#naga!Noah AU
perpetualexistence · 1 month
Coils and Toils
Alenoah Week Day 3: Role Swap / TDWT Ending Rewrite
I decided to use woah-i-am-here's roleswap Alenoah for my funky little AU for today. The personalities are based mostly on their AU, and most of Alejandro's backstory is as well. Noah's I took more creative liberties with. It was a bit hard to translate that one over with this being a naga AU.
Because this is me, I couldn't help but make this a tiny bit dark at the end. So I'm just going to put a content warning for murder here to be safe.
Alejandro and Noah are fine! ...Someone else, not so much.
Alejandro is forced to go on his family's annual hunting trip. It's a week-long 'bonding' activity. He really doesn't care for it. He knows it's just an excuse for his parents to brag about traveling the world and conquering nature. José always turns it into this big competition that no one asked for, gets their parents praise, and rubs it into Alejandro's face. It's predictable, it's annoying, and it's bound to drive Alejandro up a wall.
The instant they split up, Alejandro focuses on putting as much distance between himself and the rest of his family. He's not going to hunt a damn thing. He'l just have 'bad luck'. It's an excuse he's used before, but it's not like they can truly make him do anything. He turns off his walkie talkie, the only thing that works in these godforsaken woods, because otherwise he'll have to hear his brother incessantly praising himself for each kill he bags. He has a bag of supplies, GPS included, and a gun. He'll be fine.
As he walks through the woods, he starts to notice strange markings on the ground. He'd mistake them for signs of animals having passed by. Except this looks wider than something like a bear having pushed through some brush. He climbs up a tree to get a better vantage point. From here, he can notice that it looks more like something large was dragged through the woods. The concerning part is it was dragged continuously. As if whatever was doing the dragging was having no issue in doing so. Despite the thing being as wide as train tracks.
That's when he heard the rustling. He couldn't tell where it was coming from, but it was getting louder.
Climbing down would attract too much attention. He could only cling against the tree as tightly as he could, and hope whatever it was didn't look up.
"Oh. You're new." said the voice that came from his right.
He dared to turn his head. He met the gaze of two slitted pupils.
Alejandro was over 12 meters off the ground and he was directly meeting the gaze of another.
He looked down to see the torso of the giant he was now looking at connected not to legs, but to a snake's tail.
He's grateful his instinct was to cling tighter to the tree, and not to loosen his grip.
After Alejandro successfully doesn't faint, the two get into proper greetings. Noah's incredibly polite, and is clearly doing everything in his power to make himself come off as careful about the height difference as possible. He's controlled in every action he takes.
...Too controlled for someone currently claiming that he's lived by himself in the woods his entire life. If he had, then he probably wouldn't know to control his volume or have anything resembling manners.
Alejandro calls him out on this, which shocks Noah for a bit. Not only that Alejandro found him out, but also that he'd have the courage despite Noah's size advantage. Alejandro realizes he might have screwed up hard, except Noah laughs and lets some of his mask slip.
He tells something closer to the truth this time. He's from the fae realm, and got cursed to look like this. He's trapped in these woods, serving as its guardian. Meaning he does need to know why Alejandro's trespassing.
Now it's Alejandro's turn to start lying his ass off. He knows about the fae thanks to reading, but he has no idea how much is true and how much isn't. He doesn't know what answer is acceptable, what answer will get him killed, and he doesn't know if Noah can read people.
He admits to being on a hunting trip, but he hadn't killed anything yet as his priority was finding somewhere to make camp. He didn't know he was trespassing, and wants to ask proper permission to stay in the woods for a week. He says nothing about the rest of his family because he knows that they've certainly killed animals by now.
Noah chooses to believe him. And because Alejandro did ask nicely (though with a bit of sarcasm since he couldn't help himself), Noah will let him stay. But he's only allowed to hunt what he needs to in order to survive. In return, Noah will promise not to hurt him. He'll even make a fae bargain, so both are bound to keep to their deal.
Alejandro doesn't really have much choice but to accept. Not that he planned to do any hunting anyways, but he has to go with this now or risk Noah catching wise. Noah lets him know that if Alejandro needs anything, Noah'll stay around here to make himself easier to find.
So Alejandro is allowed to leave to 'go find a place to make camp'. Which means returning to his family's camp and checking that Noah isn't following him. At least he's too loud to get away with sneaking up on the human.
Still, now Alejandro is going to have to convince his family not to go near the area Noah is in. He can't tell them Noah exists. They'll think he's finally lost it. Instead, he settles for committing to heading in that direction when his family splits apart to hunt each morning.
He doesn't have to actually go anywhere near Noah's slithering grounds. He just needs everyone else to think he's going there.
...Yet, Noah has been the most interesting thing that's happened to him in quite a while. The only other person who has proven to be an intellectual match to Alejandro is Jose. And he's insufferable. Noah is dangerous, certainly, but he isn't hard to be around. So long as Alejandro is careful about what he says. Besides, if he can keep Noah occupied, then he'll know that the rest of his family is safe.
This has absolutely nothing to do with how attractive Noah is or how his laugh made Alejandro melt like butter.
So he goes back to Noah the next day and says he wants to know more about Noah.
"Sure, I'm an open book." Noah replied. "You're as open as a mouse trap." Alejandro retorted.
This gets another laugh out of Noah, and the two begin to bond.
Over time Noah reveals that he hates the outdoors. He misses being small enough to read in peace. Not that he even has any reading material on him. But Alejandro does since his original plan had been to find a spot in the forest to read the entire time. So he pulls out one of his books and offers to read it aloud to Noah.
"Is that the only one you have?"
"I thought you were desperate enough to read anything."
"I just want to know what my options are. I don't want to read anything trashy if you're holding out on me."
This would be enough to make Alejandro snicker at how spoiled Noah was acting. He might have been imagining things, but he swore he saw the tip of Noah's tail flicker in delight at the sound.
Alejandro found himself going from keeping a respectable distance from Noah to leaning against the naga's coils.
Alejandro would begin to open up about his family. How he tires of playing second fiddle to Jose, and how his parents do everything in their power to encourage him. They put on a show for the world to see that Alejandro is 'lucky' enough to be a part of. He tried to show Jose up, once upon a time. But loss after loss whittled away at him. Until there was nothing left but a bitter, snarky teenager who would rather stay in his room than deal with anybody. Still with the knowledge of how to charm and fight, but none of the motivation.
It would lead to Noah opening up about his own family. He came from a line of powerful fae. Having eight siblings in the fae realm meant they were constantly fighting for everything. He was last in line to inherit anything by birthright. If he wanted anything, he'd have to fight for it. As the youngest, Noah could never hope to win in a battle of strength. He adapted to winning battles of wit instead.
He didn't care that he had to fight dirty. He never got a fair chance in a fight with his siblings. Why should he return the favor? The only way he'd beat his siblings is if he performed just a minor coup, so he did. Or well, he tried. He underestimated his parents' ability to catch on to his tricks.
So they cursed him. "You'll live as you truly are in the wild until you learn the sanctity of a life." Rather shitty of them to exile their own child instead of acknowledging the environment they created in the first place. But, oh well. Noah's here now. ...and it feels surprisingly refreshing to let his guard down and tell someone else this.
Alejandro is reminded that he should in no way shape or form trust someone who tried 'a minor coup' on his own parents. ...But it is nice to have Noah agree that Alejandro's parents and brother are in fact terrible. He'd been around so many sycophants to the Burromuerto name, he thought he must be the mad one for thinking ill of them.
Sadly though, the week is up before they know it. Alejandro is going to have to go back home, and miss his new boyfriend. Alejandro finishes reading the last book he brought over so Noah can have a proper ending. At this point, he's grown so comfortable with Noah that he's nestled in between Noah's loose coils. Noah could kill him easily anyways, so why deny himself something so warm and cozy?
By the end, Noah gifts him the largest moose he can find. It'll be rations for the road, plus the antlers will make for a good hunting trophy. He knows it's gauche but his options for giving gifts as a giant snake thing are limited.
Alejandro suspects something's up by the look in Noah's eyes, but doesn't say anything. Rejecting Noah's gift would be a terrible idea if fae work how he thinks they work. He could just bury the gift when he's far enough away from Noah. He can't imagine anything good would come from bringing this to his family.
...Yet he's so tired of them. He feels more comfortable with a stranger he's only known for a week than with his own family sitting down for dinner. That stranger could squeeze him to death without a second thought and he'd still trust Noah more than he would trust Jose not to find an excuse to shoot him in the head when he's in a mood. So you know what? Whatever happens to his family will just have to happen to them.
He takes the gift back to his family so he can actually win at something for once. Jose tries to play it off, but it is the biggest thing hunted, so that's what the Burromuertos decide to eat as their final meal here before heading out.
Alejandro, not trusting Noah, wisely waits for everyone else to eat the food first. He gets away with it because the second they take a bite, they're hooked. They're scarfing the food down like animals. He pushes his portion into the fireplace. He's grateful he did when his mother starts coughing, then gasping, then choking for air and foaming at the mouth. Soon followed by his brother, then his father.
Noah said his new body reflected his true self. Alejandro isn't surprised that means he's a venomous snake.
Noah slithers quietly behind him. He's genuinely happy that Alejandro did survive this. Because if he didn't, Alejandro wasn't the type of person Noah thought he was.
"If you hadn't found a way around it, then you weren't worth all the time and effort I put into you. And that would have been such a pity, truly."
Noah knew Alejandro was lying about being by himself the whole time, and that it was probably because his family had been hunting without his permission. Fae rules said he had to do something about it, and from how Alejandro described them, there was absolutely no reason to let them live. Alejandro getting caught in the crossfire was a calculated risk. 'Noah' couldn't harm Alejandro, but that isn't to say one of his gifts couldn't.
However, he genuinely thought he had done a great job of gaining Alejandro's trust. He believed Alejandro had no idea the gift was a trap, or at least didn't realize it until later. To find that Alejandro actually did know that the gift was tainted from the beginning, and that he still chose to give it to his family? He's delighted. Especially when Alejandro admits he's not that worked up about their deaths as he feels he should be. And when Alejandro pulls one last contigency:
Noah never gave an end condition to when he could harm Alejandro. So as long as Alejandro only hunts for food and not for sport, Noah can't cause any direct harm to him, ever.
Noah could of course try to find another work around to get rid of a final loose end. But he's much happier to offer him a place in the woods for as long as Alejandro wants. And he wants to start dating Alejandro properly. Alejandro has nowhere else to go, and he's much happier here than he's ever been. So he agrees to the home, and to being Noah's boyfriend.
Noah takes care of Alejandro, and Alejandro works on a way to break Noah free from his curse. 'A life' could just mean one person specifically after all. So if Alejandro just makes sure that person is him, he'd be set for life.
Everyone else?
Not their problem.
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kinderartifact4 · 30 days
First post on my Magic AU! Someone was interested in it, so, before I start on answering that ask I thought I’d post the species I’ve assigned to the characters for now. Just the hosts, gen 1 cast, and Emma & Kitty for now. Quite a few of them don’t have additional info because I couldn’t think of anything significant.
Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Chris & Chef- Humans
+Chris still hosts TD
+They’re both pretty much the exact same
+Chris is a little bit nicer though
Blaineley- Human
Don- Human
Josh- Human
Noah- Angel
+Burrowing Owl Wings
+Mage (very skilled in magic)
+Alias among humans during the war was “Thunderbird” (might change)
+Dated Cody after WT, but he broke it off due to religious backlash.
+He knows how to speak demon
Cody- Ajror Demon
+Blue Jay Wings
+Genetic magic, like all demons
+Deathly afraid of Driders, specifically the giant variety, so Phobia Factor definitely plays out differently for him
+He got the Cone of Shame during World Tour
+The whole “mauled by a bear” thing happens a bit differently; that bear was also fighting for it’s life, it was an equal opportunity mauling
+Tried so hard to court Noah during action and WT, but he didn’t do so well because he tried to be somewhat subtle this time around but Noah didn’t know what demon courting customs looked like so it flew right over his head.
+Cody was the one who kickstarted the revolution that lead to the war.
+His mother’s side of the family is Ajror nobility, so by default Cody is also nobility.
Emma & Kitty- Angels
+Magpie Wings
+Emma knows how to use a sword
+Kitty knows basic healing magic
+Emma and Jake’s break up played out differently in this AU
+To put it short, he was a specist prick who made it very clear he thought Emma looked better without her wings (for context, an Angel without their wings looks exactly like a human)
+Emma definitely still had her own flaws, but still
Eva- Satyr
Izzy- Halfbreed
+3/4 Demon, 1/4 Naga
+Tokë Demon(plant variety)
+Alias among humans during the war was “Wildfire”
+One thing she got from being part Naga is her sense of smell; she can track people kinda like a bloodhound
Heather- Drider
+Magical knowledge is limited to making herself look more human
+Glamour magic, if you will
+She basically domesticated herself
+Type of venom is non-lethal, aka paralyzing
+She HAD siblings when she was little
Alejandro- Human
+Doesn’t have magic during the show, but discovers he has a magic ability known as “leeching” during the war
Sierra- Human
Duncan- Neko
+Lives up to his species ‘thief’ stereotype
+Really good at what he does too
Gwen- Naga
+Still claustrophobic, which is ironic because wild nagas typically live in burrows
+Uses glamour magic to make herself look more human
Owen- Naga
+Not Wild-Born
+Uses glamour magic
Trent- Mer
+Siren subspecies
+Uses magic through singing, but can also channel it through instruments
Bridgette- Mer
Justin- Elf
Ezekiel- Harpy
+Nobody likes him that much because of how his species is viewed, Noah especially
+Tries too hard to show he’s nothing like how his kind is depicted
DJ- Human
Courtney- Human
Leshawna- Human
Geoff- Human
Harold- Human
+No magic, typical human
+However he knows a lot about the other species customs and cultures and such
Tyler- Satyr
Lindsay- Faun
Beth- Human
Katie- Demon or Mer
Sadie- Demon or Mer
(Sadie and Katie will be updated when I make up my mind, any help with that would be appreciated)
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helloblobbyblobfish · 2 years
My writing masterpost
I am reblogging so many things, I had comments about doing a masterposts allowing people to find my writing more easily. Sorry.😓
A bit unsure how to sort the many different things I wrote, the posts will probably be updated not only with new stories but also get re-organized.
Big romance 2: abandonned oc x tadashi story. Should At least clean it. My first story. God it is full of faults. T.T
DC comics
The bat and the pencil: A batman x the eraser fanfic where Lenny gave amnesia to bruce. One chapter up on Tumblr. In need of transportation from A03.
Chapter 1
Blooming red: An AU where Jason Todd’s a meta with powers similar to Ivy’s. Chapters can go individually from crack to pure angst.
Jason the wannabe flower-boy: At first, Jason didn’t want to know what his powers were.
Jason the sprout: Jason doesn’t quite grasp his new powers and suffers a traumatic encounter
A plant boy in space: Much later down the line, Dick gets Jason admitted on the JLA.
A snake in the nest: Attempt at Timber. Mixed together with my love with obscure characters to make a story where Danny Temple comes asking Tim for help to keep Kobra in check, and Bernard needs to really learn about his boyfriend’s secret life.
Life with Tronzler the cat: Sam is out of the grid, and now has a weirdly behaving program as an unwanted guest. Wait, is he acting like a feline?
Linked Universe
E.E.F.K (Edy!Eldritch!Knigk!Four) : Me showing all my weird Four headcannons in one story.
Chapter 1 The fall: Sky and Four fall into a underground labyrinth. Four has a way of lighting up the path, but...
Chapter 2: Incoming! Being Written! Wind and Four talk magic! Fire!Earth! Water! WIND!: Wind is bored and decides to train his magic. Four joins him.
Original work (Mostly hypno-stuff, horror is starting to show up.)
Safety in coils : About a Naga who decides to study humans and becomes sort of an unintentional dad for some kids.
Safety in coils: The diary of the naga as he meet those kids, and especially abused Noah.
Obliviousness is contagious and my dad is a safety hazard: A day in the life of  Noah
Chapter three who needs to be tweaked! Not a priority ion my work list. :( (Edit: that’s done. Should post it soon)
Lovely melody: Inspired by a somnefarious drawing on Twitter, a French teen get a romance with a merman.
The testament of Henry Branson: A young man learned he is one of the heirs to his great-uncle fortune. He and his more direct family go to the deceased’s mansion, and conflicts arises over the heritage. While everyone is out for themselves, strange deaths start to occur. Need to put latter chapters that are already written on Tumblr.
Welcome to Branson Manor! We hope you won’t stay: Meet the players!
Sins of the father: After the reading of the will, the family starts to rip itself apart immediately. Maybe they should notice the disparitions a little more...
Matai : A Salmoan sorcerer build himself a family. (Might go into the hornies later.)
Chapter 1: Fetu Lanuola  “welcomes” Ace West into his household
THE HORNIES (not necessarily NSFW, just me trying to be sure you don’t get anything trying to be kinky 🙈 . Mostly original, but I started a supernatural fic)
Captions: Plenty of hypnosis-themed little (and slightly bigger) stories. Link towards the tag, or else they would be taking too much place.😮‍💨. Amongst the most notable series or individual captions around, we have:
Special hearing : A hard of hearing teen uses audio subliminals messages to get his revenge on his bullies. one caption for now, working on a second.
The champ : A teen uses a voice-based mind control to take control of the family of a rival after he is kicked off the team for being gay. 3 stories uploaded, I think a fourth is somewhere on my files...
The perfect wedding: A most beautiful and totally normal laos wedding, we swear! Might get a sequel if i have an idea. Someone had asked if there would be a sequel, back when that story was new... A one-shot for now.
The Hello series: Mostly a thing in my head, with only one caption published. A man with powerful brainwashing pheromones goes around turning people to his point of view
Phone haze: A teen discover his brother put a mind-control app on his phone and goes on a rampage. I should be able to find the second caption somewhere in my docs.😐
A Mediterranean date: While waiting for his date, Eracle is accosted by a strange guy
Thank you: A jock tries to interrupt a DnD (actually Call of Ctulhu) session a frat brother is having. Bad plan.
Coming Out Party: written for pride month 2022. A mysterious strange has an effect on the people he meets on the way to a pride parade.
The Full-blown series
A ghost of a memory: Series I really should remember exist. One chapter isn’t a lot. 🙈 A migrant mourning his dead boyfriend learn the boyfriend is kicking around as a ghost, possessing the clients of the hotel they work/used to work at.
The clock : Collab with @mathhypnostories about a boy finding a old watch with hypnotic powers! Four chapters for now!
Sasquatch and candies: Supernatural fic, post-series, Sabriel focus. Sam meets Gabriel, who has survived (again), and is planning on using a strange artifact to make Sam his.
Chapter 1: Gabriel uses a hunt to attract his love. originally a one-shot.
I dream of angel: Waking up after a dream he can’t remember, Sam get himself in a zombie apocalypse. Strange visitors come to the near-by hospital.
Do flesh drones dream of roboticlight toys? (Place-holder name. Basically, hypno/mind-control/brainwash one-shot about sciences that I headcanon as being set in the same-verse)
Shoppy’Slave: A man shops for his first slave.
The leather pet doctor: A new pet needs to be examined to figure out what  kind of animal he is.
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blair-witchisme · 3 years
Ok ok monster au reaction's to there s/o's drinking a whole bottle of sparking cider boo-jay
Werewolf Evan- He’s the one that gave you the bottle, didn’t expect you to chug it so now he’s worried about you and won’t leave you alone  “Wh..How?”
Werewolf Habit- He cheered you on the whole time and brought out a second bottle to chug with you... pretty sure he thinks he’s drunk but he isn’t “Babe let’s do another shot.. wooo” “It’s apple juice”
Succubus Michael- He’s so confused right now, are you even alive? Are you going to get sick? He can barely drink ginger ale soda in one go you fiend “... Do you need a bowl?”
Succubus Patrick- Proudest Boy, he’s just so amazed right now that you did that in one go. Probably smiled the whole time and laughed as he watched “Oh holy shit, how are you doing that?”
Ghost Kevin- Laughing the whole but he’s scared “Babe stop, please, that’s not... no *chuckles nervously*”
Ghost Observer- Rooting you on the whole time only to find out that it was non-alcoholic, he was hoping to keep you at his place so he can cuddle you “Babe are you sure you can drive tonight?” “It’s apple juice”  “It’s what?”
Vampire Jeff- He just stares at you and keeps watching tv, he has multiple attempts to take it away from you but nothing has worked so he’s feeling like he’s been dominated.  “...Babe stop”
Vampire Alex Koval-  He had another bottle and chugged it with you, made a deal that if you finish before him you can wear his hat. If he wins you have to watch whatever movie he wants. In the end, he says it's a tie and you guys watch the new My Hero Academia movie. (He purposefully tied with you)
Harpy Jay- He tried to drink some to keep you from getting sick but he got sick “I think it’s bad..” “Light-weight”
Shadow Brian- He brought fancy wine glasses and you guys are now remaking memes to the song Fireflies in the background... He got drunk off of Apple juice. “You would not believe you’re eyes..... IF TEN MILLION-”
CatBoy Tim- He fell asleep in your lap when you are at one drink, is now not believing you drank it all  “Did you dump it all? Was it that bad?”
Naga Stormy- She had you in her tail and was looking at you in an impressed way, now hides the juice and keeps you close in case you throw up “Well, last time I saw someone drink that much they got sick” “Do not compare me to the light-weight Michael”
High Elf Firebrand- He did not expect Apple cider, he thought it was alcoholic and brought other drinks.... is now impressed and challenges you to drinking contests. “Look me in the eyes and tell me that you did that” “Fear me”
High Elf Noah- He drank with you and was joking that he was drunk, wasn’t really but was just trying to get a rise. He finished another bottle and got sick. “I told you that I can do it” “Head in the toilet...”
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rabbits-of-habit · 3 years
ok monster au anon idk if you want full backgrounds for high elf fb/noah but i can give you more charatures. noah and milo are high elf mages and family too, mla0 micheal and patrick are succbuses, stormy mla0 is a naga, lexxi is a siren wf, habit and evan are werewolfs, jeff and alex are vamps yeah thats all we have so far
TW:Tribetwelve mention
THIS IS SUCH A COOL CONCEPT AND I WILL TAKE ANY INFO YOU HAVE ON ANY OF THE CHARACTERS IF YOURE WILLING TO SHARE IT. Sorry I just fucking love monster au related things! I can and will gush about it all day long. -Mod Dirk
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monstersandmaw · 4 years
Stories from 2019...
Here’s a list of all the stories (40!) that have gone up on my Tumblr long stories masterlist since the start of 2019. There may be more bits that I’ve missed, but here’s what I found. Feel free to browse in case you missed something! Don’t forget that there’s also the short stories masterlist too!
Thanks for making it a great year and for inspiring me to do more and be better all the time!!
Male orc (Dragh) x female reader (nsfw)
Deaf male tiefling x female reader (sfw) Part Two (sfw)
Male scarred werewolf (Rhett) x female reader (sfw) Part One, Part Two, Part Three (nsfw), Part Four
Male minotaur x female reader *commission* (sfw + fluffy)
Female space pirate x female reader *commission* (nsfw)
Male minotaur x female reader (sfw and disgustingly fluffy)
Male gnoll (’Poodle), precursory drabble prompt (sfw)
Lich, no gender mentioned, monster’s POV - prompt “Housekeeper wanted; living or dead”. Sfw
Male orc dom x female reader sub (sfw, early stages, meeting up and working it out) Part Two (sfw) *ko-fi commission*
Homeless male merman x reader (sfw) Part Two (nsfw), Christmas Special (nsfw)
Non-binary trickster spirit x reader (sfw)
Poly male minotaur x male orc x female reader (nsfw)
Male dom orc (Bresz) x female sub reader (nsfw)
Male changeling/fae (Mhorrin) x male reader (nsfw)
Male orc (Dhurak) x reader (sfw)  *Starfall Springs*
Male tiefling (Killygren) x male reader (nsfw) *Starfall Springs*
Male orc (Noah) x reader (nsfw) *Starfall Springs*
Male reptilian fae (Adan) x female reader (nsfw) *commission*
Female selkie (Bess) x female reader (nsfw) *Mermay/Starfall Springs*
Male merman (Connor) x male reader (nsfw) *Mermay/Starfall Springs*
Male octomer (Caspian) x reader (nsfw) *Mermay/Starfall Springs*
Male hermit crab mer (Leo) x reader (nsfw) *Mermay/Starfall Springs*
Male selkie (Dennek) x reader (very light nsfw) *Mermay*
Male each-uisge/sea kelpie (Rhion) x reader (sfw) *Mermay*
Mothman (Fitz) x male reader (sfw) *Starfall Springs*
Male vampire (Ruben) x trans male character (sfw) Part One, Part Two and a slight AU feel extract (reader insert, sfw)
Male white tiger rakshasa x female reader (sfw)
Male scarred fae (Winter) x female reader (Violet from Brenn’s story - see above) (nsfw)
Male samebito (sharkman) (Tai) x male reader (sfw)
Male centaur (Jaime) x reader (nsfw) *Starfall Springs*
Male lizardfolk (Bik) x female reader (nsfw) (commission)
Male lich (Rhae) x reader (nsfw) *Starfall Springs*
Male half-orc (Tamas) x male character (Josslyn) (nsfw) *Orctober*
Male orc (Arikh) x male human (nsfw, D/s) *Orctober*
Female orc (Rakasha) x male character (Virion) (nsfw)
Male ice orc (Reshi) x female reader (nsfw) *Orctober*
*Male triton Fae (Kaerio) x female character (sfw) *commission*
Male fae (Winter) x female character (sfw) *modern policeman AU for Winter!*
Mute male siren x female reader (nsfw) *Starfall Springs*
Male Uruk-hai x reader (nsfw) *Orctober*
Patreon - Browse my Masterlist here
More stories below the cut to save scrolling thumbs... 52 stories and drabbles in total... plus all the Discord drabbles which aren’t listed on there.
Monthly exclusives
January - male kelpie x female reader (Dolen) (nsfw)
February - male living armour x female reader (Berion) (nsfw)
March - android x reader (Iru) (sfw)
April - non-binary alien x reader (Mith'in) (nsfw)
May - male shark mer x reader (Requius) (nsfw)
June - male naga x male mummy x reader (Vashett & Akah) (nsfw)
July - male naga x female reader (Nila) (sfw)
August - male minotaur x female reader (Will - *Starfall Springs*)
September - non-binary demon x reader (Ilya, *Starfall Springs*) (nsfw)
October - non binary leshy/leshen x reader (nsfw)
November - patrons not charged, no story
December - interdimensional eldritch entity x reader ('the Dark' *Starfall Springs*) (nsfw)
Weekly Episodes of Embers, a dragon shifter romance (x reader)
Orctober specials 2019 - using the Inktober 'official' prompts
1. 'Ring' - male orc (Liam) x plus size female reader (very light nsfw)
2. 'Mindless - female orc (Khara) x male reader (nsfw)
3. 'Bait' - male half-orc (Tamas) x male character (Josslyn) (nsfw)
5. 'Husky' - female orc (Renasa) x female reader (sfw)
6. 'Build' - male half-orc (Tamas) x male character (Josslyn) (sfw)
10 'Pattern' - male orc (Arikh ) x male human (Kit) (D/s & nsfw)
Giveaway drabbles *New Category*
#1 - male orc x f/nb reader (domestic, nsfw fluff)
#2 - Male naga x female reader (sfw)
#3 - Storniel x Rashel x reader (nsfw)
#4 - male hellhound x reader (sfw)
#5 - Astriah (arachne) x male reader (nsfw)
#6  - male reader x male centaur (light nsfw)
#7  - female reader x male gnoll  (sfw)
#8 - male shadowborne fae x female reader (nsfw)
#9 - male mershark x female reader (nsfw)  
#10 - female banshee x male orc (nsfw)
#11  - male mothman x male reader (sfw and fluffy)
#12 -  genderfluid demon x reader (hurt/comfort nsfw)
#13 - male shadowborne (Shaer) x female reader (sfw and fluffy)
#14 - non binary shadow monster x ace female reader (sfw)
#15 - shy male scholar x female albino dragon (nsfw)
#16 - male orc x female reader (sfw/comfort)
#17 - male werewolf x female reader (sfw/fluff)
#18 - male naga x nb reader (sfw/fluff)
#19 - male drider x reader (sfw)
#20 - male melanistic chimera x female reader (sfw)
and a few more doodles and drawings and character profiles, plus endless polls etc. which I didn’t pop onto this list!!
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cursedtdposts · 6 years
Total Drama Monster AU
I showed this to my td discord group but Im sharing it because i put effort into it. Here's a monster au with EVERYONE IMPORTANT in the Total Drama Franchise(as of Now) There’s a lot of characters so I’ll put it under a readmore. You guys can use this au but please credit me at least in passing because I put a lot of effort into it!
Total Drama Originals
Izzy: Poltergeist
Noah: Werewolf
Owen: Dragon
Eva: Orc
Heather: Gorgon
Dj: Forest Guardian/Stag Cervitaur
Leshawna: Tarantula Drider
Sadie: Tanuki Girl
Katie: Raccoon Girl
Tyler: Minotaur
Harold: Electric Poltergeist, affects electricity without automatically shorting it out
Geoff: Selkie
Bridgette: Dryad but born to a family of Undines. Never stepped foot in a forest her entire life. 
Duncan: Human Wizard, Tries to act cool but gets picked on for not having cool monster powers
Ezekiel: Household Fay, Mutation is to the fantasy interpretation of a Troll
Justin: Phoenix
Cody: Half-Imp, Half-Elf
Lindsay: Deep Abyss Sea Siren
Beth: Sheep Girl, Dream Sheep
Courtney: Ice Spirit, Canadian version of a Yuki-onna
Trent: Shadow Manipulator, Shade?
Gwen: Despair Personification, Ghostly Being that cries black tears
Chris: Demon, disguised as an Angel but it’s stuck in its faultiness.
Chef: Manticore
World Tour Newbies
Sierra: Penanggalan
Alejandro: Naga
Blaineley: Sea witch, similar to a mermaid but with octopus tentacles instead of a fish tail
Dawn: Nature Spirit
Sam: Koopa. Kappa/Turtle hybrid.
Dakota: Paradise Bird Harpy, Dakotazoid is a more Dinosaur like mutation of it.
Zoey: Bubblegum Pink Slime Girl, like a Vegan version of The Blob
Scott: Pumpkin-Headed Scarecrow
Mike: Oil-like Slime/Shapeshifter
Anne Maria: Futakuchi-Onna
Staci: Tsuchinoko
Cameron: Gill Person
Brick: Gargoyle
B: Thunder Elemental
Lightning: Gryphon
Jo: Hawk Hybrid/Valkyrie
Pahkitew Peeps
Dave: Black Cat/Cat Sith(Sic)
Topher: Impcubus (like a twunk he is part imp and part incubus)
Scarlett: Mad Scientist, Insect Chimera
Sugar: Dragoness
Amy: Jackalope
Sammy: Jackalope with one broken antler
Max: Low level Dungeon Crawler slime
Sky: Dullahan
Beardo: Half-Human, Half-Demon, has one of those nifty Stomach mouths
Rodney: Satyr/Succubus-like Demon
Ella: Fairy, specifically the Banshee type. Singing is dangerous in numerous ways.
Leonard: Fire breathing Salamander, really wants to be a dragon
Jasmine: Treant, Tree Specific Dryad
Shawn: Grimm Dog
Ridonculous Racers
Don: Shapeshifter
Tammy: Goblin
Brody: Merman, but with a Dolphin’s tail
Kitty and Emma: Chimeras
Josee: Ice/Snow Elemental, “Snow Angel”
Jacques: Yeti
MacArthur: Centaur, Clydesdale
Sanders: Cervitaur, Forest Deer
Dwayne: Sasquatch
Junior: Half-Giant
Mickey and Jay: Gnomes
Kelly and Taylor: Vampires, the Sparkly kind
Stephanie: Fire Elemental
Ryan: Frankenstoid(Reanimated Monster)
Chet: Werewolf
Lorenzo: Vampire
Laurie: Zombie
Miles: Venus Flytrap Dryad
Ennui: Human, Warlock
Crimson: Human, Witch
Spud: Baku
Rock: Siren 
Pete: Classic Devil
Gerry: Skeleton
Devin: Peryton
Carrie: Sunflower Dryad
Ellody: Kitsune
Mary: Sphinx
Tom: Peacock-Harpy
Jen: Neko(Cat Girl Monster)
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lenalee2001 · 6 years
Tumblr media
Naga swims ~
Hello !
I ‘ m back.
Half Year I wasn't work in MMD. And yesterday I done this picture and upgrade model of my character. I think this work is good. But his tail... His tail is broken, because bones little bit moved out. Character : Noah ( Mythical creatures AU ) Effects : Ray Cast ( 1.0.6. and 1.3.1 ) Water Ripples Stage : Musume Forest I hope I continue work in MMD. 
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