#nicolas politis
frenchcurious · 11 months
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Un bateau inspiré de la Porsche 356 Roadster de 1959 pour évoquer de la nostalgie ! Conçu par l'architecte grec Nicolas Politis. - source Cars & Motorbikes Stars of the Golden era.
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keynewssuriname · 2 months
Suriname deel van Wereld Estafette Olympische Spelen 2024
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Op het Politie Opleiding Centrum (POC) hebben zes Surinaamse basis- en middelbare scholen actief meegedaan aan sportactiviteiten, die georganiseerd waren door de Franse ambassade in Suriname. De sportactiviteiten waren onderdeel van een wereldwijde estafette, namelijk de Relais Autour du Monde, oftewel Estafette Rond de Wereld, die door Franse vertegenwoordigers over de hele wereld worden uitgevoerd in aanloop naar de Olympische Spelen van 2024. De Estafette Rond de Wereld houdt in dat in verschillende tijdzones tussen 9 en 10 uur ‘s morgens sportactiviteiten gehouden worden, gecoördineerd door Franse ambassades, consulaire posten en Franse collectiviteiten. Door de verschillende tijdzones in de wereld wordt er een estafettekarakter aan het geheel gegeven: de sportactiviteiten volgen elkaar in de verschillende locaties op. De beelden van de activiteiten worden online op de Franse Social Wall van de Terr de Jeux 2024 geplaatst, waarbij de virtuele estafettestok steeds wordt overgedragen voor de spelen in een ander tijdsgebied. De Franse ambassade in Suriname heeft de spelen georganiseerd in samenwerking met het Olympisch comité van Suriname, Alliance Française du Suriname, de atletiekbond van Suriname en het directoraat recreatie en sport van het ministerie van Regionale Ontwikkeling en Sport (ROS). Vanuit het directoraat zijn er sportleiders en sportmateriaal ter beschikking gesteld. In Suriname hebben zes scholen nabij het POC tegen elkaar gestreden in spelen in de categorieën U-6, U-8, U-10, U-12, U-16 en U-18. Het gaat om de J.H.N. Polanenschool 1 and 2, M.G.J. Poolschool, Algemene Middelbare School, J.C. de Miranda Lyceum en de Kennedyschool. De Franse ambassadeur in Suriname, Nicolas de Lacoste, is zeer ingenomen met de bereidheid van de verschillende organisaties alsook de energie van de jongeren. De activiteiten begonnen in New Zeeland en gaan gedurende 24 uur verder. Suriname heeft de virtuele estafette om 9 uur Surinaamse tijd ontvangen van het consulaat van Canada en droeg die om 10 uur Surinaamse tijd over aan Martinique en Bolivia. Read the full article
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stuartelden · 5 months
Bruno Latour, How to Inhabit the Earth: Interviews with Nicolas Truong, trans. Julie Rose - Polity, October 2023
Bruno Latour, How to Inhabit the Earth: Interviews with Nicolas Truong, trans. Julie Rose – Polity, October 2023 In a series of televised interviews broadcast in spring 2022, Bruno Latour explained, in clear and straightforward terms, how humans have changed the planet and why environmental disasters are an intrinsic part of modern life. We have now come to realize that all life depends on a…
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Events 1.13
27 BC – Octavian transfers the state to the free disposal of the Roman Senate and the people. He receives Spain, Gaul, and Syria as his province for ten years. 532 – The Nika riots break out, during the racing season at the Hippodrome in Constantinople, as a result of discontent with the rule of the Emperor Justinian I. 1435 – Sicut Dudum, forbidding the enslavement of the Guanche natives in Canary Islands by the Spanish, is promulgated by Pope Eugene IV. 1547 – Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, is sentenced to death for treason, on the grounds of having quartered his arms to make them similar to those of the King, Henry VIII of England. 1793 – Nicolas Jean Hugon de Bassville, representative of Revolutionary France, is lynched by a mob in Rome. 1797 – French Revolutionary Wars: A naval battle between a French ship of the line and two British frigates off the coast of Brittany ends with the French vessel running aground, resulting in over 900 deaths. 1815 – War of 1812: British troops capture Fort Peter in St. Marys, Georgia, the only battle of the war to take place in the state. 1822 – The design of the Greek flag is adopted by the First National Assembly at Epidaurus. 1833 – United States President Andrew Jackson writes to Vice President elect Martin Van Buren expressing his opposition to South Carolina's defiance of federal authority in the Nullification Crisis. 1840 – The steamship Lexington burns and sinks four miles off the coast of Long Island with the loss of 139 lives. 1842 – Dr. William Brydon, an assistant surgeon in the British East India Company Army during the First Anglo-Afghan War, becomes famous for being the sole survivor of an army of 4,500 men and 12,000 camp followers when he reaches the safety of a garrison in Jalalabad, Afghanistan. 1847 – The Treaty of Cahuenga ends the Mexican–American War in California. 1849 – Establishment of the Colony of Vancouver Island. 1849 – Second Anglo-Sikh War: Battle of Chillianwala: British forces retreat from the Sikhs. 1888 – The National Geographic Society is founded in Washington, D.C. 1893 – The Independent Labour Party of the United Kingdom holds its first meeting. 1893 – U.S. Marines land in Honolulu, Hawaii from the USS Boston to prevent the queen from abrogating the Bayonet Constitution. 1895 – First Italo-Ethiopian War: The war's opening battle, the Battle of Coatit, occurs; it is an Italian victory. 1898 – Émile Zola's J'accuse…! exposes the Dreyfus affair. 1900 – To combat Czech nationalism, Emperor Franz Joseph decrees German will be language of the Austro-Hungarian Armed Forces. 1908 – The Rhoads Opera House fire in Boyertown, Pennsylvania kills 171 people. 1910 – The first public radio broadcast takes place; a live performance of the operas Cavalleria rusticana and Pagliacci is sent out over the airwaves from the Metropolitan Opera House in New York. 1915 – The 6.7 Mw  Avezzano earthquake shakes the Province of L'Aquila in Italy with a maximum Mercalli intensity of XI (Extreme), killing between 29,978 and 32,610. 1920 – The Reichstag Bloodbath of January 13, 1920, the bloodiest demonstration in German history. 1935 – A plebiscite in Saarland shows that 90.3% of those voting wish to join Nazi Germany. 1939 – The Black Friday bushfires burn 20,000 square kilometres (7,700 sq mi) of land in Australia, claiming the lives of 71 people. 1942 – Henry Ford patents a soybean car, which is 30% lighter than a regular car. 1942 – World War II: First use of an aircraft ejection seat by a German test pilot in a Heinkel He 280 jet fighter. 1950 – British submarine HMS Truculent collides with an oil tanker in the Thames Estuary, killing 64 men. 1950 – Finland forms diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China. 1951 – First Indochina War: The Battle of Vĩnh Yên begins. 1953 – An article appears in Pravda accusing some of the most prestigious and prominent doctors, mostly Jews, in the Soviet Union of taking part in a vast plot to poison members of the top Soviet political and military leadership. 1958 – The Moroccan Army of Liberation ambushes a Spanish patrol in the Battle of Edchera. 1963 – Coup d'état in Togo results in the assassination of president Sylvanus Olympio. 1964 – Anti-Muslim riots break out in Calcutta, in response to anti-Hindu riots in East Pakistan. About one hundred people are killed. 1964 – In Manchester, New Hampshire, fourteen-year-old Pamela Mason is murdered. Edward Coolidge is tried and convicted of the crime, but the conviction is set aside by the landmark Fourth Amendment case Coolidge v. New Hampshire (1971). 1966 – Robert C. Weaver becomes the first African American Cabinet member when he is appointed United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. 1968 – Johnny Cash performs live at Folsom State Prison. 1972 – Prime Minister Kofi Abrefa Busia and President Edward Akufo-Addo of Ghana are ousted in a bloodless military coup by Colonel Ignatius Kutu Acheampong. 1977 – Japan Air Lines Cargo Flight 1045, a Douglas DC-8 jet, crashes onto the runway during takeoff from Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport, killing five. 1978 – United States Food and Drug Administration requires all blood donations to be labeled "paid" or "volunteer" donors. 1982 – Shortly after takeoff, Air Florida Flight 90, a Boeing 737 jet, crashes into Washington, D.C.'s 14th Street Bridge and falls into the Potomac River, killing 78 including four motorists. 1985 – A passenger train plunges into a ravine in Ethiopia, killing 428 in the worst railroad disaster in Africa. 1986 – A month-long violent struggle begins in Aden, South Yemen between supporters of Ali Nasir Muhammad and Abdul Fattah Ismail, resulting in thousands of casualties. 1988 – Lee Teng-hui becomes the first native Taiwanese President of the Republic of China. 1990 – Douglas Wilder becomes the first elected African American governor as he takes office as Governor of Virginia in Richmond, Virginia. 1991 – Soviet Union troops attack Lithuanian independence supporters in Vilnius, killing 14 people and wounding around 1,000 others. 1993 – Space Shuttle program: Endeavour heads for space for the third time as STS-54 launches from the Kennedy Space Center. 1993 – The Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) is signed. 1993 – Operation Southern Watch: U.S.A.F., U.S.N., R.A.F. and French Air Force jets attack AAA and SAM sites in Southern Iraq. 1998 – Alfredo Ormando sets himself on fire in St. Peter's Square, protesting against homophobia. 2001 – An earthquake hits El Salvador, killing more than 800. 2012 – The passenger cruise ship Costa Concordia sinks off the coast of Italy due to the captain Francesco Schettino's negligence and irresponsibility. There are 32 confirmed deaths. 2018 – A false emergency alert warning of an impending missile strike in Hawaii causes widespread panic in the state. 2020 – The Thai Ministry of Public Health confirms the first case of COVID-19 outside China. 2021 – Outgoing U.S. President Donald Trump is impeached for a second time on a charge of incitement of insurrection following the January 6 United States Capitol attack one week prior.
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geremia · 2 years
I popoli d'Europa si stanno svegliando!
Mentre gli Stati-nazione occidentali, che continuano ad essere lacchè del grande Capitale anche quando diventa globalista, trascinano le loro popolazioni in una russofobia guerrafondaia con conseguenze economiche, politiche, sociali, culturali e forse militari, alcune comunità iniziano a porsi domande e possiamo persino osservare i popoli europei che si rifiutano di essere gli utili e sacrificabili idioti di una plutocrazia globalista che sostiene un regime neonazista nel tentativo di vincolare la Russia e ancor di più addomesticare l'Europa.
È il caso del parlamento scozzese, che ha appena rifiutato di consentire al suo bilancio di continuare a finanziare gli aiuti britannici al regime banderista a kyiv. 
Dal risveglio alla ribellione dei popoli 
Mentre i deputati dei regimi parlamentari occidentali, così ossessionati dal potere delle banche da preferire per carriera e arricchimento personale i rappresentanti del complesso militare-industriale agli ordini di Washington piuttosto che dei loro popoli, esistono ancora in L'Europa qualche brandello di un federalismo ereditato dagli imperi del passato e che seppe mantenere la Politis in questo rapporto sovrano dell'Uomo della terra e del mare alla sua patria carnale.
La Scozia, questo grande paese celtico dell'arco atlantico europeo, ha sempre resistito come la sorella irlandese al giogo della talassocrazia britannica e spesso con le armi, mantenendo lontano dai mitizzati nazionalismi statali un vero e proprio patriottismo identitario radicato nella torba delle sue Highlands. E, di fronte al caos postmoderno che minaccia di trascinare la civiltà europea nel naufragio del mostro occidentale, la Scozia guarda di nuovo all'orizzonte della sua Storia.
In conformità con l'accordo di Edimburgo (2012) la Scozia aveva organizzato un referendum sulla propria indipendenza nel 2014 e, nonostante i numerosi riempimenti di urne e le frodi perpetrate da collaboratori inglesi, oltre il 44% degli scozzesi aveva votato a favore della loro indipendenza!
Dal 2014, la maggiore sottomissione  degli europei  all'egemonia statunitense organizzata dai propri governi centrali,  ha notevolmente deteriorato le condizioni di vita socio-economiche e il contratto sociale dei popoli con i loro "rappresentanti". E il 6 maggio 2021 le elezioni per il Parlamento scozzese hanno logicamente dato la vittoria ai separatisti del SNP di gran lunga in testa (40,34%) davanti ai partiti inglesi (conservatori 23,49% e laburisti 17,91%). 
E da 4 mesi l'abietta e criminale cobelligeranza filo-ucraina dei Paesi NATO come quelli dell'Unione Europea è la goccia che fa traboccare il vaso della pazienza scozzese: così i ministri di  Nicola Sturgeon,  il Primo Ministro scozzese (che ha chiesto un nuovo referendum sull'indipendenza che si terrà nel 2023) ha appena rifiutato di consentire ai soldi dei contribuenti scozzesi di andare allo sforzo bellico ucraino-atlantista nella sua guerra contro la Russia.
Questa rabbia degli scozzesi è stata provocata dall'ingiunzione del ministero delle Finanze britannico, che sta dissanguando il suo budget nei suoi aiuti militari all'Ucraina, di raccogliere da Edimburgo  65 milioni di sterline, ovvero 75,45 milioni di euro. . Il precedente aiuto finanziario per l'Ucraina ( 30 milioni di sterline o 34,82 milioni di euro) era stato richiesto dalla City di Londra  in Galles, il cui ministro delle finanze, Rebecca Evans, ha dichiarato di essere " costretta a dare questa somma che inizialmente era destinata alle "aree decentrate". come la salute e l'istruzione" in Galles. 
Dal canto suo, anche la Scozia, finché è ancora soggetta alla corona britannica, non ha potuto imporre il suo blocco e ha dovuto procedere al trasferimento, ma allegando un chiaro avvertimento firmato dal suo ministro delle Finanze Kate Forbes: 
"Tuttavia, siamo chiari sul fatto che questo non dovrebbe essere preso come una sorta di precedente che porti all'uso di bilanci decentralizzati per scopi politici".
Il primo ministro scozzese Nicola Sturgeon l'ha superata chiedendo che i soldi scozzesi per l'Ucraina non finanziassero armi.
Anche se,  dietro 2 o 3 ingannevoli scritture contabili,  il denaro scozzese rischia ugualmente di rifornire l'esercito ucraino, la Scozia, che già sta spingendo i muri della sua autonomia federale, ha appena segnato politicamente un arresto della servitù guerrafondaia di Londra e nel rispetto rivendicata una vera indipendenza, mentre tutti gli Stati occidentali sguazzano, e piuttosto più che meno, nell'egemonia atlantista e nella propria servitù.
La guerra in Ucraina rischia di essere un importante punto di disaccordo sullo sfondo di un nuovo referendum per l'indipendenza e che sta già facendo sudare Boris Johnson.
Nel Regno sempre meno unito, l'esempio della Scozia rischia di essere seguito poiché i popoli ridotti in schiavitù al trono della collaborazione dovranno fare sacrifici per sostenere questo regime neonazista a kyiv. il prossimo anno sarà probabilmente caldo tra Edimburgo e Londra.
Ecco perché nei paesi occidentali, dove l'eredità del Sacro Romano Impero non ha lasciato la sua impronta federale, i collaboratori e gli utili idioti del totalitarismo mercantile si aggrappano al loro centralismo parlamentare superficiale e professionalizzato, perché come logicamente sottolineava l'abate Sieyès, questo teorico della il settore pubblico francese:
"I cittadini che nominano i rappresentanti rinunciano e devono rinunciare a fare essi stessi la legge; quindi non hanno una volontà particolare da imporre. Ogni influenza, ogni potere appartiene a loro sulla persona del loro rappresentante, ma questo è tutto Se dettassero testamenti, non sarebbe più uno Stato rappresentativo, sarebbe uno Stato democratico"
Perché per il banchiere, nazionalista o globalista che sia, sarà sempre più facile comprare qualche deputato e giornalisti carrieristi che un'intera popolazione di uomini e donne liberi, e qualche stato-nazione mitizzato di cento paesi reali.
E per coloro che sono preoccupati per i rapporti tra il parlamento scozzese e il parlamento dell'UE, state tranquilli, i separatisti celtici con cui ho molti contatti vedono a Bruxelles solo un'opportunità e un trampolino di lancio verso la loro indipendenza,
Erwan Castel
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fardell24b · 5 years
Rise of Weirdness - Part 53
January 1, 2101
In Baghdad, there is debate whether to suppress information about new discoveries at the Sumerian Library site.
January 2, 2101
Controversially, one of the Iraqi leaders claims that the new discoveries are simply old ones that were suppressed earlier.
January 3, 2101
It is revealed that the new discoveries are tablets that refer to Atlantis as a Sumerian colony...
January 4, 2101
The Prime Minister of Iraq asks the archaeologists to find more evidence of the claim of Atlantis being a Sumerian colony.
January 5, 2101
Historians and archaeologists at the University of Baghdad begin to examine the evidence of the claims...
January 6, 2101
The examination of the evidence continues.
January 7, 2101
In a high orbit, a Sumerian Tablet (previously unknown) is discovered.
January 8, 2101
A war breaks out between Nova Roma and their neighbour Roo M'naav.
January 9, 2101
In Baghdad, the the Prime Minister is informed about the Nova Roma-Roo M'naav war.
January 10, 2101
Aphrodite attempts to censor information about the Nova Roma-Roo M'naav war.
February 28, 2101
The last of the artefacts depicted in the Bejing Map discovered 110 years earlier is found under the ruins of Karakorum.
March 4, 2101
The President of the United States lets slip that he knows about the  discoveries made two months before...
April 30, 2101
In Baghdad, the Prime Minister issues a ban on further digs in Sumerian region...
May 31, 2101
More information regarding the Atlantis/Sumerian relationship is released.
June 1, 2101
Archaeologists in Baghdad issue another protest at the ban.
November 15, 2101:
Bolivian Revolution; ALBA leaders launch a massive "Cultural Revolution" starting in La Paz, threatening the balance of power in the Western Hemisphere,.
August 31, 2102
A new Prime Minister of Iraq overturns the ban on Sumerian digs...
March 25, 2103:
Lithuanian territorial gains match their highest peak since the 16th century, further breaking up the Russian state,...
October 31, 2104:
Romanian Civil War; Vampire lords Nicola, Oarga, and Giurgiu clash against each other over control of the Balkan region,...
1 September 2105
Offworlder agents snatch one of the Sumerian dig sites and then take it into FTL...
1 September 2106
Pro Atlantis cultists stage a mass protest in Baghdad...
July 29, 2107
In Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, James Kelly, a teenager, discovers a strange emerald in his backyard.
February 25, 2107 The United States joins the fledgling United Nations of Earth-Arbol.
January 26, 2108:
New Kurnell in the Gamma Crucis Star system is established as a penal settlement, which is considered one of the most brutal and violent regions of space,....
April 4, 2108:
Aphrodite leaders including Anastasiya Kuzmina if Aphrodite launches a political campaign to rehabilitate the world image of neo-pagans and the State of Aphrodite,...
May 5, 2109:
The Centauri government under Parminder Singh collapses under economic and political pressures, caused in part by the the rebellion of the Ginan Offworlder Bloc,....
June 21, 2109:
Construction team in Rouen, France uncovers a tomb of a 17-foot giant in armor with the inscription "Chevalier de Ricon Vallemont" confirming prior ages of magic,...
December 13, 2109:
Bern Studies; WHO/CDC officials begin experiments with cannabis-infused potions in Bern, Switzerland, sparking international attention,...
April 2110
By this time improvements have been made to the FTL drive such that the average cruising speed is 3650c (ten light years in a day).
June 14, 2110:
Indian religious leader (insert name here) of Hyderabad, is proclaimed the avatar to the Hindu god Krishna, sparking international controversy and civil unrest in the region,.....
August 22, 2111:
Golem leader 'Eve Seven' proclaims independence for Crichton at Victoria-London, Simworld in an armed insurrection,... \
April 4, 2112:
Social activists led by (insert name here) launch a series of "hacktivist" attacks aimed at "awakening" the free will of Crichton's inhabitants,...
September 29, 2112:
Nomadic Transformed/Offworlders a.k.a. Star Gypies are banned from the Imperium of Nova Roma, amidst fears that they are "foreign spies" and "traitors",....
September 1, 2113
Iraqi Government collapses...
January 25, 2114:
Evangelical Richard Kirwan of Toronto, Ontario proclaims a return to Jerusalem in 2118, fueling civil unrest and controversy,
May 3, 2114:
Tadeusz Polaniec publishes the Gdansk Manifesto, effectively calling for the abolition of life-extension technologies, arguing in favor of artificial methods, sparking international controversy and concern,....
January 15, 2115:
Slovenian Disaster; zombie outbreak triggers a collapse of the government in Gorz, fueling concerns about the regional stability,...
April 16, 2116:
Transhumanist Manifesto by Ki-239 of Pyeongyang, Korea advocates the use of biotechnology, cybernetics, magic, and other developments to achieve immortality and singularity,...
August 9, 2116:
Alien warlord A Rtsria'p is assassinated in Madrid, Spain, embarassing Earth's government,...
September 1, 2117
A pirate fleet assist in a prison break from New Kurnell. They are last reported leaving the Gamma Crucis system at a high FTL speed...
July 1, 2118
Treaty of Oakland. The United Nations is reorganized into the United Nations of Earth-Arbol. Technically, every polity in the Sol System is equal. However, some are more equal than others (especially on Earth).
July 3-August 3, 2118:
Dancing Plague; Residents of (insert place here) are afflicted by a dancing plague which compelled the infected to dance non-stop,...
February 19, 2119- August 13, 2121:
U.S. military forces overthrow the Mexican government and install pro-American President Juan de Grivala in Mexico City, fueling anti-American sentiment throughout the hemisphere,....
April 2120
By this time improvements have been made to the FTL drive such that the average cruising speed is 4015c (eleven light years in a day).
April 16, 2120:
Comuneros Civil War; Fighting erpts between the exodus city-states of Lexington, Fargo and Breese, fueling tensions across inhabited space,...
June 21, 2120:
Japanese Prime Minister Rokuro Hosokawa leads a call for the end to intercine violence between the various keiretsu/zaibatsu forces in Tokyo, Japan,...
May 20, 2120:
Collapse of the Mexican government by American life-extension corporations in Mexico City, sparking international condemnation and outrage,....
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cresy · 3 years
CercaCerca IL CALENDARIO SAGGIO 😇 Santi del 17 agosto: San Giacinto (Sacerdote), Santa Chiara di Montefalco (Religiosa), San Mirone di Cizico (Sacerdote e Martire), San Mama di Cesarea di Cappadocia, San Nicola (Nicolò) Politi (Eremita in Sicilia), Santa Giovanna della Croce (Jeanne Delanoue, Fondatrice). Accadde Oggi 17 agosto 1908 – Proiettato il primo cartone animato della storia : Un…
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blogtintonghop24h · 3 years
Vợ chồng tổng thống Pháp chi 730.000 USD mua hoa
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Tổng thống Pháp Emmanuel Macron và vợ Brigitte. Ảnh: AFP.
Ấn phẩm chính trị Politis của Pháp hôm 10/1 tiết lộ vợ chồng tổng thống nước này trong năm 2020 đã chi 730.000 USD cho tiền hoa tại Điện Elysee - nơi ở chính thức của họ ở Paris. Số tiền này gấp 5 lần so với những người tiền nhiệm Francois Hollande và Nicolas Sarkozy từng chi. Ông Hollande - làm tổng thống Pháp từ năm 2012 đến năm 2017 - đã chi 160.000 USD cho tiền hoa vào năm 2011. Trong khi đó, ông Sarkozy, người giữ chức tổng thống từ năm 2007 đến 2012, được cho là đã chi tối đa 175.000 USD tiền hoa một năm.
Chính vì vậy, dư luận Pháp được cho là bị sốc trước mức chi tiêu của vị tổng thống 43 tuổi và phu nhân 67 tuổi của ông, đặc biệt là khi đất nước đang phải vật lộn để phục hồi sau những hậu quả tài chính do đại dịch gây ra. Đồng thời, người ta cũng lưu ý rằng ngân sách dành cho hoa tăng vọt mặc cho Điện Elysee đóng cửa với công chúng và rất ít tiệc chiêu đãi được diễn ra do hạn chế vì Covid-19.
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Một góc được bày hoa trong Điện Elysee vào tháng 9/2020. Ảnh: Instagram.
Theo danh sách được công bố, Điện Elysee đã đặt rất nhiều cây, hoa, lá để trang trí trong năm ngoái. Trong đó, 25.000 USD tiền mua cây, 25.000 USD tiền mua hoa lan, 39.000 USD tiền cành lá và 490.000 USD hoa tươi.
Trước đó, trong một thông báo hồi tháng 9/2020, vợ chồng tổng thống Pháp cũng từng gây phẫn nộ khi tiêu tốn 1,14 triệu USD tân trang lại Phòng Vàng của Điện Elysee bằng phần lớn tiền từ người đóng thuế Pháp.
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Vợ chồng Tổng thống Pháp trang trí Điện Elysee và tặng hoa khách mời trong ngày Tết Lao động 1/5/2020. Ảnh: Rex.
Chính vì vậy, công chúng Pháp đang rất bất bình và gọi ngân sách dành cho hoa này là "đáng xấu hổ". Nhiều người đã lên mạng xã hội để nói lên sự thất vọng của họ.
Một người dùng mạng viết: "Trong khi chúng ta bị yêu cầu sống tiết kiệm rồi bị đánh thuế nhiều hơn thì có vẻ ông ta lại đang rất hưởng thụ". "Cuộc khủng hoảng không ảnh hưởng đến mọi người!", một người khác mỉa mai. "Thật đáng xấu hổ, thật thiếu tôn trọng những người bần cùng, lãng phí tiền bạc của công chúng", một người dùng Twitter phẫn nộ viết.
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Hoa tươi ngập Điện Elysee suốt năm 2020. Ảnh: Instagram.
Pháp hiện ghi nhận 2,78 triệu ca nhiễm Covid-19 với 67.750 trường hợp tử vong. Riêng hôm 8/11, nước này có 19.814 ca nhiễm mới. Chính phủ Pháp đang bị chỉ trích vì tốc độ tiêm chủng chậm chạp với chỉ vài trăm người được tiêm trong những ngày đầu sau khi vaccine được phê duyệt.
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giuliocavalli · 6 years
Una dirigente comunale e un prete: le "entrature" della mafia a Milano
Una dirigente comunale e un prete: le "entrature" della mafia a Milano Ci sono anche una dirigente del Comune di Milano (fino a febbraio 2017) e un sacerdote tra i destinatari delle prime 15 sentenze a ruota degli arresti nel maggio 2017, quando la Direzione distrettuale antimafia dei pm Ilda Boccassini e Paolo Storari ottenne dal gip Giulio Fanales anche l’amministrazione giudiziaria di 4 direzioni generali dei supermercati Lidl, e il commissariamento delle società del gruppo Securpolice che sorvegliava il Tribunale. Giovanna Afrone, dopo gli arresti domiciliari dimessasi da responsabile del «Servizio gestione contratti trasversali con convezioni centrali committenza», è stata condannata in primo grado con rito abbreviato (e attenuanti prevalenti sulle aggravanti) dalla giudice Giusi Barbara a 3 anni per corruzione: cioè per aver promesso — in cambio delle prospettive del proprio passaggio al settore Bilancio della Provincia e del trasferimento di una cugina al settore informatico del Comune — una via privilegiata sugli appalti delle pulizie delle scuole sotto soglia di 40.000 euro di valore. La funzionaria, secondo l’inchiesta del pm Storari, era uno dei contatti procurati ad alcuni referenti del clan catanese Laudani da Domenico Palmieri, cioè dal sindacalista pensionato (dopo molti anni in Provincia) che, «grazie a questa lunga militanza nella pubblica amministrazione, aveva messo una serie di relazioni a disposizione dei fratelli Alessandro e Nicola Fazio, di Luigi Alecci, Emanuele Micelotta e Giacomo Politi», intermediazione retribuita mille euro al mese. Palmieri ieri ha patteggiato per associazione a delinquere e traffico di influenze 3 anni e 4 mesi, quasi quanto (3 anni e 3 mesi) l’altro ex sindacalista e dipendente della Regione accusato dello stesso tipo di «facilitazioni», Orazio Elia. La dipendente comunale è stata condannata anche a risarcire con una provvisionale di 10 mila euro i danni di immagine al Comune di Milano parte civile, mentre 60 mila euro è stata la provvisionale accollata in solido ad Antonino Ferraro (che per altre vicende e reati, tra cui l’associazione a delinquere, è stato condannato a 5 anni e alla confisca di 181.000 euro), a Vincenzo Strazzulla (3 anni e 4 mesi) e a Alberto Monteverdi (3 anni). La pena più alta tra quelle emesse ieri è stata di 5 anni e 4 mesi per Antonio Saracino, mentre Antonino Catania ha avuto 4 anni come Giuseppe D’Alessandro, 2 anni Luigi Sorrenti, 1 anno e 4 mesi Ivan Zaccone (ex dirigente Lidl), 10 mesi Rosario Spoto. Salvatore Esposito ha patteggiato 1 anno e 10 mesi, Filippo Giuffrida 1 anno e 5 mesi. Anche un prete figura tra i condannati: don Giuseppe Moscati, più noto per le sue esibizioni canore di tema religioso, ha avuto un anno e 2 mesi per aver emesso, quale amministratore unico delle Edizioni musicali Il Millennio srl, 12.000 euro di fatture false per far evadere le tasse a una società riconducibile ad alcuni degli imputati. Tra i 13 rinviati a giudizio anche l’ex n.2 del Foggia Calcio, Massimo Curci, per una evasione di 31 milioni, e l’ex dirigente Lidl Simone Suriano. (fonte)
Ci sono anche una dirigente del Comune di Milano (fino a febbraio 2017) e un sacerdote tra i destinatari delle prime 15 sentenze a ruota degli arresti nel maggio 2017, quando la Direzione distrettuale antimafia dei pm Ilda Boccassini e Paolo Storari ottenne dal gip Giulio Fanales anche l’amministrazione giudiziaria di 4 direzioni generali dei supermercati Lidl, e il commissariamento delle società…
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123designsrq · 4 years
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The lovechild from the legendary automobile plus a vintage boat that’s the simplest way you are able to describe Nick Boats’ ‘Hermes Speedster’. Inspired with the 1959 Porsche 356 as well as the Gentleman’s Runabout motorboats within the 1930s, the Hermes Speedster can be a classic boat in retro style amped wonderful today’s technical marvels featuring. Produced having a small family business inside a vacation in a holiday in Greece, “Seven Sea Yachts”, the entire boat remains crafted by hands with careful attention and love! Produced through the Greek architect Nicolas Politis, the hydrodynamic underwater covering very resembles the Porsche 356 as well as the 1930’s Gentleman’s Runabout motorboats. The covering includes seven layers, while using outer most layer that contains vinyl ester resin. Produced from airtight compartments, the layers form a honeycomb structure, which gives firmness without growing the burden in the structure. The boat is partly come up with on-site, while using leather being stitched online, as well as the screws being incorporated in to the controls, supplying you using the reassurance from the perfectly finished boat! https://youtu.be/H8TSXrvBA70 The Hermes remains produced for perfect stability, enabling it to glide round the water effortlessly, whether or not you sail at maximum or minimum speed. Consuming 5.5 liters hourly, it has been voted “The best production boat inside the world”. The interiors are actually handcrafted with complete concentrate on detail. Available in many colors, and open to personal personalization, it is a sleek beauty since it zooms within the ocean! The retracting convertible roof allows you to certainly take advantage of the splendid sun, when you lounge round the deck in the boat. With optimum space for five people, you'll be able to cruise around with your family people. Low water proof enables the Speedster to experience a smaller sized sized engine, however, the boat remains comparatively faster than nearly all its competitors in the marketplace. Power-filled with a 72-degree access position and innovative covering, the boat slices water as being a glaring knife! The newest technology plus a beautiful vintage design have merged to produce this legendary boat! Durable and trendy, it’s essential-have for individuals cruising enthusiasts. porsche boat engine porsche boat limited edition porsche boat limited edition 1/25 2008 porsche 28 fearless for sale 2008 porsche 28 fearless top speed porsche boat limited edition price buy porsche boat porsche 28 fearless review Read the full article
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ahb-writes · 5 years
Book Review: ‘Hild’
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Hild by Nicola Griffith My rating: 2 of 5 stars This is not a novel. This is a doctoral thesis of Middle Ages Britain polity, bearing all the greasepaint and false promise of warrior saints, kingdoms on the cusp of unity, an economy bespoke to the natural order, and an emerging and presumed grasp of regional geopolitics that is rooted more in conscientious and urbane side-taking than in whether distrustful cousins bend a knee and kiss a ring. It's a fine thesis, really. But as a novel, this is a considerable waste of energy. HILD huddles and adheres close to the microscopic and the minute — the patterns of falcons in springtime, the density of clouds in winter — but looses and cares not for the feverish goings-on of humanity that yield closer to the earth: entertaining the inevitability of war and generally doing anything but talk, talk, talk. This book documents the efforts of a young woman, Hild, and her efforts to keep a clever but impossibly suspicious king in power (and saving her own hide in the process). Readers must be forewarned, history, in most cases, is quite boring. The nature of historical fiction need not be so duty-bound and constrained by the author's feverish enrapture of the land and its people to inhibit the efforts of an otherwise temperamental story to make itself known. As for HILD, nothing of narrative consequence occurs in the first 80 pages of the book. And even then, when the young protagonist, deemed a seer and prophesier of future events, claims her home is under siege, she is given no agency to guide her omen through to its natural conclusion; instead, she's dumped in a port town for several years (and another 80 pages). She warned the king and ended up saving Bebbanburg. Good for her. So now readers must wander cow paddies, follow the rhythms of streams and learn how to count using slave trader's abacus until Hild has another "vision"? That's rough.
To much surprise, there is very little actual war/conflict in this book. And while scenes come alive when Hild takes up the blade to lead a band of war hounds to settle disputes with bandits or to protect the land from purveyors from the south, two brief but meaningful battle scenes in a Middle Ages tome of 530+ pages is quite paltry.
Much of the book's poor rendering of its own story dynamics — that is, manifesting the believable and engaging connective tissue that wills key events into a single pattern — is due to the title's unfathomably inarticulate and labyrinthine nest of political squabbling. The Saxons. The Angles. The Irish. The Frisians. The Yffings. The Idings. The Picts. Kings and lords and aeldermen and soldiers and slaves and priests and bishops.
The author spends so much time and energy attempting to convince readers of the authenticity of the web that binds together Britain, readers are drowned, chapter after chapter, in the muddy sophistry of characters whom readers shall never meet and of verdant hillocks they shall never traverse. So much time is dedicated to tossing around names and places and alliances with little or no context, it's easy if not preferable to glide beneath the thunder of details and wait for the rain to pass. To this end, little actually happens in HILD. There is no action. "The king's seer" makes a few competent deductions — the birth of a child, the alliance of an enemy, the harshness of winter — and the king's court pivots as needed. The book's more creative antagonists, aging men of the cloth seeking glory for their name, are slowly phased out of the narrative in favor of Hild's redundant musings on the viability of her uncle's kingdom. To much surprise, there is very little actual war/conflict in this book. And while scenes come alive when Hild takes up the blade to lead a band of war hounds to settle disputes with bandits or to protect the land from purveyors from the south, two brief but meaningful battle scenes in a Middle Ages tome of 530+ pages is quite paltry. Would HILD have been more engaging if the author had leaned far less on the rigid details native to bickering lords than had shown greater interest in the consequences of said bickering? It's difficult to argue otherwise. The book's writing, amusingly, whips about like the wind — sudden and vicious, at first, then pensive and purposeful, then quite forgetful of whence it came and to where and goes. In the first half of the title, the author layers details upon details and leaves readers with inordinately long sentences and writing that is rough around the edges. There are some paragraphs, numbering some 65 words or more, which are all but one sentence. Another, more potent example rests in the author's horribly inconsistent depiction of intimacy. These include incoherent prophecy fulfilling trysts with a stranger smelling of dead seals; vague encounters between nameless, godlike figures before a hearth; bisexual best friends; scenes of mutual masturbation; incest; and an on-again and off-again affection between a woman and her slave.
The narrative is impractical and dense. The story dynamics are absent a meaningful balance of inciting incidents. The characters are slippery. From the first page to the last, HILD does not read like a novel but a student dissertation of pastoral Britain.
Sex, in HILD is random, awkward and drolly unfulfilling. The most hilarious (and thereby worst) example of which concludes rather blandly:
"They were naked." All of which makes for hazardous reading. Physical intimacy means many things to many characters, surely, but the severity and clumsiness of its application, in HILD, deprives readers of the fun and peculiarity of its complexity and intrigue. Gwladus is Hild's servant and bodywoman. The young slave ingratiates herself to her mistress to further her bid for freedom. And yet, Gwladus grows so fond of her mistress that when she does obtain her freedom she declines an offer to leave. Regrettably, the book does not explore the woman's emotional fever to remain within herself beyond occasionally tempting Hild to suckle a nipple or bite her lip. Further, does Hild refuse Gwladus because the woman is (initially) viewed as property or because she fears becoming attached to another person? Readers never find out. And so it goes. The narrative is impractical and dense. The story dynamics are absent a meaningful balance of inciting incidents. The characters are slippery. From the first page to the last, HILD does not read like a novel but a student dissertation of pastoral Britain. The clever musings on wren nests in bushes, the colors of the underside of out-of-season mushrooms and the direction cows face when they chew grass would be distractions anywhere else. HILD is not a tale of curiosity and woe and of the impressions of bygone eras. It is literature best left to mumbling academics striding the moors at daybreak.
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reseau-actu · 5 years
L'entrée au Venezuela de denrées et médicaments, qui commencent à être stockés aux portes du pays pétrolier, est au coeur du duel politique entre les deux hommes qui se disputent le pouvoir: l'opposant Juan Guaido et le président Nicolas Maduro.
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Juan Guaido, reconnu président par intérim par une cinquantaine de pays, a appelé l'armée à laisser passer cette aide humanitaire, essentiellement américaine pour le moment, destinées aux populations les plus vulnérables, soit quelque 300.000 personnes.
De son côté, le chef de l'Etat socialiste assure que la pénurie de médicaments et de nourriture est liée aux sanctions américaines. Il a promis de bloquer ce qu'il appelle "le show de la prétendue aide humanitaire".
Celle-ci "est au centre de la lutte entre deux blocs de pouvoir", déclare à l'AFP le politologue Luis Salamanca.
Le bras de fer "se situe au niveau des forces armées: Guaido qui essaye de mettre les militaire de son côté et Maduro qui tente de les garder dans son camp", ajoute-t-il.
A l'aide d'une citerne, deux conteneurs, des barrières et des blocs de béton, l'armée vénézuélienne bloque depuis jeudi le pont frontalier de Tienditas.
A quelques centaines de mètres de là, côté colombien, se trouvent les hangars où commence à être stockée l'aide d'urgence.
Pour John Magdaleno, directeur du cabinet Polity, le duel autour de ces denrées est un "évènement majeur" qui "conduit inévitablement à une escalade" entre le gouvernement et l'opposition, mais aussi entre Nicolas Maduro et les pays qui soutiennent son adversaire.
"Finalement, ceci est entre les mains des Etats-Unis, c'est ceux qui ont la capacité (...) de faire usage de la force", explique-t-il à l'AFP.
Le gouvernement de Donald Trump, qui a répété qu'une intervention militaire au Venezuela était une "option", a gelé les comptes des dirigeants chavistes (du nom du défunt président socialiste Hugo Chavez) et annoncé de nouvelles sanctions visant à empêcher Nicolas Maduro d'avoir accès aux revenus du brut vénézuélien qui est vendu aux Etats-Unis.
Avant un éventuel recours à la force, Washington est en train "d'épuiser tous les recours", mais "ce chapitre de l'aide humanitaire est le prélude à une escalade du conflit beaucoup plus importante qui pourrait impliquer une intervention militaire", juge John Magdaleno.
Cependant, selon la secrétaire d'Etat américaine adjointe chargée des Amériques, Kimberly Breier, Washington ne prévoit pas d'"entrer de force sur le territoire vénézuélien" pour y distribuer la nourriture et les médicaments.
- Aide humanitaire politisée -
Les Nations Unies se disent prêtes à envoyer de l'aide d'urgence au Venezuela mais seulement avec l'accord de Caracas.
"L'aide humanitaire ne devrait jamais être utilisée comme une pièce politique", a déclaré jeudi le porte-parole de l'ONU Stéphane Dujarric.
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Des personnes traversent le pont Simon Bolivar à Cucuta (Colombie), à la frontière avec le Venezuela, le 9 février 2019 (AFP - Raul ARBOLEDA)
Le Venezuela est englué depuis des années dans une grave crise politico-économique. Les expropriations ont affecté l'industrie nationale et l'effondrement de la production pétrolière, qui finance 96% du budget national, limitent les importations des produits de première nécessité.
Plus de 80% des médicaments et du matériel médical manquent dans ce pays pétrolier, selon la Fédération pharmaceutique. Les services, tels que l'eau et l'électricité, connaissent des pannes à répétition.
Nicolas Maduro accuse les Etats-Unis de mettre en place une "coalition internationale" pour "commettre la folie d'intervenir militairement au Venezuela sous le prétexte d'une crise humanitaire inexistante".
Pour l'ex-président du Parlement, l'opposant Henry Ramos Allup, le refus du gouvernement de laisser entrer l'aide d'urgence "expose d'avantage aux yeux du monde leur violation des droits humains".
Le camp anti-Maduro dénonce l'envoi, malgré la situation actuelle, de 100 tonnes d'aide humanitaire à Cuba, récemment frappée par une tornade.
Le gouvernement fait face à un "dilemme stratégique" car "quelque soit sa décision, il est perdant", souligne le consultant John Magdaleno.
S'il cède, en laissant passer l'aide, il reconnaît implicitement l'existence d'une crise humanitaire; s'il refuse, comme il l'a promis, il s'expose à la colère de la population.
"Maduro va s'imposer. Ca n'a plus grande importance pour lui, il est en train de jouer un jeu (qui semble être dans une) phase terminale", ce qui menace son maintient au pouvoir, conclut Luis Salamanca.
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salimsellami · 5 years
Il a 39 ans, des diplômes clinquants, un regard habité et des envies de changement. Entouré de jeunes chefs d’entreprise et de « porteurs de causes » issus de la « société civile », il lance un « mouvement politique » destiné à « sauver les démocraties libérales » menacées par l’« insurrection populiste ». Parce que c’est notre projet, exhorte-t-il, « à nous, désormais, de marcher ».
Après la formation de M. Emmanuel Macron, voici Place publique, fondée en novembre par l’essayiste Raphaël Glucksmann. L’un domine le centre droit ; l’autre investit le centre gauche, où la désintégration du Parti socialiste laisse un vide et des classes moyennes cultivées désemparées. D’où va-t-on désormais proclamer que rien ne va plus et qu’il faut tout changer — sauf l’essentiel : les structures économiques et sociales ? Avec Les Enfants du vide (Allary Éditions), livre-manifeste publié cet automne, Glucksmann a d’un coup comblé la béance. De L’Obs à L’Humanité en passant par Mediapart, on s’arrache l’homme providentiel. Il est chez lui sur France Inter, louangé permanent au Monde, en « une » de Libération, en couverture de Politis. Des personnalités socialistes, écologistes ou communistes projettent sur son visage souriant leurs aspirations ravalées. Glucksmann a compris que son public cible n’aimait rien tant que battre sa coulpe, triturer sa mauvaise conscience, ruminer ses échecs et y remédier au moyen de recettes toujours identiques, mais ripolinées aux couleurs du jour — le vert, en l’occurrence. Cela tombe bien : Raphaël, qui s’est souvent trompé, met en scène confessions et conversion. À L’Obs(4 octobre 2018), il confie : « Je dois réapprendre à m’oublier. » Ambitieux programme.
Lui qui fut tour à tour admirateur de M. Nicolas Sarkozy en 2008, animateur de la revue néoconservatrice Le Meilleur des mondes, conseiller du président géorgien néolibéral et atlantiste Mikheïl Saakachvili, lui qui admettait volontiers : « Ça ne m’a jamais fait vibrer de manifester pour les retraites » (M Le magazine du Monde,22 mars 2014) et se déclarait au printemps 2017 « fier » de l’élection de M. Macron, revendique à présent Occupy Wall Street et dit « nous » quand il parle de la gauche. « On a zappé complètement la question sociale »,admet-il. « Mon logiciel de pensée a contribué à former l’impasse dans laquelle nous nous trouvons aujourd’hui » (Mediapart, 14 novembre 2018). La mise à jour dudit « logiciel » copie-colle les constats effectués depuis des lustres par ceux que combattait hier Raphaël : « On voit les entreprises multinationales refuser les lois des nations et chercher à leur imposer les leurs. On voit les banques sauvées par l’argent public maquiller leurs comptes et cacher leurs fonds dans des paradis fiscaux. » À tout cela s’ajoute la menace d’un anéantissement de la planète par le réchauffement climatique.
Alors, que faire ? Contre « les anciennes idéologies, les vieux partis, les antiques structures », contre les inégalités et le gaz carbonique, Glucksmann propose plus de participation citoyenne, plus d’écologie, plus d’Europe. « Nous assumons l’horizon d’une République européenne », écrit-il. Des « porteurs de causes » aussi frétillants que MM. Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, François Bayrou, Daniel Cohn-Bendit et Bernard-Henri Lévy ânonnent les éléments de ce credo depuis bientôt quatre décennies. Les papys du vide ont trouvé leur héritier.
Pierre Rimbert. https://http://www.monde–diplomatique.fr/2018/12/RIMBERT/59364
Un autre Macron est Possible Il a 39 ans, des diplômes clinquants, un regard habité et des envies de changement. Entouré de jeunes chefs d’entreprise et de « porteurs de causes » issus de la « société civile », il lance un « mouvement politique » destiné à « sauver les démocraties libérales » menacées par l’« insurrection populiste ».
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zoomaruba-blog · 5 years
Why We Cycle
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Afgelopen maandag is in The Cinemas de Nederlandse documentaire ‘Why We Cycle’ getoond. De film is met een groep van 50 fietsliefhebbers bekeken. Aansluitend was er discussie. Deze middag is een initiatief van Annemarie Melchers, Hilde Rodriguez en Jurgen van Schaijk. Hun doel is om van Aruba het meest fietsvriendelijke Caribische eiland te maken – one happy bike island - . Zij willen dit door aandacht te vragen voor: het bevorderen van het (veilig) fietsen op Aruba in ruime zin; het fietsen ter stimulering van de volksgezondheid; Fietseducatie ter vorming van de Arubaanse jeugd; Het organiseren van een lokaal en op termijn een internationaal fietsevenement. De documentaire gaat in op de vraag ‘Waarom Nederlanders fietsen?, hij is gemaakt door de Nederlanders Gertjan Hulster en Arne Gielen en gaat in op de veelzijdigheid van het fietsen; het wordt beoefend door jong en oud, als sport, recreatief of voor woon-werk verkeer. Verder belicht het de positieve invloed ervan op de gezond (fietsers zijn minder ziek) en de uitwerking op je hersenactiviteit, het maakt je hoofd vrij na een dag werken.   Na afloop tijdens de discussie stond ook minister Lampe stil bij de positieve bijdrage die het levert aan de zelfstandigheid van de jeugd. Als minister werkt hij nu aan het oppakken van het fietsonderwijs op 2 pilotscholen, Pius X in Dakota en Santa philomena in San Nicolas. Anderen gingen in op de noodzaak van bewustwording van de fietser in het verkeer bij autobestuurders, het belang van een koepel of stichting ter bevordering van het fietsen op Aruba en aandacht van justitie en politie. De initiatiefnemers hopen dat ze met regering en de aanwezigendeze middag krachten kunnen bundelen in de komende jaren om samen te werken aan het veilig kunnen fietsen op Aruba en de ontwikkeling van een Arubaanse fietscultuur.     Dialuna atardi e documentario Hulandes ‘Why we Cycle’ a wordo presenta na The Cinemas na un grupo di 50 persona den e mundo di ciclismo. Despues di e pelicula tabata tin un discusion riba e topico aki. E merdia aki tabata un iniciativa di Annemarie Melchers, Hilde Rodriguez en Jurgen van Schaijk. Nan meta ta pa hasi Aruba e mihor isla den caribe  pa ciclista -one happy bike island - . Nan kier yega na esaki pidiendo atencion na e siguiente puntonan: Promove coremento di bicicleta na Aruba en general (den un forma sigur) Promove coremento di bicicleta pa stimula salud publico Educacion encuanto coremento di bicicleta como parti di formacion di hubentud Organisa un evento local di bicicleta cu potencial pa crece den un evento internacional den termino largo E documentario cu a wordo traha door di e Hulandes nan Gertjan Hulster y Arne Gielen tin como punto central e pregunta ‘Pakiko Hulandes nan ta core bicicleta? y ta wak e beneficionan di ciclismo; grandi y chikito ta practica esaki, tanto como deporte, pa recreacion y como medio di transporte entre cas y scol of cas y trabao. Adicionalmente e documentario ta mustra e influencia positivo riba salud (ciclistanan ta menos malo) como tambe e efecto riba e actividad cerebral, despues di un dia di trabao.   Minister Rudy Lampe, cu tambe tabata presente a comparti e contribucion positivo cu ciclismo tin riba e independencia di hubentud. Como minister e ta trahando riba un proyecto piloto na e scol nan Pius X na Dakota como tambe na Santa Filomena na San Nicolas, encuanto educacion di bicicleta. Presente nan a remarca e urgencia pa automobilistanan reconoce e presencia di ciclista nan riba caminda, e importancia di un organisacion of stichting cu ta promove ciclismo na Aruba, como tambe e atencion di polis y justicia pa cu esaki. E persona nan tras di e iniciativa aki ta spera cu conhuntamente cu gobierno y tur presente durante e evento, por traha den e aña nan venidero pa crea un infrastructura apto y sigur pa ciclista y asina yega na desaroya e cultura ciclista na Aruba.   Read the full article
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afishtrap · 7 years
Blending fine-grained case studies with overarching theory, this book seeks both to integrate Southeast Asia into world history and to rethink much of Eurasia's premodern past. It argues that Southeast Asia, Europe, Japan, China, and South Asia all embodied idiosyncratic versions of a Eurasian-wide pattern whereby local isolates cohered to form ever larger, more stable, more complex political and cultural systems. With accelerating force, climatic, commercial, and military stimuli joined to produce patterns of linear-cum-cyclic construction that became remarkably synchronized even between regions that had no contact with one another. Yet this study also distinguishes between two zones of integration, one where indigenous groups remained in control and a second where agency gravitated to external conquest elites. Here, then, is a fundamentally original view of Eurasia during a 1,000-year period that speaks to both historians of individual regions and those interested in global trends.
Victor Lieberman. "Volume 2. Mainland Mirrors: Europe, Japan, China, South Asia, and the Islands." Strange Parallels: Southeast Asia in Global Context, c.800–1830. Cambridge University Press, 2009. 976 pages.
The typical Southeast Asian realm remained what I term a “solar polity”: a system of quasi-sovereign satellites in orbit around a central sun whose gravitational pull, in lieu of fixed borders, ebbed with distance. Insofar as each planet had its own moons, which in turn had their dependencies, each satellite replicated in miniature the organization of the solar system as a whole. Moreover, the most distant tributaries might owe allegiance to more than one overlord, while in the rugged interior scattered hill peoples (including refugees from the valleys) often sought to escape entirely the attention of lowland rulers. Although these patterns persisted throughout the period under review, over time the gravitational pull of each sun increased markedly. That is to say, hill people became more sensitive to the cultural and political influence of lowland centers; distant, once independent states were reduced to tributary status; tributaries were converted to intermediate provinces; intermediate and local dynasts with independent military forces. As soon as the capital seemed vulnerable, provincial heads typically sought either to seize the capital and place themselves at the head of the imperial system or to break away from the system entirely. In fact, the sustained independence that many former provincial centers enjoyed during postcharter disorders arguably rendered their sovereign pretensions more credible than during the charter era itself. In both Burma and Siam the late-16thcentury collapse was precipitated by the joining of ambitious provincial leaders with foreign invaders to attack the capital.
Largely in response to these disasters, in the late 1500s and early 1600s the reconstituted empires of Burma and Siam undertook administrative experiments designed, as it were, to strengthen the gravitational pull of the capital. As negotiated with local power holders, who were among the first to recognize the need for more effective central coordination, and as elaborated by the mid-17th century, these reforms rendered the king more ceremonially remote; replaced august viceroys in the provinces with more docile nonprincely governors; insisted that the crown, rather than governors, appoint subgubernatorial officials at major provincial towns; markedly increased the capital’s military superiority over provincial centers; and strengthened patronage links between capital officials and quasi-hereditary local headmen. In close cooperation with the latter, sometimes termed the “gentry,” royal officials extended censuses and cadastres into the provinces, multiplied written communications, and used the resultant information to systematize taxes and to enlarge the ranks of hereditary or quasi-hereditary servicemen (ahmu-dans in Burma, phrai luang in Siam) obliged to provide the crown with specialized military or civilian labor.31 In the interest of military mobilization and fiscal extraction, service reform in turn required more elaborate efforts at social regulation, extending in Burma to an insistence on endogamy among ahmu-dan service units. Burma and Siam also eroded the autonomy of tributaries and retained, in some cases tightened, postcharter curbs on Buddhist monastic landholding and ordination.
At first sight, administrative trends in Vietnam appear less linear than in Burma or Siam. In the late 1400s the Neo-Confucian revolution introduced a full-blooded Chinese-style bureaucracy, complete with civil service exams, elaborate written communications, novel maps and military itineraries, three layers of appointed officials, and increasingly effective curbs on Buddhist landholding. From the late 1500s, however, oligarchic pressures, military exigency, and non-Chinese cultural influences combined periodically to erode Sinic practices in favor of more patrimonial, more characteristically Southeast Asian forms. This was true in the north for long periods and more especially on the southern frontier. Yet even in the latter zone, as the influence of Chinese ´emigr´es and local literati increased, Neo-Confucian techniques gradually acquired normative prestige. In the early 1800s, after unifying the entire Vietnamese-speaking world, the southern-based Nguyen regime again openly embraced Chinese-style provincial administration in an ambitious effort, by no means unsuccessful, to integrate its fissiparous, elongated domain. In this sense, albeit by looking more directly to China than to north Vietnamese precedents, the Nguyen resumed and intensified Sinicizing trends apparent in the 15th and 17th centuries.
One could also argue that by facilitating long-distance interactions with diverse peoples, nomadism promoted effective strategies for controlling the logistical and cultural challenges typical of large-scale empires. By contrast, Song (and to a lesser extent Ming) cultural and physical distance from the steppe left them less able than their Sui and Tang, not to mention Mongol and Manchu, counterparts to forge extensive tribal alliances in general, and to acquire desperately needed cavalry mounts in particular.Without steppe allies or reliable purchase of frontier horses (China proper could never compete with the steppe as an environment for breeding and raising horses), Chinese dynasties were obliged to surrender strategic control of the steppe frontier. We shall find that a similar dependence on imported horses disadvantaged agrarian India.
Yet as in Southwest and South Asia, cavalry would have been inadequate to ensure Inner Asian dominance were it not combined with systematic borrowing from agrarian cultures. In explaining the success of the most durable Inner Asian empires, Thomas Barfield was surely justified in emphasizing the combinative role of mixed ecological and cultural zones, what he termed “Manchurian” states, on the interface between Inner Asia and China proper. Here, beyond the reach of Chinese armies, frontier polities like that of the Qing could experiment with elements from both worlds, wedding Inner Asian cavalry and tribal organization to Chinese economy, military techniques, administration, and ideology.217 Now, as Nicola Di Cosmo has shown, in part Inner Asian state formation reflected internal rhythms – he posits a recurrent progression from economic crisis to charismatic leadership to centralized organizations to a search for revenues to sustain those organizations – that did not depend directly on developments in sedentary societies. We find powerful Inner Asian confederations during periods of Chinese political cohesion as well as fragmentation, of economic expansion as well as contraction.218 But over the long run Inner Asian resources and cultural repertoires also benefited substantially from a secular expansion of trade and population along the Chinese/Inner Asian frontier. During China’s first commercial revolution, c. 800/900– 1270, for example, the growth of Chinese settlement and trade provided Tanguts, Khitans, Jurchens, and Mongols with invaluable revenues, administrative and financial expertise.219 Shortly after the start of the second commercial revolution, Iwai Shikegi argues that Manchu power fed on the booming exchange of Inner Asian horses, livestock, furs, and ginseng for Chinese textiles, farm implements, grain, and silver. Because New World silver entering at the coast flowed disproportionately to the northern frontier to pay Ming garrisons, commerce was actually far livelier in this sector than in much of the Chinese interior. Early Manchu commercial monopolies not only provided income, but allowed Manchu leaders to bring within their political orbit a mixed population of Jurchens (amalgamated to form “Manchus” in 1635), Koreans, Mongols, and Chinese. In somewhat similar fashion, I suggested, Tai entry into Southeast Asian lowlands in the 12th and 13th centuries owed much to growing commercial and cultural exchange across charter-era frontiers, while in South Asia between c. 1000 and 1300 and again between 1550 and 1700 we shall find that economic expansion drew together arid-zone warriors and arable-zone cultivators both within the subcontinent and along the interface between India and Inner Asia.220
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