#much to my chagrin a lot of good local songs are in czech. and then i get pointed at by slovak tumblr users n accused of czech grammar
spotsupstuff · 1 year
What does your header mean? And I don’t mean that in a “I was too lazy to use a translation app” way, but in a “it sounds like a reference to something or maybe a poem but I’m not sure” kinda way…
i'll give my own translation too, but let it be known to you that i am genuinely happy that you clarified you're not asking in the "too lazy to try n look myself" way
it translates to "I won't wash my hands for a little while, I don't want to take the pollen from your skin away from myself" and it's a lyric from the czech song called Skládanka (Little Puzzle, i think) by Jan and František Nedvědovi. the song is about waking up with your lover in the bed, it's a lazy slow morning and you don't want to get up but you have to part because the world needs you in work. it's basically just singing about how endlessly the singer loves his wife, that he just wants to be with her
my other favorite lines from it are!: • "Snad se mi zdáš, nebo nechápu nic, snad jsem jen blázen, co chtěl by víc, ty můj vánku, skládanko hezká z kouzelnejch chvil." // "Perhaps I'm just imagining you, or I don't understand nothing, perhaps I'm just a fool, which would want more, my breeze, beautiful little puzzle made of magical moments." • "A tvoje tvář je plná stop mých, začnu se bát, jestli to moje rád ti neublíží." / "And your face is full of my traces, I start to fear, if that loving of mine won't harm you."
while not my all time favorite song from them (that would be Růže z Papíru, translating to Rose made of Paper, or Tulácký Ráno, translating to uhh... Tramp in the Morning maybe???), Nedvědi translated n also wrote n then sung songs that i've all found out about from my parents when i was very little. their songs just remind me of the good times from my childhood
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