#my normal sonic I can see the kitchen from the register so I’m gonna just stick with that one so I know I’m getting relatively clean orders
sl1ghtly0dd · 1 month
Bruh, I just watched the car in front of my at sonic get my drink, take a sip, return it to the carhop telling her it was the wrong drink, carhop brought me the drink and tried to give it to me, I said please remake this that’s not safe???
And she went inside and brought the same cup, WITH the cup holder marks from the other car on it! Like could you be more obvious?
And they laughed at me when I rejected it and asked for a refund.
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aka-ashi-keiji · 3 years
“i can’t hear you”
Bakugou Katsuki x best friend reader
soft angst
tw: screaming, emotional meltdown.
short fic about bakugou and you’re his childhood best friend, and you help him through dealing with his hearing loss. enjoy lovies.
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You woke up to the sound of your mother knocking on your door and yelling, “y/n wake up, you have training today with katsuki. i love that boy but i am not in the mood to deal with his explosive attitude over you being late .” You lived right next door to katsuki all your life and since your moms were best friends, you guys were best friends since you learned how to walk. Every saturday you guys would train from 8 AM to noon in his garage since it was basically a mini gym, and then after you both would head over to your house. You checked the time on your phone on the bedside table and it read 7:50. “SHIT MOM WHY DIDN’T YOU WAKE ME UP SOONER” you yelled as you jumped out of bed and quickly found a black tank top and grey sweatpants to train in. You could hear your mom chuckling as she walked away from your door. You grabbed your headphones, phone, water bottle, and Nike’s before yelling a goodbye and dashing over to Katsuki’s front yard. 
You knocked on his door four times so that his family knew it was you. You were halfway through slipping your shoes on when Mitsuki answered. She yawned and pulled you into a side hug. “Good morning y/n, you hungry?” She asked as she closed the door behind you guys and started towards the kitchen. “No thanks Mitsuki, I don’t like to train on a full stomach. My mom is making a huge lunch though, you guys are welcome to join us.” You said cheerfully, but kept your voice low since it was very early and you could tell Katsuki’s mom was still half asleep. She nodded and then whipped her head to face you wearing a look on her face as if she had just remembered something very important. “Kat has been very on edge lately and not very responsive this week.” She paused before starting again and turned her gaze to the floor, almost as if she didn’t want to talk. “I think it might have to do with his hearing. He won’t admit it, but I think his quirk is finally starting to affect him. Good thing we put him in those sign language classes as a precaution.” she laughed dryly and then turned back to look at you. “Just, take it easy him with the teasing today okay? and maybe try speaking a little louder. I’ll go see if he’s ready” and with that she gathered herself up the stairs and disappeared. 
You thought silently as you waited, and all of a sudden it made sense. Lately at school bakugou has been yelling more than usual, and telling everyone to speak louder. Maybe he was yelling more to be able to hear himself? You didn’t know. Bakugou has been learning sign language since he was 7 years old as a precaution for this and has been regularly signing while he talks since he was 10. So, bakugou using his sign language all the time wasn’t uncommon, but maybe Mitsuki was right. You made a mental note not to say anything until you actually noticed a big change in your guys’ training. You waited patiently for about another 10 minutes before Katsuki finally came downstairs. 
“Hey idiot, nice outfit.” Katsuki greeted you in his groggy morning voice, his hands signing his words lazily. You looked down at the tank top and sweatpants you were wearing and looked back to him, you both were wearing the same exact thing. “Morning pom pom” you greeted back as you gathered your things and started to head towards the garage. You turned around to see bakugou staring into nothing, so you called out. “Hey kat, you coming?” No response. You repeated yourself, but this time loud enough you were sure you woke his dad. He whipped his head towards you and nodded before following along. As you were walking down the hall, you turned to him and asked, “You okay?” while signing your words. Katsuki looked down at your hands and his cheeks started to dust with the lightest shade of pink. He huffed and his red eyes sparked as he just growled out a ‘yeah’ and walked ahead of you into the garage, starting to set up for your session. You yourself had picked up sign language at a young age because your dad was deaf because his quirk was being able to shoot sonic booms from his hands. you pressed the button to open the garage door and let some light in. You then walked over to the speakers and plugged your phone in as you hit play on your playlist specifically for training days. Bakugou stopped setting up the bench press station and yelled, “Can you turn it up? “ as he signed quickly, but then went back to putting the weights together. You turned back to the speaker only to be surprised since the volume was already almost at max capacity. You shook your head and turned the volume all the way up. This session should be interesting. 
It was around 9:30 AM at this point and you and Kat had finished weights and went on a 2 mile run. You were currently sitting on the floor stretching your quads as the loud techno music boomed around you. You glanced over at katsuki who was stretching on the other side of the garage and he seemed to be in a whole other universe. You called out to him, but he didn’t do so much as flinch. You picked yourself up off the floor and slowly walked towards him. You called a few more times and still got nothing from him, so you decided to turn off the music. As soon as you did Katsuki’s head shot up and his eyes darted towards you. “What the hell was that for dipshit? We’re gonna start sparring soon, we need it.” He said/yelled at you while you sauntered over to him and took a seat about a foot away from his now steaming body. You wiped the sweat from your forehead with the back of your arm before talking to katsuki, well you didn’t exactly talk with your voice, you were mostly signing. “Katsuki are you sure you’re okay? You’re not responding when I call out for you.” You waited for his response as his eyes stayed on your hands that were once moving. This time he answered, but for some reason he didn’t sign. “If I tell you, you can’t tell a single soul you hear me dumbass? Not even my parents. “ You nodded your head and gently reach over to squeeze his hand four times, your guys’ way of saying I promise. He then began to talk, and signed very aggressively as he did so, and what he said was enough to shatter you into a million pieces. 
 “I’ve been struggling in a way lately,” he started, “I tried to cover it up by just yelling all the time hoping people would just think it was my normal behavior. But, really it was so i could he hear myself.” Katsuki let out a long breath and you could see his hands slightly shaking. “It started out last week as just a slight ringing, but it got louder every damn day. But, this week the ringing got quieter, and eventually everything around me started to sound like I was underwater. “ He looked up at you and your breath hitched, tears rolled down katsuki’s face as he held eye contact. He shook out his hands and took another shakey breath before he began, “I- I can barely hear you y/n! And its so frusturating.” the volume of his voice was rising, and you could see the pain he was feeling through his eyes and the tears that were now dripping down to his shirt. “I can’t hear your fucking voice damnit! It’s the only one that doesn’t drive me up fucking walls.  it terrifies me!” He was screaming at this point as his hands worked through the air to express his words. The tears came at a much quicker pace once he had stopped to breathe, and those tear turned into sobs as he curled in on himself. He tucked his knees to his chest and ducked his head into his arms as they wrapped around his legs. His shoulders and back shook as he cried, and for a moment you didn’t know what to do. You haven’t seen Katsuki cry since you both were 8 years old and he was playing with his quirk and accidently blasted your arm. He started crying as soon as he heard you wail in pain, and the lecture from his mother didn’t help in the slightest. You subconsciously reached up to rest your hand on the scar as you tried to think of what you could say to him.
 Katsuki leveled his head and looked up at you, and slowly reached his hand out, still crying quietly. For a second you didn’t know what he meant, but it soon clicked in your head and you took his hand in yours. you looked at him with teary eyes and signed, “How can i help?” He untucked his legs from his chest and moved closer to you. Then, before you could even register what was happening, Katsuki had his arms around your waist with his head on your shoulder. You froze, it had been quite some time since either of you had needed a hug like this. once your shock had subsided, you brought your hands to rest on his upper back and rubbed soothingly. He began to cry again, which then led to sobs just like they had before. You began to talk, whispering variations of ‘I’m here’ and ‘You don’t have to be scared’, only to remember that he probably can’t hear you. Seeing katsuki as vulnerable as this broke your heart, and single tear fell from your face. Katsuki could feel your jaw muscles moving against the side of his face, so he knew you were talking, but he couldn’t hear you. “I- i- i- I can’t hear! I can’t hear you! Y/n I can’t hear you, fix it please, please I hate this so much!” He screamed into your shoulder which luckily muffled it enough to not draw any attention from the neighbors. He gripped onto your waist tighter as he breathed long and hard breaths. “I’m so scared. I’m terrified of losing you.” He whispered. This had confused you so you gently placed your hands on his shoulders and put a bit of distance between you guys so he could see you signing. “What do you mean you’re gonna lose me? I’m not going anywhere.” You said and waited for his response. He brought his trembling hands up to start signing and began, “I’m scared that if i can’t hear you, I won’t hear you calling me for help when you’re in danger. What kind of hero am I if i can’t even save my best friend?” You took one of his hands in yours and began to sign with your other. “You’re gonna be okay, We’re both gonna get you through this. I know you, and you don’t take shit from no one. And I know damn well you’re not gonna let a little hearing loss get in the way of beating deku.” He laughed slightly at the last statement, and seeing his small smile was like the world coming off of your shoulders. “We’ll take you to the doctor, they’ll help you.” He shook his head at that and his angry glowering returned. “It’s not anything to be embarrassed about. And I’m sure your parents would do anything to help you become the hero you want to be.” You finished your monologue and squeezed his hand four times, promising him you’re not going anywhere. He smiled down at his hand and then brought his other one up to sign, “I love you shithead” and you signed back, “Yeah I know, I love you too Kat”.
 He began to stand up and Katsuki pulled you up with him.  He immediately pulled you into the tightest bear hug possible. No one knew, but Katsuki was the biggest hugger, and it was your favorite thing about him. You released your arms from his waist and he released his hold around your shoulders. You took the sides on his face in your hands, and pointed to your lips as a signal to read your words. He nodded his head, and in a volume Katsuki couldn’t hear, you said, “I can hear you, I can hear you.”. He nodded and smiled the most genuine smile you’d seen out of him in years. “You ready?” he signed, and you answered “for what?”. He smirked and was quiet for a few seconds before shoving you to the side a little and running off towards your house. “Race you!” he yelled, “First one there, is your mom’s favorite you loser.” Kat called again. You smiled and shook your head as you sprinted off after him, remembering this is the Katsuki that will be the #1 hero someday. 
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captainillogical · 4 years
Home Ch.2
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The domesticity of living with an alien who hasn’t quite had the chance at a normal life.
Distant Lands sequel.
collab with my lovely wife @firstofficertightpants​
The door in front of you is red.
The two of you are standing outside the entrance to, er, what the both of you will now be calling home. It’s.. a strange feeling. You’re excited to be here. And although you’re eternally grateful for the crystal gems for taking you in when you needed it, you’re also happy to be starting a new chapter in your life. 
Pearl should’ve had the last three of your boxes brought up already for you, as you didn’t really feel like doing that all yourself all the way up to the 9th floor if you’re honest with yourself. Your body is still pretty sore in general, especially your legs.
You watch Spinel pull keys out of her pocket and go for the door. 
"Why weren't those in your gem?" You ask as she fumbles with said keys in hand. "I didn't even know you had pockets.."
"Sometimes I forget." She furrows her eyebrows, a bit of her tongue peeking out as she squints, trying to get the key into the deadbolt right. It's kind of comical. "Don't act like you're expecting me to lose 'em already."
"Eh." You shrug, and watch her struggle for a couple more seconds. "Did you want help with that, orrrr,"-
She opens the door, interrupting your sentence with an enthusiastic whoop, and you can see the formidable stack of boxes in the small living room. You take one last look at the long sprawling hallway and the many, many doors on this floor and wonder what your neighbors are like.
"Are 'ya gonna just stand out there or what?" She says from inside the doorway. Looking a bit further down the hall, you can see that one of the doors has several strange notes taped to it - as if there's some sort of weird neighborly interaction going on there.
One of the other front doors opens just as Spinel wraps her hand around your wrist, and she nearly yanks you into the apartment. She slams the door shut behind you almost forcefully.
"You're not even gonna let me introduce myself to the neighbors?" You say, like you had any intention other than to snoop a little. Spinel fixes you with a look. It makes you feel a little giddy when she looks at you like she’s full of impatient affection, which makes you want to be a little obtuse on purpose.
"You can do that later." She folds her arms in slight irritation that you can definitely see in her eyes. "I've been wanting you alone for what feels like weeks now."
"You're a little dramatic," You walk further into the living room, taking note of the small deck outside the sliding glass doors. "It's only been a few days, and we've texted."
“I’m not, and you and I both know that it ‘ain’t the same.” She says from behind you, following you closely. You’re pretending you have no idea what she’s talking about.
You take a peek inside the small kitchen, and you love it. It’s cute. Gems don’t need to eat or store food, but these particular apartments have small amenities in place, as well as a bathroom and bedroom just to keep up with building code. You think it’s kind of hilarious that regular city ordinance gets a say in how aliens should build things, and you kind of wish you were present for the meetings that Bismuth had to have had with them.
You open the fridge, and realize nothing is in there. Oh, right. Of course. You don’t know what you were expecting.
Closing the fridge door, you feel a presence next to you and turn to realize that Spinel is RIGHT there. Like, maybe six inches from your face.
“What,” You say, feeling your heartbeat pick up a little. She’s watching you expectantly, as if she’s waiting for something. “Am I not allowed to check out our place? You’ve already been here for the last few days.”
She takes a half step closer, and grabs your face with the both of her hands to kiss you.
Her lips are soft. 
You won’t lie, you’ve been thinking about her like this on a constant feedback loop ever since the both of you confessed your feelings. 
You exhale out your nose and tilt your head enough to deepen the kiss, and she hums against your lips. She slides down one of her hands to the small of your back, and presses you flush against her, almost possessively. Your face heats up a little at the lack of space between you two.
Your phone dings twice in your pocket, and Spinel makes some kind of displeased sigh against your mouth as if you were even going to answer it. One of your hands finds its way to the side of her face, and you trail it over to the edges of her hairline just to touch more of her. She leans into it automatically. Her hair is soft to the touch, and you wish you could run your fingers through it. 
The hand on your back is searingly hot through the shirt you're wearing, and you can only focus on that and the sensation of her lips on yours.
Your phone dings three more times, and Spinel growls impatiently, and well, that certainly doesn’t do anything to you, no sir.
She pushes you against the fridge, and you’re extremely embarrassed about the groan that comes out of your mouth - she doesn’t seem to care because she’s kissing you a lot more forcefully now. It’s like she can’t keep her hands off you. 
“Spinel,” You pull away to breathe, lips wet. She goes right for your neck.
“What?” She hisses against your skin, and you shudder. A gloved hand slides up your shirt.
“I should probably run to the store for a grocery trip before it closes, there’s no food here and I’d like to eat this week.”
She pulls her mouth away from your skin, and your neck feels a little exposed.
“Can’t we do that tomorrow?” She sighs, giving you another look.
“If I wanna starve tonight, sure.” You reply, deadpan. It's not like you actually want this to stop..
“Uggghhhhhhhhhh FINE.” She rolls her eyes, and removes herself from you like it’s the worst thing to ever happen to her. “But we’re continuin’ this later.”
“You mean I’M continuing this later,” You poke her right in the gem, and she glares at you. Her cheeks tint a darker pink, and you find yourself grinning. “If I have anything to say about it, anyway.”
“Is that a challenge?” She replies, lowering her eyes at you in a way that makes the little hairs on your neck stand up. 
“Maaaaaybe.” You side step her, walking back towards the living room before you decide that actually yeah, maybe fucking her in the kitchen is a great idea right now. 
“I hate the tone you’re using.” 
“Why, does it make you nervous?” You open one of your boxes of clothes, looking for a sweater to wear out. A specific one. The one with the strawberries on the front. 
“No, you’re just smug.” She says, and you bark out a laugh.
You can’t find the sweater you want, which means you put it in a non-clothing box, or you left it at Steven’s. Ugh. Actually most of the clothes you’re rifling through kind of smell weird even though they should be clean. You shrug, coming to the conclusion you’ll also have to do laundry tonight.
“Do we have a washing machine?” You ask her. She looks at you a little confused.
“A what?”
“Y’know, like for washing my clothes. These smell funky and I’d like to wear something tomorrow.” You open one of your regular boxes, but it’s just filled with books. Many, many books.
“Oh! Yeah, Bis mentioned something about there bein’ one on the first floor. Although, I wouldn’t exactly mind ‘ya not wearing anything tomorrow.” She grins, canines shining in the low light of the apartment. 
“I’m not walking around naked, idiot.” You sigh at her, trying to keep your blush at bay. She’s so blunt with her affections now that you don’t really know how to deal with it. “Let’s just go to the store and get it over with.”
You grab your bag, making sure you have your wallet on you, and the both of you head out the door.
Spinel locks the door behind you, and the both of you make your way back down to the base level via elevator.
There’s a nearby market that’s still open for the next two hours, and the two of you end up walking there as it’s only a couple of blocks away. 
You look over at the neon sign saying ‘Open’ with the hours listed, and can see quite a few people and gems inside. Eugh. You were kind of hoping it wouldn’t be busy at like, 7pm, but here we are.
“I hope this won't take too long,” You head inside, Spinel trailing next to you. “I don’t even think you have toilet paper, so I’m gonna have to get quite a few things.”
“Toilet paper?” 
“Exactly my point.” You look around, seeing the cash registers at the front and the produce section immediately to your right. It’s.. a little loud in here.
Spinel is looking around in curious wonder, staring pretty hard at some of the sale display signs with obnoxious print.
You grab one of the carts off to the side, and make a beeline directly for the toiletries section, because you don't want to forget anything like you usually do.
"Hey! Don't leave me behind," You feel a hand grab yours, Spinel jogging briefly to catch up with you. "Why are 'ya being so fast? We've got time."
"Sorry, stores make me a little anxious when they have quite a few people in them," You narrowly avoid a few teenagers joking loudly and passing next to you. "I hate busy places."
"They ain't so bad. It's kinda lively." She replies, squeezing your hand. 
You pass four different aisles until you get to the one you're aiming for, having to maneuver around a couple gems that are in the way. You catch one of them looking pointedly to the hand you're holding with Spinel, and you try to ignore the way it makes your stomach lurch a little. 
You hate shopping.
You stop your cart in the toothbrush area, because you might as well get a new one as well as some toothpaste.
"Ooooooooh." Spinel reaches out beside you, grabbing one of those sonic kids brushes with all the lights. "What does this do?"
You grab what you need, throwing it in your cart and looking at your girlfriend (even just referring to her like this inside your head makes you unbelievably giddy) who's.. intensely studying the characters on the toothbrush. She presses the button in the middle, and the whole thing lights up and starts playing music. Her eyes go wide.
"Is this some 'kinda torture device?" She pokes the spinning bristles, eyebrows shooting up inquisitively. She then presses it against her face, and her reaction to it is immediate unpleasantness, and you laugh at her.
"It just cleans your teeth, weirdo." You grab it from her, turning the annoying music off and placing it back onto the shelf. "Although, I bet I could find a way to torture someone with it."
"Let's test it on Peridot." She grins, eyes a little gleeful.
"Do you really want to try her? See what she's capable of?" You ask her, trying to stifle your laughter.
"Oh, jeez, 'ya probably right. Pretty sure she'd tie me to a chair and make me watch reruns with her." She answers disdainfully. “Maybe Lapis, then.”
“If you want to drown, sure.”
She continues to peer at the many kid’s toothbrushes on this shelf, and you walk a couple feet over to grab shower supplies. You toss a couple more objects into your cart, nabbing a pack of toilet paper as well and tossing it in.
“What’s this?” You hear her ask, and when you turn to glance at her she’s got a bottle in her hand. It looks like some ibuprofen or tylenol.
“Painkillers. Toss that in the cart will you?”
“It.. kills pain?” She stares at the bottle. “Why do humans need doctors if they have this?”
“They only temporarily ease pain. Mainly for headaches and a sore back and stuff.”
“You meatbags come up with some weird stuff, there’s so many different types..” She grabs another couple bottles, squinting at them and them placing them back on the shelf.
“Yeah, well us meatbags had to create solutions to make our lives a little less awful.” You roll your eyes at her terminology. “Not that I’d expect a fucking rock to understand.”
“A fucking rock,” Her mouth is agape in offence, and she crosses her arms in a huff. It’s so fucking cute. “At least I don’t gotta eat.”
“You could. I bet you’d liiiiiike it.” 
“Yeah I’m ‘gonna pass on that one.” She scrunches her nose, as if the thought is wholly unappealing. You want to laugh.
“You liked sex.” You say bluntly, giving her a knowing look. She sputters, cheeks turning a much darker shade of pink.
“Shut upppppp! We’re in public, Y/N!” She glares at you, and you can’t stop yourself from grinning. 
A couple turns their cart into the aisle you’re in, and you decide to say nothing further.. For now.
You push your cart out of the aisle, Spinel instantly grabbing for your hand again. You like that she just does it whenever she wants to. 
You’re in the refrigeration section, and there’s a couple people here much to your displeasure. Some lady is loudly talking on the phone with one of her kids on speaker, and you glare a couple daggers her way even if she can’t see it.
Side-stepping a gem, you grab a block of cheese and some butter and you’re looking at the eggs when Spinel scoots right up to your side. She places her chin on your shoulder, and watches you open a carton to check the contents. The gesture has your heart doing a couple flips inside your ribcage.
“What ‘cha doooooin?” She inquires quite cutely, and you realize this probably looks weird to her.
“Trying to get a full, non cracked container of eggs.” You state. She grabs one from the open container you’re looking at. “Careful, only the outside is hard. The inside is kinda fluid-like.”
She squints at it in her palm. “That sounds disgusting. You eat these things like this? ‘Aint that crunchy?”
“You don’t eat it raw, normally.” You shoot her a quick look, and she’s looking at the egg like its existence disturbs her. “Most people cook them or add them to other things for consistency. Stop being so judgemental.”
“I’m not being judgemental..” She mutters, placing the egg back into your carton. This one’s got an egg that looks like it’s about to crack so you decide to put it back on the shelf. The woman talking on the phone near you howls out a laugh. “That lady sure is ‘annoying.” Her breath tickles your neck, and you hold back a shudder. 
“Yeah, I hate people like her. It’s fucking rude honestly.” You mutter back, grabbing a different carton. The last three had eggs missing, weirdly enough. Are people just taking single eggs and sticking them in their pockets? “Like how hard is it to just place it against your ear? Why do the rest of us give a shit about what you’re eating for brunch tomorrow?” Spinel chuckles, vibrating against your shoulder. “I ever tell ‘ya that you’re amusing?”
“No, but I’ll remember that next time you call me unfunny.” This carton has all eggs intact inside, so you place it gently into your cart. 
“Psssshhh.” She replies, and you move over to grab a half gallon of milk. You open the door to where all the milk is refrigerated, and Spinel makes a weird noise of disgust. “What the fuck is that? Why’s it white?”
“It’s just milk.” You give her a look. “And it’s white because of the proteins, chill. It comes from cows.” You point to the cow on the carton of 2% you’re buying. “Fucking judgey-ass gems..”
“That animal is in there??” She makes a face. “You guys are so weird.”
“No, idiot,” You laugh, trying to not lose your shit at her conclusions. You point to the udder. “They produce it, it’s not their flesh. Humans can do it too..”
“Can you do it?” She stares at you strangely.
“I don’t want to talk about it.” You say, not wanting at all to elaborate on this and she barks out a laugh. You put the milk in the cart.
You’re in the bread aisle trying to figure out what kind of bagels you want, and Spinel is.. deeply studying the colorful bag clips hanging off the display strip on the side. You hear her grabbing the package and snapping the clips like crab claws, and you can’t help but snicker a little to yourself. 
She doesn’t seem to notice when you wander off to the other short bread aisle, because there's a few more options here that you want to look at. You missed bread so much that you’re feeling like you could eat all of them.. So you grab three different kinds to toss in the cart.
“Y/N?” You hear shuffling from the other aisle, and the rising panic in Spinel’s tone. “Where’d you go..?”
You walk back over to where you left her, and she looks slightly stressed out. She makes eye contact with you and visibly relaxes immediately.
“Sorry, I was just grabbing something from the other side.” You say to her, and her hand shoots out to grab onto your arm. “I wasn’t going to leave you, if that’s what you’re worried about..”
You raise an eyebrow, and she rubs the back of her head, embarrassed.
“Sorry, I know it’s irrational.”
You move your hand to lace your fingers with hers in comfort, palm fitting nicely against it. She seems a little taken aback with your gesture, but she doesn’t say anything by it.
“It’s not irrational.” You squeeze her hand, and seeing no one else around you, you lean in to give her a kiss on the cheek. 
“Y/N!” She hisses, looking around the aisle frantically as a small blush forms on her face. She places her other hand against where you kissed, like it’s somehow sacred. “In public?!”
“It’s not like there’s anyone around to see,” You can’t help the grin forming on your face. The lines on her cheeks look a little bolder with how flustered she is, and honestly? If you could pepper her face in kisses right now, you would. You’ve got this overwhelming amount of affection you’d like to give her, with nowhere to put it. Not until later, anyway. “God, you should see your face. It’s cute.”
“Will ‘ya shut up?!” She pointedly looks away from you, and you laugh. “I’m not cute.”
“I’ve got loads of proof that you are, but okay.” You give her hip a little bump, and her face looks back to yours to shoot out a glare that you’re not intimidated by in the least.
“Yeah, like what.”
“You know..” You trail off, and lean in close to the side of her face. You whisper something to her about the other morning, and she chokes, face going completely red. 
“I’m going to KILL you one of these days, Y/N.” She retorts, avoiding your eyes on purpose. You give her another nudge, and you can see her try desperately to stop the grin forming on her face.
“Let me at least finish shopping,” You reply, grabbing your cart to swing around to get a few more things on your mental list.
It doesn’t take that long to get the other staples you need, and before you know it you’re standing in line at checkout. You start placing your items on the belt once the other customer is finally paying, and you watch Spinel as she hilariously just tosses the items out of the cart and onto the conveyor. Ahhhhhh yeah you knew she wasn’t exactly graceful, but still.
“You find everything you need?” The cashier makes small talk with you, as you see her eyebrow raise at Spinel’s heart-shaped gem. Said gem seems utterly fascinated by the clerk’s bagging speed. 
“Yeah.” You politely answer, grabbing for your wallet as you watch the total rise. You maybe need another job, ugh..
Spinel raises an eyebrow and looks like she's about to say something asinine, so you step on her foot lightly to shut her up.
She yelps a little, and glares at you. You stifle a snicker, finishing the transaction so you two can get out of here. 
Once you're done, Spinel makes the effort of just placing the bags of groceries inside her gem conveniently, so you don't have to carry anything the short distance home. 
You don't give yourself the chance to relax much though because as soon as you get home and the groceries are put away, you've left Spinel to unpack your stuff as you go do a quick load of laundry.
The elevator dings and you're on the first floor again, hamper in hand. Opening the door to the communal washing room, you see several units here. There’s no one else around, and you’re so glad for that, honestly. Now you can look at memes in peace.
You fit all your clothes in one load thankfully, and you lean against the machine in wait after you fill what you need with soap. The wash cycle shouldn’t take too long, and you’ll go back upstairs briefly to help your girlfriend after you leave it on the drying cycle. You’re maybe in here alone for five minutes when a man and a giant basket of laundry comes in grunting. It’s another human.. You try not to stare too much.
“So, you live here?” He turns to say to you after dumping half his clothes in the machine in front of him. Of course he’s chatty.
“Yeah. Just moved in today.”
“Sweet, another human here! Now I won’t have to feel so alone.” He replies, swiping his brow lightly. He’s a bit older than you with some dark facial hair, and you don’t know how to say this.. He’s just extremely nonthreatening. “I live up on the 5th floor! Convenient for me since I work nearby, and the rent is so cheap..”
“How long have you lived here?” You ask, typing out a reply to Steven’s messages from earlier.
“A few months. It’s not as quiet as I hoped, gems are a bit on the wild side sometimes but everyone’s friendly!” He grins, pouring soap into his machine. “My boyfriend thinks it’s too loud, but he doesn’t pay the rent so he can’t complain. You live here alone?”
A boyfriend, huh? Maybe you can be friends with this guy.
“Nah, I moved in with my girlfriend.” You state, and the man just kinda stares at you for a moment, as he’s putting two and two together, realizing you’re the only two humans in the building.
“Are you dating a gem?” He asks a little apprehensively, and while you think you might be a little offended if someone else asked this way, the look on his face makes it obvious that he’s just extremely curious. “What’s that like?”
“Yes, and uh.” You stop, not knowing exactly how to answer, and the man barks out a laugh at the look on your face.
“You’re the only human I’ve ever met that’s dated a gem. I’m so telling my boyfriend, he’ll freak. He might have a buttload of questions for you next time I see you. Name’s George, by the way.” He holds out his hand in greeting.
“Y/N.” You take his hand to shake it, and the two of you talk for a little while as he asks you a few probing questions.
After ten minutes or so, your load is done and you put it in the dryer, saying your goodbyes to your new human neighbor.
On your way back upstairs, you manage to bump into a gem right as you turn to the hallway into your apartment.
“Oh! Pardon me,” The gem apologises, looking up from their cell phone.
It’s that same Rose Quartz from earlier.
“It’s you!” She says, slightly taken aback, but nonetheless pleased. “What do you happen to be doing here?”
“I live here.” You give her a small smile, and you notice her eyeing you up. Uh.
“That makes me very happy to hear.” She says in a way that kind of makes you a little nervous? 
“Well, it’s nice bumping into you here, I’ll see you around!” You make quick for your door, and she watches you the entire time, smile on her face. 
It gives you a bit of the heebie jeebies.
You slam the door behind you, and Spinel’s excited face greeting you immediately puts you at ease.
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lakesandquarries · 4 years
After the Storm (Chapter One)
great news everyone! cringe culture is dead and i’m fortnite dancing on its grave. i wrote sonic 2020 fic. please enjoy. 
AO3 link
Tom Wachowski’s search history looks like this:
-what do hedgehogs eat
-hedgehog care
-hedgehogs as pets
-can hedgehogs eat hot dogs
-adopting children
-how to raise adopted kid
-how to help kid with ptsd
-accidentally adopted a kid
-help for adopted parents
-dr robotnik
-san francisco terrorist attacks
-therapists in my area
-can you tell therapists about illegal stuff
-therapist confidentiality
-how did my life end up like this
-really fast treadmill
Sonic, luckily, walks in while he’s googling the last one.
“What’s that?” he asks, leaning against the couch. Tom shuts his laptop, stretching.
“It’s a secret,” he says, which gets him an eyeroll and a pout. Tom finally glances at the clock for the first time in….two hours, apparently. It’s barely noon. “Did you just wake up?”
Sonic nods, climbing over the arm of the couch to make himself comfortable. His...he doesn’t have eyebrows, per se, but his eyes squint in a way that on a human would look “worried”. “It’s okay you slept in, kiddo. S’been a busy few days.”
“I’ve never slept in a bed before,” Sonic says, which was what Tom has been thinking, but it’s a lot sadder to hear out loud. “Except that time in the hotel! That was a bed. But this one felt way comfier, and way cooler looking, and the blankets were so soft, and honestly I don’t think the other one counts because we were trying not to die and it’s really hard to sleep well like that. This was way better!”
“Hotel beds are weird,” Tom agrees, half listening to Sonic’s rambling. “You want breakfast? Well, I guess it’s brunch now.”
“Food?” Sonic asks, eyes going wider than should be physically possible. Tom assumes that’s a yes. He pushes himself off the couch, Sonic darting ahead to bounce around in the kitchen eagerly.
“You like eggs?” he asks, grabbing the carton from the fridge. Sonic shrugs.
“Never had any before!”
Right. Sonic’s been hiding for most of his life. He seems so much like a normal kid, it’s easy to forget he’s some kind of magic alien.
“Well, what kind of food do you like?”
Sonic shrugs again, climbing up onto the kitchen island. “I dunno! I just kinda eat whatever.” He pauses, going still for the briefest of moments. “If I tell you I did something illegal, are you gonna arrest me?”
Tom shakes his head emphatically. “I’m not gonna arrest you, Sonic.”
“Well….y’know the rat problem the local diner had? And the dumpsters getting broken into and stuff? And how raccoons keep getting everywhere?”
To say Tom is surprised would be a lie. A little sad that Sonic’s apparently been eating garbage for however long, but with everything else knows….yeah, that tracks.
“Kid, how many weird conspiracies around here are actually just you?”
“Pretty much all of them? Except for the cow that got abducted that one time, that wasn’t me!”
“Gonna have to tell Annabelle to scrap her article on the town’s super smart raccoons,” Tom says, with a huff of laughter. “Well, you don’t have to worry about that anymore. No more breaking into grocery stores, okay? We’ll take you with us next time we go shopping.”
Tom has never seen someone look so excited about grocery shopping. Sonic beams at him, swinging his legs and kicking them against the island. “Really?”
“You can pick out anything you want,” Tom says.
“Anything” turns out to be “everything”.
Sonic’s kind of an open secret, at this point. The town is small enough that, within a day of the the whole “Robotnik Incident”, everyone knows what happened and who was at the focus. And, to the town’s credit, people seem...surprisingly okay with it. So Tom doesn’t bother with any kind of disguise when he and Maddie take Sonic to the grocery store, and maybe a few people stare, but no one says anything other than “hi”, and “how are you?”, and “good to see you!”
It’s not too busy, luckily. There’s maybe a handful of people at the store. Sonic still seems a little overwhelmed at the attention, but he does a good job managing, greeting everyone like old friends - which, from Sonic’s perspective, they kind of are. He’d told Tom all about how he’d watched the town, familiarized himself with its inhabitants, pretended to be a part of it (and he’d also, luckily, agreed to stop.) So while the townsfolk are meeting Sonic for the first time, Sonic has already known them for years.
The majority of people don’t seem to mind too much, and Sonic isn’t actually paying much attention to them anyway. He seems far more excited about the food. He’d started out in the cart, little legs kicking against the hard metal, but had ended up jumping out by the first row. It takes fifteen minutes to get down the chips aisle, as Sonic inspects every flavour and asks Tom his opinion, and that’s before he notices the cookies on the other side.
“You know, we go grocery shopping pretty much every week,” Maddie says as Sonic stares at the fifteen different varieties of oreos. He taps his foot on the ground, a frantic pace that Tom would usually think of as anxious but with Sonic is just normal. “How about you just pick one for today, and then try something else next time?”
The tapping slows a bit. “Next time?”
Maddie nods, reaching down to place a hand on Sonic’s shoulder. “We go through food pretty quick, so we’ll probably be back in less than a week. Or we can stop by whenever you want.”
Sonic throws the mint oreos into the cart.
He moves quicker after that, darting back and forth between aisles and the cart, a little blue blur Tom has to be careful not to trip over. Maddie directs him towards some of the healthier options, too, fresh fruit and vegetables and food that isn’t full of sugar. She gives him a whole speech on vitamins and nutrients that Sonic very clearly does not listen to, seeing as he immediately starts grabbing cartons of ice cream once they’re in the dessert aisle.
By the time they’re at the checkout, the cart is overflowing. Sonic is a helpful hand with unloading, though Tom does have to give him a couple pointers. The cashier, a young lady named Jane who Tom recognizes from the time her dad called the police over his rat problem, smiles as she rings them up.
“Someone’s excited,” she comments, as the price climbs higher and Tom starts getting nervous. “Settling in well?”
Sonic beams at her. “They said I could get anything I wanted!”
“Made some good choices,” she says as she scans a carton of Ben & Jerry’s.
Tom fishes his wallet out as she nears the last items, but she holds up a hand. “Hang on.” Jane rummages around her cash register, digging out a couple gift cards that she scans, along with a stack of coupons. By the time she’s done the total is nearly halved. “As a thank you,” she says, finally allowing Tom to hand over his debit card.
Sonic tilts his head. “What’re you thanking us for? I mean, I know I’m pretty cool and all but - well, I did kinda almost get your city blown up!”
“You saved it in the end, though, didn’t you? Plus, Tom’s helped my family out a million times. About time I returned the favour.”
“Thank you,” Tom says, before Sonic can keep rambling. “We really appreciate it.”
Jane finishes ringing them up, helping them bag everything and showing Sonic the best way to do it. He waves goodbye to her as they leave, yelling out another “Thank you!!” that’s loud enough to get the whole store’s attention.
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