littlealienproducts · 4 months
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Stationery and Artwork Inspired by Nature by LuckyDewdropDesigns
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bumblee27 · 7 months
@mcyt-yuri-week Day 2; AU / Post Canon
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(totally not late wdym)
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mewiedragon · 10 months
Nature wives am I right?
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Er It’s actually a redraw of this if you can tell
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mcyt-sapphic-showdown · 4 months
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Shubble repeatedly saying she will kill to have the crown the same day that gem uploads a video of Katherine getting the crown does not bode well for us naturewives enjoyers....
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ella-exoticbutters · 6 months
may i see ur interpretations of secret life lizzie and any empires character :3 maybe like. katherine
Secret Life Lizzie - So! Her outfit I decided for her was like a cute dress (image below)!
After death, Lizzie never reunited with the other two who died, instead her soul is trapped in the void until Secret Life ends :)
Lizzie has her own curse! To die the way she lived/started out, as it happened in both Last Life and Secret Life.
Because of dying to the void, parts of her body are scarred the color of the end void. So blacks, purples, and a few other cool colors. She also has fairy wings but they're hidden in her top. They're unusable anyways, tattered and scorched.
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ESMP S2 Katherine - She/They pronouns :D
She's engaged to Shelby during Witchcraft SMP and they got married a few weeks after it ended. (Nature Wives my beloved)
Scars litter her body from when they just started monster hunting and was inexperienced.
They have a soft spot for all kinds of animals besides the hostile ones, but can't bring herself to fight wolves unless it's to protect someone actively in danger. Also her reflexes are impeccable!
Katherine and Pirate Joe are frenemies and arm wrestle together! (-cough- Someone always loses -cough-)
She's also on the Arospec, Demiromantic and Sapphic :D
She'll beat you up if you mess with her wife /hj /silly
Now how do you tag things properly idk...
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biinaberry · 2 years
The comically large height difference between them adds flavor. Shubble tried so hard to be angry over losing her shaman position, goes to confront who is going to replace her and went "oh my god hot woman" Enemies to lovers failed
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rodentlady · 1 year
Me, watching Shelby's first New Life Video in the which her and Katherine don't even interact: This gives me a Nature Wives Fic Idea!
Said fic idea: Shelby needs to find a place to sleep and finds Katherine's house. Now imagine that Katherine was home at the time and is instantly smitten. Meanwhile Shelby is just -she just offered help to a stranger without a second thought she's so nice and so pretty and ahhh-
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twiginthemud · 1 year
i've seen a theory that wc!shubble and e2!shubble are the same person and i want to go over the consistency of the whole ordeal. Spoilers for Shubble's pov for both witchcraft and season 2 of empires
In favor with the theory:
Fog is a type of weather, so is a storm
The Storm Witch is was very self-conscious about her abilities when meeting wc!Cleo, The Fog Witch used to be the same way, before the skulk
They're both romantics, or have a romantic lead/partner (both using she/her in canon.)
Their goals are similar, to prove themselves to others
Their personalities are similar as well (many creators play a character in wc!, it could be possible that Shelby was playing e2!Shubble.)
Both are very powerful witches, Storm taking on 3 people during the finale and Fog killing Joey thrice(?) and a good other few
Both use magical items (wands and staffs and other mumbo jumbo.)
Storm said she wanted to find a toad familiar, which is possibly a nod to Great Witch's "Tortoise" and thousand year old toad
Opposes the theory:
Wc!Shubble only deals with storms and sky, on screen anyways
(To me,) Great Witch Shelby wouldn't choose just one type of magic to specialize in
The Supreme Witch likely wouldn't choose a "traitor" of witch society to compete to become the next Supreme
Storm building with space and stars in mind, and a space themed sword in her possession, kinda sorta points toward the sq!Katherine
Different hair colors (she could've just dyed her hair but many artists, that i have seen, have drawn Storm with cloud-like hair.)
Great Witch primarily uses potions, Second Place uses her naturally gained abilities
Could go either way:
wc!Shubble is known to have a girlfriend (most of the fandom believes her to be sq!Katherine, but it could be e2!Katherine, or anyone that Shelby knows.)
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journeysfable · 1 year
Why am I only just now realizing how perfectly the song Curses by The Crane Wives fits Naturewives
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bumblee27 · 2 months
@mcyt-femslash Week 1, rain/growth with Nature Wives! (sorry it's late!)
The witch that returned was not the same witch that had left. That much was evident to Katherine.
Of course, in the more obvious ways, such as the new spells that Shelby had learnt, and took pride in showing off; the newfound companions she had brought home with her (namely Nimbus, the crow who seemed to think he was a cat, constantly craving attention); the new stories she had to tell, of great adventures, of allies and of enemies, of narrow escapes, of losses and of triumphs. Yes, anyone could notice those differences. But Katherine could see further than that.
The way Shelby’s smile stretched a little bit wider than it had before. The way she dared to finish her own sentences, when before she might have trailed off. She didn't fidget nearly as much. And when she laughed, she did so openly and heartily.
She was practically unrecognisable from the girl Katherine had first met. Gods, that girl was- was miles away!
Her heart sank a little at the thought.
That girl. So.. so broken. And if only Katherine had known, she could have done something, anything! ..But it didn't do to dwell. One simply couldn't change the past. (Well, Katherine couldn't, at least - one of Shelby's tales described a character who could indeed perform such feats!)
No, that girl was worlds away. Shelby had changed so, so much.
And Katherine couldn't have been more proud of her.
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bluebedo · 9 months
Aurora Borealis
(Chapter One) A Star Falls
By BlueBedo
Her tutor stands and walks away, leaving Shelby to pick her head up before it crashes to the ground with its newfound hefty weight, tears falling from her eyes as she does so. The water continues to beat around her skull, waves screaming at her for failing and seafoam trying to find a way to fix everything. In the midst of it all a goldfish tries to swim upstream, beating harder and harder against the current to whisper one small thing, to utter one small compliment amidst the carnage, but it keeps finding itself knocked back in the storm. Thunder rolls over head, and Shelby has to grab her skull to subdue the pounding headache she's getting. She can't even hear the clicking of her tutor's heels wall away anymore, left in the silence of her old school, a lovely Parisian-style palace that mocks her very existence.
Or, a star falls to Earth for the first time in years, and five separate people are out for her heart.
Includes: Nature Wives, probably Jizzie in the future, Grian and Jimmy and Joel as siblings, Lizzie with what some may refer to as cannibalistic tendencies, Shelby having a meltdown in Chapter One, Joel wants to kill his brothers, literally, also ITS A FUCKING STARDUST AU WOOOO
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naturewivesmybeloved · 11 months
what’s ur favorite nature wives headcanon!!!!
Season one or season two?
Because season one my favourite headcanon is that they were totally dating the whole time but were just too busy to mention it
And season two, is that while Shelby was covered in skulk, Katherine would be the only one to be able to get through to her at all, and give her some sort of clarity (ties into my headcanon that the skulk is a parasite that the stronger it gets the more control it has till eventually the host it just a puppet for the skulk to control)
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peckforlovingheck · 10 months
prasiddhi and amethyst as s2empires nature wives
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cointalks · 2 years
I can't get the thought of a Shelby villain arc out of my head.
Maybe not a villain arc maybe just? A corruption arc? She deserves it I think.
She sounds like the type of villain that would be like, she thinks she's doing good yk like she wants to help people but instead she's hurting them.
The more she messes up the more upset she gets, her emotions become more unstable, she becomes more and more unaware, more reckless, she needs to prove how great she is after all.
I want a moment where she steps back, realizes the dangers she's putting her friends, realizes she's more unstable than she thought, she never wanted to hurt anyone, she only wanted to help.
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midnightmay03 · 2 years
The citizens of the area were…strange, to say the least.
People were slowly rebuilding closer and closer to ruins of the age of empires, now that radiation and fallout wasn't as huge of a risk as before, and magic was making its reappearance as more and more people moved into the area. Already, Shubble had met up with a customer; a pirate looking for water breathing potions for the taking over of a water temple. He was kind, for a pirate, though his reaction every time a skeleton popped up was a bit jarring, his mumblings of a "skeletron" confusing Shubble. But she just plastered on her best smile, practice from all her years of dealing with her senile professors at the academy, and tried not to jump in joy at the emeralds he handed her as payment
There was also the incident with the local goblin, who had come running into the swamp, accusing Shubble of venturing into the end dimension, not giving her a chance to argue against him before he skittered off again, not unlike a scared cat would. He had also stolen quite a few of the mangrove saplings, and had taken off with quite a bit of mud, but she found herself not too fussed with the blatant thievery. She really hated the mud. 
One particular resident of the land had stood out to Shubble. Princess Katherine of the Glimmer Grove, a tailor in the making, for some reason. Shubble had ventured out of the swamp, in the hope that someone could assist her with the making of her witche's hat, now that she was properly settled into the Evermoore. She had come across a vast plains area, with an abandoned village on its outskirts and a few scant buildings closer towards its center. Expecting an old lady, she hadn't really done a good job of hiding her surprise when she came across Princess Katherine, sitting in the middle of a sheep pen, sewing together what looked like battle armor. She was dressed up in your typical royal clothing, her dark pink dress a stark contrast against her pale skin. Her dark hair fell down her in waves, reaching out past her shoulders. She was, for all intents and purposes, gorgeous. The type of beauty that would have men and women from all over falling over their feet and writing sonnets that professed their love. She didn't appear to notice Shubble, who quietly made her way up to the pen, trying to school her features into something that gave more of an impression of a fancy business woman, rather than a blushing girl. 
Muttering something to the sheep, Katherine put aside her needle and thread, and looked up at Shubble with a smile that threatened to stop her heart. "Oh, a witch! I've been expecting you." Her voice was as bright as Shubble would have expected from a princess like that, but she could also hear the presence of a more tough and stoic lilt beneath it all. "Expecting me?"  Shubble frowned as she forced the words out of her mouth. She didn't like that at all. She was hoping to escape the reputation she had made for herself at the academy.
"Of course. You're witch Shubble of the Evermoore. You're going to be a great help in my quest, I think." Katherine pushed aside the dark hair that had fallen across her face, before depositing a curious look at Shubble, and pointing a surprisingly callused finger up at her head. "We are going to have to solve that problem, first off."
Wait, what the hell?
She continued on, ignoring Shubble's confusion at her comment. "I'm thinking a green, something that would match your overalls. And flowers, of course. You seem like the type of witch who needs a big hat. Would you like a bigger hat, or a smaller, more boring one?"  Her smile continued to grow as she took Shubble in. "Oh, this is going to be fantastic!"
It was then that the glint in her dark eyes hardened, and the rough voice Shubble had thought she had heard a bit of when she first arrived made its appearance. She continued ignoring the increasing pace of her heart. "What do you know about the curse on Glimmer Grove?"
It was then that Shubble noticed the giant ass sword strapped across the princess's back.
Oh, she was so screwed.
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