#nicole morelli
aria-ashryver · 7 months
Starlight Halloween Edit
hi hello i am experiencing two extremely gay thoughts
1) Red Velvet are still promoting 🖤🩸Chill Kill💞💋, so as far as I'm concerned, it's still Halloween until they say otherwise
2) I loved my commission prize art from CFWC's Bi Awareness Week event so freaking much that I couldn't resist making a Halloween edit! because i cannot get enough of Luca!!! in a corset!!!!!! (and MJ absolutely nailed it 😭✨)
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(bonus Nicole edit this time, bc she and Luca got ready together and I love writing about and celebrating my characters' queer platonic friendships as much as their romantic relationships ❣)
cr. to @korgbelmont and @farizrz for the assets! 🖤
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lamilanomagazine · 2 years
Siracusa, il Premio Tonino Accolla a Sara Croce e Marco Camillacci
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Siracusa, il Premio Tonino Accolla a Sara Croce e Marco Camillacci. Giovanissimi, 21 anni Sara Croce, napoletana, e 18 Marco Camillacci, romano, sono loro ad avere conquistato i voti della Giuria tecnica d’eccellenza del "Premio Tonino Accolla" che si è tenuto a Siracusa, all'interno del festival "Voice Over". La giuria quest'anno era formata da Franco Mirra – direttore Fono Roma – Mario Cordova, Chiara Colizzi, Laura Cefaloni – 3 Cycle – Franco Mannella (ospite)  e le giovani leve ma già professionisti Alex Polidori e Mirko Cannella.    La Giuria della Stampa – presieduta da Prospero Dente, Segretario Assostampa Sicilia, e fra i componenti Ivan Scinardo, direttore Sicilia Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia - ha votato per Sara Croce che ha ricevuto anche il premio come “Migliore interpretazione femminile”.  Entrambi i candidati al Premio hanno già intrapreso la carriera di doppiatori e avranno diritto al riconoscimento assegnato dalla Sefit – e dal General Manager Massimo Puccio -  ad un primo turno di doppiaggio per una nuova produzione.  I vincitori Sara Croce frequenta la “Voice Art Dubbing”, eccellente scuola di doppiaggio con sede nelle maggiori città italiane che ha ricevuto il premio come “Migliore scuola”.  Marco Camillacci, autocandidato, diplomato, ha le idee molto chiare di cosa vorrà fare da grande: figlio di un famoso speaker radiofonico che ha “militato” per anni su Rds, ha la passione per il palcoscenico che calca fin da bambino. Fare il doppiatore e l’attore è il suo sogno, l’uso della voce il suo esercizio giornaliero. Gli altri finalisti Come i vincitori anche gli altri ragazzi che hanno partecipato al Premio hanno mostrato determinazione e grinta e non hanno dubbi sui loro progetti futuri: cinema e doppiaggio.  Viviana Feudale, Michela Filippi ( Voice Art Dubbing – Roma), Andrea Consalvo,  Davide Morelli (VAD Roma), hanno dato prova al leggio di grande versatilità superando tutte le prove live in coppia e singolarmente.  E si è conclusa così, con le premiazioni e i ringraziamenti di rito anche questa settima edizione del Premio Tonino Accolla; una serata movimentata, al culmine dell’adrenalina per i concorrenti ma anche per il pubblico che ha partecipato con calore alle due serate che hanno animato piazza Minerva trasformandola in teatro e sala doppiaggio a cielo aperto.  Premio Tonino Accola Ideato da Stefania Altavilla, direttrice artistica, presidente associazione Arca,  il Premio quest’anno si è mostrato in più e diverse connotazioni: artistiche, di spettacolo ma anche rivolto alle tematiche sociali grazie ad un corto realizzato dalla regista  Giulia Galati, dedicato a Paolo Borsellino.  La conduzione delle due serate a cura di Mimmo Contestabile e Rossella Leone, la regia di Giulia Galati. Tra gli ospiti il musicista Ernesto Marciante, l’attore Rosario Terranova, il compositore Alessandro Faro. Nella serata finale di ieri, anche l’esibizione del gruppo danza di Simona Gatto, sulle note della FaroEnsamble.  Gli ospiti Momenti di memorabili doppiaggi cinematografici sono stati regalati da due colonne del doppiaggio, Chiara Colizzi ( voci di Nicole Kidman, Kate Winslet,Uma Turman, Penelope Cruz e decine di altre attrici di Hollywood), e Mario Cordova ( voci di Richard Gere, Jeremy Irons, Patrick Swayze.  “ E’ un momento di alta cultura questo del Premio Tonino Accolla – ha dichiarato l’assessore alla Cultura Fabio Granata, intervenuto ad entrambe le serate -  che gioca molto sul talento dei giovani e sul loro futuro.  Come per gli allievi dell’Inda questi ragazzi grazie al Premio offrono un grande contributo alla nostra crescita culturale". "Sono io - conclude Granata - a dire grazie perché questo premio non è mai banale e rappresenta un tassello in più per l’ identità moderna del novecento di questa città”.  Trofei e partner I premi sono stati realizzati dal Maestro scultore Pietro Marchese e da “Sorelle Midolo Gioielli”. Partner tecnici e media partener 2022, Fono Roma, Sefit Group, 3 Cycle e Atom. La manifestazione è stata patrocinata dal Comune di Siracusa e dalla Regione Sicilia Assessorato Turismo Sport e Spettacolo, e grazie all’Associazione Arca. Read the full article
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robertshoot · 4 years
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Cosplayer: Nicole Morelli
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autostraddle · 6 years
Plus Gaby Dunn and her girlfriend being adorable, a very cute Lena Waithe selfie, and more!  
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bamudaba · 2 years
Los 25+25 mejores discos de Argentina 2021
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Alexis Tavella / Aguabembé
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Axel Filip / Sendero
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Cande y Paulo / Cande y Paulo
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Ca7riel / EL DISKO
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Cirilo Fernandez / I K E
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Clara Cava / Martes 13
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Clara Presta / Pájara
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Diego Schissi Quinteto / Te
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Doble Valentina / Un Amoroso Asunto
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Gativideo / BOUTIQUE
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Juan Arabel / Trigo
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Juana Aguirre / Claroscuro
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Juana Sallies / Paralaje
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LA LOU / Planes para Hoy
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Lucas & The Woods / Cultura Pop (Extended)
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Manuel Bayala / Petit Alzheimer
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NICKI NICOLE / Parte de Mí
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Nicolás Carou / Antes, Último
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Paco Amoroso / SAETA
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Pako Galvan / Medio Juan
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Sofía Campos / Lugares Imaginarios
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Tomas Latorre / Fuera de mi piel
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Yotam Silberstein & Carlos Aguirre / En el jardín
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Zoe Gotusso / Mi Primer Día Triste
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Bhavi / CINEMA
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Connie Isla / 2020
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Florencia Ruiz / Aullido
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Francisco del Pino / Decir
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Francisco Sonur / Morning Trials
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Guadalupe Álvarez Luchía / Terraza
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Isla de Caras / Una Caricia
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Juan Bayon / Silencio Ensordecedor
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Kaleema / Útera
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La Vida Secular / El hilo que nos ata entre todos
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Luciana Morelli / Lo abismal, el agua
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Malena Villa / Ni tan Bien
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Mia Zeta / Realidades
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Milagros Majó / Füryü
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Nashy-Nashai / Déjà Vu
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Natalia Freibrun / Jaula y Delirio
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Neo Pistea / PUNKDEMIA
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Pablo Juarez / Encuentros
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Santiago Arias / Evocación de Carnaval
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Sergio Zabala / Gris de Fantasía
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Sofia Rei / Umbral
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Tomás Cabado / Para las esporas
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Vincent Segal, Tomas Gubitsch & Sébastien Surel / Camara pop
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Vita Set / Affaire
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californicationhq · 3 years
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Luzes, câmera, ação! É com calidez que damos as boas-vindas aos seguintes personagens, cujos respectivos jogadores contam com um prazo de 24 horas para encaminhar a url à central:
Tentando evitar as câmeras, vem ALEXANDER PRIEST, um DIRETOR conhecido como AKA SATAN. Há boatos de que sua segurança, Mari está tendo um trabalho danado para manter os paparazzi afastados. Boa sorte! .
Tentando evitar as câmeras, vem ALINE  MAYER uma MAQUIADORA conhecida como THE GREGARIOUS. Há boatos de que sua segurança Ollie, está tendo um trabalho danado tentando manter os paparazzi afastados. Boa sorte!
Tentando evitar as câmeras, vem ARVIN BANKS um VOCALISTA DO THE EQUINOX OF NINETEEN conhecido como THE YOUNG STAR. Há boatos de que sua segurança Rin, está tendo um trabalho danado tentando manter os paparazzi afastados. Boa sorte!
Tentando evitar as câmeras, vem ASPEN KLEIN uma ATRIZ E CANTORA conhecida como MC DETRAN. Há boatos de que sua segurança Bela, está tendo um trabalho danado tentando manter os paparazzi afastados. Boa sorte!
Tentando evitar as câmeras, vem BETHANY “BETSY” RUDOLPH uma INFLUENCER DIGITAL E EMPRESÁRIA conhecida como BARBIE GIRL. Há boatos de que sua segurança Inez, está tendo um trabalho danado tentando manter os paparazzi afastados. Boa sorte!
Tentando evitar as câmeras, vem BRENO EMMANUEL RENARD um ATOR conhecido como THE CONTINGENT. Há boatos de que sua segurança Ollie, está tendo um trabalho danado tentando manter os paparazzi afastados. Boa sorte!
Tentando evitar as câmeras, vem CASSANDRA “CASSIE” GRANGER uma BAIXISTA NA THE EQUINOX OF NINETEEN conhecida como THE FACADE. Há boatos de que sua segurança Fanny, está tendo um trabalho danado tentando manter os paparazzi afastados. Boa sorte!
Tentando evitar as câmeras, vem DILARA FAHRIYE ATAKAN uma MANAGER/DIRETORA DE RELAÇÕES PÚBLICAS NA VANDENBERG MANAGEMENT conhecida como THE HERCULEAN. Há boatos de que sua segurança Vick, está tendo um trabalho danado tentando manter os paparazzi afastados. Boa sorte!
Tentando evitar as câmeras, vem EMMETT BAYRAM um MOTORISTA conhecido como CALOTEIRO. Há boatos de que sua segurança Bela, está tendo um trabalho danado tentando manter os paparazzi afastados. Boa sorte!
Tentando evitar as câmeras, vem FLORENCE TATE-HOZIER uma GUITARRISTA/SEGUNDA-VOZ/COMPOSITORA conhecida como THE CHAOS. Há boatos de que sua segurança Chaos, está tendo um trabalho danado tentando manter os paparazzi afastados. Boa sorte!
Tentando evitar as câmeras, vem JACKSON NEEL COLE um ASSISTENTE PESSOAL conhecido como THE INTERNSHIP. Há boatos de que sua segurança Vick, está tendo um trabalho danado tentando manter os paparazzi afastados. Boa sorte!
Tentando evitar as câmeras, vem JAMES “JIMMY” HILLS um BATERISTA conhecido como THE GREGARIOUS. Há boatos de que sua segurança Yoda, está tendo um trabalho danado tentando manter os paparazzi afastados. Boa sorte!
Tentando evitar as câmeras, vem JORDAN ARTEMYEV uma MODELO E ATIVISTA conhecida como THE HARDWORKER. Há boatos de que sua segurança Pipa, está tendo um trabalho danado tentando manter os paparazzi afastados. Boa sorte!
Tentando evitar as câmeras, vem LALE KAPLAN uma MAQUIADORA conhecida como CLOUT CHASER. Há boatos de que sua segurança Giu, está tendo um trabalho danado tentando manter os paparazzi afastados. Boa sorte!
Tentando evitar as câmeras, vem LEONA MICHAELA MADDOX PRIEST uma ESCRITORA conhecida como THE SUNSHINE. Há boatos de que sua segurança Vick, está tendo um trabalho danado tentando manter os paparazzi afastados. Boa sorte!
Tentando evitar as câmeras, vem LILLIANA “LILLY” PERCHART uma ATRIZ conhecida como THE MILLION DOLLAR BABY. Há boatos de que sua segurança Helena, está tendo um trabalho danado tentando manter os paparazzi afastados. Boa sorte!
Tentando evitar as câmeras, vem MATTHEW SAWYER um MÚSICO (vocalista na gore) conhecido como THE WHEAT AMONG THE CHAFF. Há boatos de que sua segurança Luh, está tendo um trabalho danado tentando manter os paparazzi afastados. Boa sorte!
Tentando evitar as câmeras, vem OLIVIA AGATHA GATTI uma ATRIZ E CANTORA conhecida como DREW BARRYMORE 2.0. Há boatos de que sua segurança Luh, está tendo um trabalho danado tentando manter os paparazzi afastados. Boa sorte!
Tentando evitar as câmeras, vem SCARLET MORELLI uma CORRETORA DE IMÓVEIS E REALITY STAR conhecida como SOUR FACE. Há boatos de que sua segurança Giu, está tendo um trabalho danado tentando manter os paparazzi afastados. Boa sorte!
Tentando evitar as câmeras, vem SEBASTIAN NOVAK um MÚSICO (baterista na Gore), COMPOSITOR E PRODUTOR MUSICAL conhecido como THE BUTCHER. Há boatos de que sua segurança, Mari está tendo um trabalho danado para manter os paparazzi afastados. Boa sorte!
Tentando evitar as câmeras, vem SERENA NICOLE SCHAFER uma ATRIZ conhecida como AMERICA’S SWEETHEART. Há boatos de que sua segurança Roma, está tendo um trabalho danado tentando manter os paparazzi afastados. Boa sorte!
Tentando evitar as câmeras, vem SUN YOUNG CHO uma CHEF conhecida como SOUTH KOREAN CLARE SMITH. Há boatos de que sua segurança Myn, está tendo um trabalho danado tentando manter os paparazzi afastados. Boa sorte!
Os faceclaims Chris Evans, Katie Douglas, Shawn Mendes, Adeline Rudolph, Jessica Alexander, Marco Pigossi, Alice Pagani, Aslihan Malbora, Kerem Bursin, Diana Silvers, Lucas Bravo, Nick Robinson, Hunter Schafer, Hande Erçel, Ana de Armas, Anya Taylor-Joy, Brant Daugherty, Danielle Campbell, Olivia Culpo, Casey Deidrick, Kristine Froseth e Im Jin-ah agora encontram-se indisponíveis.
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mustlovetights · 5 years
Goodbye 2018!
As this strange, surreal year draws to a close I felt it might be nice to recap a resolution I made at the beginning of the year: to read more published books. My goal was 2 per month minimum.
Maybe it was a blatant need for escapism in any form, but I read a crap ton this year.
Never let it be said I do anything half way. Ahem.
In the interest of some form of organization I am dividing this literary amalgamation into categories: Fiction, Art & Hobbies, and Children’s Lit (I adore beautifully illustrated picture books. This isn’t a surprise.) My favorites are marked with bold and italic.
Fiction: Fiction consumed the latter half of the year, consisting of 1 action/adventure book and... a few dozen m/m romance novels. (Again--not a surprise). In the order of reading here are the spoils (with Amazon links, for which I get absolutely nothing.): 
Artemis by Andy Weir
The Adventures of Charls, the Veretian Cloth Merchant: A Captive Prince Short Story (Captive Prince Short Stories Book 3) by C. S. Pacat
The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee
Carry On by Rainbow Rowell
Witchmark (The Kingston Cycle Book 1) by C. L. Polk
The Magpie Lord (A Charm of Magpies Book 1) by KJ Charles
A Case of Possession (A Charm of Magpies Book 2) by KJ Charles
Flight of Magpies (A Charm of Magpies Book 3) by KJ Charles
Band Sinister by KJ Charles
Jackdaw (A Charm of Magpies World) by KJ Charles
Rag and Bone (A Charm of Magpies World) by KJ Charles
A Queer Trade (A Charm of Magpies World) by KJ Charles
A Fashionable Indulgence: A Society of Gentlemen Novel (Society of Gentlemen Series Book 1) by KJ Charles
A Seditious Affair: A Society of Gentlemen Novel (Society of Gentlemen Series Book 2) by KJ Charles
A Gentleman's Position: A Society of Gentlemen Novel (Society of Gentlemen Series Book 3) by KJ Charles
An Unseen Attraction (Sins of the Cities Book 1) by KJ Charles
An Unnatural Vice (Sins of the Cities Book 2) by KJ Charles
An Unsuitable Heir (Sins of the Cities Book 3) by KJ Charles
Spectred Isle (Green Men Book 1) by KJ Charles
Think of England by KJ Charles
It Takes Two to Tumble: Seducing the Sedgwicks by Cat Sebastian
The Soldier's Scoundrel by Cat Sebastian
The Lawrence Browne Affair by Cat Sebastian
The Ruin of a Rake by Cat Sebastian
 A Gentleman Never Keeps Score: Seducing the Sedgwicks by Cat Sebastian
 Provoked (Enlightenment Book 1) by Joanna Chambers
Beguiled (Enlightenment Book 2) by Joanna Chambers
Enlightened (Enlightenment Book 3) by Joanna Chambers
A Minor Inconvenience by Sarah Granger
Widdershins (Whyborne & Griffin Book 1) by Jordan L. Hawk
Threshold (Whyborne & Griffin Book 2) by Jordan L. Hawk
Stormhaven (Whyborne & Griffin Book 3) by Jordan L. Hawk
Whyborne and Griffin, Books 4-6: Necropolis, Bloodline, and Hoarfrost (The Whyborne & Griffin Series Box Sets Book 2) by Jordan L. Hawk
Whyborne and Griffin, Books 7-9: Maelstrom, Fallow, and Draakenwood (The Whyborne & Griffin Series Box Sets Book 3) by Jordan L. Hawk
Balefire (Whyborne & Griffin Book 10) by Jordan L. Hawk
Restless Spirits by Jordan L. Hawk
Dangerous Spirits by Jordan L. Hawk
Guardian Spirits by Jordan L. Hawk  
SPECTR: The Complete First Series (SPECTR Box Sets Book 1) by Jordan L. Hawk
Introducing Mr. Winterbourne by Joanna Chambers
Mr Winterbourne's Christmas by Joanna Chambers
A Ferry of Bones & Gold (Soulbound Book 1) by Hailey Turner            
Art & Hobby: I love learning new things, and along with reading and studying several art books, I also took a few online art classes this year (two at JeanneOliver.com and several over at Skillshare). I’ve mentioned it before but I let my creative side slide for several years, giving up painting and drawing because I thought there was no point since art wasn’t my “Career”. (Spoiler: I was wrong). In no particular order, these were the art books I read (and refer back to), along with a few “lifestyle/creative living” books too.
Botanical Drawing in Color: A Basic Guide to Mastering Realistic Form and Naturalistic Color   by Wendy Hollender
Botanical Illustration Course: With the Eden Project by Rosie Martin & Meriel Thurstan
Imagine a Forest: Designs and Inspirations for Enchanting Folk Art by Dinara Mirtalipova
My Name is Girl: An Illustrated Guide to the Female Mind  by Nina Cosford
The Art of Kiki's Delivery Service: by Hayao Miyazaki
The Art of Howl's Moving Castle by   Hayao Miyazaki
The Art of My Neighbor Totoro: A Film by Hayao Miyazaki 
Paint and Frame: Botanical Painting: Nearly 20 Inspired Projects to Paint and Frame Instantly by Sara Boccaccini Meadows 
By Hand: The Art of Modern Lettering  by Nicole Miyuki Santo
Watercolor With Me in the Forest by Dana Fox 
Art Starts with a Line: A creative and interactive guide to the art of line drawing by Erin McManness
Draw Your Day: An Inspiring Guide to Keeping a Sketch Journal by Samantha Dion Baker
Modern Watercolor: A playful and contemporary exploration of watercolor painting By Kristin Van Leuven 
The Little Book of Life Hacks: How to Make Your Life Happier, Healthier, and More Beautiful by Yumi Sakugaw
Other-Wordly: words both strange and lovely from around the world by Yee-Lum Mak, Kelsey Garrity-Riley
The Joy of Watercolor: 40 Happy Lessons for Painting the World Around You by Emma Block
Everyday Watercolor: Learn to Paint Watercolor in 30 Days  by Jenna Rainey 
Urban Watercolor Sketching: A Guide to Drawing, Painting, and Storytelling in Color by Felix Scheinberger
100 Days of Drawing (Guided Sketchbook): Sketch, Paint, and Doodle Towards One Creative Goal Jennifer Orkin Lewis 
Brush Lettering Made Simple: A Step-by-Step Workbook to Create Gorgeous Freeform Lettered Art by Chrystal Elizabeth
Mindfulness & the Art of Drawing by Wendy Ann Greenhalgh  
Children’s Books: I follow many illustrators on instagram and YouTube and many of those have written or illustrated children’s books. Mary Blair has long been my favorite illustrator, and I already own two books featuring her work for Walt Disney & Little Golden Books among others. I love collecting children’s illustrated picture books, but I usually do pass them along to my nieces and nephews. Here are a few I would have a hard time letting go...
Home by Carson Ellis
How to Make Friends with a Ghost by Rebecca Green
Walt Disney's Cinderella (Reissue) (Walt Disney's Classic Fairytale) by Cynthia Rylant; illustrated by Mary Blair
Jane, the Fox, and Me by Fanny Britt, Isabelle Arsenault, Christine Morelli, Susan Ouriou
Mary Poppins (picture book) by Dr. P. L. Travers, illustrated by Genevieve Godbout 
And that’s it! Whew! I’m not much for resolutions usually, other than reaffirming my own personal goals and promises to myself to take better care of
and giving back to the earth / being conscious of how I contribute to the continuation of a healthy planet. But reading was a good one for me. It gave me an outlet I didn’t realize I had missed quite as much as I did.
Can you believe I still read fanfic after all of this? I DID! Admittedly not as much as in previous years (and I accomplished very little writing of my own, but I did a little bit here and there and that’s okay too).
For now, it’s Goodbye to 2018 and hello to 2019! If you have any really wonderful LGBTQ authors to recommend, I would love to have some new blood! I’m pretty loyal when I find one I like and sort of inhale their catalogue. 
Happy New Year!!
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gokinjeespot · 5 years
off the rack #1242
Monday, December 24, 2018
 I was hit by a spasm of back pain on Saturday like the ghost of Christmas Past. That'll teach me for being such a Scrooge this time of year. I try not to be naughty but being nice is such a pain in the pants. I am slowly recovering under the gentle ministrations of Santa's Helper. Being around family and friends is better medicine than any pain pills I could take. My brother and sister-in-law hosted a brunch yesterday and seeing everyone together laughing and happy soothed me greatly. Just holding baby Oliver and making him smile eased my back pain.
 I saw the Ottawa premiere of Aquaman thanks to my Jee-Riz partner Chris, who won passes from the comic book store Myths, Legends and Heroes. I can sum up how I felt about the movie in one word; wigs. I wish they had spent some of the Atlantis special effects budget on better wigs for the actors. Arthur's dad's toupee was glaringly obvious. I've seen better hair on Cosplayers than Nicole Kidman's wigs. It looked like Amber Heard/Mera was wearing a wig at times but even when it looked like her real hair the colour red they chose was too unnatural looking. The movie's saving grace for me was Jason Momoa. He makes a great Arthur/Aquaman. I'm glad I didn't pay to see this one.
 Ugh. Stan Lee tribute covers. Terrible marketing idea.
 Dead Man Logan #2 - Ed Brisson (writer) Mike Henderson (art) Nolan Woodard (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). A couple of things really annoyed me this issue. Sin, the Red Skull's daughter, acted like a spoiled brat. It's not a stretch to foresee the villains losing at the end of this 12-issue story. Then we have Forge repairing a machine that can get Old Man Logan back home. They actually go there and he doesn't stay. I'm for super heroics as much as the next nerd and maybe I'm selfish, but that irked me to no end. Old Man Logan has been whining about getting home ever since he showed up in this timeline and now he wants to stay to prevent all the super heroes from being killed by all the super villains. There isn't even a guarantee that is what happens in the future. And why don't they use the machine to fix things? Man I hate time travel. I really like Mike Henderson's art but this looks like another travelling super heroes versus super villains battle every issue, and that's not very interesting to me.
 Defenders: The Best Defense #1 - Al Ewing (writer) Joe Bennett (pencils) Belardino Brabo (inks) Dono Sanchez Almara (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). It's the big Defenders reunion to save Earth. Old Man Dr. Strange, Hulk, Namor and the Silver Surfer have to sidetrack The Train in order for Earth to survive. It's a bit complicated and I'm surprised that you didn't really need to read all the one-shots to get what's going on. I mean all those scenes where the stabby killer in the bed sheet is killing aliens isn't even mentioned in this story. So what was up with that?
 Marvel Knights #4 - Vita Ayala & Donny Cates (writers) Joshua Cassara (art) Matt Milla (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Here's where they explain why all the super heroes have forgotten who they are. T'Challa/Black Panther is featured in this issue that ends with him discovering the lair of villains. I'm wondering how the bad guys retained their memories.
 Old Man Hawkeye #12 - Ethan Sacks (writer) Francesco Mobili (art) Andres Mossa (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). That was a very satisfying ending. What a great prequel to the Old Man Logan story where Clint and Logan go on a road trip. This is where Clint loses his sight for good. I loved the last page epilogue showing Clint tracking down someone who will help him to continue to fight the bad guys despite his blindness.
 Runaways #16 - Rainbow Rowell (writer) Kris Anka (art) Matthew Wilson (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). Reading this Christmas special is better than getting a lump of coal. Having Doombot as a dinner guest made this a treat. I wish he was a regular member of the team.
 West Coast Avengers #6 - Kelly Thompson (writer) Daniele Di Nicuolo (art) Triona Farrell (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). The good guys have been captured by the bad guys: Satana Hellstrom, M.O.D.O.K., The Eel and Madame Masque. Kate is still free however and she's not going to abandon her team mates. Too bad she gets waylaid on her way to rescue them. Her captor is a complete surprise, which will make the next issue a hoot.
 Thor #8 - Jason Aaron (writer) Mike del Mundo (art) VC's Joe Sabino (letters). This is an awesome issue with Thor fighting the Angelus. It ends with an ex-Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. being paid a visit by the Black Panther. I like how this book is being tied into The Avengers.
 Season's Beatings #1 - Jason Latour (writer) Greg Hinkle, Chris Brunner, Veronica Fish & Mario Del Pennino (art) Rico Renzi, Jim Campbell & Veronica Fish (colours) VC's Travis Lanham (letters). I should have realized from the cover that this was a Deadpool Christmas Special. If I had known, I would have bought a pair of socks from the Dollar Store with the $4.99 US that this comic book costs. Unless of course, you're a big Deadpool fan or West Coast Avengers fan or even an X-Force fan. They're all in here too. Plus Squirrel Girl and Doctor Doom. Come to think of it, this is an everything but the kitchen sink gift for a Marvel Comics fan who will get a few chuckles out of it.
 Freedom Fighters #1 - Robert Venditti (writer) Eddy Barrows (pencils) Eber Ferreira (inks) Adriano Lucas (colours) Deron Bennett (letters). This is some heavy duty patriotic poop right here. We start this 12-issue story in 1963 America that is ruled by Adolf Hitler and his "ratzi" party. The original Freedom Fighters meet to plot a resistance attack on a war robot factory. Things don't go well for the good guys. Jump forward to 2018 and the surprise appearance of the New Freedom Fighters; Black Condor, Doll Woman, the Human Bomb and Phantom Lady. All we need is Uncle Sam. Robert Venditti holds nothing back showing the Germans as ruthless racists. The art is really well done so I will give these Golden Age heroes a chance to see how they fare in modern times.
 Middlewest #2 - Skottie Young (writer) Jorge Corona (art) Jean Francois Beaulieu (colours) Nate Piekos (letters). A new character named Jeb is introduced who helps Abel get out of a bind. Jeb reminds me of the first time we meet Gandalf. Abel's quest continues and we find out a bit more about the symbol on his chest. I predict he'll meet his mother down the road but unlike the talking fox, I won't be travelling down it with him.
 Cover #4 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) David Mack (art) Michael Avon Oeming (Owen art) Zu Orzu (colours) Carlos Mangual (letters). This issue is a great example of how a comic book can tell a story with words and pictures. I felt like I was watching a TV show or a short film. Brian, David and Michael work together seamlessly
 Hardcore 1 - Robert Kirkman & Andy Diggle (writers) Alessandro Vitti (art) Adriano Lucas (colours) Thomas Mauer (letters). Yeah man, it is. Agent Drake is a drone pilot but what he controls are other human beings. A new nanotechnology allows him to take over and move a remote body for 72 hours so he can complete wetwork missions. It's really cool. The big problem arises when the guy who invented the tech comes back to reclaim it from the government. That guy is not asking nicely. I like this concept and the predicament that Agent Drake finds himself in at the end of this issue. Therefore, this goes on to my "must read" list.
 Klaus and the Crying Snowman #1 - Grant Morrison (writer) Dan Mora (art) Ed Dukeshire (letters). This $7.99 US one-shot tells the tale of how Sam the snowman helps Klaus save the Earth from murderous aliens. I loved how they wove in Norse mythology. You'd think a crying snowman would be doomed in the end and you'd be right, but fear not, 'tis a happy ending.
 Betty & Veronica #1 - Jamie Lee Rotante (writer) Sandra Lanz (art) Kelly Fitzpatrick (colours) Jack Morelli (letters). The BFFs are back with a 5-issue mini that starts off their senior year of high school. I know that these slightly more mature Archie Comics want to draw in a new audience but Betty dating Reggie? Sacrilege. A few other things bothered me storywise that turned me off even more. Betty drinking a spiked punch without noticing? C'mon. Then there's the art. I didn't like the interiors compared to the nice cover that Sandra drew. I expected my girl Betty to be treated better than this.
 Catwoman #6 - Joelle Jones (story & art) Laura Allred (colours) Josh Reed (letters). The finale of "Copycats" is a quick read so I read it twice. The first time was to see how Catwoman deals with the evil Mrs. Creel and her pumped up on drugs son. The second time was to see Catwoman in action and to savour the beautiful art and layouts. I wish Joelle Jones would do a Betty & Veronica mini.
 Extermination #5 - Ed Brisson (writer) Pepe Larraz (art) Marte Gracia (colours) VC's Joe Sabino (letters). I tolerated this time travel tale because of the amazing art. I wish Pepe Larraz would do a Betty & Veronica mini. If you thought that the mutants being exterminated was a real threat then you haven't been reading X-Men comic books for very long. This story puts the young X-Men back in their own time and all is well again. The big surprise comes on the last page and I'm thinking "oh geez, here we go again".
 Domino #9 - Gail Simone (writer) David Baldeon & Michael Shelfer (art) Roberto Poggi (ink assist) Guru-eFX (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). Soldier of Fortune part 3. The ladies are asked to kill Longshot. Haven't seen him in a while. Might not see him for long though, since he's supposed to bring about the end of the world. This is interesting because both Domino and Longshot have the same super power. Who's luck is going to run out first?
 Firefly #2 - Greg Pak (writer) Dan McDaid (art) Marcelo Costa (colours) Jim Campbell (letters). Mal and Zoe are being hunted by a gang of thieves and the Alliance. Darn tootin' there's going to be shootin'. I have been watching Nathan Fillion's new cop show The Rookie and I quite like it.
 Batman #61 - Tom King (writer) Travis Moore (art) Tamra Bonvillain (colours) Clayton Cowles (letters). Knightmares part 1. The "what the!?" appearance on the last page of #60 is explained here as a new story starts. I knew something was hinky when I saw the string of pearls around the dead body of Martha Wayne in the alley. I thought we were in an alternate universe and we sort of are but it came as a complete shock when what was going on was explained. Arkham Asylum is getting a new inmate. At least he's new to me unless I want to go back and read Batman #38.
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smashpages · 6 years
Nominees for the 2018 Eisner Awards announced
Comic-Con International has announced the nominees for the 2018 Eisner Awards, presented annually in San Diego at the convention.
Monstress by Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda and My Favorite Thing Is Monsters by Emil Ferris each received five nominations across various categories; other comics with multiple nominations included Mister Miracle, Black Hammer, The Flintstones, Grass Kings, Eartha and Hawkeye.
Check out the complete list of nominees below.
Best Short Story
“Ethel Byrne,” by Cecil Castelluci and Scott Chantler, in Mine: A Celebration of Liberty and Freedom for All Benefiting Planned Parenthood (ComicMix) “Forgotten Princess,” by Phillip Kennedy Johnson and Antonio Sandoval, in Adventure Time Comics #13 (kaboom!) ”A Life in Comics: The Graphic Adventures of Karen Green,” by Nick Sousanis, in Columbia Magazine (Summer 2017), https://ift.tt/2I41VPy “Small Mistakes Make Big Problems,” by Sophia Foster-Dimino, in Comics for Choice (Hazel Newlevant) “Trans Plant,” by Megan Rose Gedris, in Enough Space for Everyone Else (Bedside Press)
Best Single Issue/One-Shot
Barbara, by Nicole Miles (ShortBox) Hellboy: Krampusnacht, by Mike Mignola and Adam Hughes (Dark Horse) Pope Hats #5, by Ethan Rilly (AdHouse Books) The Spotted Stone, by Rick Veitch (Sun Comics) What Is Left, by Rosemary Valero-O’Connell (ShortBox)
Best Continuing Series
Black Hammer, by Jeff Lemire, Dean Ormston, and David Rubín (Dark Horse) Giant Days, by John Allison, Max Sarin, and Liz Fleming (BOOM! Box) Hawkeye, by Kelly Thompson, Leonardo Romero, and Mike Walsh (Marvel) Monstress, by Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda (Image) The Wicked + The Divine, by Kieron Gillen & Jamie McKelvie (Image)
Best Limited Series
Black Panther: World of Wakanda, by Roxane Gay, Ta-Nehisi Coates, and Alitha E. Martinez (Marvel) Extremity, by Daniel Warren Johnson (Image/Skybound) The Flintstones, by Mark Russell, Steve Pugh, Rick Leonardi, and Scott Hanna (DC) Mister Miracle, by Tom King and Mitch Gerads (DC) X-Men: Grand Design, by Ed Piskor (Marvel)
Best New Series
Black Bolt, by Saladin Ahmed and Christian Ward (Marvel) Grass Kings, by Matt Kindt and Tyler Jenkins (BOOM! Studios) Maestros, by Steve Skroce (Image) Redlands, by Jordie Belaire and Vanesa Del Rey (Image) Royal City, by Jeff Lemire (Image)
Best Publication for Early Readers (up to age 8)
Adele in Sand Land, by Claude Ponti, translated by Skeeter Grant and Françoise Mouly (Toon Books) Arthur and the Golden Rope, by Joe Todd-Stanton (Flying Eye/Nobrow) Egg, by Kevin Henkes (Greenwillow Books) Good Night, Planet, by Liniers (Toon Books) Little Tails in the Savannah, by Frederic Brrémaud and Federico Bertolucci, translated by Mike Kennedy (Lion Forge/Magnetic)
Best Publication for Kids (ages 9–12)
Bolivar, by Sean Rubin (Archaia) Home Time (Book One): Under the River, by Campbell Whyte (Top Shelf) Nightlights, by Lorena Alvarez (Nobrow) The Tea Dragon Society, by Katie O’Neill (Oni) Wallace the Brave, by Will Henry (Andrews McMeel) Best Publication for Teens (ages 13-17)
The Dam Keeper, by Robert Kondo and Dice Tsutsumi (First Second/Tonko House) Jane, by Aline Brosh McKenna and Ramón K. Pérez (Archaia) Louis Undercover, by Fanny Britt and Isabelle Arsenault, translated by Christelle Morelli and Susan Ouriou (Groundwood Books/House of Anansi) Monstress, by Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda (Image) Spinning, by Tillie Walden (First Second)
Best Humor Publication
Baking with Kafka, by Tom Gauld (Drawn & Quarterly) Batman/Elmer Fudd Special #1, by Tom King, Lee Weeks, and Byron Vaughn (DC) The Flintstones, by Mark Russell, Steve Pugh, Rick Leonardi, and Scott Hanna (DC) Rock Candy Mountain, by Kyle Starks (Image) Wallace the Brave, by Will Henry (Andrews McMeel)
Best Anthology
A Bunch of Jews (and Other Stuff): A Minyen Yidn, by Max B. Perlson, Trina Robbins et al. (Bedside Press) A Castle in England, by Jamie Rhodes et al. (Nobrow) Elements: Fire, A Comic Anthology by Creators of Color, edited by Taneka Stotts (Beyond Press) Now #1, edited by Eric Reynolds (Fantagraphics) The Spirit Anthology, edited by Sean Phillips (Lakes International Comic Art Festival)
Best Reality-Based Work
Audubon: On the Wings of the World, by Fabien Grolleau and Jerémie Royer, translated by Etienne Gilfillan (Nobrow) The Best We Could Do, by Thi Bui (Abrams ComicArts) Calamity Jane: The Calamitous Life of Martha Jane Cannary, 1852–1903, by Christian Perrissin and Matthieu Blanchin, translated by Diana Schutz and Brandon Kander (IDW) Lennon: The New York Years, by David Foenkinos, Corbeyran, and Horne, translated by Ivanka Hahnenberger (IDW) Spinning, by Tillie Walden (First Second)
Best Graphic Album—New
Crawl Space, by Jesse Jacobs (Koyama Press) Eartha, by Cathy Malkasian (Fantagraphics) My Favorite Thing Is Monsters, by Emil Ferris (Fantagraphics) Stages of Rot, by Linnea Sterte (Peow) The Story of Jezebel, by Elijah Brubaker (Uncivilized Books)
Best Graphic Album—Reprint
Boundless, by Jillian Tamaki (Drawn & Quarterly) Fantagraphics Studio Edition: Black Hole by Charles Burns, edited by Eric Reynolds (Fantagraphics) Small Favors: The Definitive Girly Porno Collection, by Colleen Coover (Oni/Limerence) Sticks Angelica, Folk Hero, by Michael DeForge (Drawn & Quarterly) Unreal City, by D. J. Bryant (Fantagraphics)
Best Adaptation from Another Medium
Beowulf, adapted by Santiago García and David Rubín (Image) H. P. Lovecraft’s The Hound and Other Stories, adapted by Gou Tanabe, translated by Zack Davisson (Dark Horse) Herman Melville’s Moby Dick, adapted by Christophe Chabouté, translated by Laure Dupont (Dark Horse) Kindred, by Octavia Butler, adapted by Damian Duffy and John Jennings (Abrams ComicArts)
Best U.S. Edition of International Material
Audubon: On the Wings of the World, by Fabien Grolleau and Jerémie Royer, translated by Etienne Gilfillan (Nobrow) Flight of the Raven, by Jean-Pierre Gibrat, translated by Diana Schutz and Brandon Kander (EuroComics/IDW) FUN, by Paolo Bacilieri, translated by Jamie Richards (SelfMadeHero) Ghost of Gaudi, by El Torres and Jesús Alonso Iglesias, translated by Esther Villardón Grande (Lion Forge/Magnetic) The Ladies-in-Waiting, by Santiago García and Javier Olivares, translated by Erica Mena (Fantagraphics) Run for It: Stories of Slaves Who Fought for the Freedom, by Marcelo D’Salete, translated by Andrea Rosenberg (Fantagraphics)
Best U.S. Edition of International Material—Asia
Furari, by Jiro Taniguchi, translated by Kumar Sivasubramanian (Fanfare/Ponent Mon) Golden Kamuy, by Satoru Noda, translated by Eiji Yasuda (VIZ Media) My Brother’s Husband, vol. 1, by Gengoroh Tagame, translated by Anne Ishii (Pantheon) Otherworld Barbara, vol. 2, by Moto Hagio, translated by Matt Thorn (Fantagraphics) Shiver: Junji Ito Selected Stories, by Junji Ito translated by Jocelyne Allen (VIZ Media)
Best Archival Collection/Project—Strips
Celebrating Snoopy, by Charles M. Shulz, edited by Alexis E. Fajardo and Dorothy O’Brien (Andrews McMeel) Crazy Quilt: Scraps and Panels on the Way to Gasoline Alley, by Frank King, edited by Peter Maresca (Sunday Press) Foolish Questions and Other Odd Observations, by Rube Goldberg, edited by Peter Maresca and Paul C. Tumey (Sunday Press Books) Sky Masters of the Space Force: The Complete Dailies, by Jack Kirby, Wally Wood et al., edited by Daniel Herman (Hermes Press) Star Wars: The Classic Newspaper Strips, vol. 1, by Russ Manning et al., edited by Dean Mullaney (LOAC/IDW)
Best Archival Collection/Project—Comic Books
Akira 35th Anniversary Edition, by Katsuhiro Otomo, edited by Haruko Hashimoto, Ajani Oloye, and Lauren Scanlan (Kodansha) Behaving MADly, edited by Craig Yoe (Yoe Books/IDW) The Collected Neil the Horse, by Arn Saba/Katherine Collins, edited by Andy Brown (Conundrum) Fantagraphics Studio Edition: Jaime Hernandez, edited by Gary Groth (Fantagraphics) Will Eisner: The Centennial Celebration, 1917-2017, by Paul Gravett, Denis Kitchen, and John Lind (Kitchen Sink/Dark Horse)
Best Writer
Tom King, Batman, Batman Annual #2, Batman/Elmer Fudd Special #1, Mister Miracle (DC) Matt Kindt, Grass Kings (BOOM! Studios); Ether (Dark Horse); Eternity, X-O Manowar (Valiant) Jeff Lemire, Black Hammer (Dark Horse); Descender (Image) Marjorie Liu, Monstress (Image) Mark Russell, The Flintstones (DC)
Best Writer/Artist
Lorena Alvarez, Night Lights (Nobrow) Chabouté, Moby Dick (Dark Horse); Alone, Park Bench (Gallery 13/Simon & Schuster) Emil Ferris, My Favorite Thing Is Monsters (Fantagraphics) Cathy Malkasian, Eartha (Fantagraphics) Jiro Taniguchi, Furari, Louis Vuitton Travel Guide: Venice (Fanfare/Ponent Mon)
Best Penciller/Inker or Penciller/Inker Team
Isabelle Arsenault, Louis Undercover (Groundwood Books/House of Anansi) Mitch Gerads, Mister Miracle (DC) Gary Gianni, Hellboy: Into the Silent Sea (Dark Horse) Ramón K. Perez, Jane (Archaia) David Rubín, Black Hammer #9 & #12, Ether, Sherlock Frankenstein #1–3 (Dark Horse); Beowulf (Image)
Best Painter/Multimedia Artist (interior art)
Federico Bertolucci, Love: The Dinosaur, Little Tails (Lion Forge/Magnetic) EFA, Monet: Itinerant of Light (NBM) Jean-Pierre Gibrat, Flight of the Raven (EuroComics/IDW) Cyril Pedrosa, Portugal (NBM) Sana Takeda, Monstress (Image)
Best Cover Artist
Jorge Corona, No. 1 with a Bullet (Image) Nick Derington, Mister Miracle (DC); Doom Patrol (DC Young Animal) Brian Stelfreeze, Black Panther (Marvel) Sana Takeda, Monstress (Image) Julian Totino Tedesco, Hawkeye (Marvel)
Best Coloring
Emil Ferris, My Favorite Thing Is Monsters (Fantagraphics) Mitch Gerads, Mister Miracle (DC) Ed Piskor, X-Men: Grand Design (Marvel) David Rubín, Ether, Black Hammer, Sherlock Frankenstein (Dark Horse); Beowulf (Image) Dave Stewart, Black Hammer, BPRD: Devil You Know, Hellboy: Into the Silent Sea, Sherlock Frankenstein, Shaolin Cowboy (Dark Horse); Maestros (Image) Rosemary Valero-O’Connell, What Is Left (ShortBox)
Best Lettering
Isabelle Arsenault, Louis Undercover (Groundwood Books/House of Anansi) Clayton Cowles, Bitch Planet: Triple Feature, Redlands, The Wicked + The Divine (Image); Black Bolt, Spider-Gwen, Astonishing X-Men, Star Wars (Marvel) Emil Ferris, My Favorite Thing Is Monsters (Fantagraphics) Stan Sakai, Usagi Yojimbo, Groo: Slay of the Gods (Dark Horse) John Workman, Mother Panic (DC Young Animal); Ragnorok (IDW)
Best Comics-Related Periodical/Journalism
Alter Ego, edited by Roy Thomas (TwoMorrows) The Comics Journal, edited by Dan Nadel, Timothy Hodler, and Tucker Stone, tcj.com (Fantagraphics) Hogan’s Alley, edited by Tom Heintjes Jack Kirby Collector, edited by John Morrow (TwoMorrows) PanelXPanel magazine, edited by Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, panelxpanel.com
Best Comics-Related Book
Deconstructing the Incal by Alejandro Jodorowsky and Moebius, by Jean Annestay and Christophe Quillien (Humanoids) How Comics Work, by Dave Gibbons and Tim Pilcher (Wellfleet Press/Quarto Group) How to Read Nancy: The Elements of Comics in Three Easy Panels, by Paul Karasik and Mark Newgarden (Fantagraphics) Line of Beauty: The Art of Wendy Pini, by Richard Pini (Flesk) Monograph, by Chris Ware (Rizzoli) To Laugh That We May Not Weep: The Life and Times of Art Young, by Glenn Bray and Frank M. Young (Fantagraphics)
Best Academic/Scholarly Work
The Comics of Charles Schulz: The Good Grief of Modern Life, edited by Jared Gardner and Ian Gordon (University Press of Mississippi) Ethics in the Gutter: Empathy and Historical Fiction in Comics, by Kate Polak (Ohio State University Press) Latinx Superheroes in Mainstream Comics, by Frederick Luis Aldama (University of Arizona Press) Neon Visions: The Comics of Howard Chaykin, by Brannon Costello (LSU Press) Picturing Childhood: Youth in Transnational Comics, edited by Mark Heimermann and Brittany Tullis (University of Texas Press)
Best Publication Design
Akira 35th Anniversary Edition, designed by Phil Balsman, Akira Saito (Veia), NORMA Editorial, and MASH•ROOM (Kodansha) Celebrating Snoopy, designed by Spencer Williams and Julie Phillips (Andrews McMeel) Monograph, designed by Chris Ware (Rizzoli) My Favorite Thing Is Monsters, designed by Jacob Covey (Fantagraphics) Will Eisner: The Centennial Celebration, 1917-2017, designed by John Lind (Kitchen Sink/Dark Horse)
Best Digital Comic
Bandette, by Paul Tobin and Colleen Coover (Monkeybrain/comiXology) Barrier, by Brian K. Vaughan and Marcos Martin (Panel Syndicate) The Carpet Merchant of Konstaniniyya, by Reimena Yee (reimenayee.com/the-carpet-merchant) Contact High, by James F. Wright and Josh Eckert (gumroad.com/l/YnxSm) Harvey Kurtzman’s Marley’s Ghost, by Harvey Kurtzman, Josh O’Neill, Shannon Wheeler, and Gideon Kendall (comiXology Originals/Kitchen, Lind & Associates) Quince, by Sebastian Kadlecik, Kit Steinkellner, and Emma Steinkellner, translated by Valeria Tranier (Fanbase Press/comiXology)
Best Webcomic
Awaiting a Wave, by Dale Carpenter and Nate Powell, features.weather.com/us-climate-change/arkansas (The Weather Channel Digital) Brothers Bond, by Kevin Grevioux and Ryan Benjamin, www.webtoons.com/en/action/brothers-bond/list?title_no=1191 (LINE Webtoon) Dispatch from a Sanctuary City, by Mike Dawson, https://thenib.com/dispatch-from-a-sanctuary-city (The Nib) The Tea Dragon Society, by Katie O’Neill, teadragonsociety.com (Oni Press) Welcome to the New World, by Jake Halpern and Michael Sloan, www.michaelsloan.net/welcome-to-the-new-world/ (New York Times Sunday Review)
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starwarsnewsit · 6 years
Eisner Awards 2018: poco "Star Wars" tra le nomination
New Post has been published on http://www.starwarsnews.it/2018/04/27/eisner-awards-2018-star-wars/
Eisner Awards 2018: poco "Star Wars" tra le nomination
Eisner Awards 2018. Verrà assegnato a breve uno dei premi più importanti del panorama fumettistico. Quest’anno tra le varie nomination c’è anche qualcosa legata a Star Wars, ma veramente poco…
Eisner Awards 2018 – Tutte le nomination
Best Short Story
“Ethel Byrne,” by Cecil Castelluci and Scott Chantler, in Mine: A Celebration of Liberty and Freedom for All Benefiting Planned Parenthood (ComicMix)
“Forgotten Princess,” by Phillip Kennedy Johnson and Antonio Sandoval, in Adventure Time Comics #13 (kaboom!)
”A Life in Comics: The Graphic Adventures of Karen Green,” by Nick Sousanis, in Columbia Magazine (Summer 2017), http://magazine.columbia.edu/features/summer-2017/life-comics?page=0,0
“Small Mistakes Make Big Problems,” by Sophia Foster-Dimino, in Comics for Choice (Hazel Newlevant)
“Trans Plant,” by Megan Rose Gedris, in Enough Space for Everyone Else (Bedside Press)
Best Single Issue/One-Shot
Barbara, by Nicole Miles (ShortBox)
Hellboy: Krampusnacht, by Mike Mignola and Adam Hughes (Dark Horse)
Pope Hats #5, by Ethan Rilly (AdHouse Books)
The Spotted Stone, by Rick Veitch (Sun Comics)
What Is Left, by Rosemary Valero-O’Connell (ShortBox)
Best Continuing Series
Black Hammer, by Jeff Lemire, Dean Ormston, and David Rubín (Dark Horse)
Giant Days, by John Allison, Max Sarin, and Liz Fleming (BOOM! Box)
Hawkeye, by Kelly Thompson, Leonardo Romero, and Mike Walsh (Marvel)
Monstress, by Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda (Image)
The Wicked + The Divine, by Kieron Gillen & Jamie McKelvie (Image)
Best Limited Series
Black Panther: World of Wakanda, by Roxane Gay, Ta-Nehisi Coates, and Alitha E. Martinez (Marvel)
Extremity, by Daniel Warren Johnson (Image/Skybound)
The Flintstones, by Mark Russell, Steve Pugh, Rick Leonardi, and Scott Hanna (DC)
Mister Miracle, by Tom King and Mitch Gerads (DC)
X-Men: Grand Design, by Ed Piskor (Marvel)
Best New Series
Black Bolt, by Saladin Ahmed and Christian Ward (Marvel)
Grass Kings, by Matt Kindt and Tyler Jenkins (BOOM! Studios)
Maestros, by Steve Skroce (Image)
Redlands, by Jordie Belaire and Vanesa Del Rey (Image)
Royal City, by Jeff Lemire (Image)
Best Publication for Early Readers (up to age 8)
Adele in Sand Land, by Claude Ponti, translated by Skeeter Grant and Françoise Mouly (Toon Books)
Arthur and the Golden Rope, by Joe Todd-Stanton (Flying Eye/Nobrow)
Egg, by Kevin Henkes (Greenwillow Books)
Good Night, Planet, by Liniers (Toon Books)
Little Tails in the Savannah, by Frederic Brrémaud and Federico Bertolucci, translated by Mike Kennedy (Lion Forge/Magnetic)
Best Publication for Kids (ages 9–12)
Bolivar, by Sean Rubin (Archaia)
Home Time (Book One): Under the River, by Campbell Whyte (Top Shelf)
Nightlights, by Lorena Alvarez (Nobrow)
The Tea Dragon Society, by Katie O’Neill (Oni)
Wallace the Brave, by Will Henry (Andrews McMeel)
Best Publication for Teens (ages 13-17)
The Dam Keeper, by Robert Kondo and Dice Tsutsumi (First Second/Tonko House)
Jane, by Aline Brosh McKenna and Ramón K. Pérez (Archaia)
Louis Undercover, by Fanny Britt and Isabelle Arsenault, translated by Christelle Morelli and Susan Ouriou (Groundwood Books/House of Anansi)
Monstress, by Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda (Image)
Spinning, by Tillie Walden (First Second)
Best Humor Publication
Baking with Kafka, by Tom Gauld (Drawn & Quarterly)
Batman/Elmer Fudd Special #1, by Tom King, Lee Weeks, and Byron Vaughn (DC)
The Flintstones, by Mark Russell, Steve Pugh, Rick Leonardi, and Scott Hanna (DC)
Rock Candy Mountain, by Kyle Starks (Image)
Wallace the Brave, by Will Henry (Andrews McMeel)
Best Anthology
A Bunch of Jews (and Other Stuff): A Minyen Yidn, by Max B. Perlson, Trina Robbins et al. (Bedside Press)
A Castle in England, by Jamie Rhodes et al. (Nobrow)
Elements: Fire, A Comic Anthology by Creators of Color, edited by Taneka Stotts (Beyond Press)
Now #1, edited by Eric Reynolds (Fantagraphics)
The Spirit Anthology, edited by Sean Phillips (Lakes International Comic Art Festival)
Best Reality-Based Work
Audubon: On the Wings of the World, by Fabien Grolleau and Jerémie Royer, translated by Etienne Gilfillan (Nobrow)
The Best We Could Do, by Thi Bui (Abrams ComicArts)
Calamity Jane: The Calamitous Life of Martha Jane Cannary, 1852–1903, by Christian Perrissin and Matthieu Blanchin, translated by Diana Schutz and Brandon Kander (IDW)
Lennon: The New York Years, by David Foenkinos, Corbeyran, and Horne, translated by Ivanka Hahnenberger (IDW)
Spinning, by Tillie Walden (First Second)
Best Graphic Album—New
Crawl Space, by Jesse Jacobs (Koyama Press)
Eartha, by Cathy Malkasian (Fantagraphics)
My Favorite Thing Is Monsters, by Emil Ferris (Fantagraphics)
Stages of Rot, by Linnea Sterte (Peow)
The Story of Jezebel, by Elijah Brubaker (Uncivilized Books)
Best Graphic Album—Reprint
Boundless, by Jillian Tamaki (Drawn & Quarterly)
Fantagraphics Studio Edition: Black Hole by Charles Burns, edited by Eric Reynolds (Fantagraphics)
Small Favors: The Definitive Girly Porno Collection, by Colleen Coover (Oni/Limerence)
Sticks Angelica, Folk Hero, by Michael DeForge (Drawn & Quarterly)
Unreal City, by D. J. Bryant (Fantagraphics)
Best Adaptation from Another Medium
Beowulf, adapted by Santiago García and David Rubín (Image)
H. P. Lovecraft’s The Hound and Other Stories, adapted by Gou Tanabe, translated by Zack Davisson (Dark Horse)
Herman Melville’s Moby Dick, adapted by Christophe Chabouté, translated by Laure Dupont (Dark Horse)
Kindred, by Octavia Butler, adapted by Damian Duffy and John Jennings (Abrams ComicArts)
Best U.S. Edition of International Material
Audubon: On the Wings of the World, by Fabien Grolleau and Jerémie Royer, translated by Etienne Gilfillan (Nobrow)
Flight of the Raven, by Jean-Pierre Gibrat, translated by Diana Schutz and Brandon Kander (EuroComics/IDW)
FUN, by Paolo Bacilieri, translated by Jamie Richards (SelfMadeHero)
Ghost of Gaudi, by El Torres and Jesús Alonso Iglesias, translated by Esther Villardón Grande (Lion Forge/Magnetic)
The Ladies-in-Waiting, by Santiago García and Javier Olivares, translated by Erica Mena (Fantagraphics)
Run for It: Stories of Slaves Who Fought for the Freedom, by Marcelo D’Salete, translated by Andrea Rosenberg (Fantagraphics)
Best U.S. Edition of International Material—Asia
Furari, by Jiro Taniguchi, translated by Kumar Sivasubramanian (Fanfare/Ponent Mon)
Golden Kamuy, by Satoru Noda, translated by Eiji Yasuda (VIZ Media)
My Brother’s Husband, vol. 1, by Gengoroh Tagame, translated by Anne Ishii (Pantheon)
Otherworld Barbara, vol. 2, by Moto Hagio, translated by Matt Thorn (Fantagraphics)
Shiver: Junji Ito Selected Stories, by Junji Itotranslated by Jocelyne Allen (VIZ Media)
Best Archival Collection/Project—Strips
Celebrating Snoopy, by Charles M. Shulz, edited by Alexis E. Fajardo and Dorothy O’Brien (Andrews McMeel)
Crazy Quilt: Scraps and Panels on the Way to Gasoline Alley, by Frank King, edited by Peter Maresca (Sunday Press)
Foolish Questions and Other Odd Observations, by Rube Goldberg, edited by Peter Maresca and Paul C. Tumey (Sunday Press Books)
Sky Masters of the Space Force: The Complete Dailies, by Jack Kirby, Wally Wood et al., edited by Daniel Herman (Hermes Press)
Star Wars: The Classic Newspaper Strips, vol. 1, by Russ Manning et al., edited by Dean Mullaney (LOAC/IDW)
Best Archival Collection/Project—Comic Books
Akira 35th Anniversary Edition, by Katsuhiro Otomo, edited by Haruko Hashimoto, Ajani Oloye, and Lauren Scanlan (Kodansha)
Behaving MADly, edited by Craig Yoe (Yoe Books/IDW)
The Collected Neil the Horse, by Arn Saba/Katherine Collins, edited by Andy Brown (Conundrum)
Fantagraphics Studio Edition: Jaime Hernandez, edited by Gary Groth (Fantagraphics)
Will Eisner: The Centennial Celebration, 1917-2017, by Paul Gravett, Denis Kitchen, and John Lind (Kitchen Sink/Dark Horse)
Best Writer
Tom King, Batman, Batman Annual #2, Batman/Elmer Fudd Special #1, Mister Miracle (DC)
Matt Kindt, Grass Kings (BOOM! Studios); Ether (Dark Horse); Eternity, X-O Manowar (Valiant)
Jeff Lemire, Black Hammer (Dark Horse); Descender (Image)
Marjorie Liu, Monstress (Image)
Mark Russell, The Flintstones (DC)
Best Writer/Artist
Lorena Alvarez, Night Lights (Nobrow)
Chabouté, Moby Dick (Dark Horse); Alone, The Park Bench (Gallery 13/Simon & Schuster)
Emil Ferris, My Favorite Thing Is Monsters (Fantagraphics)
Cathy Malkasian, Eartha (Fantagraphics)
Jiro Taniguchi, Furari, Louis Vuitton Travel Guide: Venice (Fanfare/Ponent Mon)
Best Penciller/Inker or Penciller/Inker Team
Isabelle Arsenault, Louis Undercover (Groundwood Books/House of Anansi)
Mitch Gerads, Mister Miracle (DC)
Gary Gianni, Hellboy: Into the Silent Sea (Dark Horse)
Ramón K. Perez, Jane (Archaia)
David Rubín, Black Hammer #9 & #12, Ether, Sherlock Frankenstein #1–3 (Dark Horse); Beowulf (Image)
Best Painter/Multimedia Artist (interior art)
Federico Bertolucci, Love: The Dinosaur, Little Tails (Lion Forge/Magnetic)
EFA, Monet: Itinerant of Light (NBM)
Jean-Pierre Gibrat, Flight of the Raven (EuroComics/IDW)
Cyril Pedrosa, Portugal (NBM)
Sana Takeda, Monstress (Image)
Best Cover Artist
Jorge Corona, No. 1 with a Bullet (Image)
Nick Derington, Mister Miracle (DC); Doom Patrol (DC Young Animal)
Brian Stelfreeze, Black Panther (Marvel)
Sana Takeda, Monstress (Image)
Julian Totino Tedesco, Hawkeye (Marvel)
Best Coloring
Emil Ferris, My Favorite Thing Is Monsters (Fantagraphics)
Mitch Gerads, Mister Miracle (DC)
Ed Piskor, X-Men: Grand Design (Marvel)
David Rubín, Ether, Black Hammer, Sherlock Frankenstein (Dark Horse); Beowulf (Image)
Dave Stewart, Black Hammer, BPRD: Devil You Know, Hellboy: Into the Silent Sea, Sherlock Frankenstein, Shaolin Cowboy (Dark Horse); Maestros (Image)
Rosemary Valero-O’Connell, What Is Left (ShortBox)
Best Lettering
Isabelle Arsenault, Louis Undercover (Groundwood Books/House of Anansi)
Clayton Cowles, Bitch Planet: Triple Feature, Redlands, The Wicked + The Divine (Image); Black Bolt, Spider-Gwen, Astonishing X-Men, Star Wars (Marvel)
Emil Ferris, My Favorite Thing Is Monsters (Fantagraphics)
Stan Sakai, Usagi Yojimbo, Groo: Slay of the Gods (Dark Horse)
John Workman, Mother Panic (DC Young Animal); Ragnorak (IDW)
Best Comics-Related Periodical/Journalism
Alter Ego, edited by Roy Thomas (TwoMorrows)
The Comics Journal, edited by Dan Nadel, Timothy Hodler, and Tucker Stone, tcj.com (Fantagraphics)
Hogan’s Alley, edited by Tom Heintjes
Jack Kirby Collector, edited by John Morrow (TwoMorrows)
PanelXPanel magazine, edited by Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, panelxpanel.com
Best Comics-Related Book
Deconstructing the Incal by Alejandro Jodorowsky and Moebius, by Jean Annestay and Christophe Quillien (Humanoids)
How Comics Work, by Dave Gibbons and Tim Pilcher (Wellfleet Press/Quarto Group)
How to Read Nancy: The Elements of Comics in Three Easy Panels, by Paul Karasik and Mark Newgarden (Fantagraphics)
Line of Beauty: The Art of Wendy Pini, by Richard Pini (Flesk)
Monograph, by Chris Ware (Rizzoli)
To Laugh That We May Not Weep: The Life and Times of Art Young, by Glenn Bray and Frank M. Young (Fantagraphics)
Best Academic/Scholarly Work
The Comics of Charles Schulz: The Good Grief of Modern Life, edited by Jared Gardner and Ian Gordon (University Press of Mississippi)
Ethics in the Gutter: Empathy and Historical Fiction in Comics, by Kate Polak (Ohio State University Press)
Latinx Superheroes in Mainstream Comics, by Frederick Luis Aldama (University of Arizona Press)
Neon Visions: The Comics of Howard Chaykin, by Brannon Costello (LSU Press)
Picturing Childhood: Youth in Transnational Comics, edited by Mark Heimermann and Brittany Tullis (University of Texas Press)
Best Publication Design
Akira 35th Anniversary Edition, designed by Phil Balsman, Akira Saito (Veia), NORMA Editorial, and MASH•ROOM (Kodansha)
Celebrating Snoopy, designed by Spencer Williams and Julie Phillips (Andrews McMeel)
Monograph, designed by Chris Ware (Rizzoli)
My Favorite Thing Is Monsters, designed by Jacob Covey (Fantagraphics)
Will Eisner: The Centennial Celebration, 1917-2017, designed by John Lind (Kitchen Sink/Dark Horse)
Best Digital Comic
Bandette, by Paul Tobin and Colleen Coover (Monkeybrain/comiXology)
Barrier, by Brian K. Vaughan and Marcos Martin (Panel Syndicate)
The Carpet Merchant of Konstaniniyya, by Reimena Yee (reimenayee.com/the-carpet-merchant)
Contact High, by James F. Wright and Josh Eckert (gumroad.com/l/YnxSm)
Harvey Kurtzman’s Marley’s Ghost, by Harvey Kurtzman, Josh O’Neill, Shannon Wheeler, and Gideo Kendall (comiXology Originals/Kitchen, Lind & Associates)
Quince, by Sebastian Kadlecik, Kit Steinkellner, and Emma Steinkellner, translated by Valeria Tranier (Fanbase Press/comiXology)
Best Webcomic
Awaiting a Wave, by Dale Carpenter and Nate Powell, features.weather.com/us-climate-change/arkansas (The Weather Channel Digital)
Brothers Bond, by Kevin Grevioux and Ryan Benjamin, www.webtoons.com/en/action/brothers-bond/list?title_no=1191 (LINE Webtoon)
Dispatch from a Sanctuary City, by Mike Dawson, https://thenib.com/dispatch-from-a-sanctuary-city (The Nib)
The Tea Dragon Society, by Katie O’Neill, teadragonsociety.com
Welcome to the New World, by Jake Halpern and Michael Sloan, www.michaelsloan.net/welcome-to-the-new-world/ (New York Times Sunday Review)
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aria-ashryver · 8 months
Moving Day
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Book: Immortal Desires
Pairing: m!Cas x m!Gabe x nb!MC (Luca O'Rinn)
Ratings/Warnings: Mature - swearing, brief mentions of/references to: biphobia, domestic violence, and homelessness
Words: 1.5K
Summary: As Gabriel and Luca help Cas pack up his apartment in preparation to move out, Cas reflects on the person he became there, the people he loves, and how he feels about his identity as a bisexual man.
A/N: So, I've been far too sick to write much at all lately, so I didn't think I'd get a chance to write something specifically for Bisexual Awareness Week. But as things turned out, the next installment of "Snow in Crimson, Starlight in Gold" has a Cas POV scene where he is reflecting on what it means to him to be bisexual and how grateful he is to have Gabe and Luca in his life. So I thought I'd share this excerpt here as a standalone fic! (It can be read as such without needing to read the full longfic, or the full Chapter 36) 💜
Happy Bisexual Awareness Week lovelies! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
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Cas had always hated rain.
Before, when he was still a kid, it’d mean his father had withdrawn to the house, shooed inside by the weather. The drizzle clung to him, an extra layer of irritability slicked on top of an already volatile man. Like a mist of motor oil and gunpowder.
Later, it had meant nights with little sleep, hunched in doorways, or park benches, or, when he was lucky, the cramped space between the men’s shoe store and the thrift shop on 48th. It meant waking with wet shoes and fever sinking into his underfed bones.
Now? Gabriel and Luca warming his apartment with their light and laughter? The rain outside was almost comforting. Homely.
He’d never really thought of himself as being particularly attached to his apartment, but seeing it as it was now, plucked apart around him and gently dismantled by loving hands, Cas saw the echoes of himself spelled out over the years.
The broken, old skateboard he’d bought second-hand when he’d first started going to Crimson Beech High. He'd nearly run Margo over doing kick-flips in the parking lot. She’d shoved him off and snapped it clean in two without ever breaking eye contact, and right then, Cas had known they’d become great friends.
The box of illegal fireworks he’d bought with Rory that one 4th of July weekend. The prick had chased him with a Roman candle, shooting shell after crackling shell of brightly coloured explosion at his ass, cackling like a maniac all the while. Cas had ducked and weaved and laughed his ass off, the vampirism freshly-settled in his cells giving him speed enough to avoid each searing, galaxy burst. The lights had danced against the water over Montworth Bridge; Cas watched on through eyes of silver, knowing he had never seen fireworks even half as beautiful before.
There was a compact of metallic eyeshadow —the first he’d ever bought— far from striking range of his father’s fists and curious about his hitherto quiet and unexplored bisexuality. Nicole Morelli, of all fucking people, had lounged with him in one of the Nexus common rooms and taught him to do a flawless cut-crease.
Cas’s venture into living in an apartment of his own, a place he could fill with stuff of his own, it was an open floor to find out more about himself. Sure, he’d lived in the Nexus in the years immediately after his turning, and he’d gone to ground for a while to let his old self truly die, but he hadn’t ceased to be a Venandi in all the time he’d slept.
The Venandi weekly stipend kept on rolling in. Astoria might be a hard ass at times, but she took damn good care of her kids. Even though he was still leery of relying too heavily on it —old habits die hard and all that— Cas had woken from his years-long slumber to find himself in possession of a damn healthy savings account.
So, he’d done what any young man thrust into sudden means would do, and bought a truly shitty car and paid his first months’ rent for his very own apartment.
Hair band posters. Glam rock and punk on blast. Hot pink eyeliner and fresh piercings that healed as he watched and his first pair of Docs with chains that rattled around his ankles with every swaggering step. Buckles, straps, hardware on every last scrap of clothing he could thrift. Patches and badges and eclectic pieces of fashion like that denim jacket New Kid had creamed their pants over. There was a time before Cas settled on his current aesthetic where his outfits all but screamed his sexuality with a stolen megaphone.
Once, he’d wondered what his old man would say if he could have seen him. He’d promptly decided he didn’t give a shit.
It didn’t matter that his old man didn’t get it. He hated Cas enough already, what did it matter if his son wasn’t straight on top of everything else? Honestly, Cas thought his father would have had less disdain if he’d just come out as gay instead of bi. It seemed to have pissed him off more that his kid was “halfway normal”.
As if Cas had had a girlfriend when he was fourteen, but when they broke up, he just up and decided he liked guys as well.
“Just because”.
Like he’d had a chance to be a “real man”, but he’d up and ruined it by liking guys, too. Because he wanted to act out, be a freak, piss off his old man on purpose.
Cas threw a shirt into a duffel bag with a snarl. Honestly, if his sexuality had been a choice, Cas would have chosen to be bi anyway, for that exact reason. Fucking prick.
He’d gone to Pride for the first time with Val one year, their cheekbones smeared with bi flag glitter, the bomber jacket he wore splattered with vibrant pinks and purples and blues. In the negative space on the back, it bore a giant middle finger.
That was how Cas felt about his bisexuality, sometimes.
He wore it loud, he wore it unapologetic… he wore it shirtless beneath his jacket, save for a harness biting tight across his pecs, and damn but it looked good on him.
He’d hooked up with a guy for the first time, that night. A mutual friend of Val and Remus on coven exchange from Morocco, who he’d gotten to know over shots and several hours grinding at some oversaturated neon club he’d long since forgotten the name of.
Cas swore he was still getting glitter out of his pubes a full year later.
…Totally worth it, though.
Eventually he pulled back from the sheer amount of colour in his wardrobe — it was easier to thrift edgier, streetwear fits in monochrome palettes, and besides, dyeing his hair scratched that particular itch. Now, if he wanted to to wear his sexuality so loud the homophobes choked, he had two fucking flawless boyfriends he could make out with in the middle of the street downtown.
‘What’s got you smirking?’ Luca asked, aiming a kick at his shins as he wandered past to grab the packing tape.
‘Oh, you know.’ Cas shrugged, batting him back with a feral grin. Luca squared up, laughing, bouncing on the balls of his feet. ‘Just thinking about sticking my tongue down your throat.’
‘Do it, coward.’
Luca launched a jab at Cas’s stomach. Cas let it connect, mostly because the butterfly-soft punches Luca threw when they didn’t have vampire blood in their system made him laugh, they were so fucking light. Cas juked to the left, grabbing Luca by the shoulder to tug them into a grapple, the line of their spine warm and fluid against his chest.
‘Keep talking shit and I might!’ Leaning down, Cas grazed his teeth along Luca's neck, nipping sharply, before he pulled them into a kiss.
He loved feeling his boyfriends smile when he kissed them, Cas thought, a satisfied growl warming the back of his throat. It made him want to burn down the world, just to keep them warm.
Cas’s apartment had been a place for him to just be, to become. Choi Taeyong was shoved aside and buried, surfacing only when the nightmares clutched him by the throat and he woke in a cold sweat, thrashing and tangled in his sheets as phantom, uncaring hands wrote the echo of bruises into his skin.
It hadn’t necessarily been a place of healing, Cas supposed, hauling a stack of towels from the storage closet to pad around a framed wall print of a Harley Davidson Gabriel was taking down from the wall. But it had been a place of refuge for him to get to know himself as an adult, with all his scars. Every facet of his identity. A place to find a version of himself he liked.
Gabriel groaned as he eyed the next art piece on the wall. He tugged it down, turning it over in his hands so Cas could read the words on the front of the warped metal.
“Evidence Locker”.
‘Tell me you didn’t steal this from the Sheriff’s Office,’ Gabriel said.
Cas grinned. ‘Alright. “I didn’t steal that from the Sheriff’s Office”.’
‘You’re supposed to tell the truth, not just regurgitate what I say!’
Cas dodged the sign as Gabriel lobbed it at him in exasperation, reaching for him and pulling him into a hug, just because he could.
‘Don’t think you can charm your way out of this,’ Gabriel chided, winding his arms around his waist.
‘I always do,’ Cas said, and bent his head to kiss him. Laughter, sunny and gold, burst against his lips.
Gabriel hummed happily. ‘What was that for?’ he asked. His tone might have been accusing, but Gabriel couldn't keep the smile from his face.
‘Mmm, advance payment for vacuuming later,’ Cas teased, and meant “because I love you”.
‘Menace.’ Chuckling, Gabriel tossed the sign into the trash pile.
Healing would come, Cas knew. And with Gabriel and Luca in his life, especially? He didn’t stand a chance of keeping the fractures in his soul locked up in the dark. Those two motherfuckers poured goodness into everything they touched, made them shine with love.
He’d be no different.
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robertshoot · 4 years
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Cosplayer: Nicole Morelli
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seeksstaronmewni · 4 years
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Behold the glory... that is Wander Over Yonder!!!
Episode: “the BRAINSTORM”
Story by LAUREN FAUST, @crackmccraigen, JOHANNA STEIN
Story by, Written by: BEN JOSEPH
Storyboard by MARK ACKLAND
Directed by @owner-of-wendys (as DAVE THOMAS)
Character Designers: @happyarnold06 * ERIC BRYAN * @arythusa
Character Cleanup: ERIK ELIZARREZ
Prop Designers: C. RAGGIO IV * Tara Whittaker (as TARA NICOLE WHITTAKER)
Background Designer: @christsirgiotis
Storyboard Revisionist: @chrishoughton * ROB LILLY, RAY MORELLI, @jamessuhr
Tweet version here.
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dear-indies · 7 years
hello! i was hoping that you could help me find a replacement fc. i need a lovely black (or partially black) lady for joanne jefferson (rent). the age range that i prefer for her is early to mid 30's since she's a lawyer with her own law practice. thank you so much!
Freema Agyeman (38) Iranian / Ghanaian - Law & Order: UK
Jasika Nicole (37) only stated as biracial - lesbian actresses FTW !! 
Jennifer Hudson (36) African-American.
Janet Mock (34) African American / Native Hawaiian - trans !!
Lupita Nyong’o (34) - Luo Kenyan.
Gabourey Sidibe (34)  Senegalese / African-American.
Yaya DaCosta (34) Afro-Brazilian, African-American, Cherokee, Irish.
Nicole Beharie (32) African-American, Afro-Caribbean. 
Aja Naomi King (32) African-American - How to Get Away with Murder
Solange Knowles (31) African-American / Louisiana Creole, including African, French, Acadian/French-Canadian, Irish, Spanish.
Janelle Monáe (31) African-American.
Samira Wiley (30) African-American - I don’t think she’s stated and/or labelled her sexual orientation but she’s married to a Lauren Morelli !! 
Credit to @gayagendarph and their directory for some of these suggestions! If our followers have any suggestions please message us and we’ll update the post. -C
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theblotmag · 7 years
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(via Suspect Loses Bet with Police, Turns Himself In, Offers Donuts)
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"Freedom Fighters" Part Three: Amy Rose and Cream join Sally Acorn as they seek the components needed to repair Nicole’s systems, but during their quest an old adversary reemerges! Featuring cover art by Jamal Peppers and a "Sonic and the Freedom Fighters variant" by Tyson Hesse! Script: Ian Flynn
Art: Adam Bryce Thomas, Jim Amash, Matt Herms and Jack Morelli
Sonic Universe #97 CVR A Reg: Jamal Peppers, Jim Amash & Matt Herms
Sonic Universe #97 CVR B Variant: Tyson Hesse
Ship Date: 3/29
On Sale Date: 4/12
32-page, full color comic
$3.99 U.S.
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