathan gasped, opening his eyes and sitting bolt upright with a sudden motion. He was drenched with sweat, breathing heavily, heart pounding in his chest as he felt overwhelmed with fear and helplessness. Where was he? What had just happened? His memories were hazy, and he wasn’t sure what was going on. As his mind remained clouded by terror and sleepiness, he looked around to try to get his bearings, and the first thing he saw was-
“Dio!” Jonathan practically yelled in surprise, jumping backwards slightly as he struggled to form coherent thoughts. “You- you- what- I- ...Why were you watching me sleep?!” he spluttered, completely astounded.
Dio watched Jonathan with one eyebrow slightly raised and an otherwise unemotional expression, arms crossed as he sat on the edge of the bed. “You were sleeping late,” he replied simply, shrugging. “It’s nearly 6:30, you know.”
“So? What do you care how late I sleep?” Jonathan muttered in an almost offended tone, still leaning away from Dio and watching him with a wary look.
“Normally I wouldn’t, but I bought tickets for a play at 8:00,” Dio replied. “We’re leaving at 7:30 or so, so you should hurry up and get ready.”
Jonathan frowned hesitantly at this new information. “A... play..? What play? And why didn’t you say so yesterday? I never said I wanted to see a play,” he argued with slight confusion.
“It’s called a ‘surprise’, Jojo,” Dio said, in his usual way of speaking that felt cold and threatening even when he was teasing. “The truth is, I wasn’t aware of it until yesterday, but there’s going to be a performance of Dracula at the National Theatre tonight. So of course we have to go,” he explained with a grin.
“What’s it about?” Jonathan questioned, letting his curiousity get the better of him as he sat up slightly.
“...It’s Dracula,” Dio repeated slowly, raising an eyebrow at Jonathan as if that alone should have been enough of an explanation.
“Which is… what, exactly?” Jonathan responded.
For a moment, Dio stared at Jonathan with an open-mouthed look of astonishment, as if Jonathan were stupid somehow. Then he seemed to come to a realization of some sort, and relaxed, returning to his default bored, slightly smug expression.
“Ah, yes. I forgot Dracula was slightly after your time,” he admitted. “It’s a famous novel about a vampire. It’s highly influential, there have been quite a few films and books based off it. You should read it, I know how much you like gothic novels,” Dio told Jonathan thoughtfully.
Jonathan said nothing for a moment, only stared at Dio with a hesitant, debating expression. As much as he hated to go along with anything Dio said in any way, well… he always did have a hard time resisting the allure of books. Especially hearing about not only a gothic novel he’d died too soon to read, but one that had become highly influential…
“Anyway, I’ll leave you alone to get dressed,” Dio said, interrupting Jonathan’s internal conflict as he stood up from the bed. “I assume you’ll be wanting breakfast afterwards? You know where to find it,” he added nonchalantly, and began his descent down the stairs.
After Dio left, Jonathan remained sitting on the bed for a few minutes, taking some time to collect himself and think about everything that had just happened. He had only just woken up, after all, and it was a bit much to process all at once. He was still a little shaken by his nightmare (although he’d already forgotten nearly all the details), and now he had an hour to get ready to go to the theatre? Something about that just felt… annoying. It would be one thing if Dio had invited him to go, giving him some prior notice and an opportunity to decline, but it was another thing entirely to be simply told he was going- whether he liked it or not, apparently- immediately after waking up. He hated being treated like Dio’s puppet, with no free will of his own.
But what could he do? As much as he hated it, he effectively didn’t have any free will. He had no way of escaping, no choice but to follow along with Dio’s whims. He sighed as he opened the wardrobe and began looking through the clothes he’d been given, searching for a suitable outfit.
At least theatre was fun, he thought despondently to himself.
Jonathan felt slightly anxious as he walked down the stairs to the first floor of the mansion. Although he had been too asleep to think of it during his conversation with Dio, it now occurred to him that going to the theatre meant actually going to the theatre- in other words, in just a little under an hour, Jonathan would be leaving Dio’s mansion and seeing the outside world for the first time. And that, frankly, was a terrifying thought.
It wasn’t like he was completely ignorant when it came to the 20th century; He’d heard stories from Erina and Speedwagon, and overheard a few things at the mansion, and he’d even read a little bit about it as well. (Though admittedly not as much as he should have- the mansion’s library was impressive, but the majority of it had quickly become abandoned the moment he discovered A Study in Scarlet had grown into an entire series after his death.) He knew about cars and planes, and the World Wars, and movies… That is, he knew they existed, at least. He had never experienced them for himself. What’s more, he knew little of Cairo other than the narrow glimpses of the street that were visible through the mansion’s windows and holes. Egypt was an entirely different world from England, one he knew next to nothing about, and he wondered how well he’d survive it.
Still, he couldn’t help but feel a little bit excited at the same time. Dio’s mansion felt like a prison, all stone walls and boarded-up windows and weirdly dim lighting, devoid of life save for Dio, his creepy butler, and Dio’s occasional victims. Everything Jonathan did was at Dio’s whim, everything he knew was what Dio decided to tell him, and from dawn until dusk every day he was quite literally locked away in a tower. It would be nice to get out for a change, breathe some fresh air, and see ordinary people going about their lives. It would be nice to have a little taste of freedom, just for a few hours.
In any case, there was only a little under an hour to go until it was time to leave, like it or not. And so, Jonathan stepped off the stairs and turned down the hall towards a room Dio referred to as the “breakfast room”- a smaller, less formal dining room, with only a small dining table and simplistic lounge-like seating, as well as large windows (though they were generally obscured by curtains).
Unsurprisingly, when Jonathan arrived at the breakfast room, Dio was waiting for him while reclining casually in one of the chairs. D’Arby, too, was lurking rather ominously in a corner, waiting to obey any requests Dio might make.
“Hello, Jojo,” Dio greeted Jonathan as he sat down at the table. “What would you like for breakfast?”
“I don’t know, just… Normal breakfast, I suppose,” Jonathan answered tentatively. If he had to sum up his overall mood in one word, that word would be “uncertain”, and it showed. Every move he made was slow and hesitant, and he watched Dio and d’Arby with suspicion. As Jonathan finished speaking, d’Arby gave a nod and quickly, silently set out towards the door.
“D’Arby, bring some coffee too,” Dio ordered without looking away from the table. D’Arby stopped in his tracks just as he reached the door.
“As you wish, Lord Dio,” he replied with a bow, before continuing out the room.
With d’Arby gone, Jonathan was left alone with Dio while he awaited his breakfast.
“I apologize for not having more formal clothes for you,” Dio told Jonathan out of the blue after a few minutes. “You know how difficult it is to find clothes in such a large size. Perhaps tomorrow we should go shopping?” he suggested.
“And what about you? Surely you’re not going to the theatre in that, are you?” Jonathan wondered, gesturing towards Dio’s outfit.
Dio was clad in a tight-fitting black shirt that was cut short, showing off his (Jonathan’s!) well-toned abs, as well as having several long, tear-like holes that revealed his chest. Over this, Dio wore a metallic, slightly baggy deep purple jacket, and several bangles on either wrist. The rest of his outfit consisted of scandalously tight pants that matched the jacket, a belt with- god only knew why- a skull-shaped buckle, and what looked like the sort of shoes a medieval jester might wear, only more threatening.
Dio looked down at his clothes idly, as if he’d forgotten what he was wearing, and then looked back up at Jonathan.
“Yes, why?”
Jonathan opened his mouth to reply, but found himself unable to even begin to think of a response to such an absurd question.
Fortunately, he didn’t have to; It wasn’t long before d’Arby returned, carrying a silver tray containing two cups of coffee, a small silver creamer, two spoons, and two napkins. He placed the tray on the table and once again left the room, just as Jonathan and Dio both reached for their respective coffees.
Jonathan blew on his coffee for a few seconds to cool it down, and then eagerly took a sip. His face scrunched up in an almost irritated expression as he tasted the brew.
Dio gave a quiet, amused chuckle. “What’s with that face?”
“I forgot Egyptian coffee is different from English coffee,” Jonathan admitted, looking at his cup with both eyebrows raised. “It’s good, of course, it just took me by surprise is all,” he explained.
“You’ll get used to it soon enough,” Dio promised.
Just as Jonathan had been debating whether or not to add some cream to his coffee, Dio reached for the creamer. Jonathan watched as Dio tilted the small vessel, and to Jonathan’s surprise, an opaque, red liquid poured from its spout and into Dio’s coffee cup.
“That’s… not cream,” Jonathan said slowly, with an almost numb sense of dawning horror.
“What an astute observation,” Dio replied nonchalantly as he watched the blood pour into his coffee, and when he felt it to be a satisfactory amount, he tilted the creamer back up. Then, with almost cheerful casualness, he held it out towards Jonathan- “Want some?”
“No, I most certainly do not! Why would you even ask that question?!” Jonathan snapped angrily, feeling almost sick with revulsion.
“There’s no need to get so up in arms; I was just offering,” Dio replied with irritation. “Really, you should try it. Blood in coffee tastes much better than you’d think.”
“I’m not a monster like you, Dio,” Jonathan insisted, glaring at Dio with teeth bared.
Dio rolled his eyes. “Yes, you are. Like it or not, you have to face reality sooner or later. Do you honestly think eggs and toast can sustain an immortal body? Don’t be naive. You can’t live in denial forever,” Dio said in a suddenly serious tone. His harsh words made Jonathan’s blood run cold- a truly ironic expression- as he realized that there was at least some level of truth to what Dio was saying.
A truth he didn’t want to face.
But Jonathan was nothing if not steadfast, and he refused to give in and fall to Dio’s level. He would stand by his morals to the very last, no matter what the cost to himself. If he had to go through hell, so be it; He’d done it before, and he would do it again.
“I don’t care if I starve, and I don’t care what you do to me. I will never, ever do what you’re asking me to do,” Jonathan snarled.
Dio stared at Jonathan strangely for a moment, and then took a long, savoring sip of his coffee before speaking again.
“You know, even if we don’t share the same set of morals, I do understand where you’re coming from. If I’m being honest, your commitment to your values is something I’ve always found admirable about you,” Dio confessed. “But I would like to point something out.”
Jonathan stared expectantly and warily at Dio, waiting for him to continue.
“The person this blood came from is already dead. That’s a fact, regardless of how you may try to distance yourself from it. Abstinence cannot bring back the dead, Jojo,” Dio said, meeting Jonathan’s eyes with a serious expression. “So, knowing this… Wouldn’t it be better to drink the blood, and give their death meaning, rather than simply throwing it all away like yesterday’s spoiled milk?” Dio finished, and pushed the creamer towards Jonathan with a smirk, waiting for him to make the next move.
Jonathan froze. He knew Dio was right, and that hurt. Knowing innocent people were being killed, and sometimes for almost nothing… It made him sick, sick with the same sort of overwhelming sadness one feels after hearing about a catastrophe. It wasn’t right that those people had to die, and he knew there was nothing he could do.
But… Regardless, he could never drink blood. Doing so, no matter what the justification, would mean becoming like Dio, and that was something he would never do. Besides, the very thought was so revoltingly disgusting that he didn’t think he’d be able to anyway.
“Enough. No matter how many excuses you come up with, I won’t do it,” Jonathan told Dio, glaring back at him with equal intensity.
Dio frowned slightly, seeming almost as if he was plotting something (like usual, really), before sighing slightly.
“Fine. It’s clear this debate is going nowhere. It’s too early for this sort of argument,” he decided.
As if on cue, Jonathan heard footsteps approaching the door- not the soft, slow thuds of d’Arby’s footsteps, but rather more steady, energetic, clacking footsteps. A woman with curly, purple-hued hair entered the room, clad in a flowing yet fitted yellow dress, a multitude of colorful ocean-themed jewelry, and tall blue heels.
“Ah, Midler! You’ve certainly recovered well,” Dio greeted her enthusiastically, with the sort of smile that was impossible to tell how much of it was genuine and how much was fake.
Midler smiled, blushing slightly. “Thank you, Lord Dio. I’m glad to- Oh! I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you had guests,” she said upon noticing Jonathan.
“Not at all,” Dio assured her. “This is my brother, Jonathan. Jojo, this is Midler, one of my best assassins- and an excellent dancer,” Dio introduced the two of them.
“Nice to meet you,” Jonathan said, hesitant as he always was when speaking to Dio’s associates. So this one was an assassin, was she..? Jonathan wondered whether she had always been so evil, or if Dio had seduced her with his mind control like he’d done to poor Poco all those years ago. Or maybe she’d simply fallen victim to Dio’s natural charisma, no magic needed other than a pretty face and a smooth tongue.
Midler smiled almost teasingly at Jonathan, walking over to him slowly. “That’s an interesting scar you got there, handsome,” she said, speaking as if to seduce Jonathan, though he could hear an underlying question in her voice. She poked his neck playfully with a flirtatious wink.
“...Uh.” Jonathan instinctively touched the still-tender wound on his neck, at a loss for words. He felt slightly stunned and confused.
“His body used to belong to Jotaro,” Dio explained to Midler.
Midler’s eyes widened as she looked back at Dio. “You’re kidding,” she gasped breathlessly, and Jonathan thought he caught a glimpse of something unguarded for a moment- Fear? Regret? Guilt? Anger?
But if there was truly something there, it disappeared quickly, as Midler returned to her role as a lascivious assassin.
“Well, you know what they say… When one door closes, another opens. When you lose one man, you may gain an even better one.” She spoke the last sentence in a low tone as she looked at Jonathan with a half-lidded gaze, walking slowly, teasingly around him.
Jonathan shrunk back uncomfortably, this time maintaining most of his composure as he finally understood what was going on. “Please, I’m married,” he explained with a frown.
“So? Plenty of men here in Egypt have multiple wives, you know,” Midler replied with an innocent shrug.
As she spoke, d’Arby entered the room with another tray, this time with Jonathan’s breakfast. Jonathan sighed in relief as Midler finally backed off slightly, and his breakfast gave him a legitimate excuse to ignore her.
...And admittedly, he was also just glad to have breakfast. Jonathan had always been quite enthusiastic when it came to food, and even the horror and misery of his situation couldn’t negate the sheer joy that could only be created by bacon.
While Jonathan eagerly began eating his breakfast, Midler sat down calmly in one of the chairs, watching Jonathan with a thoughtful expression. “...You know, Lord Dio… I didn’t know you had a brother,” she admitted curiously after a few minutes.
“He’s adopted,” Dio explained.
Jonathan gave Dio an annoyed look. “Uh, pardon? You’re the one who was adopted,” he corrected Dio between bites of toast. “Besides, I’m fairly certain father’s disowned you by this point.”
“Yes, well unfortunately for him, dead men have little say in the legal system,” Dio replied in a bored monotone.
“Dead men have little say in anything, it seems,” Jonathan muttered bitterly.
“Oh, stop whining,” Dio said with an eyeroll, before turning away from Jonathan. “Now then, Midler…”
Midler sat up attentively, giving Dio an expectant look. “Yes, Lord Dio?”
“You have served me well all these years. You’re beautiful, intelligent, powerful, loyal, and your High Priestess is quite formidable,” he began.
Midler gasped slightly and smiled, a wider, more genuine smile than the seductive ones she’d given before. “Thank you, Lord Dio. It is my honor and privilege to serve you,” she said excitedly with a deep, reverent bow of her head. (Meanwhile, Jonathan remained deeply absorbed in his food.)
“But, Midler…”
“...Yes, Lord Dio?” Midler responded uncertainly to Dio’s sudden dark tone.
“Despite all this, what was it I sent you to the coast to do?” Dio prompted, sounding almost like a condescending school teacher, only far, far more sinister.
“...To… to kill the Joestar group, my lord,” Midler answered quietly, going slightly pale as she realized where the conversation was going.
(Jonathan looked up slightly with his fork still in his mouth, raising an eyebrow at Dio and Midler’s exchange.)
“And did you kill them?” Dio prompted once again.
“No, my lord,” Midler answered even more quietly, head bowed in shame rather than reverence this time.
“Then you know what that means,” Dio said darkly.
“...Yes, Lord Dio.”
Without further prompting, Midler stood up from her chair and walked over to Dio. She knelt down in front of his chair on both knees, head bowed and eyes closed.
“It is my honor and duty to give myself to you,” Midler said with solemn conviction. She then tilted her head up, looking towards the ceiling in an almost prayer-like pose. “My life is yours. Please accept it,” she finished.
Dio smiled a slow, hungry smile. “Good.”
Dio reached towards Midler’s neck, and-
“Wait a minute! Don’t tell me you’re going to kill her?!” Jonathan interrupted with a horrified gasp, standing up abruptly.
“Of course I am,” Dio replied, as if this were common sense. “She knew the consequences of failure. If she wanted to live, she should have tried harder.”
“B-but that’s not fair! That’s hardly a reason to kill someone!” Jonathan insisted distressedly.
“I’m happy to give my life for Lord Dio,” Midler chimed in, still kneeling in front of Dio.
Jonathan shook his head in horror. “No. I won’t let this happen,” he said firmly, stomping over to Dio and Midler and grabbing Dio’s wrist with a rough, strong grip.
Dio yanked his arm away from Jonathan’s grasp, glaring at Jonathan in annoyance and anger. “Oh, for god’s sake, Jojo, are you seriously going to play the whole pacifist game every single time? Get over your damn idealism already!” he snapped. “Like it or not, you have to accept that you are a vampire, and more importantly, I am a vampire. I have no intention of changing my lifestyle and going against the natural order simply because you have a weak stomach. If you want to starve yourself, so be it, but you have no right to tell me what to do. Remember who’s in control here,” he threatened with a dark, violent snarl.
“Then at the very least, you could have the decency not to murder people in front of me while I’m trying to eat breakfast,” Jonathan hissed in response, matching Dio’s show of dominance- as always- with equal fire.
For a few moments, Dio and Jonathan continued staring each other down unblinkingly, locked in a battle of wills. Finally, Dio scowled and turned away from Jonathan.
“Fine. Midler, you are dismissed,” he announced sharply, with a clipped, seething tone.
Midler stood up quickly and said nothing, for fear of further provoking Dio’s anger. She hesitated for a brief second, glancing between Dio and Jonathan with wide eyes, before hurrying out of the room.
Jonathan ate the rest of his meal in angry silence. A tense, bitter aura filled the air between him and Dio, neither party willing to look at the other. Jonathan finished his food as quickly as possible, all appetite and enjoyment gone, and stormed out of the room as soon as he was done. As he left, he slammed the door hard enough to leave a crack in the wall.
6 notes · View notes
indiebluecrown · 6 years
Current Status of My Stories
It’s been almost a year since I last did this, and I don’t know if anyone would be interested in this, but I thought I’d make another one of these ramble posts just in case someone is? I dunno.
You can find the last post of this nature (here)
I will say that my Christmas Drabbles and Shorts series, as well as my Drabbles and Shorts series haven’t changed that much, so I won’t be listing them on here. In addition, this doesn’t include a bunch of drabbles I’ve posted here on tumblr, like my Halloween ones, or my Gin N’ Tonic ones.
I’ll be putting them all below the cut in case you aren’t interested in this in the slightest.
***These are all of my fics on FFN, I have yet to transfer everything onto Ao3***
I’m going to be listing them alphabetically so here we go:
A Dalliance In Time
This story has absolutely no rules, none. Probably one of the best things I’ve written to date, and it’s dedicated to my darlings @sableunstable and @laisvega
Summary:  “There’s a familiar metallic smell in the air, it’s tangy and the very memory of it makes a ball of dread curl up tightly in her gut. It feels like she’s not quite in her body, the soles of her feet itch, her head feels light and woolly, as if it’s been stuffed full of cotton.” - Remione time travel. Non-canon.
Word Count: 101,455 words
Pairing: Remione (Remus Lupin/Hermione Granger)
Other Pairings: Guess you’ll just have to read to find out LOL.
Number of Chapters: 50
Rating: M
Status: WiP
Published: July, 31st, 2016
Last Updated: November 22nd, 2017
Fall Through Time
I have had so many ups and downs with this story, SO many, but in the end I’m proud of every bit of it. Either way this is my baby and I guess you could call it partially canon compliant, but also at the same time it’s really not. My goal is to finish this story this year, wish me luck x
@acciovodka made a gorgeous edit for FTT in November, GORGEOUS, and you can find it (here)
(Here) is an edit I made almost a year ago (I still haven’t nailed my fancasts for Draco and Hermione in this story, still).
Summary: “In the last twenty four hours, Draco Malfoy’s life was flipped upside down. Not only was everything he’d ever known gone, but now the only person he had to rely on, hated him with every fibre in her being. Draco Malfoy was stuck in the past with none other than Hermione Jean Granger.” Dramione. Non-canon. (Remione included).
Endgame Pairing: Dramione (Draco/Hermione)
Major Pairings: Remione (Hermione/Remus) & Draco/Marlene McKinnon
Word Count: 281,245 words
Number of Chapters: 91 (technically 90, since I don’t count chapter 9 on FFN as a chapter)
Rating: M
Status: WiP
Published: July 14th, 2015
Last Updated: January 3rd, 2017
I Hate You I Love You
Basically @ash-castle @laisvega and I all wrote fics based on the song ‘I Hate You I Love You’ by Gnash ft. Olivia O’Brien, and theirs are both AMAZING, and you can find Ash’s (here) and Lais’s (here) *hearts*
Summary: “Sighing, she brought the fag to her lips, taking a deep breath, feeling it fill her lungs, before she lowered the fag. Moments later she lazily breathed out, the smoke drifting out of her mouth. The main thing she wished she could have was her best friend, but in his eyes she was nothing more than just that, his know-it-all best friend.” - Harmony, short series.
Word Count: 14,058 words
Pairing: Harmony (Harry Potter/Hermione Granger)
Number of Chapters: 8
Rating: M
Status: Complete
Published: June 27th, 2016
Completed: September 11th, 2016
I Never Said I Was Sorry
I have no idea where this story is going, but I think that’s half the fun of it to be quite honest. Dedicated to @colubrina I’m absolutely terrible though and I haven’t updated it in months, and I’m really sorry about that.
Summary: He shows up on her doorstep, soaked to the skin and barely coherent, convinced he has to apologise for a wrong he’s done her, one that has shattered her life. The only problem is, it never happened. Hermione Granger and Theodore Nott try to untangle threads of time travel and alternate universes. If they fix the knots he’s caused, she’ll die. If they don’t, he will.
Word Count: 6,187 words
Pairing: Theomione (Theodore Nott/Hermione Granger)
Number of Chapters: 5
Rating: M
Status: WiP
Published: October 15th, 2016
Last Updated: May 26th, 2017
It Was Her Ginger Hair
My rare pair baby, if you ever want to make me happy give me some Ginny/Theo, I will love you forever. This was written out of pure love, and whilst parts of it are definitely dark and twisty, I love every bit of this story. I need to find time to re-write the chapters and clean it up properly (I only managed to do chapter one), but I loved writing it, LOVED it.
I made two edits for this story and you can find them (here) and (here).
Summary: Theodore Nott found his eyes being drawn to the ginger hair swishing down her back as she moved to the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall. Last night she bumped into him at the Slytherin house party because Blaise had knocked into her; the first thing she said to him was, “you’re the Nott guy that my roommate wants to shag right?” Non-canon, DH AU. Ginny/Theo, Slight Dramione.
Word Count: 169,079 words
Main Pairing: Ginny Weasley/Theodore Nott
Major/Side Pairings: Harry/Luna, Blaise/Daphne, Draco/Hermione, Charlie Weasley/OC
Number of Chapters: 43
Rating: M
Status: Complete
Published: July 6th, 2015
Completed: November 28th, 2016
Let The Stars Fall As They May
Summary: A collection of Founders drabbles, shorts, oneshots and random scenarios. Mainly Salazar/Helga and Rowena/Godric, because I ship them something intense. Some of them shall be happy and full of light, but some of them will be fraught with sadness and sorrow. Non-canon (not that there’s a lot of that as it pertains to the Founders).
Word Count: 3,514 words
Number of Chapters: 6
Rating: M
Status: Ongoing
Published: January 4th, 2017
Last Updated: February 18th, 2017
Meant To Be
I am dreadful I am, but it’s been so long since I updated this and I feel horribly about it. I’m probably going to put this officially on hiatus soon since I can’t write the next chapter no matter what I try, but I will say that this story makes me happy. I just can’t seem to find the words for it.
Summary: Hermione obviously a bit confused as to why the three of them were gathered here was getting a bit impatient, she didn’t like not knowing things. “Luna, why are we here?” Triad fic about Hermione Granger, Luna lovegood and Daphne Greengrass. F/F themes, and M/M themes. Mainly light and fluffy, probably won’t always be that way. Non-canon, sporadic updates, maybe a little fun.
Word Count: 16,648 words
Number of Chapters: 7
Rating: M
Status: WiP
Published: January 31st, 2016
Last Updated: July 22nd, 2016
One of the first things I ever posted on FFN, (it was shortly after I started writing Promise). I don’t know what else to really say lol, it’s a fun little one shot.
Summary: “Hermione Granger had always been a stickler for rules, and having a certain amount of order in her life, so the day he moved in she decided to make a specific set of rules just for him.” Draco Malfoy becomes Hermione’s neighbour and she makes a set of rules knowing if she doesn’t she’ll end up breaking them. Oneshot, non canon. Dramione.
Word Count: 3,676
Rating: T
Status: Complete
Published: June 22nd, 2015
Nott In The Moonlight
I am immensely proud of this still, and I don’t even remember how I came up with the idea, but it’s one of my favourite bits of my writing to date.
Summary: “Cursed. He was a cursed man, he had been cursed since he was little. Blood, teeth, frigid night air. Fear, palpable in the air, it was scorching his lungs and veins. Sharp screams echoing through the night, the cold round mistress in the air permanently seared into the back of his eyelids.” - Theodore Nott x Remus Lupin, one shot.
Word Count: 1,748 words
Rating: M
Status: Complete
Published: July 27th, 2016
I am more than a little hesitant to put this on the list since I am probably never going to update it ever again? I actually, honestly do not know. For now I’ll continue to say that this story is on hiatus, but if I’m being frank I don’t really want to continue this story. It rarely got any feedback, I don’t like how I wrote Ron in the beginning of it, it needs a rewrite and fleshing out way more...I don’t know. I honestly don’t know.
Summary: The Second Wizarding War is over, and due to a ruling by the Wizengamot, Harry and his fellow classmates return to Hogwarts to repeat their Seventh Year. The Children of the War work together to heal themselves, create new bonds, strengthen old ones, and deal with the aftermath of the War, as well as trying to promote House Unity. Non-canon. Dramione. On hiatus.
Word Count: 66,823 words
Number of Chapters: 15 (technically 14, the latest one was an A/N)
Rating: M
Status: Who knows.
Published: June 19th, 2015
Last Updated (properly): Sometime in Sept 2015
Some of my darlings and I did a writing challenge together and this is the byproduct of that, the wonderful, sombre yet kind of happy byproduct. Incredibly proud of this as well.
Summary:“Pointless. Meaningless. Everything in his life that used to make sense was now a garbled mess. His life now consisted of jumbled moments strung together on a tangled string, where it all seemed dull, the world was no longer as bright and vibrant as it once had been.” One shot, George Weasley x Luna Lovegood
Word Count: 1,742 words
Pairing: George Weasley/Luna Lovegood
Rating: T
Status: Complete
Published: July 13th, 2016
Return of Regulus Black
COMPLETE AU, I mean pretty much nothing is the same. Ravenclaw and Slytherin centric, full of fixing things, Dumbledore is an absolute dick? The Golden trio aren’t Gryffindors and I think saying anything else would spoil things and we wouldn’t want that, would we?
Summary: Known Death Eater Regulus Black was assumed to be dead years ago, especially when they found the disfigured body in the Thames with his house ring on its’ finger. Years later the entire Wizarding World is not only shocked when he returns, but by who he brings with him; Notorious Mass Murderer Sirius Black, and a raven haired, grey eyed boy. (Wolfstar)
Word Count: 59,088 words
Pairings: Regulus Black/Emmeline Vance, Wolfstar (Remus Lupin/Sirius Black), Luna Lovegood/OC, Dramione (Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger), Theomione (Theodore Nott/Hermione Granger) (tbd) (Some of these may be subject to change lol)
Number of Chapters: 17
Rating: M
Status: WiP
Published: December 13th, 2015
Last Updated: October 7th, 2017
Seasons Change
I love these two together a great deal, and it makes my heart warm writing about them. I think we can safely say that I ship pretty much everything lmao.
Summary: A short series that moves throughout the seasons that focuses on Fifth year Luna Lovegood, and Sixth year Theodore Nott. “Oranges, reds, yellows. Fall. Luna loves Fall. The air is crisp, and even though it rains often, she still goes outside barefoot.” Non-canon, just for fun. Luna Lovegood x Theodore Nott. My love for these two is immense.
Word Count: 3,730 words
Pairing: Thuna (Theodore Nott/Luna Lovegood)
Number of Chapters: 4
Rating: T
Status: Complete (I was once going to write an Epilogue, but I feel like it’s whole and complete just the way it is.)
Published: January 9th, 2016
The Trickster, Fate
The first fanfic I ever wrote. I was writing it for about six months before I posted anything on FFN, and I’ve just had over 200 pages laying in a doc gathering dust. It needs a massive re-write and editing, some plot details need to be reworked or changed entirely but I’m working on it, and I’m finally sharing it with people.
I wrote it mainly because I had run out of Scorlily fics and I was in desperate need of more, so I decided to write my own.
Summary:  "Once more the turn of the seasons is upon them, the air has a crisp edge to it, and the vibrant, bright green leaves are slowly giving way to colourful, proud displays of reds, yellows and oranges: the scent of change and possibility are potent, tangible and clinging to everything it can find." Partially canon-compliant, but also not really.
Word Count: 2,098 words
Pairing: Scorlily (Scorpius Malfoy/Lily Luna Potter)
Number of Chapters: 1
Rating: M
Status: WiP
Published: December, 27th, 2017
The Wolf and The Stag
Fluff, pure fluff. That is all.
Summary: “We’re late,” the hazel eyed man commented, removing his hands from the warmth and comfort of his toasty pocket to push his glasses back further onto the bridge of his nose, adjusting his gold and red scarf quickly before his hand dove back into his pocket. Starbuck (James Potter x Sirius Black) Oneshot, complete, non-canon AU. Lily Evans x Remus Lupin.
Word Count: 4,168 words
Pairing: Starbucks (James Potter/Sirius Black)
Other Pairing: Lily Evans/Remus Lupin
Rating: K+
Status: Complete
Published: March 26th, 2016
Time Travel? Piece of Cake
Last but certainly not least, my darling, darling Sirimione fic. I ship these two something terrible and how could I not write a story about them. Again, I kind of say eff the rules and let the muse run wild when it comes to this story I have to honest. Slytherins and Gryffindors are friends and together they’re probably going to dismantle a regime. 
Summary: What will happen when the Marauders find themselves transported to another time and dimension, which is scarily similar to their own? Landing in the year 1996, smack dab in the middle of a different war than the one they were fighting. Non canon. Dramione friendship. SiriusxHermione pairing. AU from HBP and onwards.
Word Count: 93,605 words
Main Pairing: Sirimione (Sirius Black/Hermione Granger)
Major/Side Pairings: Jily (James Potter/Lily Evans), Remus Lupin/Luna Lovegood, Harry Potter/Astoria Greengrass, Draco Malfoy/Daphne Greengrass
Number of Chapters: 28
Rating: M
Status: WiP
Published: September 7th, 2015
Last Updated: December, 27th, 2017
If you read through all of that then I love you xxx
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