#my current playthrough has Dai warrior and that’s fun and all but honestly it feels like the game was made to be played as a mage
autumnslance · 2 years
Miss Lyn, how do you handle 4 characters?! I have 2 and its a struggle lol
I really don’t, lol. At least, I don’t try keeping them all current with content.
I play through MSQ on Dark Autumn first. She’s my darling first character. Also running through on her lets me just vibe with MSQ as it unfolds and figure out WTF is going on and react to it myself in that moment. I don’t worry too much how it affects my fics yet; some ideas percolate, but overall I just focus on the story actually being told by the game.
Going through it again on Aeryn a little later lets me be a bit more objective and determine how it affects her, anything I need to change to make sense for her (or in general), and so on.
Then I tend to go back and forth on Dark & Aeryn for a bit until they’re both geared; depending on mood, I might alternate them each day, or each week. Once they’re geared up on their main jobs, I pick one of them and start leveling their alt jobs and doing side content. Right now, I am focusing this patch on Aeryn and getting all her jobs up.
Once that’s done—and there are a few more options!—I’ll worry about Dark’s crafts and alt jobs, when all Aeryn has left is current content as it releases, or random old stuff I wanna do (like finish the HW relic story). Aeryn’s the only one I’m going to worry about current relic grinds for too. But I can’t just do that many job grinds back to back, I need a break! There’s no rush, since Aeryn can craft things.
Also, I’ve decided at this point Aeryn is the designated Collector of Things. Others get pets, mounts, orchestrions, etc as convenient.
Later in the patch cycle, with the main 2 ladies caught up, I’ll get back to leveling up C’oretta; she’s poised to start 5.4, so I’ll be able to knock out the entire Endwalker story on her once more and likely, having had time to chew on things, hear dev talk, and it being a 3rd playthrough, I’ll notice things I missed, remember things I forgot/overlooked, rethink a few other things, and simply enjoy the story again. Then I’ll likely just focus on her main job for gearing (with crafted items) and any alt jobs as mood and time strike me.
Iyna’s still in Stormblood, so lots to still do on her, but I’m not fussed about it. As time and energy permit. Screenshots of her in Terncliff for a prompt response story were done with crime tools. I also don’t feel bad buying boosts and skips on Iyna and C’oretta, as I’ve done all the content on Aeryn and Dark already.
Iyna and C’oretta function as supporting characters and can appear whenever and whereever in fic. I have a rough idea of what they’re doing during Shadowbringers and Endwalker as Aeryn’s doing WoL things (where the other 3 chars are during Garlemald, the Moon, the Final Days, while the Scions are in Ultima Thule, are all things I’ve considered) but actually having them leveled up and current isn’t necessary for that.
In WoW it was expected, somewhat necessary, and honestly built to have multiple alts to do content with, since each character can only be 1 job. Alts on the same account in WoW share a lot of things, like pet and mount collections. FFXIV is far less alt friendly as the expectation is to do things on 1 Warrior of Light. Maybe an alt or two to play with friends on different worlds/data centers, but the intent is a focus on a main WoL.
I only made alts to replay content before New Game+, because I like character creation, and that writer and roleplayer part of me likes having character ideas and figuring out their stories. But I’m not going to keep multiple characters raid ready on all jobs; power to those who have the time, energy, and focus to do that, but it’s also not necessary for writing fic or even most roleplay.
Pick what seems fun for now—leveling a main’s jobs, replaying MSQ, catching up a relic—on whatever character strikes your fancy, alternate when you wish, and don’t sweat it if they aren’t tome capped each week and fully geared on all jobs by the next patch drop. This is a game played for fun, after all.
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crqstalite · 4 years
video game questionnaire :)
tagged by @greencrusader13 ! might be a little disappointed because anything i’ve posted recently (ME, DA + SWTOR) are the only games I’ve ever played. i know, i’m a gaming baby but i’m getting there lol.
Rules: Fill in your answers below and tag some buddies!
First game you ever played: I want to say World of Warcraft. I was born a few months after it was released [it’ll be 16 before I am :( ] and my parents absolutely loved it throughout my childhood. They stopped playing retail a while back, but they got me into it back during Mists of Pandaria. I don’t play it anymore (no real reason other than that except for one time, I’ve been locked to free to play since I picked it up)
Favorite game: If you mean game I go back to just for the hell of it when I’m sad or bored, SWTOR.
Game you’ve played through multiple times: ...SWTOR. I have quite a few toons that are honestly just copies of each other. It isn’t perfect, but besides WOW it’s a game from my childhood. Been playing since beta (okay ‘playing’ is a rather complex word for wandering around and not knowing what the hell to do at eight years old)
Game you hated at first but now love: I’m usually willing to give most games a chance, even if I don’t like it. See: MEA. Can’t say I love it, but some of the characters I like.
Game you used to love but now hate: Overwatch. I used to be really into the competitive scene but the highest rank I ever managed was bottom of the barrel silver. They make it rather difficult to rise in rank, and I gave up a few years ago. Still play when I need a little bit of chaos in my life but it’s not on my list of games to love anymore.
Your favorite game atmosphere/setting(s): Mass Effect 1. Now saying I’ve been through the whole trilogy and then some, I like the setting of the calm before the storm. Shepard + co. know something’s up, but without real proof they can’t really do anything. It’s a little unnerving, really.
Game with the best group/companion(s): Mass Effect 2. With the largest crew in the trilogy, it’s impossible not to get attached to them. Except for Jacob. I will never be attached to Jacob.
A game with your favorite ending: I might be too hard on games, but I legitimately can not think of an ending where I went ‘wow! I worked really hard for this and my characters prospered because of it!’. Except for ME2, where I was flying by the seat of my pants at first, entirely unaware of how the ending system worked and honestly, probably only managed the best ending because of mutuals (you know who you are ;). Made it all the more satisfying seeing all of my squadmates at the end.
A game with the WORST ending: MEA. I didn’t like the entire game to begin with, and the Meridian stuff honestly flew over my head like a damn jet. I always liked the Tempest’s theme, and that gave me chills over the ending, but it was rather anticlimatic. Unlike the two games before it, there’s really no risk factor in the ending. And Ryder 1 was a poor excuse for a culmination of your work. I did not spend a majority of those 65 hours on that game to not get another cutscene or epilogue with my 100% viability.
Best character customization?: I’ve been told DAI has one of the best. However, I personally like MEA’s, the realism is nice but a little jarring when it’s animated in-game.
Hero and Companions
Your favorite playable character: The Inquisitor and Trooper from SWTOR are my favorite classes to play. Shepard is pretty great too.
The funniest playable character: Currently, the Smuggler from SWTOR.
Your favorite companion(s): Elara Dorne, Andronikos Revel, Doc, Theron Shan, Lana Beniko + Gault (SWTOR), Alistair and Morrigan (DAO; I know, it’s early but they’re fun!), Garrus Vakarian, Kaidan Alenko, Tali’zorah nar Rayya vas Normandy + EDI (ME OT), Vetra, Drack, Jaal + Kallo (MEA)
Companions you could live without: Skadge, Jacob + PeeBee. I would’ve said James, but he grew on me during ME3′s campaign. Liam and Gil are sort of climbing up there, but I can see where MEA tried to grow their characters so I’m giving them a pass for now.
Favorite game friendship(s): Shepard + Garrus. Sorry these two snip at each other so much of you let them, and that line ‘There is no Shepard without Vakarian’ kills me every single time. None of my Shepards have actually romanced him but it’s cool to see a female/male friendship that isn’t dependent on a relationship to back it. On that note, Joker + Shepard as well. He doesn’t have that big of place in the game, but he obviously really cares about them. He’s omnipresent in the series too, and one of the few characters that can’t die in the game. Hell, Anderson even asked him to watch over their stress levels, and he was obviously serious about it too. And Tali + Shepard. While that can also be a romance (apparently was even a bi one before it was cut entirely, thank you modders for restoring it), the friendship you can have with her is undeniably sweet. She feels like a completely capable younger sister that you watch grow up through the games, from a young Quarian on her pilgrimage to an Admiral who was ready to do what was right for her people.
Favorite game relationship(s): ...Shepard/Kaidan (ME3, specifically. I mean you guys you’ve seen my blog), Shepard/Garrus, Ryder/Jaal, Ryder/Reyes, F!SW/Theron, F!Consular/Felix, F!Trooper/Aric
Favorite companion banter: ...you guys play games with banter between companions? I kid, but I like the banter between Ashley and Kaidan in ME1. And Morrigan and Alistair’s in DAO.
A relationship you loved but went bad: Malavai Quinn and a female Sith Warrior. I loved the way it was going during the vanilla story, but then the betrayal hit and he disappeared for six years and two expansions. A double whammy if you ask me. This kind of goes for all the vanilla romances, especially Vector for me.
A relationship you weren’t sure of but loved: Jaal and Ryder, and then Thane and Shepard. I did Jaal’s with Fia, and have yet to do Thane’s with Shepard. Jaal was unbelievably sweet if you did romance him, and he has a living family you visit in game. Thane’s is sweet, but also heart wrenchingly sad because you knew he was going to die in the next game but you’re still entirely willing to go after him.
A character you wish you COULD romance: Joker. Sorry, I am not sorry. I mean apparently there’s even a line where he alludes to if there was an alternate universe, he’d quote on quote “Rock your world”. Bioware, lock away the good romances why don’t you. I can just imagine how quickly the conversations in the cockpit would turn on their heads...and Zenith. Zenith I wanted as an option. I feel like the Consular would’ve worked rather well with him.
A minor character you wish could be a companion: Nihlus. I know next to nothing about him, but the fact he was killed off so fast is annoying to say the least. Skavak from SWTOR as well, I know he was an antagonist for a whole chapter, but I mean, we chased Jaesa down for a whole Act, so Skavak should’ve been fair game too.
Shoutout to a random NPC: Green took mine, but yes, that officer from the Citadel in ME2, “Sir Isaac Newton is the deadliest son of a bitch in space!”
A game you love watching playthroughs for and want to play: Left 4 Dead. I know, it’s an old game but I love zombies. I would probably have nightmares for a while but the universe fascinates me at least.
Love watching playthroughs but won’t ever play: Walking Dead (Telltale; not even for the zombies but because the story telling is not as great as it could’ve been), Dead by Daylight (yet again, the universe is cool, I just don’t like other people)
Online gaming or solo?: Solo. Up until recently I’d only ever played with PUGs during FPs and that was rather frustrating. It got so bad that I ended up just running them to level and do the story quests at higher levels, especially for classes like the Inquisitor that I’d run plenty of times before. Still, some new Discord mutuals fixed that for me, it’s actually fun to do FPs now.
Why do you play video games?: For someone who grew up rather sheltered (and is still sheltered, shhhh), video games were my escape from kids who liked the sun and animals a little too much. So I played video games. It distracted me from my other problems in real life and gave me something else to focus on, like saving the galaxy a few times over.
tagging: @sheyshen , @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond , @roguescarlett
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Michael After Midnight: Dragon Age II
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Dragon Age is a series very near and dear to my heart; ever since playing Origins back when I was in college, I have been inspired by the stories, characters, and lore. Hell, Origins alone is a huge inspiration to my writing, and why wouldn’t it be? It has great locations, deep lore, a core main party without a single weak link with each and every party member you have being unique and entertaining in their own right, and an epic story with all sorts of twists and turns. And it only has two really shitty segments in the whole game! It’s truly a great first entry in a series.
But despite my love for it, I put off playing the sequel for most of the decade, only playing it for the first time this year. And why is that? Because… the critics said it was bad… yes, unfortunately in my younger years I took what critics said without any grains of salt. Dragon Age II was not very popular back around the time it came out, mostly because of its radical departure from the style of the first game, with more hack-and-slash-esque combat, a much more simple and self-contained story, and a cast of characters far more divisive than the first time around. It’s only over time that people have started to give it the respect it deserves, but much like fellow fantasy series The Legend of Zelda it comes at the cost of the current game being bashed.
So how is this red headed stepchild of a sequel, anyway? Did the critics have a point, or is this really an underrated gem? Well, I’m happy to report that this is indeed a fun and fantastic game, and I heavily regret being kept apart from the lovely Merril for so long due to poor critical reception, but there are a lot of problems too. For everything it does really well, it kind of shits the bed in other areas, and a lot of that can be contributed to a rushed development cycle that got this game churned out just over a year after the first one, leading to things like all items lacking the detailed descriptions they would get in the first game, which doesn’t sound like much, but then you get an item called something like “Uncle Horky’s Spanking Rod” as a magic staff and there’s no explanation as to why it’s called that and you have to imagine up some ludicrous backstory for it.
The lack of flavor text is a minor gripe, though, compared to the obnoxiously repetitive environments of dungeons. Reusing and flipping dungeons around and reusing assets would be one thing, but here they literally just take a map, flip it a bit with no changes to the details of the level, and just block off doors that lead to areas they don’t want you going. The worst part is on your mini map you can see the blocked pathways you likely saw ten minutes ago in another dungeon, which just makes a lot of the missions feel bland and samey. It also doesn’t help that enemy types are rather paltry, so you’ll be fighting a lot of the same mooks in the same maps over and over as you grind for items, gold, and EXP.
And then there are some of the characters. The worst of the bunch are sadly two characters who are returning from the first game and its expansion Awakening – Anders and Isabela. Isabela is arguably worse, because she honestly seems rather fun and nice at first, if overly and aggressively flirty, but as the story goes on, it’s revealed that she is actually the cause behind some of the biggest issues in the first few acts, which she neglects to tell you until it is far too late and unless you decided to maximize your friendship with her, she will run off and never return to your party. I can’t deny that this completely soured me to her, and at the end of the quanari invasion of Kirkwall I was only upset I couldn’t find her in act three and kick her ass for what she did.
Then there is Anders. Poor, poor Anders. In Awakening, he was one of the most funny and charming characters, a nice little substitute for Alistair that I actually ended up liking for than the Weenie King of Ferelden. Here though? Anders can not go one fucking conversation without bringing up how oppressed mages are and how much the templars suck and blah blah blah. The worst part is I do agree with him, but he’s just so whiny and obnoxious about it I left him behind all the time, dooming my party to having no healer even as I fought high dragons, blood mages, and Corypheus. It was worth it to not hear Anders bitching about templars and insulting Merril and Fenris. Oh, and Anders nukes the chantry and sets off a civil war. Isabela may be a nasty bitch, but Anders definitely comes out looking like a huge cunt by the game’s end.
The entire endgame is kind of an utter mess too, seeing as no matter whose side you join you end up fighting the same two bosses, with one of them just not making any sense whatsoever. And then the game just sort of ends on a very unsatisfying cliffhanger. And as much as I just complained, all of this stings because really, the rest of the game is quite good, and the story is fun if scaled back from the epic tale of Origins.
Let’s get the obvious best part out of the way: Varric. Varric is literally the best part of the entire Dragon Age franchise. He’s a snarky, wisecracking surface dwarf with no beard who writes best-selling novels, constantly has his shirt open to show off his magnificent chest hair, and has a crossbow named Bianca that he is uncomfortably attached to. He is one of the greatest characters ever created, and there was not one single moment I left him out of my party, because he is a blast to have around, and what’s more, if there’s ever a situation where the dialogue wheel pops up and you can let him talk… you’ve won. This guy can talk his way out of any situation. There’s nothing bad you can say about Varric, and he is in fact the only companion in the game I can wholeheartedly stand behind as a paragon of great writing.
I love the other characters, don’t get me wrong, but they have their issues. Aveline and Fenris in particular, with Aveline being a bit too by-the-books at times to the point where she exacerbates the quanari conflict by demanding that elves who killed a guard who raped one of their own be turned over to her after they converted to the Qun. This is all despite her knowing full well that the poor elf girl would have otherwise gotten no justice seeing as how city elves in this setting are second class citizens at best. Still, she has a rather adorkable romance questline where you hook her up with one of the guards, and she’s not a bad person, just a touch misguided at times.
That last sentence can also apply to Fenris, but on a grander scale. He’s a cool, edgy, brooding elf who absolutely fucking hates magic with every fiber of his being. He is the Anti-Anders, though he’s far less annoying about it, and it’s hard to really blame him for being bitter seeing as he was a sex slave for an evil wizard for most of his life and then just had misfortune after misfortune piled on him. I really hated how mean he was to Merril, but otherwise I warmed to him and befriended him.
And that brings us to a very special girl, Merril. Merril is an adorable, klutzy, scatterbrained blood mage elf who is hated by her people due to the lengths she is going to repair an ancient artifact to bring a piece of her people’s heritage back. While she can be a bit arrogant and stubborn about the whole thing, it’s mostly due to how no one around her seems to believe in and support her; naturally, I believed in and supported her, and while things still managed to go south, she seemed at least to learn a little bit. Overall I found her to be an absolute sweetheart, and she never left my party, much like Varric; frankly, I was going in expecting not to like her and was going to romance Fenris instead, but as it turns out Merril won my heart immediately and my Hawke went lesbian this playthrough.
On that note, as much as I like how Merril, Fenris, Isabela, and Anders can be wooed by either gender in principle, I do kind of feel making everyone bisexual with no rhyme or reason kind of cheapens things. It’s weird for me, a bisexual myself, to be saying that, but it just feels off to be able to get together with everyone, with everyone being Schrodinger’s Bisexual until a romance is initiated. It’s nowhere near as bad as Skyrim, but I just feel it kinda cheapens the romance options. I prefer Origins and Inquisition in that regard, where you don’t have all the options but you do have some unique choices. But, hey, at the end of the day I’m hardly complaining that my Lady Hawke got to polish Merril’s Eluvian, if you know what I mean.
Aside from the characters, I think the game’s real strength lies in its story, which is fitting since the entire game is framed as a story being told by no less a storyteller than our pal Varric. It has a three act structure, with each act detailing a different year in Hawke’s rise to become the Champion of the city of Kirkwall, which is a crime-ridden wretched hive of scum and villainy. The first act mainly has Hawke making a name for themselves, living in the slums with their uncle, doing dirty work to try and get back a little prestige, and recruiting all of their allies, with the act culminating with a trip to the Deep Roads, every DA fan’s favorite location. It’s a nice setup for a lot of twists and turns later in the story, and choices you make in certain dialogue options or quests actually can change what sort of quests you get later. Then again, this is Bioware, so this sort of “action have consequences” gameplay is expected.
Act two deals with just how Hawke becomes the Champion. Rich from the expedition into the Deep Roads, Hawke gets to do all sorts of fun things, such as track down a serial killer who ends up murdering their mom, being stabbed in the back by one of their friends, accidentally inciting a race war that nearly burns down the city, and having to duel the warrior leader of the qunari to the death in combat. Yeah, act two really piles it on to Hawke, but it does tie into the game’s themes of how no matter the level of success, great actions will also come with great consequences, even actions meant to better one’s lot in life, which also resonate in the personal quests of characters like Merril and Fenris, who despite ultimately achieving their goals in the third act feel hollow, lost, and even broken by the end, and that’s not even getting into what Anders does. However the conflict with the qunari is resolved, Hawke is declared the Champion, and things seem ok.
But then comes act three, and boy do things go wrong. Knight-Commander Meredith has gone cuckoo for Coco Puffs and conflict between templars and mages seems inevitable; this act is basically wrapping up hanging plot threads and companion quests until Anders finally nukes the chantry and all hell breaks loose, leading to the final battle. The ending here isn’t particularly happy, with Hawke ultimately ending up a fugitive in the epilogue, and things can get even worse if you make poor choices in Inquisition, but that’s just the way the cookie crumbles.
Here’s the thing: everything I just said? It could be entirely different from my playthrough depending on the choices you make. Sure, some things are inevitable, like Anders committing terrorist acts, Hawke’s mother dying, and Meredith going absolutely bonkers and making you fight statues, but depending on how you play, maybe you’ll like/romance Isabela, maybe you’ll resolve things with the Arishok differently, maybe you’ll side with the templars… the story ends the same but there are so many ways to make your story different. Throw in some great lore, some fun DLC that reveals some shocking truths about the lore, and the fun albeit simplified combat, and you’ve got a game here that has a lot of replay value if only to see where all the plot threads can lead.
I definitely think this is a good game, even a great one. It has its share of problems, but so did Origins, and frankly I’d sooner put up with the backstabbing pirate hooker and the pissy mage terrorist again then go through the fucking Fade and Deep Roads one more time. If you liked the first one, definitely give this a shot; you may end up liking or disliking some of the stuff I dislike and like. That’s the fun of these Bioware games, different aspects are going to appeal to different people. The question is, do I find it better than Origins?
In some respects, yes; I much prefer the simpler combat here, and I like the more down-to-earth story in this one, but at the same time Origins just had stronger characters overall and I’m a sucker for “save the world” fantasy tales. While Origins infamously had some real mind-numbing slogs in the form of the Fade sequence and the Deep Roads, while those environments were tedious at least they weren’t boring. But on the other hand… Origins didn’t have Varric.
 It’s really a tossup, frankly, and I love both games a lot. I think each of them has their place and each of them brings something interesting to the table for the series. It’s one you really need to play for yourself to get a good grasp on; don’t be like me and put it off for nearly ten years, give it a go right after your done with the first game and see how you feel. Your experience is going to be a lot different than mine, that’s for sure.
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Pillars of Eternity, day 6.
Well, I was going to give Hiravias some attention, now that I’m on my way to his homeland, but sending him to free slaves is more important, so five days of running around picking up bounties and exploring the Endless Paths it is.
Really, Od Nua, like you’re the only one who ever had to bury a child. Some ego on you.
I will not be fighting the adra dragon with a level 11 party. That would not go very well.
OK, got the little guy back. Is it time to drop Aloth? I think it’s time to drop Aloth. We’ll come back for you later. Maybe. We’ll see. You are very useful in the endgame.
Sikkerneq now has four points in Honest, the first disposition she’s maxed out. I was hoping for more points in Rational and Stoic (currently 2 and 1, respectively), but apparently I’m too prone to niceness in games to make that work unless I plan it from the beginning and exercise truly heroic discipline.
Whoo, another political assassination! Apparently this is SIkkerneq’s life now.
Ah, the joys of running a character who can easily get to Intelligence 19. Enjoy your poison, Simoc.
Really? Even poisoned, he outlasts all of his warriors in the ensuing fight?
And Sagani’s quest is done. Sikkerneq is staying well back, she doesn’t want to get in the way and mess this up. And how important are her own feelings about the pointlessness of the whole exercise here, so far from home for both of them?
Huh, I thought I’d nudged Sagani towards family, but I told her to trust her instincts and she told Persoq about his accomplishments as a village elder. Good for her, she’ll make a good leader.
Dragon. That’s a dragon. As little as Sikkerneq is here to assassinate political leaders, she’s really not here to fight dragons. You know what, dragon, you can stay, she’ll explain this to Hylea somehow.
...shut the entire fuck up, Hiravias, we’re trying to not get eaten here.
So much for stealthing my way through Noonfrost. Time for more murder, I guess.
Finally got that upgrade on the arbalest. WHOOOOOOOO. Merely doing 700 damage to get the next level should go much more smoothly.
Hiravias’ quest is done. And Scâthden is now dead, because he insisted on being a dick.
I would’ve settled for a lock of hair or a tooth or something, but if ripping off his jaw is what does it for you, Hiravias, don’t let me stop you.
Raedric, you’d be better able to get away with being so extra if you were competent and/or reasonable. Honestly now. Stay dead this time!
Well, Durance’s quest is done. It’ll be nice to retire him for a while again.
Killing Magran and Woedica? On your own? You, uh, have fun with that, buddy. We’ll be over here. Well outside the blast radius.
Now that I’ve banged out the gods’ quests, I’ve got a decision to make. The obvious, logical choice for someone coming in cold with no investment in any of the sides is probably Hylea; the problem is that the souls were taken from the Hollowborn, so we give them back their souls and everything is fine, right? I haven’t done Rymrgand yet, but I won’t. I have limits. Galawain seems like a viable choice as well; my headcanons mean that Sikkerneq has reasons to throw her lot in with Magran, who’s siding with Galawain here, and of course I have out-of-character knowledge that it’d spare Pallegina a rough ending, but our girl is also a little disillusioned with Magran’s worshipers right now (and just trolled Durance into swearing to kill his own goddess, though I don’t know how sincere she was being).
Well, I’ve got some time to think about it—now that I’ve mopped up in Twin Elms and bagged a few more bounties (including getting that shiny, shiny arquebus off Captain Muārumi—you’re welcome, Kana), it’s White March time.
Hello, Zahua. What, and Sikkerneq cannot stress this enough, the entire actual fuck.
Hello, Maneha. You’re a little scary. And hot, in a “cool old lady” kind of way. Feel free to keep running around in that outfit.
Matron Beregan has been befriended. Whew, that got a little hairy there for a bit.
For the first time in any of my playthroughs, Suldrun has been successfully restored and sent home. Score one for the wiki.
Nothing personal, adra dragon, but you understand why I couldn’t let you live. (Since I had to take care of stuff at Caed Nua anyway...)
Oh, Kana, you really like Maneha, huh? I, uh, don’t think you’re quite her type. (Though maybe she would take to that sister of yours.)
Aww, baby lagufaeth. I don’t see any provision for tiny hugs, though. A terrible oversight.
Ooh, another Rauataian with a surname (Yuraska Rona, in the backstory of the Belt of the Royal Deadfire Cannoneer). My headcanons still hold, though.
Sikkerneq offered to help you, alpine dragon. You want to be a dick and attack her, you deserve what you get. Which is dead. Very dead.
Next up, grabbing Devil of Caroc and sniffing around Durgan’s Battery.
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