#nebula gaster.
hellcab · 4 months
All four of Buzz's hands were furiously pounding on Roth's door as his wings were buzzing uncontrollably. "ROTH!!! ROTH I GOT A BIG FUCKING PROBLEM AND YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE WHO KNOWS ABOUT IT!!! ROOOOOOTH!!!"
All night long, Roth struggled with sleep. Sleeping pills, nothing. Warm mild, nothing. Watching all recorded episodes of “Wheel of Fortune”, nothing. Insomnia was his worst demon, his worst disorder. Well, among other glaring problems.
Then, finally, sleep came for Roth. Buried under blankets, he dreamed. Meditation certainly does the trick.
Roth slept . . . for about seventeen minutes until the frantic knocking disturbed him. It was Buzz, Roth could hear him through the decaying walls and asbestos. Briefly, he considered ignoring it  . . . but it sounded important. He could sense the urgency of The Insect.
Groaning and cursing, Roth left his bed and donned his robe. Tightening it, he dragged himself towards the front door. Grumbling as he did.
Unlocking the numerous locks, Roth opened the door and stared at Buzz.
“What. Do. You. WANT?”
Roth says, annoyed with this intrusion upon his day off.
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the-last-command · 9 months
"There's still a lot of work to be done." (Naga Flora)
“Question is, where to begin?”
The freemen camp was in dire straits. All around them was the dying of hope. In every face, in every stare, hangs the ashen look of hopelessness.
Though freedom was just seven miles away, they could not reach it. The Legion was not far behind. Should they run, The Legion shall follow. Shall they stay, The Legion shall arrive. Regardless, their fate seemed sealed. The NCR was not coming. Bureaucracy masking cowardice kept their army from acting.
Anyone without heart would leave them for dead. Anyone without courage would run and abandon them. Ares was neither of those things. He suspected that Naga wasn’t either.
“We should create a militia. I can drill them, train them for the confrontation.  The Legion expects a surrender. They expect these people to beg. We should gravely disappoint them.”  
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Amazing what a amateur sky safari telescope will catch!
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ckret2 · 15 days
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Remembered this Garfield comic when thinking about the way Bill eats; not sure how accurate it is to Bill's eating habits, but it sure rings a strong bell in my head
needs eight or nine more spices and an actual protein, but it's a good start
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sirserpentine · 3 months
@nebula-gaster Starter for Buzz.
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The street was packed, but everyone made sure to pass the sight in the middle of the road from as far as possible. It was none other than Sir Pentious, holding out flyers and business cards to those willing... and even those who weren't. His egg boiz were helping him, of course, handing out smaller flyers and business cards and taking care of the rather pathetic foldout table with a variety of their Boss' merchandise arranged on top.
"Ah! Now you look like a distinguished fellow!" Sir Pentious said, noticing a fabulous bug who had the fortunate luck of coming across him. "Allow me to introduce myself! I am Sir Pentious. Inventor, Architect of Destruction, Villain Extraordinaire! And you are? Do you have a moment to talk about a vision of a very illustrious future? Also, do take a candy, and a complimentary badge, if you like."
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a-hazbin-spider · 11 months
@nebula-gaster || Asked For A Starter
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It’d been a little while since their last hanging out, and Angel had somehow convinced himself not to cancel another planned get together. After his shoots, he’d taken a cold shower and some over the counter painkillers in hopes it’d cancel out… well- what had him with. light flush and squirming for the past twenty minutes, now.
“Nnh- nah, I’m listening..!” He’d insisted, probably an umpteenth time since he got here. “Just- erm- restless. Tell me about that thing you was makin’.”
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infernal-feminae · 6 months
@nebula-gaster liked for a starter with Emily!
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Emily knew she would get into loads of trouble if she was caught out here without an escort or just outside the Heaven Embassy in general. But in her mind, it would be well worth it.
She had been hearing about Charlie Morningstar's project for months and she was utterly fascinated. Redemption for sinners? A fantastic concept! Even if she was the only one in Heaven to think so.
"You there! Sinner!" She called out to Sage, approaching the much taller sinner with a friendly smile. "Can you direct me to the Happy Hotel? I fear I am a bit lost."
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speedyspectra · 9 months
🍻 (Buzz)
Spectra sat on the roof of the apartment building, a half empty bottle of rum clutched to her chest as she hummed quietly to herself. The humming warbled louder and then softer then slowly a few slurred words made their way into the tune. “Soon mAy th’ weThrmin come… ta bring sommmme sugary-sugar… n’ tea n’ RUM! Lots and LOTS of rUm! Yeah!”
She took another swig from the bottle and swayed from side to side as the melody continued to play in her head. Her eyes remained locked on the red sky above. “- n’ then we’ll tAke our LeaVE n’ gooooooo.”
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king-of-wrath · 7 months
(( @nebula-gaster ))
Several floors beneath the DHORKS Headquarters in Jersey City, a dozen armed federal agents stood guard as several others prepared an occult ritual. Cameras were placed at every angle as demonic runes were drawn on the floor. A steel cage hung above the center of the ritual circle as agents stood ready with tranquilizer guns and electrified net-launchers. The doors were locked behind them as more agents waited outside.
"Everyone, off the summoning circle!" an agent ordered. "Eleven, get in there!"
Agent Eleven, the scrawniest and most pathetic member of the organization, was given the unenviable job of performing the summoning ritual. He nervously stepped forward, stood at the edge of the bloody circle and opened an ominous-looking book.
Eleven gulped in anxiety, then read from the page.
"Invocamus inferna!" he announced, causing the dark red lines to ignite into flame.
"Diabolum vocampus pro servo!" he continued. "Da nobis servum et dabimus sanguinem!"
From the depths of Hell itself, a dark portal opened and spat-out a demon: Sage, the crocodile sinner.
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sinful-feminae-a · 1 year
@nebula-gaster​ liked for a smut starter!
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She was lying on the floor in Flora’s music room. She could distinctly hear one of the serpent’s records playing in the background, but she had a hard time focusing on the lyrics.
Dilated pupils travel over to Flora. “Hooooolllly fuck, this is some good shit, Flora. Where’d you get it?”
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hellcab · 7 months
"Roth. Roth. Roth. RothRothRothRothRoth. ROOOOOOOOOOOOOTH!" Buzz pounded repetitively on Roth's front door in full costume as Alucard from Hellsing. "C'mon man if I don't show off my costume to at least one guy on Halloween then what's the point? I KNOW YOU'RE HOME CABBIE!"
Behind the door, several locks unlock. The door opens revealing ( Other ) Roth. He was dressed in costume. The look came straight from The Pit and The Pendulum. The black robes resembled what Vincent Price wore in the nail-biting finale. A strange departure from Roth’s usual homages to his action heroes.
In ( Other ) Roth’s usual way, he greets his “friend”. Mimicking every emotion and every nerve-twitch, there was no way of telling this one from the real Roth. No way, until it was too late. But right now, the time for this one was not tonight. Not yet.
“Well well well, it’s insect brain. Nice get up, nerd, what’re you supposed to be?”
( Other ) Roth allowed his “friend” to enter. The place seemed ordinary, nothing strange yet. The Other moved across the room, grabbing his remote. Invasion of The Body Snatchers was playing on Roth’s tv screen. The finale being the alien screaming and the end of humanity. Pausing it, The Other sat down and started eating some leftover popcorn. Eyes upwards, he stares up at Buzz inquisitively.
“Lemme guess, you’re a twit-twat aristocrat?”
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the-last-command · 1 year
"Why do we always hurt the ones we care about the most?" (Naga Flora)
“Causality, I suppose.”
{ Ares answered grimly. The question was something he asked himself, countless times. Good friends have died for nothing. Loved ones have suffered because of him. }
{ He harmed them. He tried saving them, protecting them, yet they died. Even when the threat was coming for him, they were harmed. Collateral damage.  }
{ It didn’t matter how much he tried. They died regardless. }
“Maybe being alone is our lot.”
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Rosette Nebula
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ckret2 · 7 months
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I'm probably the only one seeing this but when I look at Swimsuit Human Bill all I can see is an old-time retro rocket ship ready to blast off
where's th
where's the rocket flame gonna come from
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mxthbladed · 4 days
"Jewelry is nice and all but what about weaponry? Or coffee?"
@nebula-gaster | X
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a-hazbin-spider · 2 months
"Collared!" (Buzz)
Send Collared to Collar! || @nebula-gaster
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Click! Angel’s eyes glance down to see a decorative collar round the usual slim one his boss issued him. That was new. Turning his attention back to Buzz he flashes a quick grin. “Such a pretty gift ya got me~ I must make a pretty good pet, huh?”
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