winterberryholly · 3 months
FTH 2024 IS HERE!!
My offering page for Fandom Trumps Hate is now live for browsing! I am offering one fic for any of the following Naruto ships:
I’ve chosen MECA specifically because it’s an org I can vouch for irl. Even if you’re not planning on bidding, please check them out. ❤️
Link to my AO3 for examples of my writing here! Nejileeten/Shikatema/Sakuino fans please note that I haven’t published a fic centered around your ships yet, but rest assured I love them and would love to write them!
Please check out the other Naruto listings as well!! There’s some seriously talented folks who also have offerings and you do not want to miss out on them!! I’ll reblog the ones I see here.
Bidding begins March 5th at 8AM EST and ends March 9th. DMs and askbox are open; feel free to send me questions anytime! Also check out the FAQ!
*Please note: The listing currently doesn’t include Nejileeten (✨I Forgot✨) and also says under 5k words but I’m bumping that back up to 5-10k! I felt like it was so likely that I’ll go over 5k anyway that I may as well lol. So keep that in mind! Both of those changes will be listed before bidding actually starts.
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lotusfartstwice · 9 months
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Some art fight pieces I did ✌️
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usuratongaychi · 17 days
my OT3s for Naruto
- InoSakuKarin, i love them and their niche little community.
- Jiraorotsuna..sannin angst is so good aufhghghfhf. I swear they all loved each other.
- ShiItaIzu….odd i know😭i justify it bc itaizu is canon, and shisui is related to kagami uchiha, who isnt related to itachi. genuinely the ethics in naruto is so odd… but anyways they both love itachi.
- Shiktemasasu…yes i know, it started as an inside joke sorta thing with my discord mutuals…
- Borumitsusara IM SO ENTHUSIASTIC ABOUT THEM, they also mirror the sannin pretty well.
- kaka-yama-iru-gai. really i just like all of those shipped with kakashi. i cant chose for the life of me and i enjoy content for all. lol this makes kakashi seem like a hoe
-nejileeten, i really love their team, they take care of each other.
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fade-steppin · 1 year
lee is a boyfriend who is a girlfriend, tenten is a girlfriend who is a boyfriend. hope this helps
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bored-af-rn · 2 years
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The Fact that theres barely been any content of these three is a crime
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alybur635 · 8 months
So there was this one time Lee made a mistake
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He kinda forgot somebody's father wasn't actually alive-
credit for this idea goes to @nejileetens!
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nejileetens · 9 months
Nejilee is ocd autism couple except they’re both both
youre so right also i laffed at "anybody tagging this as nejileeten im coming for you" like are yuo mad at me LMFAOO
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faerociousbeast · 1 year
are there any naruto polycules
contrary to possible assumptions the teams, despite being made with 3 people, do not always make the best polycules. especially bc the only reason its one girl to two guys is bc they literally said they want to """"encourage rivalry by them fighting over the girl"""". thank god homosexuality exists so for the most part they did not do this
anyways. konayahinaga real, the sannin sure why not, real, inoshikacho pretty real, nejileeten also why not, real, kakaobirin is occasionally real it depends on whos writing them, any combination of the girls except hinata bc i dont like hinata, real, kakaobiyamairu or any combination yeah why not? real
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dragynkeep · 2 years
What are your Naruto Ships?
ais : kakasaku, narusaku, inosaku, shikatema, gaasaku, nejiten, nejihina, nejileeten, kibahina, tobisaku, madasaku, hashimito, 
luke : narusaku, tobimada, narugaa, hinakiba, shikatema
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erumai-maadu · 3 years
In my headacanon, Neji and Lee tried secretly tried to remove Tenten's buns to see how beautiful she would be with long hair, but Tenten herself will remove the buns and show them after finding their plan.
listen I love the idea that nobody’s seen Tenten with her hair down and that Team Gai spends their down time trying and failing to get Tenten to wear her hair down. The wild shenanigans Lee would try to pull, sometimes with Gai’s assistance because he thinks it’s hilarious and a good way for the team to bond. Neji’s only there because Lee dragged him into it, totally not because he wants to see her with her hair down, no sir. He’s not curious about it at all (he is, he just likes lying to himself). Meanwhile, Tenten knows all and dodges their attempts with ease and fond exasperation. Of course this only makes them try harder, even enlisting the help of some of the rookie nine at one point.
Eventually Tenten takes pity on her teammates and lets herself “get caught” by one of their traps and when they see her with her hair down, Neji and Lee are taken aback by how beautiful she is (like she was pretty already, but with her hair down, DAMN). and when Lee tells her this in his usual enthusiastic manner, with Neji quietly agreeing, Tenten goes beet red and gets uncharacteristically bashful because nobody’s ever called her beautiful before.
all of that being said, her teammates think she’s infinitely more beautiful when she’s on the battlefield with blood on her face and weapons in her hands (with her hair in her characteristic twin buns, of course).
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winterberryholly · 8 months
“my wife and I saw you from across the room and we like your vibe” except it’s your codependent former teammates who have determined that you are (unfortunately) the most well-endowed service top they know
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oldmilfenjoyer · 3 years
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neji and tenten when lee peels them oranges after training: talented brilliant amazing show stopping never been done before
anyways lee deserves to be loved 🤷🏻‍♀️ that’s all 🤷🏻‍♀️
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In Neji lives au Team Gai go on dates often and train a bunch. Then cuddle up to one another when exhausted. Either in bed and they watch tv until they fall asleep, or they take a nap after training under a tree.
And they might just participate in a double date with Gai and Kakashi. Cause they got nothing better to do as a poly couple XD
they have to participate in the double dates. It's a requirement of having Gai as a Sensei that they are not allowed to skip out on, and even if Gai let them Lee won't.
They're sitting there through possibly the most embarrassing date they will ever be on, at least until the next one, and they're going to love it.
Which is fine, because after all is said and done they do get to return to cuddles and that's always worth anything else they might have to deal with lol
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bored-af-rn · 3 years
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Nejileeten! My Ot3! @mcnuggyy Thanks for the reference photo!
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mako-lies · 3 months
Sorry not sorry
I’m back on my Naruto bullshit
a line from my Nejileeten fisting fic:
Outside of sparring, there is only care in Lee’s touch.
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