#muskovy duck
99griffon · 1 year
My sketches from my journals! Rio Grande trip hours
I only drew what I saw... except for the one that got away...
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zoeandsubalovephotog · 7 months
Christine Ward
Muscovy duck
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magnetothemagnificent · 3 months
I am on Spring break so I finally get to focus on birding again! Today's birds:
Little blue heron
Black vulture
Great egret
Sandhill crane
Mourning dove
Cattle egret
Great blue heron
Double crested cormorant
Red winged Blackbird
Wood stork
White ibis
Muskovy duck
Boat-tailed grackle
American crow
American coot
Common gallinule
Common grackle
Glossy ibis
Palm warbler
Common grackle
American purple gallinule
Wood duck
Red shouldered hawk
Pied billed grebe
Royal tern
Eastern Phoebe
Roseate spoonbill
Black-bellied Whistling duck
Tricolor heron
Northern harrier
Yellow rumped warbler
Tree swallow
Swallow tailed kite
Ring billed gull
Turkey vulture
Little blue heron
White pelican
Red eyed vireo
Pekin x Mallard Hybrid (there was this fascinating flock of ducks consisting of mallards, feral pekins, muskovy ducks, mulards (muskovy x mallard hybrid), and Pekin/mallard hybrids)
Feral American pekin
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coprolitecollector · 6 months
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how about muskovy ducks? same very overcast day as the cormorant but I thought I would share these friends as well
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moodymisty · 1 year
Pass the happy! 🌻🌈 When you receive this, list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifications! (ily jordan. sincerely, @imarvelatthestars 🌼)
Awww you're so sweet;;; <3 But five things? Besides the obvious like my friends and family? oh lord....
1 MY DUCKS! They are my babies. Here's two when they were teens. (the redness is normal they're Muskovys pls)
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2 Rain. It's such a little thing, but whenever I see it's going to rain I always have my window open and wear comfy clothes XD
3 My motorcycle! I'm in-between them at the moment (rip she finally died) but when I get my new one... <3
4 My books. I didn't read for awhile for personal reasons, but I finally bought some more books and man I love just reading something good.
5 All of my favorite fandoms. Star Wars, Darksiders, WH40k, I love taking part in all of my crazy interests. Especially with other people.
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tomkiesche · 2 years
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Today the city shelters were closed to volunteers (holiday) so I volunteered at @singersanctuary once again. A friend of mine came with this time and we worked on leveling a duck coop. She brushed the pigs. I moved some rocks and sand. Oh and I scratched the head of a Muskovy duck, dogs, and goats. Fed three pigs some apples... (at Shadow Hills, Los Angeles) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck10HN5y9bv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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the-goose-caboose · 2 years
ok this is basically just me infodumping about the fowl fellows I feed
so everyday i take a short bike ride down near the water to my bird feeding spot.
there are a good few named geese and ducks that are in the group but not all are named. this is mostly because its hard to differentiate between canada geese a lot of the time but also because total there are I want to say about 20 ish mallards and maybe 15 geese.
So for the bios we have:
(canada goose) Papa goose: presumed leader of geese, dont see him around much but hes chill
(canada goose) The Banded One: name is ominous but shes one of my kindest hand feeders, shes named after the small numbered band she has on her ankle
(canada goose) Dill: asshole
(Canada goose) Bride of Dill: asshole but a girl (not sure if theyre actually partners but theyre connected in spirit)
(canada goose) Nibbles: my homie, goose im closes to, has stood on my leg on more than one occasion, eyebrows
(canada goose) Nibbles' partner: dont have a name for them yet, but theyre pretty nice and usually get to me quickly.
(Muscovy duck) Penelope: lone muskovy duck, presumed feral rather than wild, hangs out with geese, sexed her as a woman at first but I like the name so shes a woman in my eyes, BAMF
(Mallard) Germ Warfare: nicest fellow around, has sat on me for extended periods of time, love that fucker.
(Mallard) Babs: cutie, like the cutest ever, Lecustic (google it, its cool, its like albinism but not.
Thats it for now, I'll probably be posting about them whenever I can since i dont have many goose enthusiasts in my life.
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securitybreach · 4 years
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ayashootsbirbs · 6 years
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Muskovy duck + peace flame. 2018.
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dixieandherbabies · 3 years
Dixie and her babies.
The hilarious sound of some ducks eating birdseed out of a puddle!!
We’ve been watching dinosaurs!
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lord-allo · 3 years
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Moschusenten | Muscovy (ducks), musk/y ducks
Cairina moschata
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customchaos · 5 years
So we have a flock of Muskovies and we love them. Big Daddy is the sweetest Drake, he takes good care of the ducks as well as all of the chickens, and he makes sure Boulet, our rooster, is taking care of the chickens and breaking up fights. Meanwhile, our Ladies, as we refer to the female Muskovies, adopt neglected baby chicks (sometimes distressing and why we now have a ramp in the pond so chicks can get back out...) But they also like to just fly out of the run and come hang out with us. Or berate us. See three of the four (Annabelle, Shadow, and Mother Superior) trying to follow me up the hill to the stables, all berating me for not bringing them food well before breakfast time. How dare I.
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magnetothemagnificent · 2 months
My birding week vacation is over, so here are all the bird species I saw:
1. Little blue heron
2. Sharp-shinned hawk
3. Black vulture
4. Great egret
5. Sandhill crane
6. Mourning dove
7. Common loon (there were two of them just hanging out at a lake. We couldn't believe it but they were unmistakable)
8. Cattle egret
9. Great blue heron
10. Anhinga
11. Double-crested cormorant
12. Red-winged Blackbird
13. Limpkin
14. Wood stork
15. White ibis
16. Muskovy duck
17. Boat-tailed grackle
18. American crow
19. American coot
20. Common gallinule
21. Common grackle
22. Glossy ibis
23. Palm warbler
24. Osprey
25. American purple gallinule
26. Wood duck
27. Red-shouldered hawk
28. Pied-billed grebe
29. Royal tern
30. Eastern Phoebe
31. Roseate spoonbill (last year it eluded me, but this year I saw two at two separate locations!)
31. Black-bellied whistling duck
32. Tricolor heron
33. Northern harrier
34. Yellow-rumped warbler
35. Tree swallow
36. Swallow-tailed kite
37. Ring-billed gull
38. Turkey vulture
39. Mallard
40. White pelican (there were two just hanging out at an artificial lake in the middle of a residential area)
41. Red eyed vireo
42. Mulard
43. American pekin
44. Mallard/Pekin hybrid
45. Downy woodpecker
46. Grey catbird
47. Blue-grey gnatcatcher
48. Fish crow
49. Northern parula
50. Snowy egret
51. Chimney swift
52. Common yellowthroat
53. Bald eagle
54. Red-bellied woodpecker
55. Blue winged teal (we only saw these guys because we had to walk an extra 1.5 miles to take the long way back to the car because an alligator decided to block our short way back)
56. Great-crested flycatcher
57. Louisiana waterthrush
58. Laughing gull
59. Northern mockingbird
60. Mottled duck
61. Loggerhead shrike
62. White eyed vireo
63. Tufted titmouse
64. Northern cardinal
65. Black and white warbler
66. Ring-necked duck (I saw this lone duck from the car as we were driving past an artificial lake. From it's silhouette I could see it looked different from the other ducks common in the area, so we stopped the car literally on the side of the road so I could run out with my binoculars, and sure enough it was a new species to add to the list. And then when we came back a few days later, it was still there swimming around and diving, so I guess it lived around there.)
67. Carolina chickadee
68. Swamp sparrow
69. Ruby-crowned kinglet
70. Pileated woodpecker
71. Belted kingfisher (we visited the same place three times because my Grandpa saw kingfishers there a few times. It wasn't until the third and final time, while we were ready to give up and leave, that we saw it, perched on a sign post over the water)
72. House sparrow
73. Cooper's hawk
74. Carolina wren
75. White-throated sparrow
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Welcome to Monday!
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synchlora · 3 years
I must infodump about something cus I was looking through ur bird tag and remembered something from several years ago!
So like, you know how pigeons are feral and not wild? There's a similar thing with some ducks, so there's a decent amount of diversity with them specifically with ducks around ponds.
Story time now!
One time I went to the park with my dad and sibling cus it had snowed so we were just gonna go out to vibe. While walking around I spotted a fucking PIEBALD duck and went crazy over it so they next day I told my science teacher. He looked so confused when I told him that mutation is mostly found in pets and was kinda stubborn going "well maybe it's natural?" but like, that duck looked like a pet so >:T
Idk, they could've easily been a rare wild mutation, but I think they were probably a piebald copper morph and I'm ver stubborn so vwv
YEAH !! domesticated ducks r so so cool, though i admit I know much less abt them compared to pigeons and even chickens. piebald mutations r probably my absolute favorite in any animals, theyre so interesting to see. unfortunately a lot of domestic ducks do get dumped at the local park in my area :(( I remember seeing a muskovy once when I was little and being confused what it was until I learned abt domesticated breeds later. they r so pretty tho, super cool and unique patterns :DD
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ichigopanhpff · 5 years
BNHA Fic: Blink! Ch. 17
Read Ch. 16 | Masterlist
SPOILER ALERT: We in the U.A. Festival Arc now. You’ve been warned!
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The final preparations in U.A. were in full swing and tomorrow was the big day. Everyone was so busy, no one in 1-A had time to goad Ren about the sleeping photo, much to her relief. But that didn’t stop Tomoe and Seri from tag-teaming their interrogation skills while working on finalizing staging props and curtains.
“We all fell asleep in the common area. That’s all that happened. I swear,” Ren hard confirmed, holding up defensive hands.
“Do you want me to cut his hands off?” Seri glowered and transformed her nails into talons.
“N-No!” the pink-haired girl stuttered out. “And put those away! You’re gonna tear up the curtain!”
“Think he has a thing for you?” Tomoe asked in a teasing tone while tending to the curtain’s draw rope. “It’s not uncommon, y’know.”
Ren choked on her rice ball upon hearing that and chased the stuck kernels down by chugging her bottle of green tea. She sighed aloud having the coughing fit pass.
“I assure you, he doesn’t,” she deadpanned. “Admittedly, he has been much more sociable as of late and is making the effort to change himself,” she finished with a small smile on her lips.
Her two friends audibly hummed and looked on with deceptive interest, their chins resting on their hands with matching single arched brows.
“Seems like you’ve been paying a lot of attention then,” Seri ridiculed with a devilish smirk.
“I have to write weekly updates to Aizawa-sensei to let him know his hatchlings are behaving!” she defended with a huff.
“If you wanna put it that way, sure,” Tomoe dismissed with a tone of dubiousness.
“Okay. You got me.” Ren heaved a loud defeated sigh and crossed her arms. “You guys obviously know something I don’t, so you may as well spill it.”
Seri and Tomoe looked at each other with a blank stare and then back to their annoyed but lovable friend.
“You’ve been smiling a lot more,” they simultaneously blurted out.
“Well, it’s not necessarily a bad thing,” Tomoe added.
“But you’ve been changing as well, Ren-Ren, as oblivious as you are with most things,” Seri finished with a gentle smile. “Our juniors have had quite the influence on you.”
Before she could respond, a sudden slap of a harisen* slammed down by their feet, making all of their shoulders jolt from shock. The three gingerly creaked their heads up to see their very irate Miyake staring down.
“I see your lips moving more than your hands. Isn’t that nice you three can be this free the night before the festival,” 2-A’s class rep glowered with obvious irritation. A visible vein pulsated on his right temple.
“Holy shit, his aura’s pitch black,” Tomoe quivered out and nervously gulped.
“C-Class rep, we’ll be fine,” Ren stammered unconvincingly. “The rehearsals are going fine and the costumes are nearly done. Tomorrow will be–”
A sudden high-pitched scream interrupted the conversation. The entire class ran to the center of the gym to see a girl with long ink black hair keeled over, holding her ankle and sobbing.
“Hayasaka! Are you okay?!” one of the performers asked.
“I think… I sprained my ankle,” the girl whimpered out and winced when she tried to move. “I don’t think I can stand.”
“I’ll take her to Recovery Girl. You guys stay put,” Miyake instructed and carried the injured girl bridal style. While their classmate was being examined, dress rehearsal grind to a halt. 2-A stood idly by with worry until they saw their class rep come back alone moments later.
“How’s Yui-chan doing?” Seri asked with concern.
He heaved a heavy sigh before answering.
“Sprained ankle and turns out she had small stress fractures on her tibia,” he gravely announced. “Recovery Girl’s done what she can, but the swelling won’t go down for a few days.”
“What are we gonna do?! The show’s tomorrow and she’s one of our leads!” one student panicked.
Miyake closed his eyes and took a deep breath before pointing to Ren.
“Takahiro, you will take Hayasaka’s place tomorrow,” Miyake declared.
“Wait, me?!” she exclaimed and pointed to herself with a startled look. “I don’t even know the choreography, let alone fit in the costume!”
“We don’t have anyone else!” he barked back, the stress finally overtaking him. “I originally let you slide in performing because I wanted you to focus on the manuscript. And our class already lacks the manpower due to our size!”
“Takahiro please,” her classmates pleaded.
“This is your show and we all worked so hard at it,” Ito requested.
Lightly gritting her teeth, Ren clicked her tongue in annoyance and ruffled the back of her head. It would be a damn shame to the guests if they couldn’t perform because of one small mishap. Everyone put in their maximum efforts to produce this. She had to shove her pride aside.
“… I’ll do my best,” she grumbled out with slumped shoulders. The whole class erupted into cheers of relief. She then turned to Higuchi, the choreographer. “Just give me the basics of the moves.”
“We’re going about this in a very lassiez-faire way. If you want to improv, you’re more than welcome to,” Higuchi encouraged.
Rehearsals continued with Ren in the mix, trying to nail down the feelings of a scene, choreography and frantic last minute costume adjustments. Hound dog-sensei eventually came by to kick them out at 9pm when making his rounds. A sense of unease bubbled at the pit of her stomach.
Of all the people to injure themselves, it had to be one of the primadonnas of the show!
Hayasaka Yui was the class beauty of 2-A and had talent to boot; her quirk was perfect to fill the role too. On top of that, she’s the class rep’s girlfriend. Taking Yui out of commission put a lot of pressure on her to perform.
If Ren were to make a comparison, it was like replacing a graceful dancing Japanese Red Crown Crane with a muskovy duck.
What shitty luck, she thought to herself and face palmed. Her brain at this point was running on fumes and didn’t want to think anymore. The balls of her feet were aching and so were her deltoids from holding proper dance form for over three hours. She entered the dorms the same time as the rest of 1-A, where they tiredly greeted one another. Dragging herself to the common area, she flopped down on a free spot next to Iida like a rag doll.
“Senpai? You okay?” Kaminari voiced out. “You look like you aged ten years.”
“If I wasn’t so tired right now,” Ren groaned out. “I’d punch you in your stupid face.”
She told them what happened during dress rehearsals today and revealed her sudden impromptu involvement.
“That’s very unfortunate to hear,” Iida commented with a sympathetic tone. “I hope your classmate recovers soon. But you’ll be able to pull it off. You’re a very capable senpai, after all.”
“Where will your performance be anyway?” Jiro asked. “I wanna see it after we’re done with ours.”
“I think it’s at Gym Gamma...” she blurted out tiredly and rubbed her face. “We’re one of the last shows of the day after the beauty pageant.”
Ren heaved out a heavy sigh like she was near death.
“Maybe if I keep telling myself ‘it’ll be fine’, it’ll happen.”
“You’ve gone through worse,” Todoroki voiced out. “You’ll be fine.”
“Oh, the boyfriend speaks,” Ashido chided.
“Boyfriend?” Ren asked with a confused tone. Her body suddenly found the energy reserves and jolted up from the couch upon remembering the photo. Her ears started going red. “N-No! Mina-chan! It’s not like that!”
“That photo said otherwise,” the pink girl teased in a singsong tone with a grin.
“Todo-kun! Explain what happened that morning!” Ren demanded. He merely stared at her in confusion.
“She’s talking ‘bout this, dude.” Kaminari pulled up the photo to show him.
“Don’t show him the picture!” Their R.A. whisper screamed since some people already went to sleep and gripped her hair by the roots.
Todoroki glanced over at Kaminari’s phone and simply let out an “oh.”
“I can see how that can be misinterpreted,” the hetero-chromatic boy realized. “Ren-senpai just looked really comfortable to sleep next to, that’s all.”
“She does have some really good shoulders to lean on,” Jiro admitted. “Like all your worries are whisked away.”
“Okay. Neither one of those statements helped. At all,” she blankly responded with a drooped shoulders.
“But you were though,” he repeated with a sense of innocence. Jiro, Kirishima and Kaminari were snickering and not trying their hardest to hold their laughter in.
“I’m gonna go shower and sleep.” Ren immediately got off of the couch and detached herself from the conversation; she knew nothing she said now would fix the misunderstanding.
“Do you need Todoroki to cuddle you to sleep tonight too?” Jiro playfully teased.
Not having enough energy for a verbal threat, the R.A. merely walked away flipping her off. She went up and grabbed her stuff before teleporting down to the girls’ bathroom to wash up. Feeling completely relaxed and refreshed 20 minutes later, she zipped back up to the 4th floor and saw the silhouette of a familiar two-toned hair colored boy waiting by her room door in the dark hallway.
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“Todo-kun, what’s wrong?” she whispered to grab his attention, trying not to wake up anyone else.
All he did was point to the door, indicating he wanted to talk inside. She opened it and let him in before gently closing it. Perhaps it was the mood lighting in her room at night, but he found his heart slowly calming down after entering. He parked his seat on the carpeted floor right at the foot of her bed.
“So… what’s up?” she spoke softly and went into the bathroom to drape her used towel onto the rack before coming back out to sit across from him.
“Did I… do something wrong?” he suddenly asked.
“I… don’t think so?” she replied in confusion with matching eyebrows.
“It’s just that you seemed upset about the photo of us Jiro sent around.”
“I wasn’t upset, just...” She awkwardly rubbed the back of her neck. “I don’t like misunderstandings, is all.”
“What was there to misunderstand though?” he asked with genuine confusion. “We were all sleeping in the common room together. So why did they make a big deal with just us?”
Ren didn’t know whether his mind was really that pure or he really didn’t have a clue as she stared at him incredulously.
“It was the way we were sleeping,” she elaborated. “And when I was trying to move away this morning, you pulled me into your chest. This is stuff… couples do.”
She stared at him as he processed what she said and the look on his face was like a light bulb going off.
“Oh. Well, we should clarify it with everyone.”
“I think we’re well past that point,” she replied with a tone of dejection with a wry smirk. “Just leave ‘em be. Anything we say now will just make it worse.”
“I’ll be better next time,” he apologized and scratched the side of his face with his index finger. “I’ve never been good at reading social situations like these.”
“As long as you’re making the effort, it’s fine,” she reassured with a small smile.
“I’m just glad we cleared things up,” Todoroki said with a gentle grin gracing his lips. “You really were comfortable to sleep next to though,” he confessed.
Ren couldn’t do anything other than let out a chuckle and lightly shook her head.
“Was I really?” she playfully questioned and crossed her arms over her chest.
“It’s one of the better sleeps I’ve had as of late.”
“What do you mean?”
He shrugged his shoulders and said, “I’m just… able to fully relax when I’m around you for some reason.”
The pink-haired girl could immediately feel the apples of her cheeks get warm and gripped the hem of her over-sized pajama shirt.
“You should… phrase your words better, Todo-kun,” she blurted out and looked away. “Were you to say that to anyone else, they may think you’re interested in them romantically.”
“Is that so?” he blinked dumbly. “I’ll be more careful.”
Todoroki shifted from where he was and made his way next to Ren. He then gently placed his head on her right shoulder, catching the fresh scent of her apple and mint shampoo with a hint of eucalyptus on his nose and closed his eyes.
“I just need five minutes, then I’ll go back to my room,” he spoke in a hushed manner by her ear. The bass in his voice shot tingles down her neck.
Huffing a light sigh of defeat, she let him remain and naturally found herself leaning her head on top of his.
“Just don’t fall asleep here. We’ll never hear the end of it from everyone.”
* Slapping fan made from paper
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