#my primary source of escapism is currently making my mental health worse
musclesandhammering · 6 months
Unpopular opinion: Loki’s had like 4 tragic endings at this point that were supposed to be final. If marvel actually wants Tom’s Loki to be done, the only way it’ll work is if they give him some sort of happy ending.
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artsoccupychi · 5 years
What Causes Brain Fog? Clear the Haze and Get Your Life Back
Our bodies are very good at compensating. They will go through a myriad of chemical and neurological changes in an attempt to keep our systems operating in homeostasis.
We bombard them with sugar, additives, and other toxins, and–usually–they still manage to fulfill our daily obligations.
And then, one day, you walk into a room and forget why you went there. You try to recall someone’s name but hit a wall. You feel confused and find you are unable to maintain the awareness and focus that once came so naturally.
The onset is so insidious that you don’t really notice the changes until they are bad enough to make a difference in the quality of your life.
So prevalent is this experience in our society that we have given it a name: brain fog.
The good news is, in many instances, these symptoms are merely your body’s way of telling you it’s time to make some changes in your lifestyle.
What are the Symptoms of Brain Fog?
Brain fog is known by several other names, including mental fog, leaky brain, and cognitive dysfunction. Most people report feeling at least a few of the following symptoms:
The world is hazy. As the name implies, it can leave someone feeling like they are living in a fog—nothing coming in from any of the five senses seems crystal clear.
Difficulty concentrating. It takes more time to process incoming information. You read a chapter in a book and then go over it again. You ask people to repeat themselves, not because you didn’t hear them but because you didn’t retain or understand the topic of conversation.
Lingering fatigue. Many describe the sensation as feeling “groggy.”
Motivation wanes and confusion increases. Staying on task becomes difficult.
Trouble sleeping through the night. You may get to sleep easily, only to find yourself waking up at 2 am and spending the next few hours tossing and turning.
Impaired memory. Your short term memory isn’t quite as good as it used to be and your attention wanes. You can’t remember names, or where you just put your keys.
Irritability and anxiety. You notice that your tolerance threshold has decreased.
Lack of enthusiasm. Emotions range from apathetic to hopeless to depressed.
What Causes Brain Fog?
The root cause of brain fog is usually an inflammatory response within the brain. Dr. Kharrazian, author of Why Isn’t My Brain Working? explains that microglia, the cells in the brain that make up its immune system, release inflammatory messages to brain tissue.
This response occurs when there is inflammation in other parts of the body, when circulation decreases, when blood sugar is elevated, or when someone is sensitive to chemicals and other environmental pollutants.1
This inflammation then causes the neurons in the brain to fire at a slower rate which in turn decreases mental clarity and the production of energy in the cells—leading to fatigue and, ultimately, the destruction of brain tissue. This process is caused by a number of physiological factors. The most common causes include the following:
1. Stress. Your body responds to stress by producing adrenaline and cortisol, hormones that create the “fight or flight” response. Your muscles become activated, your heart races, you breathe faster, and your blood pressure rises. You’re ready to face the attacker.
Unfortunately, in modern life stress can be a constant, leading to a build-up of cortisol in the brain that reduces the number of neurons—nerve cells that transmit signals to and from the brain.2
A study published in the Journal of Neuroscience found that the immune systems of mice subjected to stress attacked their own brains and caused inflammation. This, in turn, caused both memory loss and social avoidance.3
2. Hormonal Changes. Insulin, a hormone, is produced when there is food, particularly sugar, in our stomach. At one time, when humans were hunter-gatherers, we ate about 20 teaspoons of sugar a year, and all of it was derived from natural sources such as berries.
Fast forward to today’s choices in high-sugar, fast-food substitutes and soda, and it’s not surprising that we are now consuming, on average, 50 teaspoons of sugar a day! This constant bombardment results in addiction and insulin overload which just happens to function as a pro-inflammatory substance.4
In addition to cognitive decline, this inflammation in the brain reduces both serotonin and dopamine—substances known as your “happy hormones.”5
3. Leaky Blood Brain Barrier. I’ve written about “leaky gut” and the effects it can have on your health. It’s a condition in which substances such as yeast, bacteria, food particles, and toxins escape from your gut due to a damaged intestinal lining.
Some of the same factors that cause leaky gut can also contribute to “leaky brain.” These factors include immune-challengers such as gluten sensitivity, heavy metals, and stress.
Consistent exposure to these irritants ultimately leads to the destruction of the blood-brain barrier, which can no longer protect the brain from bacteria and other toxins. Inflammation results–as well as the symptoms of brain fog.
4. Candida. This yeast is normally found within our intestines. Problems arise when it proliferates and overruns the good bacteria—creating a toxic environment. Candida lives off of sugar and produces chemical byproducts in the process, two of which are toxic to your brain—alcohol and acetaldehyde.
The result? Brain fog.
5. Unstable Blood Sugar. Unstable blood sugar is usually the result of eating processed foods loaded with sugar, white flour, and refined vegetable oils. The rise and fall of blood sugar leads to the release of pro-inflammatory stress hormones and proteins which results in brain fog.
The good news is that a diet consisting of whole foods and complex carbohydrates can alleviate the symptoms fairly quickly.
6. Low Carbohydrate Diets. Chances are that you know someone on the current ketogenic or paleo fads.
One of the many problems with these low-carb diets is this: While the brain represents only about 2 percent of your body mass, it requires about 25 percent of the body’s energy resources, and glucose is its primary fuel. When carbohydrates are restricted and the body’s glucose supply diminishes, brain cells can no longer function at their peak performance.
One study revealed that after just one week on an Atkins-type diet (similar to the “new” keto diet), women performed worse on memory-based tasks.6
7. Lack of Sleep. Chronic lack of sleep is linked to heart disease, diabetes, weight gain and, you guessed it, inflammation. On average, about 60 million Americans suffer from chronic sleep disorders.7
8. Environmental Toxins. Did you know that there are about 870 chemical endocrine disruptors in our environment?8 Top offenders include parabens, phthalates and BPA which can be found in plastics, cleaners, cosmetics and other body care products.
When we add pesticides, herbicides, fuels, and heavy metals to the list, it’s a wonder we can survive at all. These toxins enter the brain via the bloodstream, create inflammation, and lead to brain fog.
9. Dehydration. Almost 80 percent of your brain is made up of water. When dehydrated, it can no longer function properly—the communication between your neurons slows down and other processes just stop altogether.
A headache is often one of the first signs that your brain is dehydrated. If this continues, brain fog ensues. According to Medical Daily, 75 percent of Americans may suffer from chronic dehydration.9
10. Medications. The result of some medications is brain fog. So prevalent is this side effect that the National Academy of Medicine Report on Cognitive Aging listed “Managing your Medications” as one of the top three actions to take in order to protect cognitive health.10
A few of these medications include sedatives for sleep disorders or anti-anxiety medications such as Valium, Xanax, Ambien and Lunesta.
11. Autoimmune Disorders. These types of disorders include rheumatoid arthritis, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, lupus, and multiple sclerosis.
Autoimmune disorders are a result of the body’s immune system mistaking body tissues, such as your pancreas or thyroid, as foreign invaders and attacking them. It results in chronic inflammation that ultimately affects the brain.
12. Poor Circulation. The brain uses about 20 percent of the body’s available oxygen. That’s quite a bit, considering this organ only accounts for about 2 percent of the body, weighing in at about 3 pounds.
When the brain is deprived of oxygen and nutrients due to limited circulation, brain fog results. Decreased circulation can occur for several reasons, including high blood sugar, smoking, hypothyroidism, stress, and anemia.
13. Alcohol Consumption. Not a glass or two of red wine, a couple of times a week, but the brain cell die-off from regular or frequent alcohol consumption dulls the synaptic responses and clouds thinking, even when a person is not drinking.
Is There a Cure for Brain Fog?
Fortunately, in almost all cases, brain fog is reversible and can be cured. It’s important to address any loss of cognitive ability as soon as you’re aware of it, though, because we don’t regenerate brain easily in later life, just like we don’t regenerate bone.
The core principles associated with a healthy body are also true for the brain:
Eat a whole foods diet. I recommend a diet that consists of at least 60 percent raw vegetables, greens, superfoods, and fruits. Be sure to include these anti-inflammatory foods: leafy greens, blueberries and cherries, olive oil, avocados, legumes, flax, and walnuts. Replace omega-6 rich vegetable oils with fats that are high in brain-healthy omega-3s, such as extra virgin olive oil, wild-caught fish, and flaxseed.
Low-quality omega-6 is found in vegetable oil, conventionally raised eggs, and pre-packaged snacks. Reducing your intake of omega-6 fatty acids has been shown to reduce both inflammation and chronic pain.11
Stay hydrated. Resist the urge to drink water only after you notice you’re parched. By that time, your body may be dehydrated and trying to conserve water by holding on to what it’s got.
According to an article in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, “Being dehydrated by just 2% impairs performance in tasks that require attention, psychomotor, and immediate memory skills.”12
One of the best hydrators is alkaline water. The recommended dose is right around half of your weight each day. For instance, if you weigh 135 pounds, the suggested amount of water is about 67 ounces per day. For every hour that you work out, add another one to two glasses.
Detox. When you realize that Americans are exposed to over 80,000 chemicals, it becomes clear that undergoing a yearly detox program is essential to health and mental clarity.
I recommend a 26-day detox that systematically cleans all the major body systems, starting with the colon. It also addresses food allergies by testing for food sensitivities via an elimination diet. Since food allergies cause rampant inflammation in the body, it is essential to identify and address them.
Exercise. Dr. Mark Hyman, medical director and founder of The UltraWellness Center at the Cleveland Clinic, recommends adding interval training to your exercise regime.
This involves exercising at about 90 percent of your peak heart rate for 30 to 60 seconds followed by exercising at about 60 percent of your peak heart rate for three to five minutes. You continue in this fashion for about 30 minutes. This type of exercise has been shown to trigger a positive metabolic effect.4
Of course, the most important aspect of any exercise program is that you enjoy it; otherwise, it will be a short-lived venture. Hike, bike, swim, play tennis, walk through your neighborhood botanical gardens—just make sure you get up and move every day, preferably in the sunshine for some brain-healthy Vitamin D.
Relax. Stress and its effects can be overcome. Make some time each day to unwind by doing something that you love that is also relaxing.
Some activities that are especially relaxing and supportive to a healthy brain include meditation, yoga, listening to music or relaxation tapes. A wealth of relaxation music and guided meditations can be found on YouTube.
Sleep. Sleep experts suggest the body needs anywhere from seven to nine hours of sleep every day. In a society run amuck in never-ending activities, most people fall short of their optimum sleeping hours.
Unfortunately, getting extra shuteye on the weekends to make up for long work days during the week does not bring the body back to a fully functioning level.
When University of Chicago researchers studied student volunteers who slept only four hours a night for six nights, they found all had developed high blood pressure, increased cortisol levels, reduced antibodies, and signs of insulin resistance.13
Adjust your Medications. Talk to your healthcare practitioner about adjusting your medications. While I believe that a whole-foods, mostly plant-based diet and a healthy lifestyle is the best medicine, if you find yourself taking a drug that has left you feeling the effects of brain fog, talk to your practitioner.
A different dose or medication may have a tremendous impact on how you are feeling. And there are virtually always supportive natural supplements as a first line of defense, that don’t have the toxic side effects of pharmaceutical chemical drugs.
Supplement. While no herbs, vitamins or minerals can overcome a diet of processed foods, there are some supplements that, when added to a good whole foods diet, can help your brain heal.
Magnesium has been shown to increase memory and reduce the symptoms of brain fog. It is found in high concentrations in pumpkin seeds, almonds, leafy greens, avocados and beans.
Trace minerals are essential for all body processes, but because modern agricultural practices have stripped soil of nutrients, even organic produce can be low in the minerals we need–a fulvic acid supplement is a natural, plant-based source of trace minerals needed for brain function, hormone modulation, and energy. Probiotics and prebiotics are key for creating and maintaining good gut flora, which in turn has been shown in an explosion of new research to be the “second brain,” responsible for hormones and processes that help regulate mood, sleep, appetite, cravings, nutrient absorption, and more factors directly related to brain fog issues. Add more fermented foods to your diet, and take a good probiotic/prebiotic supplement to build and heal your gut.
Ginkgo biloba has been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years. As an herb, it improves circulation to the brain, boosts neurotransmitters, enhances memory, increases serotonin and dopamine, and lowers the level of cortisol.
Curcumin is a component of turmeric, a spice widely used in curry dishes. It has been shown to have strong anti-inflammatory properties and has proven beneficial for those suffering from arthritis, depression, and brain fog. Look for a supplement with C3 curcumin, which is more bioavailable.
Conclusions About Brain Fog
While inflammation in the brain and body is a primary contributor to brain fog, inflammation is at the root of almost all chronic illnesses including diabetes, cancer, heart disease, depression, Alzheimer’s, and even autism.
Brain inflammation has also been linked to psychiatric disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia.14
You’ll be surprised at how quickly the fog can lift when you make even simple changes to reduce inflammation not only in your brain, but throughout your body. Getting better sleep, adding a quart of green smoothie to your diet each day, and getting more sunshine can have profound effects.
But you’ll get far more permanent and life-changing results if you take the steps to detox (kicking that sugar habit takes less time than you think!)  and make the shift to a whole-foods diet.
These changes have been so important in my own life, that right now, I’ve made both my video masterclass series on detoxing safely, reducing or eliminating alcohol, and adding whole foods to your diet FREE for a short time.
  –Robyn Openshaw, MSW, is the bestselling author of The Green Smoothies Diet, 12 Steps to Whole Foods, and 2017’s #1 Amazon Bestseller and USA Today Bestseller, Vibe.
Learn more about how to make the journey painless, from the nutrient-scarce Standard American Diet, to a whole-foods diet, in her free video masterclass 12 Steps to Whole Foods.
  Disclosure: This post may contain Affiliate links that help support the GSG mission without costing you extra. I recommend only companies and products that I use myself.
  Kharrazian, Datis DHSc, DC. Why Isn’t My Brain Working? Elephant Press. 2013.
  Bergland, Christopher. Chronic Stress Can Damage Brain Structure and Connectivity. Psychology Today. 02/2014. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-athletes-way/201402/chronic-stress-can-damage-brain-structure-and-connectivity
  Ossola, Alexandra. Stress Could/ Be Destroying Your Brain—Here’s How. Popular Science. 03/2016. https://www.popsci.com/chronic-stress-causes-inflammation-in-brain.
  Hyman, Mark M.D. Functional Wellness, Part 2: Hormones and Inflammation. Experience Life. 07/2008. https://experiencelife.com/article/functional-wellness-part-2-hormones-and-inflammation/
  Miller, Andrew H. Cytokine Targets in the Brain: Impact on Neurotransmitters and Neurocircuits. Depress Anxiety. 04/2013. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4141874/
  D’Anci, KE et al. Low-Carbohydrate Weight-Loss Diets. Effects on Cognition and Mood. Appetite. 02/2009. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18804129
  Repaying Your Sleep Debt. Harvard Health Publishing. 05/2018. https://www.health.harvard.edu/womens-health/repaying-your-sleep-debt
  Breaking the Global Paralysis on Endocrine Disruptors. Center for International Environmental Law. 11/2011. https://www.ciel.org/breaking-the-global-paralysis-on-endocrine-disruptors/
  Ericson, John. 75% of Americans May Suffer from Chronic Dehydration, According to Doctors. Medical Daily. 07/2013. https://www.medicaldaily.com/75-americans-may-suffer-chronic-dehydration-according-doctors-247393
 Cognitive Aging: Progress in Understanding and Opportunities for Action. The National Academies of Sciences Engineering Medicine. 04/2015. http://nationalacademies.org/HMD/Reports/2015/Cognitive-Aging.aspx
 Ramsden, CE. Lowering Dietary Linoleic Acid Reduces Bioactive Oxidized Linoleic Acid Metabolites in Humans. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes, and Essential Fatty Acids. 10/2011. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22959954
 Adan, A. Cognitive Performance and Dehydration. Journal of the American College of Nutrition. 04/2012. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22855911
 Repaying your Sleep Debt. Harvard Health Publishing. https://www.health.harvard.edu/womens-health/repaying-your-sleep-debt
14.  Kohler, O. et al. Effect of anti-inflammatory treatment of depression, depressive symptoms, and adverse effects: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. JAMA Psychiatry. 12/2014. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25322082
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elizabethleslie7654 · 6 years
American Excalibur
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by Ash Brighton
Gregory Hood published a provocative article last December on the American Renaissance website entitled “Is Trump a Cuck?” In it, Hood details the futility of President Trump’s pandering to non-White interests while continuing to be silent regarding the interests of White America, his most solid base of support and his sole political lifeline. I mostly agree with Hood’s assessment, though I would add that I’m very happy about Trump’s efforts thus far, and I’d rather have those than favorable platitudes. There’s something much larger here, though: President Trump could easily become one of the most important figures in world history and single-handedly initiate a new epoch if he would use his reach and influence to lend moral authority to White interests.
During the Republican primaries in 2015, I expressed my growing enthusiasm for candidate Donald Trump to my father, a lifelong Republican voter. At the time, he was skeptical about Trump’s motives and suspected the whole thing was perhaps a publicity stunt. Even worse, he proposed it could also be a malicious attempt at disrupting the primary process to the advantage of Democrats. I responded by asserting that while my father’s cynicism was understandable and Trump was certainly someone who commanded attention, there are very few short-sighted billionaires. I suggested that Trump must have had a long-term plan and sincere motive for entering the nasty world of politics, because he otherwise had no reason to sully his name and reputation. Even now, though, I still wonder about the ultimate purpose and plan behind the Trump presidency. Does he see what lies beyond his time in office?
If the current environment persists, the J-left establishment will record Trump’s presidency as “scandal-ridden from day one” and “dysfunctional,” and remember him as a “highly-controversial president who presided over a divided nation and failed to bring the people together.” Media will hound the President’s family members for their entire lives. Countless sensational and slanderous “tell-alls” about the inner workings of the Trump administration will be published for decades. The Democrat Party will utilize its substantial institutional support, backed by hundreds of media outlets, universities, and tax-exempt organizations with thousands of full-time activists, to enact relentless revenge on White America. Their main agenda will be to overturn the work of the previous years and to do it as punitively and quickly as possible. Trump’s election, the first time in the modern era when Whites collectively didn’t shun a cause presented as “racist,”  was perceived and described as an act of violence (a “whitelash”) on election night. More importantly, this “act of violence” is to be repaid in kind, in perpetuity, and will excuse any unconstitutional or racially-biased action. Even now the precedents for this are being established, with the crimes of the rioters and government officials in Charlottesville left ignored or dismissed outright, while those peaceful rally attendees who aren’t currently being given the Soviet treatment have to remain silent and anonymous about their experience. The leftist establishment has gotten the message and is attacking on many fronts to make sure such an assertion of White ethnic self-interest can never happen again. Apres Trump, le deluge.
It doesn’t have to turn out this way. The President has an opportunity that no other man in history has had. Americans have already heard him called every possible unappealing adjective. The accusations are nothing if not creative: the President supposedly commits infidelity with porn stars and prostitutes. He apparently colludes with foreign governments. He reportedly watches television all day and yells at CNN. His health and mental faculties are failing rapidly, say some fourth-rate doctors. There is hardly any new accusation which can be leveled at him, and they’ve become wholly ineffective as more Americans see through the lies. Throughout his short political career Trump has used the grasping, desperate media as a gravity slingshot to propel himself and his agenda, and he commands unprecedented reach because of it.
President Trump, in one speech, could use his position, influence, and global media spotlight to shatter decades of indoctrination and conditioning by properly crediting White Americans with the glory of this nation’s history. He could distinguish between our European forebears who were the pioneers, settlers, and conquerors that built the greatest nation in world history from nothing in a few generations, and the immigrants who have come from all over the world to escape societies built by and filled with their own kind and enjoy the benefits of this society that others built. He could highlight the many injustices and double standards White Americans face, or perhaps the daily struggle against the punishing, inexorable slow grind of dispossession and demoralization. He could tell us that none of it will ever stop on its own, how our enemies will never consider the account to be balanced and there will never be a point at which we can all share a peaceful coexistence. He could talk about how only fortitude and fending for our interests will get us out of the mess we’re in. He could tell us that our destiny does not have to be that of a dwindling and persecuted element within a global multicultural miasma, but to resume the great trajectory which has played out over generations of brutal and bloody progress. With one rally, President Trump could awaken a consciousness that would burn for centuries and knock us out of our current course towards eternal mediocrity. Only he could give such a speech with a reception such that it would be an event, a turning point referenced for ages.
For decades, the lament from the right has always been “why won’t we wake up and do something?” But it’s not that easy. We Europeans are people who respect legitimate authority. This has historically been a source of our strength: a strong figure or group with legitimate, earned authority makes a moral case for action and we fulfill that imperative to its conclusion. The world-changing revolutions of our past didn’t just spontaneously occur. They were built up over years, sometimes decades, with substantial intellectual and cultural momentum behind them. President Trump right now is our best hope to utilize that awesome potential in a time of desperate need. Surely he knows what lies beyond his presidency for his legacy, posterity, and people. Surely he cares. Surely he sees Excalibur waiting for him in the anvil. In the meantime, we have no choice but to continue our difficult work of helping people see the truth and fighting our violent, malicious censors every step of the way.
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artsoccupychi · 6 years
No Energy? Fatigue Causes You Haven’t Considered But Must Address NOW
Do you spring from your bed in the morning, ready and eager to begin your day? Unfortunately, many people can hardly remember a time when they awoke with energy and vitality, at least not before they’d downed their first cup of coffee, or two…or three.
No energy is synonymous with the American lifestyle and is considered so “normal” that most people drink some kind of stimulant beverage every day.
Google “fatigue causes” and you’ll be faced with habits, routines, lifestyle, mental disorders, and dozens of physical diseases.
A compelling possible source of the problem, however, is that you may very well be tired because of your teeth.
Fatigue Causes in the 21st Century
An estimated 6 million people a year visit their primary health care provider because of fatigue.
Almost half of people who get 7-8 hours of sleep per night say they have no energy up to 3 days a week.
In a recent survey asking, “How many days a week do you wake up feeling tired and poorly rested?”, only one in seven Americans said they woke up feeling refreshed every day.
Almost half of those who got an average of 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night said they felt tired up to 3 days a week, while 54 percent of those who only got 6 hours of sleep reported waking up tired 4 or more days every week.1
A growing number of North Americans experience more than just fatigue; they experience extreme fatigue—a debilitating tiredness that leaves them unable to function on a daily basis. When it has been with them for six months or more, it is defined as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and can be accompanied by muscle weakness, impaired memory, joint pain, swollen lymph nodes, headaches, and insomnia.
Modern medicine has found no answers for people who suffer from extreme fatigue, and I don’t think a drug will ever solve the problem anyway.
Fatigue and Your Teeth
So, how can your teeth be a cause of your fatigue and lack of energy? Let’s start with an example—a woman who had experienced CFS for 12 years. This case study was reported in the International Center for Nutritional Research.
This woman presented to Dr. Gerald H. Smith with a tooth that had an old root canal that was infected. This same tooth had two small mercury fillings. In addition, galvanic currents, due to various metals in the mouth including aluminum and platinum, were creating electrical currents strong enough to interfere with the brain’s electrical impulses. She also had bite and cranial bone problems.
The doctor removed the tooth, restored her bite, and put her on a program to address the heavy metals in her body and boost her immune system. Three weeks later she reported “having more energy than she knew what to do with.”
Dental toxicity was the source of her fatigue.2
Fatigue and Your Amalgam Fillings
Mercury poisoning can cause many health problems, including severe fatigue.
Did you know that the silver fillings in your mouth are made up of 50 percent mercury? And that this heavy metal is one of the most toxic naturally-occurring elements known to man?
An amalgam filling, removed from your mouth, cannot be placed in a landfill. In fact, it must be picked up by hazardous waste collectors. When schools used mercury thermometers, if one broke, the school would be evacuated and the hazmat team called in!
And yet, in the fight to eliminate tooth decay, mercury amalgam is placed just three inches from your brain.
The American Dental Association (ADA) claims that when liquid mercury is combined with the other metals in a silver filling, the amalgam that is formed bonds the metals together so that mercury does not escape.
Mercury vapor, however, does escape, on a daily basis and with each breath. Micro cracks in the filling are virtually inevitable. Eat or brush your teeth, and the amount of vapor increases dramatically.3
This heavy metal does more than just poison your body–it suffocates it. Oxygen is transported via your bloodstream, specifically by hemoglobin (a protein in red blood cells), which carries life-sustaining oxygen to all the cells of your body.
Think of hemoglobin like a bus. This bus has four binding sites that allow oxygen to “jump on board” so that it can deliver it to your tissues that need oxygen, where the oxygen then “jumps off.”
Mercury, unfortunately, likes those same seats on the bus. And when the hemoglobin bus is full of mercury, there is no room for oxygen. In addition, mercury doesn’t like to jump off, but rather becomes a permanent passenger until the red blood cell, with a lifespan of about 120 days, dies.
Fatigue and Root Canals
Root canals are performed when a tooth is infected or injured. In essence, its blood supply and the nerve in the center of the tooth are removed. Your dentist or endodontists now sterilizes and packs the now hollow tube with material to prevent bacteria from entering what is now a dead tooth.
Root canals are performed when a tooth is infected or injured.
But a tooth is actually made up of millions of tiny tubules that transport nutrients from the center of the tooth to the enamel. These tubules harbor bacteria.  These tiny dentin tubules are estimated to be at least 100,000 yards in length!
Without the cleansing flow of blood, this bacteria mutates into an anaerobic form that does not require oxygen and later morphs into powerful toxins.
Over 460 different bacteria have been identified in teeth treated with root canals, with a high percentage being anaerobic species. These toxins drain from the lymphatic system and blood vessels to the rest of the body.4
Dr. Boyd Haley, a professor of chemistry at the University of Kentucky, tested 900 teeth with root canals to determine their bacteria levels. Half of them had enough bacteria to challenge a healthy immune system. But even more disturbing was the 25 percent that contained toxins more powerful than botulinum, one of the most toxic organisms known to man.5
A passage from The Toxic Tooth, a book by Robert Kulacz, DDS and Tom Levy, MD illustrates this fact:
“My dental assistant once described an extracted root canal-treated tooth as smelling like a dead mouse that had been decomposing for a while.” On the other hand, healthy teeth that are extracted have no smell to them.6
In essence, your body’s immune system is fighting a serious bacterial infection 24/7. It’s producing white blood cells to combat these invaders, leaving less room in your blood vessels for red blood cells, the transporters of oxygen.
The result? No energy and increasing fatigue that grows worse with each passing year.
Fatigue No Longer
At this point, you may be thinking that your teeth could be contributing to your fatigue causes and increasing exhaustion. It’s important to know that you don’t have to live with it!
If you’re plagued by feeling like you have no energy, know that you don’t have to live with it!
There are biological dentists (also known as holistic dentists or natural dentists) who understand how dental work can actually cause an illness and contribute to fatigue causes. These dentists have been trained in assessing dental work in order to determine if it may be causing health problems.
From there, your biological dentist will determine the best protocol and suggest recommended steps that can restore your general well-being. Steps they may take include the following:
Remove teeth treated with root canals that are harboring bacteria.
Remove amalgam fillings and replace them with material that is compatible with your immune system.
Evaluate the body’s electrical system using an EAV (“electro-acupuncture according to Voll”) diagnostic device.
Determine if a mixture of metals in your mouth is causing galvanic currents—electrical currents that interfere with your body’s own electrical impulses.
Recommend a detoxification program that may include herbs and homeopathic remedies, and an excellent, oxygenating diet rich in greens, vegetables, fruits, etc. Protocols to detoxify may include baths, saunas, red light therapy, or other modalities.
The next step is finding a dentist trained in these techniques and procedures. Unfortunately, some dentists use the term “holistic” because they no longer use silver amalgams and that is the extent of their “natural” approach. It’s crucial that you make a consultation with a dentist that is well-versed in the many facets of whole-body dentistry.
Don’t have a holistic dentist? Get the Insider’s Guide to Holistic Dentists, and find one! We reached out to all the Holistic dentists in the U.S.A. we could find, and learned what services they provide. It’s all in ONE amazing, FREE resource, to make it easier for you to have access to get better, less invasive, holistic dental care for the rest of your life!
1. McCarthy, Niall. Americans Are Tired Most of the Week. Statista. 06/2015. https://www.statista.com/chart/3534/americans-are-tired-most-of-the-week/
2. Smith, Gerald H. Dr. 12 Years of Chronic Fatigue. International Center for Nutritional Research, Inc. http://www.icnr.com/cs/cs_11.html.
3. McGuire, Tom, DDS. Mercury: The Poison in Your Teeth. YouTube. 2011. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cp8Rg8hNGwA
4. Siqueira, J.F. et al. Diversity of Endodontic Microbiota Revisited. Journal of Dental Research. 2009. http://www.endoexperience.com/documents/diversityofendodonticmicrobiotasiqueira2009.pdf
5. Kulacz, Robert, DDS, et al. The Toxic Tooth. MedFox Publishing. 2014.
6. Chronic Fatigue In-Depth Report. The New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/health/guides/disease/chronic-fatigue-syndrome/print.html
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