#no one in the show is neurotypical
krash-8 · 4 months
neurotypicals will laugh when I say 'im autistic" like bitch im not joking AND now I know you think making fun of autistic people is funny
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chatdae · 1 month
honestly it doesn't bug me that Jerry Seinfeld is bad at acting because the other main cast of Seinfeld are so good, Jerry's acting becomes a joke in and of itself.
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tatsumi-rin · 3 months
Moral Orel doesn't seem 100% like a show I'd feel seen in if you don't know me but then I remember the episode with the special ed kids and underneath the usual satire on extremist bible belt religion it reminds me WAY too much of how actual special ed departments treated me and other kids growing up.
Like the writers must HAVE BEEN THERE IN LIFE, man. I'd kill to sit down with Dino Stamatopoulos and find out what the fuck inspired him and the other writing staff that day.
#husbandothings#moral orel#bonus fun tag rant? bonus fun tag rant...apparently#in those departments you are immediately written off as a tragic forever toddler by at least 50% of the staff regardless of your disability#there's good ones but the bad ones bring the fun spicy trauma#it doesn't matter how smart you actually are you gotta draw the sad face on that boy on the comic sans worksheet at the age of 15#in your free lesson spaces that you got because of reasons#if someone tells me they're a teaching assistant or have “qualifications” in autism and special needs development i immediately distrust#because I have never met a neurotypical person with those qualifications who knows how to treat kids like humans especially autistic kids#funniest part? I was mostly in the special ed department because of my hearing and not totally my undiagnosed autism#and a little because of wonky emotional development from get this...a freaking religious school#like i see adults in the show and i see the headteacher who tried to tell my parents i should forgive the bullies because jesus would#even though the truth is way more nuanced but he just wanted to wash his hands of it#it's funnier than it should be because that teacher would fit right in to this show for that and additional reasons I won't state here#my family were atheists but thought the school would be good#the weird thing is at that time as a little kid I liked the idea of believing in god but nothing that happened proved Him to me#and moral orel hits because it resonates with the fact i genuinely believe religion can do good and it's all about the people#the ones who want to use that faith for good in the world and surviving rough crap and not to do things that would make jesus flip tables#that has stuck with me for over a decade as has the people who felt the show reinforced their christianity#but anyway
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eriexplosion · 1 year
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Just saw some article say that Tech has a complete arc because he had to Learn how to show that he loved his family and dying for them completes that. As if it hadn't been abundantly clear from the word go that he loves his family, as if he hasn't shown intense care about Omega the whole show, he didn't need to learn to show anything he's been showing it from the start.
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iloveyoumorethansoup · 4 months
the depression is doing abnormal things (im not rotting?? still there. but its not that kind rn) and god would i Love to say. the lwa obsession never left. the depression briefly (last two years) covered it. i am still so not normal at all about this show. i need it so bad in every aspect of my life
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crazyw3irdo · 9 months
incredibly funny to me whenever i like. casually enjoy media. like just a reminder i can engage with content and not obsess over it and pour all my energy and thoughts into it and analyze every detail of it. i’m just only like that about a few things and they happen to be fucking strange choices like markiplier lore
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Pretend I left a frustrated effortpost here about how I strongly suspect that Zenos yae Galvus, most human evil motherfucker in the story, being specifically read as inhuman in spite of the game making active effort to show that he is Like That precisely because he's human draws from a well of ableism given that he's both the only explicitly nd character in the entire game and one of a very small list of mentally ill characters, almost all villains
And like, when the game with a recent expac where 3/3 of the villains are suicidally depressed and the one dude in a wheelchair gets quietly sidelined despite buildup that should have led to an active role in the story is doing better than you, you need to fucking shape up! I don't care if people think it's "reasonable" to read his behavior as inhuman, the fact that those behaviors are read as inhuman in the first place is the fucking problem!
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isnotanoctopus · 10 days
I had a mandatory social event for work today, and honestly. As smbd w/ autism, I don't mind social events as a concept; I do enjoy a party, and hanging around people, and enjoying vibes. What I hate is the forced participation, and polite refusal or sitting out resulting in making every neurotypical around you upset or uncomfortable.
It's sweet that people care to make sure you're having a good time, but I hate how it feels like I have to enjoy things on their terms or else I bring a bad vibe; Like I'm not allowed to cover my ears if things are too loud, or leave to sit somewhere quiet to recharge a little, or be picky about the food that I eat, otherwise it's seen as a passive-aggressive act to display my displeasure.
And it really sucks, b/c 99% of the time, I'm not unhappy! Most of the time I'm having fun and enjoying myself :( the anxiety and displeasure only comes in when I'm forced to start worrying if I'm pushing my limits enough to please the neurotypicals around me.
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henrysglock · 1 year
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guy who has Two (2) Vibes
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virmillion · 9 months
“i’m normal i’m normal” <- liar. that man made a spreadsheet of the splatoon 3 weapons and how much he uses each
#labhrambles#ok2rb#it SUCKS bc im SO amped abt it#like ive got the main sheet for everything - one row across goes: class. weapon. sub. special. star freshness. freshness points.#next freshness checkpoint. distance to that checkpoint. bar graph representing that distance as a percentage#range as a number. range as a chart. role. weight. secondary abilities (eg impact and charge speed) as a number. secondary as a bar chart.#tertiary (eg handling and mobility) as a number. tertiary as a chart#for EVERY WEAPON in the game (all are at least at 1 star freshness so i break even on shelldon licenses#and THEN ive got a sheet for all my fancy formulas like the total number of freshness points in each main class#and then an average for each class based on that number over the number of weapons there are in the class#and same shit for all the subs and specials#and then some based on points per each weight and points per range bracket (0-20 21-30 … 91-100)#and ALL of that gets chucked into nice little donut charts that are SO clean to look at#AAAAAND i have a DUPLICATE of the formula sheet where its the same formulae but minus any weapons that have five stars#bc thats a MAJOR skew to the results. i LITERALLY am uncounting outliers its SO COOL#ugh. anyway remember when i said at the beginning of my tags that it sucks?#well i said that bc i was showing it to my friend and they went ‘hey uh. i got some news for you. neurotypicals dont do that’#shockedpikachu.jpg#and that was BEFORE the ‘no 5s’ chart and BEFORE the range and weight stuff#that was when i ONLY looked at the general and average points for each class sub and special#so! the fact that i desperately want to talk MORE about it is. rather damning i think#anyway if you read this far PLEASE tell me if ur interested bc i would LOVE to talk more abt this
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biromantic-nerd · 1 year
I think representation in characters is so funny bc some people are like "I'm [rep] and that is the WORST rep I've ever seen" and some people are like "I'm [rep] and this rep is so important to me this is exactly my experience"
and by funny I mean no character is going to match every single person's experience simultaneously. Someone might criticize a character for being a stereotype and someone else might recognize themselves in that portrayal. And vice versa, etc, and so on and on forth.
#literally i hate what the show Monk does to Monk - sets the audience up to laugh at him#but i LOVE Monk#first character with OCD i've ever seen and he made my life easier just by existing#i love him#absolutely hate watching the later seasons of the show though bc they don't even pretend anymore#that the show isn't about shoving him into situations that distress him#and it's not framed as upsetting. it's framed as comical. look at how ~weird~ his OCD is. our main autistic character with OCD.#like bruh you MADE that character.#anyways i did not vote for Monk in a poll#and i thought it was interesting bc i saw a tag about not liking him#(hi myth 💕)#but i DO like him#don't like his writers though :( they deliberately try to make him ~cringey~ for neurotypical people and it's like okay thanks#i still like him.#he is not exactly my experience#no i WISH i had a helper my life would be sooo much better off i really do need a helper#watching it and finding one solution for an issue i had was like - i don't even care how ableist this show is. this show helped me.#a real life person.#like you can say what you want about bad rep not being better than no rep but i thought it was good rep since it HELPED me.#HE was good rep. the show was bad at framing it bc they wanted you to laugh at him. hope that makes sense.#anyways.#Monk ily. sorry i never kept watching bc i couldn't bear to see anymore of the situations they were putting you in.#i could not reblog the poll with my Monk tags without letting this go. I know I voted for Dirk but I do love Monk but I hate his writers
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cloverpatches · 2 years
I've been reminded of this whole thing a lot lately and I kind of wanted to bring up my thoughts, just in case maybe it helps someone rethink stuff but
I keep seeing that when people go about redesigning/"redeeming" a character, one thing they often remove is like. symptoms of neurodiversity?
Such as removing a character's trauma related sensory and relation issues entirely, or having them suddenly being more socially aware without anyone actually understanding why they might not have understood a situation in the first place.
Nothing against redesigns n rewrites or trying to write redemption arcs! I just don't think traits of neurodiversity in specific are something to be fixed or treated as something to be removed just because the artist finds them unfitting.
Not every neurodivergent character is going to be pleasant. It doesn't need to be fixed.
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fyeahfandomtrash · 2 years
i just
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jmaas13 · 11 months
season four will never happen but i can dream that it would include an autism diagnosis for jan. whether it's something he has always known or something he recently found out doesn't really matter because it feels like something he's always carried with him and knows not to name for the shame of professional athletes needing to fit only a very specific socially liked box. but the thing is, jan can explain only so much away with being dutch. but mentioning copyright laws in a conversation about nudes and knowing a lot of statistics off the top of his head isn't all that typical for any nationality. so sooner or later someone in possession of a brain cell would notice that jan maas isn't just dutch, isn't just a bit special but that he is different in a very neurodivergent way.
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biwooyoung · 6 months
speaking of neurodivergence my mother discovered that word (and neurotypical) just this past week and then said to me (about my entire family) "glad we're all neurotypical haha 😊!" ummmmm mother perhaps rethink that statement........ 😭😭
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matbaynton · 1 year
mick is a she/him enby and sir humphrey bone is a they/he enby
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