saphsilver · 2 years
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Aimazil, the Grand Seer of the Orasyl and Eryse
This is my friend @nickystar 's OC!
Aimazil (They/Them, Aima for short,) is the Grand Seer of the Orasyl, an academy for Gazers. Gazers are psychics who have the ability to see the future with Aima as one of the most powerful Gazers and principal of the academy. Every Gazer has a medium through which their visions are activated, and Aima is a Star Gazer, so their visions come to them through the stars. On top of this they're also a Life Elementalist and have the rare ability to manipulate time to some degree.
Eryse is Aima's white seeing-eye mouse with whom they use their psychic power to share an eye. Being blind is especially dangerous for Gazers because they need to, well... see in order to use their powers. If not, their brains shut down. Eryse connects her eye with Aima through psychic powers, hence the glowing (and fashionable) golden eyes.
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hootaloos · 1 year
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Have I mentioned I still love them? 
Mitzi belongs to @nickystar
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tayrayerayeraye · 3 years
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Happy Evacuation Day @nickystar 💖
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solarpunk-aesthetic · 6 years
Hi, I've been following your blog for a while and it's been such a great source of inspiration for the fantasy world I'm writing about! I wanted this world to be more eco-friendly, and all around just better than ours is right now. Do you have any info that might further help me in this? I've mostly just written about natural energy sources, wildlife preservation, sustainable harvesting, and greenery things like rooftop and wall gardens, and some financial stuff
I’m glad it’s proving helpful!
One thing you might consider looking into. Pre-industrial farming was, in many ways, more productive than a lot of modern techniques. You’ve probably heard my opinions on monoculture farming by now, but there are a lot of better methods. The only “trouble” is that they’re best suited to small communities. 
Agroforestry, for instance, involves growing crops and forest plants in the same area. This boosts biodiversity and keeps the land both healthy and productive. People can farm sustainably without damaging ecosystems or requiring deforestation. It’s been traditionally used by Native American and Indigenous African peoples.
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Another technique is intercropping, a practice dating back to neolithic times. This is the practice of planting certain species of plant together. The plants work symbiotically and give an increased yield of food. It’s recently been found that there’s a scientific basis for this. These plants share resources with one another via underground mycorrhizal networks (Walder et al, 2012).
Conversely, a more recent idea is agrivoltaics – the practice of sharing agricultural land with solar energy collectors.
Otherwise, it sounds like you have some good ideas there already. Feel free to discuss anything more specific, if you like. If I don’t have an answer, I’m sure someone else will have helpful things to say!
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fmaed · 6 years
Bellflower and hibiscus?
bellflower: what is your favorite instrument?
OAGH i love them all ;_; bass is really great though but also the saxophone….
hibiscus: What are your favorite things to eat?
im a sucker for pastries and home baked stuff!!!!!
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end-fall · 6 years
Violets, gardenia, lilac?
Violets: What traits do you value most in friends?
Um I don’t know, I guess people who are funny and make me happy?
Gardenia: What soothes you when you’re stressed?
Listening to calm music and warm drinks
Lilac: What weather conditions do you enjoy most? Why?
I really like most weather, but I guess I like warm, sunny spring days  and lightly raining, or foggy fall days the best?
Thank you for asking!
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elsewhereuniversity · 7 years
ASKS - Names
Asks sent to my main, answered here. Themes - what’s a true name, exactly?
Anon said: So what happens with people who have officially changed their names? I'm thinking especially for trans students who change names to match their gender, but anybody who's gone through the process of legally changing names. Would their deadname still be their "true name" as far as the Gentry are concerned?
Anon said: how would the name thing work with deadnames? would the deadname be the "real name" or the name from birth?
Anon said: What if you legally changed your name? Would that still hold power or something or just your birth name?
Anon said: More for the name things: What about trans students? My name is Lucian but my birth name is completely different. Which one would count as my true name?
Anon said: In terms of trans folks at EU, would their birth name be the one that could control them? Or would it be their preferred name?
Anon said: About the name thing, how does that work for trans people? Do the fae go by birth certificate or what you believe as your name?
Anon said: What about preferred names? Like I don't feel any attachment to my birth/legal name and no one calls me by it. What would be considered dangerous to use?
orendork said: EU question: Would a trans person's real name be their birth name or their chosen name?? Like would it be safe to go by a chosen name?
lupus-lunarem submitted: At elsewhere University if you have a legal name change which name is then used against you? Your birth name or changed name?
Anon said: In response to the question of "true names", I wonder if the Fae could be tricked by the giving of a deadname. Perhaps a trans person/someone who changed their name for personal reasons might be able to give a member of the Folk their deadname as a part of a bargain & the faery would accept it as a part of the bargain, since more antiquated traditions might designate that as the "true name". However, since the person's deadname doesn't really have power over them, the bargain could be safe while remaining valid
zeromylesperhour said: I rly liked your idea of the trans kids playing games for simple things like voice changes. I've also always thought about how true names would work in that situation! Like a faerie might think it has power over a trans kid because it knows their "name" but it's their birth name and not their real name.
Especially in a place where belief holds such power as it does at Elsewhere University, your true name would be your preferred name - the one that means you, heart and soul. While on campus, you should keep it secret from all but those you trust with your life. Your deadname would have no power over you. The legal status of your true name doesn’t matter; it draws its power from the weight and identity you give it.
As far as the Gentry are concerned, in folklore one’s true name was often synonymous with one’s birth name, and I imagine that because of this, for a time after Elsewhere began to seep back into the world, they would ask a birth name as a price for a boon, and occasionally be very, very surprised when it was given without a fight and held no power at all. They have learned to be more careful for what they ask for since then, but not after several rather embarrassing deals, and every once in a while one of the more antiquated Fair Folk will make this mistake over again.
Anon said: So I have another question about names! For reasons, I've always been called by my middle name over my first name by people close to me. Would it count as not giving my name to the fae if I use my first name, which I don't feel as connected to?
Anon said: Didn't the tradition of giving middle names to children came from superstition about the power of true names. This got me thinking, are you ok in Elsewhere U if you have a middle name and you use your first- and last name freely, and do the school official papers keep record of the middle names of the students
theperidotshade said: On the subject of names at Elsewhere University, I'm curious about how it would work out for people like me who go by our middle names/double names. They're essentially nicknames, because we actively choose which of our names to go by, but they were still given to us, so...?
ambicolor said: Sorry if this has been asked before, but what about middle names? My cousin goes by his, but would that count as a true name?
automatomicatomaton said: On the bit about true names - how much power do middle names have?
For some people their identity is very much tied up in their full name and the sense of connection to family it provides, among other reasons; for these people it would be an extremely bad idea to give away any part of it, although full control would possibly be dependent on knowing the full name.
For others, who only feel a strong connection to a piece of their full name, the parts that don’t mean anything to you wouldn’t have any power. However, giving out any part your name that might be on record would be inadvisable. Even if your first or last name alone doesn’t carry any significance, it would make it easier for something to potentially dig up your full name and work out the piece that does mean something. The University takes great care with the official paperwork, and it’s generally considered secure between the custom iron file folders and the encrypted online systems, but, you know. Murphy’s Law.
Anon said: Okay, so on the topic of true names I have something that I've been wondering about. I have two names (English and Hebrew) both given to me by my parents. Which do you think would count as my true name, or is it just a situation of having more to hide from Them?
Anon said: ooo for true names - what about those of us who were born with two different names in two different languages, gifted at the same time? We're one in one country and a different name in another - which name would be our true name? The one used more often? The one which was technically written down first?
It depends what they mean to you – if one is significantly more fundamental to your sense of self than the other, that would be your true name; if they’re equally important they should both be hidden (although I think potentially with two True Names, one would need to know both in order to have full power over you. If you were given a command by someone who Named you with only one of your two names, the compulsion would be strong but you’d stand a chance of resisting).
Anon said: would there be a loophole around being controlled by your given name if They mispronounced it? Like, if you were to give Them your own name written down, and when They speak it They mispronounce it... ? Would that negate the control, while still being a fair trade on your part?
theperidotshade said: Also, what if someone pronounces their name differently than it's phonetically spelled, or typically pronounced? Could they use the typical pronunciation and be safe, or is it about more than just how the name is spoken?
A mispronounced name – a name spoken differently than the version you know to be yours -couldn’t control you. A spoken or signed (as in sign language, not signature) name holds power, and so it must be spoken correctly. A written name does not, in the sense that if someone who knew your true name slipped you a note with your name and a command, you would not be compelled to obey it. But honestly banking on mispronunciation would barely buy you time at all – they’d figure out how to say it sooner rather than later, if only by repeating it a hundred times with increasingly outlandish inflections.
Anon said: So let's say someone was trans and they hadn't come out yet but they had already picked a name out would that be the name they shouldn't give to the gentry?
Yeah, it would – it doesn’t matter how many other people know it (and the fewer the better among people on campus). What makes it a true name is that it’s who you consider yourself to be.
Anon said: Okay, what about a hypothetical scenario in which all of the logistical issues are handwaved away and a person has no "true name"? Like, hippie parents living off the grid (no birth certificates) who just wait, making no assumptions because they believe in self-determination, until their little tyke is old enough to choose a name?
If you’re in the unusual position of never having found a name that you feel a strong connection to, you would be invulnerable in this particular aspect of campus life.
curiousmindsinlurve said: About the names thing theoretically speaking if someone got married and took on their spouses' last name would their maiden name hold more power? Or is it vice versa?
Whichever holds the most significance – I imagine that it varies pretty wildly between people who are radiantly happy to share their loved one’s last name and people who have changed their name because it’s customary but still feel a strong connection to their maiden name and the family history that comes with it.
mithrils-hanger said: Elsewhere U musings, and i suspect that my RPG writer experience has given me a skewed perspective of what is important, but. can you imagine how intense the University's efforts at protecting their records must be? forget mundane identity theft issues, the Payroll, Registrar, and Records departments house untold numbers of true names in their files. every employee. every student. present and all those past. even something as simple as an attendance roster could spell the doom of a student.
nickystar said: A question about EU, if it hasn't been answered already: I assume that to enroll at the school, you'd legally have to apply using your real name, and those in charge of the school would keep these names on lists somewhere. But how do they keep the Fair Folk from finding them and using them for their gain, and who all would have access to the names?
Everything legally and unavoidably essential is kept locked in custom iron filing folders and behind several layers of encryption in the heavily guarded computer systems, in the heavily guarded offices that deal with these things. Students and professors are referred to from the first week on by their chosen names, and they’re kept track of with student ID numbers and photos. It’s not usual for the exhaustively screened staff in charge of all this to have nightmares about making a mistake.
oddloop said: I feel true names would still have power. Whether or not its chosen or given, it is your power and closer to your heart, so by giving that knowledge to someone else you share your power, give them the power over you that you have yourself
True names absolutely have power – it’s hooked into the fundamentals of who you know yourself to be. It can obviously be used for harm, to compel you against your will. But it can be used to save you - this is the flipside. If you’ve eaten the food underhill, if you are too enchanted or dazzled or lost to find your own way back to your own mind, someone who knows your true name can break the spell and call you home.
pretzel-log1c said: In certain tales, Nicknames can be just as powerful as True Names. Especially if they are given. Are their any students that get trapped into the mold of their nickname? Like say, if a student went by Mouse?
It’s happened before. With any luck you don’t choose a safename that has any huge significance to you, and you’re aware enough of your own emotions to tell if you’re getting too attached to it. But these are not guarantees.
Your nickname probably won’t change you. But the rules are bendy here.
tookmelongenough-right said: In regards to Elsewhere U and names, I remember a series where you could bargain to give away one name per boon, so someone could, if they were desperate enough, make up to three deals with the fae. Four, if you had two last names.
If your true name is your full name all together, if you name yourself with the entirety of it – then yes, you could sell it piece by piece. Each fragment would have some power, enough to buy something valuable, if they thought you’d be coming back to make another deal or three.
kikinickle said: Another question about True Names: If you've had a nickname as long as you've had your real name, given to you at birth (or even before birth) and used as often as your legal name (though by fewer people) throughout your life, does it count as much as your legally given name?
It depends on its relevance to who you consider yourself to be.
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tayraye101 · 7 years
Me: *Minding my business.* You: *Logs into Tumblr.* :3c 50 notifications later
@ me ho
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ghoulishferret · 3 years
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Happy birthday to @nickystar!! I just had to draw our boys for her special day because I absolutely adore them.
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akumayamori · 4 years
thank you @skrunkel, @madsterline and @electricwarlock for tagging me!
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I tag @nico-nickystar, @thatsexyspoonie and @tayraye101 if you want to try it, but anyone can if they want!
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electricwarlock · 4 years
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thank you @skrunkel for the tag!!
real(ish) me and fantasy me! a lotta pinks and reds they look good
idk anyone who does dnd stuff on here but @nickystar loves horny picrews
edit: forgot the link lel https://picrew.me/image_maker/312072/
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hootaloos · 1 year
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Some more OC highlights, featuring WIPs of drawings I still like to pretend I’m gonna finish one day  Mitzi belongs to @nickystar
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tayrayerayeraye · 4 years
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I actually finished this last night, but I forgot his eyebrows asdfghjklajalsk. Happy Escsped The Womb Day @nickystar! 🎉🎉🎉
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thatspookyspoonie · 4 years
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Tagged by @nico-nickystar!
An OC, one of you, and one of an idealized version of you! I totally meant to do bat wings, but I forgot lmao.
Not really sure who to tag, because I don’t know how many of my mutuals or followers even have OCs and stuff, but if you wanna do it and tag me, go for it! I’d love to see you!
The picrew used is right here: https://picrew.me/image_maker/257476
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end-fall · 7 years
I think espeon, persian, liepard, froslass, musharna, and meowstic would suit you?
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normal-horoscopes · 6 years
Dear Caretaker, I'm in a rather bad place financially and can't convince anyone to hire/commission me. Could I get a word of comfort? I offer my feelings of desperation, several pages of prose left to gather dust, and a too-sweet tea saved for a rainy day.
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