reddragon-cowboy · 11 months
This is the anon who asked for the fics! Thank you so much <33
It was no problem, dear! I’m glad you or anyone else enjoy my writings of Spike x Niah❤️ it means the world really, and that what I’m doing is not a waste of creativity or originality ☺️
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hearts4niah · 2 years
NIAH MY LOVE HOW R U 😭🫶🏽???? i miss you so much wtf i hope youre safe and doing okay mwah <33
noooo i’m crying rn bc it’s always you that checks up on me!!! you’re undoubtedly the sweetest person i’ve ever met 🥹🥹
i’m okay! i don’t spend as much time on here as i used to. IMMA MAKE A COME BACK THO FRL
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gutsfics · 9 months
17, 33, and 39 of the OTP prompts for Devi x Noah?
omg yay thank you <3 im gonna put 33 under a readmore bc it contains slight spoilers for ILW
17. Who fell in love first?
they both fell in love around the same time, but Noah was the first to realize it.
kind of hard to ignore your feelings when you're willing to tear the world apart for their ghost lol
39. What other couple would your otp get along with the best?
Harper and Tom 💞 after everything that's happened, they've all got each others backs
33. Who has the most nightmares and how do they deal with them?
oh these bad boys can both fit so much trauma induced nightmares in them.
ilb/ilw- every time Noah had a nightmare (which was most nights) he'd go outside & chainsmoke while Devi just hovered near him in a comforting ghost way. sometimes he'd give Noah gifts like a cool bug or some blackberries (& the carving, probably) but most of the time he just gives Niah company
post ilw- same as before, Noah will go out onto the balcony of their apartment to chainsmoke and Devi will keep him company, but its a bit easier for Devi to comfort him now that he understands what's going on. occasionally Noah will tell Devi about the dream but usually its not something he wants to dwell on so they talk about literally anything else mostly
when Devi has nightmares, Noah will hold him and rub his back to help ground him back in his body, and once Devi feels human again theyll snuggle and talk until Devi falls back asleep
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stunnababyyabyyy · 2 years
i love your theme ! 🤍🖤
ahhhh tysm :)) <3333333!!
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shinicxiro · 3 years
unreleased tokrev scene 🤭🤫
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0risha · 3 years
fake dating to make someone else jealous but then falling in love with each other instead 😶
idk if that’s a troupe but 10/10 😚👌🏽
mhmhm jealousy included I loveeee thatttt 🤭 10/10 would definitely write in the future.
GOJO yuhh 😋 suna, ace, denji but it low-key might just end up unrequited 🙄. itoshi sae 🤪🤪 with his mean ass. college au where Sanji dates reader to make nami jealous but he's head over heels in no time but we transform it to slow burn because he's a dumbass and would probably go back to nami after some time 😒.
send me a trope!
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noticemedeku · 3 years
Freeze! You’re under arrest for being so lovely🥰 Copy this message to 10 other blogs that you think are beautiful and deserve it. Keep the game going and make others feel beautiful! ❤️
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erikahonheaven-blog · 6 years
Psicopata Cap.3
Olhei em volta e havia várias casas. Já estava de madrugada então todas as luzes estavam apagadas. Direcionei.me a uma casa com paredes brancas e subi a pequena escada até a porta, soquei a própria até abrirem.
Era uma mulher não muito alta com longos cabelos castanhos escuros e uns olhos verde esmeralda. Ela tentou.se afastar mas eu a peguei no colo e a joguei no carro.
Parei o carro frente em casa e a puxei pelo braço até chegarmos ao quarto.
—Eu vou te mostrar quem é o louco.— tirei apenas a camisa branca, ela tinha vestido uns shorts pretos curtos e uma blusa.
Me aproximei da cama e inclinei o meu corpo um pouco pra frente, a alcançando e a puxando pelo braço. E tirar sua roupa, foi mais fácil que eu pensei, ela nem hesitou. Estiquei meus braços até a gaveta pegando um preservativo, até porque eu pretendia usá.la mais vezes.
Quando eu a começei a beijar ela colocou suas mãos em minha nuca, ela não demonstrava medo nenhum, que ousadia, não?
Mas o beijo era bom, por isso segui em frente até madrugar e ouvir ela gemer meu nome. Ela acariciava meus cabelos, e eu chupava o seu pescoço que a arrepiava completamente. Eu sei bem quando fodo o psicológico de alguém, e esta, estava caída por mim.
10:33 AM
Ela estava do meu lado na cama quando acordei. Ela tava cansada, eu vesti sua blusa, a peguei no colo e a levei pro porão. Eu não sei porquê, mas de forma alguma meu corpo se recusou a acordar a menina aos gritos ou joga.la no porão. Parecia que eu não queria machuca.la por dentro.
À medida que fui me afastando, podia ouvir a garota soquando a porta e gritando, posso ter certeza que teria um ótimo sono com todo aquele desespero.
P.O.V's da Niah
Por mais que eu gritasse e soquasse a porta, ele parecia surdo ao meu desespero.
Estava escuro e eu não conseguia enxergar absolutamente nada, a única coisa que eu sentia era um cheiro desagradável vindo do final das escadas.
A cada degrau que eu descia eu podia escutar os rangidos da escada. Havia uma pequena janela de ventilação, que iluminava um pouco à minha volta. Tinham vários sacos pretos jogados por cada canto e manchas de sangue por todo chão.
Eu não conseguia fechar os olhos. Eu estava com frio, fome e principalmente medo dele descer e me bater. Só que quando ele me tocou, por razão alguma eu não tive medo! Me sinto nojenta!
Eu estava sentada no chão, encostada a um armário, vigiando a porta do porão. Já deviam ter se passado horas e a fome só aumentava, eu já tava ficando tonta.
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pastorale1947 · 5 years
Í-sài-a 1
6 kha-chioh (跤蹠) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=kha-chioh
8 koe (瓜)
23 tàu-phōaⁿ (鬥伴) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=tau3-phoaN7
Í-sài-a 2
20 chhân-chhú (田鼠)
Í-sài-a 3
16 liam-kha (躡跤) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=liam-kha
19 chhiú-so̍h (手鐲) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=chhiu2-soh8
20 hiuⁿ-a̍h 香盒
20 hû-tē (符袋)
22 hô-pau (荷包)
24 kng-khō-khō http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=kng-kho7-kho7
24 kù (灸) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=ku3
Í-sài-a 5
6 thû-thóaⁿ (鋤剷) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=thu5-thoaN2
24 tiū-kó (稻稿) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=tiu7-ko2
Í-sài-a 6
2 se-la̍h-peng 撒拉弗
13 lek-chhiū (栗樹)
lek http://taigi.fhl.net/dick/search_can.php?DETAIL=1&LIMIT=id=13213&dbname=dic_can&graph=2
Í-sài-a 7
20 khun (髡) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=khun
Í-sài-a 8
19 kiu̍h http://taigi.fhl.net/dick/search_can.php?DETAIL=1&LIMIT=id=10399&dbname=dic_can&graph=2
Í-sài-a 9
10 phia̍h (甓) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=phiah8
18 ām-ām http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=am7-am7
Í-sài-a 10
14 phia̍t-si̍t (撇翼) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=phiat8-sit8
Í-sài-a 11
8 khang-kháu (空口)
15 thoa-ôe (拖鞋) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=thoa-oe5
Í-sài-a 13
10 lia̍t-siù 列宿
15 chha̍k-thàng 
Í-sài-a 14
9 keng-tāng 驚動
11 chhu (蛆) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=chhu
12 khám-tó (砍倒)
23 hô-ti (河豬) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=ho5-ti
31 làu-tīn (落陣) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=lau3-tin7
Í-sài-a 15
4 hoah-hiàm (喝喊) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=hoah-hiam3
6 o͘-iù (烏幼) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=ou-iu3
Í-sài-a 16
14 chiūⁿ-sǹg (上算) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=chiuN7-sng3
Í-sài-a 18
1 hā http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=ha7
Í-sài-a 19
9 cheh (績) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=cheh
Í-sài-a 21
10 chhek (粟) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=chhek
Í-sài-a 22
22 choān-sî (鏇匙) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=choan7-si5
25 sê (垂) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=se5
Í-sài-a 23
3 po͘-thâu (埠頭) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=pou-thau5
Í-sài-a 25
6 chē-chheng (坐清) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=che7-chheng
Í-sài-a 27
9 he-chio̍h (灰石) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=he-chioh8
10 lō͘-ke sòaⁿ-the̍h
Í-sài-a 28
12 khùiⁿ-oa̍h (快活)
17 tūi-sòaⁿ (墜線)
24 pē (耙)
25 má-khûn (花麻) 大茴香
28 khoeh (夾) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=khoeh
Í-sài-a 29
4  kiū-kiū-háu
9 jia-pè (遮蔽)
Í-sài-a 30
6 niā (陵) http://taigi.fhl.net/dick/search_can.php?DETAIL=1&LIMIT=id=15317&dbname=dic_can&graph=2
24 soah-iâm (撒鹽)
24 hong-kó͘ (風鼓) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=hong-kou2
24 chhiûⁿ (颺) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=chhiuN5
Í-sài-a 32
4 tioh-chi̍h-kun (擢舌根) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=tioh-chih8-kun
Í-sài-a 33
19  gí-bú gí-ngiáu 狋哞狋嘵
20 khit (杙) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=khit8
21 kò-chiúⁿ (划槳)
23 chhia  捙
Í-sài-a 34
4 chhak 軸
Í-sài-a 35
1 soa-bô͘ (沙漠)
Í-sài-a 36
6 pit-phòa (pit破)
20 bo̍h-kioh (莫卻) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=boh8-kioh
Í-sài-a 37
23 niah
Í-sài-a 38
8 ji̍t-kui (日圭) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=jit8-kui
12 pò͘-kui (布機) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=pou3-kui
Í-sài-a 40
4 khâm-khia̍t http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=kham5-khiat8
12 chhiú-hó͘-kháu (手虎口)
Í-sài-a 41
7  phah-tiam--ê
7 hōaⁿ-io̍h (焊藥) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=hoaN7-ioh8
hōaⁿ (銲) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=hoaN7
10 lún-neh (忍neh) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=lun2-neh
15  ū-khí (有齒)
19  kong-liam-chhiū  岡拈樹
Í-sài-a 42
4 chhìn-sim (凊心) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=chhin3-sim
10 kè-hái (過海) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=ke3-hai2
14 at-chí (遏止) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=at-chi2
14 hā-hā-chhoán
15 chiu-sū (洲嶼)
Í-sài-a 43
1 m̄-sái (毋使) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=m7-sai2
Í-sài-a 44
13 ūi-bô͘ (畫模)
Í-sài-a 45
2  khâm-khia̍t
20 kng (扛)
Í-sài-a 46
3  kûi-phō 懷抱
kûi (懷) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=kui5
Í-sài-a 50
1 lî-chhut
1 lî-su (離書)
lî (離) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=li5
Í-sài-a 51
17 khai-thian (開天) pi̍t-tōe (闢地)
20 lo̍k (鹿)
Í-sài-a 52
10 lu̍t 
Í-sài-a 54
3 khi̍t-á (杙仔) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=khit8-a2
11 siâⁿ-tó-chí (城垛子)
Í-sài-a 58
9 kí-to̍h-lâng
to̍h (著) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=toh8
13 su-khia-ōe (私奇話) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=su-khia-oe7
Í-sài-a 59
5  kiⁿ ti-tu bāng
kiⁿ (經) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=kiN
12 kò (告)
13 oat http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=oat
Í-sài-a 60
6 niā (陵) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=nia7
Í-sài-a 61
4 ūi-chhù (位處) http://taigi.fhl.net/dict/search.php?graph=1&skey=ui7-chhu3
Í-sài-a 66
5  ek-tio̍k  革逐
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shinicxiro · 3 years
why are you so….🙁
niahhh you think i'm funny?!?!?! this is the biggest compliment oml 😭😭
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shinicxiro · 3 years
hey hi hello. do you read manga online or do you use an app ? 🦧
hi niahhh, I read manga online on mangago.me 🙏🏾
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0risha · 3 years
HOW HOT IS: brook from one piece 😀😀
now niah— 🤔🤔🤔🤔
not my type | alright | cute | adorable | pretty |gorgeous | LORD MERCY
now...... as a skeleton he actually doesn't look that bad 😟 but when he was y'know..... 🙃.... yeah 🤭
how hot is that character?
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shinicxiro · 3 years
hey fren wyd 🪤
hiiiiii NIAHH, rn I'm on the verge of sleep while scrolling through twitter 😋 hbu fren?? I hope you've been well !
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0risha · 3 years
oh but when i bring up a DILF it’s “blocked” 🤨 vampire privilege at its finest...
one more stirkeeeee 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨 you know damn well ‼️
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shinicxiro · 3 years
this is the last one. i promise ☠️
NO LMFAOOOOO BECAUSE THE 2ND PART WAS THE FUNNIEST. THE ONE WITH HANMA AND KISAKI 😭😭😭😭 naurrrr why they do shinichiro like that 😒 takemitchi the crier I saw it coming 😭😭😭
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0risha · 3 years
oh oh what about boss and assistant turned lovers 🤭🤭 purrrr
ooooooooo the thought is definitely a 10000/10 but I would probably suck at writing a setting where they work 🙄
Gojo the annoying boss who won't leave us alone. Zoro the mean one in denial 🙄. LAWWW, also the mean one in denial 🤭🤭. benimaru mhm mhm and maybe even kuroo 🤔 or maybe itadori who's the assistant 🤔🤔
send me a trope!
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