#nina montmarcy
grelleswife · 4 years
☀️ : What makes your OC genuinely happy? A person, an item, their hobby? Where is the place they're happiest, or most at home? What is the happiest they've ever been?
Rose: Hanging out with her best friends, Liv and Ezra; successfully repairing a death scythe or tinkering with damaged cars with Grelle; spending time with her family (when they're not driving her crazy) or going on dates with her husband, Michael. She's happiest on the move, riding her motorcycle with her hellhound Eustacia at her side. One of Rose's happiest moments was when her coworkers at the Death Scythe Maintenance and Repair Division officially recognized her for being their most valued employee. It was an indication that she'd earned their trust and respect in spite of being a demon/reaper hybrid.
Xander/Rhea: Painting backdrops or helping people with their makeup; adding new stones to his pet rock collection; cuddling; playing with the family cats; enjoying a relaxing day in with the family. For Xander, home is where the heart is! One of the happiest days of Xander's life was when @deadly-safety-scissors OC Astre Phantomhive asked for his hand in marriage. :3
Viola: Playing the flute or cello; running a successful experiment; holding hands (and doing various and sundry other things) with her girlfriend Nina. She's happiest in the lab or in the privacy of her room (to which Rose sarcastically refers as her "inner sanctum"). Her happiest moment was when Sebastian taught her how to jump between different universes and introduced her to his favorite ones. It opened her mind up to a whole new world of possibilities and left a lasting impression on her. ☕: Give us one (or more, if you feel like it) of your OCs deepest darkest secrets. Why do they keep it hidden? Spill the tea!
Rose is very straightforward and honest to a fault. She's a no-nonsense girl, and what you see is generally what you get. The closest she has to a dark secret is the fear that she might be unable to protect the people she cares for, which is rooted in the attack on her and Xander's lives (when a pair of bigoted reapers broke into the house and nearly murdered them and Ronnie while Grelle and Sebas were at work).
When they first learned that Grelle was Jack the Ripper, Xander tried to act like it didn't matter to him in order to spare her feelings. In truth, though, he had a hard time coming to terms with what she'd done (Xander has a soft spot for mortals), though he eventually managed to reconcile with Grelle.
Viola loves soul-eating. Absorbing the person's knowledge and emotions is a fascinating, exhilarating process for her. However, she feels ashamed of this and tries to hide it because it's such a strong demonic trait.
🌼 Write a short drabble from your OC's perspective meeting their love interest
(Rose first met Michael Kennsington, a reaper and former MI6 agent, when he came to her department for minor repairs to his scythe. Michael investigated conspiracy theories as a hobby and became firmly convinced that Sebastian Michaelis was a supernatural being, which accounts for his excitement here.)
Rose had never met this man before, but she knew right away that he wasn't your average reaper. The way he carried himself reminded her of Dad: Self-assured, yet ready to spring into action at a moment's notice. His quiet confidence was more subdued than Dad's smug arrogance (thank the gods), but there was that same subtle sense of power, like a tiger keeping its claws carefully sheathed...for now. His appraising gaze cut far beneath the surface. In the seconds that he looked at her, Rose could sense the flurry of calculations in his mind as he sized her up. Huh. This guy might be an interesting one.
"Red eyes..." Rose braced herself for the usual confusion and disgust with which new reapers typically reacted to her, their divine instincts alerting them to her demonic nature. Instead, the man broke out in a boyish grin, looking as delighted as a little kid who'd just caught sight of his Christmas presents under the tree."You must be one of the Sutcliff-Michaelises!" he gushed, grabbing her hand and pumping it enthusiastically. "It's Rose, isn't it? Oldest daughter of the Phantomhive butler?""Uh...yes..." Rose laughed, cocking an eyebrow. Definitely not the reaction she'd been expecting. Dad had become something of a legend in the years since his "disappearance" and the young earl's death, but this man said "Phantomhive butler" the way teenagers fangirled over their favorite actors. Oh gods, the last thing Dad needed was a groupie--his ego was already inflated enough."So it's true, it's really true! All my friends at the agency used to laugh at me, say I was batshit crazy, but I knew that Sebastian Michaelis couldn't be human!"He paused, blushing as he glanced down and realized that he'd been holding Rose's hand for much longer than necessary. Letting go, he looked sheepishly at Rose, who was thoroughly amused by this point. "Damn, you must think I'm a ruddy great idiot. And I haven't even introduced myself. It's Michael, Michael Kennsington."
(Due his traumatic childhood experience of almost being killed by reapers, Xander experiences intense anxiety whenever unfamiliar reapers come to call at the Sutcliff-Michaelis residence. For clarification, Astre Phantomhive is my girlfriend’s OC, not our earl)
No matter how hard he tried to fight it, fear clawed its way up Xander's throat when he realized that a strange reaper had come to visit. The rational part of his mind knew that they weren't in danger, that there would be no flash of death scythes and hateful cries ('Die, demon filth! Die, you scum, DIE!'). Still, he shook with trepidation, breaking out in a cold sweat with his back pressed against the wall as he listened to Mum chatting away with this unfamiliar death god in the kitchen. But then there was Rose, kindly yet firmly grabbing him by the hand. "It's all right, Xander, I'm here, and so is Mum. Besides, he's a Phantomhive! You know how we loved Dad's stories about the Earl when we were kids."Astre V.C. Phantomhive. The moment he saw him, Xander's fear dissipated like smoke scattered in the wind. Tall, slender, and fine-boned, with a true nobleman's grace, messy cobalt hair, and eyes that shimmered with wit and good humor. There was a quiet melancholy hiding behind those eyes, however, and that struck a sympathetic chord within the softhearted child of heaven and hell. It would be a few months before the desire took hold with a silent passion that ate at Xander's marrow, and longer still before Astre would begin the intricate rituals of their courtship, but this first meeting was when providence tossed out her red string to tie their destinies together.(Nina Montmarcy is one of my reaper OCs. She’s autistic, hence the stimming and reluctance to look Viola in the eye)
"Hey, Vi!"Viola look up, a rat cradled to her bosom, to see Uncle Othello stroll into the forensics lab with a young woman in tow. She was dressed in a green cotton sweater and jeans, and her light brown hair was cut in a sensible bob. She was also the most adorable reaper Viola had ever seen, a fact that the hybrid tried to ignore by adjusting her grip on the docile rat held in her arms."We finally got a new recruit!" Uncle Othello grinned. "This is Nina Montmarcy. Fresh out of the reaper academy, sharp as a tack, and knows the science. I thought I'd let ya show her the ropes--she might as well learn from the best researcher our department's ever had."Viola groaned. "I'm not as great as all that." Her nerdy "uncle" could be worse about bragging on her abilities than Mum and Dad, and that was saying something. "But welcome to Forensics!" She gave the other woman a warm smile, heart beating a little faster than it ought to. Nina's left hand drifted up to her hair, and she twirled a piece around her fingers over and again in a gesture that seemed almost instinctual. "Th-thank you," she replied in a shaky whisper, not making eye contact. Awkward and shy, but endearing...Oh shit, Viola thought as a warm glow spread in the pit of her stomach. Why was she so illogical when it came to pretty girls?
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grelleswife · 5 years
YRWYS: Viola’s Girlfriend, Nina
@cosmicli0n Tumblr hates me and wouldn’t let me attach pictures to your ask, but here is how I picture Miss Nina Montmarcy!
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grelleswife · 4 years
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Broke: Actually writing something about my Sebagrelle kittens.
Woke: Making Picrews of them instead!
In descending order, Rose, Xander, and Viola Sutcliff-Michaelis. ❤️🖤
Rumor has it that Vi’s picture was taken on a date with her girlfriend, Nina Montmarcy (a reaper who works in Forensics with her). Grelle might have insisted she wear some roses in her hair. 😂
Here’s the link to the Picrew I used!
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grelleswife · 5 years
OC Profile: Alexander/Rhea Sutcliff-Michaelis
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It’s about time that I gave y’all a proper introduction to my second OC, Rose’s younger twin.
Alexander (generally “Xander” for short) is a biromantic demisexual. Xander takes after Sebastian in terms of having a fluid gender identity. Most of the time, they’re male-presenting (as shown in the first 4 pictures), go by “Alexander”, and use male pronouns. However, Xander sometimes has periods where they prefer to adopt a female form, use the accompanying pronouns, and go by “Rhea.” (the last two pictures). Of course, the rest of the family is very accepting of this.
Xander is a bit shy and reserved, but he has a warm, loving heart coupled with an even disposition. He’s the sort of person who’s always willing to lend a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on. He often serves as the mediator during familial disputes.
He has Grelle’s sharp teeth and red hair and Bassy’s black nails and crimson eyes.
When the kittens were little, Grelle and Sebastian took them on a trip to the aquarium. Xander was excited to see that the sharks’ teeth looked like his and Grelle’s. For a long time afterwards, he referred to her as “Mummy Shark.”
Xander loves animals.  He’ll often accompany Sebastian on the demon’s trips to local rescue shelters (Bassy regularly volunteers at these places in order to help the cats).
Xander has an artistic side, too. He adores the theatre, and, along with the other kittens, usually joins Grelle when she performs in productions at community theatres in the human world. However, unlike his mom, Xander prefers to work in the crew, far from the spotlight. He excels at backdrop painting, costume design, and makeup. He also has a knack for making puppets (cute ones, not the scary horror film kind!) and regularly holds little “puppet theatre” productions for his family (often throwing in a little magic for special effects).
Another hobby of Xander’s is making/repairing clocks and watches.
Xander shares his parents’ passion for high heels, especially black boots like Sebastian’s. He owns dozens of pairs!
As mentioned in Rose’s profile, Xander and his twin were attacked at their home by a small yet vicious coalition of “anti-demon” reapers while Ronald was babysitting them. Although Rose was able to fend them off long enough for Bassy and Grelle to rush to the rescue, Xander was severely traumatized. He still has residual guilt for panicking during the incident (which hampered his efforts to use his demon powers to assist his sister). Also, while he is very close to his “uncles” (Ronald, Eric, Alan, and Othello), Xander has a lingering fear of other reapers due to this hate crime. Therefore, he refuses to set foot in the reaper realm and is very skittish and uneasy whenever other reapers visit the Sutcliff-Michaelis residence. However, he did eventually warm up to Nina Montmarcy (Viola’s girlfriend) and Michael Kennsington (Rose’s boyfriend, a reaper and former MI6 agent who y’all will learn more about in a subsequent post!)
Out of all the Sutcliff-Michaelis household, Xander is the most fond of humans. In part, this stems from him becoming friends with a feisty, adventurous little mortal girl named Darcy Braithwaite when he was a child. When Darcy died tragically young (I think around 8-10) in a car accident involving a drunk driver, Xander was devastated. To this day, he still visits her grave regularly and has picnic lunches there (they used to have little picnics together during their play dates). After Darcy’s untimely demise, Xander vowed to become a “god of small things.” As such, wherever the Sutcliff-Michaelis family happens to be residing, he does his best to answer the prayers of any hurting soul in need.
I need to work out the details, but Xander eventually falls in love with a mischievous but kind-hearted Ghibliesque water dragon, who typically takes the form of a handsome young Chinese man (for my Mo Dao Zu Shi peeps, he basically looks like Wei Wuxian with a silver streak in his bangs, though his hair is sometimes much shorter depending on his mood. Also, in human guise, he normally wears the Gusu Lan-style blue and white rather than Wei’s red and black). Over the years, Xander and his husband adopt scores of orphaned and abandoned baby magical creatures, forming a large, diverse, happy family.
Of course, if you have any other questions about this soft cinnamon roll, please let me know! :3
@spellcasterz Sorry I took so long with this, but here ya go!
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grelleswife · 5 years
tell us about your OCs then!!!!
Yay! A brief rundown (so I don’t spam peoples’ dashes):
Rose Sutcliff-Michaelis: Grelle’s and Bassy’s eldest child. Redhead, good with machines, rides motorcycles, wears a lot of black leather, repairs cars in her spare time, and works in a dispatch division I made up (Death Scythe Repair and Maintenance). Practical, level-headed, and tough as nails. Has a hellhound named Eustacia who serves as her familiar. Eventually marries a reaper named Michael Kennsington who’s a former MI6 agent and looks a lot like Gevanni from Death Note.
Alexander/Rhea Sutcliff-Michaelis: Rose’s twin. Is gender fluid, but tends to spend more time in a male form. Looks like Rin from Free! Is a literal cinnamon roll and pure bean. A good listener. Enjoys participating in local theatre (helping with stage makeup, costumes, and painting backdrops). Inherited their parents’ love for high heels. Eventually marries a water dragon who spends most of his time in a human form (and looks a lot like Wei Wuxian from Mo Dao Zu Shi).
Viola Sutcliff-Michaelis: The youngest of Grelle’s and Bassy’s “kittens.”Very clever. Works in Forensics. Is the most demonic child and hence capable of soul-eating. Looks a lot like Sebastian and is drop-dead gorgeous. Is bi as heck and has an autistic lesbian girlfriend (Nina Montmarcy) who also works in Forensics. Has an artsy side as well (paints watercolors, plays the flute and cello).
Giuseppa Ricci: An OC who is eventually going to be shipped with Grelle in a different AU. Passionate bisexual Italian opera singer who also worked for the mafia. A ruthless, highly efficient killer who enjoys using knives (because they’re more intimate than guns, generate plenty of blood and gore, etc.). Became a reaper after her lover abandoned her for another woman, leading her to take her own life in a fit of despair. Grelle is assigned to be her mentor, and they soon start dating and eventually move in together. They are deeply in love.
Thanks so much for your interest! :3
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grelleswife · 5 years
I'm curious about something from your Sebagrelle AU. I remember you mentioned Viola has a girlfriend called Nina, who she met in the Forensics department. I'd love to know more about her, if you have more info😍 Or should we be patient and wait until you post more notes and stories?🙈
I’m happy to tell you more about her now!
Nina Montmarcy became a reaper at age 19 and joined Forensics when Viola was the reaper/demon hybrid equivalent of that age (keep in mind that the kittens matured about twice as slowly as humans would, so Viola “technically” was 40 years old. BUT for practical intents and purposes, Viola was a young adult just like Nina.). Nina’s human life was extremely unhappy. In addition to being autistic (which, in her case, entailed regular stimming, difficulties with interpersonal relations, and a susceptibility to sensory overload, especially sound), she is also a lesbian. Her parents were very close-minded toward both communities. Thus, despite her keen intelligence and good heart, Nina felt worthless and became extremely withdrawn, eventually succumbing to depression and overdosing on sleeping pills.Since Nina is quite clever and has a scientific bent, Forensics was a natural choice. Many members of the department are on the spectrum, so Nina was finally able to receive the support and acceptance that she lacked in life. Nina was immediately fascinated by Viola. Initially, this stemmed from the girl’s status as a demon/reaper hybrid, but Nina quickly grew attached to Viola as a person. Vi was kind, sharp as a tack, witty…and very beautiful. When Nina first realized she had a crush on Viola, she was mortified because she assumed that a person like herself was far beneath the crown jewel of Forensics. Little did Nina suspect how she made Viola’s bisexual little heart flutter (sweet, shy, soft, AND brainy? Vi couldn’t resist that. 😂). One day, Viola just couldn’t take it any longer and whisked Nina away to the department archives “for a quick chat,” which turned into a confession and very passionate kiss. The two have been going steady ever since. 🥰In terms of character design, I picture Nina as being quite similar to Emily from Violet Evergarden. Thanks so much for the ask, and always feel free to hit me up with questions about this AU! ❤️🖤
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