#my tiny scouse
blackcatanna · 1 year
Every time I see a depiction of Cuno, a little high pitched scouse voice in my head goes, "CUNO DOESN'T FUCKING CARE!" and sometimes I join in and say it out loud as a treat <3
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woso-dreamzzz · 4 months
Blood Sugar
England Lionesses x Teen!Reader
Summary: You have a hypo during a match
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Your sugar levels were fine at the start of the match.
You'd checked them before you went out. They were fine and it's not like your diabetes were a new thing. You knew how to control them.
"Looking good?" Alessia asks as you press your monitor against the patch attached to your arm.
It takes a few seconds for it to flash up but you nod.
She grins, throwing an arm around your shoulders. "Excellent. Can't have one of our midfielders out of it. Who else will feed me balls?"
You roll your eyes. "Don't act like I'm the only one doing my job."
Lessi pinches your cheek. "But you're my favourite! Look at you! All cute and tiny!"
"Leave me alone!"
You try to shove her away but she just holds onto you firmer.
You'd known Alessia for years. You used to live next door to each other before she went to college in America and she'd been obsessed with you ever since you got placed into her arms as a baby.
She'd been overjoyed to see you on the team sheet for the Euro's and then now for the Finalissima. It helped, of course, that you and Alessia had racked up the most assist to goal pairings on the entire team.
"Leave her alone, Less," Leah says with an eye roll," We need her in tip-top shape, not looking like a tomato."
Alessia huffs as you put away your glucose monitor and dart around her, taking refuge with Keira and Lucy. You stick your tongue out at her as you pass.
You feel good during the first half, feeding the ball to Tooney, who scores. You feel good during halftime too, though you forget to check your glucose monitor.
You'd had it in your hand ready and waiting but Mary had caught you in conversation for the entirety of the break and it had completely slipped your mind.
Things took a turn for the worst about halfway through the second half. Your arms suddenly felt too heavy for your body and your mouth had gotten very dry, very quickly.
You sway on your feet and just manage to get the ball out from under your feet and to Keira to run up to Brazil's half. You stumble a little bit.
You're sweating now too, badly. You're sweating too much even for someone who has been on the pitch for nearly ninety minutes. You can feel your legs shaking too and you have to back up to keep your footing.
"Hey, what's going on? Is something wrong?"
The thick scouse accent from behind you means you've bumped into Alex and you practically go limp against her. She notices that too and immediately makes sure you stay upright.
Your head flops back like your neck can no longer support it. It's probably for the best because your vision has gone blurry and your head is swimming.
It takes all your concentration to move your lips in some semblance of words even though it comes out all garbled and slurred.
"'m goin' to pass out soon," You manage to say," Low sugar, I thin'." You draw in a ragged breath. "Meds have got...got..."
"Hey!" Alex shakes you. "The medics have got a...?"
"Gotta gluca...a gluca-"
You don't get to finish your sentence because you got fully limp now. Alex lays you on the ground, gesturing wildly to the medics and to the ref and to everyone who will see.
Leah's the first person to come skidding in, her hand immediately going to your pulse.
"What happened?!"
"I dont know!" Alex replies," She suddenly went all funny. She's sweating buckets! Er..." She shakes her head as she tries to clear her thoughts. "She said something about the medics having a...a gluca-something? I don't know. She passed out before she could finish."
"A glucagon injection," Alessia says as she comes running in as well," Fuck, her sugar levels must have tanked."
"She's right," The first medic says, shoving a glucose monitor onto your sensor," These are low. It's a wonder she didn't pass out earlier."
No one's really listening to him, least of all Alessia, who's rummaging through the first aid kit in search of something. Another medic is waving for a stretcher and a third one is pulling up the bottom of your shorts and cleaning off the top of your thigh with a cotton swab doused in alcohol.
"And she didn't hit her head?" The fourth medic is asking Alex, who shakes her head.
"No. She stumbled a bit but I caught her. She didn't hit anything. Just passed straight out in my arms."
Leah doesn't really know what else to do but stare. The whole team has joined them, forming a huddle around your unconscious body to block the cameras from seeing.
It's a pretty severe thing happening because the officials have even let Sarina on the pitch and she has joined the huddle with the rest of the staff to keep your privacy.
When Leah manages to tear her gaze from you, it lands on Alessia. She's at your other side, ripping open a small plastic box in a hurry. She uncaps a small glass bottle of powder and stabs a syringe into it, pushing all of the liquid into it.
She shakes the bottle a few times before turning it upside down and drawing it all back into the syringe.
"You need to roll her over once it's in," She says and Leah and a few of the medics immediately grab parts of you to pull on.
"Alessia," The first medic says," Do you need me to do this?"
"I've done it before!" Alessia snaps," As soon as I take the needle out, roll her in case she throws up. Okay? One. Two. Three!"
The needle finds a home in the top of your thigh, the area that had been disinfected. Alessia jabs the needle in and pushes down. As soon as she takes it out, Leah tugs on your shoulder to get you on your side.
"I need to come off," Alessia says to Sarina as you're carefully loaded onto a stretcher," I have to be with her. She'll be disorientated when she wakes up."
"Go," Sarina says," Be with her."
The match ends in a penalty shootout but everyone seems to be in the same mind because the medal ceremony is delayed until after you've been checked.
You're looking a lot better when Leah and the others burst into the physio's room. You're sitting upright with Alessia by your side, forcing a sugary drink down your throat.
It's clear that this has been going on for a while because there's another empty can of your favourite nearby and a packet of haribos in your hand.
"You scared us," Leah says.
"Did we win?"
"No talking!" Alessia snaps," Drink! All of it!"
You flash an amused smile at Leah but do as you're told.
"We won," Mary confirms," Penalty shootout but we did it. Could have done without the scare though."
"Sorry," You say with a wince," If it helps, I didn't plan it."
"Thank god for that," Alex mutters," Because that wasn't fun, kid. I thought you were dying."
"Just a bad hypo," You say and Lessi swats you.
"Stop making fun of dangerous situations," She scolds," I don't like having to give you injections so often."
You roll your eyes. "You've done it twice in my entire life!"
"Three times now! You're going to give me a heart attack one day."
"Well, can you have that heart attack later? We've got medals to collect."
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lfc21 · 2 years
i absolutely loved your last request for me :)
okay so basically some time ago i saw a prompt about single dad!trent and it’s been on my mind ever since!
so can you write something about single dad trent, with the reader being let’s say, liverpool’s physiotherapist or part of the medical team, and trent tends to bring his little one to practice a lot and the reader bonds with them and eventually that makes trent and reader get closer??
so much fluff and cuteness pls ‼️
thank you sooo much!! <333
Fix my daddy
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Your job at LFC was possibly the most entertaining yet stressful job in the world. You had been apart of the club since you where 22 and now coming onto your 3rd year - it seemed so far away. Since the day you came everything started to feel right, you where accepted like a family and no matter how many times you tried to leave there was always an extra hour you where at the training centre for. The boys and you connected like none other, some more than others; when Trent announced his arrival of his little girl you had every reason to connect with him more. Trent split up with his ex girlfriend just before the arrival of his baby, since then he relied on you for support when times got hard. At first you thought it was going to be simple - hold her when she was fussy, do her hair or simply make her laugh but as relationships got stronger you seemed to be the one she cried for when she had enough of her dad. Apart of you loved spending time with Trent and her but sometimes you felt guilty, you knew that one day you would have to leave her and that was going to hurt her just as much as it would hurt yourself.
Being a physiotherapist was hard and more often that not you would stand on the cold wet and windy training pitch listening to Klopp tell you about what he made for tea. It was far more stressful on match days, you had a million things to do and not one day went by where it got easier.
"Look over there babe" you heard a Scouse accent softly say behind you. Your head turned to the right back and his mini version of himself. Him and his daughter where inseparable, he named her Skye which was a name he found a love for. When he found about the plans of his very own girl he urged her name to be those very four letters.
"Hello you too! "You cooed as you crouched down to his little one. You had spent all morning wondering when Trent would turn up with her. Every morning you ached to be in his presence and it was killing you even more with his little girl.
"Y/n" her little voice shouted at you as she took her small clumsy feet over to your presence. Your arms wrapped in her embrace as her body seemed to melt into yours. Trent watched from a far as he styled the small pink bag on his arm. You looked up at him with a smile as you gently picked the small girl up.
"I'm guessing that's mine" you announced with a laugh as he passed you over the princess bag.
"Where will you be? In your office?" Trent asked as his hands wondered through his unruly hair. You nodded as you where more bothered about your eyes being locked into his. "Give daddy a kiss" Trent said to her as she gave him a bright grin with joyful eyes.
"Mwah" she shouted with a giggle as she dramatically showed her dad love. You quickly said your goodbyes as you wondered into your office. You and Trent's daughter became very familiar with spending time with one another in your office. Since she was tiny she constantly looked out the large glass window onto the bright green grass. You span round on your chair to meet the little girls body looking out the window.
"Daddy" she said as her small finger pressed against the glass. You chuckled to yourself as you looked for the very same man. "I want to see daddy" she admitted as she rested her hand on yours. Her affection with you was shown more and more everyday. You started to wonder what it would be like with your very own daughter. Would it be the same? Would you get along with her in the same way? Would it be with Trent?
"Y/n" pep shouted from your door in a rush as your head fell from the thoughts that where piling up in your mind.
"Yeah" you answered as you spun back round on your chair.
"We need you out there for a bit" pep said as he signalled to the pitch outside. "Peter has had to leave early and where short staffed" he explained as you started to listen more intently.
"I cant I have this one" you said with a laugh as the little girl sat on the small chair next to you. Her hand was messing with her small Liverpool shorts that she had matching to you. She had become your twin, without you nor Trent realising. Since Trent had her on his own she started to become his little version of you.
"Take her" pep said with a laugh as he ushered you both out the door. Small childlike giggles fell from Skye's mouth as you both ran after peps much larger footsteps.
As soon as you reached the pitch your eyes caught the magnet of the windows to your soul. His hair ran wild as he ran for the flying ball. His body was like a sculpture made from Greek cherubs, you could admire him until the end of time. The beads of sweat fell down his cheek bones as he ran through the herds of people before him. As his body made speed through the thin blades of grass your eyes fell to a blink until his frame came crashing down.
"Trent!" Jordan shouted as he saw the body come plummeting down. Pep and Jurgen's bodies rushed to the scene in a matter of minutes as you watched the scene unfold.
"y/n come here" Jurgen shouted ushering you over. You ran over as you kept the hand of the youngest Alexander - Arnold. What was you to do? you couldn't leave her little self on her own but you needed to help. You took his leg in your hand and you knew it wasn't great, his voice heightened at the touch of your finger tips and his pain started too run through the patterns of his leg. You grabbed his hand as the two men ushered him up onto his feet.
"bring him inside" you ordered as you looked at Trent with his arms grasped onto the two men next to him. Your hand was still grasped with Skye's as she looked up at her weeping father, her eyes grew soft at the sight and she knew this was something way beyond her power.
"Daddy what's wrong?" She asked with furrowed eyebrows and a wobbling lip as she stared at the familiar man in-front of her. Her fathers lips didn't move an inch, he couldn't hear her small worries and pleads as he moved across to the large double doors. Your hand lead her closer to the doors and behind her dad, Skye's lips fell tight shut as she intended to find out what was wrong with her dad. The girls head was so tiny, she was still so young but the love and care she felt for her dad was something no being could ever compare to.
As hours went by and the head doctor tuck charge of Trent's situation the idea of your bed sounded more appealing. Skye's body rested on your knee as her head was fast asleep on your shoulder, you carefully managed your emails as your office door slowly opened up.
"Hello" you heard an ever so familiar scouse accent speak through the cold large office. You looked up carefully as you noticed the large frame in-front of you. You shushed him with a laugh as you looked down at his little daughter resting gently on your body. Trent's eyes where admiring the view in front of him as he saw the two girls he had known to love and want to cherish for the rest of his life.
"hi" you whispered back with a small giggle as you ran your hands through Skye's long hair. "Any updates on your leg?" you asked as you quickly diverted your eyes to the computer screen in front of you and the gentle man to the side of it also.
"I will be out for a couple of weeks but it should be ok?" Trent admitted as he looked down at his leg with a small tight smile. His body walked over to his little girl resting on your body as his hand tickled her small fingers, a little smile creeped up onto her mouth as her eyes opened wide.
"Daddy!" she shouted as she opened her eyes wider and caught glance of the man stood preached in front of her. Trent's mouth turned up into a huge grin as his eyes fell into an addicting glow.
"Hello princess" he replied back as he reached out for her embrace. As soon as her legs wrapped tightly around her dads waist and her arms grasped his neck you quickly logged off you computer and started to make an exit for the day. As you pushed everything into your bag you felt a glance of the mans eyes on your small active body. "do you want me to drive you home?" Trent asked knowing you would normally have to walk home in the poring down rain or gale force winds.
"are you sure?" you asked with furrowed eyebrows "you have Skye with you, she's tired" you added with complete confusion and a weary feeling of the wellbeing of Trent's daughter.
"y/n I wouldn't ask you if I didn't want you to say yes now would I?" He questioned with a laugh as he watched you get up from of your chair. "is that a yes then?" Trent added with an even bigger grin.
"so many questions Trent" you announced with a laugh as you ushered them both out aswell as grabbing skyes small bag.
"Y/n stay with us and daddy" Skye shouted as you walked through the halls.
"I don't know about that little one" Trent replied with a laugh as he let her down as she ran out towards the large exit doors. He stopped in his tracks causing you to loose your walking pattern and look over at his duly lit face.
"What if she is right?" Trent asked as he acknowledged the small girl running around the reception of the training centre.
"Trent" you warned as you didn't think this conversation was best acknowledged in a building full of people getting ready to leave for the night.
This is an imagine i have been working on for a while so i apologise if it is badly written or isn't my best piece. please leave feedback and requests as they are greatly appreciated and I read them all! thank you! have an amazing day.
"y/n" Trent warned in the same tone as yourself. "Please, one night" He added with a small smile as your heart dropped. You wanted to but was it for the best. You couldn't understand what would make this situation better but you did also know a night with these two was a night worth memorising forever. As your eyes locked back with his you let out a small smile and just with that he knew he had found his way around you. "Skye! guess who is staying with us tonight?" Trent shouted as he kneeled down and watched the way her eye filled with sparkle and ran around in circles with excitement towards you. this was the start of something, you wanted this to be more than just one night. You, Trent and Skye.
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percervall · 6 months
Ms Mar, my favourite list-maker, would love to know your thoughts about a liverpool Secret Santa exchange, since all we got for a Christmas video on best present was kinda boring lol.
who would get who, and what would they gift each other? 🤭
Okay, after messaging @curiousthyme to brainstorm we quickly discovered that this was accidentally sent on anon. oopsies 🤭 So thank you Ives for this brilliant ask!
In true teacher fashion, I used a name picker wheel to link players and then went from there. Some of them were just too good, honestly this wheel is a Liverpool girly
Putting them all under a read more because it's a long list
Lexi → Virgil - a personalised maté set, similarly to the one he gifted Ibou (whom I have seem to forgotten to include in this 😭 my poor petit)
Virgil → Alisson - a gift card for a spa day (+ a "we're sorry for fucking up so much" card signed by all our defenders)
Alisson → Wataru - a gift card for a local Japanese restaurant, for Endo to enjoy with his partner on a double date with Ali and his wife
Wataru → Pep - a new set of whiteboard markers and magnets shaped like football kit for all his tactical planning sessions
Pep → Cody - (like I said, this wheel was just being so kind to us) Pep would give him a Christmas ornament shaped like a Bossche bol (shout out to the 2 Dutchies who follow me and know what this is) to remind him of home
Cody → Lucho - seeing as Luis' partner is about to give birth to their second child, a mobile to hang over the cot. Maybe even Liverpool themed with tiny felt jerseys 🥰
Lucho → Joe - Joey would get a picture frame key chain so he can take his family with him wherever he goes
Joe → Ryan - A Scouse dictionary and an FC24 game but with Ryan's face photoshopped onto every player on the cover 🤭
Ryan → Joël - New shower curtains with Virg's face all over them to push the bromance agenda, and a friends mug
Joël → Darwin - A DVD set for friends to help him with his English and a little pin that says "chaos demon"
Darwin → Mo - A t-shirt with Darwin's cutie lil face as he says "thank you for support" + that photo in a frame. You know the one, where Darwin became Mo's bodyguard/sleep paralysis demon
Mo → Kostas - Some weights and a DVD on how to get abs + a t-shirt with a photo of Mo's abs printed on it in the meantime
Kostas → Thiago - (I told you the wheel is a Liverpool girly) Maui and Fuerte in cuddly toy form for their the new baby + a donation to Thiago's charity
Thiago → Domi - a beard care set, like one of those high end ones, and the game werewolves (iykyk)
Domi → Trent - (y'all, we were YELLING) a chain necklace "because that's what the girls like" + Hungarian schnapps/pálinka + a temporary tattoo of the CL trophy because his mum said no to the real one 🤭
Trent → Andy - (SCREAM) a BFF necklace, a Dua Lipa album, and his fave biscuits
Andy → Klopp - Andy would give Klopp the Scotsman treatment: full kilt + a set of bagpipes (bonus: Kloppo promising to wear the full get up when they win the league)
Klopp → Diogo - An annotated copy of Cruyff's book about football because Jots wants to go into coaching after his playing career
Diogo → Lexi - a personalised gaming chair with a maté holder, and a personalised game controller
This was so much fun, thanks babe!!
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the-al-chemist · 18 days
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Wrong, Skye
A/N: my darling @lifeofkaze wasn’t wrong when she sent this in — it really is the first of many. But, who am I to deny this legend?
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Granted, I haven’t entirely stuck to the brief. Rather than focusing on the conversation in the hospital wing, I’ve gone for the events leading up to it. Why? Because since Kaze’s AoB and SfB have finished, there’s been depressingly little Quidditch content around these parts. I may not be as skilled at sports writing as The Quidditch Queen herself, but I’m willing to give it a go. Characters in mention belong to @lifeofkaze, @thatravenpuffwitch and @that-scouse-wizard.
Warnings: Hyper-competitive sports people (they are scary and deserve a warning) and mild injury.
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The day of the first Quidditch match of the season had arrived, and Skye would have been lying if she were to tell anyone that she wasn’t anxious about the game. Although, if anyone were to ask, she would obviously have lied rather than admitted the truth about her feelings. She was a Parkin. Parkins were indomitable. Parkins were champions.
“Alright,” she said to her team — her team, she was the captain now — as they lined up at the entrance to the changing tent. “It aw starts here. First match of the year, an’ aw. An’ we’re gaun smash it, aye?” When no one said anything in response, she raised her voice. “Aye?”
The remaining six players let out a mixture of affirmative responses. None sounded too sure of themselves, but that may have been because half of them were halfway through repeating the word “aye” then correcting themselves to say “yes”, and vice versa for the other half.
Or, it may have been because they were not confident about the new change in team line-up.
In truth, Skye was beginning to think that she may have been wrong in choosing to play Seeker rather than Chaser this match. Her best friend Lizzie had told her not to, but Skye had already made up her mind on the matter. Yes, she had done so in haste and out of a fit of temper, but she was nothing if not committed. Which was more than what could be said of Artemis Hexley.
Skye had asked one small thing of Hexley: to find out from the Gryffindor Captain what his strategy was for the match. It shouldn’t have been that difficult, Weasley was a good friend of Hexley’s. But, Hexley had refused. She had put her friendship with a rival player above her teammates, above her Captain. That was why Skye had decided to take her out of the game for this match, and to play her role as Seeker herself. Yes, it was a risky strategy, but she was the captain, and she had to set an example. If your loyalty wasn’t to the team, then you couldn’t be on the team, simple as that.
As if to prove her point, when Skye stepped out onto the pitch, she could see that Hexley was in the stands, not even wearing Hufflepuff colours. Her scarf was striped in shades of green and purple and brown, not the yellow and black of the rest of the crowd.
“Nae bloody lealtie,” Skye muttered under her breath, her face tightening into a deep scowl.
That scowl became even more firmly etched into her features as she approached Weasley. As both Captain and Seeker for the Gryffindor side, Charlie Weasley would be her counterpart in two ways for this match. She made no attempt to hide her dislike of him as she shook his hand. He, however, only smiled at her. Arrogant arse. Skye couldn’t wait to wipe that smile of his face. Which she would do, just as soon as she caught the Snitch and won the game.
She would catch the Snitch. She would win the game. And then she would write to her father, and tell him it was a shame that he hadn’t been there to see her triumph. He would be proud. Maybe, he would even come to watch her next match.
Once the two team captain had shaken hands, the balls were released. First out of the trunk was the Golden Snitch, which fluttered its tiny wings and quickly flitted away. Skye swung her leg over broomstick. Next, the Bludgers, which had been wrestling so hard against their bindings that they almost exploded into the air. Skye’s hands gripped her broomstick tightly, her knees bent, her feet pressed against the ground. Then, Madam Hooch picked up the Quaffle and placed her whistle into her mouth. Every muscle in Skye’s body tensed, ready for the moment the whistle would blow and the red ball would be thrown upwards and into play.
When that moment came, she had to fight her instinct not to lunge for the Quaffle as she usually would. That was not the ball she was after today. Today, she had to focus on catching that Snitch.
Luckily, her new trio of Chasers were already off to a good start. Hopper seized the Quaffle and ducked under one Gryffindor player, before passing the ball over the head of a second Gryffindor to Jameson. Just as she had told them in their last practice, the Hufflepuff Chasers passed the Quaffle between them as they made their way up the pitch towards the goalposts, where Jameson took aim at the middle hoop and…
“GOAL!” The voice of Murphy McNully echoed across the pitch from the commentary box. “Ten points to Hufflepuff!”
Skye clapped her hands before shouting out to her teammates, “Aye, that’s it, ye belter! Keep that gaun!”
But her team did not keep their success going for long at all. Skye’s hopes were raised and dashed the next three times her Chasers attempted to score. Things went quickly downhill after the Gryffindors managed to equalise. After that, the Gryffindor players seemed to gain a bit more confidence, their Chasers tailing Skye’s own so closely that they struggled to pass the Quaffle between them without being intercepted.
“Dinnae let them mark yous so closely!” she called out as they flew past her. “Cummoan, lose them!”
Hopper must have heard her, as she swerved sideways to move away from the player on her back. In doing so, however, she almost moved into the path of an incoming Bludger. She ducked again, and the rival Chaser closed in on her, stealing the Quaffle right out of her hands. Skye’s mouth dropped open, incensed, as the Quaffle was flown back towards the Hufflepuff goalposts and thrown through one of the hoops.
“Oi!” Skye shouted. “That was a foul! Madam Hooch, I want a time out!”
Madam Hooch blew on her whistle, and Skye flew down alongside Hopper and the Gryffindor cheat.
“I didn’t touch her,” the Gryffindor was saying. Skye rolled her eyes.
“Aye, sure ye didnae.”
Skye was glad to see that Madam Hooch looked as sceptical as she was. They were bound to get a penalty for this, and Gryffindor’s ten points would be removed. That would place them back in the lead.
But, Hopper shook her head. “Actually, she didn’t.” Skye shot her a look, which she ignored. “I fumbled the Quaffle when I dodged that Bludger. It wasn’t a foul at all.”
The matter was decided. Before Skye could argue, Madam Hooch was raising her whistle towards her lips once more.
“No contact, no foul!” she said.
Skye took to her broomstick again, and the match restarted, with more promising results. After Willows — good lad, that Willows — managed to take out the Quaffle thieving Gryffindor Chaser with a Bludger, it gave her own Chasers an advantage, allowing Jameson to equalise with a goal of her own. Skye applauded as loudly as any of the spectators.
“Now, that’s what I’m talking aboot!” Skye called out after her Chasers. “Get on the offensive, we’ve got the player advantage, ken? Willows, Bean, keep the Bludgers away from them so they can concentrate on—”
“And it looks like Weasley has seen the Golden Snitch!”
At the sound of Murphy McNully’s voice, Skye stopped talking immediately. She looked up and across the pitch, just in time to see Weasley accelerating, his eyes focused on a point in the distance. McNully was right, he had seen the Snitch. She set off after him at speed. She was not going to let him get there first, not in a million years.
Weasley was a good flier, even Skye had to admit that, but everyone knew that his family was poor, and hers was a Quidditch dynasty. His broomstick was no match for hers at all, and when he had to turn a corner, she was able to close down the distance between them considerably.
When he then took a steep dive, Skye followed him without even a moment’s hesitation. She moved her hands forward on the handle of her broomstick to push it deep into her dive, so steep that she was almost vertical, flying down as fast as she possibly could.
She could not let him win. She would not let him win.
“Cummoan, cummoan,” she muttered through gritted teeth. As if it was listening to her, the broomstick cut through the air, and she sped up, getting closer and closer to Weasley, just behind him, level with his tail, and then almost side-by-side.
And then, Weasley stopped.
It took less than half a second for Skye to realise that he had pulled out of his dive, but by then, it was too late. The ground was getting closer, and though she tried to stop her own broomstick, she was flying too fast, and at too steep a trajectory, to stop herself from continuing to plummet downwards. She had enough time to screw her eyes closed and brace herself for impact before she crashed.
When she opened her eyes, the world was blurry. Madam Hooch, Madam Pomfrey, Jameson, and Weasley were all standing over her. There was a ringing in her ears and the taste of grass in her mouth. She tried to get up onto her feet, but her legs had apparently turned to jelly. Once more, her body hit the ground.
“Stay down, Miss Parkin,” said the sharp voice of Madam Pomfrey, who took out her wand. Skye recoiled as she used it to shine a white light into her eyes.
“Och, but I’m grand,” Skye muttered, pushing the wand away from her face. “Where’s ma broom? I want tae get oan with the game.”
Madam Pomfrey laughed as she pocketed her wand. “Not today. The game is over for you, girl.”
“What? Dinnae tell me he caught the Snitch when he pulled out of the dive?”
Lizzie frowned. “Skye, I don’t think there was a Snitch…”
It took a moment for Skye to understand what Lizzie meant. But then she saw the sheepish look on Weasley’s face.
“Ye were feinting?” Skye lunged at Weasley, who took a step backwards from her. She fell forward onto the ground, and crawled after him. “Och, I’ll batter you, ye wee—”
“Perhaps you should escort Miss Parkin to the Hospital Wing, Madam Pomfrey,” said Madam Hooch.
“But this isnae fair! I’m the Captain, I have tae play! If I’m not on that pitch, then we’ve lost, and he kens it! Ye cannae let that bloody cheat get away with it!”
“Is the Wronski Feint cheating?”
As if he had heard Weasley’s question, Murphy McNully began to speak, his voice clearly audible from the commentary box.
“This risky but perfectly permissible manoeuvre was invented by Polish Seeker Josef Wronski…”
Skye let out a strangled noise, and found herself being lifted onto her feet. She continued to argue as Madam Pomfrey marched her off the pitch, but the Healer paid her words no attention. As they left the stands behind them and made their way over the grounds towards the Hospital Wing, Skye’s sense of injustice and frustration gave way to shame, embarrassment, and fear.
How would she ever be able to tell her dad about this?
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lolotheparagon · 1 year
Rating Every TNBA Redesign Cos Why Not
The New Batman Adventures was the last season of the infamous Batman the Animated Series, although it moved to another less strict network. Because the producers wanted to do crossovers with the Superman animated series, they gave the series and its characters a more streamlined style to it. Now I dont wanna blame Bruce Timm entirely since there were many artists on staff back then who did the redesigns but because I hate this coomer, Im going to anyway. In BTAS, you can tell each character apart and they have their own unique outfits and looks to them. But here, these are some of the most unimaginative superhero/villain designs Ive ever seen. Although some did surprise me and were not that bad. So, for a bit of fun, here's my look at each Batman character's redesign in the final (and worst) season of the show.
(Not counting Robin cos he's a different character to Dick Grayson or characters that had very little changes like Clayface or Harley Quinn)
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The big emo rodent himself. For his redesign, I like the more sleek look to Batman's cape...thats it. His original design is really hard to perfect. Its got everything. Why tamper with perfection?
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I actually kinda like Batgirl's redesign. The yellow gloves and boots really help her stand out and its the one of the few times the darker toned outfits actually accentuate a design rather than ruin it. Too bad Bruce Timm couldn't stop salivating over her and the rest of the women in this show. So next time you see someone consider Bruce Timm this legendary storyteller of Batman, give them a healthy reminder that he shipped this college girl character with her mentor/surrogate uncle figure FOR YEARS.
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Its like they sucked away all of Alfred's snark and replaced it with a cardboard cutout. Literally, he looks so sterile and empty. Who had the idea of making Alfred look more bored and done with everything? Also whats wrong with his chin??
Commissioner Gordon
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Good ole Commissioner Pringle got off pretty much unscathed but I think they made him a touch too old considering they gave him a more lanky body, which makes him look more feeble and weak. Dude looks old enough to be Babs' grandad
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Ohhhhh boy. So Joker's redesign is infamously considered by fans as one of the show's worst redesigns, to a point even the showrunners were like yeahh. And thats not unwarranted. He looks like an inverted Dr Draken and im so glad they redesigned him again for Batman Beyond and onward.
Seriously he's A CLOWN WHERES THE MAKE UP?!!
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I know Two Face is just a redrawn version of the original design with the TNBA streamlined art style but I want to draw special attention to the monster side of Dent's face. Notice in the original it looks more manic and feral? Heavily contrasted with the conflicted, guilty look on Dent's normal side? But here, in the redesign the monster side is less scary and Dent looks way too bored and angry. The overuse of black lines doesnt help.
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She looks like Harley Quinn or Barbara wearing a catsuit. Starting to see a pattern here?
Baby Doll
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Its a tough call cos they both look very good but Im gonna lean towards the redesign cos shes got that creepy doll look down to a T (Annabelle would be proud) whereas her original design looked more like a Tiny Toons character.
Scarface and the Ventriloquist
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I like the redesign cos of the exaggerated style of the rest of the show perfectly captures Scarface since he's, yknow, a puppet and having the Ventriloquist be shown to be scared and submissive really does show how the puppet is ironically the puppetmaster.
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Actually I like both of them. They both give off that sophisticated element Penguin is known for and after so many reiterations of him being this crass Scouse-talking crime boss, its nice to see versions of him going back to his rich asshole roots.
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In the original, he has a luchador-style mask and wrestling suit fitting his Spanish roots. Here, he straight up looks like a gimp. Its really bad. Embrace your heritage, Bane!
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They went from Frank Gorshin to Jim Carrey for Riddler (fitting cos Batman Forever came during TNBA's development) and I love that. So I love both of them. Nice to see a villain with some fucking colour in TNBA cos im tired of seeing all this black outfits. Also his cane being an extended question mark instead of a question mark on top of a regular cane is genius.
Mad Hatter
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Both of them fit Hatter's deranged stalker vibes perfectly, but I wish they kept the colour scheme for the redesign cos Hatter's new colour scheme looks too rounded and doesnt stand out.
Poison Ivy
Killer Croc
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Finally, now he looks like an actual crocodile instead of whatever the hell he was supposed to be!
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Okay, who the fuck decided to make Scarecrow look like the Babadook? Cos I want to give them a raise. Holy mother of piss, that is terrifying. That shit belongs in the Arkham games. I still prefer the old design cos it has that perfect blend of goofy and gothic. He looks like a Cacturne now that I think about it.
Mr Freeze
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catb-fics · 7 months
Hi, what accent does Van have in your opinion? English isn’t my first language and half the time I don’t understand what he’s saying lol. However I can understand quite well other British accents so I’m confused. To me it sounds like he kinda jumbles the words together and the fact he talks quite fast doesn’t help, he says a whole sentence and I can’t make out any words 😭 is his accent thick or am I just stupid?
Sorry I’m late answering this and maybe someone else can wade in and answer this anon more factually than me. So he’s from the North Wales/Cheshire area and that’s where he originates from and grew up (aside from a few years travelling around Australia when he was a baby). Someone mentioned Welsh accents the other day on here and they do vary a lot, like someone from the South of the country has a very different accent from someone up North. I have no idea what a Widnes accent is like which is where his family’s from but I feel like there’s a tiny hint of Scouse (Liverpool) in Van’s accent - to my ears anyway. Basically that’s just a whole load of waffle to say I have no idea of his specific accent lol 😂
He does talk super fast though and he uses a lot of Brit slang, so it’s no wonder that non-native English speakers have a hard time understanding him! You’re certainly not thick lovely I’ve had to translate Van-glish a few times for confused fans ha ha
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moocow-milkcarton · 7 months
My new pet hate is the phrase 'britsh accent' because babes I have no idea what that is.
I currently live in England- North West England if we want to be a tiny bit more specific- but accents here are so damn diverse. I can take a bus to the next town over to my left and they speak in a far posher accent than the town I like in. We are only a 10 minute bus journey apart.
I can take a 45 minute train to Manchester and then Manc accent is entirely different to that of my town, and my neighbouring town. I can take a different half hour train to Liverpool and literally no where else has an accent quite like a scouse accent. It is vastly different then my towns accent, my neighbouring towns accent, or the Manchester accent.
My town is also not too far from the Welsh boarder. If I take a train to Wales then I'm in a whole new country, but still in Britain, so Welsh accents would still be a 'British accent' despite more often than not, not being the accent people are talking about in conversation. And Wales a small county but it too has wildly diverse accents! Llandudno accents sound nothing like Wrexham accents which sound nothing like Cardiff or Swansea.
I might live in England but I am Scottish and originally from Fife. Scottish accents too are diverse and different from one another! Different cities and towns, regardless of proximity, will have different accents or dialects!
When people refer to a 'British accent' I'm just confused as to what they mean. There are several countries that make Britain. Each possessing varied and diverse accents that are incomparable to one another so... I dunno man I just think people should be a little more specific when it comes to describing accents.
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cf56 · 2 years
I’d like to talk about one of the most common misconceptions in the Animaniacs fandom, something that’s been bugging me for awhile- Wakko’s Britishness.
Wakko is not British. Yes, he has a British accent, a Scouse accent more specifically, but he isn’t British. Nationality wise, he’s American, like his sibs. Culturally, he’s also 100% American.
When I say he has a British accent, I’m also using that term pretty lightly. His individual words are accented, sure, but if you look at his word choice and sentence structure it is also completely American. Save for very few exceptions, he never uses British slang or British terms. You will never hear him saying “torch” instead of “flashlight”, for example. Basically, if you look at his dialogue on paper instead of listening to him talk, you would never be able to guess that he speaks that way.
I’ve seen many fan artists and writers try to find a way to emphasize Wakko’s accent in text by adding in loads of British slang. I once saw someone say they had spent a lot of time researching Scouse slang just for the purpose of making Wakko’s speech more authentic. I myself did this to a certain extent in my early Animaniacs writing days, most noticeably in my story “Lost in the Crowd.” This is all misguided and actually has the effect of making the dialogue sound less like Wakko. If you watch the show a lot and get a feel for how Wakko talks, you will eventually realize that, hey, in text this wouldn’t seem very British at all. It’s one of the benefits and curses of writing fanfiction. Most of the characters and settings you write about are already known by the readers. This makes it harder to do the vital job of vividly describing the scene to your readers, because they don’t need that description if they already know what everything looks like. For canon characters like Wakko, you just kind of have to trust that the reader knows how Wakko speaks and will read the dialogue in his voice. It’s the same reason I don’t do the “vat and vhy” thing when writing Scratchansniff dialogue. At most, I will add one line like “Scratchansniff said in his Austrian-accented voice”, and the same for Wakko. I personally think anything more than that is distracting, though that’s just my personal opinion when writing Animaniacs and certainly not something I expect anyone else to adhere to. (And I do realize that the old comics used to write Scratchansniff’s dialogue that way, which is probably part of the reason it’s so prominent in fanfiction.) The way I write for all characters is just to imagine them saying something in their voice and writing down what I hear, quirks and all. I think that this produces the most accurate results, but you have to be pretty familiar with the source material to do this.
I bet deaf Animaniacs fans have gotten quite confused before when people write Wakko in that extra-British way or even just call him British, because if you only watch the show with subtitles you’d never know he talks like that. But, anyway, that’s my little rant-like thing. I’m not actually mad at anyone over this, not at all, it’s just a tiny little pet peeve of mine. I have the utmost respect for anyone who puts out any kind of fan content and dares to share their creativity to the world. And this isn’t some weird nationalistic thing, either, where I’m trying to stop the evil Brits from claiming Wakko for themselves. It’s just something I’ve noticed over the years and wanted to talk about.
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themultifandomgal · 2 years
Could I please send in a request where the oc is married to Charles melton and they are doing an interview. Maybe the wired autocomplete interview? Can the oc be British and her name be Lea? thank you 😊
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Charles Melton- Wired Interview
“Hello I’m Charlie’s Melton”
“And I’m Lea Melton”
“And we here to do the wired autocomplete interview. Do you want to go first?” Charles asks me
“Sure” Charles holds up the board for me and I take off the first paper strip “who is Lea Melton, well that’s me I’m Lea. I’m British and I’m currently playing Emily on Riverdale” I take off the next strip “who is Lea dating? why is this always asked? why do people want to know so badly” I laugh
“Im sure I’ll get that question as well. Well I’ll answer that question. Me, she’s dating me and we’re very happy”
“Well we’re a little more than just dating” I giggle holding up my hand that shows my engagement ring and now wedding ring“ok erm is Lea British? yes I am. We had a lot of fun when I first joined riverdale because no one knew what I was on about half the time”
“Still don’t now, only found out what a crumpet was a few years ago when we first visited your family” Charles says the word crumpet in his best English accent
“Why is it when ever some tries to do a British accent they always do the upper class posh voice. Why not a brummy accent or a scouse accent” Charles shrugs at my question
“Because they aren’t as well known also no one can understand what they’re saying
“Right ok. Erm is Lea Melton related to Charles Melton? I bloody hope not” I laugh looking at Charles who’s trying not to laugh
“Would be a little awkward wouldn’t it?”
“A bit?” I then take off the last strip “is Lea pregnant? no, and I don’t plan to be be for a while, I’m only 24”
“Is Lea vegan? no, but I should be. I’m vegetarian, but I struggle with large amounts of dairy and when I have to much I feel sick and have bad stomach pains”
“I tell her everyday not to eat cheese or have milk but I’m ignored, what do I know? we’ve only been together 4 years and living with each other 3 years”
“Shut up” I nudge Charles
“Is Lea Melton a dancer?”
“Yes, I actually trained in musical theatre and I used to do dance competitions. Where does Lea Melton live? erm we live in Vancouver for 9 months of the year while we film for riverdale. Then for the other 3 months we travel between my parents house and Charles’ parents house and we also make time for a holiday. So basically we live in Vancouver”
Next up is Charles’ turn
“What’s a fun fact about me?”
“You can do smeagols voice from lord of the rings, or stitch from Leo and stitch” I point out which makes Charles do those voices
“When did Charles Melton get married? we got married 4 months ago in Mexico then had our honeymoon at Disney World Florida”
“We might have to post a photo of the wedding now because I keep getting asked what my dress was like” I laugh
“How tall is Charles Melton? well Wikipedia says I’m 5 11, that’s not true. I’m 6 1/2 so I round up to 6 1”
“I’m only 5ft so I’m tiny compared to you. That’s why I’m always in heals”
“How did Lea and Charles meet? we met in 2016 while filming season 2 of riverdale, but we didn’t start dating until 2019”
“Just want to clarify that in 2019 I was 21 so it’s all legal and there’s only a 6 year age gab between us” I say wide eyed trying not to laugh
“You were 18 and I was 25 when we met though”
“But we weren’t dating so it was fine” I shrug making Charles smile
“Is Charles Melton vegetarian?”
“Do you think people are asking because I am?”
“Maybe, but no I’m not. I had a nice rump of steak before we came here today. I’ll have vegetarian meals with Lea every now and then, like if she’s making a vegetarian curry or a shepherds pie” Charles pulls another strip of paper “is Charles Melton leaving riverdale? no I’m not”
The interview ends and we leave the venue that we were doing the interview and going back to the hotel we are staying at to order room service and watch films together.
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lifeofkaze · 2 years
Valentine's Challenge 2022 - Day 3
Prompt: Red
Find all stories of this challenge in the masterpost here.
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A/N: Saffron Summers and Rory McTavish belong to my most wonderful, fabulous, amazing, best friend in this world @the-al-chemist, Robin Willows (in mention) to @that-scouse-wizard, Nova Mae (in mention) to @kc-and-co and Scarlett Tempest (in mention) to @whatwouldvalerydo
You said if there was one OC of yours you'd like to see more content for done by others it was Saffron. So here you go, @the-al-chemist.
Wishing you the happiest birthday, bestie! Here's to many more! I love you more than I can possibly tell. 💛💛💛
Dana stomped up the shifting staircase and towards the portrait hole leading into the Gryffindor common room with a face like thunder. She didn’t spare the students coming her way so much as a second glance as they scrambled to make way for the fuming prefect. When she reached the entrance to Gryffindor Tower growled the password through gritted teeth:
“Now, now, young lady,” the Fat Lady said and raised her thin eyebrows, “what kind of tone is that? I’m not used to being greeted by you like this.” She looked like she wanted to add something but instead, she clapped her heavily jewelled hands over her mouth when she took a closer look at Dana. “By Merlin’s beard, what happened to your -”
“Helianthus,” Dana snapped, more vehemently this time, daring the Fat Lady to go on with a dark look.
“Alright, alright, no need to get yourself worked up,” the Fat Lady mumbled and swung aside to let Dana in, not without looking after the usually cheerful girl with a concerned shake of her head.
Dana was met with more surprised looks when she entered the common room. She walked into the middle of it and looked over the students gathered in the plush red armchairs, searching for two particular faces with narrowed eyes.
Behind Dana the portrait hole opened again and made way for the Gryffindor Quidditch team returning from their practice session. Upon seeing Dana they immediately stopped talking and stared at her before most of them covered their mouths with their hands like the Fat Lady had done - whether it was in shock or not to laugh Dana didn’t know, and frankly, she didn’t care.
“What’s that, Dana?” Rory McTavish, captain of the Quidditch team, said with raised eyebrows and pointed at her flaming red hair. “Suits your eyes, I have to say.”
“Not now, McTavish,” Dana snapped and fixed her eyes on the two girls standing behind Rory. Reva Amari and Robin Willows started snickering immediately, whispering excitedly to one another.
“Showing off some house pride, Dana?” Reva giggled. “Just in time for our big match on the weekend. We’ll need to be careful not to confuse you with the Quaffle.”
Her grin was wiped from her face when Dana started moving in her direction. Realising Dana didn’t find her new hair-do half as funny as they did, Robin and Reva quickly pushed through their teammates and fled the common room. Dana tried to set after them, but stumbled over Rory.
“Careful, Fireball,” he said as he helped her catch her stride.
His laugh faltered when he saw the withering look Dana was giving him. She snatched her elbow away from him and looked out of the portrait hole, but Reva and Robin were already gone.
Furious about their escape, Dana turned around and stormed up the staircase leading to her dormitory. She took her pet tortoise Darwin out of his terrarium and slumped onto her bed. Pressing her cheek against the warm, ridged shell on Darwin’s back, she took a deep breath, trying her hardest not to scream.
“You look funny.”
Dana jumped and nearly dropped Darwin upon hearing the unexpected voice of her best friend Saffron Summers. The Hufflepuff girl had seemingly appeared out of nowhere and was now stood on the end of Dana’s bed. She wore a colourful patchwork sweater that seemed to be at least two sizes too big for her. Her yellowish blonde hair was woven into two pigtails, with tiny sunflowers on the hair ties holding them in place.
Dana gave her friend a dark look. “You don’t say.”
Saffron sat down next to her on the bed, swinging her legs back and forth and humming a joyful melody.
“All of you is funny today.”
“Care to elaborate?” Dana said wryly and rolled her eyes. She wasn’t in the mood for worming any sense out of Saffron.
“Your aura is very much off,” Saffron mused and made a vague gesture with her hand. She lowered her voice to a whisper. “As is your hair, by the way.”
“Really? I hadn’t noticed.”
“So much red,” Saffron carried on, unfazed by Dana’s scathing tone. “It’s really bright. It hurts looking at you. Are you very angry?” she added with a sympathetic tone.
“How about you take a guess?” Dana hissed before catching herself. It wasn’t Saffron’s fault she was looking like her hair had caught fire, after all. “How did you get in here, anyway?”
“Through the portrait hole.”
“What about the Fat Lady?” Dana said and furrowed her brow.
“What about her? She let me in.”
“Without the password?”
Now it was Saffron’s turn to look puzzled. “There is a password?”
Dana sighed and leaned back into her pillows. She didn’t have the energy to have a conversation like this right now. “Just forget I said anything.”
Saffron looked at her with her head tilted and her eyes squinting slightly. She shuffled closer to Dana, drew her legs up onto the bed and hugged her knees. “You’re not in line with the Goddess, you know? I bet that’s why you’re upset.”
“Do I want to ask?” Dana groaned.
“The Goddess is all encompassing and part of each of us,” Saffron recited and Dana thought it sounded memorised. “To find your inner harmony again, you have to tell me why you’re so angry. There is probably a crystal to help your chakras flow and let peace in again.”
“You want to know why I’m angry?” Dana said and pointed at her head. “How about you take another look at this?”
Saffron did as Dana suggested and eventually gave a small shrug. “Doesn’t look worse to me than Nova did when Scarlett gave her a pixie cut. I still don’t understand what it had to do with Pixies.”
“It has nothing to do with Pixies, Saff. It’s just a name.”
“How odd.” Saffron reached out and touched one of Dana’s bright red curls. “I hope your hair dye was cruelty free.”
“I wouldn't know,” Dana muttered, “Reva and Robin mixed something into my shampoo. Go and ask them.”
Saffron’s face lit up with understanding. “That’s why they were so cheerful when I saw them earlier.”
“They’re not going to be cheerful much longer, I can promise you that. Just wait until I get my hands on them.” Dana pulled a face. “What in Godric’s name am I going to do now?”
“Have you tried using Colovaria?”
Dana glared at Saffron. “Do you think I’m daft? Of course I have. It didn’t work. They must have enchanted the dye.”
Saffron squinted as if looking at something overly bright. “Don’t upset your energy. I think I know what you need.”
Before Dana had a chance to protest, Saffron picked up her rabbit Esmeralda from the floor and dumped her onto Dana’s lap where she sat looking confused before sniffing Dana’s face. Dana had to giggle at Esmeralda’s whiskers tickling her skin.
“See?” Saffron smiled broadly. “Much better.”
She leaned over and reached into Dana’s drawer. She rummaged around in it for a while before taking out several bottles of nail varnish. She held them with one hand and hid everything but the silver lids with her other.
“Pick a colour,” she told Dana.
“Wouldn’t that be easier if you let me see them?”
“The Goddess will guide you.”
“If you say so,” Dana sighed and picked a random bottle, holding out her hand to let Saffron paint her nails.
By the time Saffron started on her other hand, Dana found herself to be a lot more relaxed than before. When her nails were dry, it was Dana’s turn to put colour onto Saffron’s nails, a different one onto each finger. Before long, the two girls were lying on Dana’s bed, laughing and chatting and watching Esmeralda trying to make friends with a grumpy looking Darwin, who couldn’t care any less about the bunny’s advances.
“Thank you,” Dana suddenly said out of nowhere.
“What for?” Saffron replied absentmindedly. She had her feet straight up in the air and was clicking her heels together.
“You know what for,” Dana smiled and nudged Saffron into the side. “For cheering me up. You just being you. You’re really my best friend, you know?”
“More than Nova and Scarlett?”
“I suppose so. But don’t tell them I said that.”
“No,” Saffron hummed dreamily. “But I suppose we really are. Best friends that is.” She sat up and looked at Dana with a broad smile. “You know what’s good about your hair?”
“What would that be? I still look like a paintbrush.”
“But now at least you match,” Saffron giggled and pointed first at Dana’s hair and then at her nails, which were painted in the same blazing red colour.
She started laughing at the face Dana made but quickly stopped as one of Dana’s pillows made contact with her head. Saffron took her time to carefully set Darwin and Esmeralda aside before grabbing a pillow of her own and hitting back. Before long even the rest of Dana’s anger was forgotten as the giggles of the two friends carried through the whole of Gryffindor Tower.
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the-al-chemist · 2 years
What If You Fly? - Part Two
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My Sister’s Teacher
A/N: Zadie’s story continues for Day 2 of @kc-and-co’s Spring Challenge, and with the prompt for today being “Siblings”, Zadie seeks help from her sister, and later from Reva, Robin, and Sage Carridan (who belong to @lifeofkaze, @that-scouse-wizard, and @kc-and-co, respectively). Warnings: anxiety, learning differences, and ableism.
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“No, you start adding the lionfish spines after you finish with the salamander blood. And remember, you have to add half of them at a time. Are you even listening to me?”
Zadie frowned and rubbed her eyes, pulling them away from the window and back to her sister Phoebe, sitting across the table from her with an open textbook and a pile of flashcards.
“Sorry. Yes, I’m listening,” Zadie sighed. “Salamander blood, then half the lionfish spines.”
“How many do you need in total?”
“Um, twelve?”
“No, ten,” Phoebe corrected her. “So, you add five and then wait for the potion to turn what colour before you add the rest?”
Zadie knew the answer to this one. “Red.”
“The potion’s already red, remember?”
“It is?”
“Yes, it turns red and then you add the lionfish. That’s easy to remember because lions are the mascot for Gryffindor and Gryffindor colours are red and gold.”
Zadie blinked, and Phoebe sighed.
“Oh, come on, Zadie,” she said, laying down the textbook so that her shiny yellow prefect badge could be seen pinned to her blouse. “It’s a Wiggenweld Potion. Did you not learn this last year?”
“I did, but-”
“Then it should be easy.”
“Well, it isn’t!”
“Only because you aren’t paying attention,” Phoebe pursed her lips, and so did Zadie. “You know, I have a life of my own.”
“I know that.”
“It’s a Hogsmeade weekend. My friends have all gone out shopping, and I’ve stayed here so that I can help you study for this test. I’m going out of my way to help you, and you’re not even trying!”
“I am trying!”
“It doesn’t seem like it.”
“I’m trying really hard, actually,” said Zadie, trying her hardest not to cry. “I can’t help it that I’m useless and not good at anything.”
“Oh, don’t get upset,” Phoebe stood up and walked around the table, wrapping her arms around Zadie. “I know you’re not good at Potions, duckling, but that doesn’t mean you’re useless.”
“It’s not just Potions I’m not good at. I’m terrible at everything.”
“That’s not true. You’re good at… some things. You were always really good at ballet, everyone always used to say so, even when you were tiny.”
“But that’s no good here,” Zadie sighed. “I just wish I was clever like you.”
“You are clever,” Phoebe told her, releasing Zadie from her hug. “The Sorting Hat wouldn’t have put you in Ravenclaw if you weren’t.”
“So why aren’t you in Ravenclaw then?”
“Because Hufflepuffs work hard,” Phoebe said pointedly, returning to her seat. “If you work harder, you’ll get just as good grades as I do. Come on, let’s start again with this Wiggenweld Potion. Just concentrate this time, okay?”
Zadie nodded and sat up straight in her seat, trying her hardest to concentrate. Phoebe was right. She had managed to pass most of her first year exams by working hard, surely she could do even better by working harder this year. By dinner time, she had just about gotten the hang of the Wiggenweld Potion, and with her bag full of Phoebe’s flashcards, she returned to Ravenclaw tower that evening ready to revise late into the night, eventually falling asleep in her favourite chair in the common room.
She did the same the following night, and the night after that, and every night for the following week up until the morning of the dreaded Potions exam, ignoring Victoire’s protests that she was working too hard. It was worth it, though, or at least it would be, just as soon as she opened that test paper and found it so very, very…
A sense of panic began to rise inside Zadie as she read and re-read the exam questions, the words leaping and pirouetting around the page as she did so. Some of these things she hadn’t known she needed to revise, and even the ones she had revised she found herself struggling to write cohesively about. As her panic grew, she became unable to even remember some of the things she had worked so hard to revise. How many lionfish spines went into a Wiggenweld potion, again? And did you put them in to make the potion turn red or after it had already turned red? Or was it gold?
In the end, the exam finished before she had, and she put down her quill with two paragraphs left of the final question. She left the classroom without talking to anyone, not even Victoire, and went straight up to the first courtyard she found so that she could breathe in some fresh air, sitting in the cloisters with her eyes closed and hands wringing together.
“Hey, Zadie,” said a voice, as familiar to her as her own, and she opened her eyes to see Phoebe standing over her, a group of her friends a short distance away. “Are you okay, duckling?”
Conscious of Phoebe’s friends watching their conversation, and already feeling a little embarrassed of her childhood nickname, Zadie forced a smile and nodded.
“How did the test go?” Phoebe asked her, and Zadie made a humming noise in response, raising her hand and tilting it one way then another. Phoebe smiled. “I’m sure it went better than you think. You worked so hard for it, after all.”
Zadie’s heart hurt as she watched Phoebe walk away with her girlfriends. Phoebe had a lot of girlfriends, and she was popular with boys, too. All the teachers loved her, they always made a point of telling Zadie what a wonderful student her sister was. Not like you, were their unspoken words.
Now, Zadie knew what they meant. Yes, Phoebe gave things her very best try, she worked hard, and she was always going out of her way to be kind and helpful to others, but even if she wasn’t trying or working hard or going out of her way to do things, things still came so easily to her. Zadie didn’t think that Phoebe had ever worked so hard for anything that she had fallen asleep in a chair night after night, or almost cried in the library, or not joined a club so that she would have more time to study. Zadie had done all of those things, and she still wasn’t as good as Phoebe was, and she never would be, no matter how hard she tried. So what was the point in trying?
The more she thought about it, the more she didn’t want to try anymore. But then what? She had to do something. The problem was, she wasn’t good at anything, except for dancing, of course, but that was no use here. Unless…
She wiped her eyes and stood up, suddenly decided, and walked to the Great Hall. Instead of joining Victoire at the Ravenclaw table, however, she approached the Gryffindor table, where Reva Amari and Robin Willows were using their forks to flick peas at a good looking third year boy with reddish hair, who was flirting with a girl over a pack of playing cards.
“Hi there, Zadie,” Reva grinned. “Here, want to help us? There’s plenty of forks.”
“Oh, no,” replied Zadie, shaking her head. “I just wanted to know more about Quidditch and the camp you two go to in the summer. I really miss flying and I thought maybe I might try out for the house team, after all.”
“Why are you talking to us about it?”
“Well, you said that-”
“I know, but we aren’t in charge of your house team,” said Reva, and she pointed across the Great Hall to the Ravenclaw table, where a fifth year girl with red curly hair was holding a large book in one hand and a steaming mug in the other. “See over there? That’s Sage Carridan. She’s Captain of the Ravenclaw team, and she helps coach the little ones at Quidditch camp. She’s amazing. Tell her I sent you, she knows me. She’ll definitely help you out if she knows that we’re friends.”
Zadie nodded, not realising that she and Reva were friends already, and left the two Gryffindor girls to their peas. The Ravenclaw Quidditch Captain regarded her sceptically over the top of her book as she approached her.
“Um, Sage Carridan?”
“That is my name,” said Sage Carridan, cocking a single auburn eyebrow. “Are you going to tell me yours?”
“It’s Zadie,” Zadie told her. “Zadie Taylor-Allen. I’m one of Reva’s friends.”
“Of course you are. And how can I help you, Zadie?”
Zadie glanced over her shoulder at Phoebe and her friends sitting at the Hufflepuff table, before taking a deep breath, looking Sage in the eye, and telling her:
“I’d like to join the Quidditch team.”
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blindbatalex · 3 years
Here have this carraville university au by the one and only raisin anon ♥
8 am lectures were the absolute worst in Jamie’s ever so humble opinion, conveniently ignoring the fact that he had indeed signed up for it and had little ground to complain. But it didhappen to be a somewhat interesting course, and as advanced courses usually go, the number of students was low, and the professor was roughly five million times more laid back than the freshly graduated doctorates doing the introductory courses for the freshers.
So it sort of made up for it.
And Gary was in it, of course. That most definitely made up for it. And considering how little time they had had together lately, it was a treat in itself. They didn’t actually study the same thing, as Jamie was on sports science, but after developing a somewhat interest in the business side of commercial top-flight sport, he had taken up some extra economics courses and well. Who could blame him if macroeconomics wasn’t as interesting looking at cute boys?
He didn’t particularly like the vast majority of the people there either, to be perfectly honest. Mostly it was kids from wealthy, well-to-do backgrounds, looking to take up positions in some bank or another, recommendation letters most likely written by their daddy and his associates.
But Gary wasn’t like that. He was more clever than most of them, but Jamie could never see him on a stock exchange or in a high ranking executives office. The first lecture in this new environment Jamie had looked around the small auditorium and decided on who looked the least like a rich, posh twat. Gary had fit the bill. And then he had opened his mouth and revealed not only was he from Manchester, but he was also a United fan. So twat, after all, then.
Jamie’s twat, however, it turned out.
Two months into the semester and he was slumped in an armchair in his and Stevie’s shared flat, lamenting his misery in having a crush on a Manc. What would his mother possibly say, her oldest disgracing their proud scouse roots like that? Stevie, for his part, had absolutely zero sympathy and only judgment.
Four months into the semester, he knew he needn’t have worried about his mother. She had smiled and asked if he was happy. Jamie had blushed and mumbled out an embarrassed yeah, trying to not care about his brothers snickering behind him. Gary was invited for dinner the following Sunday and had made Jamie wonder if being charmed by Mancs was perhaps something of a family trait, going by his mother’s giggling. The look she had thrown Jamie as Gary had volunteered to help clean up the dishes was as obvious as it was strict. You better bloody keep this one.
“Pay attention” an elbow hit his ribs, and Jamie snapped back to reality, to the voice of his professor droning on and on, drawing up something or the other on the blackboard, and a group of bleary-eyed students trying to seem more or less alert and interested.
“I was. And that hurt,” he hissed back at his boyfriend, rubbing absentmindedly where the elbow had hit him. It didn’t really hurt, but he had been up since six-thirty and reckoned some moaning was allowed.
“No, you weren’t. And no, it didn’t,”Gary mumbled back, not even looking at him, too busy scribbling down notes from the blackboard.
Jamie rolled his eyes at Gary’s insistent innocence but decided against bickering any further in solidarity with the girl sitting in front of them.
Instead, he moved his leg closer to Gary’s calf under the desk and indulged himself with five seconds of playing footsie, a bit for his own fun and bit to show he wasn’t really angry. Going by the tiny quirk of the corners of Gary’s lips, he didn’t particularly mind either.
“Any questions with that, boys and girls ?” the professor asked from where he had turned his back on the blackboard and looked expectedly at them.
A few hands shot up, thankfully enough that the professor wouldn’t pull his overused oh so I suppose you all are experts then joke, asking for clarification or elaboration. Personally, Jamie was very well in the realm of not even understanding what you don’t understand and simply nodded along if a question sounded particularly interesting. Gary would help him with the assignments later, he was sure.
His lack of understanding, however, didn’t stop him from stalling ever so slightly when the lecture came to its conclusion. As their schedules diverted, he wasn’t above wasting one or two minutes simply to talk with his boyfriend for a bit. Especially when he knew they didn’t have time to meet up either later in the day or any of the coming either.
“I want a proper date night this weekend, you know. Make up for all the days we’re too busy to do anything,” he said as they walked side by side out the door, throwing a ta for today at the professor still standing at the desk, discussing whatever with one of the more kiss-ass students.
“Go for a film, and I’ll let you get the sweet popcorn?” Gary suggested. He grabbed Jamie’s hand and dragged him over to the corner of the staircase where he would continue down the hall to his next lecture and Jamie would go upstairs to the library.
“You can walk me home after, holding my hand and kiss me goodnight, and I can invite you to stay over. Have a little slumber party, just you and me?”
Gary said it with such innocence, as if he wasn’t perfectly well aware of what he was insinuating and what it was doing to Jamie. He bit his lip and batted his eyelashes, the flirty smile slowly growing into a laughing grin as his poor acting skills gave away.
Jamie laughed with him.
“You know me so well, love,” he said and leaned in to peck him on the lips. It was a bit more PDA than they really tended to display, but they hadn’t seen each other all that much outside of Uni lately, and screw it, they could still be considered to be a little bit in the honeymoon phase of their relationship.
“I’ll call you later tonight, yeah?” Gary said as they pulled away.
“Yes, please. Enjoy ESG Risks and Regulations”
“I will. Enjoy the library.”
Jamie kissed him again, a little because he felt like it and a little because he wanted to make the random blond pretty-boy walking past just then jealous that Jamie was most definitely getting some. He didn’t restrict himself to just a light peck this time.
He smiled when he pulled back, and had they been together for longer, and the setting was more romantic, he might’ve even dropped a casual love you. As it happened, though, they weren’t there quite yet, but he was definitely starting to feel it. Give him a few more months and it would more than likely plop out sooner rather than later. Judging by the way Gary was looking back at him, he was getting there too.
He let go of his hand slowly and stepped back to let Gary walk past and down the hallway. It felt dangerously close to something straight of out a romantic period drama, if Jane Austen had been writing about two working-class boys at university who barely got any time together, restricted only to early lectures and staring longingly down hallways.
“Bye, love”
“See you”
He watched as the dark mop of hair on Gary’s head disappeared into the flock of students crowding the hall, and no matter how sappy, or clingy or desperate of him it was, he almost missed him already.
Fucking hell, he was going to make this date night the best one ever.
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whatwouldvalerydo · 3 years
Banter 1-on-1- Leila VS Reuben
Seriously, no thoughts lately, just them.
Me and @that-scouse-wizard put our heads together and came up with the below.
Leila: What are you, two?
Reuben: Yeah, two heads taller than you.
Leila: *inhales deeply* *Leila, now trying to pry open the door to the Ravenclaw common room* Open up the door arsehole! I just want to talk!
Reuben: Careful, you're so tiny, I might accidentally knock you over.
Leila: maybe you should watch it, the bigger they are the harder they fall you know.
Reuben: Do you need me to bring you a book so you can hop on the broom?
Leila: That's it *runs after him*
Reuben: How's the weather down there?
Leila: You'll find out when I knock you on your arse.
Leila: *trying to reach for a book on a high shelf*
Reuben *getting the book she wants*: Coming up a bit short are we?
*Reuben hitting his head against something*
Leila: *casually walks by without bending and snickering*: Find something interesting buddy?
Leila: I would smack that smug smile off your face if I could reach it.
Reuben: I see what you did there.
Leila: No you didn't, it went right past you. *points at bludger*
Reuben: * holding up a bowtruckle* Look Lei, he's almost as tall as you.
*Reuben walking up the stairs to the Astronomy tower*
Leila: Wrong way Reuben, you can see everything from down there *points to the bottom of the stairs*
Reuben: Need me to pick you up on my shoulders?
Reuben *picking her up and putting her on his shoulders*: See what it's like being tall?
Leila: ... I hate that I'm actually enjoying it.
*Reuben coming back with a tan after summer break* Leila: What happened? Did you get too close to the sun?
Reuben: What about you? So small the sun's barely hit you?
Leila: I happen to look up to *X Professor*
Reuben: Is it because you're short?
Leila: Depulso!
Reuben: Lei, you need to be the bigger person in this situation.
Leila: I'm 4'9 not 6'1 so I can’t.
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catb-fics · 3 years
I think Vans is in between the Manc accent and something else I can’t quite put my finger on but I love the Geordie accent purely bc of Sam and bondy now 😂
Also, it’s totally okay if you say the Brummie accent is your least fave, we all think it, we all know it’s the truth 😂😂😂😂
I think sometimes you can hear a tiny bit of Scouse in Van’s accent too - like he originates from Widnes doesn’t he and that’s in between Manchester and Liverpool…
Omg no I love Brummie accents, don’t get dissing Brummies! 😂 I was actually gonna say Scottish but it’s not that I don’t like the sound of it at all as I really do - it’s just that really strong Scottish accents I just cannot tell what’s being said ha ha! I’m sure non- native English speakers really struggle when someone has a very thick Scottish accent. I was watching a Snuts interview thinking wtf are you on about guys! But I still love it!
Ughh I could listen to Van, Bondy or Sam speak all day long 😍
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causeknight · 3 years
What is your accent (if you feel comfortable saying) I can't keep reading your posts in an American or posh British accent. It's not right, you deserve better.
Interesting motive 😂
I'm from the Wirral, so my accent would be described as "plaster-scouse". Look up a scouse accent, remove the high-pitch parts, and add just a tiny splash of Southern English to balance it, that's my accent.
Alternatively listen to the guy who presents the "Wigan Kebab" video, I sound very similar to him seeing as we went to the same high school.
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