#nogizaka 3rd gen
mikumanogi-blog · 9 months
2023-09-01 "August 32nd" Tereblog #113 [ENG]
Hello, I’m Nogizaka46’s 5th generation member Ikeda Teresa. When I went to click on the calendar the numbers were a little weird. Thank you for coming to read my blog today ✔🗓
Today I’m going to talk about Radio programs. <J-WAVE-san> I’ve become a regular on J-Wave “INNOVATION WORLD” Today, August 32nd, better known as September 1st, I was a part of the broadcast!
Today was my introductory episode for the “KYOCERA TECHNOLOGY COLLEGE” cornger. The broadcast is from 21:40 to 21:50 please tune in to listen m(_ _)m
<Nogizaka’s NO-san>
I was asked to be the MC for September’s episode of “Nogizaka46’s NO” on Bunka Housou. Up till now all the 5th gens have been MCing in order and so I’m really looking forward to it! I’m also really looking forward to talking with the senior member who appears as a guest.
The broadcast is every Monday from 18:00 to 18:30. MC Ikeda will have her first broadcast on September 3rd. The guest on that episode will be Yoda-san 𓃲𓃵 Since it’ll be Yoda-san that will be joining me I feel as though it’s going to be a wonderful episode.
<Nogizaka46 ANN-san>
I’ll be participating in “Nogizaka46 All Night Nippon” on Nippon Housou! I’ll be appearing alongside Yoda-san and Tamura-san, since it’s going to be my first I’m going to do my best
Every Tuesday from 25:00-27:00, the next broadcast will be September 6th 🦅
I appeared on the last episode after the performance at Jingu, I’ll also be appearing in the Summer Holiday SP for “Radirer! Sunday” on NHK Radio.
■ NHK Radio 1 “Radirer! Sunday Special Nogizaka46 5th generation member Summer Holiday Free Study”
Broadcast September 3rd (Sunday) 20:05-22:55. Aruno, Naonao and I will be attempting a radio drama at 20:00! Script, was arranged and produced by everyone (The content is still a secret (´・x・`) Please have a listen. I’m so glad to have been blessed with so many amazing jobs.
I’m going to do my best this September
Thank yo-yo for reading this far ( ・_・)/-------◎
Ah, I didn’t play with a yo-yo at the summer festival this year.
I’m going to try next year.
I’ll write again
Today’s song of the day → Tsugakuro/Whiteberry
#tereblog #113 (1003 Hertz’s whales)
This summer break’s homework, surprisingly if you don’t submit it the day after the summer break it’ll be fine, just make sure you show up okay.
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nogistreet · 7 years
Yuuki Yoda - Effort, Gratitude, Smiles (Official Blog July 10, 2017)
Hello everyone
This is Yuuki Yoda.
I saw footage of the damage caused by the so-far unprecedented downpour on the news. (Kyuushuu region).
Rich in nature and fresh air The places me and my family drove down to on the weekends to get fresh vegetables, fruit and local honey has shifted into a completely different landscape. It pains my heart.
While my thoughts are with all of those directly affected by the disaster, I also pray that the restorations will be completed as swiftly as possible.
There doesn’t appear to have been any major damage in the area surrounding my hometown. All of you who showed concern in the comment section of my previous blog - thank you.
I was selected to centre the 18th single alongside Momoko Oozono. I’m not sure if I can collect my thoughts properly since I’m the first to blog after the announcement got aired But I would appreciate if you would read them regardless.
The moment my name got called, I got overwhelmed with both nervosity and anxiety. It wasn’t until I saw watched the airing on TV that it finally sank in.
Joining the group as part of the 3rd gen last year on September 4th. My first photo shoot, the welcoming event, stage play, stand alone live, other concerts, TV appearences.
As I’ve been experiencing all these new things, ten months have already passed.
I don’t posses any particular skill beneficial to an idol, nor do I have any prior experience in the entertainment business. Unable to tell left from right, I’ve entered this world from nothing.
I’ve simply been giving it my all with every task that’s been handed to me, without really expecting or knowing what would come next.
Last year, around this time, I was but a normal high schooler. But during these ten months I’ve experienced dreamlike bliss, nervosity to the point where my body started shaking. I’ve felt disheartened; frustrated, but I’ve also been brought back on my feet again by the other members.
These ten months have been the richest (in experience), and also quickest ten months in my entire life.
Prior to entering Nogizaka I treated everything fairly nonchalantly. If there’s something I can’t do, there’s always someone else who can take on that job instead.
Telling myself “I can’t do it anyway, so there’s no point in even trying” Instead of facing challenges, I took the safest route available.
During team efforts, I never took any initiatives, and rarely did I make any real contributions. I was the type of person who would just hide behind the ones who did.
I was afraid of failure. For that very reason, I thought that if you don’t even attempt things, you can’t fail them. This is who I was. But because of Principal, and all the other activities since joining the group, I think I’ve started to change that side of me.
As I’d never given anything any effort until now I hadn’t realized it but. If I just do the same thing as everyone else normally, I am going to lag behind. In order for me to be just average, I need to put in even more work than your average person. Although I haven’t been in the group for long, it’s thanks to my activities in Nogizaka46 that I’ve come to understand this about myself.
This is exactly why I can no longer waste time whining about things I can’t do. If I have time to cry, I should use it to practice. The rehearsals for our stand alone live taught me this. If it was the me from one year ago I’d have fled the scene at least once, I am sure of that.
I’ve only been in Nogizaka for 10 months, but the experiences from it has taught me a lot. However, I can’t let down my guard yet. I’m gonna work even harder to absorb even more things from now on.  
I love Nogizaka46. Being able to join my beloved Nogizaka, and standing in its centre. While I do feel a lot of pressure, I also see this as a big chance for personal growth, so I want to do my utmost to utilize it and change for the better.
As of now I’m still lacking in way too many areas, and I keep relying on everyone else. I want to become stronger.
I’m gonna give it my all. Please look after me for the 18th single!
I appear on the cover together with Nanase and Miona! We climbed trees and got into a pool. I’m really happy in the photos too since I got to do a shoot with my beloved seniors(*^^*) I climbed a tree!
*Bessatsu Kadokawa
I appear together with with Momochan, Kubochan and Riria! They were as cute as always.
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The styling had quite a mature feel to it(^^)
*FLASH Special
I went on a picnic with Mizuki! Because it was raining, a lot of earthworms started appearing, and Mizuki who’s scared of them, was so cute. ( ̄+ー ̄) The photos with the cake are my favourites✨
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I’ll write about the concerts and reply to a lot of blog comments in my next blog(>_<)
It’s on July 22nd!
Thanks for reading!
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masssterchief · 3 years
[masssterchief] 170722 Nobi Nobi Nogizaka 3rd Gen ep01 English Sub
Disclaimer: Because it’s a one-man project, this is not perfect. Please understand if I made a mistake and please tell me if I made a mistake so that the next release will be better. Thank you!
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This episode features Umezawa Minami, Yamashita Mizuki, Mukai Hazuki and Sakaguchi Tamami. On this episode they will create their original sneakers and play some bubble soccer.
Softsub: Here
RAW: Here
Thank you for watching!
Check out this link for more subbed videos! : Here
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sailorzakuro · 5 years
What are your thoughts on this year's casting for NogiMyu?
Omg I didn’t even know they’d announced a new NogiMyu until I got this XD. But when I looked it up OMG I’M SO EXCITED right now I can spam this Tumblr with more Nogi members claiming it’s Sera Myu related MWAHAHA XD. I’ll go through them 1 by 1:
Sailor Moon: Shiori Kubo - I think Shiori will be a great Sailor Moon! She certainly has a cute style and she’s a great performer.Sailor Mercury: Hazuki Mukai - I’ve said this before Hazuki is a pretty underrated 3rd gen so I’m happy she’s getting recognition here! Honestly before this I would have had her for Mars but I think she’d do well as Mercury!Sailor Mars: Seira Hayakawa - Since she’s a 4th gen I haven’t seen much of her yet (I need to watch recent episodes of Nogizaka Under Construction to see them haha) but since she’s new to me I’ll just assume the casting made an informed decision XD.Sailor Jupiter: Junna Ito - JUNNA IS GOING TO BE IN NOGIMYU DO YOU KNOW HOW HAPPY I AM I also thought of Junna for Mars but Jupiter works just fine but omg Junna is SO underrated she’s my 2nd favourite 2nd gen (1st is Karin even though she’s graduated T_T) and I think she’s SO suited for a character like Jupiter!!Sailor Venus: Mayu Tamura - Again, a 4th gen so I don’t know much about her but she certainly looks the part of Venus XD. I may have to watch some Nogizaka Under Construction for her and Seira so I’ll get back to you XD.
Omg final thoughts I’m SO EXCITED THEY’RE DOING ANOTHER NOGIMYU and they’ve abandoned the fucking team thing THANK YOU honestly the whole Team MOON/Team STAR thing was bringing this fandom apart I say APART XD. I’m presuming with this news if they do more they’ll change casting with every new production which means this time next year you’ll be getting a similar post XD. OBVIOUSLY I’m sad Hinachima, Zukkii and all my other favourites aren’t returning (esp my wife hhh) but if the casting is going to change each time then I’m not too sad cos it’s not like they’re being replaced XD.
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hasechan0516 · 5 years
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乃木坂3期生! Nogizaka 3rd Gens #乃木坂46 #西野七瀬 #白石麻衣 #齋藤飛鳥 #堀未央奈 #与田祐希 #山下美月 #梅澤美波 #大園桃子 #生田絵梨花 #乃木坂46好きな人と繋がりたい #Nogizaka46 #nishinonanase #shiraishimai #saitoasuka #smile #kawaii #horimiona #yodayuuki #yamashitamizuki #umezawaminami #oozonomomoko #ikutaerika https://www.instagram.com/p/BwhPY6HhuHN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1comr6zm4iakc
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jyurineko · 6 years
SKE48 9th gen audition candidates - First impressions (Part 1)
I’ve watched a couple Showrooms and these are just some first impressions/opinions of what I think of them so far. Some of them don’t have too much info yet since I haven’t watched all of their Showrooms in full and/or may only have seen clips, but I hope when I have some free time to watch more of them and form more solid opinions. And of course, I wish the best for all the participants!
(Bold is for candidates I particularly like.)
(Watch the Showrooms on this YouTube channel.)
#1 (nickname “Icchan”) - 18-years old, high school 3rd year, likes Okada Miku and Suda Akari, still learning about SKE, has 17 cats
First impressions: She’s cute, was surprised to hear she has 17 cats (like woah. :O)
#5 - 19-years old, likes SKE since elementary school (previously liked Kizaki Yuria)
First impressions: Her voice is adorable!
#6 - 20-years old (same age as me! :D), previously auditioned for Keyakizaka46 1st gen, likes Shiroma Miru and Matsui Jurina
First impressions: She’s super pretty, and I actually think it would’ve been interesting to see her in Keyakizaka or Nogizaka, her looks fit their image (pale skin, long, smooth-looking hair, big eyes. :3)
#10 (nickname “Ten”) - 17-years old, likes Keyakizaka46, practicing how to wink, previously auditioned NGT
First impressions: She looks just like Sarina! Also, her getting nervous is so relatable.
#14 - 17-years old, from what I heard, she cried during Showroom because of anti comments
First impressions: She’s cute, I like her dialect (she’s from Osaka, so she has Kansai dialect.)
#17 - 16-years old, likes 48 group
First impressions: First thing that stuck out was her hair, it’s really pretty.
#22 (nickname “Omochi”) - 19-years old, 1st year college student, likes Ryouha’s face, likes mochi, was part of cheer team
First impressions: She’s cute. I like the shape of her face and her voice.
#31 (nickname “Usa-chan”) - 4th time auditioning for 48G (previously auditioned for SKE 8th gen, AKB draftee, and HKT 5th gen), 16-years old, from Hong Kong, likes Matsui Jurina (calls her “wife”), Matsui Rena, and Yabuki Nako
First impressions: I can see why this girl is so popular! She’s really funny, loud, and cute! I’ll be rooting for this girl; she’d be a perfect fit in SKE!
#56 (nickname “Koro”) - 15-years old, originally lived in Dubai (potentially Halfie?), good at cooking
First impressions: She looks like she could be a foreigner/Halfie, since she is from Dubai and now lives in Japan, also she might be rich? Cuz of that statue that’s in her house? (XD)
#62 (nickname “Muni-chan”) - 12-years old (atm I am watching, she’s the youngest candidate I’ve seen), previously auditioned for HKT
First impressions: She’s pretty cute, I could’ve seen her in HKT if she had passed those auditions. The way she says “thank you” is really cute to me, for some reason.
#65 (nickname “Roko”) - 16-years old, lived in Thai until she was 6
First impressions: Very cute, reminds me of Hamagishi Hiyori
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nogizakanoborizaka · 6 years
16, 21, 23 (Saito Asuka, Hori Miona). Also curious about what's going on with Imaizumi...
16. I’m actually not sure if this is unpopular, but I’m not a huge fan of the 3rd gen/the way that management is pushing them forward. The 3rd gen still has time, but many 1st gen Under Members and 2nd gen in general haven’t really gotten to shine. tldr, 3rd gen doesn’t need to be this prominent in senbatsu, yet. 
21. Hinachima! She hasn’t had a photobook yet and I really hope she gets one soon! Additionally, I think Eto and Kazumin should have another one soon. 
Asuka: I like her alot! She’s not in my Top 7 but I think that she’s really talented. But, I also think that she’s still young, and that management could afford to give a few other people centers (ahem Ikuchan) before giving her another one. I’m looking forward to how she grows in the future though. She’s only just started to release her potential.
Miona: My favorite 2nd gen! I enjoy her weirdness and the fact that she likes horror. I’m also hoping that she gets another center again. Just like Ikuchan, I’d love to see how much she has grown since Baretta. I sense that after Maiyan/Nanase graduates, she and Asuka will be very prominent members of Nogizaka. I’m just hoping Ikuchan can join that squad too.
As for Imaizumi, I haven’t seen much about her. I really hope that she is fine - it’s cool if she needs another hiatus, but I would appreciate an update.
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nakotte-iijan-blog · 7 years
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Good EveNakotan(´꒳`)
Today、 Mikurin and I went to do a coverage of Nogizaka46′s “Manatsu no Zenkoku Tour Final” for Nogizaka46SHOW✨
I thought I got used to doing interviews during YubiToma, but when I had to do one with Nogizaka-san I got so nervous😳😳
We watched the live from the audience seats,  I was so moved!! It was a first, the other people watching were nervous tooー😂
The 3rd generation members performed by themselves in front of 55,000 fans Seeing them dance and sing, I thought it was amazing, and thought I would like to perform in front of so many people with my gen-mates as well.
The Under Members performed 6 songs, I was moved by all 6 of them, seeing them I thought I must do my best too! I got a lot courage.
The Inochi wa Utsukushii→ Nagemizu → Influencer staging was amazingー✨ They kept saying “Fo~”😂
I would like to watch a Nogizaka-san’s live again💗
The truth is, I’ve been friends with 2nd generation’s Watanabe Miria-chan from the time we were child actresses I was glad to meet her for the first time in a while!!! I would like to talk to her again( ´ ▽ ` )♡
Yoda-chan came to HKT’s theater around the time she became a member, We talked back at that time, and I’ve always liked her because she’s so cute😌💗
It was a day in which I learned a lot。。。 It was fun😊😊
NakoNakoTanTan(^o^) I took a picture with Yoda-chan❣️
[G+] Yabuki Nako / 2017.11.08 [English Translation]
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miooshidayo · 7 years
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「F24」 Hakaza Performances Great success Pulled by MeruMio
~Congralutation for  performing 42 song~
Mio : We did it 42 Song right?
Meru : Yeah Great!
~After the First day~
Mio : I am so relived, worried about what wil happen to the fans, i think fans also worried too.After the curtain open i can see the penlight and all fans, various things do and it was good that have a lot fans come, Its full of gratitude
Meru : There's a lot things to do , unlike another concert, Have to pull and working more harder, i can feel their changed, good things about F24 Concert is I can feel all of them fairly growth, so i hope i can found things that make me growth too in this concert.
~As the only 2nd Gen with the majority 3-4 Gen~
Meru : This time " Hakataza " Rely on Meru and Mio. We talk about it Dont' know if we could pulling it,but we can got the answer if we tried our best in this concert.
Mio : I tried to say about what i thought as much as possible, remembering what im discuss with Sasshihara-san or Natchan, Im trying to talk cassualy, Im not good at it so i dont want to said it, but im trying to communicate as much as possible
Meru: Like in rehearsal, since the time is being limited, so want concentrate, so we can watch out about the mistake at kind of things
Mio : (There was circle before the concert started) When there's Engine before started,usually Im does not usually talk, I will leave it to senbatsu member, but i think i have to, Tell to working more harder and harder
Meru : I thought Mio-chan was doing her best ( with the engine ) and steadily going backwards (lol)`
~Everyone become center a " 24Song Medely" , Did you choose the song by yourself?
Mio : There's member who choosen themselves, but there's also member who didnt choosing it by theirself
Meru : It  a song that fits every each members image
~Mio-chan perfroming Maeda Atsuko-san song "Time Machine Nante Iranai"
Mio : When AKB48 doing 5  Big Dome Tour , Maeda-san come as surprisse at Sapporo Dome and sing her newest song, I was watching it at the backstage. I was reminded by a great Aura comes from Maeda-san that time, so i thought i want to feels it, so  i choose this song, and honestly i wanted to say PiPi, PiPi, Yea" part . Lol)"
~Meru-chan is NGT48 song " Max Toki 315"
Meru : When that song got 1st place at AKB48 Request Hour , i thought " Its awesome song, i want to singing it, Kashiwagi-san performing it alone is  was pretty good,I liked this song so i  want sang it"
~About 24 member become the center
Meru : Everyone want to be in place called "Center" they were in 48 Group, so its kind of opportunity,however, i felt its the place that everyone aiming for,more than that they want to be in Senbatsu and also aiming for the center, but i think there were many of them  want to feel it for the first time, so i would like to said thanks for giving our opportunity in this project
~How about the different with last Hakataza "Sashihara Rino zachō kōen"
Mio : I thought it have different atmopshere , how was it , i thought now i am become adult( laugh ), at that time it was difficult to act, it was bit negative feels ( laugh ), but i was very happy that we  able to perform as F24 this time.
~How about the scenery with last 2 years?
Meru : Its totally different from the scenery  2 years ago.. its so natural but i realized again that " Its really amazing we can stand here..." I guess the penlight was so beautiful, simply as that "(lol)
Mio : Full of Green when sang Melon Juice , Daisuki !
Meru : Although member have to went to 2nd and 3rd floor to go around,the penlight so beautiful from above, i want to take a movie.
~About the future, would you like to do Nationwide tour with F24?
Meru : Since the event just held in Kochhi,Tottori and Fukuoka, I was happy when many people said to comes to from another place, also lot people come to handshake event, so i want to spread more F24 . also wanted to do nationwide tour too,
Mio : I think its not the end, I hope we continue from here, in fact i really want go to Kocchi and Tottori once again.
Meru : Yep, want to return to the beggining
Mio : "Reunited after one year" since it was in Fukuoka, next time i would like to do Live concert in Kocchi and Tottori once more time and would like to show how much we already grow up.
                                    24 Medey Song Explanation~
1) 365-nichi no kami hikōki ( Sakamoto Erena ) singing it with her own acapella movie, posted on her SNS an getting popular
2) Koisuru Fortune Cookie ( Oda Ayaka ) When im appearing at HKT regular program before joined , I dance with Sasshihara-san
3) Happy End ( Matsuoka Hana ) Singing it as choosen for AKB48 Kato Rena " Renacchi Sousenkyo"
4) Koko ga Rhodes, Koko de tobe ! (Murakawa Vivian )  become The theme song for 2nd Draft that she participated, she remebered those days by performing this song
5) Hatsukoi Dash ( Imamura Maria ) Her 9 years Oshimen Oota Aika, and her debut song for "Watarirōka hashiritai'"
6) Aozora Cafe ( Sakai Moeka ) Its fits with the atmosphere and feels so soft
7) First Rabbit ( Shimizu Rio ) The lyric showing how child leaves cowardly enters into the caves,She's quite but when she do, she do it perfectly( Aramaki Misaki )
8) Idol Nante Yobanaide (Takeda Tomoka ) Feels like song that so idolish (Mikurin) She was like Mikurin (Misaki)
9) Choose Me ! ( Aramaki Misaki ) From AKB48 Team YJ, Sasshihara and Kitahara sang it, The Lyric are painfull without smile, but the popularity  of this song is very high
10) Seifuku no Manequin ( Kurihara Sae ) Its from Nogizaka song that we performing during concert, sister group of them Keyakizaka46 have a similar face look alike with her, Watanabe Rika.
11) Max toki 315( Tashima Meru ) look at the interview before
12) Deai no tsudzuki ( Yabuki Nako ) Solo song from Watanabe Mayu , a straight voice with her clear singing
13) Bird ( Hokazono Hazuki ) Representated song for Takahashi Minami, which her respected
14) Nusumareta Kuchibiru ( Tsukiashi Amane ) Coupling song of AKB48 "Ponytail no shu shu" Sasshihara and Aika also also singing it
15) Mirai to wa ( Jitoe Nene ) Its SKE48 Matsui Rena Graduation song, Jitoue reminded her final audition for SKE48, but didnt pass, that time she crying as well
16 Zetsumetsu kurokami shōjo ( Miyazaki Sono ) Cause her hair is black (Kurihara) ,(laugh)
17) Kuroi Tenshi ( Yamashita Emily ) Original song that Maeda Atsuko as the center, Emily love this song so much ( Kurihara )
18) Zannen Shoujo ( Unjou Hirona ) it has something i wanna said on this song
19) Takane no Ringo ( Yamamoto Mao )
20) Time Machine Nante Iranai ( Tomonaga Mio ) Look at the interview
21) Tsubasa wa Iranai ( Yamauchi Yuuna ) at first i wonder how she playing the guitar ( Kurihara )
22) Warukki (Tanaka Miku ) Miruki image so strong this song, but so amazing look at Mikurin perfoming this song
23) Teppen tottande! ( Matsumoto Hinata ) It  fits perfectly with Matsumoto cause she was from Osaka,together with Hinata Look for the Top ( Aramaki )
24) Kataomoi Finally (Toyonaga Aki) SKE48 8th single " Because everyone has done it , Center ! . that feels ( Aramaki )
Source : https://www.nishinippon.co.jp/nlp/hkt_news/article/364016/A
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moohiyay · 5 years
「The Coming of a New Generation」B.L.T Jan 2019
Umezawa Minami --> UM
Sato Kaede --> SK
Ito Riria --> IR
Yoda Yuki --> YY
Ozono Momoko --> OM
Yamashita Mizuki --> YM
It happens to be Christmas season. Has anything happened this year that you can call “a wonderful gift”?
UM: Last year I had mostly 3rd gen activities. This year I started having senbatsu and under activities, could tell right away that things were changing. For me, I met a lot of people outside of Nogizaka from acting in the musical 「美少女セーラームーン (Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon」 and the stage play 「七つの大罪The Stage」, and this was very exciting for me. I could also feel myself slowly changing. To be lucky enough to meet all kinds of people, from all these different places; no doubt this was a gift for me.
SK: Indeed. In all six years of high school I played badminton, so I always wondered when I would receive related work. This year I was invited to appear on 「世界バドミントン選手権 (Badminton World Championships)」, as well as had my own segment (「乃木坂46佐藤楓の世界バドミントンが46倍楽しくなるTV」), really happy about these. I also played against Shiota Reiko, it was like a dream.
IR: A lot of my work opportunities, acting in 「星の女王」and 「セーラムーン (Sailor Moon)」, became my precious experiences as well. What made me especially happy was that my relationships with the senpais I acted in 「セーラムーン」with - Higuchi-san, Noujo-san, and Takayama-san - became extra good. I’ve already made plans to celebrate my next birthday at Takayama-san’s home, really looking forward to it.
YY: That nice. I had some good experiences with work too. To spend time with my favorite animals is like a gift to me. It was normal for me to spend lots of time with the animals I have back at home, but I don’t see them often anymore after moving to Tokyo. During this time, I had a location shoot back in my home town with 「志村どうぶつ園 (Shimura Zoo)」. I took a long-awaited walk along the beach with my mountain goat Gonzo and little dog Taro. Animals are truly the most wonderful. To receive work due to my love for animals, it’s wonderful. Of course becoming an idol is also a wonderful thing; both are gifts to me.
OM: During the Fukuoka stop for our Summer National Tour, my friends from my hometown Kagoshima came to watch the Live for the first time; to me, that was a gift. About 17 people came, and they all held slogan towels with "Momoko” on it. Looking at the group picture they took, that made me really happy. Though no one complimented me, I was still very touched when they all said “Just as expected, Nogizaka is impressive.” Later on, they said my dancing was kind of comedic. (laugh)
IR: My Okinawa friends also came to watch the Tokyo Meiji Jingu Stadium Live, all of them said they came to like Nogizaka. I was already happy when they complimented me; for them to say they liked the entire group made me the happiest.
OM: Momoko also wants them to like Momoko! But my friend I’ve been close to since elementary school is a Yoda oshi. It’s okay even if they’re just lying, please say you’re a Momoko oshi!
SK: My friends also came to my hometown Nagoya concert and the Jingu Stadium concert. Nobody used to have any interest in Nogizaka, but after I joined they started paying more attention to Nogizaka. They listened to 3rd gen songs before watching the Live. They said their favorite song was 「三番目の風」, that made me so happy. Also, they said that I was “shining brightly” during the Live.
OM: That would make anyone really happy to hear.
SK: Yes, very happy.
YM: For me...to be alive is a gift for me. (laughs) Humans can just suddenly get seriously ill, or just suddenly die. I haven’t gotten seriously hurt nor sick. This entire year I’ve been doing work that brings people energy and laughter, this isn’t something that just comes by, it’s something to be thankful for.
Why do you think this way?
YM: I’m not sure how to express this. Health is something that’s really important...my grandma, or even people we knew in the past - every year during new years we’d meet them. This year I'm really happy that I was busy with work, but life has changed a lot since last year, so I didn’t get a chance to go back to my hometown. During this time, there’s been a lot of changes I was unaware of. Only after I found out about this particular important matter, did I realize this; I’ve been able to finish work safely everyday only because so many people have been watching over me. This year made me realize I shouldn’t take things for granted. I’m just talking to myself at this point, the topic must be a little heavy. (awkward smile)
UM: Don’t say that, I think you said that very well!
YY: Very well!
Okay, earlier we were talking about Sato being complimented as “shining” by her friends during the live. This year, what were some memorable words you received from someone else?
UM: There are too many... (laughs)
SK: I also received a lot of words. Can I choose the phrase ‘congratulations’? During the Nogizaka Under Construction 22nd Single Senbatsu announcements, I entered senbatsu for the first time. I received, up until now, the most congratulations messages I have ever received. My tears just started falling from that.
IR: I also got into senbatsu for the first time that time. During that time, I received a lot of congratulations messages. Even my classmates from school congratulated me, I was really happy. Also recently, there was a handshake event the day of my birthday, so a lot of Riria-oshis told me “I’m thankful you were born”.
OM: That’s awesome.
IR: Yeah. Even though I say “I want to bring happiness to those people who watch me”, I can’t help feeling that I exist for the fans. Working hard down this path is great, I want to keep doing my best for this group of people, giving me a lot of encouragement.
YM: I also experience a lot of joy when fans tell me “thank you for everything until now”.  As someone who needs a lot of reassurance, the feeling I get when I’m encouraged by their words, I don’t know if it’s apologetic or thankful...... Many many people leave replies on the blog and tell me at handshake events “thank you for everything until now”. I don’t know what much I can do, but I want to at least  convey my gratitude to each person, so I will also say to my fans during handshake events, ��thank you for everything until now”. To be honest, even though it’s quite tiring sometimes, my mentality is that my own life can be whatever, but I strongly believe that if I’m meant to live for others, then I’ll do my best to live my life out for them. 
YY: You said that so coolly.
OM: It was probably around the time of my birthday, Shi-san (Shiraishi Mai) said to me, “Momoko will continue to improve, let’s do our best together”, that made me happy. Also, I think it’s because I wrote a letter to Asuka-san for her birthday; I also received a letter Asuka-san wrote for me for my birthday. In it, she wrote “Because I have expectations for Zono-san (Ozono), can you work a little harder for my sake?” I could feel that Asuka-san really cares for Momoko; I felt a little embarrassed, but at the same time I also felt happy from these words, and felt the need to put in more effort.
UM: For me, it’s all words deep in my heart.This year I received too many words. Though, that’s right..... When I received the words “just do it”, I was really happy.  With my condition and inner battle so bitter-like, will others experience that from me as well...... Even though I’ve never poured out these thoughts to others before, and had no plans to express it, at that time everything everyone said just seemed like they could sense my heart. It’s been since summer till recent.
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kotorisaka · 7 years
170620 Hori Miona Real Sound Interview Part 3
Precautions: 1. Translation is NOT 100% accurate. Refer to my blog’s description before reading. 2. Sentences which context I’m not sure about is marked with (?). 3. Original article here.
Read the previous part here.
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ーYou also have participated in previously released unit songs like “Kimi ni okuru hana ga nai” with Cinq Etoiles (Hori, Kitano, Terada, Nakada, Himeka); “Ano kyoushitsu” with Saito Asuka; “Atarisawari no nai hanashi” with Kasumi Kusa (Hori, Ikoma, Inoue, Hoshino). It’s true. In addition, I’m sorted out into each specification (?). And the fans… gods (laughs). Compared to senbatsu and under songs, I’m happy because each members would get more solo lines in unit songs. Plus, it’s exciting to guess what kind of song I’m gonna sing or who I’m gonna be with. I’m glad when I heard fans liking the unit I’m included, so I always cherish it every time.
ーAs with other idol groups too, unit songs in single or album are surprisingly popular among the fans in many cases. I understand them because I also like listening to a lot of AKB48 and SKE48’s unit and coupling songs. There’s a (unit) group’s unique or bizarre quality you can feel from the songs. It’s even better if oud favorite members gather there.
ーWe can’t easily watch it on TV music program, it’s something you can only see on concerts. In addition, there’s another new song “Settei ondo” sung by all 46 members this time. That song has a good line and harmony distribution. If it’s performed at concerts, I would like you to pay attention.
ーThe tune isn’t too bright, I think it’s Nogizaka-ish. I’m most glad when people say “it has a Nogi vibe” to any kind of song we sing, but when it comes to the group’s image as a whole, songs like “Settei ondo” has the right atmosphere. I feel that it isn’t too positive.
ーI understand. It’s not too negative nor serious (?). The impression of having a self-conflict matches the current members’ condition.
ーNogizaka46 is consisted of such people. It’s interesting that they can appear in such song. Anyway, to release an album once a year like this is extremely luxurious compared to the early days. That only means that the number of people who purely wants it is increasing. I think to buy all the single is difficult for students. I personally prefer to buy an album by saving pocket money rather than a single of my favorite artist every now and then. So, people who can’t afford many singles, on this occasion I want you to touch the world of Nogizaka.
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ー"Manatsu no Zenkoku Tour 2017" is starting from July 1. Usually you will have the final show at the Meiji Jingu Stadium, but this year you will have the first show there instead. I hope it doesn’t rain like last year. But, it seems to be cooler compared to the end of August, isn’t it?
ーSurely. This is the first tour since the 3rd gen joined, and I’m looking forward to see what kind of content will it have. Even we’re having so much fun this time. I would like to challenge something new this year, so I guess it will be a little well-planned. If the guys on festival seating not fully enjoying it, the excitement can’t be generated to the rest of the crowd, so I’d like to have fun with everything. Also, this year my friends are coming to see me personally. I prefer not to have a lot of close friends that I haven’t invited anyone to concerts until now, but someone who I have been together with since kindergarten back home is now in Tokyo and we also have been hanging out since we met at the Coming of Age Ceremony long time ago. She will come to see this year and I want her to see me doing my best. I want to have a live that other people, including the fans, can enjoy happily. I want to be close with my fans, I think it’d be nice to get along with people who hold up [Miona] towel and fan, with those who support me.
ーWith the recent 1M record sales, Nogizaka46 will be fighting in a wider scale, not just in the idol scene from now. Does that consciousness seem to be growing inside yourself? Nogizaka46 is an idol group, but it’s bad to have “it’s because we’re idols” thoughts there. Yes, I entered showbiz to be an idol, but as I had various experiences I started wanting to be recognized in more places. I think all the members probably have the desire to be more needed too, like maybe just by having a notably good performance on stage. I have no choice but to work hard right now. Even if you’re watching other idols, when a member works hard to be recognized of their talents (from singing, acting, variety show, etc.), the group itself will also be more needed in the industry.
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ーNogizaka46’s 6th anniversary is on August 21st. You’re entering the 7th year soon. What! I see… when in the 7th year, what was AKB48 on? Is it “Iiwake Maybe” (released in August 2009)?
ーThey was formed in December 2005, so that’s still far away. It was around the end of 2011, when “Everyday, Kachuusa” and “Flying Get” began hitting million record sales. Well then, I guess we have to work harder. We have to get public to know each member’s name more. The most well known members are still Maiyan, Ikomachan, or so. It’s gonna be a big problem for the future.
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nogistreet · 7 years
Whisper. Momoko Oozono (Blog 5/15-2017)
I’ve always been bad at dodgeball. It’s scary to see the balls come flying towards you.
In soccer you shoot the ball into the goal Same applies for basketball. In volleyball, you’re supposed to avoid letting the ball hit your side of the court. In baseball, you send the ball flying by striking it with a bat.
Only in dodgeball are you supposed to hit people with the ball.
If the balls were to be replaced with knives… it’d become a game where you stab each other. I always end up thinking stuff like that.
I remember that in elementary school and junior high I was always sobbing hard whenever we played it. In the end my teacher told me that they won’t force me to play if I don’t want to, so I often ended up watching from the sidelines instead.
Today’s blog started with some stuff I’ve been thinking about since elementary school✨
Good evening, it’s Momoko
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Yesterday we wrapped up the 3rd generation stand alone concerts. Six days, with eight shows in total. It was over before I knew it.
It was tough. Starting with the rehearsals there were a lot of choreographies and lyrics to memorize. Whenever there was a part that I couldn’t understand, it really got me down.
Even though I earnestly listened to the instructions, my head got crammed with so much stuff at once, it seemed like nothing more would fit. It made me feel bad about myself.
The thing that I was the most stressed out about was the piano.
Piano, the instrument I played since I was five, up until when I was 15 years old.
Not being able to play properly, despite having practiced it for such a long time… I guess some of the fault lies in the fact that I haven’t been keeping it up, but I was never good at it to begin with.
Other kids start practicing the pieces they play during recitals around two our three months before the show, but in my case I always started half a year early - and even then I was barely able to master it until the very end.
Up until now, I’ve never really been serious about it.
When they said that they wanted me to play the piano for this show, I told them that I don’t think we’d make it before the show starts, as I’m really not that good, but the staff kept cheering me on. They told me that it’d be all right, that I could do it, and they stayed by my side all the time as I practiced from morning until late at night - they even made it so that I’d be able to practice at the handshake venues.
Up until the day the show started, I gave the piano my all, every day. Playing during dance rehearsal breaks, during handshake breaks. It was the first time I had ever faced the piano this seriously, and to be fair, it wasn’t easy.
I’m already lagging behind the rest in dancing to begin with, so adding playing the piano on that made me realise I had to work harder than ever before. And I did give it my all, but both my body and my spirit couldn’t keep up with the strict schedule all the time. This combined with other worries in the back of my head…
I ended up inconveniencing a lot of people at the time.
I made everyone worry about me, yet they still kept cheering me on. But wouldn’t hear any of it, I just kept breaking down, by myself. Even so the staff, as well as the other members didn’t give up on me. I think they’re truly amazing.
Minamin would stay by my side at all times, pointing out my mistakes, as well showing her support for me whenever I needed it. I am really grateful to her.
Even when I had nothing but complaints and similar bad things to say, she would lend me her ear, listening to everything, as well as encouraging me by once again telling me that everything will be okay.
Even so, I ended up lashing out at her, which I regret now. Yet though I’m like this, Minamin doesn’t complain about anything! Even though she was probably thinking stuff deep inside, she didn’t let it escape her mouth. She’s so strong, so commendable.
But she shouldn’t keep it bottled up inside! Minamin has helped me out so much, so one day, when she might need it, I’d like to return the favour! I want to become stronger as well.
Before the lives started, a lot of the older members cheered me on and told me to do my best. They’re all so nice, it gave me a lot of strength(TT)
Those of you (members) who came to see the show, thank you very much!!!
In the end, I’m glad we were able to pull this show off with these twelve members. In the middle of it all my voice got really hoarse too, but it’s thanks to all the fans support that we were able to have spend such an enjoyable time together. And while it was really tough, playing the piano ended up being a good experience too.
Thank you so much.
I’ll be giving it my all for the Hibiya Outdoor live too!
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Let’s go out and play sometime soon! We’re close ya’ll. ◎
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This is from the first day when I was able to succeed with the piano. Deshinjirou (I assume this is her nickname for Kaede) came at me all congraaaaaaaaats. Always so funny, love you. lol
So I’m kinda changing the topic but I’ll in weekly playboy together with Shiraishi, released May 22nd!!!
While the shoot only lasted for a short while, she answered a lot of my questions, and it was a lot of fun✨
Shiraishi smells really good. When standing next to her it’s almost as if you’re drifting into a different world… which is rather troublesome(//∇//)
Before I headed to rehearsals after the shoot ended, she wished me good luck with the piano training, and also said that she’ll go to the live if she’s able to... And she did come to watch us on the 13th’s evening show!!
I promised her that I’d definitely succeed with the piano, and asked her to focus on me. Then after wishing me good luck she gave me a tomato and told me to eat it after the show ends. I ended up failing with playing the piano properly though… very frustrating( ; ; )But even then she told me that she was moved by seeing me there on stage, playing it, so I’m glad she was able to show it to her(^^
I’ll do my best in order for us to be able to work together again soon! Thank you very much◎♡
For those of you who watched Nogichu!
Ever since that time we got teased during kindergarten about calling our mom Chaachan, saying it sounds like fried rice… (Cha-han) My brother has been properly calling her mother... Maybe I should start doing something about how I address her too( ̄▽ ̄)
Anyhow, I’ll wrap it up here.
After the final show, when we were having dinner, our singing coach attached a note to me, lol. I’ve got a piece of sushi in my mouth by the way.
Thanks for sticking with me until the end◎
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(I, Momoko, will only respond using body language or written messages for a while. Please hit me would I use my voice.)
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masssterchief · 3 years
[masssterchief] 170909 Nobi Nobi Nogizaka 3rd Gen ep03 English Sub
Disclaimer: Because it’s a one-man project, this is not perfect. Please understand if I made a mistake and please tell me if I made a mistake so that the next release will be better. Thank you!
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This episode features Kubo Shiori, Yoda Yuki, Yoshida Ayano Christie and Ozono Momoko. On this episode they make a French cuisine and do shodo performance.
Softsub: Here
RAW: Here
Thank you for watching!
Check out this link for more subbed videos! : Here
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nanonchan23 · 7 years
[Terjemahan Blog] 星野みなみ - 計画中...♫♪ 170519
3期生のライブ千秋楽行ってきました! 星野みなみ - 計画中...♫♪  Hoshino Minami - Sedang direncanakan  ...♫♪
親友とパンケーキ食べたときの♫ Ketika aku makan pancake bersama teman dekatku ♫
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しあわせ〜(°▽°) Senangnya~ (°▽°) 
次は遠いところに行こ〜って計画中  Selanjutnya kami inign pergi ketempat yang cukup jauh~ sedang direncanakan
行ったら報告するね♫ Jika aku sudah pergi kesana, aku akan memberitahukannya ya ♫
3期生のライブ千秋楽行ってきました! Aku pergi ke Live performancenya 3rd Gen lho!
偶然乃木坂SHOWで来てたみり愛がいて一緒に観たよ Dan Miria datang tiba-tiba untuk meliput Nogizaka Show, jadi kami bersama-sama melihat performance dari 3rd gen.
ライブ中近くに来てくれた梅澤ちゃんに2人でアピールしたら気づいてくれた! Kemudian saat ditengah-tengah pertunjukan, Umezawa datang mendekat dan aku baru menyadarinya!
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ももちゃんのピアノ上手だった♫ Momo-chan pintar bermain piano ♫
感動...いっぱい練習してたもんね〜(´∀`) Aku merasa tersentuh, dia pasti banyak berlatih ya~ (´∀`)
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5/20 放送 バナナゼロミュージック  20 Mei, ada siaran Banana Zero Music 
5/21 放送 テレ朝特番 澤部パパと心配ちゃん 21 Mei, ada siaran Sawabe Papa dan Shinpai-chan
ドラマとバラエティーとコントが融合したような新しい感じの番組でずっと笑っぱなしですごい楽しかった!!! Perpaduan antara drama, variety show dan juga short story, ini merupakan acara tv yang baru dan akan membuat kalian tertawa. Itu benar-benar menyenangkan!!!
是非観てください(´∀`) Jangan lupa untuk menontonnya ya (´∀`)
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5/21 らじらーでるよ!! 21 Mei, Aku akan muncul di/sebagai rajira-!!!
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yasukuansoni · 7 years
Spring 2017 survey results analysis!
Spreadsheet (I'm not sure if it's easier to read but I think it's getting prettier! In certain places, anyway) https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bz1ZO5A480-5eW4wTlRMaE1DTU0 Perhaps easier to read here: http://stage48.net/forum/index.php?threads/seasonal-sakamichi-polls-spring-poll-closed-results-coming-soon.14672/page-7#post-1326979 Charts and photos of senbatsu: http://imgur.com/a/8M2zC Introduction
Survey series background. This survey was the 6th in a series of polls investigating the popularity of Sakamichi Series members among the international (specifically English speaking) fan community. In addition to measuring member popularity, this series also features some interesting questions about management styles and other aspects about the groups, many of which were requested by the community. The survey now spans over 1.5 years, including the entirety of Keyakizaka’s career.
Timing of the survey. This survey (Spring 2017) was conducted a little later than planned from late April through to early May, running for a total of two weeks. Since the last survey, Nogizaka have released their 17th single and Keyakizaka their 4th. Nogizaka’s 3rd generation have made their debut on Nogizaka Under Construction and their own show, Nogibingo 8 has begun. Hiragana have started making regular appearances on Keyaki tte, Kakenai? as well. Finally, we saw Watanabe Risa become Keyakizaka’s first exclusive model, a “scandal” featuring low tier popularity Nogizaka46 members Kawamura Mahiro and Wada Maaya, and far too many Nogizaka member photobooks to list.
Questions. The survey asked for your favourite members, who you want to see in centre, who you want to see in senbatsu, which two members you “ship”, which members you dislike, which group you prefer and which your oshimen is from, your predictions on future sales, and your opinions on a hypothetical 3rd Sakamichi group, Hirate Yurina’s centreship, Nogizaka choosing centres, and finally Nogizaka’s 3rd gen and Hiragana Keyaki in their respective senbatsu. Responses. This survey received 322 responses, making it the largest so far in the series. I was particularly interested in recruiting a large sample (rather than just my friends) so I could get a genuine feel for the international community and so that my own biases wouldn’t play too large a role. I’m happy many different people were willing to help spread the survey and find a diverse group of fans. Questions and Terminology All Favourites (AF). Choose all favourite members. Participants can select as many members as they like. Oshimen (OM). Choose number one favourite member (oshimen). Participants can only select one member. Centre Hopefuls(CH). Choose all members you would like to see take the centre position in the next few (I always suggest 3) singles. Overall (OA). A combination of the scores for AF and OM. Dislikes (DL). Choose all the members you “don’t really like”. Participants can choose as many as they like. This is the first time I asked for this.
Nogizaka popularity 
Goddesses As with every survey so far, Ikuta Erika and Nishino Nanase remain in 1st and 2nd overall. Both have relatively fallen in terms of their percentage scores particularly Nishino, who is currently the closest she has been to being overtaken by 3rd since last Spring, with only 7 points between her and Saito Asuka. It’s Asuka’s first time in the top 3 and in fact for the first few days she was leading the poll and it seemed like she might end in 1st. She is mainly held back by her OM score, falling from 3rd to 6th in OM with a significant points loss this round. With a small points loss in AF, Shiraishi Mai fell one place to 3rd despite what appears to be booming popularity in Japan. Finally, ending the Goddess tier is Hori Miona. Hori had been engaging in what seemed like it would be an eternal struggle for 3rd place with Shiraishi but has remained at 5th and appears to have been replaced by Saito Asuka for this role. However, all is far from last. The points difference between Hori and Shiraishi is minimal, and Hori is still far ahead of the other members outside the tier. Demigoddesses and The Third Wind There is a large gap between Goddesses and Demigoddesses this round, partially responsible for this is the absence of Hashimoto Nanami (former 6th). The ranks were retroactively adjusted to account for Hashimoto’s absence (by reranking the group without her). Takayama Kazumi and Wakatsuki Yumi “remained” at 6th and 7th, with Takayama topping the Demi tier by a large margin. Despite a minor point drop Eto Misa managed to rise two places to 8th over taking former 8th and 9th Sakurai Reika and Ikoma Rina. 9th and 10th this round are new entries to the Demi tier. The “monster rookies” Yamashita Mizuki and Yoda Yuki. Yamashita almost doubled her score and jumped from 21st to 9th and Yoda came close to tripling hers, rising from 27th to 10th. Most of the 3rd gen have performed amazing this round, including Ozono Momoko (29th to 18th), Kubo Shiori (32rd to 19th), Iwamoto Renka (38th to 21st) and Ito Riria (37th to 23rd). While some 1st and 2nd gens made significant point gains, few could gain ranks, unable to push back against the third wind. Ito Marika (jumping from 20th to 17th, with her highest score yet) was the major exception, with Terada Ranze being the only member to gain a rank (up one to 15th). Nogizaka Senbatsu and Centre hopefuls This time the senbatsu selection was done a little different. Rather than choosing which senbatsu members to keep and which unders to promote it asked respondents to choose senbatsu members from each generation. Then two versions are made: (1) the top (average number of selected members) from the group regardless of what gen they’re from and (2) the top (average number of selected members from each generation’s question). The 2nd version is used if we want to take into consideration how many members fans want from each generation. This round you selected on average 18 members. Divided by gen that’s 11 first gens, 4 second gens and 3 third gens. Notable entries: Terada Ranze returns for her second senbatsu already, Watanabe makes her senbatsu debut and, even in version 1, Yamashita Mizuki enters senbatsu. In version 2, the additional entries are Ozono Momoko and Yoda Yuki, but Kubo Shiori is really close. Centre Hopefuls sees Ikuta Erika rank 1st for the 5th time in a row (I’ve only asked this question five times). As usual the gap between her and 2nd is very large, and widening. She is the only member to score above 35%, and is somewhere around 50% each round. Shiraishi Mai fell from 2nd for the first time ever, perhaps thanks to her return to (double) centre. She now sits at 4th behind Saito Asuka and Hori Miona. Hori has hovered between 3rd and 4th since the beginning but this was a big jump for Saito, who ranked 7th in Winter. She made a similar jump last Spring to 3rd, she then made her centre debut, are fans hoping for a return? The 3rd gens did surprisingly well in this question, too, with “ace” Yamashita Mizuki ranking 9th with 13% of respondents selecting her. Nogizaka Dislikes This time I added dislikes, risking a bit of controversy. I wasn’t sure myself if it would be worth the potential fallout, but looking at the results I wish I started doing it sooner. Not that I’m happy to see dislikes, but they made me curious. I wish I had asked this question before so I could see the dislikes as a trend, and know if x (scandal, etc.) increased the number of dislikes. To see these trends, I’m going to continue asking this question. It will always be optional, though (as all questions are) and I’ll make sure it stands out (like it does now) in the results. Matsumura Sayuri got the most dislikes in Nogizaka with 44, but only ranked 4th for likes as a percentage of overall (all favourites + oshimen votes). She was followed by Ikoma Rina (40 votes, 7th by percentage) and Akimoto Manatsu (38, 8th in %). Ranks 4~6 were the top 3 for percentage: Wada Maaya, 1st for percentage with dislikes equalling 135% of her overall points; Kawamura Mahiro, 3rd for percentage with 83%; and Kawago Hina, 2nd for percentage with 95%. Both Wada and Kawamura were involved in a scandal recently, though Kawago was not. Yoda Yuki was the least disliked Nogizaka member both by votes (tie with Terada Ranze) and percentage. For percentage Terada and Ikuta Erika were close behind in 2nd and 3rd. One of the charts shows overall scores with dislikes taken into consideration. There were a lot of major differences, including one plummet down 14 ranks.
Keyakizaka popularity 
Goddesses Hirate Yurina keeps the #1 position in overall, this is the 4th survey she topped out of 6. This puts her in 1st every survey since the group’s debut excluding Autumn where she lost to Nagahama Neru by less than one point. Hirate lost points in both AF and OM yet she remains on top of each by a decent margin. Nagahama returned to 2nd after a brief drop to 4th in the last survey, with 2nd place in OM and 3rd in AF. Sugai Yuuka beat Nagahama for 2nd in AF but her low OM (fell to 6th from 2nd in winter) kept her behind overall. The Power Six Rather than separate these between Goddess and Demis I wanted to highlight the amazing competition between the members who ranked. In order of final rank these are: Shida Manaka, Imaizumi Yui, Watanabe Risa, Moriya Akane, Kobayashi Yui and Watanabe Rika. I first noticed about halfway through the polling period that these 6 members were within only one or two votes of each other even though they had so many (around 75 each, at the time). This near-tie continued for a very long time before they eventually began separating near the end. Watanabe Rika and Moriya’s high OM scores compensated for their low AF scores, and Imaizumi and Kobayashi’s decent AF scores did the same for their low OM scores. In terms of changes over the winter poll, the only standout result was Kobayashi, who made a huge point gain and went up a whole league of popularity, reaching a new record score, more than twice her score last spring. Other notable changes and Hiragana members Kanji Keyaki didn’t see many big changes with the major exception of Habu Mizuho who jumped back from 21st to 16th a large rise in score, her largest since last Spring, and also Harada Aoi who managed to reduce some of her huge drop last round (24th), now returning to 21st. Hiragana members had a few more major changes. Saito Kyoko replaced Kakizaki Memi as New-Hiragana’s highest ranking member at 18th. They actually swapped ranks with Kakizaki (now 23rd overall) taking Saito’s previous position as 4th in New-Hiragana. Kato Shiho and Sasaki Mirei were tied for 2nd last round but now Kato has gained the advantage pushing Sasaki back to 3rd. Keyakizaka Senbatsu Copied from Nogizaka – This time the senbatsu selection was done a little different. Rather than choosing which senbatsu members to keep and which unders to promote it asked respondents to choose senbatsu members from each team. Then two versions are made: (1) the top (average number of selected members) from the group regardless of what team they’re from and (2) the top (average number of selected members from each team’s question). The 2nd version is used if we want to take into consideration how many members fans want from each team. The respondents really showed how much they want all Kanjis to be in the next single. All Kanji-only members ranked before all Hiragana members (including Hiragana-Kanji kennin member Nagahama Neru). Next was Nagahama who ranked ahead of all Hiragana-only members. To be honest, this is probably because a number of fans forgot Nagahama is a Hiragana member and chose “none” without checking. But, in my defence, she is officially a Hiragana member first, with her kennin in Kanji. In any case, it would be unethical to change the results based on what I call mistakes so I must stick with the answers I have. As for the different versions of the results, using method 1 result with 18 members, all from Kanji Keyaki. Compared with the usual senbatsu, Ishimori Nijika, Ozeki Rika and Nagahama Neru are out. Using method 2, users chose 16 Kanji Keyaki members and 3 Hiragana Keyaki members, totalling in 19 (though both were only a few votes away from rounding down to 15 and 2). Method 2 sees Oda Nana and Saito Fuyuka removed from senbatsu, replaced with Nagahama Neru, Kato Shiho and Saito Kyoko. Centre Hopefuls Hirate Yurina ranked 1st in CH for the 2nd time. I wasn’t sure if she would rise or fall as the number of songs she centres rises but indeed her score rose slightly. Imaizumi Yui managed to stay in 2nd though her score continues to drop, with increasing speed. I expected this as she is being moved further from the centre and has recently entered hiatus to take care of her health. Nagahama Neru fell slightly no longer tying for 2nd but only a few points behind in 3rd. The most impressive rise was the new model, Watanabe Risa moving from 8th to 5th, swapping with Shida Manaka who went from 5th to 8th. Ironically, rank-wise, Hiragana members performed much better in CH than the senbatsu question. Kato Shiho jumped from 28th to 11th, becoming the highest ranking new Hiragana member, with Kakizaki Memi moving up one to 12th and Sasaki Mirei making her own big jump, from 30th to 16th. Keyakizaka Dislikes Copied from Nogizaka – This time I added dislikes, risking a bit of controversy. I wasn’t sure myself if it would be worth the potential fallout, but looking at the results I wish I started doing it sooner. Not that I’m happy to see dislikes, but they made me curious. I wish I had asked this question before so I could see the dislikes as a trend, and know if x (scandal, etc.) increased the number of dislikes. To see these trends, I’m going to continue asking this question. It will always be optional, though (as all questions are) and I’ll make sure it stands out (like it does now) in the results. Ishimori Nijika received the most dislikes in Keyakizaka, and also ranked 2nd for most dislikes as a percentage of overall votes (AF+OM), with 51%. I’m not sure what exactly brought this about, one reason why I wish I did dislikes before to see if this happened suddenly/recently or if it was always a trend. Ozeki Rika came next for votes and 3rd for percentage an Iguchi Mao 3rd for votes and 1st for percentage (by a lot: her dislikes were 83% the size of her overall score). These are a little more predictable, as I often see people complaining about their personalities. Nagahama Neru came 4th, the highest ranking popular member. I was expecting more for Saito Fuyuka, to be honest, after some controversy about her comments about not filling Imaizumi Yui’s absence from a music TV performance which were perceived by some online as being insensitive toward Hiragana members, but she only ranked 8th (5th by percentage). The least disliked member by both votes and percentage was Sugai Yuuka. For percentage, she was followed by Kobayashi Yui, who also tied for 2nd least votes with 4 Hiragana members. One of the charts shows overall scores with dislikes taken into consideration. There were a few big differences, including Nagahama Neru falling from 2nd to 4th, and Kobayashi Yui rising from 8th to 6th.
Next single sales
I asked what respondents thought the weekly sales figures would be for the next release of each groups. Based on 276 answers, the average fan thought Nogizaka’s 18th single would sell 923k copies in its first week, up 48k over Influencer. The most common answer was 900k with 53 votes. With 272 responses, Keyaki’s 5th single averaged at 728k, up 95k over Fukyouwaon. The most common answer for Keyakizaka was 700k with 71 votes. If the predictions turned out to be accurate and the predicted growth continued, Nogizaka would reach 1 million in one week for their 20th single (Keyaki’s 7th), Keyakizaka would reach it on their 8th (Nogi’s 21st) and Keyakizaka would eventually overtake Nogizaka on their 10th/23rd singles (respective). Nogizaka Centre and New Gens I asked how Nogizaka’s management should choose centres. This probably reflects Keyakizaka-only fans’ opinions on how Keyaki should choose their centre if they do ever change it as Keyakizaka-only fans didn’t answer this one less than Keyaki questions. The idea of choosing based on concept or to match a song was the most popular by far, and was the only option accepted by more than 50% of responses. Rotating to make many members popular, and giving it to young members were the next most popular and shared a common thread in that they were both strategies for making members popular as a way of investing in the group’s future. The unpopular options were giving the centre to whoever is most popular, giving it to the most talented member, or having a way for fans to directly select the centre. It could be said these are similar in that they seem to be about rewarding members rather than building the future and perhaps that idea isn’t popular. I also asked if the respondents felt members from Nogizaka’s 3rd gen should enter senbatsu or not. I assigned values to the “yes” options (1), “soon” options (2) and “no” options (3), and used these to calculate an average response of 1.9, indicating “soon” (i.e. not yet) but leaning slightly toward “yes”. The most common answer was indeed “soon”, with the most common “yes” answer/reasoning being that some are ready and the most common “no” response/reasoning was that the 2nd gens need to all make their senbatsu debuts first. Hiragana Keyaki in Senbatsu Because I predicted they might be a bit more controversial (in a good way – a good source of discussion) the Hiragana in senbatsu and Hirate’s centre position questions had more complex questions. Respondents were asked whether they agree or not with 7 statements regarding new Hiragana members being included in Keyakizaka’s senbatsu. The content was based on discussions I often see in the international community. To summarise the results briefly: More than any other question respondents were against the idea of Hiragana members never being included in senbatsu. However, despite the results swinging toward “disagree”, many still agreed with the idea of all Kanji members always being included, and it is difficult to imagine the number of senbatsu members being increased to more than 21. The most agreed with statement (while still close to even) was that Hiragana need to wait until all the Kanji members have experienced being positioned in the first row (even though including new Hiragana members and featuring the remaining three Kanji members in the front row aren’t mutually exclusive, there appears to be a symbolic issue here). Indeed, in accordance with this result and the results seen in the 5th single senbatsu selection earlier, respondents on average chose to not include Hiragana in the 5th single. Also, despite a majority feeling Kanji reaching the first row is important enough to have Hiragana members wait for, respondents generally disagreed that Hiragana members should have the same chance if they eventually enter senbatsu. A slight majority feel that they have been waiting long enough for the chance as one year has passed since their entry and only a small number of responses felt no one in Hiragana is ready for senbatsu. Hirate Yurina’s centre position This question was divided into three parts. The first part asked when respondents thought Keyakizaka should change centre for the first time. Results were almost split between changing for the 5th (40.8%) and 6th (40.1%) singles. Keeping Hirate for both but changing sometime next year was far less popular (12.5%) and keeping Hirate until she graduates was even less popular (6.6%). The next two parts were more enlightening. I asked why people think Keyaki should change centre and the same for why not. It was the first time I included a question like that in a survey, usually I look around for opinions and then add those opinions as options. This method took a lot longer to analyse and some might disagree with the categories I broke the responses down to but I tried to represent the results as accurately as I could. There were many more responders for why Keyakizaka should change centre. Out of a total of 156 responders, 60 said they felt Hirate should take a break/is under too much pressure. 51 said changing centre would make things more interesting, or that the perma-centre is boring, or worried about it becoming boring. 48 said other members should also get promotion which I distinguished from 30 who said there’s too much focus on Hirate and the group needs more popular members (similarly 8 said Keyakizaka needs back up centres, someone who can take over Hirate is unable to perform). Other responses included worries about Hirate gaining antis or straining relations with the other members. Of the 96 responses, most of the arguments listed were about why Hirate is suited for the position. The most popular of these was a rather broad category I titled “Techi fanaticism” (35 votes). These included general comments such as “Techi is the undisputed CENTRE”, “it feels like Techi was born to be centre”, and so on. I distinguished them from people who mentioned her “aura” (15 votes), her skill (10) and her popularity (7). Other than comments on Hirate herself, 11 didn’t believe there was any member capable of taking over at this point, 10 argued that by keeping Hirate in centre they can establish a stronger presence with the general public. Other responses were waiting for things like the front row rotation (7), or were satisfied with the way things are and took a “don’t fix what isn’t broken” approach (7 specifically about Hirate, 6 who like stability in general). "Shipping" Another new question was asking respondents to submit their favourite pairs, the members they “ship”. This question was skipped a lot and I got some negative feedback, so I probably won’t be doing it again, but it was an interesting experience. For Nogizaka, the most popular pair was Sakurai Reika x Wakatsuki Yumi (49 points) followed by Shiraishi Mai x Matsumura Sayuri (21) with points dropping quite low after that. For Keyakizaka there was a bit more variation. Shida Manaka x Watanabe Risa (49) came first followed by the captain pair Sugai Yuuka x Moriya Akane (30 points), Hirate Yurina x Nagahama Neru (27) and the more recently featured Nagasawa Nanako x Watanabe Rika (21). For Nogizaka the most shipped member was Shiraishi Mai (55) followed by Wakatsuki Yumi (53) and Sakurai Reika (50), though the members shipped with the most members were Ikuta Erika (12) and Nishino Nanase (11). For Keyakizaka the most shipped members were Watanabe Risa (73) and Shida Manaka (66), with Watanabe Risa and Hirate Yurina tied for being shipped with most members (9 each). Fan alignment Almost every survey I ask respondents which group they are a fan of on a scale of 1-to-7 where 1 is Nogizaka purist and 7 is Keyakizaka purists. This one was almost exactly even. On average the 316 respondents to this question chose 3.99. So basically, even (4), with the smallest Nogizaka leanings. Meanwhile for their overall (well, Sakamichi) oshimen, 42.5% of respondents chose their Nogizaka oshimen, 30.6% chose their Keyakizaka oshimen and 26.9% couldn’t decide between the two. I broke down the results to the miscellaneous questions by fan alignment (the 1-to-7 rating) to see if there are any significant differences between primarily Nogizaka fans and primarily Keyakizaka fans. Of course, the Sakamichi oshimen was very clear cut. Almost everyone chose the group they were closest aligned to. Sales predictions also showed bias. On average people predicted higher sales for the group they are aligned with than the overall average. One peculiar exception was the ‘3’ group (leaning Nogi) made some of the highest Keyakizaka predictions and one of the lowest Nogizaka predictions. Nogizaka-leaning fans were inclined to choose earlier responses for when Keyakizaka should change centre than Keyakizaka- leaning fans, though among Nogizaka fans the closer they were to Keyakizaka the earlier they chose (‘3’ was the earliest at 1.5, exactly between the 5th and 6th singles). Nogizaka fans were also much more likely to want to see Hiragana in senbatsu soon, supporting Hiragana’s debuts across the whole section. The reverse was also true, though to a smaller extent, Keyakizaka leaning fans were also more interested in seeing Nogizaka’s 3rd gen in Nogizaka’s senbatsu now or soon, compared to Nogizaka fans, particularly Nogizaka purists. In choosing centres, Keyakizaka fans stood out in overwhelmingly voting for choosing centres based on concept/to match a song, an option which was also popular with Nogizaka fans, but the other popular options, rotation and investing in younger members, were more competitive.
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okdnn · 7 years
Mail March 15th
on the MV shooting day
I thought the cowardly me can't talk with anybody I just met… but actually…
I'm getting closer with Nogizaka's 3rd gen Terada Ranze chan (I know, she's mistaken)
「 do you mind if we exchange our contact information? 」she said that to me I'm really happy
when I think about it again I'm really happy(;A;)aaaah
Ranze chan is a very serious and honest girl She kindly talk with me
she's unbelievably cute, beautiful and slim …
Because of the time I can't took photo with her I still regret about it even after now
I hope I can have more chance to work with her later
in addition
I took photo with Nogizaka46's Itou Marika and chatted with her for a while…
I also talked for a bit with Keyakizaka46's Sugai Yuuka san…
I also took a photo with Nagahama Neru chan…
I gathered my courage and asked her for a photo together. aaaaaah lol
ah, also
I also gathered my courage and asked Hoshino Minami chan who are really close with miion(*°A°*)
She's really cute …
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Today I participated on WPB's interview with mako and had photoshoot for photoset & stage fighter … etc
lot of shooting work ~(*´ω`*)
as for the weekly playboy it will release march 27th
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I found this Yuiri's cookie at the work site so I ate it up so delicious…(*・3・*)
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next at 0:00 ~ ANN Pre SHOWROOM Namako and Miisan will appear(*´ ∀ `*)
if you can't watch SHOWROOM … then you can listen to ANN lol
before that I went to cafe with mako …( ° ∀ ° )
Miisan have the other work before I hope we can go to cafe with miisan next time
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