#my man dresses like a cartoon character... He was at walmart with his posse when we went once
actual-corpse Β· 2 years
I had to go to Walmart today in order to feed myself because my roomates were out of town.
I bought a Black Forest Cake because Portal. It gut!
I wanted some Magic: the Gathering cards as well... but like...
There's a small business in town that sells nerd-game stuff and I wanna support small businesses because fuck Walmart and also
I am smitten by the shop owner.
He ALWAYS wears a grey T-shirt, black jeans, black boots, black baseball cap and sunglasses. (He also has a gun but... I guess that's business)... But today, TODAY! I got to see him without the cap... and he's soo cute!! He even buys dice sets that have animals in them specifically because "they're so cute"! And whenever you buy a card booster pack from him, he holds out the box and says, "CHOOSE your destiny!" And then he smiles... He also makes a point of keeping his shop as friendly to kids and newcomers as possible... When a kid enters the store EVERYONE gets PC and polite, no kids, pretty much anything goes. He also makes a point of checking on me and making sure I'm comfortable whenever anyone says anything remotely sexist or offensive, he'll apologize... He makes me feel special but, again, that's business... So I can't let myself get into my head, or I'll just get hurt... like always... heheh. He also has small doggos! Maybe this is just some PMS bullshit (I got sick of paying $75 for birth control... And well, this'll be my first Time without it... So, I think it might end up being a doozy)...
What am I going to do with me?!?
I also said that I'd confess my true feelings if I survived County Fair rides... Soooooooooooooooo. 😰
Bruh... Those Fair rides where sketchy as FUCK! And I said this on one of those Zero Gravity rides that fucking goes VERTICAL! I HATE BEING "OLD"! I never used to have this much anxiety over coaster rides... They also never made me sick, but I almost passed out from gental G Forces... on a pendulum ride!
Also, at that same fair... I was in a Goth Lara Croft cosplay (accidentally) and my hair is split dyed (currently a deep bluish purple)... and like... I think I look attractive but like...
Apparently a carnie STROKED MY PONYTAIL! As he told me my hair was beautiful, but since I'm hard of hearing he proceeded to brush my shoulder to get my attention and then repeated himself... also... There were a couple of rides that didn't allow single riders so I had to ride with strangers (which was fine I guess) but apparently one girl seemed way too enthusiastic about me sitting with her (leading my roommates to make some astute observations that I clearly missed... Thanks but no... I'm rarely attracted to men and ever less often attracted to women and also... Minors are just not my thing, no offense, but to me, a grown adult, minors are gross)...
But like, how many other people find me attractive and just don't tell me for whatever stupid ass reason.
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