#noe x laia
hojiteaversion · 11 months
Laia and the Barbie Outfits She'd Politely Force Each LI to Wear With Her On Halloween
Laia and Leo
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Laia and Vlad
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Laia and Noe
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Laia and Sandra
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Laia and Ezel
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Laia and Mehmed
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saskieenkeli · 2 years
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borgiabarbie · 1 month
I am not okay 😭🥺❤️
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Everything about this scene 😭😭😭
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mila-bee · 5 months
Finally! It was getting real old having everyone make choices for us, felt so good to be like no, this is where I want to be and this is who is want to stay with!
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emily-the-fae · 1 year
There are a lot of mentions of how Vlad in Dracula: A Love Story
is a copy of Luke Evans
which is yeah kinda obvious
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how come there are absolutely no mentions of the fact that Gradish from seasons 1-2 is an absolute copy of Raul Esparza (aka the annoying guy from Hannibal)?
I mean
Just look at him
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Complete copy
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lanistas · 11 months
Tagged by @sarcasticsciencefictionwriter , thank you <3
RULES: post the names of the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I always joke that my main WIP is my phd dissertation, which I lovingly call "the most important fic of my life" (I will finish it someday... just not today). But let's talk about fandom stuff.
So, even though I love writing fics, I mostly write down dozens of ideas and, like, summaries for my stories, but then I just... forget to start writing actual fics lol. So these are more like fic titles / concepts with little to none actual text attached to said titles xD
Eyk x Maura collection of ideas / wips
don't trust the captain / kill the captain
a 17th-century AU, witch Maura
Greek Mythology AU, Maura = Moira
modern AU, cheesy sciency pick-up lines
Maura teaches Eyk how to ride a bike
modern AU, Maura caught wearing Eyk's hoodie
Helen x Will collection of ideas / wips
medieval / fantasy au, queen x healer
fake dating for professional purposes
Magnus, it's five in the morning, what the heck?
time-travelling Will
5 times Helen celebrated Will's birthday + 1 time when Will returned the favor
I think… you're my favourite person
Helen x James collection of ideas / wips
fake marriage to hide pregnancy oh no the feelings are real
post Normandy, James comforting Helen when she has a nightmare
James comforting Helen after John comes back and ruins it all once again (I sense a pattern here…)
Romance Club collection of ideas (yep, I've been playing this game for almost three years, and it's fun!)
Noe x Laia, support group for sleep disorders
gc au, cleric x assassin
gc, the main source of my mental breakdown after the update
gc, au pwp
Miscelaneous fics
[msatd] love, alphabetically
marisa x asriel prequel
[original] new fantasy thingy
[original] one more idea
And I have a hard time thinking whom to tag... so, ummm, any of my lovely followers who write fics, consider yourself tagged if you see this <3
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somin-yin · 3 years
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Boy, sweet boy ❤️ I would touch his hair for eternity if he wants me to ❤️
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kiara-36 · 3 years
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Paring: Lale/Laia x Vlad
Author's note: This is the first time i write something about "Dracula: a love story", so I hope it's not too bad
My masterlist
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The monster woke up having only one thing in his mind: blood. He tried to ignore the feeling but the hunger was too persistent to avoid it anymore. So he stood up, hoping that the hunting would be quick so he could escape yet again the painful consciousness.
The Sun was high in the sky outside the forest, but the branches were so dense that they shielded the light almost completely in the inside, where the monster now stood, waiting for something to happen. It had been a couple of hours since he woke up but so far, no pray had shown. He was starting to get more and more angry as the time passed and he was about to change hunting spot but then, finally, someone arrived. A girl, she was probably just wandering around, had fallen for his trap, intrigued by the magic rocks, and was coming his way. The monster looked at her: she seemed like an easy prey, far too trusting of the forest and its creatures.
The girl arrived at a strange wall and, while she was busy inspecting it, a figure sneaked behind her back. With a quick movement, the monster got close enough to the wall to push the girl against it, who meanwhile turned around. Contrary to what he was thinking she didn’t freeze in horror, in fact she took a stick and hit him. That didn’t hurt much but it made him hesitate for a moment, which was just enough for the girl to run away. After recovering from the confusion, the monster started to chase her and soon he managed to catch up with her. After immobilizing the girl, he bared his teeth, ready to plunge them into her neck.
A loud noise suddenly interrupted him: “Driiiiin” The monster’s eyes scanned the surroundings and stopped on a strange object, the source of the sound, which had fallen from the girl's pocket. Stretching his hand he picked up the object and looked at its screen A wave of shock run through his body, he froze, eyes wide open. It was Lale, on the screen there was Lale. Suddenly all the monster’s memories flooded in him, and with them an insufferable feeling of sadness. He could not bear to see her face, the same face that he once looked with love and now was a reminder of the man he once was and all he had lost. But then the picture disappeared and the monster abruptly realized that, despite all the agony it was bringing to him, he just wanted to see the face of his lost love again. So, he turned to the girl with pleading eyes, like he was about to ask her how to make Lale appear again, but quickly realized that it was a useless plea. He threw the phone away angrily, pushed her away and went back into the forest.
As he was running through the trees a sudden glimpse of hope appeared in the monster as he realized there was no way that a picture of Lale was on that strange object unless she was somehow still alive. But he immediately chased away that thought, believing it was only wishful thinking. Still, he needed to know more about it, so he went to the only being he could turn to.
The monster entered the dark world, he never thought he would come back there but, as he had learned that day, nothing was going how he thought it would. Then he saw him. “Hello Vlad” the evil spirit grinned “long time no see” “Hi Noe…” the monster responded “I need your help” .
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Thank you for reading. 🥰
Sorry I took so long to write this but I've been very busy with school lately.
Tag list: @lady-stirling @wpbianca99 @mxrmaid-poet @quixoticdreamer16 @drakewalkerfantasy
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hojiteaversion · 7 months
Laia: Noe and I have the kind of easy chemistry where we finish each other's—
Noe: Sentences
Laia: Please don't interrupt me
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saskieenkeli · 2 years
Already miss my demon 😭
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hojiteaversion · 2 years
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this is noe and laia, by the way
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hojiteaversion · 11 months
DLS Pairings As IICHLIWP Songs
Vlad x MC x Leo
Noe x MC
Sandra x MC
Mehmed x MC
Hasan x MC
Single Route
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hojiteaversion · 2 years
I've just read your previous ask about DLS - With what Noe did and how he was with her before he left... Do you think he has harboured some feelings for her? I get the impression that he does 🤔 but would obviously never even dream about acting on it because of Vlad.
I had to think about it a little, but I’m leaning towards hell yes. Like, the flirting is undeniable, and he also definitely cares for her (the healing, dude !!!!!! among a million little things!! him being there for her when vlad brushed her off in season 2, and matchmaking them, and just helping her every time she needed.....)
You’re definitely right that he would never entertain the idea of being with her in any way, in Vlad’s route. I think it would be one of those crushes you accept will never happen and quietly move on, and it hurts at the time, but not afterwards, cause the acceptance is complete
That he loves her in the good route, though, in whatever way you want to interpret it, is undeniable, and I love that
Also, if DLS were a TV show, they'd be the most popular pairing without a single doubt
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borgiabarbie · 1 month
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Yeah, don't hurt my elderly art expert 😂
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borgiabarbie · 8 months
I could not cope with being Laia Burnell. How is she meant to choose?
Pros: Kind, respectful, intelligent, handsome, devoted, passionate, likes books and art, you have a lot of history together.
Cons: Doesn't warn you about bloodstained crime scene corridors, his ghost contemplated getting a bit murder-y back in the fifteenth-century, overshadowed by his uncle/brother/great great grandpa, might still secretly make creepy pebble art as a hobby.
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I only tried Ezel's route out of morbid curiosity, but... *whispers* it's actually really good? He's very well suited to Laia, and the moment a LI talks books I'm a lost cause. Plus he's so respectful and caring whilst still being passionate? Ezel, you are a lovely green flag.
Pros: Sexy, obsessively-devoted, rich, owns a fortress, mysterious, passionate, intelligent, patron of the arts and sciences, calculating, a lot of shared history.
Cons: Obsessive, no, like, *really* obsessive, ominously secretive, vanishes randomly, may or may not be partially trapped in the wall, doesn't get on with your friends, not all the shared history is 'great' (to put it mildly).
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And he knows that because he lost Lale and realised nobody could replace her 🥺 Everything about this scene was perfect (apart from goddamn Vlad doing his Elsa impression before they could kiss 😑).
Pros: Charming, intelligent, witty, sexy, mischievous, caring, can magic you up a new look/pet/missing brooch, powerful to have on side, no Lale/Ottoman Empire baggage.
Cons: Tied you to a tree and offered you up to Vlad as a snack a few weeks ago, reluctant workaholic, bad at opening up emotionally, almost set your mom on fire, massive flirt.
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"All his care and comfort" 😭. The transformation of this demon from carefree fuck buddy to loving boyfriend has been beautiful to witness.
TLDR: I'm glad I'm not Laia, because deciding between them would be horrible (okay, I'd personally pick Noe, but that's not really the point). Each of them has such good chemistry with Laia 😭
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borgiabarbie · 1 month
I'm still obsessed with this scene 😭 The growth! It feels like a natural progression from the point they reached when she comforted him in the dark world after his grandfather died.
"Something that wouldn't melt like a snowflake, but instead would persist and stay with me."
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