anytimebitchess · 1 year
You don't give off rude vibes people just have sticks up their asses.
*sigh* yeah…If someone finds my posts rude, then they probably don’t understand satire, sarcasm, and/or a joke 😒 but oh well..their loss I guess, or not, idc. It’s best for me and them to unfollow or block me, idc. I’m not here to please people, but also not to be mean to people. Keep your sticks up your ass, I really don’t care. I’ll only validate someone calling me rude, egoistic, or whatever, only if and when they give me a full-list of reasons to support their argument.
Tbh, I also don’t think you’d follow me if I ever portrayed unnecessary rudeness towards you or someone else, ‘cuz I know I definitely wouldn’t!
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swaggypsyduck · 1 year
you asked what it's like to be in her presence, and i shall answer.
she has the prettiest name, and it fits her so so well. it's not a common name at all, even in algeria, because she's not a common soul.
she's a lot softer irl than she is on here. she's still a sag, so she's opinionated af, but she's always very respectful about it. like she doesn't mind if you disagree with her, and she won't force you to see things her way. she knows when to just listen, too, and that's something we value. she's very eloquent in french, speaks like the old days and in the sweetest tone, and it makes people enamored. she's very polite, well brought out, old money doesn't just stop at her aesthetic and style. she's a very elegant girl.
she's optimistic, always tries seeing the good in people, and in situations. but she keeps to herself a lot. she never complains, but will be your personal psychologist.
she's jolly, lively, descalates conflicts, but sometimes, she gets in these moods where she's ... listen there's no other word. the girl's a siren. that's why i always say she could pull kylian, ney, anyone else. she's ney's ideal type.
boys are intimitaded by her because she's literally unattainable : ethereal, sweet, smart, seductive. idk how to say envoutante in english but that's what she is. also she's borderline misandrist and doesn't care about men's validation, and that makes her even more attractive in their eyes.
and she really is gorgeous. so so beautiful, her eyes especially. she's fine af. won at genes.
anyway being around her is like being in a mysterious yet comfortable realm. if you're her friend, you've kinda been blessed ngl.
i just really love her and i know she knows who i am so when she sees this : prends la déclaration d'amitié et tais-toi. <333
i feel kinda bad now bc i meant it in a rhetorical way but this honestly the sweetest response ever so i take that first part back.
you are such a good friend and i dont have the words so describe how warm and full my heart feels rn. uve set out to describe her in a way that doesn't give too much but somehow it feels very right that this is her. nothing you said feels out of the ordinary despite not seeing all these sides of her here on tumblr. it's like reconfirming any preconceived thoughts i had and it feels very comforting to know my mutuals have such good friends/support system on the other side of the screen.
@neykyl yah take the love and shut up (ur friend is so cute) 💜💜
my french is super dusty rn but i think "envoutante" means captivating. or was it bewitching?? either works in this context lol
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cestalex · 1 year
Love train 🚂💖💖💖! Send this to all the blogs you love! Don’t forget to spread the love!
Love you, Alex! 💗
Thank you for being fucking brilliant!
I love you babes 💕💕 @neykyl
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kevjrr · 1 year
Hi angel ❤
I'm sorry you've had a rough couple of days. I hope you're doing better now. I missed you on my feed 🥰
Coucou ma jolie❤️
I’m doing much better, don’t worry about me!! And I missed you too🫶🏽 I saw that your posts got deleted again? I’m sorry, tumblr is such a hellsite
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tsukishimawhore · 1 year
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@kingkyks @neykyl i got the vid y’all!!!
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neyxmessi · 1 year
@neykyl heard u were looking for this?
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mebiselfandi · 1 year
It’s kinda crazy how you guys have all become a part of my life. Like I kinda just came here assuming it would be like a me on the sidelines and just being in awe of everyone interacting but you guys are all so nice and welcoming. Even with my shy self y’all still included me. Now there’s bugs and pieces of all of you everywhere. In the flower picture folder from @seedlessmuffins to the Pinterest folder for @gabrieljayzoos and the TikTok f1 edit folder for @krocodilf and the playlist for @kevjrr. Everytime the moon looks very pretty I think of @sunofmoon and when when I see pictures of kun I think of @cherishlalune. Even the music I hear reminds me of you guys sometimes and I’m sure my irl friends are tired of me telling them how cool you guys all are. Even when I read a good book or piece of poetry I think wow @stargarland would love this. Even now I randomly bring you guys up like they were talking about Ramadan on the tv and I went ‘oh my friends @swaggypsyduck and @quickslvxr are muslim :D’ like an idiot and everyone’s like who?? And aaah there’s so many of you its overwhelming but I love all you guys so so much and I’m reminded of all your presences in life everyday. You guys mean the world to me and never forget you all matter to me🥹🫶🏾
Tagging everyone ever cause ah I love you guys so much💕
@mrs-bellingham @karotland @liverpool-enjoyer @mchiti @white-light-on-my-prism @neyxmessi @neymarka @neysdoll @puddleshorts @loveychook @le010n11 @cryingforcrocodiles @anchyxsblog @geooooooorge @kylianmbappeh @kymb-10 @vayvaov @brazilnt @calm-smol @cant-get-no-worse @cynicesthetic9 @pixeltori @meowmeowmessi @iriss0 @thesupermegahell @zbee @bettercostume @doinggreat @blaugrana-blues @photmath @anytimebitches @aastraeus @brazilnt @hannibunn @han-merlin @neybappe @neykyl
I’m so sorry if I left anyone out but it goes for every single person who sees this. Everytime one of y’all pops up my dash I get so happy. Everyday small things remind me of all of you and I love you all so so so so much❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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nahkyl · 8 days
Can u maybe tell where the whole “locker room destroyer” came from?😅
Oh wow. This is definitely a Neykyl type of post, and it’s been a while. Right, buckle up, buttercup; you're in for a ride.
Let's start from the beginning. In 2013, Zinedine Zidane reached out to Wilfried Mbappé, expressing his admiration for the videos he’d seen of his son, Kylian. Zidane invited Kylian to visit Real Madrid's facilities. Kylian was starstruck, meeting Cristiano Ronaldo, and fell in love with what he knew would one day be his club.
In 2017, after an incredible year at Monaco, where he demonstrated to the world that he was the next big thing, Madrid made an offer. Kylian politely declined, emphasizing the importance of returning to his hometown and staying in his home country. He told Monaco's then-president, "I believe they'll come back for me one day."
However, we are not so naive. It's likely Kylian wasn't ready to join a team where he wouldn't be guaranteed a starting spot. He wanted to be in a team where he could progress through consistent playtime, which is why he chose PSG.
When Kylian joined PSG in 2017, he understood his role was to be Neymar's right hand. Neymar, the most expensive transfer at the time, came to PSG with a clear objective: to win the club's first UCL and cement his place in football history.
Kylian was the perfect representative of the PSG brand: a promising young player, Parisian-born, and from the suburbs.
But Neymar’s recurring injuries became a problem. Again and again, he found himself sidelined. Worse yet, a year after joining PSG, he asked to fund his own transfer back to Barcelona, which the club refused. This only fueled the supporters' growing disdain for him.
Kylian stepped up, leading the team during the league and the Coupe de France, consistently showing up season after season. He played every game, taking on the role of attack leader, which unfortunately sidelined Cavani.
In 2019, at the UNFP awards where he won "Player of the Season," Kylian asked for "more responsibilities here at PSG, or elsewhere," hinting at a potential departure. His mother and agent, Fayza, later called this his worst mistake due to the long-lasting consequences. Kylian never fully explained what he meant, only apologizing for taking the spotlight from other players.
It could have meant:
"I want to be the center of the project because I'm the one consistently showing up. I don't want to be a martyr for someone who doesn't want to be here. I want to be seen as more than just Neymar's right hand. If you don't give me a solid UCL project, I'll leave."
Or something else entirely. We'll never know. Publicly, the relationship between Neymar, Kylian, and their teammates appeared fine. They posted about each other on social media, attended each other's birthday parties, and praised each other.
In 2021, after the disappointment in the UCL final against Bayern, Kylian told PSG he didn’t plan to renew his contract in 2022 and wanted to leave. Real Madrid made an offer of 180 million euros, which the club refused.
Kylian was forced to stay. Then Messi arrived.
Kylian started being overshadowed on the pitch as Neymar and Messi combined together. Despite this, he worked extremely hard and ended up being the best player of that season according to many fans, despite Benzema winning the Ballon d'Or.
In 2022, everyone expected him to leave. He didn’t, likely due to political pressure, with Qatar wanting PSG to have the best attacking trio during the World Cup.
So in 2022, he was pressured into staying. He was promised:
Playing as a left winger (his favorite spot).
The club would get a number 9 for him to play LW (promising Lewandowski).
A world-class coach (Zidane).
He would be the penalty taker, boosting his stats and Ballon d'Or campaign with the World Cup approaching.
None of these promises were kept.
They didn’t get a number 9, forcing him to play out of position. They hired Christophe Galtier. Neymar still wanted to take the penalties.
Then things truly went downhill. Several incidents occurred:
The #pivotgang Incident After a game where he played pivot with Messi and Neymar absent and failed to score, Galtier implied Kylian needed the other players to score. Furious, Kylian posted "0-0. See you Tuesday. #pivotgang" on Instagram, leading to accusations of unprofessionalism and being labeled a diva.
The Vitinha Pass Vitinha forgot to pass him the ball, and Kylian, in a moment of frustration, stopped running and visibly showed his displeasure.
Penaltygate Against Montpellier, Kylian missed a penalty. When PSG got another penalty, Neymar grabbed the ball, refusing to let Kylian take it. After the game, Neymar liked tweets discrediting Kylian, suggesting he thought PSG had given him everything after his renewal.
This public display of unprofessionalism and the narrative that Neymar fostered painted Kylian in a negative light. The relationship between Kylian and Neymar soured. When asked about it, Kylian diplomatically said their relationship was sometimes close and sometimes distant. Neymar, however, dismissed the question altogether.
The narrative that Kylian wanted Neymar and Messi out to shine alone led to cyberbullying. The World Cup saw Kylian hailed as a hero, temporarily restoring his reputation. Neymar tried to reconcile with Kylian, but the damage was done.
Throughout this turmoil, Kylian has faced relentless criticism. At just 24 years old, he has been subjected to waves of hatred and insults, with some even comparing him to dictators. Despite this, Kylian maintained excellent relationships with his teammates, including Messi. He was often seen engaging with everyone, fostering team unity, though he was closest to Hakimi and Ramos.
The only discordant note seemed to be Neymar.
This animosity persisted into the current year, with Neymar, now jobless, liking posts that cast Kylian in a negative light. Kylian was increasingly viewed as a locker room disruptor, driven by insecurity and pettiness. However, as is often the case, the truth eventually emerged.
An article from L'Équipe, a reputable journal, revealed allegations about Neymar's behavior during the 2022-2023 season. These allegations were corroborated by a highly trusted source on Twitter, akin to the Fabrizio Romano of PSG, whose information is consistently accurate.
According to the report, Neymar:
Frequently arrived at training sessions intoxicated.
Spoke harshly to some players, including Vitinha.
Insulted new arrivals, dismissing them as "sub-league players."
Struck one of the youngest players at training for taking the ball from him.
Wanted to hit Hakimi when he had a disagremment with Messi, and was only stopped by Ramos booming "If you get up, I get up too."
When asked about Kylian as a teammate, most national team players describe him as a genuinely kind person. His new PSG teammates this season (Lee Kang-In, Ugarte, Ndour, Tenas, Bradley Barcola) all speak highly of him, noting that he engages with everyone and offers valuable advice.
Frankly, I trust the judgment of Ousmane and Ramos over Neymar's.
National team players and new PSG teammates describe Kylian as kind and supportive, contrasting sharply with the negative image Neymar painted. Kylian was depicted as a villain when, in fact, he was a victim.
Kylian Mbappé is a great teammate and person, far from the egotistical image some have of him. He’ll fit right into Real Madrid’s vestuario.
He's literally just a goofball with an eagle laugh and a relentless tease.
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anytimebitchess · 1 year
Love train 🚂💖💖💖! Send this to all the blogs you love! Don’t forget to spread the love!
Love you, Queen B ! 🥰
Ooo AHHHH💗🫶🏼✨🫂🥰
I’m so sorry I’m so late🥹 but thank you so so much 🫂💓 I really appreciate it and it definitely made my week 😘
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swaggypsyduck · 1 year
i think i was accidentally tagged in something bc everyone else that's being tagged are barça blogs so idk if i say smthn or not🧍🏽‍♀️🧍🏽‍♀️
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kylianmbappee · 1 year
...to be honest i had no idea who princesa was until now..and even so it's none of my business
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mavieesttriste16 · 1 year
Tagged by @mrs-bellingham (had to double that it really was her 😭)
The last 10 songs I’ve been recently listening to:
1. In my head, Ariana Grande
2. Vigilante Shit, Taylor Swift
3. Olmazsan Olmaz, Gülliz Ayla
4. Villain, Girls’ Generation
5. Prens & Prenses, Simge
6. Ex, Elvana Gjata, DJ Gimi-O&Bardhi
7. Indigo Night, Tamino
8. Deceit and Betrayal, Audiomachine
9. NDA, Billie Eilish
10. El Watar El Hassas, Sherine
Tagging @hannibunn @swaggypsyduck @mchiti @neykyl @neyxmessi @futbofurbo @enzofernandezsgf @licharlo @cryingforcrocodiles @kylianmbappeh @kylianmbappeh @sonhosdeneymar
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kevjrr · 1 year
Love train 🚂💖💖💖! Send this to all the blogs you love! Don’t forget to spread the love!
Love you, Kevah ! 🥰
I love you too!!!🫂❤️
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kallypsos · 1 year
tagged by @mchiti @doinggreat @kevjrr @neykyl @mebiselfandi @kymb-10 @swaggypsyduck THANK YOU YALL 🫶🏻🫶🏻
im grouping two of these tag games in one bc both are about songs. also I saved all your lists so once I have some free time I’ll get to listening (already got started tbh) and you’ll see me commenting on your posts ahsjaksj
anyway here just get 10 random songs I’ve been listening to:
temporary by 6LACK and don toliver: been listening to this on repeat since his new album came out
la ciudad by ODESZA
around me by metro boomin and don toliver
neiubita ta by irina rimes 🇷🇴
atasanté by tiakola: shout-out to neykyl for introducing me to this artist
My love by until the ribbon breaks
It’s called: freefall by rainbow kitten surprise : called to the Devil and the Devil said quit, can’t be bothered better handle your shit🎶
NFWMB by Hozier
welcome to the dcc by nothing but thieves (one of my fav bands🔝)
l’isola delle rose by blanco
tagging nobody bc I swear everyone has already been tagged. If you haven’t been and feel like doing this, think of yourself as tagged. ok, mwah!
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7kylian · 1 year
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Not him w THE tank top again @neykyl 💀
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doinggreat · 1 year
Friend, i dont have a fucking clue who is princesa
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