investir-business · 1 year
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webmaster-wordpress · 2 years
Comment faire entrer un site dans Google Discover avec 92% de chances de réussite, méthode en 22 conseils SEO
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Infographie SEO pour Apparaître sur Google Discover
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Auteur : Nicolas Laruelle
Source et version HD :
N'hésitez pas à partager cette opportunité autour de vous !
Celle-ci est trop belle, et trop peu d'éditeurs francophones sont conscients de son potentiel énorme. Donc, de notre côté, nous allons profiter de la fin de l'été pour activer tous nos réseaux, afin que cette Infographie Discover soit vue de tous.
Si l'acquisition de trafic et la création de contenus vous passionnent, cette fois-ci, n'attendez pas 1 an avant de vous lancer sur Discover… ça serait dommage de priver les utilisateurs de vos meilleurs articles 😇
La fin de la période estivale est proche !
Profitez-en donc bien et rendez-vous à la rentrée pour un maximum de nouveautés chez votre Hébergeur EasyHoster ! 😉 🍌
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spacehero-23 · 1 year
i will sob.
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mvfm-25 · 10 months
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" Why should the military have all the fun? "
Game Informer n54 - October, 1997
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heidismagblog · 7 months
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belleshade · 1 year
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"NetLink Custom Web Browser is the software used with the NetLink Internet Modem to allow North American Sega Saturn owners to connect to the internet. It was created by PlanetWeb, who would go on to design the Sega Dreamcast web browser software in North America, appropriately titled Sega Dreamcast Web Browser." - Sega Retro
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youngthingllama · 4 months
Mendix Development Services | Netlink 
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investir-business · 1 year
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Deux backlinks dofollow à créer gratuitement (cliquez sur le lien) : 1 backlink de contenu + 1 backlink .edu
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phonesuite · 6 months
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The hotel industry is undergoing a significant transformation with the rapid adoption of cutting-edge digital technologies. In this blog post, we explore how leveraging the latest digital advances can help your business succeed by providing exceptional guest experiences. Learn More...
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sirtbhopal · 9 months
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Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized an Industrial visit at NETLINK Mandideep.
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himanshu123 · 1 year
ERP solutions in India
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Looking for ERP solutions in India? Discover comprehensive and efficient enterprise resource planning solutions tailored to your business needs.
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webmaster-wordpress · 2 years
Indexation Google : 10 conseils pour faire indexer ses sites et toutes ses pages :
Quand il s'agit de faire remarquer ton site Web par Google, il y a quelques choses essentielles que tu dois faire. Tout d'abord, assure-toi que toutes les pages de ton site Web sont correctement indexées par Google. Tu peux le faire en soumettant un sitemap à Google via la plateforme Webmaster Tools. Deuxièmement, assure-toi que les pages de ton site Web sont bien optimisées pour les mots-clés et expressions pertinents. 
Cela signifie utiliser les meilleures pratiques SEO, comme utiliser des titres et des descriptions riches en mots-clés, et inclure des mots-clés pertinents dans tout le contenu de tes pages. Troisièmement, crée des liens entrants de haute qualité vers ton site Web à partir d'autres sites Web réputés. Cela contribuera à améliorer l'autorité de ton site Web et son classement dans les moteurs de recherche. Et enfin, utilise les médias sociaux pour promouvoir ton site Web et créer du contenu partageable qui encouragera les gens à créer des liens vers ton site. En suivant ces conseils simples, tu peux t'assurer que ton site Web est bien positionné pour être bien classé dans les résultats de recherche de Google.
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monlivrepratique · 1 year
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dyrewrites · 5 days
OC Interview
@weministertomonsters and @lychhiker-writes both got me for this one!
Rules: Ask your OC the questions, see what they say!
I'm tagging from the Masterpost : @overdecorated-furniture @jatedeton and YOU
We're pulling from Pale Blood today, because I've not done this one for all of them yet. >.>
So here is Den, to answer some questions.
Are you named after anyone?
My name is Morden...sound that out and tell me it sounds like it was on purpose and not a random thought mama had when she popped out her seventh pup.
When was the last time you cried?
Why, looking to make me do it again?
Do you have kids?
Not if I can help it.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Less than I could, more than I should.
What's the first thing you notice about people?
Scent, the whole 'wolf' thing really makes it difficult not to.
What's your eye colour?
Yellow, as all my closest relatives. A particularly sweet fang says they're a 'fiery amber'...but I don't see it.
Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy. I like my stories coated in syrup. World's bad enough without scaring yourself on purpose.
Any special talents?
None I care to speak of.
Where were you born?
Where all of us are, under Dolor, in mama's wolfden, among the rats and runoff.
Do you have any pets?
He doesn't like being called that...in public.
What sort of sports do you play?
None myself, though they are fun to watch.
How tall are you?
Shortest of the Drenkal line, but tall enough for all else.
Oh you wanted a number...Hm, 5'9"?
What was your favourite subject in school?
Never been, mama taught us. As did our netlinks, when she allowed them. My favorite things tended toward what I wasn't allowed to have, and I'd rather not discuss that with a stranger.
What is your dream job?
There are those who dream of working? I'd rather not. Work, that is. Ever, if I could help it.
->taglist and blank under the cut<-
Are you named after anyone?
When was the last time you cried?
Do you have kids?
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
What's the first thing you notice about people?
What's your eye colour?
Scary movies or happy endings?
Any special talents?
Where were you born?
Do you have any pets?
What sort of sports do you play?
How tall are you?
What was your favourite subject in school?
What is your dream job?
->Taglist for Pale Blood<-
~lemme know if you want on/off~
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impossiblesuitcase · 2 years
Mutually Moronic Marriage - part 1.
“To be honest, you will never be loved by everyone. I’ve decided that I should start caring more about the opinions of the people that I love. And if they love me back, I won’t be afraid to make mistakes, because they’ll help me.”
Kai makes a mistake, one Cinder has reason to be upset at him for. But Cinder learns that in a marriage of two morons, he’s her moron (and she, his).
For an event called ‘The Annual Peace Ball’, it was seldom peaceful.  
The ball of 126 T.E was an obvious failure. It marked the beginning of the revolution, Levana’s grip on the Commonwealth, and Cinder being arrested and mortified for the universe to behold. 
One would think that that was the hardest to beat, but the next year, the Peace Festival had to be postponed with Alpha Lysander Steele and his attacks. 
The following year shouldn’t have even been an issue. There were no galactic threats, no wolfen soldiers (except for cuddly, tomato-loving ones). Nothing to cause disaster.
Except for Cinder, former queen of Luna and current queen of causing disasters.
She and Kai were engaged and the ball was her first true glimpse of her future as empress. However, they had decided to keep their engagement from the public for the time being.
Cinder missed the memo. As she was getting ready for the ball, she had just been about to take off her engagement ring when Kai had arrived. They’d talked and kissed and she’d gotten distracted and sauntered right into the ballroom with her bare metal hand flaunting the ruby jewel.
The press went mad, interpreting it as an unassuming way to announce the engagement. The news had spread instantaneously to everyone but Cinder, who had shut off her netlink for the evening. Then, when guest after guest congratulated her, she did nothing but gape in confusion. Someone must have seen something, or heard Kai mention the engagement to Torin. If someone had figured this out, what else had been discerned? Were they being spied on?
Cinder spent the night stupefied, flubbed the waltz and knocked over a tray of hor d’oeuvres. It wasn’t until afterwards that she saw her ring and chastised herself. 
In the wake of this, Cinder approached the fourth year with lax. Everyone knew they were engaged, and her public spectacles of humiliation were still being replayed on the netfeeds, so she had nothing to hide.
She became so relaxed, in fact, that she ignored protocol. 
Protocol: Do not shake a person’s hand unless they are a dignitary of similar or higher status.
Cinder thought this protocol classist and responded with a firm handshake when a commoner outstretched her hand. She didn’t question in the moment why the woman offered her left hand rather than the customary right. 
The woman, disgruntled with the fact that Kai was marrying Cinder and not herself, slipped off the ruby engagement ring and sprang away.   
“Hey!” Cinder had yelled, startling the guests around her. Before the guards could pounce she seized the woman’s wrist and forced the grimy fingers open to recover her ring. The woman swung her free arm frantically, clawing a gash into Cinder’s elbow.
The thrashing and wailing and the blood dripping from Cinder’s arm onto her dress overall soured the evening’s festivities. 
No one had blamed her, but she was noticing a trend. Now, she’d groan when the ball was mentioned. Wake up with nightmares where she had been transported to eerie fairytale dimensions on her wedding day with her ring stolen.
This year, she was determined to have a perfect ball. No dramas incited by herself. No end-of-the-world scenarios. Just a normal, boring ball with dull conversations and tight dresses. The prospect had never been more appealing.
The fifth year was her first ball as empress, with seven months of marriage in hand, and just before the hectic political season started. 
The Commonwealth had been financially crippled by letumosis and the war. The public were still struggling to recover, so Cinder and Kai decided to write some legislation to boost the economy. Cinder had offered to draft and present it, and it would be her first act as empress.
She was sick with nerves when she thought too much about it. So she didn’t tonight, instead resolving to enjoy this soirée. 
Nothing bad would happen.
Nothing that she caused, anyway. 
She did her absolute best to be regal. She chatted with guests, took royal-sized bites of the appetisers and applied all her dancing lessons for an effortless waltz with Kai. 
Unfortunately it was to be a smaller reunion than usual: Jacin was in the throes of medical exams and where he was Winter stayed. Scarlet and Wolf were occupied with their newborn son. Iko was staying in Rieux for a few months to help them out. 
At least Cress and Thorne and Tressa and Kinney could make it. And if all else failed, Cinder could always talk to the palace mechanics, whose topics of conversation she much preferred than that of the socialites.
“Turns out it was an internal fault, Your Majesty. The ID scanners are no longer receiving software updates so there have been lapses in their functionality.”
Cinder ran the numbers in her retina calculator. “But it’s still glitching…it shouldn’t be if it was just a software issue.”
Li Yanlin was a mechanic at the palace: a fairly new employee who was still always dumbfounded when the empress herself came into the workshop to help or tinker. The more experienced mechanics had already come to welcome Cinder into the fold as one of their own. 
Yanlin sighed. “Yes, we’re not sure why that’s happening either. And both our managers are retiring next month. We’ve been working around the clock to fix the problem, but with them gone, I doubt we’ll figure it out anytime soon.” He took a long swig of his champagne and baulked from the rush of alcohol on his tongue. “And it’s not like the housekeepers have bothered to hire new managers,” he grumbled. 
His eyes slipped over Cinder, and he suddenly remembered whom he was talking to. “Ah, not to criticise your staff, Your Majesty! We are working fine, perhaps a bit delayed but that’s to no judgement of you and—”
Cinder raised her hand in a gentle pause. “Yanlin, don’t worry. If we’re on the brink of a worker’s revolution for unfair conditions, I’d like to know how to help. Or”—her voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper—“how to join.”
Yanlin sagged with relief. “My apologies, Your Majesty. But thank you for your support. I’ll be honest, it’s been very tough on us staff.”
“I’ll look into it,” Cinder assured. Suddenly, hot air was fanning her neck and she would’ve jumped in surprise if she hadn’t recognised the distinct cologne. 
Now that the bioelectrical security device was becoming popular, Cinder could no longer sense people as she used to. It startled her at times. The energy in the ballroom tonight was patchy, and she could pinpoint even from afar which persons were not equipped with the lock.
“Li-jūn,” said Kai. “How are you?”
To honour their first ball as a married couple, Kai and Cinder wore their imperial crowns with traditional Commonwealth dress. Yanlin on the other hand wore a suit, light against his brown eyes, skin and hair. Unfortunately trading his work uniform for an upgrade had not traded his anxiety for confidence. He was haplessly out of place at this shindig—perhaps the very reason Cinder gravitated towards him. 
Yanlin bowed, face flushed. “I’m well, Your Majesty.”
“I do hope you haven’t been plagued with rowdy mechanics recently. I heard there’s a particularly bad one frequenting your workshop.”
Cinder rolled her eyes and only with that movement did Yanlin realise it was a joke.
“Oh!” he chuckled, albeit nervously. “No, no, we are very honoured to have Empress Selene.”
Kai smiled. “Don’t feel the need to lie.”
Cinder nudged his arm. “Give me a break!” Yanlin again looked confused. She leaned closer. “He’s only joking.”
“I understand,” said Yanlin, in a tone that suggested he very much did not understand.
Kai tied an arm around Cinder. “I’m sorry, but I’ll have to steal my wife from you. Enjoy your evening, Li-jūn.”
Yanlin bowed again, and she waved good-bye as Kai whisked her away. “I’ll order new scanners for you as soon as possible,” she called. “I promise!”
Yanlin stumbled in his bow. “Th-thank you!” From her peripheral vision, she saw him dissolve into a chair, wiping his brow with the end of a tablecloth.
“You scared him,” Kai chided.
Guilt swept over her. “What could I possibly have said?”
“It wasn’t anything you said—it’s that you, the empress, are talking casually to staff. It’s intimidating.”
“But you are also in my position,” she rebutted. “How would you know how it feels?”
He smirked. “It’s how I feel when I talk to you.”
“Hey!” Her face remained neutral, knowing a million eyes were trained on them at all times. It could spawn any number of ridiculous accusations in the tabloids (“Trouble in paradise as the royals fight at the Peace Festival—Is divorce on the horizon?”, “Inside the shocking new story: ‘She’s always abused me,’ says the emperor”).
Kai plucked a flute of champagne from a nearby server and took a sip. “I pulled you away to greet the Abernathy family. They want to see you.”
Cinder squeezed her eyes shut, a headache already forming. “That family? I have to greet that family in particular?”
She pinched his glass and took a hearty gulp. “I’m gonna need this.”
He laughed with sympathy. “I promise that once it’s over you can go talk to Cress and annoy Thorne all you want.”
“That’s sound gre—” 
Cinder stopped. The world tilted. Her head whipped around, surveying the myriads of bodies.
Kai clutched her arm, taking the glass back from her. “What’s wrong?”
She shook her head, wondering if the sudden surge of bioelectricity she had felt was imagined. It had disappeared immediately. “I thought I sensed someone. Someone who wasn’t here before.”
Kai cast a furtive glance around. “Lunar or Earthen?”
“Lunar, I think. It was strong.”
Of course, there could always be late arrivals to such events. But this bioelectricity signature washed over her with unsettling familiarity. A chill seized her spine as that same energy struck her again.
“Thank you for the compliment, Your Majesty.”
Cinder and Kai pivoted around so quickly they almost stumbled on their garments. A figure emerged from the unaware crowds. Cinder recognised the man instantly; a sleazy, despicable, washed-up thaumaturge whom she had sentenced to life in prison three years ago.
“Dolion Siegfried,” she muttered.
“You remember me?” Dolion’s voice dripped with cloying mockery. “I must say, I am surprised. Given how little regard you’ve paid for ruining my life, I presumed I had slipped your mind.”
She stepped forward. “You have five seconds before I call secur—”
He opened his suit coat to reveal a gun at his waist, clamping her mouth shut.
“What do you want?” Kai hissed. He did not know Dolion or what he had done. He didn’t need to, not when just the sight of the thaumaturge would roil anyone’s gut.
“This has nothing to do with you, Kaito, and everything to do with your wife. I would like your silence.”
Kai linked arms with Cinder and pushed her behind him. He said nothing.
“Good,” Dolion praised. “You’re more reasonable than I expected from an Earthen—imbeciles that you are.” He reached over and took the glass from Kai, gulping down the rest of the liquids. Some sloshed over the rim and dripped down his fingers.
“What do you want?” Cinder repeated. Kai kept her behind him when she tried to step forward, shielding her.
“I have a complaint I’d like to settle with you. As you can see”—he flourished his hands—“I’m not in prison. You may be wondering why.”
He pulled out the gun, adjusting it until it was comfortable in his hand. While Cinder was certain that he wasn’t trained for such weapons—thaumaturges always controlled others to do their dirty work—she doubted he was trigger-shy. She called up her tranquiliser gun and pointed it at his chest.
“Calm down, Selene,” he scolded. “You claim to be a pioneer of justice, and I have been wronged. If you are what you claim, no violence will be needed.”
She cocked the gun to his head, met with steely indifference. 
“I demand retribution tonight, and if that cannot be achieved, I will slaughter every person in this room.” A smirk. “How? Well…”
Her hand steady, Cinder’s eyes skimmed the room. From amongst the crowd she spotted the few guests whom she had identified earlier without the bio-lock. Their eyes bored into hers; a normal occurrence with guests, judging her dress or cybernetics or mere existence. But no, Cinder knew it wasn’t the usual judgement from strangers. There was no way to grasp their bioelectricity.
“Cinder, look,” Kai called in a harsh whisper. One by one, each controlled guest pulled a hand from behind their backs, holding a gun of their own.
Kai’s arm in hers quivered with rage. Her retina display warned her of a spiking heart rate.
“I will allow you five minutes to collect yourselves, and then I shall return, awaiting your surrender.” Dolion’s voice was light, as if he were discussing something trivial like the selection of music. 
The second his back was turned Cinder fired. The dart was intercepted by a guest, glamoured to fling himself forward. Dolion saluted, passed the glass to an unsuspecting server, and left. The guest fell to the floor in a heap.
Cinder let out a shuddering exhale. 
The sounds of the party echoed and muddled in her ears as her brain fought to regain its footing. She only barely registered Kai bracing his hands on her hips. 
“Are you okay?” tumbled out of him in a rush.
She nodded and met his frantic gaze. “Are you?” 
He nodded in turn and pulled them to the outskirts of the dance-floor. “What’s the plan?”
Notes - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Hello, hello! This fic will be 9 chapters, 1-2 new chapters released each week!
Let me know if you'd like to be removed from or added to the taglist.
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