#my mom who is super religious is convinced things will be ok but idk
the-human-stain-k · 5 years
I know i haven't posted in a while and i probably won't post again for a while but i need to say some things. No one has to read them but imma put them in the tags since idk how to do read more on mobile
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okay here me out but high school!spn would be hilarious because, y'know, there's the 3 winchester (yes adam is there) and horrible dad john winchester. obivously, mary is dead which is why john in horrible.
BUT, other than the winchesters, there's also the angels, which everyone is also deadass confused about because they're's like 30 of them?? and apparently they're all related, all adopted by birth except the 4 eldest. and the very oldest, michael, raises them, which nobody knows if it's legal or not, but everybody's too afraid to say something.
And, of course, they're's the demons, who are like a bunch of kids who live at an orphanage and hate the angels.
okay that was long and really just me rambling
what i heard was “the angels are like the cullens” and michael is like. very fuck you to any high schooler who brings it up.
also, Michael either looks JUST like that Adam kid OR he looks like apocalypse!michael because that guy was cute and i liked him
Mary is NOT dead, but she and John are divorced because John had an affair with Kate Milligan (Adam’s mom) and neither woman knew about the other until Adam’s like. Five or something?
At first Mary and Kate HATE each other, look at that Scheming Conniving Whore who is the Reason I Can’t Have My Man, but then they realize it’s JOHN’S FAULT, and they should unite against the Common Enemy. John has no idea. So the divorce goes through and he’s like, hey Kate can I come stay with you and Adam :) and Kate’s all, actually, you can get fucked, I’m taking my friend out for a celebratory drink, her divorce got finalized.
They’re each a margarita into the night when Mary goes “this is like a date! hah ha just kidding! unless...?”
Kate’s a nurse, so she can pretty much support the family because Mary wants to go back to school! And get advanced degrees in like. Mythology or folklore. Idk if Mary went to college in canon? Anyway she’s a farm girl, (for some reason in my head “a family of monster hunters” translates to normal universe as “family farm” idk idk) so maybe she gets some fancy agriculture degrees or becomes a conservationist (Sam being a National Parks nerd??? yes please. he’d sit and help Mary study and he’s been known to hijack tours from Park Rangers but he’s so earnest it’s hard to be mad at him)
they have a crazy amazing garden (adhd!dean helping his mom in the garden??? yes). Mary teaching self-defense classes! Kate teaching the boys advanced first aid! And regretting it! No, Dean, just because you CAN sew up your brother’s wound doesn’t mean you should! 
Dean trying to teach Adam and Sam to shave because “i’m the man of the family” and Kate saying “oh sweetie, I’m the man of the family. you get to be a kid of the family, ok?” because let Dean be a child, please, and also, now none of these children understand gender and it’s WONDERFUL. (Adam is the only full time he/him in the house and as much as Dean protects his little brothers, Adam has been known to punch a transphobe or two.
Adam: it’s called DIRECT ACTION, Principal Amara!)
I want to say there’s still a house fire when Sammy’s a baby, but obvs Mary doesn’t die, she just has severe burns? (makes John cheating even MORE of a douche thing but idk) anyway this plus Kate being a nurse, I could see Adam being into physical therapy or counseling or something when he gets older?
also random thought but Mary and Kate host the BEST halloween parties. they go all out. Their best costume so far is Harley/Ivy.
This means Mary’s the one who knows Bobby (and his husband Rufus) via hunting and Gay Advocacy and their extensive collection of rare texts that are tangentially related to Mary’s work somehow
Mary and Kate become big advocates for legalization of sex work.
the Angel Kids family are from a SUPER religious upbringing. obviously. probably. more like a cult honestly. Cas and Anna straight-up ran away when they were 13 ish. They MIGHT have convinced their dad to sign some papers when he was drunk which is how they were able to get emancipated. Sort of?
They track down their older brother Gabe, who left the family as soon as he was old enough to strike out on his own, but once Anna and Cas leave, all their other siblings sort of come trailing after them (Balthazar first) to find them and take care of them, so Gabe all of the sudden goes from livin the single life to co-parenting twenty siblings with his OTHER siblings, who he can’t STAND and he somehow became the Rules Parent because Luci isn’t going to enforce shit! That asshole! When Uriel finally gets out Gabe is like thank fuck I’m leaving now. When Michael finally gets to them, Gabe is in Shock. “Holy fuck, what did dad DO that was bad enough to make YOU leave?? dude???”
(I want Gabe and the Archangel Brigade to be in their late 20s/early 30s when Cas and Co. are in high school because Gabe absolutely works in porn. Michael gets all self-righteous with him and Gabe glares. “First of all. This is my house, so, you know, fuck off. Second of all, are you going to support this family? No? Yes? With what? the last job you had was CO-LEADING A CULT.” Uriel is working as an electrician while taking meteorology courses.)
who is in charge of the Demon Kids? Rowena or Lilith, maybe? or CAIN. CAIN!!!
The Harvelles absolutely make an appearance. I’m tempted to say that Mary and Kate look at Ellen and go “her. we want her” and it’s a band of badass women and their badass children.
it’s VERY important to me that Dean is a theatre nerd. VERY IMPORTANT. He and Sam might play basketball just because of their height, but I don’t know that they enjoy it that much. Sam’s more of a lacrosse or soccer guy. Adam’s into hockey (little rage monsters that they are) 
idk it depends on ships that you want? Because high school age Crowley being Dean’s Bad Boy Boyfriend is pretty primo comedy, imo, and you would work in the Leviathans as a rival high school or even as new kids? And of course Michael/Adam Sam/Lucifer don’t work in a hs au with the archangels aged up the way I have? You could have the Older Sibling Angels Be Gabe, Balthazar, and Naomi, with Naomi being the one leaves last, who was helping Chuck with his cult (which leaves more room for Michael to be a himbo)
for the record I’m not OPPOSED to a John is a Good Dad AU. I just like AUs where I can Unfridge All the Women
WOW i had a lot of feelings about this. oops. 
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Hello there! You freaking made it to this little blog I made for Jesus!! SO stoked to have you. 
So proud of you and your curiosity in clicking on this link and checking this out. I just want you to know, as you open this blog, there is a surrounding presence of the love of God around us. The Lord Jesus Christ right now is enveloping His Holy Presence around us all in and great enormous embrace.
Whether you “feel it” or not, He is! It’s the reality of what’s going on. He loves you so much, friend, like SO MUCH. It’s actually FREAKING CRAZY how much He loves you! 
OK, so, why am I writing this blog? What is this thing?
Idk, why did you even click on it, huh?
No, I’m kidding. I know why I made this blog...and I’m about to tell ya!!!
So I woke up is what happened. I freaking woke up guys. I have been a Christian since I was 11/12 and I have strived after relationships, finding safety and security in relationships, finding safety and security in my life plan, fear of rocking the boat in displeasing my non-Christian family members by sharing Jesus with them and others, feeling convinced my worth was in relationships and whether other people liked me or thought I was good enough, feeling convinced my struggles and lack of success in relationships on many different levels was all my fault, feeling alone and in self-pity, feeling misunderstood, angry about where my life was going, angry that I didn’t go to the college I wanted, angry that my dad pressured me into an education and life plan I didn’t want, angry at my mom for the ways she criticized me growing up, secretly angry at my brothers for never loving me back as much as I wanted them to, angry angry angry, disappointed disappointed disappointed, disappointed in how it has felt like I could never get a guy to like me or be interested in me enough to want to be my man and marry me, so many expectations out of life and my life plan and so much disappointment. 
There has been a big problem here of making my life all about me when I had already known that life isn’t about me. I already accepted Christ at 11/12 and gosh did I know back then how much life wasn’t about me. 
But I still got sucked into all of this stuff and there is no judgment here if you feel like any of what I listed feels remotely like yourself. 
The truth is that all of these things come out of a desire for comfort which is so natural and human. 
But I KNOW, as a Christian, that the power of Christ and the reality of Heaven is far greater than these things. I started to realize recently how much I haven’t been giving up for Jesus. 
How I hold on to my workout plans, my eating regimen, my extra money in the bank account to buy cute clothes, my expectations for how I am supposed to find a spouse, expectations for how my life plan is supposed to go and because of that, miss out on the MASTER PLAN OF JESUS CHRIST over my life. 
The Bible tells us so many times to die to ourselves to gain our life in Jesus Christ. I think a lot of us after that first encounter with Jesus forget the reality of the power of Jesus Christ and how much He loves us. The power and strength of His love for us is UNDENIABLE. 
And, unfortunately, to have a relationship with Jesus and a life overcome by the Spirit of Christ, clinging to a life of comfort, our expectations over life and our life plan over His, we miss out on that life drenched by His presence and Living Water. 
We started to go “back to the vomit” and allow ourselves to get comfortable again. 
And hey, no judgment here, again, I know I like that comfort myself. 
But without giving up things that COSTS US SOMETHING, we aren’t going to experience God’s eternal presence or eternal perspective in our lives. 
SO, in an effort to give myself up more for Him, I’ve decided to obey His command to acknowledge Him here on earth publicly with great abundance through this blog.
I have to give up appearing cool to my non-Christian family and friends.
I have to give up being chosen by prospective clients as a photographer against other photographers because I may “appear too religious or Christian” for them.
I have to give up prospective dates with some fellers because they think “I’m too radical” of a Christian for them. But from a heavenly perspective, I know it’s worth it. 
And nothing will stop the Lord from blessing me whether that is through heavenly outpourings or even some earthly blessings as well. 
The Lord will give me everything I need and desire without even understanding what those things are. 
The more I give myself up for him in the things I understand to be things that cost me something, the more I rip open the wrapping of a present He has given me and has been dying for me to open. 
The present is a PERFECT and PLEASING plan for my life that He has in store for me. It has nothing to do with what I want but has everything to do with this crazy wild story and adventure of self sacrifice that He has written out for me. 
BUT the only way I can get it is if I do commit to dying to myself.
If I start to die to what is comfortable and easy for me, I find myself surrendering my own life expectations for this daily unknown, fun, beautiful and adventurous plan He has for me. 
When I’m in what is easy and comfortable for me, I am ignoring His plans for me that guides us through in Scripture. I am just focusing on what I like and what I want which has always seems to disappoint (remember my super long run on sentence describing my life disappointments and expectations? ^). 
And even more so, I end up missing out on this thing that is literally from heaven. Like it’s that good, it’s literally of God.
SO, to actually answer the question of WHY AM I DOING THIS?!!?! it is because I want to give myself up for Christ in this way. 
I want to acknowledge Him before man publicly so that He acknowledges me in heaven. 
I am on this quest to give up more of myself than I ever have before and I want to give up my name, my reputation and my coolness by writing this blog.
And through this blog, I hope to share with you what it means to give up comfort for Jesus in a way that is life-giving for you and me and everyone else on this earth.
To die is to gain, my friends. Let’s not forget this in this very overly comfortable American culture. Just because we have been given much does not mean that we are supposed to sit on it idly like it is our throne of glory and possessions and status. We are supposed to give it back to God. 
Don’t store up possessions for yourself here on earth. Give it back to God. Be rich towards God. 
Everything here on earth passes away. Our relationships with even our most favorite and beloved family members. Our possessions. Our reputations and/or status. Our power. Our earthly glory. Our beauty. Our economy. Our safety. 
Living a life of control of all these possessions and wealth we have here in American is a life of death inside our souls. Chasing control and trying to make life what we expect it to be here on earth will destroy us. 
Our lives will end with an inheritance we built up over many years of hard sweaty work to give to our children and to never enjoy ourselves. 
Our lives will end with things never going how we wanted because even though we have so much here in this wealthy nation, we are not ultimately in control of what happens or where life takes us. That is always up to God.
It’s better to take the risk and adventure of losing it all to God and putting the investment in the next life than to be consumed and concerned with the worries of life here on earth. 
Some of us will lose our jobs, be poor, will die too young, live a life where we lose a lot of relationships and things and status, some of us will be abused, some of us will be beaten or raped, 
but wouldn’t it be better to be the person who hurts and loses but already expects it so they put their whole life, prosperity, riches, relationships, security, and life plan into GOD’S HANDS than 
the one who holds onto it all so tightly hoping that nothing ever bad happens to them and then suddenly finds it all ripped away from them tragically and they fall to their knees in great loss yelling out to God “Why me?!” when He already told you that everything here perishes, don’t put your hope in these earthly things for they disappoint, instead put your hope in Me?
Wouldn’t it be better to be the former rather than the latter?
In my grand visions of life and high expectations of family members and relationships, I have lost a lot because my expectations have been destroyed time and time again. 
I am at a point where I don’t want to lose anything here anymore. 
If God gives me something good then praise Him! And if He takes it away then praise Him! 
But before any earthly thing in my heart, I know I now need to make it about Him not about these earthly things. 
It’s not that earthly gifts are bad, it’s that He is before any earthly gift because in the end, those earthly gifts won’t be there anymore and, whether I chose Him before it all or not, I will have to stand face to face to Him someday. 
Some gucci verses to inspire us all to give up our earthly life plans for His greater heavenly plan for us all:
“‘Everyone who acknowledges me publicly here on earth, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. But everyone who denies me here on earth, I will also deny before my Father in heaven.’” Matthew 10:32-33 NLT
“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ says the Lord. ‘They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.’“ Jeremiah 29:11
“If you love your father or mother more than you love me, you are not worthy of being mine; or if you love your son or daughter more than me, you are not worthy of being mine.” --Jesus in Matthew 10:37
“Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal to us later.  For all creation is waiting eagerly for that future day when God will reveal who his children really are. Against its will, all creation was subjected to God’s curse. But with eager hope,  the creation looks forward to the day when it will join God’s children in glorious freedom from death and decay.” Romans 8:18-21 NLT
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