#my therapist wants to see me in person and I'm panicking bc what if he agrees with my ED?
recovering-witch · 5 months
I kinda relapsed a bit ago and I'm hella worried of faking it bc my ED is like "your behaviors aren't as severe, you haven't lost much w8 since you first relapsed, you're probably imagining the w8 loss, you just want attention, you're not sick enough and you suck at having an ED, periodt"
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bigbihatemachine · 1 year
On Monday, I phoned my dept I'm waiting for therapy for bc they said they'd start in person in spring and well...
Also I'm not doing well.
The dude who answered told me they don't do that specific type of therapy in this nhs trust or dept but in the other one in our area (like one trust is for the major hospital in our area, the other is for the general v small county we live in, it's v confusing) and a completely separate dept who literally does the same service which I find deeply confusing bc, again, the two trusts are in the same v small county. Like small even for the UK. Also I've had different therapy with the dept before and my therapist said she'd be running this therapy and didn't mention any of this.
So he gives me the number for the other dept who are shut for the day and I call on Tuesday and can't get through so leave a message and they get back today (Wednesday). I miss them and they leave a message and I call back but apparently I def don't have a referral waiting for them and check my hospital records and there's literally nothing at all, no record. They said I needed to get my GP to refer me to them but the original dept could prolly do it to.
At this point I'm holding back tears bc it took me A YEAR to get into the first dept originally and I've been waiting like 3/6 months for therapy and, to reiterate I'm not doing well. I've even turned down other offers of help bc I thought I had this.
To uh yeah I phone the 1st dept back again and go 'uh yeah so I'm trying to track down my referral, the second dept are saying this now, can you please tell me what's going on?' and it's a different person this time and they immediately go 'yeah I can see you have an outstanding referral to our x therapy here, that's just waiting atm for in person sessions to start.'
I was like 🙃🙃🙃🥺🥺🥺🥺 but your colleague told me a completely different story and told me x and she was like 'uhhh did you get a name 🙃' and I was like no but he was a bloke and she was like nw I know who that was 🙃🙃🙃 and then offered to just find out the wait times like I wanted in the beginning 😭
Like.... Multiple mental breakdowns for literally nothing 😭😭 I do not have the resilience for this
Nvm the fact that I also found out from the second dept that my GP sent the wrong referral in my efforts to get mobility aids... For like the 4th or 5th time now? Apparently me being not 80 is throwing them and they don't know what to do and they're kinda panicking and sending me to random depts to see what happens which is def not a waste of everyone's time and a little triggering???
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imbellarosa · 4 years
I'm likely the most anxious person alive. My anxiety is just terrible. I'm never not worrying and panicking and feeling so paranoid about things in my life. Except now it's reached a whole new level where I'm constantly plagued with anxious thoughts in this fandom. It's kind of fully taken over my life where my first thought when I wake up is about them, to the hours I'm lying awake (oh it's fun being an insomniac) waiting for sleep to finally grant me some serenity. It doesn't matter how many
, Atimes I tell myself I have no control over anything and I'm only ever seeing a tiny bit of the whole story so it's pointless. I try so hard to choose to not worry and not go insane thinking about everything but alas, anxiety is not a choice. This has manifested itself in a multitude of ways. Lyric analysis used to be something I savoured doing bc I have always connected so deeply with words and literature and I'm always someone who wants to dig deep beneath the surface, to see the parts of ppl
& lyrics that others gloss over, just delving into the core of things, seeing ppl for who they truly are. But now, I feel like I am losing it, that it's all become like this weird obsession. We all know BNFs are like DO NOT CHERRY PICK LYRICS and basically IGNORE THAT WEIRD GUT FEELING ABOUT ANY LYRICS THAT MAKE YOU FEEL LIKE SOMETHING'S NQR and they can sue me but I don't work like that. I've been obsessing over certain lyrics that I can't decipher or find an alternate meaning to the literal
one & obviously if it were to be taken literally it would be bad. And I just get so mad at myself for not understanding when words have always been my thing right? Like it was always where I excelled with flying colours and it came so naturally to me and then I get so exasperated with them (okay mainly H for his unfathomable lyrics) bc I want to understand more than anything (& I think deep down he craves being understood too) but he makes it so hard. But that's not the extent of it, I just
worry incessantly about everything. I just can't turn off my mind and it feels like it's on the verge of exploding. I wish I knew how to just take everything lightly & just revel in this fandom & have fun but instead I feel jaded and vexed all the time. And sometimes that infuriation is directed towards them & I feel guilty as I know that's unfair but I can't help it but it just gets on my nerves bc of the things they do & say (or rather don't do/say) haha so fun!! Apologies for this whole spiel
Hey anon <3! First of all, my inbox is always open, so jot that one right down. Second of all, I’m gonna say something that might sound out of line, but I think I have to say it: this sounds like your mental health might not be in a great place right now. And I don’t mean your “in fandom mental health”, I mean it sounds like your anxiety is giving you a really hard time overall, which, believe me, I know how much that sucks.  Life is a lot right now. But what I am hearing you say is that this fandom has become a really tangible manifestation of those anxieties. Let me know if I’m way off base here, okay? But I’m going to ask some questions (that you totally don’t have to reply to me - you can absolutely just take inventory on your own if that’s how you feel most comfortable.
Are you safe? If you’re not safe, is there someone you can call? If not, here is the International Association for Suicide Prevention so that you can find resources in your area. If you are at all contemplating this, please stop reading right here and give them a call. 
If you are safe, do you have someone you can talk to about how you feel? This can be someone that knows who you are in the fandom and can talk to you with immediate replies, or someone outside of fandom, like an irl friend or family member. 
This question is primarily to do with a non-professional support system: do you have one you feel you can trust? If not, what are the things you could do to work towards that? 
This question is about professional support: it sounds to me like you’re saying that your anxiety is really impairing your day to day functions. If this is the case, do you have a professional you can talk with about potential coping skills? It sounds like fandom used to be one, but as the environment here changed, so did your relationship with it, and so maybe reaching out to someone that can point you in other directions for coping skills is a good thing. Because I don't know where you live, my best advice would be to call your physician and explain the symptoms you’ve been having and ask if they have a list of therapists that you could see for little to no charge. If you don’t have a physician (and I often don’t) then google is your best friend here. There are some resources available, but none of them take the place of seeing a doctor. In the US, if you don’t have insurance, you can go to a local community clinic and ask to be put on a waiting list for a therapist, if you’d like. 
I know that you’re saying that your anxiety is making it really difficult to disengage with BNFs and the discourse and all, but do you think that we could take it one step at a time? Like, for example, the lyric thing seems to really trigger your anxiety, so could you unfollow one blog (just one!) that makes you feel like that, and then see if you like your dash a bit better? It is TOTALLY okay to unfollow someone for your own mental health, and it isn’t a negative reflection on either of you! 
Do you think that engaging with other media would help at all? For example, Supernatural has 15 whole seasons of absolute campy goodness which I really, really unironically adore. When this fandom gets too much, I turn on an episode and get lost in it for a hot second. Another thing I really enjoy is Good Omens! The book is AMAZING, and the TV show is HILARIOUS! And while we’re on recs, I SUPER SUPER recommend anything by Neil Gaiman, but “Stardust” in particular is a great, soothing read for me, and I LOVE the audiobook! Ah! Hot Tip! I pay for audible, and it is one of the BEST things for my anxiety, especially when I pick the right books. The voices are soothing, the stories are great, and I can just...tune everything else out. 
If other media doesn’t help, would other hobbies? Would you be willing to go on a walk once a day to look for pretty stones or to ride your bike out with a book and stay for a minute or to start drawing at home or to write? Is there a way that you think you could healthily express these emotions which are a really normal response to an abnormal situation (the world is kinda a mess rn) 
It sounds like you are feeling really badly that you don’t think you can get a grasp on the songs. Is there something you can do to rebuild your confidence here? Can you talk about it with a fandom friend, or write down all your theories and see which one sticks or start a brand new analysis with something that has nothing to do w H or L and then come back to the drawing board? 
These are just questions that I would ask a friend that came to me with these issues, but honestly, I cannot stress #4 enough - if your anxiety is overwhelming (and it sounds like it is) then speaking to a professional is *so so so* important. I think it’s time to go take care of yourself, anon, and the boys will be here when you’re ready to interact with their content again. They’ll wait, you know? And I’ll be here the whole time if you want to do check-ins with me. I want to know that you’re okay, friend <3 
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