#my bmi rn is 27 but it was 32 at my highest & 23 at my lowest (as an adult)
lobotomizedlady · 20 days
God those HAES blogs make me cringe so much. I watched a youtube video about how many prominent names in fat activism have been dropping dead in their 40s, 30s, and even 20s...you'd think that would be a wakeup call.
these people are actively causing harm by telling young women (this is a feminist issue, let's be clear about that) that they have no power over their own bodies and striving to change to become fitter and healthier is self hatred when it's the opposite. you can love yourself AND try to better yourself at the same time, in fact self improvement IS showing love for yourself.
there is nothing more empowering than being as healthy, fit, and strong as possible, and these people actively fight against that by encouraging us to gorge to the point of immobility. imagine if drug addicts behaved like this lol. they act like fat women who try to lose weight are betraying the movement, in this regard it is like a cult. I hate them so much!!
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fahrminbrahmin · 7 years
ED Questions: nobody asked for this but im bored lmao
1. which eating disorder(s) do you have? 
tbh nobody has said a specific name to me drs just say either ‘eating issues’ or ‘eating disorder’ so ednos?

2. when did you develop your eating disorder?
this is hard to answer bc looking back ive shown signs since ~early teenage years but ive been fully aware of it for about 2-2.5 years

3. are you currently in recovery?
im in therapy, its bought up every other session but i tend to avoid mentioning it so yes and no

4. honestly, do you want to recover?
again, yes and no. I often h a t e feeling like this but?? the pros out way the cons at this point

5. how are you doing today?
unhealthily? great! lol i hit my next gw this week and p much all my cals have been from alcohol lmao healthily? p bad ive only eaten a cruskit and some lettuce & im kinda depressed these past days but hey! idc

6. 5 safe foods?
lettuce! so much lettuce i can easily go through a head a day. honestly, its the only thing i can eat without feeling any semblance of guilt.

7. 5 fear foods?
tbqh, its such a long list everything p much. at the height of my fear of food i saw the word protein and freaked the F out so protein

8. do you count calories?
yeah but im really good at lying to myself about how many calories ive actually eaten lmao

9. what is your max calorie limit?
i say 550, but anything over 250 makes me feel like utter shit but then again, anything makes me feel shit lol

10. what is your height?
5′3″ / 161cm 

11. what is your ultimate goal weight?
it was 49.5kg! but i hit that so its 48.7kg atm itll go down again tho

12. are you trying to lose weight?
absolutely yes

13. have you ever been called “fat”?
honestly i cant even remember if i have or not

14. have you ever been called “too thin”?
ive been called ‘small’ but not too thin. the dream tbh

15. what is your current goal weight?

16. what was your highest weight?
when i first started weighing myself regularly, 61kgs

17. what was your lowest weight?

18. do you wish you were back at your lowest weight?
im there rn 

19. does your family know about your eating disorder?
yes, i dont talk to a lot of ppl and p much everyone knows

20. do your friends know about your eating disorder?
yeah, one of my best friends was actually the first person i told

21. do you wish you didn’t have an eating disorder?
yes and no, i hate feeling like this toward myself and food. but ive always hated myself so this is an improvement so its a really happy side effect

22. have any “free foods”?
lettuce!! lettuce lettuce lettuce. and tea

23. how often do you weigh yourself?
every day when i wake up. id say morning but i have a shit sleep schedule lol

24. thinspo or bonespo?
neither tbh im more of a i-have-an-ed-more-to-harm-myself-less-to-be-thin kinda gal

25. biggest problem area on your body?
my chubby chubby cheeks. the great irony is that my ed gave me chipmunk cheeks which hasnt helped any but  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

26. favourite part of your body?
tbqh i like my waist. its not tiny but its p good imo

27. what kind of results do you want to see?

28. do you purge?
:/ yeah

29. do you take laxatives?
yes but i have bowel problems anyway so its the constant struggle of do i take the reccomended amount or do i overdose lmao its always overdose

30. how often do you purge?
it goes in cycles, some weeks i purge every day, other weeks its could be 1-2 times a week.

31. do you binge?
by definition, no, but often times ill eat and say to myself its a binge

32. how long have you fasted for?
im SHIT at fasting, probably like 18-19 hours

33. who’s your biggest thinspiration?
hands around thighs really get me. also protruding rib cages thats the dream.

34. favourite eating disorder movie/show/documentary?
none! ive only seen maybe half an ed doc i cant get through one. But! I have a book of stories of girls w/ eds and there was one story about a white/polynesian girl with an ed with identity issues and she was l i t e r a l l y me i still have that book

35. favourite thinspo picture?
again, any pic of fingers touching around thighs. LUV it

36. can you post a photo of yourself/your body?
ive only posted 2 body checks lol, u can see them here

37. how does your eating disorder affect your life?
Im literally obsessed with food nd my body ive isolated myself from everyone/thing in my life and everything i do is a number i h8 it

38. what is your BMI?
currently, 19.1 
39. do you follow a diet?
yeah, as little calories as possible lmao

40. least favourite part about your eating disorder?
most if not all of it? its all i think about

41. has your eating disorder ruined any relationships?
yes? if we group my ed with all my other mental health problems, i isolate myself from everyone i havent seen one of my best friends in over a year so YA

42. do you have a “guilty pleasure” food? what is it?
c h o c o l a t e. it is very much a guilty pleasure lool

43. meanspo or sweetspo?
not about the whole concept tbqh

44. does anyone else in your life have an eating disorder?
the saddest part, most women i know have expressed r admitted to doing some really shitty stuff to themselves in order to be thin

45. ever been inpatient? 
/ 46. ever been outpatient? / 47. ever been in residential care? / 48. ever been in a psych ward?
nah but ive been threatened with it

49. are you currently in therapy?
yeah, individual therapy and DBT

50. what did you eat today?
a cruskit, 1 gummy lolly, ~4 leaves of lettuce and 3 glasses of wine lmao

51. are you scared about the holidays?
yes bc ill make a pavlova and ofc im gonna eat it rip :/

52. are your family/friends supportive?
kind of, if im in a healthy mind set i know they care but dont really know how to go about it. but they let me do a lot of shitty things to myself

53. have any other mental illnesses?
’severe social anxiety’, emotional disregulation, depression, maybe avpd and/or bpd?

54. looking for ana buddies?
nopenopenope ill never encourage this

55. what is your current weight?
as of this morning: 49.1kgs
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vibrancyy-blog · 6 years
which eating disorder(s) do you have?
Ana for now, Mia is not my thing
2. when did you develop your eating disorder?
8th grade, then it went away and came back my junior year of highschool 
3. are you currently in recovery?
4. honestly, do you want to recover?
I’m not sure. I’ve recovered before, but I forgot what it feels like
5. how are you doing today?
Tired. My boyfriend is being a dick too. 
6. 5 safe foods?
Celery, rice cakes, eggs, freeze-dried fruit, pickles
7. 5 fear foods?
Chocolate, pizza, cheese, fries, junk snacks
8. do you count calories?
Yes. On my fitness pal
9. what is your max calorie limit?
800 if I need it, but I try for 500 or less because I am a student athlete
10. what is your height?
11. what is your ultimate goal weight?
90/95 lbs
12. are you trying to lose weight?
13. have you ever been called “fat”?
To many times to count, by too many people I thought loved me 
14. have you ever been called “too thin”?
Yep. My mother worries because I swim and you can see some bones a little to well
15. what is your current goal weight?
Honestly I just wanna get under 110 rn
16. what was your highest weight?
127 lbs
17. what was your lowest weight?
76lbs (8th grade)
18. do you wish you were back at your lowest weight?
I almost died so no? But I still hate my body and want to be thinner, but not dead thin
19. does your family know about your eating disorder?
No but they notice how I never eat. They’re not super concerned though
20. do your friends know about your eating disorder?
Yes. 2 of them. One because she found me chugging laxatives after eating at her house, and the other because he had an ed so he knows the signs 
21. do you wish you didn’t have an eating disorder?
Yeah. I miss feeling normal and not worried about how I am perceived 
22. have any “free foods”?
Gum? Also glucomanann tabs
23. how often do you weigh yourself?
Once a week
24. thinspo or bonespo?
25. biggest problem area on your body?
I’m a runner and swimmer, so I have thunderous thighs 
26. favourite part of your body?
Collar bones
27. what kind of results do you want to see?
Skinny skinny skinny. My goal is to be thin for my trip to Hawaii in June and feel good in a bikini 
28. do you purge?
Sometimes with laxatives but only on really, really bad days 
29. do you take laxatives?
Yeah. I know it doesn’t help reduce calorie intake but it makes me feel cleaned out and ready to restart my system/ intake
30. how often do you purge?
Not often 
31. do you binge?
I try not to. Sometimes I do it without thinking and it’s like a blur. I hate it. 
32. how long have you fasted for?
48 hrs
33. who’s your biggest thinspiration?
Emma Roberts 
34. favourite eating disorder movie/show/documentary?
To the bone. Lily Collins is dazzling✨
35. favourite thinspo picture?
Anything with Calvin Klein’s 
36. can you post a photo of yourself/your body?
37. how does your eating disorder affect your life?
Every day I am obsessed with food, it’s always on my mind, I always crave it, but the feeling I get when it goes in my mouth is worse than the feeling of an empty stomach. 
38. what is your BMI?
39. do you follow a diet?
Low carbs, higher fat higher protien
40. least favourite part about your eating disorder?
Missing the way I used to feel good after eating instead of that my world was falling apart
41. has your eating disorder ruined any relationships?
Some. I fight with my boyfriend a lot. I’m starting to resent how clingy he is, how he makes me feel about my body, and how he needs to be close or touching me all the time. I just want a pal to go on adventures with and make out sometimes ya know? 
42. do you have a “guilty pleasure” food? what is it?
Pretzels. Or peanuts 
43. meanspo or sweetspo?
44. does anyone else in your life have an eating disorder?
My best friend has celiac, and when he first found out he went into a deep depression and lost like 25 lbs. he said that he didn’t know what to do so he just stopped doing, and that’s when he could tell that I was having similar issues 
45. ever been inpatient?
8th grade into freshman year summer. Didn’t get to do anything until my osteoporosis went away. 
46. ever been outpatient?
47. ever been in residential care?
48. ever been in a psych ward?
49. are you currently in therapy?
No, my parents think I’m recovered
50. what did you eat today?
Oatmeal, fruit, crackers, peanuts
51. are you scared about the holidays?
All the time. What I hate is that I eat, and then it takes so long for my body to be able to restrict again and stay fairly regulated 
52. are your family/friends supportive?
Friends... some are. Other a fucking fake ass bitches who make it worse. But family is good mostly too. 
53. have any other mental illnesses?
54. looking for ana buddies?
Sure! But not like the last group chat I was in, it blew up my phone and caused it to lag a bunch, and they kicked me out still unknown why
55. what is your current weight?
My new scale comes in the mail on Tuesday :) old one broke, probably cause I’m to fat😂
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