futuremusicsblog · 1 year
Are you ready to join an ultimate music industry conference this year? 
Then save the date as the Future of Music Summit 2023 is inviting you to be a part of this immersive event where you can join the brightest personalities like industry experts, composers, innovators, and global strategists for discussions on emerging technologies and breakthrough strategies in the music industry. But that does not end here! From refining the art of songwriting to increasing the revenue stream, you can explore surprising discoveries that will help you in future music production.
So, Register Now by visiting our website https://www.futureofmusic.co/  and join us for an unforgettable day of celebration of music!
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album-a-day-project · 4 months
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This is my first time listening to Yeat at length. I've come to the realization that I don't need 22 tracks from artists like this anymore. He seems to use the same exact flows as Travis Scott, without the same level of entertainment value, maintaining a monotone voice throughout every single track.
Upon reviewing the credits, I noticed numerous writers listed for each track, as well as various 'TikTok Producers', which initially surprised me. It appears that we're witnessing the full evolution of Soundcloud rap into TikTok rap, with the first successful artists garnering substantial industry hype and financial backing. This is likely how Yeat managed to feature Future on the track 'Stand On It', which falls flat.
There's undoubtedly a place for this type of music, and Yeat appears to be leading the charge in the zone of TikTok rap. However, the repetitive and uninspired lyrics fail to drive the overall industry forward. By the end of this album, I find myself thoroughly exhausted. Thankfully, it's finally over.
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heyitsellebell · 5 months
elle’s diary - Page 62 - 16/01/24 @ 8:15pm
Round 2 - my previous post disappeared in the tumblr abyss lol - Heya, hope you’re well :) today was a rest day for me. It was quite hot and humid, so I was a bit more tired than usual. I got up at noon and had a yummy breakfast of toast with honey and peanut butter, and then got ready.
Some indoor plants needed watering, as well as some outdoor ones, so I did those and then made some late lunch. Not all of the indoor plants which needed watering fit in the sink (lol) so I’m gonna water the rest after this. I also listened to ‘The Fear of Falling In Love’ and I love how it turned out! It’s definitely finished.
After watering the rest of those plants I’m gonna try a strawberries and cream tea, read, and head to bed. Also, I think I’m gonna take one more day off before starting work on ‘Apollo Bay’. I feel like my body needs it so I’m gonna listen to that. Alrighty, that’s gonna be all for now. Thanks for reading and take care of yourself <3
lots of love,
elle xoxo
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nadianovamusic · 15 days
First drop of the DISCOVERING album!
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promotershohugh · 27 days
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Ready to turn your music into a sensation?
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pseudothebeatguy · 4 months
It's time to claim your Inheritance
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thunderbolt-brothers · 3 months
Listen/purchase: Into the Abyss by sluglordband
We love Sluglord band well worth a listen. Enjoy.
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nenasdopop · 5 months
Empowering Sounds: Exploring Latina Feminine Identity in Folk, Pop, and Beyond
In the vibrant tapestry of the global music scene, Latina artists have carved out a space that resonates with rich cultural heritage, resilience, and a unique feminine identity. This blog aims to delve into the diverse world of Latina musicians who not only sing, play, and compose, but also contribute significantly to shaping the narrative of pop music.
The intersection of Latina identity and folk traditions has given rise to a powerful and dynamic musical genre that reflects the multifaceted experiences of Latina women. From the soul-stirring melodies of traditional folk tunes to the modern beats of pop, Latina artists are redefining the boundaries and making their voices heard.
Unveiling Latina Feminine Identity in Folk
Folk music has long been a medium for storytelling, a way to express the joys, struggles, and triumphs of a community. For Latina women, folk music becomes a canvas upon which they paint narratives of resilience, heritage, and empowerment. Drawing inspiration from their roots, these artists infuse traditional rhythms with contemporary sounds, creating a unique blend that resonates globally.
Exploring the works of artists like Lila Downs, Natalia Lafourcade, and Ana Tijoux provides a glimpse into the diverse ways in which Latina musicians use folk elements to celebrate their identity. Whether it's through the haunting sounds of traditional instruments or the poetic lyrics that speak of cultural pride, these artists exemplify the fusion of tradition and modernity.
Shaping the Pop Landscape
In recent years, Latina artists have become integral to the evolution of pop music. Their influence extends beyond the confines of language, as their music transcends borders and captivates audiences worldwide. Embracing their heritage while embracing modernity, these musicians navigate the complex terrain of pop with grace and innovation.
Rosalía, for example, has taken the pop world by storm with her flamenco-inspired tunes, challenging conventional notions of what pop music can be. Her ability to seamlessly weave elements of traditional Spanish music into a contemporary pop framework showcases the fluidity of musical genres and the power of cultural fusion.
Beyond Borders: The Global Impact
The music of Latina artists is not confined to a specific region—it reverberates globally, reaching ears and hearts far beyond cultural boundaries. By embracing their feminine identity, these musicians contribute to a global conversation on diversity, inclusion, and empowerment.
This blog will embark on a journey through the discographies of influential Latina artists, exploring the themes that define their music and the impact they've had on the broader music landscape. From the roots of folk traditions to the mainstream success of pop, we will uncover the stories behind the songs and celebrate the strength, creativity, and resilience of Latina women in the world of music.
Join us as we dive into the captivating world of Latina feminine identity in folk, pop, and beyond, discovering the melodies that speak to the soul and the artists who continue to shape the soundtrack of our lives.
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album-a-day-project · 4 months
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The Smile
The Wall Of Eyes
The band of Thom Yorke, Jonny Greenwood, and Tom Skinner. I've been waiting a long time for this album as Radiohead is one of my favorite bands and I'm highly critical of anything Thom puts out. Their single "Wall Of Eyes" was released last year that I've been listening to on repeat for a while. It feels like much of the production is leading this with Thom playing backup for many of the tracks. There is also some different musical influences spaced throughout each track from jazz, dream-pop which makes this incredibly easy on the ears. I'll be continuing to listen to this album as you can tell it's very complex; I just wish it moved me a bit more like Radiohead albums do.
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heyitsellebell · 5 months
elle’s diary - Page 69 (ey) - 23/01/24 @ 8:13pm
heya, hope you’re well 💕 Today was more of a rest day for me. After having breakfast I worked on some final touches for ‘Apollo Bay’, and now it’s finished! (Sneak peak attached!) Which means the entire album ‘elsewhere’ is finished yay! I’m going to listen to it in full after writing this. I anticipate it’s over an hour long. There’s 16 songs and most of them are 4+ minutes long, if not 5+.
When I started making ‘elsewhere’ I knew I wanted it to be over an hour long, that way you kinda get stuck in its world for a bit when you listen to it. I’m going to upload it for distribution either tomorrow or the day after. I’m working on waking up to earlier so hopefully it’ll be tomorrow, but no stress otherwise.
The feeling of finality is a bit odd to me. I felt like I’d be making this album forever but now it’s done, and I feel proud but also like the ride is over. That’s ok though ‘cause the next ride is going to be giving it to you all! I’m very excited about that :) Anyways, that’s gonna be all for now. Thank you for reading and take care of yourself <3
lots of love,
elle xoxo (37 days until ‘elsewhere’ is released)
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soloddanjch · 6 months
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nextquotes · 9 months
It's hard for me to trust people, especially girls it's - I don't really like doing the whole opening-up thing with girls.
- The Kid LAROI
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soundshmyak · 1 year
Hello! I want to share with you my latest experimental ambient track "From Far."
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nadianovamusic · 14 days
Part of the DISCOVERING album. The fight within continues. Inferno is available on every digital store including soundcloud and bandcamp!
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rofilm1 · 23 days
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Part 8 of my series about the modules of Voltage Modular (and part 3 of the “F_Series”, a bundle of modules forged after the legendary DIY modular synth “Formant” - the 1977/78 Elektor project in Voltage Modular) is online now.
In this part I demonstrate and explain the central switching and gating module F_GENR8 and make it work in a couple of example patches.
00:00 What is the module good for?
01:36 A quick introduction to all functions
02:54 The central clock´s function
04:54 Patch 1: the 8 regular gates and the 4 LFOs
09:33 The “F_modules” universe
10:15 Patch 2: the 4 logic gates and synchronizing events
18:17 The 4 random gates
20:51 Patch 3: random gates plus logic gates (and a funny mistake)
24:42 3 types of random gates
26:39 What´s left to mention
28:00 The End
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