#my partner's oc <3333
fruifruit · 1 year
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my little pmd ocs,,,,, kat is the human hero and marin is the eevee partner!
marin... doesn't have much patience for kat at first, lol
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multi-lefaiye · 2 years
🖊 :D
wahoo, thank you!! :D
hmmmMMM i think i will ramble a bit about my baby Adeli Santllian! an OC i made in around 2018, though i haven't paid attention to them in a little while asdjflk; i don't have much recent art of them, but i have this cute doodle i did during a game of scribble.io <3
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[Image Description: A doodle of my OC Adeli Santillian, a lean person with freckles and long red hair that hangs around their shoulders. The doodle is very simple and has no color except for the hair, as well as limited details. Adeli is smiling as they hold up one hand, above which is a green scribble to represent their magic. Their name is handwritten in black next to them, with an arrow pointing to them. End ID.]
Adeli is an OC I made based on the dating sim Arcana, but I've made them a bit more original as time's gone on and given them their own standalone story that I think about sometimes, though it's on the backburner for many reasons and not being actively worked on.
Essentially, Adeli is a magician's apprentice with a boatload of trauma and amnesia. Their story was my first real foray into doing a narrative centered heavily around trauma and mental health and using magical elements as symbolism, which now is the only thing I like to do, and,,, ok now that I'm thinking about it I wanna go back to it a bit.
In terms of what Adeli actually has Going On, for lack of a better term, they have psychosis, and a big part of my plans for their story explores how them having Fucky Magic Powers interacts with their psychosis. Part of the reason this story's on the backburner for now is because I'm trying my best to research and talk to folks to make sure that, if/when I do write this, I portray Adeli in as nuanced and respectful a way as possible.
Adeli also, in addition to that, suffers from seizures and chronic pain, especially in their chest and limbs, and they also have pretty bad dermatillomania.
Okay asdfj;kl I have a lot of things I could say about Adeli but I don't want to make this too long, so I'll just share that one of my favorite things with Adeli is an OC ship with them and my partner @skitzo-kero's OC Khalki <333 Those two are so so sweet and so soft and I love them. We can't separate them. In some 'verses, they have an adorable daughter named Wivaca <3
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devotion-disorder · 9 months
im so obsessed with ur OCs, they're too cute!!
in the second depiction of Noel, is he streaming or planning to upload the video of him (coercively) garnering his darling's declaration of love? Is he self-aware about his yandere behavior, does he think about how others might receive it?
Is Kuuya aware of how others might consider his behavior strange? Or are one or both of them convinced it's understandable/normal?
Would Noel be inclined to kidnap/trap darling in his house? Or include them in his videos, given that it means they will have an audience? What about Kuuya? Is he content to stalk his darling from afar or will he eventually try to win them over?
I have so many more thoughts and questions!! I love your boys, they're so pretty.
First off thank u v much for liking my silly boyes!!! 🥺🥺 <3333
I would say in that pic you can interpret Noel as doing whatever you think he is doing LOL its entirely possible for him to be streaming, or recording a video, or even recording something just to keep to himself / shamefully delete it afterwards, it kind of depends on what happened beforehand or how far gone he is. I’d say Noel is somewhat self-aware but he just outright refuses to really acknowledge what he is doing. He does has enough social awareness to keep up a decent image of both him and his SO; He understands instinctually that what he is doing is wrong, but he justifies it with excuses and just lets himself be swept up in his emotions.
Kuuya is very aware that his behaviour is strange and thinks of himself as a disgusting creep (which is mostly fair), and its what the people around him have made him internalise waayyyyyyy before he even met his partner. It’s why he would not usually directly approach his SO, choosing to stalk them or breaking into their house etc, because he thinks no one would want to see someone like him.
So i suppose, Noel is actually more delusional than Kuuya in a sense LOL. But then again, Noel is the one with enough balls to actually kidnap his partner (amongst a slew of other things) while Kuuya would much rather fall into a depressive slump than actually do anything.
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princessvickie · 22 days
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(general, romantic, physical.)
note : ahh i’ve been wanting to write about him for a while :,3333 my little snake dude !!!-!-!!—!! i freaking love him sm !! might write about him and my oc sooooown;)) this isn’t proof read sorry:(
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୨୧ I feel like Striker would be demisexual/romantic. He’d probably only be intimate with somebody after he put his whole trust and faith in them. It’s implied by S2 Ep4 that he’s lost the people that he cared about before, so It’s an explanation for his hostility. I also think he’d be Bisexual like js look at that one scene in Harvest Moon like i know he was trying to manipulate Blitz butttt;))..
୨୧ Loves mud fights and fist fights, won’t elaborate on this;).
୨୧ While rewatching Harvest Moon Festival, Striker looks a bit old fashioned and traditional compared to the other Imps. So i believe that he def gets his style from watching old western movies when he has the time.
୨୧ Constantly trying to get money for business phones, but he always breaks all of them in a fit of rage (a little canon).
୨୧ Fucking loves Bombproof with every fiber in his body and treats him like a baby in private, also I feel like he’d own more horses and call them his family.
୨୧ FAWKING LOVES HORSERIDING COMPETITIONS!!!! he almost always wins and then shows off Bombproof but never lets anybody touch him.
୨୧ Bombproof is def his main way of transportation but he’d probably have to drive a car once in a while. (he’s absolutely reckless and his vehicle is literally on life support and barely even working)
୨୧ His gold tooth is a souvenir and shines insanely bright.. he also wants to lose more teeth to replace them with prosthetic gold ones.
୨୧ Decent penmanship, despite his reckless and crazy personality. It’s not the best.. but at-least it’s legible…
୨୧ In the scenario that he’d be in a relationship with somebody, he’d probably be a bit harsh/ or even cruel at first. He hasn’t experienced that type of shit in a while so he’s grown to know intimacy as a stranger. Striker has a tough shell.
୨୧ Once he’s warmed up to that person, he’d be super overprotective. He doesn’t want to lose another person, and to experience that grief again. Striker wouldn’t be the perfect partner because he still has some flaws within his personality due to being previously scarred, but he’d def ensure that the person he’s romantically involved in is comfortable and reciprocates the same feelings as well.
୨୧ Overall, Striker’s a bit inexperienced with romantic concepts but not completely unfamiliar with it. He wouldn’t mind showing affection, such as occasional cuddles or words of praise.
୨୧ also extra if he were to be your roommate, he’d be extremely messy.. like look at his lair shit is everywhere 😭.
୨୧ DEF MORE ROUGH AND MESSY HAIRRR. Work gets in the way of his personal hygiene and sometimes he forgets to cut it, making it grow a bit longer. Also fighting takes a lot of effort so no doubt it’s messy 😭.
୨୧ Longer gloves, maybe even normal non-fingerless ones. Striker kills people for a living and he’s legally wanted so I don’t think he’d leave his fingerprints behind that easily.
୨୧ Doesn’t always fight with his jacket, sometimes fights get messsyyy and he doesn’t have the time to keep washing it.
୨୧ okay sorry if I get bashed on this but I prefer norman reedus as his va.. NO HATE TO EDDD I FREAKING LOVE HIM BUT I LIKE THE HIGHER, RASPIER VOICE..
୨୧ snake-imp. Personally I don’t believe Striker to be half shark but everybody has their own headcannons. I also think he’d possess more animalistic features, such as moving around more snake-like and slithery.. def does this to confuse his targets,, like one moment he’s here and then u blink and he’s literally gone.
୨୧ honestly I feel like he’d have more scars on his body, especially his forearm/general arm area. He’s a literal assassin it’d be a little unbelievable if he didn’t have any remarkable scars.. and I also feel like he’d have one specific scar he’d show off and forget about all the other ones he has. but this is just my humble opinion!!!
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kaithesnek · 9 days
~ pinned post ~ hai! am kiru! i use it/its and she/her i mostly reblog stuff but i occasionally post about stuff ive made!!
OCs under the cut: (also im kinda. Simplifying their lore or else this post would be way too long kajhglkjh)
Kiru: she/her, it/its
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she's my main sona!! a sentient pool toy brought to life with magic, who ends up going on an adventure with maple, who gets mentioned latr!!! i dun hav much written yet fdlgkjdfd BUT she ends up defeating my world's "villain" who actually created her- x3 basically they wanna take over the world by turning everyone into Creatures and controlling them- but they still need desigining.. ill make a post about that if i ever finish it!! art is by @ xxthunderthedragonxx
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maple is also a living object, but this time a fursuit!! specifically an autumn-coloured floragato :3 she's also kiru's adventuring partner! she actually used to be human but got "cursed" by a mysterious fursuit maker, and forgot everything about her old self, but ended up finding a roommate to live with! said roommate is called jester and is actually a frien's oc x3 art is by @ bonnieflare
Kai: she/her
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kai is a silly trans girl who learned alchemy and turned herself into a snake! she runs a potion shop and is also helping supply kiru and maple on their journey, she's also obsessed with plants and uses them a lot for her magic! overall veri cozy and always accepts hugs ^w^
art is by @ twistingforce
she/her, it/its
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she's like. the classic werewolf but Dragon instead :3 the whole, being bitten and turned into a Creature thing- x3 veri close friens with kai, who helped her accept her new body, and taught her to change at will! (yea im. sure half of my ocs turning into creatures forever totally isnt saying something about how i feel about myself- hahaha....)
art is by @ Axelongis on twitter
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i made this kobold for a dnd campaign, but then i got really attached to her and now she's one of my most lore-heavy ocs x3 she may seem cute, being based on a cupcake, but uh. she has killed a lot of people =w="" i wont explain it all here but.. she replaced her tail and lower body with robotics after a long life in a wasteland-like desert- she also used her experience with robotics to make another oc of mine, a plane dragon called north! they're besties :3 speaking of north.... model is by me! i make these :3 North: it/its, she/her
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sprinkle's companion! can act as a mech for sprinkle, she can also just ride on it's back :3 not based on any particular plane but.. i never saw any plane raptors so. yea! it's usually quite calm but will Murder to protect her creator when needed- ...hence the blood! model is also by me!
so uh, ya! thas a basic summary of all my ocs... feel free to ask questions about them all!!! also theyre all trans and autistic because i am irl :3333
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paletteprimary · 15 days
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≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺ ╭────────── ♱ · 𓆩🤍𓆪 · ♱ ─╮ Howdy <33 ,, Strings is my name, being silly is my game. I go by multiple names, but Strings is a heavily preferred one ! Taken by my partner @tyr4nt-ula <3333 ILY MY BEST FRIENDS (Punky my pookie /p) There's more underneath! I think you should keep reading <3 ╰─ ♱ · 𓆩🤍𓆪 · ♱ ──────────╯ ≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
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𓆩♡𓆪 About me ,, :^
Here's some basic info bout me ! vvv
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my main interests are spooky month, pico's school, and mainly ocs (including fankids)
Lover of an indie games !! BATIM/BATDR, Smile For Me, Indigo Park, and more
i have more than three sonas !! I might post them all, I don't know,
some of my favorite music artists are: will wood, kmfdm, cg5, hozier, miracle musical, the living tombstone, etc etc <3
some of my songs are: too sweet, against the kitchen floor, megalomaniac, love me normally, pork soda, etc.
i have a ton of comfort characters, some are: ronbo, kevin, robert, alucard, etc
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𓆩♡𓆪 tag info ,, :^
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#pri art - my art specifically !
#pri reply - replies to asks/questions !
#pri fankid - fankids I made for ships I like!
#pri shipping - ship doodles, often paired with my art tag!
#pri yammer - my yammering :]
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𓆩♡𓆪 dni ,, :^
basic dni criteria
ists & phobes
dark/pro/comship (WEIRDOS!!!)
certain irl doubles (unless i know you beforehand) (i'm irls of thomas connor, rick hedony & alucard)
ship slander (unless it's obviously problematic)
slander of my interests
unwanted criticism of any kind, especially if not asked
ANY person i had drama with, including exes
homestuck, hazbin/helluva, dsmp, object shows (im not okay with these, dont talk about them in front of me please. If you interact w/ me short term, I'll probably be fine)
ai "art" users, fuck off my stuff pal
people who use femboy. i hate that goddamn word
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𓆩♡𓆪 byi + boundaries ,, :^
I would HEAVILY perfer if you use tonetags around me, you don't have to, but i'd like you to,
i ramble, yap, and yammer a TON, say outta pocket things, make inappropriate jokes, volume control/all caps issues, flirt/tease super close friends. If I EVER do a thing that makes you/someone uncomfortable, please inform me and don't tone switch with me.
sexual jokes are ONLY for close friends, not for people I just met, please refrain.
i dont like a lot of popular ships in the medias im into, don't get mad at me for not liking them. I am a BIG rarepair fan.
im a-okay with interaction, but I might not reply immediately because I am very anxious
i have some strong opinions, but i try to keep an open mind
don't question my art style (some doodles will just be a head and hands, my style in general is REALLY sketchy anyway)
my blog, my rules
☽. LAST UPDATED: 5/28/24
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mochablogger · 4 months
★ You seem lost, hold my hand and I'll show you the way! ★
★ Intro:
☆ Hi hi hewwo! You're talking to Mocha (full name: Mocha Cuppy) and lemme tell you what else you could call me!! (Note: try not calling me by my full name at times <3)
Violet (Reserved for close users only)
Honey Cuppy (Reserved for @moonsprout-sys only)
Cupid (Reserved for @trashbins-stuff only)
Candybon (Reserved for @roastymarshy only)
Roomie + Dandelion (Reserved for @rubixisanidi0t only)
Violet Cream (Reserved for @not-bluboy only)
Any other silly nickname you could come up with! (Moots only; ask first before using!)
☆ Pronouns!!
She/they/xe <- xe/xem is most preferred!!
Heart/heartself + cupid/cupidself (Reserved for @trashbins-stuff only)
☆ I am a minor so let's be appropriate here <3
☆ I'm 🇰🇼!!!!
☆ I'm commonly known as 'the ourple goober' :3
☆ I can speak: English, Arabic, French (a little bit), Korean (a little bit) and Spanish!
☆ I study astronomy/astrobiology, history and biology!! ^^
☆ I am a digital/traditional artist, animator, VA and writer! <- Silly author of 'The Traumatized Cup'
☆ I am sensitive and can get upset easily. Please don't upset me; you will NOT like the result.
☆ To make our conversation friendly and more understandable, please use tone tags! (They really help)
☆ My happy day is on 16 Feb mehehe >:]
☆ I'm a multi-fandomist and I am very ✨random✨. I am socially awkward soo yea :)
☆ 100% needs therapy 💯
☆ I am bound to disappear for a period of weeks with no explanation 😇
☆ I'm non-binary, demigirl and queerplatonic!!
☆ I play badminton and chess (woah who taught you that??)
☆ @moonsprout-sys is my platonic partner, @blairdrawzstuff-part-two is my bestie and @trashbins-stuff is my best buddy >:] I LOVE ALL OF YOUU /p <3333
☆ Dooble requests are still open but as for custom OCs they are closed because I have enough requests and once they are finished I'll resume :]
☆ I've finished 46% of the comic for @the-dreamcatchers-series 💥
☆ I know how to drive a car accurately but I don't have a license :] and btw how come I didn't crash my dad's car??? /silly
☆ I'm claustrophobic in irl (I've fainted in my bus twice) and I'm also prone to get airsick (I've never travelled on the sea before so I never got seasick tho :])
☆ I love to cook n read in my free time :3
☆ My blog is sfw and can be viewed by all ages!!
☆ I swear a little bit while venting or when I am upset I hope you don't mind 👉👈
☆ Wanna make fanart? Tag #fanartforcuppy and @ me!
★ Reference sheet for my objectsona !!
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This will be updated as time goes by!!
More sillay stuff below! ⬇️
★ Fandom list
The Object Show Community (OSC)
Murder Drones
The Owl House
The Amazing Digital Circus
Animation Vs Animation/Minecraft
The Henry Stickmin Collection
Sonic the hedgehog
Among Us
★ DNI (Do Not Interact) list
NSFW (Not Safe For Work)
People who are neutral/against Palestine
Pedophiles, zoophiles and necrophiles
S3xual and religional themes
Porn bots/any type of bot
Homophobes and transphobes
If you match with any of these things mentioned above, kindly fuck off or you will be immediately blocked.
★ Common tags
#cozy art - artworks digital and traditional
#cuppy doobles - silly doobles that mean ABSOLUTELY nothing
#cuppy asks - asks about my well-being
#cuppy requests - request drawings
#cuppy animation - animatics and animation <- barely doing any lol
#cuppy ramblez - watch me talk like bla bla bla
#cuppy reblogz - reblogs
#roomiez lounge - used when talking with my fellow Roomie, @rubixisanidi0t!!
★ Other blogs (still in the making!)
@mochablogger - Main blog; you're currently here!
@the-dreamcatchers-series - The Dreamcatchers' Site!
*This intro is still in progress. Thanks for reading so far! You now may let go of my hand.
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chanderlona · 3 months
great follow up news everyone I HAVE DOWNLOADED THE TUMBLR APP 💥💥💥💥💥 (yes i've been using the website all this time lmao
i also recently have finished artttt it will be my first here after the deletion of my previous ones from a LOOOONG time ago
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after being in my head for MONTHS she's finally here <3333 Marble Cake Cookie !!!!
yeah i intended of making a silly lawyer partner for Langue but also an older sibling of Marble Bread cause he deserves more content /silly
and uh Marble Danish suddenly appears sooo ‼️‼️‼️ he's the dad <333
LOREEE TALK uhm i still need to expand more buuut she's used to be in one academy as Langue which is basically how they met (i LOVE LOVEE old friends to lovers). though Langue graduated earlier than her so they lost contact for a while,,,, until one day they met again and it was like
a rainy day. Langue took a taxi to go home from his office (someone'a gotta take care of his parents /lh /pos) and the rain was sooo bad that basically its hard for everyone to find a ride home. then uhh someone was like "hey hey can i please please ride too?? i dont want to get too soggy..!!! /lh" and the driver was like "get in miss and i hope you dont mind my current passenger"—btw uhm Langue was already prepared for something like this. and then when she got in and looked at Langue and uhh
then they chatter until Langue made to his destinatiom,,,, plus they finally get to share contacts :333
AAHAHHSHS OKAY THATS ALL WHOOP— maybe in the next post i can rant about an oc i ship with xylitol nova /silly
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ahem bonus image <3333 silly lawyers i'm going to jail /JJJJJ
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vanillahub · 3 months
respond to the prompts out of character!
what made you pick up the current muse(s) you have? Obviously, I'm heavily influenced by a set list of characters I personally love, which means I come up with a take/portrayal as I delve deeper into the lore. I tend to have a preference for side characters, rather than protags or lore heavy ones, bc of the freedom I get... BUT at the same time I've had numerous muses that carry a lot of weight in their respective franchises (see: Seto Kaiba, Captain Rex, rival Barry, Richter Belmont and Sea Dragon Kanon just to name a few).
I mainly write as canon characters, I genuinely have little to no interest in making or RPing as an OC. At most, I have 1 OC in two out of the RPCs I'm currently part of. Which explains this huge disparity.
is there anything you don’t like to write? My hard nos are Incest, Adult/minor types of relationships. Bodily fluids/toilet stuff and fetish focused RPs. One-liners and really short replies aren't fun for me, sure, they can be fun for crack/joke interactions. But they won't last long. I really love working and expanding on the source material, so RPs for me really need to have that good plotting to back it up. While I'm totally open for exploring darker/taboo subjects (e.g.: adultery, toxic relationships, etc.), they MUST carry weight on the characters and be handled accordingly.
is there anything you really enjoy writing? GIMME ALL THE WEIRD COMBOS TO INTERACT WITH!!! Characters that never met or barely interacted with one another in canon but, they can interact in our RPs!!! My jam is doing worldbuilding and expanding on the source material!!! I also enjoy writing comedy, fluff, romance, slice-of-life, over-arching stories that connect/get refferenced in other threads.
how do you come up with headcanons? I look for plotholes or anything that was barely touched upon, in the source material, and I go off from it. I try establishing connections or make them clearer, to serve as future reference for me and my RP partners. I also love taking influence from other medias I'm into.
do you write in silence or do you play music? I used to be able to multitask a lot easier in the past. Now, I mainly prefer writing in silence. Only in very rare cases, I may play some kind of lo-fi beat or lounge music.
do you plan your replies or wing them? It depends on the thread in specific! Most of them have been plotted out, so I go off what we have laid out. Only in a few cases I try to wing it.
do you enjoy shipping? YES YES. GIMME. However, due to some bad experiences in the past, I'm really picky with platonic and familial stuff (popular fanons my beloathed).
what’s your alias/name? Vani
age?  27
birthday? 19th of July
favorite color?  Purple, blue, white, red-
favorite song?  Tô de pé - Maneva
last movie you watched?  I genuinely can't remember it LOL. It must have been Saint Seiya: Legend of Sanctuary.
last show you watched?  Saint Seiya Omega
last song you listened to? Discoholic - Disco Soul (Mr. Hoosteen's "Disco's Revenge
favorite food?  Pesto Pasta
favorite season?  Summer
do you have a tumblr best friend? Check these fellas out <3
These ppl know me for the longest time Gen ( @gems-of-lirema ), Simone (@unchcsen ) , Shiba ( @celestiialnotes ), Retto ( @245s ), Bobo ( @roleplayersoul ) and Smeargle ( @ofpokemon ) !! Really special mentions to @radi0activesmile, Val and @mxlik you guys will forever hold a v special place in my heart!!
Then I'm always chatting with Ama ( @gwiazdowe ), who genuinely is one of the best ppl I've met!! Honestly, I couldn't feel anymore happier to have met you! Can't forget urs truly Mica, who lives rent-free in my walls LOL. Lea ( @todefendlife ) and Mars own my house smfh.
And also special shout out to folks I've met more recently, but still deserve a place here: @shouxryuuxha / @wayfaringstrangxr / @eternalstarlights / @triko-the-fluffy-artist <3 Love u guys!
TAGGED BY: @mayxthexforce TYSM <3333
TAGGING: Anyone wanting to do this!! Just say I tagged you <3 !
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fffiii · 10 months
Rate your friends.
I hope you don’t mind me going insane, anon :3
Yami @pastel-rights
You. YOUUUU!!!!! I grab your stories your Theatre of Darkness your ocs your lore your art EVERYTHING. I ADORE YOUR PRESENCE AND HONESTLY??? thank you for dealing w my bs HAAHAHA and thank you for introducing to my first true kin as an oc, Harlequinn Astran. That man is vile just like me /lh ANYWAYS HUGS YOU TIGHT. Also my favourite person to torment with timmy and insanity <3 /j
Sam @paperbcy
MY EX HUBBYYYYYY~ I swear i do love you /p i definitely wasn’t only wanting the access to the walls :333 I love your lore and your writing and your amazing mysteries and orphy musings!!!!!!
Tae(gan dragon detective morningstar dazai osamu akechi monika deross dathy mariah hernandez john light yagami cro jason dean collins) @nice-chiaki
YOUUU, the archetype of the wet blanket. the hypocrite of the glass house /j. YOUUUUUU you’re insane I know it you lil delulu lemon but i still grab you and squeeze you because you are a cute delulu lemon!! Thanks for also dealing w my bs HAHAHHA
Navi @navxry
YOU. NAVINA. GRRRHRGRHRGRR BARK WOOF, first witness to the insanity I have wrought from a tender young age <3 my longest online friend and honestly!! I miss you so much im gonna grab and rattle you and infect you with my blorbos /j so happy to be still talking to you after so so sosososososoo long!
Mitzu @yaboimitzu
MITZU. MITZUUUUUUUUUUUU our friendship was so out of nowhere LMAO then look where we are, with IDV, BSD, HSR, Genshin A N D MTP BRAINROT??? we r truly madmen /j THANKS FOR ALL YOUR AMAZING ADVICE AND HELP MAN YOURE TOO KIND
Klai @idv-ask-the-showman
My soon to be partner of crime 😈😈😈 YOU’RE SO FUN TO BE WITH AND YOUR ENERGY IS SO. WAAA. I LOVE BEING AROUND SO MUCH AS A FRIEND! If Phineas wants to express any feelings for liam (iykyk). Don’t be shyyy :)
Pins @one0p1nk
PINSSS!!! YOU!!! I GRAB YOU!!!! purest little pins and your amazing ocs!! also thanks so much for all your amazing essence events and for indulging our crackhead moments >:)
Four @sleepyfour
YOUUUUUU! life has been busy but i miss talking to you smmm! Hope life’s been good on you :D
Toko @blackturtlefangirl
A fellow equator sufferer <3 Thanks for being so nice to me and discussing the most random stuff when it comes to our country HAHAAHA snd tokosop? Love the bastard. Love your interpretation of the bastard. Mwah. I LOVE YOUR ART TOO ITS SO YUMMY and you’re so nice awwnwijisjikjaknw
Joe @picnicbask3t
evil vampires? If evil why sexy? Your art???? mwah. Your Bloodline Communion? MWAH. Best yaoi lover on this site. be not afraid. give me the vampy vampy lore
Lupi @imaginearson/@askgardenerwoods
Carrie @micyclemorton
3 years down the line i think i’m gonna be a sam 2, this is a threat /j BUT THANKS FOR INDULGING IN MY SLEEP DEPRIVED BS!!! and your characters and lore is so deep and interesting!!!! mwah
Beth @beth-bethar00
BETHHH! you’re such an understanding and nice person and you’re really so nice to be around!! I hold you and your ocs and aus gentle
rest of the Mun’s kitchen Hut and the Mun’s collab server
YALLS!! HRGRRHRGR!! Yall are so nice and friendly towards my insanity <3333 thanks for helping me and welcoming me fr yall are amazing (fellow crazy buddies)
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tazdrgaoneyetagain · 10 months
i canNOT deal with looking at the outdated one much longer so its new pinned time!
HELLAO! i go by taz, jevil, or if youre feeling sillay, you can call me drgaone! or just dragon. if youre normal. also any variation of the word dog
☆ he/it/bark, transmasc and pan!
☆ furry and therian (black wolfdog) and otherhearted (dragon of course), selfshipper!!!1!1!
☆ not whatsoever diagnosed but everyone who talks to me agrees theres some divergent on that neuro
☆ taken and very loud about it i love bird sm
☆ chronic epistaxis i am the number one bleeder
《FANDOMS :3333》
◇ wings of fire
◇ pjsk/vocaloid
◇ fnaf, specifically the dcas
◇ hfjone
◇ the walten files
◇ chonny's charming chaos compendium
◇ regretevator its birds fault
◇ kinitopet!!!!
《F/OS !!》
♡ sun (five nights at freddys, romantic f/o)
♡ six-claws (wings of fire, father f/o)
♡ sayori (doki doki literature club, romantic f/o)
♡ shadow bonnie (five nights at freddys, platonic f/o)
♡ the heart acoustic (cccc, platonic f/o)
♡ kinito (kinitopet, romantic f/o)
♧ drgaone roars -> og posts
♧ drgaone snarls -> asks and answers
♧ tax evasion -> art tag! i used this one across all my past blogs (@taz-drgaone, and the one i had to deactivate womp womp) so going through a tag for a literal felony is fucking flooded with fruity dragons. in retrospect i should have made it drgaone draws
♧ manatee the silly! -> manatee my blorbo my silly. also used across all blogs but you dont have to scroll past political shit
♧ drgaone scrawls -> poetry n fanfic !!!!!!!!!
♧ saveforlater -> imagine me curled up on a pile of these posts like a sleeping dragon atop its horde of treasures
♧ holy shit the images are moving -> animations i post
♧ partnerposting -> me being in love
♤ feel free to send asks requests dms whateva!!!1! i thrive off interaction its my fucking lifeblood
♤ ask about my ocs.
♤ my discord is assignedmuckaatblucka PLEASE ADD ME.
♤ tazzerjevil on ao3!!! read my fics boy but maybe not the smut. currently workinf on a jashling chatfic im v proud of
♤ my biggest trigger is the military PLEEEASEEEE dont send me shit related to it. or i kill you wigh my teeth
♤ PRO-PALESTINE. except i cant post much abt it because my pro-israel mother knows my tumblr. and also the above
♤ i am worlds most annoying dog. i will spam you with barking and yap about my partner so much
BASIC DNI SHIT! pls if ur a jackass do Not follow. also anyone against cannibalism, transspecies people (not one myself but its such a cool concept), mspec lesbians, xenos or neos. also if youre gonna tag me in a reblog chain plEASE dont do one of those ones where it says "tag [insert number of people]" i panic and have no clue who ta tag,,, also no reblog bait please!
OKAY GO LOOK AT MY SHIT HAVE FUN!!!!!! yes i changed this. slay
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thee-morrigan · 5 months
NSFW 1, 2, and 3 for Holland and/or Petra, please! 🥰 (~agentnatesewell)
it is always the and for me ahaha (and thank you for indulging my continued hyperfixation with them <3333)
oc nsfw asks
1. Are there any names they like to be called in bed/names they call their partner? Any names they wouldn’t use/can’t stand?
answered for Holland here. <3 Petra just loves hearing Ava say her name, honestly (since it only took her forever to stop being So Formal in general). she's also not opposed to the flirty/suggestive use of "Agent" from time to time 😜 the only name she truly can't stand being called is "pet" — she's had partners try to use it before (which, yeah, obvious nickname option for her) and has really never liked it. she tends to rotate through pet (ha) names for Ava — she does call her "pretty girl" fairly consistently, though.
2. Are they a “the socks stay on during sex” kind of person?
Holland is definitely not, unless it's a heat-of-the-moment situation/one in which she's not getting fully undressed (*ahem* such as the scenarios in the next question!). despite her perpetually cold feet, if she's not wearing shoes, she's rarely wearing socks anyway, so it doesn't factor in that much as a thing to take off or leave on. Petra, on the other hand, 100% is not thinking about what may or may not be on her feet if she's getting busy. she is WAY more likely to be surprised if she finds a rogue sock in her sheets later. like, "was I wearing socks earlier?? did I kick this off in my sleep last night?? ghosts???"
3. Quickies vs Planned sex—thoughts?
Petra likes the idea of planned sex, but she’s far too impulsive to always follow through with any kind of waiting if she doesn’t absolutely have to haha. Like, she will plan a date night, decide sometime midday that there is absolutely no reason they can’t sneak away for a quickie and then still enjoy their originally scheduled sexy evening plans later. (and will probably be a giant dork about it and provide Ava with an entire substantiated argument about why this is actually the most productive way to go about one’s day) Holland loves planned sex (the anticipation! the teasing potential!) but is also Extremely Prone to pulling shit like nonchalantly asking Nate to come look at something...and then “something” turns out to be a supply closet or a particularly secluded library alcove. ("You said you wanted my opinion on something?" "I do — how soundproof do you think this corner is?")
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malka-lisitsa · 4 months
Send me ❤ on anon and I’ll compliment someone at random!
Tumblr media
@fangsforhire Is a sweet heart who has put a lot of effort into her OC, and busts her ASS to make sure her replies are worthy of her partners.
@faiththesinfulslayer MY LOVE, my favourite Faith ever. Faith was my fave in the show and to see her be so amazingly written makes my heart so happy. We love ONE (1) Faith in this house and it's my exclusive. <3333
@sithdestined THE Anakin Skywalker ok. If youre looking for koala tea look no further this mans is personally responsible for the death of like 60 jedi kids, genuine article im telling you. Jk jk but for real, amazing Ani, GO FOLLOW if you love star wars.
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pagetreader · 2 months
⋆ NAME?: Kenzi
⋆ PRONOUNS?: she/her
⋆ MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?: It varies, but my multis are @pagetreader and @faithhearted
⋆ RP PET PEEVES?: I don't have very many tbh, but I suppose when blogs have automatic aversions to OCs? That's always such a shame.
⋆ EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS?: 12 (ish?) on Tumblr, but like 20 in general (*shudders* I'm so old don't @ me)
(ok real talk tho, I only write smut with two people and that's cuz they're my besties outside of Tumblr lol)
⋆ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES?: I'm game for either, so I guess it depends on what my writing partner prefers.
⋆ TIME TO WRITE?: My schedule is pretty busy because of school and work, so it honestly varies, depending on when my free time is and if I have the inspiration to write.
Tagged by: @stella-sanguis (<3333)
Tagging: @honorhearted // @retrograderesemblance // @smiletimeisrunningout // @brooklynislandgirl // @widowshill // @forlibcrty //
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heartsdefine · 2 months
⋆ NAME?: Bean / Bee
⋆ PRONOUNS?: they/she, in that order of preference
⋆ MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?: oof, uhh...it's hard to say when i have so many. probaby elspeth cousland or vasilisa here atm, along w/ anais evernight @thiefscant
⋆ RP PET PEEVES?: probably just...not being given anything to work with in threads or in plotting circumstances. i try to come to people with ideas when i reach out for plots myself, and always put a lot of effort into ensuring my replies haves something for my partners to respond to and build upon, so it's frustrating when someone hits me up to plot with no idea what they're interested in exploring or gives me a reply that's just their character reacting to mine with nothing new to build from.
⋆ EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS?: oh boy i've been roleplaying since i was a kid lmao. i originally rped primarily on forums. first, it was a hp forum (rip) and then years later i joined a dragon age forum, then a multifandom crossover forum that was a lot of fun. from there i decided to try out tumblr and it really stuck. tl;dr: i've been roleplaying on and off since i was about eleven years old, so that's like...22 years of experience???
⋆ FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT?: it truly depends on my mood tbh! i can write all three under the right circumstances, and i enjoy them all in their own way. i guess i lean more towards fluff and angst over smut, but i have been known to discuss the sex lives of our muses with my partners (as long as everyone is comfortable with it), and then occasionally write it out with them in thread or meme form.
⋆ PLOTS OR MEMES?: both! it helps me to keep a thread going if i have a general idea of where we both want it to end up. but i also love getting memes and replying to them and continuing them into threads spontaneously. it works a bit better for me than starter calls, which i am notorious for never finishing (sorry!).
⋆ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES?: again, both! shorter replies are easier for my brain these days, but i love a longer thread as well. it just takes me a while to get around to replying to longer things, as i want to give my partner plenty to work with (even if i can't always match their exact length).
⋆ TIME TO WRITE?: literally whenever the muse strikes, which is unfortunately highly sporadic and constantly bouncing from muse to muse.
⋆ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: all of my muses have a little bit of me in them, i think. that's one of the joys of writing. finding parts of yourself in others and exploring or processing your own experiences through fiction can be liberating and cathartic (though i think it's also important to see and work with characters who are different from you). so yeah. there might be more of me in my ocs than my canons, but i like to think there is a little shard of me in all of them. <3
tagged by: @lunawish <3333 tagging: @ghosttsar, @avrorean, @gggno, @wayan9an, & anyone else who wants to!
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achilleslyre · 1 year
🅱️lease tell us more about jobie paulinho and carlito im very interested 🥺🥺🥺
EEEEHEHEE :3333 okie okieee… u don’t know the can of worms u just opened……. this is gonna be long ajshsjsh i’m gonna put everything under the cut
an overarching simple intro into what’s going on in my ocs world (so that some things i say about paulinho carlito and jobie make sense) is that it’s about this group of young adults that go to a specialized university together— jobie doesn’t actually attend the university, but she does live relatively near and she did go to high school with the rest of the main/side characters (plus she doesn’t lose any importance by not being there ☝️☝️ the whole crew would have been screwed without her ajhsjshsjs). i’d go into detail about the uni and high school but hehe maybe i will another timee :pp so this isn’t such a hugee info dump. to simplify though so you can get a rough idea, kids from around the world are given the option to take a “test” of sorts in order to see if they’ll be accepted into the high school. IF they are accepted into the high school then once they graduate they are hand selected by the uni funder to attend his university (i plan on changing his name ajhsjsjjs so for now i’m just calling him the funder). so that’s your quick background information hehee
paulinho and carlito are twin brothers! they’re around 23-24 when the story takes place :pp (they age throughout so when they’re introduced they’re 23 but the story goes thru their birthdays). they’re afro indigenous and they live in brazil. their dad is black and was born and raised in brazil, and their mom is also afro indigenous— she’s taíno and was born in cuba, but moved to brazil at a young age. paulinho is cishet (srry 😔😔) and carlito is gay + trans. they also have 4 other siblings apart from each other— their older sister (24-25) clara, their adopted younger sibling (15-16) salome, their youngest sister (10-11) márcia, and their younger brother (5-6) murilo.
paulinho is studying chemistry (i *think* specifically biochem but i have to do some more research into that to make sure… i was not into science so i don’t know enough about the specifics… but off my basic knowledge of it i’m p sure he’s going for a biochem major). he’s not in a relationship by choice, he’s not aspec but he kinda just would rather to get through school first before finding someone he actually cares enough for to be in a relationship. so he doesn’t get into anything serious while at uni. the story ends within roughly a yearish from introduction, but i kinda know how they all live thru the rest of their lives anywayss and tbh.. i don’t particularly see him getting into a long term relationship. he definitely doesn’t get married but i feel like most of his partners are just flings or last a handful of months. i see him living with his parents for quite a while tbh— i think he moves out in his 30s but moves back in with them once they’re really old and need some help with keeping up the house n daily activities :’) paulinho is a very family-oriented guy, he loves his parents and loves his siblings. they’re the most important thing to him c: the whole story kinda kickstarts as a way to protect his sister clara, if that situation never happened the whole story would have just been pablo and mawiyah ajsjhssj. but uhh yea, paulinho has aspd (given to him, not born with), when he’s not in school he works two jobs at a grocery store and a restaurant, he’s heavily into boxing— both watching and practicing— and likes to do matches with his dad!
carlito is studying graphic design and fine arts/illustration. he’s autistic and gets into a relationship with another autist throughout the storyy :p “spoilers” ig lol. his main special interest is apples lol— the different types and history and how each type came to be ect ect. he’s also suuuuper into musicals as well— i don’t listen to many but based off vibes i think west side story and newsies would be a fave of his. altho this may change if i ever decide to listen to them hehe. he has a part time job on a boat as a fisherman with some other guys, he doesn’t dislike nor love it but he definitely prefers it over anything retail. he rlly likes video games and movies in general, and he spends a lot if time with his mom c: they are very very close. she’s who he typically likes to watch stuff with, and he enjoys learning recipes from her and just following her around/helping her with daily activities. he definitely moves out once he’s done w uni, he looves his fam as well but it’s a very busy household so it’s v overstimulating for him.
annnnnd best for last is some jobieee info :3c she’s 23-24 as well and she’s bi+cis (she has a gf charlie who goes to uni w the others. they met in high school). she’s inuk (specifically inuinnait) and lives in a house with her mother, grandmother and her best friend barrys family! her father passed away young and her brother has been missing for several years, so that’s why it’s just her mom/grandma. as i mentioned she doesn’t attend the uni with paulinho+others, she doesn’t end up going to uni at all. she did attend high school with them and had been focusing on history before she decided not to attend uni. she was in a really bad car crash in high school and has a permanent limp bc of it (so when you see me making jokes about jobies driving that’s why T.T), she works as a carpenter (altho this mayyy be subject to change— it’s the idea i’ve had for her the longest tho). she’s also very much into crotchet (and knitting but she crotchets more) and she sells some of her work :p she like’s to bead with her mom but she doesn’t sell her stuff, she normally makes for herself or gifts them to those she cares about (her mom sells though!). she’s super community based and she also goes fishing and hunting with barry a lot (and his older sister sometimes) to be able to get stuff for her fam and some of the other families around her—specially for the elders. she’s a very busy person but she rlly enjoys anime and she watches stuff with her best friend elio (she’s a two best friend kinda gal) whenever she cannn :DD oh and between her fam and barry they have 5 dogs 😳😳
i’ll stop there cause otherwise i could go on about jobie forever and ever T.T i mean the others too but jobie is my fave so i think about her the most hehe. srry this is kinda vague/random and not story based— i just really do hope to someday publish a graphic novel about them so i don’t want to give away much of the story 😳😳 uhhhh this was so long but if you enjoyed reading about them n stuff i’m gonna be self indulgent and link my oc moodboards and spotify playlist. don’t feel like u have to look/listen tho lol i’ll never know ajshjshs
my moodboards are right here, it’ll take you to the whole board but there’s specific sections for each of them (so if u want to look at it u can pick out the ones you wanna see hehe)
and here’s paulinhos playlist, here’s carlitos, and here’s jobies. the songs added all remind me of them plus each song is from a genre/artist they like :D carlitos is the least finished of these three but i’ll get around to adding more stuff to his in the future lol.
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