#niave art
art-femmes · 2 years
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Ukrainian Wedding, 1966 - Maria Primachenko
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kvvvkc · 1 year
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Neil Buchanan’s Hope Street collection remind us of a time gone by. Available for immediate dispatch at only £495 each, framed and hand signed by the former Art Attack creator, Neil Buchanan . . . . . . #art #artoftheday #nostalgic #moon #themoon #stars #nightsky #wish #naiveart #niave #neilbuchanan #westovergallery #friday #fridayfeeling (at Bournemouth) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl8L6l8obZw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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saltycharacters · 3 months
You should tell us about Chilli and Giggel :3c
Hell yeah I can! Here are some recent doodles of them as a bonus:
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[ID: Two art pages featuring digital/traditonal doodles of two ocs. The first has an oc named Chilli, a skinny, pale teen with long, golden and red braids that end in little skulls, side bangs resembling a skull, and a jacket dress. Train tracks and wheels decorate her outfit, and she's shown to have a prosthetic on her left foot. She's also shown to be able to shed her skin, her face resting behind her like a hoodie as her elongated skull beneath it surveys her surroundings. She's also holding a weapon resembling saw blades on a pole, and has a skull-themed train rushing by her in the background. Her little brother, Giggel, is in the second image- shown to be a short, pale boy with long, brown curly hair, freckles, braces, and bird legs. As a kid he wears a hoodie dress with a lock symbol, the hood resembling a skull when put over his head. There's also a doodle of him in his twenties, where he wears a dress with a skull on it and loses his pigtails, as well as grows facial hair. End ID]
Chilli and Giggel are two siblings that live on the Skull Train, which just as it sounds, is a train with a skull face. It's perpetually running and consumes precious metals for fuel, can create new tracks on the spot and is probably alive. For Chilli, she can't stray too far for it or she literally dies, at least brain-wise; her body still remains alive at a certain distance from the train, and she can regain her sentience upon returning. She doesn't need to phsyically eat (the train getting fuel is enough), and has impressive regenerative powers that make it very hard for her to die.
As for personality, Chilli is a loud and cocky gal who takes things at face value and never apologizes for anything she does. Her self-confidence is highlighted in how she pretends to know everything and has no qualms in bossing people around.
Giggel is the younger sibling of Chilli and her only companion on the Skull Train. He's eager to please and mimic his sister, often being a partner-in crime to her schemes and idolizing her every descision. They're very close growing up, and are practically inseparable until Giggel turns 14.
After an incident where Chilli falls off the train and gets literally left behind as her body ceases brain function, Giggel finds himself alone with no idea where she went. About half a year passes before he finally decides to leave the train, despite being under the assumption that he's as succeptible to train distance consequences as Chilli was. However, he quickly discovers that he isn't actually tied to the train, and can go as far as he wants without issue. About seven years pass before the siblings meet again, Giggel now being a 21 yr old adult with a bike gang under his belt and a more pessimistic outview on life, and Chilli having lost her face as her deformed skull prevents her from wearing it comfortably. The meeting is less than ideal, as Giggel swapped his niave idolization for resentment, assuming Chilli abandoned him and lied about him being unable to leave the train all those years ago.
Chili's absence, however, is actually due to not being close enough to the train to regain brain function but close enough that her body stayed alive. Giggel kept the train close to where he thought Chilli left him in the hopes she'd someday return, and when he left the train still mantained the same loop as it continued to run. On the tracks where she was comatoased, her head dealt with the occasional trauma of being run over by other trains, and as her skull healed in an elongated shape and her facial skin tore off, she remained unmoving and practically unaging for near a decade. When she finally came to, her new look remained and she began to search for her brother. In the following months, her body ages quickly to catch up and she goes through the arc of growing up and seeing her brother, no longer the little starry-eyed kid that sees no fault in her, have his own life and opinions outside of her boastful guidance. This harsh reality check ends up humbling her, and the siblings reconcile and start building a relationship anew.
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fandomfluffandfuck · 3 months
Hi Sir, do you think Sebastian has a Daddy Kink. Y’ know considering his past, and the situation with his biological father. I know you have written about Sebastian calling Chris “Daddy”, but I mean it more as in, do you think he maybe has Daddy Issues, and therefore calls Chris “Daddy”?
I sent in the “Daddy Kink ask” and thinking about it more, I realize how disturbing (towards you and Sebastian) that may sound. I swear it wasn’t meant like that. I’m just a very curious person. So feel free to just delete the ask if it makes you uncomfortable!
Hey, sweets!
No, but I actually like this ask because I feel like this general idea is A Thing in both the vanilla world and the kink world, I can't and won't put words in your mouth specifically, but I have noticed generally that people tend to pair the idea of trauma and kink.
Definitely, there's the stereotype that kinks are born from trauma. Which, yes, is true in some people. However, it's not the overall rule. Then, the myth that all kinks come from trauma can then extend into the stereotype that all people with kinks are "broken" or "fucked up" in some way. Fucked up by said assumed trauma. Also, of course, this isn't true.
But, with that being said, personally, I have noticed that there's is some correlation between people who look outwardly fucked up (or, as my parents would say, "scary") in that they're tattooed, pierced, or have alternative aesthetics that stray from the "norm". My idea for that correlation is, well, hey, if you're not going to fit in with mainstream society in one way, then you might as well not fit in, in all the different ways that you feel. Why pretend? Why not just fucking go for it? (That's how I feel. I mean, I also am just... like that. Genuinely. It's not a conscious link for me a lot of the time, trauma -> aesthetic -> kink, I just see where they bleed into each other. It just so happens that I fucking love kink and I love metal music and I love body art and I love the gothic/emo/alternative/whatever you want to call it, aesthetic.)
Although, at the same time, as paradoxical as it is, it's niave to think that how you're raised and what your parents are like doesn't shape how you go into your relationships and your life. I'm paraphrasing, but as Chris once said, your parents shape how you love. They teach you how to love (x). You can absolutely outgrow that basis, but it's also a basis.
Anyway, where am I going here?
All this is to say that I have no idea if Sebastian has daddy issues. Granted, I also have no idea if Sebastian has a daddy kink. I don't know Sebastian.
Not everyone with daddy issues will have a daddy kink, and there are plenty of people with daddy kinks that don't have daddy issues. (At least, they wouldn't consider themselves to have daddy issues, looking specifically at how the Western world expects fathers to act when raising children. Personally, I think most people have issues based on that, but I also recognize that based on my life experience... I'm probably just being cynical, lmao.)
And for Sebastian, I don't think it's about trauma or issues. I think it's about power dynamics. I think it's about the general idea of daddy. The biggest, the best, the most capable, comforting, and caring yet stern, too. We've all seen how easily Seb crumbles with praise, and I think, related to that, Sebastian responds so well to having someone telling him what to do in the soft-but-still-authoritative role. That's what gets him in my mind.
Also, it's worth pointing out that I don't think it would go back to his biological father for Sebastian because he wouldn't've known his biological father as "Daddy" because it would've been the Romanian equivalent for the English affection name for a father. He might've been encouraged to call his step-father that, but, eh, he was older by that point, so it's unlikely in my mind.
All in all, I have no right to speculate, really. Seb's a real person, a real person I don't know, so I don't know, and I won't ever know either 🤷🏻‍♂️
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cassyblue · 8 months
i had a conversation slash argument with a very young trans person who straight up said that he did not feel the need for community and doubted that he would ever bc once he transitioned he would be effectively socially cis. He also said he didnt like most l gbt people. And all I could think besides you are very young and very naive was how sad it is to think you don't need and will never want a community of tran s and q ueer folk. You will miss out on vibrant art, vibrant people, and the way that only another queer understands. It still is something that bugs me and i think it sort of sums up why my writing is always focused on community etc. I didn't have a single que er in my life growing up. I grew up in a hostile community. Kids these days are so lucky to have support in a hostile world, to have loving and supportive parents and friends. But to live your life and effectively lock yourself in the closet because you think once you've transition its not important to be visible or that transph obia will never touch you is so niave and foolish. It was wild to have this kid argue with trans people in their late 20s and 30s that he would never ever have trans phobia aimed at him even if he passed.
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bookstoreaders · 6 months
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*Spoilers for both of these books*
I had found out about CS Pacat while searching for art work inspiration for my own story and that's how I found the Captive Prince Series and then I saw Dark Rise in books a million and I was instantly caught by the cover. I love any story with darker morally complex (not gray: I could and will make a post on that) characters.
I put off reading it for while because I'm very much a mood reader and this past week I decided you know what let's dive in.
So I'm going to go through each character and what I think of them because I am 100% a character reader. This will be for both books Dark Rise and Dark Heir (also please note i did audio book so I may spell things wrong)
Let's start with our main boy:
I find Will so interesting and complex. It's hard to tell if what he is doing is because he truly doesn't want to be like Sacien or if this is all apart of Sacien's "will". I find it very interesting that Will's name is well, Will. At the same time it's seems to me that Will is trying so hard to NOT be who he was in his past life. At the end of Dark Heir when he gets outed and he thinks James is the one person who actually accepts him and finds out he has the collar on (I have thoughts on that but I will get to theories later on) it's devastating. I think for both Will and James they want to not be judged for the choices their past selves made.
On that note James:
James is probably my favorite character.
He is snarky and smart and brave and everyone treats him terribly except for Will. He is either treated like a wh***, a weapon (though Will is guilty of this), or a traitor. He's something to be owned, to be possessed. He is paying for the actions of a past he can't even remember (until the very end) when the collar was put back on him i was so upset, but knew it wouldn't work the way St. Claire wanted.
I liked Violet more in book one. Im.curious about her inpending "fight" with Tom and if and when that will go down. I was hoping she would be the one to stick behind Will and not judge him. (Though i feel she's going to be the first to go back, if Will really is trying to be "good")
Cyp Cyp... I really didn't like him.at first. But.now I do. However, I find him complex as well. I love his dedication to his believes and his loyalty and obvious love for Violet. I hate his judgement of James, that he blames him for Marcus and the other Stewart's and doesn't think about why James might have left. (Their father tried to kill him when they found out he was a reborn) ... on a different note him drinking from the cup, wrestling the shadow, jumping down that whole and breaking the "staff" and dragging Will back up like he was a sack was pretty bad ass.
Let's start with Katherine: I wish we'd had more time with her. I didn't feel very connected to her so when she died i wasnt that upset. Visander seems so one sided in his goals and thoughts. It's like has blinders on. He doesn't think that maybe Devon has changed in 1000+ years or that things might have changed. He is stuck in the past. His relationship with Philip is interesting especially with him being in Katherine's body (which is very weird and im not sure how I feel about it)
Elizabeth: she can be annoying but she is.also 10 years old. For her age she is a very smart and brave young lady and im excited to see where her story goes.
I feel like I am grappling at straws for more information on Tom. I want more. How much does he truely know? Is he niave? What does being a "lion" mean. He clearly loves Violet
Devon: he interests me more than anyone. His story is tragic and sad. Hunted and having his horn cut off... they say it was by humans but I have thoughts (theories later) and then living through all those years alone. It's pretty tragic. He seems to have a very loving and trusting relationship with Tom from what I can tell (I do hope I'm reading that correctly)
So thoughts and theories and all that and there's no Rhyme or Reason to any of this:
I am starting to wonder who the real bad guys are: I don't think it was really Sacien. I wonder if it might actually be the Sun King or whatever he's called. I wonder in book 3 of with James remembering the past if we won't learn the truth. Because something is up.
I despise Will's mother. She raises this child, ties him to beds, tries to kill him. All for the supposed mistakes of a past life he can't recall... yeah f**ck her.
I think the Stewart's are sus. Did they hunt down Devon and saw off his horn? If not how did they end up it?
What exactly is the white death and if it's evil how did Visander come back if he is good?
What's up with Grace?
I'm firmly convinced that Sacien/Anharian Will/James is like a "You have to have shadows with light" James is the Light and Will is the Shadow they are supposed to compliment each other. I think someone fucked with history but we will see.
Basically, I really enjoyed these two books, and I am desperate for any news on book 3
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cryptic-michael · 5 months
3, 23, and 25 for the asks!
Aweee thanks maple!!!
3. Favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year?
Weezer!! I'd listened to some of their stuff before, but like, I listened to SOOO much this year and a lot of their albums! (Honorble Mention: The Happy Fits)
23. If you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be?
Take it slow! That thing of "Rome wasn't built in a day-"?? YEAH NOTHING IS!! Relax! Understand sometimes people won't ever really get you, and that's alright. It's alright to have certain feelings and concerns, that's just life. Take 20 steps back, it's alright becuse somtimes the head works like an outdated broken down Dell computer.
25. Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one
Yes!!!! A few! I made two main characters(plus supporting) for my silly western! Then an OC for...the show 24...a reoccurring no name characters that's 2000s.
Bo Doc - A blond who's wild and sweet who's still niave at times but very reckless and cocky too.
Marcelo Felix - A cold reserved man with mild commitment issues and a love/hate relationship for Bo.
Parker(24) - To sum it up, a Republicans nightmare, and the worst sight to see in the 2000s.
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minthe-lover · 2 years
Yo! read your sexuality in LO thing, and gotta say that I loved your points. One thing I wanted to add that I honestly think the way Persephone is depicted as the most beautiful ever and how much the art strives to sexualize her distracts from her character. I think a character having some sort of sexuslity is fine. That's good, but I feel like there is a fine line between showing sexual autonomy and sexulization for audience benefit. I feel like Persephone more than ANYONE is show sexually in a way that does not draw back to her trying to be sexy. It's not just the outfits. Many are cute and fine. It's just the way the metephorical camaras seems to gauck at her at all times and how it feels like she's posed for the audience benefit alot. I think this pairs poorly with how she's depicted as sheltered and niave making it feel very uncomfy in my opinion. I honestly think a great example of sexy with sexual autonomy is oddly Thetis AT TIMES (roll with me because there are no perfect examples! When she is trying to seduce zues and the camara feels like their gauking feels thematically cohesive. This is a choice of sexy she is making. Persephone being bosed provacitly just walking around in pjs feels a little less contious.
One thing I think that can counter my point is Persephone is depicted as very curvy and it can't be helped if she has a vety prominent figure and larger breasts that's just who she is. Yes, but I feel as if the comic goes out of it's way to show off in scenes that feel like they don't make sense and it feels more peeping then a person existing and being sexy while doing it. Idk, some of this comes more from a feeling too and I could be wrong or have my own preconceived notions of what's appropriate that are off from others. Basically saying "idk, maybe I'm right, or maybe I'm a prude. Both are options" I just feel like the sexuslization outsteps the sexual autonomy of the character and I think that outshines her character when she's treated as an object of sexual desire and beauty more than a person.
Oh no I fully agree, most scenes that are trying to charactize Persephone aren't characterizing any actual traits instead are focusing are her beauty and how she is sexualized instead of her actually personality.
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weaponizedhorse · 1 year
It's a me, the guy with the worst luck. The photos were grainy, & not really arty, though the 1st was sent by an art student, so maybe it was their attempt at arty nudes? As for my history, I was over 18 when I got those photos, tho niave & shy. I wasnt raised in a religious family, but my parents did have kids far too young, & it was ingrained, that me being born male, I would make the same mistakes as them. So, they brought me up to believe sex/nudity is wrong (but I learned it's actually ok).
"My ex (1st real adult rship) had me be nude, but she wasnt naked when we were intimate, even with the lights off. Ive never actually seen a boob irl , but I handled hers (same goes for the vadge). She wanted me to send nudes, but I didnt want to. Tho she sent lots to the guy she was cheating on me with, she tried pressured me into moving across country with her (my gut said no). She only wanted me so I could pay her (& his) rent. She was so angry that I didnt comply, then denied she ever met me."
Bro.. no joke about the shit luck:/ I would show you a IRL boob if I could (if you'd wanna see it I mean!) my dude just to make up for your shit lot I mean my God.. also please feel free to message me if you wanna! You life just sounds so interesting and also like I wanna know more about you lol
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Bad art but I don't care!
I'm currently working on a passion project about a cult and specifically how each of the "main" members got in and live this new life.
The mains are
Puppet- The Preacher
Wallace- The Devout (pictured above)
Indigo- The Recruiter
Harry- The Stray
Asha- The Gardener
Puppet is the main guy in the cult. He speaks to their god, controls the masses, and protects his flock.
Wallace is your classic martyr, Saint, living holy figure. Think of Simon from Lord of the flies except its unclear how innocent he is. Outside of Puppet, he's the only one who has seen their god.
Indigo is one of the kindest members. She is the oldest. A full believer in their gods will/ power. She's a bit niave, desperate to protect those she sees as vulnerable. She just wants to protect them and decided that Puppet and their god is the safest these people can be.
Harry is the only blood child of Puppet. And the only member of the cult which actively resents it. They have seen the outside world- they miss it. But they can't return to the world, not yet. They have to try and save their family and maybe kill Wallace.
Asha went to college with Puppet back when he was called [*******]. She thought he was crazy at first. But then she actually listened to him. To his explanation of the universe, how their god would protect its flock and the world. How deeply he spoke of this truth eventually swayed her to follow him. Becoming the flocks main doctor once she graduated medical school.
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randomweirdo70 · 1 year
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Hiyas maybe you'd consider a request my 3ft tall niave but always good hearted and happy go lucky Florist Halfing Georgina Petalpusher? She loves pie, plants and people:) ty for considering
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First art request im doing wow
This isnt how i usually color bc i was rlly tired when i drew this lol
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mscoyditch · 2 months
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By Laurent Parcelier. French. b. 1962-
> Michie Jones > Niave Art Extraordinaire
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nevebennett-viscom · 4 months
idea 4 with research, idea experimentation, development, evaluation.
this idea outlined
research relating to the idea
key artists associated with this
visual research
overall thoughts on this
This idea is to do something editorial, I love the idea of counter print and the way they display something and make it feel so tactile and I love interactive editorial.
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thinking about incorporating these elements within my design
This felt like a nice idea becuase i like the idea f encouraging poeple to want to pick up print, but i dont want it to look niave and designed badly and not present what i can do as a designer so i may err away from this to focus on elements of my design skills.
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closetedskeletons · 3 months
I always found it odd that people say not everyone can follow their dreams because it's unrealistic in a capitalist market for everyone to be an artist or a teacher or a firefighter but its like. there is a teacher shortage right now, less people are becoming and volunteering to be firefighters, the arts are hugely dominated by nepo babies. and like as a prospective historian I know how hard that is to get into and how understaffed historical institutions are. people will act like it's just realistic that everyone works for amazon and thdt children and anyone else who wants a "dream job" is niave but like its a BAD thing that the majority of our labor goes to making jeff bezos richer when it could be going to the arts or education
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bravesunclan · 6 months
BraveSunclan has always lived in the mountains they've thrived in the cold because, unlike most beast living there, they worked together to survive.
The clan lived in peace for many moons away from tame cats and twolegs only having to face wild beasts in the cold. And then, one day, it all came crashing down. Most cats were in camp when the twolegs came, storming into the massive cavern they called home with shouts and yells, grabbing cats despite their yowls. These twolegs were farmers that lived in the valley below the clan that came to the mountains to stop the beats that stole their sheep, but the clan did not know this. A lot of cats were taken, but those who survived fled higher into the mountains and soon settled in a cavern much like the one they lost. With tensions high and so few cats in the clan, it's up to Blazesun to guide his clan to safety once more.
Art of the founders under the cut vvv
The Survivors
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Blazesun is the current leader of BraveSunclan. He is sitting at a full 9 lives and was the former deputy before the twolegs attack. He is currently 97 moons and is healthy. Blazesun has always been a very wise and sincere cat who has always wanted his clan to succeed. He does not believe in lying and is always very honest, even to a fault. He has been honest to the clan about his worries but offers comfort in knowing the stars will watch over them. His current apprentince is Dawnpaw, a cat he has bonded with quite a bit since the attack.
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Gooserun is the current deputy of the clan despite her young age. She is 12 moons old and formerly was a warrior. Most cats would balk at the thought of taking order from such a young cat, but the clan knows she is the best for the position. Gooserun may not have a lot of life experience, but she is very charasmatic and understanding towards others, something that the clan needs desperately. Usually, Coyotenudge helps her send out patrols, being the most senior warrior.
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Hazelblotch is the only healer in the clan at 88 moons old. She may not look like it, but she was once a rouge living in a twoleg barn in the valley, befire leaving to live with the clans. She was a daring and fierce warrior, but after the healer at the time went blind she stepped in to help and found a love for herbs. Since then, she gladly remained as a healer and finds joy in doing her work. She is dedicated to the stars and understand that they could not stop the twolegs.
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Coyotenudge is the most senior warrior in the clan at 116 moons old, and most cats assume she will retire soon. Coyotenudge is a traditionalist and believes heavily in the warrior code, often quizzing the younger cats to make sure they remember it fully. She doesn't hold the same love for the stars, however, and often criticizes prophecies, thinking them to be nothing more than bad dreams.
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Dustyfreckle is a warrior at 85 moons old who would rather hunt than fight any day. She is a very kind and childish molly, who can be quite niave at times. Once she brought a fox cub to camp hoping to save it, the mother fox that followed had a different idea, however. Despite her childish energy she is very clever, especially when it comes to other cats. Much like Gooserun she has a natural talent for discerning a cats feelings, unlike Gooserun she usually states it in a blunt manner.
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Smokybud is a young warrior at 21 moons old and quite cocky. He is a very confident and bold cat who often sings praises about himself. Most would find it annoying, except that they know it is a cover for how scared he is since the destruction of their old home, he lost his twin in the panic and now seems to want to prove himself. Smokybud rarely kets himself be emotional, the only two cats he will have a serious conversation with being Hazelblotch and his apprentince Rosypaw.
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Rosypaw is a warrior apprentice at 9 moons old. She is very insecure and gloomy, most likely due to losing everything with the twoleg attack. She has no confidence in herself, which is a shame as she is a very skilled fighter and quiet good at hunting. Gooserun suggested paring her with the cocky tom Smokybud in hopes he could help boost her confidence, whether it is working or not, is anyone's guess.
Dawnpaw is a warrior apprentice at 6 moons old, fresh from the nursery. He was only a young kit at the time of the attack and was raised by Goldeye alongside the onky other kit Quillkit. Dawnpaw is a very clever tom who values logic over emotion. He acts as a straightman to most cats and likes to act older than he really is. Dustyfreckle is trying to get him to let loose, but he seems lazer focused on being the best for the clan. His mentor is Blazesun as the older tom hopes to help him relax and not overwork himself.
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Goldeye is the only elder in the clan at 139 moons old. She was responsible for a lot of clan bound chores, most noticably caring for the kits, now just Quillkit. Goldeye is a grumpy molly. Despite that little, Quillkit has her wrapped around her paw. Goldeye knows she is getting old, and worries she will die soon, she just hopes Quillkit is mad an apprentince by then.
Quillkit is the only surviving kit at 4 moons old. She is very polite and curious if not a bit niave. She was too young to remember the attack, and onky knoslws of it through the older cats stories and whispers. Slowly, she is piecing together what really happened that night. She was raised by Goldeye and alongside Dawnpaw, who acted as her older brother. However, she can't help but notice the older tom drifting away from their silly games and fake training. Maybe when she is apprentinced, they can be close again.
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