#never joke about anything pertaining to sexuality you will manifest it
fragiledate · 11 months
why you so obsessed with eroticizing the machine today
sexy. hope this helps
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whatdosendhelp · 7 years
35 & 36 for both of them
Character Development Questions: Hard Mode
35) How does your character behave around people they like?
{{ The answer varies greatly depending on your definition of ‘like’. If Al and Caesa like someone platonically, both of them are very relaxed and comfortable. Alhusayn allows some of his natural good-natured goofiness to come out, tends to start cracking jokes, becomes physically far more expressive. Caesa initiates a lot of physical touch– linking arms with her companion while walking is a common example. 
Now… if either of the idiots “liiiiikes” someone… *cue childish snickering*
Somehow, neither of them are particularly good at dealing with strong emotions and so for both of them, their immediate response to crush-like feelings is to shut down??? Like dumbasses? It very, very rarely happens for Caesa– she develops minor crushes easily, and has no qualms about flirting with someone she isn’t too interested in, but every great once in awhile in strolls someone that she finds herself drawn to more strongly than she cares to admit, and when that happens, she finds herself stammering and blushing like a schoolgirl. Much to her own annoyance, I assure you– what business does a twenty-six year old woman have swooning like some godsdamned maiden, she’ll ask herself? None. So stop it. (Cuz that works)
Alhusayn is very bashful when it comes to anything pertaining to sexuality, and it’s extremely infrequent for him to be attracted to someone on sight. Completely opposite of the way he behaves when he’s platonically fond of someone, Al With A Crush has difficulty maintaining eye contact and tends to retreat into himself a bit. }}
36) How does your character behave around people they dislike?
{{ Al wears his heart on his SLEEVE. The man cannot hide his feelings for the life of him; if he doesn’t like you, you’ll know it. Only occasionally will he be directly rude to someone, but his opinion of them will be written all over his face even as he forces himself to maintain a civil tone of voice. 
Caesa’s upbringing never manifests itself so clearly as when she is forced to deal with someone she doesn’t care for; her demeanor becomes cold, extremely polite, but with an underlying layer of thinly-veiled sarcasm. She’ll likely act completely dismissive of the other person, deliberately giving off an impression of unimpressed boredom (as one might expect of the catty society girl she was raised to be). Stuck up, thats a good word for it. }}
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