#nag hammadi
occvltswim · 1 year
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The Secret Books of the Egyptian Gnostics: An Introduction to the Gnostic Coptic Manuscripts Discovered at Chenoboskion — “Tells the story of the discovery and rescue of an astounding collection of sacred Gnostic texts, believed by many scholars to surpass the Dead Sea Scrolls in importance, discovered in the late 1940s in an Egyptian village after being concealed for sixteen centuries. Includes the famous Gospel According to Thomas.”
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notasfilosoficas · 8 months
“El reino de los cielos está dentro de vosotros y el que se conoce a sí mismo lo encontrará. Conócete a ti mismo”
Jesús de Nazareth (Papiros de Oxirrinco)
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Los papiros de Oxirrinco son un grupo de manuscritos descubiertos a finales del sigo diecinueve y principios del veinte por los papirologistas Bernard Pyne y Arthur Surridge en un antiguo depósito de basura cerca de Oxirrinco en Egipto.
El manuscrito data de la época del reinado de los Ptolemaicos que abarca desde el 305 AC al 30 d.C., la más larga dinastía en Egipto.
Desde 1898, los académicos han juntado y transcrito cerca de 5,000 documentos contenidas en cientos de cajas de papiros fragmentados por lo que representa solamente el 1 o 2% del material estimado en mas de medio millón de papiros esperando ser conservados, transcritos, descifrados y catalogados.
Los papiros contienen una gran cantidad de temas en griego y latín, desde administrativos, seculares, históricos, matemáticas, poesía así como traducciones del nuevo y viejo testamento.
También se incluyen copias de los testamentos apócrifos como el evangelio de Tomás y el de María Magdalena.
Las excavaciones que se realizaron en el vertedero de basura en el area en el que en antaño se ubicó la ciudad de Oxirrinco en Egipto, dejó al descubierto fragmentos de papiro que contienen lo que se supone que fueron dichos de Jesús, sin embargo, lo que habría sido llamado el Evangelio de Tomás no se conocía para entonces hasta el descubrimiento de los códices griegos de Nag Hammadi a finales de 1945 que verificarían que los fragmentos de Oxirrinco, pertenecieron al Evangelio de Tomás.
El evangelio de Tomás, también conocido como el Evangelio copto de Tomás, es un evangelio no canónico, considerado apócrifo de dichos de Jesús.
El texto copto, es el segundo de los siete documentos que los estudiosos modernos denominan como Códice II, y está compuesto por 114 dichos atribuidos a Jesús. Casi la mitad de estos dichos se asemejan a los que se encuentran en los evangelios canónicos, mientras se especula que los otros dichos se agregaron de la tradición gnóstica.
El manuscrito data de alrededor del año 340 d.C. y aunque la introducción dice; “Estas son las palabras ocultas que habló Jesús vivo y Judas Tomás Dídimo escribió”, Los eruditos modernos rechazan la autoría del apóstol Tomás, y es posible que el documento se haya originado dentro de una escuela de cristianos primitivos, posiblemente proto-agnósticos.
El evangelio de Tomás es muy diferente en el tono y estructura de otros apócrifos del Nuevo Testamento y los 4 evangelios canónicos, ya que no se trata de un relato narrativo de la vida de Jesús sino mas bien de logias o dichos atribuidos a Jesús, a veces independientes y otras incrustadas en diálogos o parábolas breves.
El manuscrito del texto copto fue publicado en una edición fotográfica en 1956 y la primera traducción en inglés en 1959. En 1977, James M. Robinson editó la primera colección completa de los textos de Nag Hammadi y el Evangelio de Tomás ha sido traducido en múltiples idiomas.
Fuentes: Wikipedia, elescriturista.blogspot.com
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ancientorigins · 6 months
How many gospels does the New Testament contain? This seemingly easy question is actually surprisingly hard to answer thanks to the 1946 discovery of a fifth gospel.
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santmat · 22 days
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Gnostic Gospels, Contemplative or Mystical Christianity, Syriac Mystics, Mandaean, Manichaean, Apocrypha, Nag Hammadi Library, Pistis Sophia, Jesus Sutras, Lost Books of the Bible and Spirituality of the West -- Sant Mat Radhasoami Books, The E Library: Gnostic or Western Mysticism Section: https://SantMatRadhasoami.Blogspot.com/2019/01/gnostic-gospels-contemplative-or.html
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If those who lead you say, 'See, the Kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the Kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the children of the living Father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty.
—Jesus, as quoted in Gospel of Thomas v 3 (c 50 CE). Below: the quoted text in the form in which it was recovered in the Nag Hammadi papyri.
(Robert Scott Horton)
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cramulus · 2 years
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dudzfernandes · 2 months
Porque eu sou a primeira e a última
Eu sou a venerada e a desprezada
Eu sou a prostituta e a santa
Eu sou a esposa e a virgem
Eu sou a mãe e a filha
Eu sou os braços da minha mãe
Eu sou a estéril, e numerosos são os meus filhos
Eu sou a bem-casada e a solteira
Eu sou a que dá a luz e a que jamais procriou
Eu sou a esposa e o esposo
E foi o meu homem quem me criou
Eu sou a mãe do meu pai
Sou a irmã de meu marido e ele é o meu filho rejeitado
Respeitem-me sempre
Porque eu sou a escandalosa e a magnífica.
(hino à Deusa Ísis, séc III ou IV, descoberto em Nag hammadi)
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I was sent forth from the power, and I have come to those who reflect upon me, and I have been found among those who seek after me.
“The Thunder, Perfect Mind”
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brother-hermes · 1 year
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“Concerning learning and knowledge, which we have mentioned from the beginning, he perfected them in order that by means of these things he might restrain his passions and evils according to his will.
“He brought humanities mortal existence into immortality; humanity became good and immortal, just as I have said.
“For God created a twofold nature for them: the immortal and the mortal.”
-The Nag Hammadi Library
It’s funny how much dualism we attribute to gnostic texts. It’s like no one wants to acknowledge the third force of creation they’re all speaking of as a part of the story. One must never forget the most basic maxim “the Universe is mental, the All is Mind” as they study these texts.
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creature-wizard · 2 years
Odds are good that if you think you understand early Christianity, you don’t understand early Christianity. This lecture lays out what early Christianity was actually like, and how it was far, far more complicated and diverse than most of us were led to believe.
Bart D. Ehrman does great work in exploring early Christianity, and there are a number of videos and lectures available for free on YouTube. They’re a great resource for anyone wanting know more about the real history of Christianity.
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alightingdove · 7 months
"Everyone who seeks the truth from true wisdom will make himself wings so as to fly, fleeing the lust that scorches the spirits of men. And he will make himself wings to flee every visible spirit." - Jesus, The Book of Thomas (The Contender)
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occvltswim · 8 months
Yeshua said:
“If the flesh came into being because of spirit, that is a marvel, but if spirit came into being because of the body, that is a marvel of marvels! Yet I marvel at how this great wealth has come to dwell in this poverty.”
— The Gospel of Thomas
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desert-oracle · 1 year
The desert is the kind of place where you think maybe you might *discover* something. A treasure, maybe. The Lost Ark. Some old glass bottles, some old human bones. Maybe a secret history of the ancient world, hidden for 1,500 years in a sealed jar buried in a pile of guano. It’s EPISODE #174, with soundscapes by RedBlueBlackSilver, written and hosted by Ken Layne. Thanks for supporting this…
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ancientorigins · 11 months
In 2006 a manuscript was unearthed that sent shockwaves through the church. Known as the Gospel of Judas, it challenges long held beliefs about one of the bible’s greatest villains.
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fiftyftafro · 1 year
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jackslackofsurprisee · 10 months
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The Sophia of Jesus Christ
"Whoever has ears to hear about the infinities, let him hear!
I have addressed those who are awake."
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