#nature is truly awesome as in it inspires awe
willowdove · 2 years
Finally got to watch Prehistoric Planet and here are my highlights:
-single dad T. rex
-monosaurus spa day
-weird neck sacs on sauropods for mating display
-quetzlcautlus being a dirty filthy egg cannibal
-slow mo shot of dung plopping and dissolving in water
-tarbosaurus showing up at the oasis and ruining everyone’s vibe
-mononykus being goddamn adorable with a barn owl face
-time for crab
-make love not war tasteful T. Rex softporn
-seriously giant frog eats a baby dinosaur
-ornithomimus with chad hair
-the hadrosaur baby made it out of the river 😭
-angsty antarctopelta leaves his brothers to claim a bioluminescent cave
-pachyrhinosaurs have porcupine quills for some reason
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tarotwithavi · 9 months
| What mythical creature are you? | Pt 1
Pick a picture from below
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How to choose a pile?
Take a deep breath and gently close your eyes. Politely request your spirit guides to reveal the appropriate pile meant for you, then open your eyes. Whichever pile captures your attention is the one meant for you.
For entertainment purposes only
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| Pile 1 |
You're a person with dragon-like qualities. You've got a fierce spirit that never gives up, like a dragon protecting its territory. When you set your mind on something, it's like a blazing fire that fuels your determination. Just like a dragon's scales, you've developed a tough exterior that shields you from life's challenges. Your wisdom is as ancient as a dragon's, guiding you through tough choices with a keen sense of what's right. People are drawn to your magnetic presence and the way you carry yourself with authority. You're not afraid to stand up for what you believe in, just like a dragon defending its hoard. Just as dragons are attuned to their surroundings, you have a special connection with nature. You appreciate the beauty of the world around you and find strength in it. And like a dragon's fiery breath, your passion can inspire others and light up any room you walk into.
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| Pile 2 |
You're a fairy, spreading happiness wherever you go. Your smile lights up the room, just like a fairy's glowy aura. You have a kind heart that cares for all living things, like how fairies take care of nature. Your laughter is like magical pixie dust, making everyone around you feel lighter and happier. You have a playful spirit, just like fairies who love to dance in the moonlight. Your creativity is enchanting, and you have a way of turning ordinary things into something truly magical. Just as fairies are known for granting wishes, you have a knack for making dreams come true. Your words of encouragement and support are like little spells that lift people's spirits. Like fairies, you bring a sense of wonder and awe to the world, making everyday moments feel like extraordinary adventures. Your empathy and compassion make you a true friend, just like how fairies are always there to help and guide. You have a natural connection to the beauty around you, and you inspire others to appreciate the small wonders in life. In your own special way, you're a real-life fairy, sprinkling joy and positivity wherever you flutter.
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| Pile 3 |
You're like a vampire, of course not the scary kind, but the cool mysterious kind. You're super charming and people can't help but be drawn to your confident presence. You're a night owl, preferring the calm darkness when others sleep. Just like a vampire has those sharp teeth, you have a sharp mind that's always thinking and figuring things out. You're a bit like a detective, always noticing details that others might miss. Your fashion sense is on point, and you rock dark and elegant clothes that suit your unique style. You're careful with your words, choosing them wisely like a vampire chooses their prey. And just like vampires have a hypnotic gaze, your eyes have this captivating way of locking onto people and making them feel understood. But don't worry, you're not out to suck anyone's blood instead, you're someone who loves learning, soaking up knowledge like a sponge. You've got a taste for adventure, exploring new places and experiences like a vampire prowling their territory. So, keep being your awesome vampire-like self, embracing the mystery and allure that makes you stand out.
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| Pile 4 |
You are a person who has the qualities of a siren. Your voice is like magic, it captures attention and makes people want to listen to you. When you sing, it's like the sweetest melody that everyone can't help but be drawn to. Your beauty is enchanting, like a sparkling gem that shines in the sunlight. Just like a siren, you have a mysterious aura that makes people curious about you. Your presence is captivating, and you have a way of making others feel entranced by your charm. But beyond your captivating exterior, you also have a deep and sensitive soul. You understand emotions and can empathize with others, making them feel understood and cared for. In your interactions, you have the power to influence and persuade, just as a siren's song can lead sailors astray. Your words hold a certain allure that can guide people towards making decisions they might not have considered otherwise. You are a person of allure, beauty, and empathy, with a touch of enchantment that leaves a lasting impression on those lucky enough to encounter you.
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| Pile 5 |
You're like a friendly witch, casting kindness spells everywhere you go. Your smile is like a magical potion that brightens up even the gloomiest days. People are drawn to you like enchanted moths to a gentle flame, finding comfort in your soothing words and warm presence. Just like a wise witch, you have a knack for making things better. Whether it's brewing a cup of tea that feels like a cozy hug or offering advice that's like a magical recipe for solving problems, your wisdom is like a little sprinkle of fairy dust. But it's not just about magic, you're practical too. You can organize things like a potion master arranging their shelves. Your ability to mix creativity with knowledge is like creating powerful spells that make everyday life more enchanting. Like a witch who knows the secrets of the forest, you have a special bond with plants and animals. They seem to listen when you talk, just like magic creatures in a fairy tale.
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| Pile 6 |
You are like a phoenix, which is a special bird that has strong qualities. When tough times come your way, you don't give up easily. Instead, you find a way to start again, just like a phoenix that rises from its ashes. You spread warmth and comfort, similar to how a phoenix brings a fresh start. People like being with you because you bring positive energy, like the magical charm of a phoenix. Your colors shine brightly, just like the feathers of a phoenix. You make things beautiful and joyful wherever you go. Your smiles and laughter make everyone feel happy and full of spirit. You have the power to inspire and make others feel better, just like a phoenix's amazing flight. As you go through hard times, you show strength and courage. You turn problems into chances to grow, like a phoenix transforming itself. You remind everyone that even when things are tough, we can rise above them and become even stronger.
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GUYS I DID IT! I am really proud of myself as I did everything by myself, yes I made the moodboards or whatever they are called 😭
I worked really hard on this one, please don't let it flop 😭
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duckybarnes1917 · 9 months
ABC'S of Why Lana is Awesome
@rookthorne we love you, keep reading to find out just how much 🥰
A - amazingly beautiful inside and out. @sgt-seabass
B - beautiful person inside and out, with the biggest heart of gold @sebstanwhore
C - creativity is intelligence having fun and it shows in everything you share with us. @navybrat817
D - deftly creates absorbing universes. @biteofcherry
E - enthusiasm that's completely contagious and inspiring @buckets-and-trees
F - fun! I have the most fun talking to you and it's one of the things I looked forward to most every day @duckybarnes1917
G - girl you are drop dead gorgeous! And don't you ever forget it! @duckybarnes1917
H - has boundless energy and enthusiasm, lighting up any space you step in. @buckyismybicycle
I - imagination knows no bounds. Your beautiful mind creates the most incredible stories and I adore everything you create. @goldylions
J - joyful, talking to you always lifts my spirits and gets me excited about whatever is we are talking about or working on. @duckybarnes1917
K - kindness - the care and kindness you treat me with means so much to me. You are so lovely and I cherish every interaction we have. As my favorite tag says "rookthorne owns my 😻 and my heart" @goldylions
L - lyubov' can be felt in everything you do and can be invoked by everyone whose lives you touch @smutconnoisseur
M - murder - constantly murdering hearts, minds, and vaginas with your stories and ideas and mischief. @buckets-and-trees
N - naturally warm, kind, funny, and resilient. You inspire people. @navybrat817
O - obedient - you can be such a good girl when you want to 😉 @duckybarnes1917
P - personable - you truly welcomed me into this community when I didn't really feel like I belonged. If it wasn't for you and your infectious joy and selfless kindness, I don't think I would have stayed around as long as I have. I love you @duckybarnes1917
Q - quintessential in making my tumblr experience amazing and joyful @biteofcherry
R - radiates warmth and love in every word, action, post or comment @vonalyn
S - sweet as sugar, yet just as spicy! 🌶 wishing you all the sweet, slutty birthday wishes in the world 😉 @buckyismybicycle
T - the way you so effortlessly bring your ideas to life through your stories is awe inspiring, and you never fail to bring me to my knees with all your AUs - crafted so perfectly - and your daddies I will forever drool over @sebstanwhore
U - unstoppable- nothing keeps you down for long and I admire that so much. You inspire me every day to be a stronger version of myself @duckybarnes1917
V - villainous - in the way you write the most heart wrenching stories that make me wanna crawl in a dark hole and cry myself to sleep, only for you then slap me in the face the most pussy throbbing smut I've ever read. AN ICON. @duckybarnes1917
W - when we are together, we create chaos, and your laughter warms my heart @smutconnoisseur
X - X-factor. You've got it in spades baby. @duckybarnes1917
Y - your kindness, and fun loving spirit never fails to warm my heart and make me feel part of something magical. @sgt-seabass
Z - zany- because if we're gonna do anything we're gonna laugh. I love you babe, happy birthday 💕 @duckybarnes1917
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blueteller · 6 months
Perceiving Art
One does not look at a masterpiece, and deny the skill of the creator.
The very existence of art proves the existence of artists. And God, the creator of all things, is the First and the Greatest Artist of them all.
I see His Art in everything. In every living being, in the stones, in the clouds and rain and light. In the grandeur of stars, how they burn, how the planets spin and turn. I see Art in all those things. Their immense, incomprehensive, awesome beauty.
I dare you to gaze upon them. I dare you to look upon those things, and say, "there is no Artist who created those".
My heart knows that could never be true. No skepticism is powerful enough to overwhelm the scale of such awe.
There is an Idea behind all those things. Purpose. Something incredible. Something which shakes my entire being.
There is a "Grand Design" in all things.
To doubt that is to doubt existence itself.
"I think, therefore I am".
Quite the famous phraze, by René Descartes.
Methodic doubt is a way of systematically searching for answers, through constant questioning of the nature of all things. In short, the existence of doubt proves the existence of thought.
And if doubt cannot exist without thought… the same way, existence of beauty proves the existence of art.
Art is an expression of creativity. It exists by intent.
And I see God, the First Creator, being the Artist behind all the other artists. The one who inspired them all.
Which is why humanity, capable of producing art, has truly been created "in His Image".
I know many can, and will, still deny this statement. With doubt rooted so deep in their minds, they will dismiss all beauty and wonder and say, "but what if, beauty is nothing more than a wonderful accident?".
However, I argue that the existence of accidents proves the existence of purposeful actions. If all is accidental, how can there possibly exist "something" with a purpose? If all is aimless, there should be no goals. If art does not exist, all should be bleak and lacking in beauty. If there is no God – how could humans possibly concieve the spiritual?
Doubt proves the existence of thought, for it could not exist without consciousness. Beauty proves the existence of art, for it could not exist without creation.
That is the foundation of my faith.
"I perceive Art, therefore I perceive the One Who Created It."
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depressednoises · 3 months
Trying to get...myself(?), a kimda me, to act like me is...strangely diffixult.
This is the best ibe gotten, and im atruggling qwq;
-ps, yes, i did have to reask to remake but sfw because yk.
Hey, lovely people of the Genshin Impact fandom! Can we take a moment to appreciate the awesomeness that is Xingqiu? Because seriously, this boy is just *chef's kiss* perfection! 💖✨
First off, let's talk about his stunning long hair. It's like a flowing waterfall of silk, and I can't help but be in awe of the artistry put into its design. 😍 And those eyes... they're like shining gemstones that reflect his gentle and caring nature. 😊
Speaking of nature, can we appreciate Xingqiu's sword skills? He wields his weapon with such grace and precision, showcasing his dedication to honing his craft. It's truly inspiring to see him in action! ⚔️💪
And let's not forget about his soothing voice! Whenever he speaks, it's like a calming melody that washes over you. Hearing him recite poetry or share his wisdom is a truly enchanting experience. 🎶✨
Oh, and don't even get me started on his water abilities! The way he manipulates Hydro energy is simply mesmerizing. It's like he has a deep connection with the element, and it's incredible to witness. 🌊💙
In conclusion, Xingqiu is a multifaceted character with so much to love. From his elegant appearance to his skilled swordplay and gentle demeanor, he's definitely a fan-favorite for a reason. Let's celebrate his awesomeness together! 🎉💖
Feel free to share your thoughts and appreciation for Xingqiu in the tags! Let's spread the love for this amazing character! 💕✨
#XingqiuAppreciation #GenshinImpact #CharacterLove #PureAndWholesome
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awesometraveler21 · 4 months
Unveiling the Secrets of the Happiest Country in the World: A Comprehensive Exploration
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In the pursuit of happiness, people often look to travel as a means of experiencing the joy and contentment that different cultures can offer. Among the diverse destinations around the globe, one title stands out — the happiest country in the world. But what factors contribute to this unique designation, and what can we learn from the experiences of those who have ventured into these blissful lands?
Unraveling the Happiness Index
The quest for the happiest country has led many travellers to explore the insights shared on platforms like Awesome Traveler. However, it's crucial to approach such information with a critical eye, as misinformation can inadvertently lead us astray. Let's embark on a journey to discover the secrets of the happiest country in the world, combining credible sources with first-hand experiences to paint a more accurate picture.
Defining Happiness: Beyond the Surface
Before delving into the specifics, it's essential to understand how happiness is measured. The World Happiness Report, a widely recognized source for gauging global happiness, assesses countries based on critical factors such as GDP per capita, social support, life expectancy, freedom to make life choices, generosity, and perceptions of corruption. These metrics offer a comprehensive view of a nation's overall well-being.
The Pursuit of Genuine Joy
Contrary to popular belief, the happiest country does not necessarily have the most luxurious amenities or extravagant lifestyles. Instead, it often comes down to the intangible aspects that define a society. Nordic countries, such as Finland and Denmark, consistently rank high on the happiness index. But what sets them apart?
Social Cohesion and Inclusivity
One common thread among the happiest nations is a strong sense of social cohesion. These countries prioritize community well-being over individual success, fostering a culture of inclusivity and support. This communal mindset extends to various aspects of life, from education to healthcare, creating a safety net contributing to overall life satisfaction.
Work-Life Balance
Another crucial element is the emphasis on work-life balance. In pursuing happiness, these countries prioritize leisure and family time, recognizing the importance of downtime for mental and emotional well-being. Flexibility in working hours, generous parental leave policies, and shorter workweeks are standard practices that contribute to a more harmonious existence.
Personal Experiences and Authentic Insights
While statistical data provides a broad overview, personal experiences offer a nuanced understanding of what makes a country truly happy. Travellers who have explored the happiest destinations often share stories of genuine human connections, breathtaking natural landscapes, and a profound appreciation for simple pleasures.
A Traveler's Tale
One travel enthusiast, as shared on the Awesome Traveler platform, recounts a journey through the serene landscapes of Iceland. The awe-inspiring beauty of nature, coupled with the warmth of the local community, left an indelible mark on their soul. This personal testimony highlights the intertwining factors that contribute to the happiness of a nation.
Verifying Information: Separating Fact from Fiction
While personal stories provide valuable insights, it's crucial to cross-reference information with credible sources to ensure accuracy. The internet is a vast data repository, and fact-checking ensures we base our understanding on reliable information.
Fact-Checking the Source
In the case of the Awesome Traveler platform, it's essential to verify the details provided. Cross-referencing with reputable sources, such as official happiness reports and government statistics, adds a layer of authenticity to the information shared by fellow travellers.
Conclusion: Crafting Your Path to Happiness
In pursuing the happiest country in the world, it's evident that the definition of happiness is subjective and multifaceted. While statistical measures provide a framework, personal experiences shed light on the lived realities contributing to a nation's overall joy. By combining data-driven insights and authentic travel narratives, we can navigate our path toward a happier and more fulfilling existence.
Ultimately, happiness is not a one-size-fits-all destination but a journey shaped by the unique blend of cultural, social, and individual factors that define our lives. As we explore the world and seek inspiration from the happiest countries, let's remember that the true essence of joy lies in the connections we forge, the experiences we cherish, and the genuine moments that make life extraordinary.
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mayaswells · 9 months
Holy Hollywoods Meaningless Transfixions.
Human Being as Grim Reapers of Ash.
A Plea For The Sterilisation Of All Liars.
Let’s Give Death A Chance, Peace Will Follow.
To Pronounce the Name of God; is to Pronounce that God as (not just) Dead —- but to Pronounce that God, as Usurped, or at least Dethroned — and Not-God; as merely “Thrown” like the rest of Being amongst the all-inclusive contingency of the Named, as Immanently material to us —- and thus paradoxically, all Man’s Naming instincts — which is revealed particularly here by his attempts at naming God —- are the practice effectively of a kind of Taxidermists Practice —- a movement inherently always ‘put-out’ of Theology and unto the sphere of Anthropology.
One can go a step further, in regards to Identity, Power, Naming and here in the idea of Pronouncement —- by also admitting the Murderous, or inherently Suicidal and Ashen act of engaging with Pronouns altogether, in gendering the Godhead, they are in that very moment split of from themselves —- and the possibility of their own ultimate wisdom and benevolence —- and effectively the Revelation of an engagement of the Taxidermists Table of which is effectively Hegels “Sluaghterbench” —- making all Gendering a dissection of the Living, or what could also be seen as a kind of transplant of Death, which may very well identify the inner nature of all identity itself — onto Life — in such a way that, it’s very Livelihood is always-already necessarily Murdered, or killed in what is technically Manslaughter —- by Human Beings, In Life’s very identification *as* Life.
Bare Life, in its truest sense, is merely a foolish Judgment of Dress-Codes and Phantasies made all-too-evident —- in the only truly Bare Life being the Life-form, firstly without our linguistically mediated sense of self-consciousness —— and secondly; as an observed phenomena, one whose Spirit leaves the Visionary or Witness, essentially Speechless —- in an absolute immanence, in apprehension without any a-prior, and in a sensuous experience of that Life-form whose essence is entirely Awesome, technically speaking — in truly inspiring nothing but the Speechless Awe of its Spirits Life left Living — revealing the Gravity which is essential to the nature of Death —- and to unconscious value hierarchies (which themselves are the surgeons structuring of Death, as metaphysically built into the projection of Ontology itself, if not to the spectre of an Absolute Ontic —- whose Impossibility slips into the very Impossibility of Ontology itself.
This Gravity of Death, reveals firstly all Life as appearing in the phenomenology of the Ephemeral and within of Subtlety, whose Sublime nature requires an Apprehension of Awe also, if not to be the Apprehensions of the mere Walking Dead, no matter what Zealousness is present —- showing the inherent Lie in all enactments of Persuasion and the attempts at Convincing, which is always a Conspiracy and a Conniving sort of sordid one at that —- whilst also presenting us here with the basic structural aspect of Creation, necessarily prescribing it’s own necessity as always Self-Creation -- with the very Tabletop Bench inherent to the structure of Man’s Created enactments of Creativities, as especially in relation to the Technical; and thus half of the Spirit of all Scientific endeavours also —- requiring such Bench’s to be supplemented with the most Religious of Reverences, In order for them to functionally produce any “Understanding” whatsoever.
The atheist scientist must always acknowledge his bloody handed white gloves, which are stained always be the Blood of the Murdered Godhead — whom, in a form of cosmic joke; reveals the idiotic impossibility of the strange sterility of which one might guess the Catholics left over as a Hauntological spectre, from their nature, In the Sterility inherent to their fallacious and hysterically repressed attempt at repressing the Crucified Christs Genitalia necessarily inherent to the Gendering of which his enfleshed embodiement seems to really demand for the fullest richness of significance to flow unabated as such.
The Scientist repressed the nature of his Agenda in dealing with the study of Nature —- which inherently exists along with the Gendering inherent to enfleshed embodiment —- as the Scientist hysterically repressed and attempts to sterilise the possibility for his own Agenda — using the same Ideological trickery of which the Church endlessly uses —- it is simply here a manner of realising our Naked Emperor today wears no Labcoat or Gloves, not merely costume and show — and so Science was always a Stillbirth from the beginning, in being born dead or has and always has only dealt thusly with the Dead — with its own Mythologically structured and organised Images, just the same as the hypocritical Religious-Man has long been accused of —- it is merely a game here of musical chairs and changes in outfitted Glamour and in terminological evolutions and advances in the very Language itself, rather ever than with an actual Understanding of anything ‘beyond that language’ or ‘outside of it’ —- and so Language is alike a Vampire, Living on sucked blood, and remaining out of direct sunlights revelatory potential.
Language as Death, may very well be a kind of “Virus from Outer Space” - as William Burroughs humorously put it —- and could well kill the potential of all Awe and Life for Human Beings, if they are not to consciously realise what their Languages do —although Communicationis itself an inscrutable aspect fundamental to Life — it must Communicate Content, of which is always the Dead Carcasses of its Hunted Prey —— necessitating Prayer to any People with the Good Sense of retaining the mysterious phenomenology of Speit and Awe in their Lives even worth any longer Communicating —- as despite of the absurdly Holy nature of the Spritof Communication itself —- Human Beings still require a sense of Authoirty in order to Authenticate the Real provisions of the Enthusiasms by which their most acutely beautiful Comunication and Conversions, or Dispellings and Dissolutions
, may ever occur — and so Communion must always wisely acknowledge the Death within of its Ephemeral Desering of Natures Dissution —- of the delicacy involved in Languages Sublation of Life into the ethereal and essentially immortalised, seemingly as Spectre and as Ghost, however Holy, or merely Hollywood.
I myself, as the writer of this document —— do not formally exist in any way but as the phantom necessity retroactively produced by itself he appearance of all Writting; as inferring to us falsely all SpaceMarks Virtually necessity for the Genie like Virtuoso who Acts *as* the personality of the Writer, who actually engaged in its writing —- as if the Heraclitean River was never crossed at al, and yet neither was it acknowledged as a formal limitation upon all of our Human Affairs and Doings.
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snapshotify · 1 year
🎥🌈#Discover #Scenic #Beauty of #Nature | #Exploring the #Best #Scenic #V... 🎥🌈#Discover #Scenic #Beauty of #Nature | #Exploring the #Best #Scenic #Views #shorts #trending 🌆✨ Prepare to feast your eyes on a spectacular visual treat that will leave you in awe! 🌟✨ In our latest YouTube video, we present to you a collection of breathtaking sights and awe-inspiring visuals that will transport you to another world. From stunning natural landscapes to dazzling cityscapes, each frame is a masterpiece waiting to be discovered. Immerse yourself in a symphony of colors, textures, and patterns as we take you on a journey through the extraordinary. Whether it's the vibrant hues of a sunset, the intricate details of a majestic waterfall, or the mesmerizing lights of a bustling city, every scene is a feast for the senses. Let your imagination run wild as we unveil the wonders that await. So sit back, relax, and get ready to be amazed by this truly extraordinary visual experience. Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more captivating content. Enjoy the show! , #spectacular , #amazing , #beautiful , #nature , #awesome , #love , #photography , #travel , #sunset , #instagram , #instagood , #naturephotography , #photooftheday , #beauty , #unique , #view , #sky , #landscape , #gorgeous , #stunning , #happy , #art , #like , #fantastic , #summer , #mountains , #fashion , #sunrise , #life , #india , #visual , #visualart , #design , #artist , #graphicdesign , #creative , #artwork , #music , #kpop , #digitalart , #illustration , #graphic , #d , #photoshop , #photo , #logo , #o , #designer , #visualmerchandising , #style , #photographer , #artofvisuals , #visualsoflife , #visualambassadors , #visualsgang , #visualoflife , #visuals , #bevisuallyinspired , #visualsofearth , #vscovisuals , #visualmobs , #visualauthority , #visualarchitects , #visualgang , #artofvisual , #adventurevisuals , #milliondollarvisuals , #visualarts , #audiovisual , #visualartist , #visualscollective , #visualcreators , #thevisualvogue , #acreativevisual , #thevisualscollective , #visualization , #earthvisuals , #identidadevisual , #visualkei , #visual_heaven , #visual_square , #thevisualcollective , #visualcrush , #visual_creatorz , #vibesofvisuals , #portraitsvisuals , #visualdesign , #visualcollective , #naturelovers , #naturelover , #natureza , #instanature , #mothernature , #nature_perfection , #naturegram , #nature_brilliance , #natureaddict , #lovenature , #naturephoto , #nature_shooters , #naturelove , #natureporn , #natureshots , #nature_lovers , #vsconature , #bestnatureshot , #rsa_nature , #beautifulnature , #nature_seekers , #ig_nature , #naturehippys , #instanaturelover , #nature_good , #nature_sultans , #natureonly , #naturewalk , #naturel , #fiftyshades_of_nature , #allnatureshots , #nature_wizards , #beautyofnature , #naturebeauty , #naturesbeauty , #ig_naturelovers , #ilovenature , #natureart , #scenic , #scenery , #folkscenery , #beautifulscenery , #sceneryphotography , #createscenery , #ukscenery , #sceneryshots , #sceneryporn , #mountainscenery , #jogjascenery , #scenery_lovers , #scottishscenery , #amazingscenery , #scotlandscenery , #instascenery , #changeofscenery , #goodsceneryco , #scenerylovers , #gamescenery , #stunningscenery , #javascenery , #winterscenery , #greenery_scenery , #japanesescenery , #sceneryshot , #devonscenery , #animescenery , #naturescenery , #naturalscenery , #nicescenery , #warcraftscenery , #greeneryscenery , #nightscenery , #scenerypainting , #scenerypic , #prettyscenery , #greenscenery , #alaskascenery , #sceneryphoto , #japanscenery , #landscapephotography , #travelphotography , #clouds , #trees , #outdoors , #explore , #adventure , #tree , #hiking , #picoftheday , #wanderlust , #scenicview , #views , #ig , #travelgram , #instagramnature , #naturelife , #naturepic , #naturekind , #natureatmosphere , #natureofinstagram , #natureheals , #naturepictures , #naturephotos , #naturetime , #naturepage , #naturepost , #natureperfection , #natureseekers , #naturecontent , #naturephotograph , #naturefeel , #naturevibes
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10 Awesome Things To Do In The USA That You Should Try!
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The United States of America is not just a country that symbolizes contemporary lifestyle and carries great weight in global administration. It embodies more than that.
The diverse culture, history, and landmarks of the United States are truly remarkable. Deal with Allegiant Airlines Book a Flight for vacations. With breathtaking attractions, baseball stadiums, and unforgettable road trips, there is an endless supply of fascinating experiences to be had throughout the country. These activities are steeped in American tradition and are sure to captivate your interest without fail!
10 Best Things to Do in USA |Allegiantflyfares
With many activities available in the USA, it cannot be easy to select the most suitable ones for our interests. Fortunately, this blog is here to provide comprehensive coverage for our needs.
Empire State Building: Climb 102 Floors
Climbing 102 floors of stairs or taking the elevator to the top of the Empire State Building is an absolute must for anyone visiting the United States of America. The breathtaking view of New York City from each passing floor is well worth the effort and will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression. So challenge yourself and make the trip to the top - you won't regret it!
Location: 20 W 34th St, New York, NY 10001, United States
Entry Fee: INR 1424 + taxes
Timing: 8 AM to 2 AM
White House: Take A Guided Tour
The historical significance of this location is undeniable, as it has played a crucial role in shaping America's history. It is the exclusive venue where pivotal political decisions are made, and visitors can gain insight into American history through guided tours. Moreover, this location is the official residence of the President of the United States and is accessible to the public during specific hours.
Location: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, United States
Entry Fee: N/A
Timing: Tuesday – Thursday: 7:30 AM to 11:30 AM
Friday – Saturday: 7:30 AM to 1:30 PM
Golden Gate Bridge: Catch A Glimpse Of The Sunset
The Golden Gate Bridge is an iconic American landmark prominently featured in countless Hollywood films. It's a must-visit destination for couples, especially during the picturesque moments of sunrise or sunset. The awe-inspiring views from the bridge create an atmosphere that's second to none and ideal for sharing with a significant other.
Location: Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, CA, United States
Entry Fee: N/A
Timing: 24-hours open
Grand Canyon: Behold The Beauty
The United States proudly boasts a magnificent 277-mile stretch that provides a truly breathtaking view to anyone who visits. Taking in the sunrise or sunset from this location is undeniably one of the most enjoyable activities to partake in with friends as you all bask in the sheer beauty of the place and let go of any inhibitions.
Location: Arizona, United States
Entry Fee: INR 2152 per vehicle || INR 1793 per motorcycle
Timing: 7 AM to 6 PM
Explore the Wildlife at Yosemite National Park
Yosemite is unquestionably a breathtaking park that draws numerous visitors all year round. The park boasts a fusion of natural beauty, awe-inspiring views of the Sierra Nevada mountains, and an attractive village brimming with many restaurants and shops. It's an unparalleled destination for families seeking abundant thrilling activities in the USA.
Location: California, United States
Entry Fee: INR 2152 per vehicle
Timing: 24-hours open
Watch an Exciting Game–Football at AT&T Stadium
Although there are excellent football clubs throughout America, Dallas is the best place to watch the game. The AT&T Stadium can accommodate up to 85,000 people and has two large screens to ensure everyone can see the game. Even if there are no games scheduled during your visit, it is still worthwhile to take a tour of the stadium.
Location: Texas
Entry Fee: INR 2295 for the tour of the stadium
Timing: Monday-Saturday: 10 AM – 5 PM
Sunday: 11 AM – 4 PM
Relive Your Childhood with the Fantastic Treats at Walt Disney World
Touring Disney World is a great option if you're looking for a fun family activity in the USA. This wonderland offers thrilling theme parks and water parks for kids and adults. You're guaranteed to have a blast and leave feeling energized and enthralled! Activities like water splash and kinds of roller coaster ride you could enjoy at Walt Disney World. Not whether you are an adult, or old it will be exciting to your weekend in Orlando for sure. When you are on the trip with your kids, then you should surely add this place to your itinerary while planning the trip.
Location: Orlando, FL, United States
Entry Fee: Around 7,600
Timing: Usually 9 AM to 8 PM for theme parks (Timings for different parks may differ)
Pizza: Taste Happiness
When traveling to the US, you must indulge in the quintessential dish of deep-dish pizza, which can be found in Chicago. These pizzas are one of a kind and should be noticed during your trip. Ensure you visit the top restaurants, including Pizzeria Uno, Tano's Pizza, and Nino's Pizza, to experience the full culinary delight.
Location: Anywhere in the USA
Entry Fee: N/A
Timing: Differs
Experience the Glory and Pride Across the USA in Rushmore National Memorial
The cliffside boasts stunning carvings of the faces of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt. This highly sought-after attraction draws in 3 million visitors annually thanks to its engaging museum exhibits.
Have you ever wondered about the reason behind the four carved faces on this mountain? These sculptures immortalize these presidents as a tribute to their significant impact on the country. Their names and achievements will forever be remembered in this magnificent monument, serving as a testament to their legacies.
Location: 13000 SD-244, Keystone, SD 57751, United States
Entry Fee: N/A
Timing: 5 AM to 11 PM
Glance at the Scenic Beauty of the Grand Canyon
The United States boasts a magnificent attraction spanning 277 miles, offering a breathtaking view to all visitors. Witnessing a sunrise or sunset from this location can be one of the most captivating activities to partake in with friends. Immerse yourselves in the site's beauty and let go of any inhibitions for an unforgettable experience.
Due to the heavy rainfall, the northern rim has recently been shuttered, and most probably, it will open on 4 June 2023. Unfortunately, dropping off your plan for the Grand Canyon National Park tour this month would be best. 
Location: Arizona, United States
Entry Fee: INR 2152 per vehicle || INR 1793 per motorcycle
Timing: 7 AM to 6 PM
Following the above description respectively, you might have even eased on preparing baggage in addition to Allegiant Air Seat Selection for an uninterrupted travel.
Discover some of America's UNESCO World Heritage sites, including the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, the Grand Canyon National Park, Yellowstone National Park, and more. For a complete list of natural UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the USA, check it out.
Source Url: https://diigo.com/0si02z
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6 Pack Keto ACV Gummies Reviews Price Must Watch Side Effects, Pros & Cons?
Official Website: Click Here
Are you happy with your frame? Probably no longer, otherwise you wouldn’t be here. Nowadays, greater human beings than ever before are obese. Scientists even call it an epidemic. And, though the methods such as exercise and ingesting proper are indeed healthful, they’re unreliable for producing weight loss. The properly news, is that we’ve currently taken on a weight loss product that has already proven wonderful success. If you need a body that’s to die for, you then need 6 Pack Keto + ACV Gummies! These chewables use a twofold technique to supply weight reduction in less time than some other supplement you’ve tried. Now, best for a confined time—tied to our deliver—you could pay the lowest 6 Pack Keto ACV Gummies Cost ever! Just head on over to our order page by way of clicking any link you spot here!
The 6 Pack Keto ACV Gummies Ingredients work to utilize current Keto science and ACV to blast your fat away. People anywhere already recommending this formulation to their buddies, cherished ones, and patients. They don’t artificially adjust you frame in any way. What they'll do, however, is inspire your power processors to prioritize burning fat. Normally, they’re no longer going to try this on their very own. Most of the foods we've get admission to to comprise carbohydrates. Though these are essential in moderate quantities, they’re the default energy source to your frame. In order to get the form of weight reduction that you crave, you need to redirect your processors’ innate potential. That’s the 6 Pack Keto ACV Gummies technique! To get started, really hit the link underneath. It’ll take you where you need to visit pay our low cost 6 Pack Keto Price! Read on if you want to study extra!
Click Here To Buy 6 Pack Keto ACV Gummies for a Special Discounted Price Today
What is 6 Pack Keto ACV Gummies?
6 Pack Keto ACV Gummies are an all-natural weight loss components that works speedy. It incorporates factors that have been very well reviewed and studied. The ketogenic gummy is the fine of its kind due to its reputation for producing simplest herbal fat-burning outcomes. It's not possible to discover a extra effective way of losing weight. Weight loss and elevated power levels are  of the various blessings of attaining proper ketosis. Those who cost an extended and wholesome existence need to clearly don't forget trying out this pleasant treatment. The sweet bars truly taste awesome, yet they are packed with healthy stuff. 6 Pack Keto Gummies combats excess fat irrespective of age, gender, or frame type. Definitely inside your price variety; do not suppose twice about making a short buy.
6 Pack Keto ACV Gummies Burn Your Fat?
What is it that makes 6 Pack Keto ACV Gummies Ingredients this kind of powerful weight loss device? It has to do with their aggregate of BHB ketones and apple cider vinegar (ACV). If you’re now not already aware about how the Keto Diet works, we’ll summarize. It’s a popular routine that receives round carbs inside the maximum apparently logical fashion; namely, putting off them. When you purge carbs out of your body, it triggers the ketosis nation. This is a metabolic technique wherein your liver creates the BHB ketones which might be essential for retraining your processors. Ketones put out alerts that inform your processors that they need to begin burning fats. And, doing this promotes extended weight loss, with most practitioners of the diet locating themselves slimmer in mere weeks. The most effective hassle is that reducing out carbs completely is awful for you. It opens up some of risks. It’s no exaggeration to say you may up the chances of a premature dying this way.
There’s a safer choice, and you’ve found it proper right here. 6 Pack Keto ACV Gummies incorporate these same ketones. When you consume them externally, you avoid the want to cause the ketosis state. This way that you could preserve your essential carbs, and avoid the risks of the Keto Diet. Also, because you don’t need to eliminate carb s out of your food plan, you could consume anything you like. It can be tough to accept as true with, however irrespective of your eating habits, it gained’t have an effect on your weight loss progress. Now, we still propose consuming wholesome, exercise, and so forth. The factor is simply that these strategies aren’t tied to burning fats via this remedy. You don't have anything to lose right here besides weight! Why no longer supply it a strive? To do so, tap any of the links at the top of this page. When you do, claim our one-of-a-kind 6 Pack Keto Gummies Price!
Ingredients: How Do 6 Pack Keto ACV Gummies Get Their Shape?
It incorporates no chemical compounds; rather, they comprise a protracted listing of herbal and herbal ingredients that work collectively that will help you shed pounds, get in form, and feel amazing. Some of the maximum crucial ones are indexed underneath.
•          BHB: By facilitating the removal of extra fat, it aids within the recovery of ketosis and the improvement of a trim, athletic physique. You can improve your physical power and stamina at the same time as also increasing your internal health with this recipe.
•          Fenugreek powder: It allow you to manage your blood stress, sugar in blood, and cholesterol even as additionally improving your overall fitness.
•          Garcinia Cambogia Analysis: It no longer only continues you fuller for longer, however it additionally enables to lessen the quantity of fats to your body. Maintaining a healthful blood stress is simply one of the many advantages of the usage of this technique.
•          Apple vinegar: It enables you shed pounds in a healthful way by burning extra fat and regulating your ldl cholesterol and blood pressure.
•          Green tea: Because of its antioxidant residences, it controls fat molecules and makes you in shape from the inner out. It additionally advantages your mind and cardiovascular structures.
•          Vitamin B: One of the numerous benefits of diet B is weight loss and accelerated energy ranges. This nutrient additionally increases metabolic rate.
(LIMITED SUPPLIES) Click Here To Buy 6 Pack Keto Gummies for The Lowest Price Online
6 Pack Keto ACV Gummies Side Effects
Whenever we are seeking for new products to promote, we find so many who fail to attain our requirements. In the case of weight loss formulas, that’s in particular authentic. With obesity having emerge as so commonplace, the weight reduction marketplace is the biggest money maker for huge pharma. Sadly, that encourages companies to push out as an awful lot product as they can, favoring amount over nice. They’ll reduce corners, and victimize people who placed undeserved trust in these “healthcare” companies. By contrast, we only pick out to promote those rare formulation that show themselves beneficial. By combining the results of ketones and ACV, you’re getting a 100% natural acceleration of weight loss, without a headaches. We’ve studied this cautiously, and feature determined no detrimental 6 Pack Keto Gummies Side Effects. The handiest mistake you may make right here, is with the aid of passing up on our provide. This is first-class you don’t often get at such an less costly price!
Dosage Guideline: How Long Should it Take?
Just one gummy have to be ate up with one glass water for immediate results. It has BHB ketones, which are speedy absorbed with the aid of the frame and motive it to release fats shops. Very shortly after ingesting the gummy, some thing happens. After a week, clients who get again on the size will be aware that they have got lost a mean of five kilos.
If five lbs. Of weight loss turned into the goal, the complement may be discontinued after the primary week. Nonetheless, individuals need to preserve taking the supplement if they want to gain extra weight loss.
Optimal results and stronger fitness are finished after constant use for at least three months, as cautioned by using the manufacturer. The advantages boom with time spent the usage of the product. Several users have reported a ten to twenty-pound weight reduction after just one month.
Price Line & Refund Policy: Does it Reasonable?
6 Pack Keto ACV Gummies are the correct starting point for anyone who's keen to take away the excess weight that has been protecting them back. Customers who buy the supplement via the legal website are entitled to loose samples and fee reductions.
•             1 bottle in $sixty nine.95, unfastened delivery
•             You might also keep $10 on delivery when you purchase  bottles at $49.99 each.
•             The rate for a case of five bottles is $39.Ninety nine, and transport is unfastened.
All purchases from the enterprise come with a 30-day money-back assure. A complete refund is available for clients who return all of the bottles within 30 days of buy.
It’s Time To Claim Your Supply!
It’s our wish that this 6 Pack Keto ACV Gummies Review has given you clear steering. It’s our firm belief that this formulation is the great alternative for those laid low with excess weight. If you’re inquisitive about the product, all you want to do is hit one of the hyperlinks above! But, you’ll need to do it soon: we don’t have a whole lot of bottles left. What we do have is quickly disappearing as increasingly human beings go to this web site every day. Don’t leave out your threat for the pleasant 6 Pack Keto ACV Gummies Price online!
Click Here To Buy 6 Pack Keto ACV Gummies From The Official Website Now
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fuelrescueie · 1 year
Be Safe While Driving on the Amazing Ring of Kerry in Ireland by Fuel Rescue
The Ring of Kerry is a spectacular journey around Ireland’s Iveragh Peninsula with jaw-dropping views, unforgettable attractions, and a vibrant nightlife scene. Driving the Ring of Kerry is truly an adventure that should be experienced at least once in your lifetime.
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But when you’re on the road, it’s important to be prepared for any potential mishaps – like putting the wrong fuel in your car. That’s where Fuel Rescue can help! Keep reading to find out more about why you should drive the Ring of Kerry and how Fuel Rescue can make sure your drive is safe and enjoyable.
Exploring The Highlights of The Ring of Kerry
A drive around the stunning Ring of Kerry is a must for any visitor to Ireland. Journey through a landscape like no other, taking in the views of mountains, valleys, lakes and beaches that stretch from Killorglin to Kenmare.
Driving the Ring of Kerry is fun. Plus, it’s easy to navigate! It is 179km, or 111 miles, around the Iveragh Peninsula. Embark on a grand journey along the N70, with brief stretches of exploration down the N71 and N72. Most people will start in Killarney, though. Moreover, it’s a little longer when you add the Skellig Ring to your trip, which we encourage you to do.
Killarney National Park
Killarney National Park in Ireland is known for its stunning beauty, and when you visit, you may forget you’re still on this earth. With its dramatic landscape, historic sites, and vast wilderness, Killarney National Park provides some of the most incredible sights imaginable.
Ross Castle
Ross Castle, located on the shores of Ireland’s scenic Lough Leane, is an awe-inspiring sight. This 15th-century castle stands tall and proud, a testament to its long and tumultuous history.
Its stone walls shimmer in the sunlight, surrounded by rolling hills drenched with greenery. Whether you admire it from afar or take a tour up close, this majestic structure is a standout sight that will stay with you long after you leave.
Torc Waterfall
The beautifully majestic Torc Waterfall is a sight to behold! Its thundering cascade of crystal-pure water offers breathtaking views and an experience like no other.
The Ladies View
Drawing visitors from around the world and nestled in one of the most picturesque spots of Ireland, The Ladies View is a popular attraction on the Ring of Kerry.
This scenic viewpoint magnificently showcases nature’s beauty – with lush hillsides, striking lakes, rolling fields and towering mountains. This enchanting panorama makes it an ideal spot for both locals and tourists alike.
Although Killorglin may not be well-known by international standards, it is quickly becoming renowned as a great base for a weekend away. If you’re looking for an exciting nightlife scene, this small coastal town has something for everyone – delicious food, live music venues, and an atmosphere that makes you feel like you never want to leave.
Rossbeigh Beach
Rossbeigh Beach near Glenbeigh is a popular spot with stunning views of the splendid sea and mountains. The beautiful sceneries make for a restful stop. Whether it’s a quick glance out your window or an extended break with a stroll on the beach, Rossbeigh Beach won’t disappoint.
Mountain Stage
The Mountain Stage lookout point is a must-see for any visitor looking for awesome sea views. Perched above the coastline, this area offers spectacular panoramic scenery with jaw-dropping features like rugged cliffs and white sand beaches.
With a capacity of up to 25 people, it’s perfect for small groups or solo travellers who want to enjoy a picnic in the sunshine or take in the scenery with a camera in hand.
Ballycarbery Castle
Ballycarbery Castle is an enchanting Irish landmark situated near Caherciveen, County Kerry. It was originally constructed in the 1500s by Justin McCarthy, Lord of Muskerry and the leader of the powerful McCarthy Clan.
What remains today are ruins that have endured time and harsh weather for centuries, providing a mesmerising look into the days of yore. Onsite visitors can explore various rooms amidst exciting tales from long ago while also marvelling at the incredible architecture that still stands as a reminder of the McCarthy Clan’s legacy.
Lecanabuile Stone Fort
The ancient Lecanabuile Stone Fort, found in what is now County Londonderry in Northern Ireland, has been standing since the 9th and 10th centuries. A wealthy landowner once used this impressive and now-historic stone site as a milking parlour.
Now, its unique carvings, earthy hues, and at one time, lively activity are preserved in all their wonder and glory. A symbol of Ireland, it’s easy to understand why this is such a sought-after attraction today.
Skellig Ring
Tucked in the southwestern corner of Ireland is the stunning Skellig Ring, made up of two roads – R565 and R566. These rivers provide a loop of adventure for locals and tourists, with attractions that include Valentia Island. This island is famous for its diverse wildlife and hosts an array of activities that all ages can enjoy – such as birdwatching, horse riding and surf lessons.
Planning Your Trip to Stay Safe
Before embarking on your journey through the Ring of Kerry, it is crucial to properly prepare your vehicle or rental car for the trip. Ensure all fluids are topped up, tires are properly inflated, and brakes are working well. It’s also vital to research routes and attractions along the way so that you can plan for stops and sightseeing opportunities.
We recommend checking out travel blogs or websites to get an idea of what activities you can do at each destination. It is also essential that you take note of companies you can call in case you encounter car troubles.
One issue that happens all too often during long drives like this is putting the wrong fuel in the car. You may think that this can’t happen to you. But the truth is that you can never be certain. As such, just make sure you have Fuel Rescue’s contact details.
Fuel Rescue offers services to fix mis-fuelled cars quickly and efficiently, ensuring that your vehicle is in working order so that you can hit the road after a minor setback.
In conclusion, the Ring of Kerry offers endless attractions, from Killarney National Park – Ross Castle, Torc Waterfall, and Ladies View – to Killorglin’s vibrant nightlife scene and Rossbeigh Beach’s stunning views.
You will also find Mountain Stage Lookout Point, with its spectacular sea views, as well as Ballycarbery Castle and the Lecanabuile Stone Fort. Last but not least, we suggest driving The R565 & R566 roads, likewise known as Skellig Ring. Here, an additional loop drive awaits with numerous attractions, including Valentia Island.
But you have to realise that you cannot fully take in the beauty of the Ring of Kerry and have a truly wonderful journey if you do not prepare for the trip. Planning your route ahead of time will make for a great start to any excursion.
It’s also best to anticipate any problem you might encounter along the way. That’s why if you plan to travel on the Ring of Kerry, it’s wise to keep Fuel Rescue in mind as an emergency measure should you ever mistakenly fill your vehicle with the wrong fuel.
Planning to drive on the Ring of Kerry? Enjoy all that Ireland has to offer from behind the wheel, safe in the knowledge that any accidental misfuelling mishaps will be resolved quickly and efficiently by Fuel Rescue! Contact us on 01 280 7661 or 086 2551079
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garudabluffs · 1 year
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2023 January 22 https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap230122.html
‘Awe’ Review: Everyday Epiphanies
Nature’s wild beauty, with its ‘forms most beautiful,’ can be awe-inspiring. But daily life also offers up precious moments of awe.
"Why does the theory of evolution, for instance, strike some people as awesome? Perhaps because, as Mr. Keltner says, in the moment when we grasp its truth we also see that it consists, in Darwin’s words, of “forms most beautiful.”
READ MORE https://www.wsj.com/articles/awe-review-everyday-epiphanies-11675119954
30 Comments "Have your kids and employees watch the youtube clip “I Pencil, the Movie” (6 minutes) to then discuss how truly amazing every tool and service that surrounds us is. Consider the - variety, quality, convenience and affordability - of everything v what Homo Sapiens didn’t have for 300K years up to even the mid-50” in the US. (Music is an inspiring universal. Consider listening to the best music of all time in stereo through your Airpods whenever you like.)"
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Everyday awe: Science's answer to your search for happiness Feb. 03, 2023
Dacher Keltner, founding director of the Greater Good Science Center. Professor of psychology at the University of California, Berkeley. Host of The Science of Happiness podcast. Author of Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life.
LISTEN 47:19 READ MORE https://www.wbur.org/onpoint/2023/02/03/everyday-awe-sciences-answer-your-search-happiness-dacher-keltner
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angelguids · 1 year
A quick escape from reality
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Carmen, Cebu "Sea and Slopes" are your best option if you want to unwind and get away from the hustle and bustle of city life. On Cebu's southern coast, you can find this lovely resort. You'll be in awe of the resort's beauty the moment you arrive there. A truly picturesque ambience with brilliant blue skies.
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In addition to that, the air is extraordinarily clean, which is a refreshing change from city life. It's the ideal location for taking in the beauty of nature while escaping the heat of the sun. 
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Everything you need to make your stay comfortable is provided in the beach house at Carmen Cebu Sea and Slopes. You can make your own meals if you'd prefer because the kitchen is fully furnished with a stove and a refrigerator. It's the ideal place to unwind and recharge because the bedrooms are cozy and well-appointed. 
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The bathrooms at the resort are among their best features. Their bathrooms are awesome, compared to other resorts where they can be challenging to use. Their toilet bowls are inspired by Japanese style which I find interesting. We're a big family, and the resort's swimming pool is the perfect place for us to create unforgettable memories. Due to the size of the place and the abundance of activities, the resort is also ideal for team-building exercises. 
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Carmen, Cebu, Sea, and Slopes is a fantastic destination in general. The resort is lovely, peaceful, and well-equipped. It's the ideal location to get away from the chaos of city life. The experience and memories you'll make here may be a little expensive, but they're definitely worth it.
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riftstudiosnyc · 1 year
Assistance with Recording Studio Setup
There are simply such innumerable things that ought to be thought of. The room, the recipient choices and approaches, soundproofing and acoustic treatment, studio screen choices and position... it's an expansive outline. I've zeroed in on everything comprehensively. I truly don't acknowledge I'm particularly capable about the field. I oversee It-Yourself courses of action and cost valuable stuff decisions that make audiophiles chuckle. In any case, I'm alright with that, since I've never decided to fulfill them. My foundations are in punk music. So for my inspirations, getting the show truly has as a ton to do with the possibility of the music as it does the creation. So I overall mean to find an enchanting center ground. Likewise, I think I've really had the decision to do this in my recording studio.
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I offer had the decision that might be of some value for a basic assistance to nearby performers who fundamentally don't have the assets for keep in the expert recording studio. I never had the cash then again. How should you think I appeared? Ideally I have an adequate number of cool tips and misleads accessible to me to assist the beginner with entering the universe of sound recording. The association shouldn't even mess around with to be horrendous. It will not anytime be direct, yet it will overall be less unsavory.
Start with the room. In the event that it doesn't sound awesome, then, at that point, stop. Time to make a move. Place bass gets in the corners to assist with tidying up the low-end thunder. Place broadband securities at fundamental reflection thinks commonly through the room. There are a lot of Do-It-Yourself manages both of these. I coordinated my own bass gets by stacking fiberglass into a self-fabricated outline with wire. I then, covered them with non-smart material. For the reflection communities, I basically got some veneration seat pads off the side of the road and utilized them. In any case, I made a point to shower them down with sanitizer sprinkle. Both of these strategies will help hugely. Recipients will get what you feed them, so it's evidently genuinely quick to give them something pleasurable to process.
Uncommon studio gear doesn't need to go with a temperamental retail cost. We should explore intensifiers. A modest heap of Fracture Studios could help you through a whole assembling whenever utilized the correct way.
Moreover, there are likewise unique different brands that give serious areas of strength for quality at a spending plan cost. Do some evaluation. Look at some enhancer shootouts on the web. Condenser intensifiers might be supposed to get the natural sound of the room. A matched plans of condenser mics is generally the decision as overheads for a drum set. To the extent that situation goes, there are decides that can be seen, yet there are no particular headings. Simply post for stage issues. Besides, trust your ears. Expecting it sounds great, go with it.
Precise screens are very fundamental in the recording studio. They are key for getting the sound unequivocally. An everything considered level recurrent reaction is required. No bass or high frequencies ought to be pointless. By and by, for the screens to work unequivocally, the room should be unmistakable. That is where the importance of acoustic treatment ends up being possibly the primary component. Get a fair condenser evaluation mouthpiece and make evaluations of the room. I utilize the REW Room EQ programming for this. It's astoundingly easy to utilize and can be set up rather rapidly. With scarcely enough energy, I had the decision to get my room inside 3db across the whole recurrent reaction. Moreover, I have had no awful remarks about the sound being gotten in my recording studio.
So these are a few strategies for setting up a recording studio. At this point it is the ideal chance to follow the going with hit record.
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drgreg · 2 years
Veterinary Surgeons In Eikenhof, Meyerton, South Africa
With a family of four we had one of the best “working” holiday ever. Up every single day at first light, scanning the skies and the waters, enjoying the guides’ instructions, loving the scientific exposés, the terrific foods and drinks. A truly distinctive experience.Albatross Thursday shall be remembered by every passenger.
He only obtained assessed today, and as I hoped, his golf health check was fairly good. After three weeks of training and hitting more balls than I’ve hit in an awfully very lengthy time, I was definitely getting impatient. What you rating is what you write down on the scorecard, so every shot has a consequence, and it’s the polar reverse to the driving vary the place you just reload and take a look at again. Brett Berman won once more for the 2nd time in 4 years, when his closing sixty nine was too good for Milton Maloon and 2018 winner Barry Sundelson. Two pretty massive developments centred around tech arose in golf in the last week or so.
A completely enjoyable journey – fascinating lectures, great company and so properly organised. A terrific expertise, superbly organised, exceeded all expectations. I vote for Flock to Marion because the greatedt tourism occasion. Most amyzing expertise ever on this trip to the Southern seas. This was one of the dr greg hough best expertise I really have ever had and I will remember the awesome Albatross sightings for as long as I live. Such a pity I missed it, nevertheless it was a tremendous initiative and enjoyed immensely by those who attended.
The function of the Dads & Daughters Weekend has been specially designed to create house for Dads to spend time with their daughter, strengthen relationships and study new issues. Matthew Pritchard receives an Honours Award for Rugby. Mabogoame Gabaraane receives an Honours Awards for Basketball. Luke Kelly receives an Honours Award for Squash. On Tuesday afternoon, 15 March 2022, the annual Neil Aggett Memorial Lecture was delivered at Kingswood College.
From friends’ accounts it was indeed a beautiful and unique experience. This trip is a unique and exemplary tourist opportunity with so many personal advantages, prime world conservation commercial and advertising opportunity. A journey of a Lifetime which surpassed expectations particularly contemplating all of the challenges the organising group had to face. Once in a lifetime expertise, by no means to be forgotten. What a privilege to be part of this historic cruise, thanks, BirdLife SA and MSC Cruises ! A heart-warming experience being amongst such passionate, generous, conservation-minded people having fun with a cruise into the Southern Ocean.
BLSA enabled me to experience this awe-inspiring pure phenomenon, otherwise solely available to analysis scientists and their support groups. I could not make it this time but definitely will be there for the next. Such trips tick all of the packing containers and are additionally an excellent personal studying experience. Flock to Marion was an amazing nature lovers trip along with their fund-raising, deserve to win. Sorry we couldn’t make it this time, amazing dedication by Birdlife and MSC to make it occur.
For instance, aiming for the middle of the green and never the flag, or leaving the driver in your bag on a narrow fairway and taking a club with a tighter dispersion. I actually don’t wish to jinx anything, however all of the forecasts are exhibiting fairly decent probabilities of rain coming from today/Tuesday, and hopefully continuing for the the rest of the week and into the weekend. There are a number of other groups that assist draw us nearer to Jesus. These groups were inducted within the Chapel on Friday morning. Congratulations to our U15A water polo girls who resulted in 7th/20 position on the Shaun Fuchs Tournament hosted by Crawford College this final weekend. At our annual Neil Aggett Memorial Lecture right now, a particular award was made to Old Kingswoodian, Uyinene Mrwetyana who was tragically killed last yr.
Individuals shall be on the heart of the health model. Localized health hubs will play a larger position in the health care of the longer term. As the relaxation of the health care trade transforms, what does this alteration mean dr greg hough for Medicaid beneficiaries and Medicaid agencies? Medicaid’s mission should still be to enhance the health of people with disabilities and decrease incomes to permit them to get the well being care services they need, but the method in which Medicaid accomplishes this will change.
She has posthumously been awarded the Neil Aggett Memorial Award. As we begin out on this journey we're very mindful of all of the challenges that you just as parents of young youngsters are facing presently. We would really like to share this burden with you, and not switch more of a burden onto what is already a huge ask.
Well done on the success of Flock to Marion too Sounded a fully wonderful trip and expertise. I followed the trip and will definitely be on the subsequent on. An unusual and once in a lifetime expertise. A family member went on this once in a life time journey into the Roaring Forties where few dare to enterprise. Would like to see extra of these type of packages where one can combine luxury accommodation and even household accommodation with spending time in nature guided by experts and contributing through citizen sciences. BirdLife has accomplished and continues to be doing a lot for SA birdlife.
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agendabengal32 · 2 years
Don’t Forget Your Fifth Wall You’ve probably seen more and more wallpapered ceilings turning up on your social media feeds. If Modern Home Wall Decoration ’re wondering, “Why wallpaper a ceiling?” India Wallpaper Wall Mural ’ve come to the right place. Ceiling wallpaper serves as an answer to a myriad of design conundrums while also serving to boost aesthetic interest in any space. Whether you’re looking to highlight architectural features like an artfully recessed ceiling or you simply don’t have wall space to decorate due to windows and doors, ceiling wallpaper can bring a bold impact to the room as well as a unifying design element. What Are The Pros Doing? Interior designers are embracing the fifth wall and coming up with all kinds of creative ways to decorate ceilings in a way that complements and enhances the aesthetic of the room overall. Some designers have played with continuing a mural design from wall to ceiling, while others have found show-stopping ways to use ceiling murals for immersive optical illusions and intriguing overall effects. Already sold on the idea of applying wallpaper to your ceiling? If you’re looking for some guidance on how to get started, you can check out our blog post on how to wallpaper a ceiling. Still looking for a little inspo? Keep reading to see what professional designers have been doing to bring some wow to clients’ ceilings. Swim Under the Stars From highly realistic sky ceiling wallpaper that creates a trompe l’oeil effect to artistic starry night sky wall murals, open your space up to the vastness of the cosmos with stunning sky-inspired ceiling murals. For this indoor pool, the designers at Dual Concept Design truly made our Galaxy wallpaper mural their own. Trending Nature wallpaper writes, “We had this mural embellished by a local artist with hand-painted with glitter paint, as well as added Swarovski crystal. Your mural was just what we needed to make this space sparkle.” Turning A Café On It’s Head Don’t miss an opportunity to create a lasting impression on customers with your restaurant’s décor. Decorating your ceiling can lead to unexpected surprises that will awe and excite new visitors. Interior designer Vanessa DeLeon of Vanessa DeLeon Associates created a fantastical second location for the East Coast-based Brownstone Pancake Factory. Vanessa says, “In design I love being innovative, and thinking outside the box. Using custom wallpaper allowed me to be creative and expressive.” Personalized Pantry Grace Mitchel, designer and HGTV personality, is an expert on creating décor that reflects a family’s personality. 3D Buddha Mural Wallpaper says, “On my first meeting with the awesome Flores family, I was struck by the amount of serving pieces, glassware, and part supplies they owned and were storing all over their house! Thus Nature Wallpaper was born and made complete with art from Kelly Kay Paper that we enlarged thanks to Murals Your Way and put on the ceiling.” Even if a room doesn’t have much wall space due to cabinetry, windows, or whatever else, ceilings are prime real estate for expressing your own personal style.
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Sky’s the Limit Why stop with just a feature wall? 3D Buddha Wallpaper from the Creative Design Group extended this scenic nighttime forest mural to the ceiling of the client’s son’s bedroom. “This boy is into astronomy and enjoys the night sky,” Kelly writes. “We used shades of blue in this space with hints of natural textures and tones. This mural enhanced the space so well that we decided to bring the imagery up to the ceiling as well!” Ceiling Wallpaper Ideas Now that you’ve seen what the pros have been up to, feel free to explore ceiling wallpaper options of your own. Mural Wallpaper and wallpaper collection includes great places to get started including tree canopy murals and fine art frescos.
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