#next longfic lets gooooo!!
mamawasatesttube · 14 days
of heavenly bodies
9.5k | 1/10 | M | core four adventures in space!!
Stranded on an alien planet where the locals really, really adore Superman, Kon, Tim, Bart, and Cassie work to discover what, exactly, everyone here isn't telling them.
“What’s the prognosis, doc?”
Kon rests his arms atop the back of the pilot’s chair, leaning forward to peer at the yoke in Tim’s hands. The ship is flying steady for now, but the several red, flashing alerts on the screens make it pretty clear that’s not gonna hold forever, not with the damage they sustained getting the hell outta Dodge.
Kon rests his chin atop Tim’s head. His hair is still damp from his shower earlier, but at least he doesn’t smell like burning Kevlar anymore. Rest in pieces to his cowl, though. “Think we’re gonna make it?”
Tim grunts. “Mn. We’re steady for now, but we don’t have more than maybe… two hours, before that last fuel pump gives out in engine three.”
Well, damn. Those Denebian space pirates just had to hit the engines, huh?
He can feel the struggling fuel pump, shuddering on the fringes of his TTK aura. Unfortunately, there’s not a lot he can do for it, even with his telekinesis; sure, he could pump the fuel through to the converter himself, but without the rotating component from the back of the pumps that completes the circuits, power won’t go through the engine, and the thrusters won’t actually ignite. So he can’t just try to pump the fuel himself to give the overworked last pump a break, and the other two that are supposed to help it are already toast.
“Well, worse comes to worst, I can always get out and push,” Kon offers, only half-joking.
Tim quirks a tiny half-smile at the front window. “I don’t think it’ll come to that, but good to know it’s an option.”
{ read on ao3! }
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