#no icons bc im mobile
tequiilasunriise · 1 year
No context here’s ep 12 in a nutshell:
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tamagotchikgs · 10 days
there is nothing i despise more than two factor authentication i hate it with my whole heart and soul i want it gone i need it gone pleas........ i need 2 login to my icloud account on my pc because my phone is broken it doesnt even charge anymore but i cant because i need to confirm it's me on my fucking phone
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3amsnek · 10 months
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new icon time bc the moment we hit double digits on the halloween countdown my brain genuinely straight up forgot it was still summer
#*changes my icon and immediately forgets so I get jumpscared every time I use hold to rb on mobile*#oh yeah and here’s this funky guy. haven’t posted him before#he exists bc my hand shook in the wrong direction when messing around with a completely different Weird Cat concept and I went o shit that’s#better actually#my art?#my oc art#character art#original character#oc art#furry#character design#ignore that this draft is almost three weeks old just don’t even worry abt it#life is. hahahaahaha. so much rn my summer has been Dog and Constant Stress and art is just. not able to be a priority rn#so ofc I have many ideas :’) someday im gonna be able to do things just bc i feel like it for more than five minutes again. someday#i do have like 4? i think? finished pcs of Bear Art from the past few months that i might post for fbw let me know if you want that perhaps#but that’s not for another month or two I think? i should know that im sorry brooks falls bearcam i have failed :(#there’s some stuff in the drafts i forgot I didn’t post too actually#maybe I’ll get around to that with my. very minimal free time the next couple of days (<- probably won’t)#on that note#if you commissioned something from me and I haven’t posted it pls don’t be sad i am simply attempting to survive the summer#my brain is not good in hot weather under the best of circumstances and this has not been those#I Do plan to post them they just take more brain than like. this quick silly doodle for myself to draft out#i know ppl probably are not worried i am simply. afraid.#anyways. look a creature
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cardiomyapathy · 10 months
ooc. I can't stop pooping so starter call, capping at five possibly unless you beg
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tradepain · 5 months
"talk about a dick-measuring contest... I don't know who I'd rather have come out on top." clint's laughing to himself. "tony... probably. though this bunny guy doesn't seem that awful."
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whump-queen · 1 year
wow thanks I fucking HATE the new tumblr update WTF
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@hbowardaily​’s The Pacific Appreciation Week 2023 Day Three: Underrated Characters
Below the cut are icons for 3 different underrated characters from the Pacific: Burgie, Chuckler and Basilone. Fun fact: despite being one of the main POV characters in The Pacific, John Basilone is only tagged as a character in less than 1.3% of the fics for it on AO3! I’ve never tried making icons and they look worse now I’ve posted them than they did while I was making them but first tries and all that :) I promise they’re less pixelated than they are in the header when you actually use them lmao
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transbee · 1 year
getting a new phone soon which means i only have so much time left with my un-updated tumblr mobile 😭
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fazeruined · 1 year
NAME: JellyCream for the most part or either Jelly or Cream
PRONOUNS: She/her but I don't mind They/them
METHOD OF COMMUNICATION: Mainly Tumblr (inbox/DMs) and Discord
EXPERIENCE/HOW MANY YEARS: Um I've actually lost track of it at this point but- I'd say I've begun roleplaying circa 2005 through several platforms and forums back when they were more of a thing. On Tumblr specifically I started somewhere between 2007 and 2009 but been more consistently roleplaying since 2013-ish, with a few other places on the side but that's mostly narrowed down to Discord now.
RP PET PEEVE: Oh god so many through the years... I'd say when a mun can't fucking hold IC matters apart from OOC and makes it everyone else's problem and ruin it for everybody, especially after claiming they have no issue with IC =/= OOC, y'know, like a liar-- I absolutely saw this shit happen and it caused such a fucking collapse on a nice friend group that used to exist before that.
PLOTS OR MEMES: I'm okay with either
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: Upon observing, my replies tend to be of medium lenght most of the time, plus small text (<s>) which makes it appear shorter. But I can work with any lenght depending on what me and my partner are going with.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): I'd argue that in order to write a character you have to put a bit of yourself into them at the very least, no matter if canon or an OC. Gretel isn't my only muse, and of course I'm not as hellbent revengeful as her lmao, but I can lowkey relate to the thought of feeling so wronged and injusticed that the premise of throwing the concept of 'bigger person' and such through the window and go fuck all can be tempting at times. On the other hand there are muses like my Faz Ent. guard/employee 'Banshee' (over at @jammedmuses ) who is extremely nurturing and I write kinda like someone I wish I had as a friend IRL growing up.
Tagged by: @classico-fazbear
Tagging: use those raccoon hands of yours and steal it from me
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heartspilt · 2 years
You blinked for a moment as you stared at your wheelbarrow. How many pumpkins did you have by now? Who knows! All you knew was any minute now, Shane would be here, and you were going to let him pick out as many as he wanted from the harvest. ( he came at the start of the season - paid up front to have first picks. something about wanting to do something special for marnie and jas. who were you to say no to that? ) Your eyes seemed to move to the entrance of the forest and your free hand seemed to move to push your hat further - an attempt at getting the light out of your eyes. Your other hand kept its grip tight on your sickle, as you turned your attention back down and did one last chop on the stem of the last grown pumpkin of the harvest. As if on cue, you heard the faintest sound of leaves crunching, and as you brought yourself up, you hoisted the crop with you.
Turning towards the entrance of the forest again as you settled the crop into the wheelbarrow, you saw a head of purple. ( purple? blue? you still couldn’t tell what color his hair was. but you sure as hell recognized the tattered jacket. you’d make a note to yourself to look into at least getting him patches. )
“ Shane? “ You called, pausing for a minute for him to get closer. As he did, you gave a bright smile. “ Shaaaane! Over here! “ You raised a hand to wave, and you seemingly bounced on your feet. “ Your pumpkins are all ready! “
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teethblud · 1 year
obsessed with me n feren shitting out affiliated blogs every two seconds
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jfouler · 1 year
"y'know, an old buddy of mine would always tell me the ladies love a married man, but… i hear divorce is all the rage these days. and fatherhood, apparently." wink. he gives a big ol award winning toothy smile.
"what i'm saying is, i'm the ideal man. i mean, i always have been, but i just keep getting more handsome, don't i?"
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mchi22 · 1 year
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are images formatting wrong on mobile 4 anyone else or is it just me
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pepprs · 2 years
ok i actually just decided fuck it and i switched to firefox on my laptop lol
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ofgravitation-moved · 2 years
that survivor ep was wild. & joke has re-awoke. #thankskit<3
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... i literally just cracked myself up. ANYWAY. i'm here for a bit! <3
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cherry-shipping · 2 years
omg............. updated my blog and links and theme finally ^///^
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