#new hairstyles are part scary and part intriguing
ask-runaan-anything · 27 days
Have you ever bumped into some relatives in your missions before? Also you would look great in short hair!
I try to mind my space and never bump into anyone.
But back to my hair... how short is short? What if it gets in my eyes? I still need to have an Ethari braid somewhere, of course, but what else should I do with it? My hair hasn't been so short in decades.
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gem-blogs-things · 5 years
The Trials Of Himiko Toga
Chapter Two: Three And A Half Inches/Hero
As much Toga hated school sometimes, during her time spent at the police station, it occurred to her that the station wasn't much of an improvement.
Cuffed to a table, in a room with grey walls, and a stiff metal chair. She had absolutely nowhere to run and was starting to get anxious.
It was quite obvious why she was there after all. She had crippled, and stabbed a man; not saying he didn't deserve it, besides, it seemed as though he had some very unsavory plans for her had she inhaled the Chloroform on that rag.
However that didn't reassure her of her 'innocent' status.
She wasn't quite sure how this would go. The man in question did after all assault her; but she did take it to far, even she could recognize that; especially when she used her disappearance technique.
So instead of overthinking her situation, she just sat there waiting for someone to either come set her free or, attempt to put her away.
Nearly an hour had passed before Vlad King himself entered the room holding a fat tan folder, filled with papers.
"May I?" He asked, motioning towards the chair in front of her, on the other side of the table.
Toga nodded eccentricity.
And so he sat, and began splaying out the papers in the folder for toga to see.
"This is Gregu Danvi." Vlad said, pushing forward the mugshot of the man who had attacked toga.
"He's the perpetrator in a series of murders where all the victims were raped, and then burned alive."
Togas eyes widened with disbelief at what she was reading from the file, thirty two victims in the last two years.
"How come he hasn't been on the news?" Toga asked, seeing as how she listens to it every morning.
"Most of these have taken place in other countries; so far only two have been committed here in Japan. And in an an effort to make the murderer think we'd lost him we kept his name out of the news" He answered, in his gruff voice.
"Huh! And I was set to be his third?" Toga asked.
"It appears that way."
There was a moment of silence before Vlad continued.
"Now... Under normal circumstances you would be arrested for what in this case could be viewed as attempted murder, as well as assault and battery" Vlad began.
And even though it seemed as though there was a "but" coming, Toga's stomach still lurched with regret. This was her idol after all, telling her off for nearly killing the man.
"However given the nature of this man, how he grabbed you first, and not to mention your blades all measuring out to exactly three and a half inches... We're going to let you off with a warning and we'll be confiscating those weapons of yours. Which by the way kid, you didn't hear it from me, but nice craftsmanship!"
Toga nodded, happiness practically radiating off of her. Not only was she getting off with a warning, but her idol was admiring and complimenting her handy work.
"Hey kid? Whaddya wanna do with your life?" Vlad asked in that confusing accent of his.
Toga hesitated before answering. Not only was it out of the blue, but, to give her idol the answer to such a personal question... It was an odd sensation to say the least.
She decided to answer honestly.
"A hero... Not one on the front lines though, I want to be a infiltrator, someone resourceful! Someone who pools and collects data so that the other frontline heros such as yourself, can swoop in and save the day without too much injury to anyone else! I wanna be the butterfly that causes the tornado, the tectonic plate that invokes a tsunami... That's the kind of hero I desire to become!"
Vlad gave toga a look of approval, and stood up. "So a stealth hero eh? You'd be surprised at how much those are in demand these days."
"Yes, a stealth hero! And I've seen the statistics, 8 out of 10 agencies In any part of the world are missing a hero who specializes in stealth!" Toga exclaimed, wishing to prove to her idol that she had researched this path before.
"Right you are lass, I'll be back in a few minutes, sit tight."
Vlad left toga alone in the room; the case file still splayed out in front of her.
Curiosity getting the better of her, she began looking through the various cases and decided the man 'Gregu Danvi' was probably going to die alone and crippled; but the heavens know he deserves it!
Searching further through the files she saw that most women were corner workers, and strippers; the kind of people most lowlife criminals would be in contact with.
However, one victim caught her eye.
The photo of the victim said many things. For one she was probably a single mom judging by how the tired look in her eye seemed refined almost to the point of acceptance. Not to mention her messy green hair, tied back in a single bun, with two uneven strands framing her face. I was a hairstyle similar to that of Toga's yet more refined, more responsible.
Further examination of the photo showed an undying kindness in her eyes, toga decided she most likely had a child.
And if so, it certainly was a great pity that this woman's life had been cut short.
Toga examined this case further more discovering her name was in fact...
"Inko Midoriya?" Toga said aloud, just as the door opened.
"Yes, that was an especially tragic case." Vlad said walking back in holding a folder, and a computer.
"She had a child, probably around you're age in fact. He was devastated at the loss! However Inko had already trusted him to one of her friends were something awful ever happened to her. I suppose her planning worked out well..." Vlad hesitated before sitting down.
Toga felt sick to her stomach knowing that man had done all those unspeakable things to so many women.
"Where is he going? The man who attacked me, and killed these women."
Vlad looked up from his computer.
"Currently he's under strict guard at a local hospital, having his wounds treated and figuring out how serious his paralysis is. Afterwards my guess would be Tartarus, though, in my opinion, he deserves far worse."
Toga sunk back into her chair, waiting for anything further from Vlad before asking...
"You were on vacation in Europe recently?" Toga asked.
"Yes indeed."
"You weren't vacationing at all were you? You've been tracking him!"
"Clever girl! It is true I was tracking him through Europe. However he made an unexpected journey here and so I followed." Vlad said, cracking a small smile, flashing those fangs of his.
Toga returned a fanged smile with greater vigor.
"So, girl? Toga, right?" Vlad asked.
"Yes sir!"
"Your file reads that your quirk is called 'Transformation'. You ingest the blood of another person, and depending on the volume of blood consumed; can become them for selective amounts of time?"
"Yes!" Toga answered eagerly.
"That's definitely an interesting Power and an especially good one for the field you wanna pursue! But what interests me most lass... Is how you never even used it against this man and still won!"
Vlad turned his computer around so that toga could see the screen.
It was footage from this morning! During the fight Toga hadn't even noticed the security camera.
"I watched this footage a good seven times and I still find it shocking, scary, and intriguing how a school girl like yourself is so well versed in combat." Vlad gushed.
"You started only after he had engaged you; making sure that you were only attacking in self defense! Not to mention you hit him in an area that would have caused some serious pain, alas he 'healed' those wounds. However before he attacked again you still gave him ample warnings not to continue his assault!" Vlad critiqued her further.
"But then after that you disappear... And then reappear only a few feet behind him and managed to throw a blade at his spine with such precision it crippled him!" Vlad looked as though he couldn't believe the very words leaving his mouth.
"And then you called the police once you were sure he was subdued, all without using your quirk! Not to mention you were cooperative to every officer who questioned you!" Vlad exclaimed. He took a deep breath and held up a slip of paper.
"Himiko Toga?" He asked.
"Yes sir?" Toga answered.
"How would you like to become my apprentice?"
Toga felt as though she knew that question was coming. What, with him gushing and smiling like he had found his lost puppy. However, it still took her by surprise.
She knew that this was far beyond anything she had ever hoped to her from her idol, and that this was a once in a lifetime chance, and so without further hesitation screamed...
"Yes! Yes of course!"
In that moment Toga felt a sense of euphoria so powerful, that when she jumped up to hug Vlad, her cuffs and the table broke.
It was definitely a happy moment for our soon to be hero!
But alas with every good action, there is an equal opposite reaction.
And as Vlad and toga discussed a plan for getting her into UA high, dark forces were at play, germinating a seed of destruction, one that if nurtured with care... would bring about the fall of the most esteemed school in all of Japan.
And that seedlings most prominent feature was a streak of black slicing it's way through his shoulder length golden hair.
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extrology · 6 years
EXO’s Perfect Types
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Includes mostly Mars & Eros for Sexual Attraction;  Venus, Juno, Companion for Romantic attraction.
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Sexually - Aquarius & Pisces -: literally cotton-candy-like eyes and smile. So sweet you just never want to let go of it. Prefers chubbier girls with beautiful hair, dreamy and unique fashion sense. Somebody cute and a dreamy.
Romantically - Aquarius, Scorpio & Gemini -: This man loves dimples more than anything. Trust me. Darker, mysterious eyes would get him hooked. Appreciates original style, charming and ambitious personality. Well sexually he’d be attracted to someone with a bit of fat in the right places, but for dating he’d prefer a skinny girl. He’s looking for creative, ambitious and charismatic girl so they both would lead fun and fulfilling lives. Would love coming back home and talking about each other’s days, supporting each other in everything they do and most importantly not being overly dependent on each other and leading fulfilling lives.
Offs: probably not too fond of hyperactive or hella sassy and hard to get attitude.
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Jongin (Kai)
Sexually - Capricorn & Pisces -: Would like a mix of traditional and artistic girl. Dreamy eyes + defined and prominent eyebrows? Classy and strict style + fun and colorful patterns? Melancholic eyes + traditional and strong outfit? Just mix and match. As he’s not head over heals for girls (work/friends first) he’d most likely find this mix extremely interesting and would be eager to find out more.
Romantically - Capricorn, Libra & Cancer -: Charisma, softness and order. The holy trinity he seeks in his s/o. Would like a traditional soft looking girl with maybe more defined eyebrows or a more defined nose. Would die for a cute smile. Probably likes a girl with nice casual & clean style: t-shirts, shorts, jeans, adidas sneakers + flower patterns and girly colors. In his s/o he’s looking for a charismatic fluff who’d also be a sweet and loving.
Offs: Over-energetic, loud, insensitive, attention-whore
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Sexually - Cancer & Sagittarius -: This man can appreciate a nice figure. Breasts & Hips guy. Doesn’t care too much about in-between. He'd love a childish/mischievous and innocent look. Big sparkling eyes would most likely drive him mad. Nice smile and roundish face would also be a bonus.
Romantically - Cancer, Aquarius & Libra -: Would find dimples especially cute, would want a tall-ish girl with nice curves, feminine but also someone who’d express herself through unique clothing style, sociable but not too out-there for attention. He’d love a girl with positive, creative and loving outlook to the world. He’s looking for a creative, soft and charismatic girl. A social butterfly most likely. A cute flower  you’d love to show your parents if you were a guy.
Offs: too aggressive, all-over the place kind of woman, masculine, hardcore feminist would be a huge turn off
Kyungsoo (D.O.)
Sexually - Cancer & Sagittarius -: Pretty much the same as Suho. Breasts man. Would love a cute, shy and a bit childlike character. Would find a curious and adventurous woman charming. But I somehow don’t see him as the guy to sleep with whoever attracts him.
Romantically - Pisces, Cancer & Aquarius -: This is man appreciates a woman with beautiful hair. Big beautiful eyes would instantly catch his attention. Would like girly, dreamy style. Unbelievably soft and cute but creative, with an artsy soul. He’s looking for a very feminine woman, in touch with her feelings, also a giving soul and just an artistic fluff overall. I can imagine his wife to be a stay-at-home artist mom. As she’d love her family, taking care of her husband almost as much as she would love to be creative and show her individuality through her work.
Offs: Aggressive, overly clingy, stubborn, insensitive, self-centered, rude, career women
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Sexually - Pisces, Aries & Taurus -: Prominent eyebrows/forehead, passionate, lively eyes, sweet smile, smooth and fine hair, feminine, romantic style with some bold elements (maybe showing some more skin, shorter skirts/shorts). Nice figure would be a huge bonus. Somebody who’d play hard to get would look especially intriguing.
Romantically - Taurus, Aries & Capricorn -: Eyebrows. Your eyebrow game has to be on point to catch his attention. Strong feminine features, classy or minimalistic fashion style, mischievous look. He appreciates a beautiful smile as he’d love to make his girl laugh. He’s looking for a pretty traditional and stable girl to run the house and take care of herself but she also should have a spark and love for spontaneous adventures also she should appreciate his humor
Offs: I doubt he’d get a long with very artsy and dreamy personas, he’s more down to earth. Not having a sense of humor would also be a huge no-no.
Jongdae (Chen)
Sexually - Cancer & Virgo -: Hair. Shiny, fine hair. Straight, curly hair. This man loves beautifully styled hair. (messy hairstyles are a no-no though). Prominent face bone structure is his magnet but would not mind a softer look as well. Would be attracted to a tidy, sweet looking woman. Someone who looks like she has her life figured out, confident with big doll eyes. Clean, neat style + soft colors with a fuller figured woman would be a killer.
Romantically - Libra, Gemini, Pisces & Sagittarius -: He’d love a super exciting, lively and charismatic girl. Would probably notice girl’s figure and dimples first. He finds it unbelievably attractive. Would prefer someone skinny and with a beautiful smile as s/o. Let’s be honest he’d love seeing that smile all the time. He’d be more into casual, comfy styled clothing. In his girlfriend he’s looking for someone like him! Super charismatic and bubbly, curious and adventure loving with a creative mind. I imagine them having fun and being absolute chatterboxes all of the time. They’d think of weirdest activities to do and never get bored. Aaah what a fun couple
Offs: Probably wouldn’t be fond of somebody stubborn, overly aggressive, negative, wouldn’t find rudeness charming.
Yixing (Lay)
Sexually - Libra & Sagittarius -: Eyebrows and Dimples man. Small feminine faces, adorable smiles, an overload of charisma and energy would be the end of this man. He would love a real chatterbox who’d enjoy exploring, learning new things and would be full of life. He would most likely prefer a minimalistic casual-sporty style. Think of amusement park date clothing style - colourful, playful, comfortable and simple.
Romantically - Virgo, Leo, Capricorn & Scorpio -: a very traditional girl but with powerful, mysterious aura and strong look. Especially notices girls’ hair and figure. Would be fascinated by an independent woman with ambition and structure in her life. So I’d say a classy outfit and perfectly styled hair would catch his eye. Also loves when a woman is hard-working, tidy and organized. He’d love to support his wife and to be a power couple together! Would admire each other’s work, support whenever one or the other would feel like giving up and countless compliments~ He’d be such a sweetie and would love the fact that his baby is conquering the world and making her dreams come true.
Offs: A mess, clumsy, lazy woman
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Sexually - Cancer & Scorpio -: Roundish, cute face, very noticeable eyes, great posture, soft voice, beautiful hair. Would like an average/healthy body. Not too skinny and not too chubby. Would be attracted to a girl with cute but mysterious aura. I can see him into minimalistic classy or casual clothing style. Keep it feminine and cute but don’t make it the most important part of your look. Your eyes should be. Make those eyes pop.
Romantically - Capricorn x2, Cancer -: He’d love a typical waifu. Very motherly and traditional. He’d fall for somebody caring, loving and giving herself to the world but also somebody who’d like order, structure and would have some ambition. Unconditional love + taking care of the house and that xxl sized boy. Most likely would prefer a woman with classy-minimalistic-girly style. Would love it if his s/o looked innocent and cute so he would appear as the protector and your hero. His family’s consent is very important to him.
Turn-offs: very independent women, lazy, somebody who’d complain and whine
Sexually -Pisces & Taurus - : This man loves and appreciates a good figure. A woman with a beautiful hourglass body, glamorous hair and perfect eyebrows would make him drop all his marbles. Classy + dreamy/romantic outfit would be the final nail in the poor guy's coffin. He loves women who know their worth but are still feminine and have a soft charm.
Romantically - Taurus, Libra, Cancer - : A real beauty. Overflowing with charm, down-to-earth, charismatic but not too all over the place. He finds a hint of confidence charming but not too much as he’d love to keep you under his wing and be the protector. Loves Romantic and cute style. I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t mind his s/o being a bit chubby as it is usually considered feminine and soft. Also eyebrows, Eyebrows and eyebrows I cannot stress it enough. He loves a pair of beautifully groomed eyebrows. Would actually like somebody clingy. He probably would love the constant attention and the feeling of being needed.
Offs: attention whore, hyperactive, scary/intimidating/powerful aura, snobby, untidy, rude
Check your Ascendant/Venus/Mars/1st house/Dominant
Having different sign but the same element is also a great match
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deancmez124 · 4 years
Entering into Goth
Customize your apparel with hand-crafted accents and devices. Occupying gothic fashion presents the ideal opportunity to brush up on your stitching skills. Change out parts of your apparel, add added slits, or affix added information to make a piece of apparel really yours. Research study different gothic fashion designs online. There's more than one way to catch the "goth" look, many thanks to the numerous different subcultures available to pick from, such as light goth, gothic lolita, road goth, health and wellness goth, and a lot more.
at the Nightclub turning down the emo label as a result of the social preconception and debate bordering it. a follower of emo, specifically an individual that is full and also extremely delicate of angst or adopts a particular design identified by dyed black hair, limited tee shirts and also pants, etc
. Anyone can look emo, it is more regarding exactly how you put on the design than the hair itself. Think about dying it black, or letting it tip over your eyes and face. Include a couple of emo hair devices to complete your appearance.
Goth fashion can be recognized by its raw black clothing. Ted Polhemus explained goth style as a "wealth of black velours, lace, fishnets and natural leather touched with purple or scarlet, equipped with firmly laced corsets, gloves, precarious stilettos as well as silver precious jewelry illustrating religious or mystical themes". Nowadays putting on black has actually come to be the most convenient method to mark one as a member of the goth subculture. As well as by choosing to "look Goth", thereby setting oneself besides the mainstream normative fashion/style. Literally, is showing the "dark side" of the bigoted and also commonly hypocritical society that Goths often feel estranged from.
Depending upon your experience reducing hair, you can provide yourself bangs or ask a hairstylist to reduce you side-swept bangs rather. Individualize your appearance with a couple of accessories when you have actually picked an emo top and base.
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For an extra feminine design, purchase an over-sized T-shirt as well as set it with fishnet stockings or high socks, boots, and also jewelry.
Traditional Goth (or Trad Goth) is a term specifying the aesthetic that mirrors the timeless as well as original appearances of Goth from the 1980s.
Punk fashion is the apparel, hairstyles, cosmetics, jewellery, and also body adjustments of the punk subculture.
Hair was cropped and also deliberately made to look messy, and also was typically colored intense abnormal colours.
By late April 1976, Ceccagno as well as the various other 2 college pals had left, and Tolhurst (drums), Martin Creasy (vocals), and Pearl Thompson (guitar) had actually joined the band.
Guy's Apparel.
Why do Goths wear black?
To look emo, pair vintage or band shirts with dark skinny jeans or skirts. For example, you could wear an emo band t-shirt, a red flannel, and black skinny jeans. For shoes, go for canvas shoes, combat boots, or sneakers.
Both Malignance and Easy Remedy auditioned numerous vocalists that month prior to Smith assumed the duty. The new fourpiece of Dempsey, Smith, Thompson, and Tolhurst taped their very first workshop trial sessions as Easy Remedy for Hansa at SAV Studios in London in between October as well as November 1977. " DIY Punk Fashion - Guidelines and also images to make Punk DIY clothing, accessories as well as precious jewelry". Various intrigues of the punk subculture have various fashion designs, although there is commonly crossover in between the subgroups.
Established Style & Way of living brand name with a spin of darkness, carrying psychological power as well as raw power right into every string. Hughes, William; Punter, David; Smith, Andrew, eds. In Australia, the initial contemporary Gothic movie is considered to be Picnic at Hanging Rock. In The Cambridge Buddy to Gothic Fiction, Misha Kavka says Gothic movie is not a recognized category, rather adding Gothic images, characters, stories, and styles to movies. These aspects are frequently discovered in "the more comprehensive group of scary".
What is the Gothic look?
Using dating websites such as OKCupid.com, cupid.com, and many others is one of the best ways to find gothic people around you. Many of these sites are set up to allow you to search for the exact kind of people you're looking for. Just search using Goth keywords and start messaging people to make friends.
You might finish up stuck with gorgeous pieces of apparel you can't match to anything else in your wardrobe if you go shopping the other method around. Among the very best as well as crucial aspects of goth fashion is its support of individuality! Experiment with different subcultures as well as sorts of clothing until you discover an appearance that truly represents you. Goth official apparel tends to consist of black dress or fits. Look for curtaining ankle joint- or floor-length dresses, or bodycon outfits of any type of length with mesh intermediaries.
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What is considered emo?
The yarns are exclusively made in Italy with a fully traceable supply chain. Gucci was also the first luxury brand to use ECONYL ® regenerated nylon in ready-to-wear pieces, a 100% recycled nylon fibre derived from fishnets, textile waste and a thick pile fabric used for carpets and upholstery called moquette.
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greengargouille · 7 years
((Some days ago, chatting with friends, we discussed how unbelievable were all those anime girls complaining about not having big boobs. Somehow, this led me to write this))
Ratings : General Audiences Characters : Kayano Kaede (Yukimura Akari), Yukimura Aguri. Relationship : Akari & Aguri sisterly bond
Kayano Kaede. Mase Haruna. She wasn’t born with those names, but every bit of them are a part of her, irreplaceable facets of her identity.
Yukimura Akari wasn’t her first name, either.
Years and years earlier, back when she thought of herself as a boy, she was named Yukimura Senji.
It’s merely months after the death of their mother that little Senji firmly stand in front of Aguri and ask -no, it’s almost an order- to become an actor.
The young woman -could she even be called that ?- almost wants to protest, but her brother, her baby brother, how long has it been since he was so fierce about something ? She hesitates. They do research together. She suggests small roles, something in advertisement, but she have to make concessions again and again, until they decide for a minor role, a one-episode only character in a unpromising drama. A little boyish child, that, surprise, turns out to be a girl in the end.
Neither of them know how prophetic this role would become.
Senji likes acting. He likes how characters so different of him can suddenly becomes so relatable, how it makes him think about himself in ways he never paid attention to. People say he’s bright for his age, but he still feels like there is a long, long way to go.
He likes the costumes, too ; and he likes how in a few movements, one actor can end up with a completely different hairstyle and their whole face feels like someone else’s. He isn’t sure he likes make-up, though, but everyone have to wear some in front of the camera.
He doesn’t know what to think of the scenes where he’s called a girl. It’s not like, but not dislike either. In fact, he still isn’t sure what’s the fuss is about, what’s the big difference with being a boy. His friends at school keep saying it’s obvious, that girls are strange and weird, that they get interested in different things, but to be honest, most of them haven’t tried to be friendly with the girls like he did. He likes girls, personally. He just didn’t thought about what it must be to be one before that.
There’s an emission on TV, full of tall women with pretty clothes and make-up, some with a face that intrigue Senji.
“Born in the wrong body”, they say. “I always knew I was a woman inside.” One of them disputes this, that she spent years without knowing what was wrong with her, and eventually another admits that she was feeling fine as a boy before puberty.
So, this is something that happens, Senji thought on the moment.
It doesn’t occur to him to complete the sentence into this is something that happens to me.
His father doesn’t really approve of his son being an actor. It’s a tough, unforgiving career, and the world already took his wife.
But Aguri supports Senji, like she always does. I will always be by your side, no matter what. Those words will eventually become so, so important, but for now they’re a reassuring sentence for a brother who already have decided what he will do anyways.
Thinking about a stage name is more difficult that he thought. He wants it to be meaningful, he fought tooth and nail for this, he promised to his father he would be cautious, he was always told how much of a bright child he was, he needs something well-thought-
That’s when it comes to him. Bright name. 晴名, with the kanji used for clear skies and sunny days. The reading that immediately comes to mind is Haruna.
This is a girl’s name.
Seina, Seimei... The other readings have this something he doesn’t like. Too close to his own name.
He likes Haruna. He thinks very deeply about it, and it feels right to be called like that. He thinks of people considering him a girl and it turns out he likes it way much more than he expected it.
It takes a few more days before the decision is made. Haruna, written as 榛名. Different kanjis. Still a girl name.
She is pretty sure about it. But somehow, Haruna still doubt it sometimes.
Maybe it’s because puberty didn’t hit her yet, but her body doesn’t feel bad like forums on Internet says she should.
Some also speak of liking boys. It confuses her. She haven’t loved anyone.
Some speak of feeling sick when called by the wrong gender. She wonders if that make her a fake, because as much as she loves her new name so strongly, she’s still somewhat okay with Senji.
Some speak of getting operated as soon as they’re of age. She feels guilty that the idea scare her.
Thinking of growing up worry her, though. A deep voice and hair everywhere. Her father have a small beard. What if she have one, too ? She’s not sure she would get comfortable with this.
She keep searching more among the books in the houses, what are hormones, what do they do, why are they important in growth. Her father seems happy to see her interested in chemistry. It’s a familial career, after all.
There’s no way she’s going to abandon acting, though. She loves it, no matter how frustrating and tiring the job is, and she loves girl roles, she loves wearing dresses and shirt, maybe not so much makeup but she’s used to it. But at the end of the day she must still put on her usual clothes, and return to her family as a son and brother.
It makes her feels alone.
I will always be by your side, no matter what.
She takes a decision to tell her sister.
Aguri doesn’t understand, but she tries. Aguri have always been nothing but all-accepting of everyone, in an almost naive way.
One day she asks whether she should talk about having a little sister to her comrades at university. They aren’t sure what is the best.
They talk about a new name, though. The goal of a stage name was also to conceal her true identity ; calling her Haruna might makes her too used to it, and while the name is so common, it’s still a clue.
Aguri wants nothing but her happiness. Her little sister admire her for that. She wants to resemble her a little, maybe not at core, but in appearance and demeanours and in the way she try very hard for what she believes is important.
They settle for Akari.
If becoming an actress was a battle, being recognised as a girl is a war.
Her father is only the first step, and it needs all her energy to convince him that she feels better this way. He’s reluctant, but he says he will think about it. More often than not the articles Aguri gives him are left unread, but he does try not to use Senji.
Fighting for the school to allow her the female uniform is tough, but not unsurmountable. It’s a flexible establishment, after all, made for children like her who work in performance arts.
The problem is getting the hormone suppressors.
Thankfully she’s too young for talk about sex reassignment surgery. She doesn’t know how she would explain she doesn’t want it, given how hard is it already for showing proof it’s been a long time she questioned her gender identity. She might have exaggerated some points, and felt guilty about that, but she knows it’s the only way.
They tell her to be careful. That it will stop her growth. Lot of scary things, too.
Akari wasn’t born with her name but she was born a warrior all the same.
Eventually she have to stop acting. She already did so much for her age - appeared in 13 dramas and 7 movies, and in some of those she was a lead role. For now she wants to be a normal girl. Maybe she will come back to it as an adult. She doesn’t know. She’s considering something more stable, like an office lady, but it’s hard to renounce to the spotlight in front of the cameras.
It’s hard to think of what she will looks like as an adult, too. She started looking differently at women. Her sister, too. She can’t help but feel jealous at her chest. She’s pretty sure she won’t be able to have one like that, no matter the hormones. She wants to look like a woman, too -she’s so small, people always think of her as a child. She hates how they think of her as immature.
At least, nobody call her a boy.
Aguri tell everyone how proud she is of her little sis. It makes her happy. Even when that Yanagisawa was all looking down on her, it wasn’t enough for her not to feel comfortable each time he used her name, her true name, the only one he have ever heard. Some people only knows her as Akari and she’s happy with that.
Forging papers is hard. She knows a lot more about that than some, though. She looked a lot into it, in hope of changing her own.
She feel a petty pleasure at the F of Female she puts on them, the one she knows would be refused to her without sex reassignment.
Kayano Kaede. She fears a little the truth would be discovered, but the school doesn’t have time for that when there’s a giant monster to hide from the main building.
An harmless, kind girl, easily overshadowed. She hates that, but when she think of her sister it get easier. The sister who shared the same qualities, which made her admire her so much. The dead sister for which she will get revenge.
When she saw Nagisa for the first time, she unconsciously felt some kinship to him.
He keep saying he’s a boy, so of course he must be one. Every time people joke about it, it makes her want to lash out her tentacles a little.
Kayano doesn’t have tentacles, though. So she only show an awkward smile, because she guesses -not knows, guesses- it must not feel very good.
Kayano doesn’t have any chest either. She decides to play this as a complex, amplify her jealousy to an almost comical point. It’s actually surprisingly easy, with the tentacles she doesn’t have making her look a bit longer at the other girls’ soft parts.
...Hopefully this monster will die quickly.
In the end, Kayano might be a fake name, but it doesn’t make her any less of a person. It’s a part of her, too.
They continue to call her like that. It’s the name they’re used to, and she told them it was okay. After all, what’s one more name change to the list ?
She’s not sure which role she should take, though. The nice, gentle girl that was transferred here at the start of the year, or the more ferocious, determined one, the one who fought to become what she was.
I will always be by your side, no matter what.
Her sister isn’t here anymore, but the seeds she planted are with her.
It’s okay if Kayano doesn’t know. She feels like, either way, the class will support her.
((Note : Kayano’s birth name, Senji, is a reading of the 泉 found in 瑤泉院, or Youzen’in, an alias appearing in the 47 Ronins and taken by a certain Aguri
I am not transgender myself, nor do I know much on the views of Japan on transgender issues outside of what I have been able to find. Feel free to correct me on what you feel is wrong !
The first version of the text used the term ‘Gender Identity Disorder’, which I have been explained was actually gross, but the views of Japan on the subject is quite different. Rather than make people uncomfortable with it I left it vague, but for those who would be interested, then this article might be worth a read. ))
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Rachel Gotterer Post #3
Podcast: Invisibilia
Episode: Radio: What Was Not Said?
        The podcast I listened to is about a son’s desire to have a positive relationship with his removed mother and his inability to understand this unrequited love, when she can open up to her tenant. This story and the podcast’s structure was increasingly interesting as the theme of leaving things unsaid and its effects on relationships was introduced at the beginning, supported by evidence, and revisited throughout, involving Cici and his mother’s lack of closeness. Music was played throughout the podcast, influencing the emotions the audience should feel (light, happy music when something went right or scary, suspicious music when leading up to something bad), and serving as a transition between details. The narrator and the main character, Cici were very descriptive when introducing new information, painting a detailed picture for the audience. Details that might not have been necessary such as a woman’s hairstyle, made me feel as if I knew a character personally. I liked when the narrator made a statement and then said, “to understand this, we need to…”, clearing up any misunderstandings and taking us back in time to give us historical context or new information. In terms of rhetoric, the argument of this podcast is to remind us of our superficial relationships and inform us of the effects of leaving things unsaid. The tone in Cici’s voice when he answered the narrator’s questions and the pauses before he spoke kept me intrigued and made me sympathize with him when discussing sensitive topics. It showed how relatable he was and how although it is a podcast, it was designed to feel real. The layering of different voices was executed efficiently, making me feel as if I was part of the conversation. The narrator played a major role in the podcast, connecting the characters of the story and the audience. She would ask Cici a question and then change gears to speak to the audience, making me feel as if I were part of the story and keeping me intrigued.
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studio-elan · 6 years
How To Impress Your Crush: 20 Tips to Steal Their Heart Effortlessly
Wondering how to impress your crush? Your heart may be pounding, but with the right kind of effort, you’d be able to win anyone over in no time. When you crush on someone, it can drive you crazy. You might be nervous or shy, but don’t just keep pining over them forever. Instead, do something that catches their attention. Which is why you should ask how to impress your crush! And good news for you, there is a lot you can do to impress your crush. [Read: These tips will teach you how to charm anyone] How to impress your crush while being you No matter what method you take to impress your crush, stay true to yourself. If it works out and you start dating, you want your crush to know the real you, not a figment of your imagination. You are worthy of this person’s feelings. Stay confident and impress away. Just don’t take anything away from who you are. They will be impressed by your confidence the most.  How to impress your crush Even with your newfound confidence, you still may be lost for a way into your crush’s atmosphere.  If you have racked your brain and can’t seem to come up with a surefire way to impress your crush, here are some tried and tested ways to get your crush’s attention, in a good way. #1 Show off. Yes, no one likes a show off, but impressing your crush with your mad skills will surely curve their interest. You do not have to be the world’s best vocalist or athlete to reveal what you’re good at. In my experience firing off your favorite movie quotes can even get you some brownie points. [Read: 35 easy tips to impress anyone and charm them instantly] #2 Make them laugh. Whether you are the jokester of your friend group or not, being funny is a key way to impress your crush. So, use the humor that makes you laugh. Imitate a celebrity or maybe dry and sarcastic humor is your thing. Or you can tell the world’s most embarrassing story. Not only will this put a smile on your crush’s face, but it will show your ability to laugh at yourself and have a good time. [Read: How to master a dry sense of humor] #3 Talk about your passions. I don’t know about you, but when I see someone talking about their passions and interests, there is an unexplainable glow in their eyes. Hearing someone rave about their family, show you pictures of their pet, or even talking about their job or goals in life is so impressive. Don’t be afraid to share yours if you’re wondering how to impress your crush. This is something that makes you you. And if your crush is worth the time they will see how strongly you feel about the important things in your life. #4 Ask for their advice. Looking for a new book to read? Need help with homework or a work project? You can even ask for their help with a home improvement project. Asking for your crush’s help will not only make them feel needed, but also important and trusted. The fact that you are confiding in them for help means you see them as a good person. That will surely make them feel good. [Read: The damsel in distress and why men find they so irresistibly attractive] #5 Show you are open. In today’s day and age there is nothing more attractive that someone who is open and tolerant. And there is no bigger turn off than someone close-minded. Have a discussion about feminism, the pay gap, or even rave about a kick ass woman like Oprah. You can bring up Pride month or mention your support of refugees in America.  #6 Be polite. Obviously you are going to be nice to your crush, but showing that you are actually a kind person to everyone around you is sure to impress. I once went on a date and held the door open for an elderly woman walking behind us. My date was shocked I went out of my way to help her and made a point to tell me how nice and refreshing that was to see. Be mindful of those around you, tip well, be respectful to service employees, and your crush will see what a great person you are in no time. [Read: Here is how you can grow into a better person] #7 Listen. You might be wondering how to impress your crush by just listening? Well, it is so common that people talk over one another and try to impress you with their knowledge and experiences. If you just sit back and listen, you’ll stand out. And don’t just sit down and be quiet. Ask insightful questions that prove you were listening and repeat things later. If your crush mentioned they have a little brother whose birthday is coming up ask them, so what are you getting Tommy for his birthday?  Little things like this go a long way when you want to impress someone. [Read: How to be interesting and become the heart of any conversation] #8 Ask questions. Whether you are at a party or on a date, ask questions about them. You might think the best way to get to know someone and impress them is to share everything about you. But there is more to you than what you have to say. Being interested in someone means wanting to hear about them too. Think about it. When you’re on a date and the other person talks about themselves the whole time, it is miserable. You want it to be a two-way street. #9 Try something new.  Showing your crush you are willing to make a fool of yourself or try something you’ve never done before is impressive. That does not mean going bungee jumping or skydiving, unless that is your thing. But being willing to go rock climbing, take a cooking class, or even go carting or riding a rollercoaster will impress them. Having someone take a risk to spend time with you is seriously impressive. [Read: What to talk about with your crush to keep them engaged and excited] #10 Be spontaneous. Some people love a good plan, but others like to live life on the edge. So next time you’re with your crush steal them away and take them to a secret underground bar you know about. Or even dancing in the street or a mini road trip gives you so many opportunities to show that you are up for anything. [Read: How to become more spontaneous in life] #11 Show your secret talent. Your crush probably knows if you are an all star volleyball player. But sharing your secret talent can be more impressive than you think. Maybe you hold the high score on Dance Dance Revolution? Randomly, I can lick my elbow which is supposed to be impossible. Nearly every person I’ve dated has been blown away by this. They even brag about it to their friends. #12 Put in the effort. If you love tshirts and sweats there is nothing wrong with that, but amping up your everyday style around your crush makes a difference. Not only will they notice something different, but a new hairstyle or fragrance can help to boost your confidence as well. #13 Stay positive. If your crush has yet to show signs that they are returning your feelings don’t get down on yourself. You can still impress your crush. Plus, being a downer is not impressive. We all have off days, but showing your crush that you have a positive outlook will impress them. [Read: 15 easy ways to flirt with your crush and make them fall hard] #14 Show interest.  This is totally obvious, but as it is so obvious, some people forget it. You are impressing your crush by showing your amazing self, but don’t forget to show your interest in them. Ask them about their hobbies and their likes and dislikes. Be truly interested. It should not be too hard. Even if you hate the ballet and your crush loves it, hearing them talk about it should be at least a little interesting coming from them. #15 Give space. Do not overcrowd your crush. Do not double text or suffocate them *figuratively*. I am not saying you should play hard to get, but showing that you are an independent person that does not crave attention is impressive. Everyone wants to be with someone that can stand their ground. And no one wants someone who is a stage five clinger. So take your time to impress your crush. There is no rush. [Read: 13 ways to avoid being a stage 5 clinger who pushes people away] #16 Small surprises can make their day. If you’re wondering how to impress your crush, text them midday to bring them their favorite Starbucks at work. Or next time you hang out, bring some donuts from the place they said they have been dying to try. Making small gestures like this without being asked proves that you listen, take notice, and act on your feelings. Plus, it is always nice to have someone go that little extra mile for you. [Read: How to not be a boring texter and keep your crush interested] #17 Show your quirky side. When you are crushing on someone, your first reflex might be to hide your most quirky parts. For me that is holding back when I laugh because I snort. But once it comes out, people tend to tell me how cute it is. So those things you may think of as weird or odd are actually endearing to others. #18 Open up. Show that you are willing to be vulnerable. That does not mean cry on your crush’s shoulder, but don’t hold back either. If you are getting into a deep conversation about marriage or school, bring up the stuff that is beyond the surface. Did you deal with bullying in school? Are your parents divorced? These things made you who you are and the fact that you’re willing to share that part of yourself is impressive. [Read: How to get someone to open up so you can really connect] #19 Pay attention. Just as they may be impressed or intrigued by your little quirks, notice theirs. Do they twirl their hair when they blush? Do they bite their lip when deep in thought? This lets you know them better and gives you more opportunities to prove that you like them beyond the surface.  Remember that scene in Win a Date with Tad Hamilton where Josh Duhamel impressed the girl by telling her that she had six smiles and what they were? There is a reason that worked so well. [Read: 15 subtle clues to tell if your crush likes you back for sure] #20 Be bold. Last, but certainly not least, is to simply tell your crush how you feel. It is scary! But that is what makes it so effective. Taking the risk of being rejected is bold and confident, and proves what you’re willing to do to get the chance at possibly being with this person. There is nothing more impressive than that. [Read: How to play it cool and win over your crush] Now you never have to worry about how to impress your crush again. Just follow these tips and see where they lead you. The post How To Impress Your Crush: 20 Tips to Steal Their Heart Effortlessly is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.
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russellthornton · 6 years
How To Impress Your Crush: 20 Tips to Steal Their Heart Effortlessly
Wondering how to impress your crush? Your heart may be pounding, but with the right kind of effort, you’d be able to win anyone over in no time.
When you crush on someone, it can drive you crazy. You might be nervous or shy, but don’t just keep pining over them forever. Instead, do something that catches their attention. Which is why you should ask how to impress your crush!
And good news for you, there is a lot you can do to impress your crush. [Read: These tips will teach you how to charm anyone]
How to impress your crush while being you
No matter what method you take to impress your crush, stay true to yourself. If it works out and you start dating, you want your crush to know the real you, not a figment of your imagination.
You are worthy of this person’s feelings. Stay confident and impress away. Just don’t take anything away from who you are. They will be impressed by your confidence the most. 
How to impress your crush
Even with your newfound confidence, you still may be lost for a way into your crush’s atmosphere. 
If you have racked your brain and can’t seem to come up with a surefire way to impress your crush, here are some tried and tested ways to get your crush’s attention, in a good way.
#1 Show off. Yes, no one likes a show off, but impressing your crush with your mad skills will surely curve their interest. You do not have to be the world’s best vocalist or athlete to reveal what you’re good at.
In my experience firing off your favorite movie quotes can even get you some brownie points. [Read: 35 easy tips to impress anyone and charm them instantly]
#2 Make them laugh. Whether you are the jokester of your friend group or not, being funny is a key way to impress your crush.
So, use the humor that makes you laugh. Imitate a celebrity or maybe dry and sarcastic humor is your thing. Or you can tell the world’s most embarrassing story. Not only will this put a smile on your crush’s face, but it will show your ability to laugh at yourself and have a good time. [Read: How to master a dry sense of humor]
#3 Talk about your passions. I don’t know about you, but when I see someone talking about their passions and interests, there is an unexplainable glow in their eyes. Hearing someone rave about their family, show you pictures of their pet, or even talking about their job or goals in life is so impressive.
Don’t be afraid to share yours if you’re wondering how to impress your crush. This is something that makes you you. And if your crush is worth the time they will see how strongly you feel about the important things in your life.
#4 Ask for their advice. Looking for a new book to read? Need help with homework or a work project? You can even ask for their help with a home improvement project.
Asking for your crush’s help will not only make them feel needed, but also important and trusted. The fact that you are confiding in them for help means you see them as a good person. That will surely make them feel good. [Read: The damsel in distress and why men find they so irresistibly attractive]
#5 Show you are open. In today’s day and age there is nothing more attractive that someone who is open and tolerant. And there is no bigger turn off than someone close-minded.
Have a discussion about feminism, the pay gap, or even rave about a kick ass woman like Oprah. You can bring up Pride month or mention your support of refugees in America. 
#6 Be polite. Obviously you are going to be nice to your crush, but showing that you are actually a kind person to everyone around you is sure to impress.
I once went on a date and held the door open for an elderly woman walking behind us. My date was shocked I went out of my way to help her and made a point to tell me how nice and refreshing that was to see.
Be mindful of those around you, tip well, be respectful to service employees, and your crush will see what a great person you are in no time. [Read: Here is how you can grow into a better person]
#7 Listen. You might be wondering how to impress your crush by just listening? Well, it is so common that people talk over one another and try to impress you with their knowledge and experiences. If you just sit back and listen, you’ll stand out.
And don’t just sit down and be quiet. Ask insightful questions that prove you were listening and repeat things later. If your crush mentioned they have a little brother whose birthday is coming up ask them, so what are you getting Tommy for his birthday? 
Little things like this go a long way when you want to impress someone. [Read: How to be interesting and become the heart of any conversation]
#8 Ask questions. Whether you are at a party or on a date, ask questions about them. You might think the best way to get to know someone and impress them is to share everything about you.
But there is more to you than what you have to say. Being interested in someone means wanting to hear about them too. Think about it. When you’re on a date and the other person talks about themselves the whole time, it is miserable. You want it to be a two-way street.
#9 Try something new.  Showing your crush you are willing to make a fool of yourself or try something you’ve never done before is impressive. That does not mean going bungee jumping or skydiving, unless that is your thing.
But being willing to go rock climbing, take a cooking class, or even go carting or riding a rollercoaster will impress them. Having someone take a risk to spend time with you is seriously impressive. [Read: What to talk about with your crush to keep them engaged and excited]
#10 Be spontaneous. Some people love a good plan, but others like to live life on the edge. So next time you’re with your crush steal them away and take them to a secret underground bar you know about.
Or even dancing in the street or a mini road trip gives you so many opportunities to show that you are up for anything. [Read: How to become more spontaneous in life]
#11 Show your secret talent. Your crush probably knows if you are an all star volleyball player. But sharing your secret talent can be more impressive than you think. Maybe you hold the high score on Dance Dance Revolution?
Randomly, I can lick my elbow which is supposed to be impossible. Nearly every person I’ve dated has been blown away by this. They even brag about it to their friends.
#12 Put in the effort. If you love tshirts and sweats there is nothing wrong with that, but amping up your everyday style around your crush makes a difference. Not only will they notice something different, but a new hairstyle or fragrance can help to boost your confidence as well.
#13 Stay positive. If your crush has yet to show signs that they are returning your feelings don’t get down on yourself. You can still impress your crush.
Plus, being a downer is not impressive. We all have off days, but showing your crush that you have a positive outlook will impress them. [Read: 15 easy ways to flirt with your crush and make them fall hard]
#14 Show interest.  This is totally obvious, but as it is so obvious, some people forget it. You are impressing your crush by showing your amazing self, but don’t forget to show your interest in them.
Ask them about their hobbies and their likes and dislikes. Be truly interested. It should not be too hard. Even if you hate the ballet and your crush loves it, hearing them talk about it should be at least a little interesting coming from them.
#15 Give space. Do not overcrowd your crush. Do not double text or suffocate them *figuratively*. I am not saying you should play hard to get, but showing that you are an independent person that does not crave attention is impressive.
Everyone wants to be with someone that can stand their ground. And no one wants someone who is a stage five clinger. So take your time to impress your crush. There is no rush. [Read: 13 ways to avoid being a stage 5 clinger who pushes people away]
#16 Small surprises can make their day. If you’re wondering how to impress your crush, text them midday to bring them their favorite Starbucks at work. Or next time you hang out, bring some donuts from the place they said they have been dying to try.
Making small gestures like this without being asked proves that you listen, take notice, and act on your feelings. Plus, it is always nice to have someone go that little extra mile for you. [Read: How to not be a boring texter and keep your crush interested]
#17 Show your quirky side. When you are crushing on someone, your first reflex might be to hide your most quirky parts. For me that is holding back when I laugh because I snort. But once it comes out, people tend to tell me how cute it is.
So those things you may think of as weird or odd are actually endearing to others.
#18 Open up. Show that you are willing to be vulnerable. That does not mean cry on your crush’s shoulder, but don’t hold back either.
If you are getting into a deep conversation about marriage or school, bring up the stuff that is beyond the surface. Did you deal with bullying in school? Are your parents divorced? These things made you who you are and the fact that you’re willing to share that part of yourself is impressive. [Read: How to get someone to open up so you can really connect]
#19 Pay attention. Just as they may be impressed or intrigued by your little quirks, notice theirs. Do they twirl their hair when they blush? Do they bite their lip when deep in thought?
This lets you know them better and gives you more opportunities to prove that you like them beyond the surface. 
Remember that scene in Win a Date with Tad Hamilton where Josh Duhamel impressed the girl by telling her that she had six smiles and what they were? There is a reason that worked so well. [Read: 15 subtle clues to tell if your crush likes you back for sure]
#20 Be bold. Last, but certainly not least, is to simply tell your crush how you feel. It is scary! But that is what makes it so effective.
Taking the risk of being rejected is bold and confident, and proves what you’re willing to do to get the chance at possibly being with this person. There is nothing more impressive than that.
[Read: How to play it cool and win over your crush]
Now you never have to worry about how to impress your crush again. Just follow these tips and see where they lead you.
The post How To Impress Your Crush: 20 Tips to Steal Their Heart Effortlessly is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.
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junker-town · 7 years
41 thoughts I had while discovering 'NBA Live 18' might actually be good
There was a lot going on here.
The NBA Live demo dropped on August 11th and I couldn’t wait to play it. Every year I hear about the newest NBA Live effort, and every year I’m at least a little bit curious as to what the game will look like.
As someone who grew up playing both NBA Live and NBA 2K, I’m a fan of both franchises and like numerous renditions of both games.
Ever since the NBA Elite 11 fiasco, I've been patiently waiting for the day when NBA Live returns to the level that we all remember from back in the day.
NBA Live 2005 with Carmelo Anthony on the cover, the classic soundtrack, and the fun 3-point shootout. That level of greatness.
After seeing some snippets of NBA Live 18 gameplay and a ton of opinions on Twitter and YouTube, I decided to keep a running tally of my thoughts while playing the demo.
2. Oh boy, not face scan time. I have to download a companion app, don’t I?
3. Lighting? *Walks around house*
4. It’s working... never mind it’s not working.
5. My arms are getting tired... FOR THE LAST TIME MY FACE IS IN THE CIRCLE!
6. It works. It’s loading. I’m scared.
7. Holy crap, it looks like me. I’m scared. The machines are out to get us. My head looks kind of small but okay.
8. Even in the demo version, Russ and KD are on opposite teams.
9. The accuracy of how the players look compared to their real-life counterparts varies from player to player. I wasn’t expecting perfection here though, so this isn’t much of a surprise.
Although you do still have the occasional scary one.
But that aspect of the game is not as important to me.
10. This shot meter is going to take some getting used to. It feels slower than what I'm accustomed to. Adjusting the game speed to 90 made me more comfortable with it.
11. This menu and soundtrack are lit. LOOK AT THIS PLAYLIST!
12. The servers are down. I guess I’ll come back later.
13. Servers back!
14. They never have my last name (Yeboah) in the game.
15. Wow, they have hairstyles for days!
16. It is I, Kof Harden
17. The narrator just said I tore my ACL and sprained my MCL and tore my meniscus?! DO I EVEN WANT TO PLAY BASKETBALL ANYMORE?!
(The subtitles and video don’t match up)
18. These park/pro-am loading screens and intro videos are informative and possess dope visuals.
It gives those people that don’t know about a historic park/playground some insight on the court they are stepping on. Those gamers asking “What the hell is the Drew League?” or “Why is Rucker Park so famous?” get their questions answered. It’s a fun lesson. The only downside about these loading screens is that I didn’t seem to have an option to skip them.
19. Playmaker type seems fine to me.
20. Oh look, there’s no layup meter!
21. The upgrade system for unlocking animations, traits, and stuff are really cool.
I can also swap out traits on a game-by-game basis? Awesome.
22. Choosing Playmaker was a bad choice.
23. NBA Live got Kyrie right!
24. Adjusting the game speed might be necessary depending on what sports games you usually play.
25. The play-by-play commentary needs improvement.
I know I’m being a stickler, but it sounds like I’m playing NBA Jam. It feels like Mike Breen and Jeff Van Gundy didn’t record their audio at the same time. There isn’t any true back and forth between them. It’s not a big deal, but it is something I noticed.
26. The first part of the demo seemed super stiff and then I realized that my custom character was a scrub that didn’t have any dribble moves.
Being used to playing NBA 2K, the game speed seemed slow at first. I was having a hard time getting used to shot timing and defense, but increasing game speed setting helped me get more comfortable.
Game winner?
28. I like how it shows you who you’re going to pass to before I even think about passing. The visible line is helpful for court vision and control.
Which helped me complete this play.
In most sports video games, who you’re going to pass the ball to can often be implied.
However, there are always instances in sports video games where you pass to the wrong player because you didn’t use icon passing and just assumed that they would make the move that you wanted to make.
While icon passing can easily solve these problems, sometimes using the standard pass buttons are easier and this white line can help both casual and advanced gamers from those “I pressed the wrong button, I swear!” moments.
29. The tutorial has a checklist for when you complete moves? I dig it.
30. Hype Brothers back?! We’re about to be lit!
I get to reunite with my former teammate (Nick Howard) and show the world that I can still ball after all the stuff that has happened to my legs. I have Stephen A. Smith and Max Kellerman talking about me on First Take, so I know I must be a big deal.
31. Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh
The Warriors might be off-limits.
32. Wow, Klay Thompson’s jumper is kind of unfair.
33. Let’s get into these drills.
34. Oh, this is why I’ve been terrible at defense so far.
35. I really really really like this menu. LOOK HOW CLEAN IT IS. LOOK AT IT!
36. EA Sports made a conscious effort of making sure that you got used to of the controls before you started to play. These constant control reminders will be very helpful to the casual gamer.
Almost every loading screen features a teachable moment for players that are new to the game.
37. There are also options for beginners in case you’re just starting to learn the game. They recommend plays for you and they’re pretty easy to run. The instructions that then show up on the court are very easy to comprehend.
38. The demo also gives you prompts and then lets you know if you accomplished the task that they asked you to complete. It’s a good feature for on the fly learning.
39. I had fun with this demo.
I approached this demo trying my hardest not to compare it to 2K every step of the way and I ended up having a good time. After all, it’s still a video game.
Unlike the NBA Live 15 and 16 demos, I didn’t find myself wanting to quit and never play the game again. The game modes and new features kept me intrigued throughout the demo.
40. How you like this demo is going to be based on what you prefer in a video game.
Of course, the gameplay is a little bit different from 2K, but I encourage you to try it out for yourselves because I’m not going to sit here and try to gauge what you prefer in a basketball game. It may be the presentation. It may be the experience. You might like an arcade feel. You might like a video game that’s as close to realistic as possible.
41. My takeaway from the demo is NBA Live is taking a step in the right direction.
No, the demo isn’t perfect. Some of the animations flat out don’t make sense or come off as the game trying too hard to be cool. But these negatives weren't enough to make me completely give up on it. After this preview, I’m actually looking forward to trying out all the full version.
Ball is life.
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newagesispage · 7 years
                                                                            AUGUST  2017
 *****Bill Murray and the rest of the Murray brothers are opening a Caddyshack themed restaurant in the Plaza hotel in Rosemont, Il. They opened a similar eatery in Florida in 2001.** Bill Murray also got the ESPY for Chicago cubs best moment. Michelle Obama honored Eunice Kennedy Shriver at the ESPY’s for the Special Olympics.
***** Tarantino is doing the next Manson movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*****Dec. 2017: Psych the movie. YES!
*****Some republicans are working on introducing a bill that would force future Presidents to release their tax returns.
*****Alice Cooper discovered he had a Warhol, “little electric chair”, 40 years after the fact. The find was rolled up in a tube in a storage locker.
*****It is so funny how Kelly Ripa looks so happy and bright when Anderson Cooper is on but not so much when that boar Seacrest is next to her.
*****Days alert: Sami will be back in the fall and look for her and Nicole to clash. We will see more of Xander but Dario is headed out of our lives. Chad and Gabby are over and look for Chad and Abigail to reunite if she survives. Is Ben Weston back in town or just in Abby’s mind? Did she see him the night of Deimos’ murder? Could she be the killer and could Chad be protecting her as she has been protecting him?
*****Another victim of John Wayne Gacy was recently identified as Jimmy Haakenson, a Minnesota runaway.
*****The Rockford Peaches are being celebrated .  July 27 brought hundreds of girls and women to Beyer stadium in Rockford to play. Some of the 40’s and 50’s peaches were in the movie “A League of Their own” ,that sparked a resurgence in interest. Also in the works just across the street is The International Women’s Baseball Center.
***** Did you ever notice how often Kroger products are used on television? I am forever seeing their store brand in scenes across many networks in many scenes. I think it is because they have a very generic look.
*****It sounds like the Richard Pryor story will come to the screen. It should be exciting with Tracy Morgan as Redd Foxx and Oprah as Pryor’s Grandmother.
*****CBS and the BBC are joining forces in the tradition of Edward R. Morrow who used to report from the BBC.
*****Two topless women jumped on stage in Germany to protest Woody Allen as he played clarinet. The women read a letter Dylan Farrow once wrote to her father that alleged sexual abuse. Security guards took them away amid boo’s from the audience. Allen called the incident “stupid.”
*****Steve Martin and the Steep canyon rangers have a new album, ‘The long awaited album.’
*****Bill Brady is the newest state senator in Illinois. Is there finally an end to the budget crisis in the state? Several states have these issues but Illinois has been at the bottom of the heap, rated junk. Now that a few republicans have crossed the line to come to an agreement, can they start to pay all the bills they owe?**Chris Christie has helped to lead New Jersey to the bottom as well.  They closed parks and beaches due to financial constraints. He used a beach that had been closed to the rest of the state for his 4th of July celebrating. He basically told the people that if they were Mayor, they could use the mayoral house to do it themselves but they aren’t.  The only good it seemed to do was the fallout helped him reach a decision about the budget so things could reopen.
*****Jawara Mcintosh, son of Peter Tosh, is in a coma after being beaten in a New Jersey jail.
*****OMG: Does everyone know that the NRA lobbied to be sure that there is no central electronic database for gun records? When police are requesting registration on a gun after an incident, the centers 50 employees must search thru microfilm or boxes of paperwork. How do they sneak this stuff in without alarms being raised? We must pay attention!! Let’s change this for the cats at the ATF tracing center.
*****Germany has legalized same sex marriage.
*****VP Pence tells us: “Under President Trump, American security will be as dominant in the heavens as we are here on earth.”
*****Hobby lobby owners are putting together a Bible museum. They were caught smuggling black market antiquities out of ISIS territory. They claim stupidity but were warned before they even started this venture. Luckily, the artifacts were intercepted by the government and returned.
*****Hooray for Ronan Farrow and others who are working hard on the voter ID mess. Conservative politicians need to quit targeting minorities and the poor and just let us all vote.  Let’s just keep things fair, is that too much to ask?
*****I am intrigued by the ads for the new show Guest Book on TBS.** People of Earth is back!!
*****The Government ethics director, Walter Shaub resigned. He claims there were many conflicts of interest and the White house fought him every step of the way. He has seen nothing like it in any republican or democrat administration.
*****HBO’s tour de Pharmacy was funny and had so many famous faces. The faux doc included references from Arby’s to a small misshapen penis and was narrated by Jon Hamm. The cast includes Mike Tyson, Will Forte, Orlando Bloom, Kevin Bacon, Maya Rudolph,  Jeff Goldblum, Danny Glover, Freddie Highmore and Julia Ormand. I was a bit uncomfortable at the Lance Armstrong stuff. He was worth a chuckle at first but it got old. I admit that he is not my favorite person. I guess you gotta take the $ where you can.
*****The History channel ran a doc about Amelia Earhart. The claim was that there was a pic that may be Earhart and her navigator Fred Noonan after she disappeared.  This leads one to believe that they were taken prisoner by the Japanese. A history blogger disagrees , saying that the photo is from a book published 2 years before they were lost in 1937.
*****The impeachment marches seemed to get zero coverage. There were a few small mentions a couple of days later but for the most part they were ignored.  I am so glad I was there. The people are speaking. The media needs to stop bending over backwards not to poke the bear and let us speak! I am glad the media is making us aware of all the lies going on in the White house. It would be refreshing to get away from the talking heads once in a while and take it to the grass roots resistance growing. Hasn’t this been part of the problem all along? Isn’t this what everyone bitched about right after the election?
*****Volvo will go totally electric or hybrid starting 2019.
***** The Emmy noms have been announced with some surprises. The biggest travesty is no nod for Michael Mckean for Better Call Saul. Some nominations were well deserved  though. Lead actress drama should go to Keri Russell but Elisabeth Moss and Viola Davis are awesome as well. Some of my other faves were Bob Odenkirk and Matthew Rhys for actor in a drama. Big little lies brought 2 lead actress picks for Nicole Kidman and Reese Witherspoon but Feud has to win for either Jessica Lange or Susan Sarandon or both. Feud is loaded with noms for costumes, director, music, hair, and supporting actor for Stanley Tucci, Alfred Molina, Judy Davis and Jackie Hoffman. Rupaul is the only thing going in the reality category. In comedy there is Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin as well Julia Louis Dreyfuss and a lot more for Veep and Atlanta. Jeffrey Tambor, Zack Galifinakis and Donald Glover are my tops for comedy acting.  The best in drama are Better Call Saul, Stranger Things , The Americans and The Handmaids tale. Variety is a tough category with Full Frontal, Kimmel, the Late Show, the late late show, Last week tonight and Real Time. The immortal life of Henrietta Lacks and Dolly’s Christmas movie are both up for a vote. Voice animation has Kevin Kline, Kristen Schaal and Nancy Cartwright. Animated shows include Archer, Bob’s Burgers and the Simpson’s. Bill Nye saves the world, Drunk History , SNL and Portlandia are up for production design. American Horror Story: Roanoke only got a couple for hairstyling, sound editing and prostetic makeup. Supporting acting comedy is hard to pick with Louie Anderson, Tony Hale and Alec Baldwin for the men and Vanessa Bayer, Leslie Jones, Kate Mckinnon, Judith Light, Kathryn Hahn and Anna Chlumsky for the women. What? Another travesty, o love for Keenan Thompson?  Guest actor include Carrie Fisher, Melissa McCarthy, Wanda Sykes, Tom Hanks, Dave Chappelle and Matthew Rhys.I am all the way with Alison Wright for guest acting in drama. The host category has Snoop and Martha, Alec Baldwin , Rupaul and W. Kamau Bell. Variety specials and sketch shows are filled with genius like Louis C.K., Sarah Silverman, Colbert’s election night and Documentary now! In the documentary category there is The Beatles :8 days a week from Ron Howard. Informational specials Inside the actors studio, Leah Remini: scientology and star talk: Neil deGrasse Tyson are nominated. Good luck to all!
*****Ken Burns is bringing us The Vietnam war in September which took 10 years to make.
*****Kid Rock has announced a senate run.
*****Jimmy Carter is out of the hospital after he suffered from dehydration. He was working on a house in Canada for habitat for humanity.
*****Word is that the ratings for the new Kelly and Ryan show are not too good, the same with Megyn Kelly’s new NBC show.
*****Sturgis is back on August 4 in South Dakota.
*****HBO is bringing us a doc on Steven Spielberg that is narrated by the man himself. Susan Lacy is director and producer of the project.
*****If you haven’t seen the funny or die with Al Franken and David Letterman, you must check it out. Look up years of living dangerously: Boiling the frog.
*****Fox likes to pretend that scary clown is more of a leader than he really is. They kept running a scroll across the bottom as the G-20 was going on that ‘Trump presses Putin on meddling.’ Did he really? We will never really know and if he did, it was just for show because he is adamant that he just wants to move on.  Putin tells us that Trump accepted his version of events. This is really no surprise since scary clown attacked his own intelligence community on foreign soil and said that he was honored to meet Putin. The man is SO Putin’s bitch.**After Trump tweeted that he and the Russian President had talked of a joint impenetrable cyber security unit, he got much backlash. John McCain and Kyle Griffin both stated that Putin should be good at that since he is the one doing the hacking. The President talked a lot about faith in his speech in Poland. As he gets older does he think more about these things as age can make you do or does he shield himself with it? **Ivanka sat in for her Father at some of the summit.  It did not seem that the other leaders were too big on seeing him anyway. I don’t think Trump has the confidence to talk with the big timers anyway. He seems to be more of a one on one guy which was what he was doing.**Of course we then learn that there was a second private meeting and who knows what that was about.**On June 25th the House backed a new package of sanctions against Moscow, North Korea and Iran. The bill prohibits scary clown from waiving penalties.** Russia has already retaliated by seizing American diplomatic properties and ordering the U.S. embassy to reduce staff.
*****Don Jr. has now been caught in multiple lies about the Russian lawyer they met with on trying to find dirt on Hillary. How many times will this family and their team lie to us?? There were more people there than they originally told us including a lobbyist that was ex counter intelligence. They claim that candidate Trump had no idea of the situation. Do they think we will believe that? We are in fact now hearing that he orchestrated his son’s response. Is Trump that stupid or does he just play an idiot on tv? Will he sacrifice his own son? Why is it that Manafort and Kushner are never far away from the trouble?  The team tries to act like this Russian mess is something anyone would do. They are so far removed from honor and decency that they do not seem to know any better. They have no idea how real people operate.** We have soldiers on the Russian border that are protecting people from Russia and these yahoos think it is perfectly fine to work with them to fuck up our democracy.** BTW, The President can’t pardon someone on state or foreign charges but he can pardon on federal charges . Could all of the liars get away it? ** How long will the “we are stupid and know what we do” excuse work for these Trump voters? Who can still support a family that just keeps lining their own pockets with their clout? ** The Don Jr. legal fees are being paid in part by the 2020 Trump campaign funds. The President wants the RNC to pay the rest. ** Kushner has now been speaking casually with the feds. He came out to make a small speech after the first day that told us how innocent he was. Scary clown and his fam seem to love the country waiting for their every move.
*****Saw this on a site and wanted to share:
                               Parable of the talents by, Octavia E. Butler
Choose your leaders with wisdom and forethought
To be led by a coward is to be controlled by all that the coward fears.
To be led by a fool is to be led by the opportunists who control the fool.
To be led by a thief is to offer up your most precious treasures to be stolen.
To be led by a liar is to ask to be told lies.
To be led by a tyrant is to sell yourself and those you love into slavery.
*****Teen birth rates have declined 9%, the lowest ever.** About 3 ,000 women from other states come to Illinois each year for abortions.
*****Jodie Whittaker will be the first female Dr. Who as she becomes the 13th Doc.
*****I hear that the packet received when someone takes the oath to become an American citizen still has a letter from Obama.  I guess the new administration hasn’t had time to think about welcoming new Americans.
*****The hit show, Insecure is back for another season.
*****PBS has a new season of Finding your Roots. They have already revealed that Larry David finds out that Bernie Sanders is his distant cousin.
*****Employees in a Ford plant in Ohio found a mil in weed from cars that were assembled in Mexico.
*****A show on the History channel is trying to answer the questions that have come up in recent years about H.H. Holmes being Jack the Ripper. The grandson of America’s first serial killer is leading the charge and he seems a bit disappointed whenever they hit a wall. I guess if you already know that your Grandfather was a killer, what’s a few more? The program drags everything out as these History channel shows tend to do as they repeat themselves over and over. Sometimes when they get some info, I wonder why they only follow part of it. For instance, they tested the DNA which MIGHT have belonged to a victim. The DNA did not match the grandson but did they put their findings in a database to see if there is some familial match elsewhere? They could possibly find out this way if the scarf was indeed at the crime or if the DNA belonged to later handlers of the scarf.
*****Joel Clement, former director of the office of policy analysis and the U.S. interior has been moved to the advisory office of natural resources revenue.  He is one of fifty who this administration moved on June 15. He is a scientist who helps endangered Alaskan communities. Joel speaks out publically about climate change and believes this is an open and deliberate effort to silence scientists and eliminate employees that disagree with them. He is now officially a whistle blower.** It seems to me that having Trump as President is like having a really shitty Father.  The family just has to go out and find their own way and we must keep trying to get him out. Until then, the Governors, the Mayors and the rest of us have to figure out our own ways to save the planet and help others in spite of him. We must counteract all the damage he is causing. Think of the children that will be scarred with all this chaos by these ‘children’ that are trying to run the country.
*****So, again there have been alleged shady police doings. Every time a cop plants evidence or does not turn on a bodycam we lose faith. Law enforcement has such a hard job and we want to believe they will be there for us.  They are supposed to be taking care of us and I am sure most officers are people we can look up to but these bad seeds must be made to pay.
*****It is so strange that John McCain is fighting for his life as we are tackling this whole health care mess. He has great health care and we all wish him well. Do he and his Republican cohorts want us to have the same? Why don’t we all deserve the same chance? A perfect example is right in front of them and they should all pay attention. I think most of them believe in God. Could this have been sent as an example?  The ACA has worked wonders, let’s fix what isn’t working and quit obsessing over repeal and replace. Many Democratic senators are trying to get to infrastructure and other bills. It is unbelievable that we pay these people and give them awesome insurance while they have been obsessed with this health care subject and losers in it for all these years. Who keeps voting them in??** Before they all get their long August vacations , our lawmakers voted to begin debate for repeal and replace. In the end all their votes failed and McCain cast the decisive ‘no.!’ We must not forget to thank Collins and Murkowski who were in there all the way.  If it somehow hurts their manhood to call something that may be a good thing, ’Obamacare,’  then call it the ACA. History will give Obama credit even if they don’t want to and I don’t think he will care what it is called now as long as it helps people.** Word is coming out that Republicans used tax payer funds to denigrate Obama’s health care bill.
*****People of Earth is back from Conaco on TBS.
*****The podcast ‘You must remember this” is concentrating on Jean Seberg and Jane Fonda this season and their similar lives. It is a fascinating look at the beautiful and talented actresses.
*****Norm Macdonald’s podcast recently featured a great interview with Letterman.
*****The Borg/McEnroe movie starring Shia LaBeouf will open the Toronto film fest.
*****The new obsession for Trump is the incompetence of Jeff Sessions.
*****Do you ever think about the fate of the many extras/actors that we’ve seen a thousand times in the opening credits of famous shows?  How about the nurses running in M*A*S*H or the people on the streets of Chicago on The Bob Newhart show? We see them again and again from the singing and dancing on The Drew Carey show to the photos on Law and Order. We do not know these people but they are a part of our life? Hats off to them!
*****American Horror Story : CULT will premiere on Sept. 5. Season 7 will add Billy Eichner, Billie Lourd and Lena Dunham along with regulars Evan Peters and Sarah Paulson, Mare Winningham and Frances Conroy. Twisty the clown is back in a story inspired by the 2016 election.  The first teaser was fab and a bit Pink Floyd: the Wallish and is set in Michigan.
*****Kevin Spacey will play Gore Vidal.
*****People have been talking a lot about the recent viral videos of a woman killing her sister and the boys who let a man drown while making fun of him. These things have been around forever with “entertainment” like Faces of Death and snuff films. Things have become more main stream with social media but one can’t help but think of the final Seinfeld episode. The prosecution of the Seinfeld four when they laughed at the fat man getting robbed was like seeing the future.
*****A lot of military personnel are claiming there is a lot of extra training going on. Is something big being planned as we argue about the other stuff in front of us? ** Scary clown tweeted to us all about how transgender military personnel have no business being there. He talked with his Generals but he did not say they agreed with him. He complained of the “tremendous” medical costs but studies show that 5 times as much is spent on Viagra.
*****OJ Simpson was moved to a more secure part of the prison after he learned he would be set free later this year. Rumors are spreading that he will tour with his former victim that spoke at his hearing.
*****Sean Spicer resigned after Anthony Scaramucci (who some call a cartoon Guido) was named communications director. Ivanka and Trump met with ‘the Mucc’ for an hour and a half and then Trump called him many time before this all came down. Sara Huckabee Sanders is the new press secretary. A friend said that if Melissa McCarthy took on Spicer on SNL then it makes sense that a man should do Sara. BTW, what was with Scaramucci giving Sara hair and makeup advice? WTF? Word is that Preibus fought it all the way but he is kissing ass all over the place now. The whole affair got us our first on air briefing in 22 days. I can’t help but wonder how Spicer feels to be a lil’ blip of a joke in history. **Scaramucci deleted many old tweets he had praising Hillary and supporting stronger gun laws as well as putting down Trump and climate deniers. He is also kissing his new Messiahs bottom all over the place. The new guy acts just like his boss with an expletive filled interview that puts down everyone around him.  I don’t feel a bit sorry for Priebus or Sessions, they knew what they were in for. These tactics make the loyal evangelicals look like the mob. They will sell their soul and put up with this crap to get rid of the transgender soldiers and Planned Parenthood. Trump seems to like an opportunist and is probably happy to have a new hate buddy.** This month in the circular firing squad, part of Trump’s legal team , Mark Corallo was out then Sr. asst. press secretary Michael Short was out, then Reince Preibus was out . General john Kelly is the new White House chief of staff after Preibus served the shortest term I history. Kelly was first offered the position in May.** As I post this, we have learned that Scaramucci is out.
*****Some Scary clown supporters are crowing about low gas prices and low unemployment numbers but who do they think set all that in motion. Some would argue that Presidents don’t often have much to do with gas prices. But I wish they would say what we all know , that Obama was the one who sorted out the last Republican fallout. ** And right wing pundits.. Could I ask you to please stop calling the middle of the country ‘Trump country?’ We are smarter and more diverse than you think.** BTW, heard a great line this week which is essentially the meaning of the word bully. “Trump acts like a weak man thinks a strong man should act.” I thought that hit the nail on the head.
*****They say Trump is looking into the pardon process and exactly what his limits might be in other areas as President. The conclusions of Ken Starr’s office about Presidential prosecution say, “It is proper, constitutional and legal for a federal grand jury to indict a sitting President for serious criminal acts that are not part of, and are contrary to the President’s official duties. In this country no one is above the law.” Noting the constitution’s speech or debate clause: “If the framers of our constitution wanted to create a special immunity for the President they would have written the relevant clause.”
*****Dhani Harrison will release a solo album on Oct. 6.
*****Mick Jagger turned 74 with the release of 2 new songs, Gotta get a grip and England lost. He needed to get out his own anxieties about the new world we are all living in.** Publisher John Blake claims he has an 80’s memoir written by Mick but that he is not allowed to publish it.
*****Sarah Silverman is bringing ‘I love you America’ to Hulu on Oct. 12.
*****Scary Clown 45 promised to bomb the shit out of ISIS. He has been doing a lot of air attacks which are not much talked about. In these attacks almost as many civilian deaths have occurred as in all of Obama’s time in office.** We are only 5% of the world population, quit acting like we own the fuckin’ universe!
*****American white supremacists are funding Europe’s white nationalists to try to take over border control themselves. A ship was chartered called the C-star by a group calling themselves Generation Identity. The group claims they want to deliver Muslim immigrants from the Mediterranean back to the Middle East. Beginning in France, the group has spread to Italy, the Netherlands, Austria and Germany. They say they want to defend Europe and Davis Duke has tweeted out a link to their fund raising page. They are using maritime law as an excuse to come to the “aid” of the immigrant boats.
*****How creepy was this whole Boy Scout jamboree speech? It does not get more wrong than that.
*****NBC Sports has signed Dale Jr. as a commentator.
*****Paris Jackson and Macauley Culkin got matching tattoos the other day.
*****2018 will bring us new comics of Nightmare before Christmas.
*****R.I.P Loren James, John Blackwell Jr., Nelsan Ellis, Sheila Michaels, Theresa Poehlman, Fresh Kid Ice, Maryam Mirzak Hani, Neil Welch, George Romero, Martin Landau,  Chester Bennington,  Liu Xiaobo, Irina Ratushinskaya , Michael Johnson, Leonard Landy, June Foray, Barbara Sinatra, Stubbs the cat (Mayor of Talkeetna, Ala.), Jeanne Moreau, Sam Shepard and John Heard.
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