dontbesoweirdkira · 2 months
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sugarbear2001 · 2 years
Saw a excorism kit at an estate sale I went to today kinda creepy
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fandomwe1rd0 · 5 days
the heck even happens in Rick and morty
Just gonna infodump on you cause you asked for it! Spoilers ahead! Infodump under the cut
So there is the Smith family, they are the main characters, you have Beth Smith, the alcoholic mother, Jerry Smith, the bumbling unemployed dad, Summer Smith, the badass sister, and of course Morty Smith, the 14-year-old anxiety-ridden poor boy, and the main character, Rick Sanchez, he's around 70 and is Morty's grandfather, and he has A LOT of issues. He's an alcoholic, definitely depressed, hates himself, and loves Morty more than he loves himself (Which isn't saying much since he hates himself, but still, he loves the kid a whole lot)
Ok, now we got them, I'll just quickfire everything that happens in season one, Rick has Morty shove megaseeds up his butt so they cam go through interdimensional customs with the megaseeds, and he almost gets kicked out due to pulling Mourt out of school, but the megaseeds dissolve just in time giving Morty temporary superintellgence, leading Beth and Jerry to believe that Morty spending time with Rick is making him smarter, when it's not, they leave and that opens to the first garage rant and brings up the iconic quote "100 years Rick and Morty!" Which will come back. Next Rick incepts Morty's math teacher to give Morty As in math, Scary Terry follows them, but they end up becoming his friend after Rick and Morty stop him from having a bad dream, and they get Morty's math teacher to get him an A. Next Morty goes inside a human body and tries to save anatomy park, a park inside of a human body, it breaks down at the end though soooo. Next up Rick gets trapped inside a simulation that aliens trapped him in so they can get his recipe for concetrated dark matter, the fuel for accelerated space travel. Nothing much of note, but we do get a cute protective Rick moment, when he finds out Morty was simulated, his first response was "You simulated my grandson's genitalia!? You diabolical sons of bitches!" He even tries to attack them, but is held back. Next up in a personal favorite of mine, Rick and Morty make a bet that Morty can have a simpe, fun adventure. It starts off rocky, and gets even rockier when we get to that infamous Mr. Jellybean scene, I assume I don't have to talk about it, you already know it probably. Thankfully, Rick is super sweet and understand, not only does he throw the bet so Morty will be happy, but he also kills Mr. Jellybean which has me CACKLING!
Next up is a plot important episode, Morty asks Rick for a love potion to make Jessica fall in love with him, for context Jessica is Morty's crush, Rick at first says no, but eventually relents, but since Jessica has the fuel, it spreads to the entire school, Rick comes to get Morty since he isn't affected by it, since the love potion doesn't work on any related to Morty gentically.A VERY tasteful choice in my opinion, Rick tries to fix it, but just makes a bad situation worse. Rick travels to another dimension where they died, Morty understandably freaks out, but then Rick explains the plan, they just slip into the places of their dead selves, and continue as if nothing happen. Morty is understandably traumatized from this experience, and then we move to the next episode.
Next up is a pretty meh episode, Morty gets an uhm robot, but it was actually a birthing machine, and because of this Morty gets a chld, he tries to be a good father, but fails since well, he's 14, and the baby was naturally very aggressive from the day he was born. There is a sideplot with Rick and Summer, but it's mostly just Rick being a sexist asshole
Next up is an episode I admittably really like, basically it just resolves around Rick and Morty watching interdimensional cable, and it's just nice to see them bonding, there is a pretty good side plot with the rest of their family seeing what their life could've been. Eventually Beth and Jerry divorce but get back together when they realized that they would've gotten back together in a nother dimeson. It's a very sweet scene
Next up Rick drives Summer to work and meets the devil, where his store sells cursed items, eventually he beats the devil by setting up a store that uncurses his items for cash, yeah, he's petty, and I love him. There's a side plot where Jerry goes to Pluto, but there's nothing of note there, we do however gets a sweet moment where Rick is happy to see Morty but hides it, he sees Morty and says while smiling "Hey!" then clears his throat, frowns and says "Hey." very slick Rick.
Next up is a really really good episode, its the first canon episode and it is amazing. We get to meet two iconic characters, Doofus Rick who is a precious cinnamon roll, and Evil Morty who is an evil boy. The council of Ricks think Rick is killing other Ricks, but Rick found out it was evil Morty, we also find out an important detail, Rick hangs around Morty because he uses his brainwaves as camoflague. And we also get a sweet moment where Rick cries from his memories of Morty as a baby
The last episode of season one is eh, it's not great, but it's not bad. We get to meet Rick's friends Squanchy and Birdperson but they don't do much, basically Rick just throws a house party when Beth and Jerry are out of town on their titanic themed getaway. We also get a sweet bonding moment between Rick, Summer, and Morty which is cute.
So that's season one, there are 6 more seasons, go watch it, it's great!
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page-2-ids · 1 year
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Emourtia: An amourtus gender that is effected by erotomania and is related to feeling like you loved someone in every single life and your very atoms are connected and in love with their atoms
The name comes from a mix of e and ia from erotomania, and mourt from amourtus
The colors are inspired by the Amourtus flag, as well as scientific diagrams of atoms
For anon!
No suggested pronouns
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Results from previous polls:
Our reigning champions so far:
Serge Mourt
Abbe de Coulmier
Paul Hill
The Priest
Sang Hyeon
The defeated:
Francis Chisholm
Leon Morin
Padre Amaro
John Ward
Tomas Ortega
Note: There was an issue with the number of priests so Sang Hyeon had no challenger (oof) but he’ll be in the next round of voting.
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christophe76460 · 5 months
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Le sanglier de Salies
« Si, étant ennemis, nous avons été réconciliés avec Dieu par la mort de son Fils, à plus forte raison, ayant été réconciliés, serons-nous sauvés par sa vie ! » Romains 5:10
À Salies-de-Béarn, en France, suivant une ancienne tradition confirmée par un monument dont les traces sont à peine effacées, un sanglier donna lieu à la découverte d’une fontaine salée. Elle appartient encore aux descendants des propriétaires de la partie de la forêt dans laquelle elle fut trouvée.
Ce sanglier, poursuivi lors d’une chasse, se réfugia dans un marais bourbeux. Là, il fut blessé mortellement par ses poursuivants, mais reprit sa course pour aller mourir au loin. On le suivit et on le trouva couvert de cristaux de sel produits par l’évaporation de l’eau de ce bourbier. C’est à cette découverte que la cité de Salies-de-Béarn doit son origine.
Au-dessus de la petite porte qui sert d’entrée à une des premières maisons de cette ville, on distinguait encore, il y a quelques années, sur une pierre marquée par l’empreinte des siècles, les pieds d’un sanglier avec cette inscription écrite en béarnais : « Si you nou eri mourt, arres n’y bibéré : « « Si je n’y étais pas mort, personne n’y vivrait. »
Quelle belle illustration pour évoquer la mort de notre Sauveur ! N’est-ce pas sa mort qui nous a acquis la vie ? Il a été le parfait substitut, celui qui a payé toute la dette : quel motif d’adoration, en ce jour de culte … mais aussi pour tous les jours de la semaine !
Vais-je garder un cœur froid en pensant à tout l’amour qu’il a déployé lors de cette mort sublime sur la croix de Golgotha ?
Non, de mon cœur monte alors cette prière :
« Seigneur Jésus, je veux te louer parce que tu as donné ta vie, volontairement, au moment choisi par toi, en pleine possession de tes moyens, puisque tu as poussé ce grand cri “à haute voix” : “Père ! entre tes mains je remets mon esprit” (Luc 23:46).
Et puis, maintenant que tu m’as donné ta vie, je désire vivre par toi et pour toi. Amen ! »
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motguernesiais · 8 months
Mot d'Ogniet Guernésiais
Guernésiais Word of the Day
25/09/2023 Colimâchaon n. m. [kɔlimɑ(ː)ʃãŋ] (High Parishes) "Snail"
Coli-colimâchaon, mourte-mé tes caones, ou j'té tuerai! - Snail, show me your horns, or I shall kill you! (traditional, if rather unpleasant, children's rhyme)
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lephotomarion · 1 year
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Dans le crépuscule
Mon Aurore 
Elle me souffle fort
Doucement sur ma peau
Elle allume mon phare
Promesse à veiller
A observer 
En attendant sur la plage
J’observerai en bronzant
Mon Aurore dans le dos
A me lancer des Arc-En-Fils
Qui tournoient dans ma vie
Le Lanceur de Flèches, 3 ans, juste avant de s’endormir :
“Maman est-ce que je vais aussi mourir ? Tous les gens ils mourent ? 
Parce que moi je pensais pas que tous les gens ils mourent. 
Mais pourquoi on mourt?” 
Je ne sais pas mon amour, je sais juste que tu es accompagné dans la vie par la femme qui, dans l’Aurore tout comme le Crépuscule, soulève des nuages quand on se pose des questions, et que ses yeux val(s)ent les phrases (ou les phares) qu’elle lance à la renverse. 
Je te répondrais que oui, tous les gens ils mourent mon amour. Mais tous les gens ils continuent à être vivants dedans, si on met la lumière. 
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444names · 1 year
rohirric names + atomic and subatomic particles
Acce Achat Aladyon Aldorden Aleofolt Aletino Andisle Ansba Antimp Antino Antinon Anton Anyonne Aran Arden Ardyon Arhwin Armquarc Aróf Axine Axionafen Axione Baleon Baláf Banyon Banyono Batins Baton Battau Bold Boly Bosono Bothéod Boton Botope Bracfen Braden Bralin Brall Bras Bred Bémark Bémaron Cavino Celeylin Ceope Chaláf Chans Characce Charg Chark Chyon Chypeon Chyrmquar Chyrn Coat Coatone Coatton Coune Counhe Courg Couthens Couthéod Coutred Dengluxon Derk Dernd Deron Diand Dianyon Dilarron Dilden Dimbolca Dimp Discren Dise Disonne Downquald Dugam Dugrino Dune Duntino Dwimp Dwine Dwino Dwyn Dyono Déod Déodwinet Déofa Déoton Déottau Dúnhaláf Dúnhar Dúnhark Dúnhattle Dúnhau Dúnhel Dúnherod Eald Eale Earc Eard Earien Eark Eastedum Edorber Elas Elda Eleon Elet Elmine Elmód Enantino Engas Enmoure Eorantino Eorne Eort Eredor Ermin Erneutrin Excit Excitrim Fenews Fermagno Feron Firrine Folcras Fold Folden Foldored Foldort Foldow Fora Forade Foranet Forengam Foreon Forl Forn Fornd Forth Franetini Fred Frefas Frihype Frimp Frugam Frum Fránafu Fránames Fréald Fréall Fréawimp Fréawin Gamern Games Garhwim Garon Gastopeof Gavitom Gelm Geofold Gequara Gino Gluingeon Gluinon Gluxon Glæ̂mslon Gléod Gléored Gléorl Gléowyn Golatopen Gold Golda Golt Grafu Gramer Grana Grandburg Grantino Graquark Gras Gravia Gravidia Grecall Grefa Grien Grine Grino Grímagna Gutri Gálm Gálmion Gúthéor Hain Haindia Hainges Haini Hald Harg Hark Hens Hernharóf Higgsba Higgsinon Higgsit Hila Hilark Hilden Hildstet Hildwini Hille Hirri Hirrien Hirron Hirrowyn Holdakara Holdow Homes Honne Hora Horts Horwino Hoth Hotino Hoton Hotton Hámagna Hámaini Iddes Idugran Idunet Iduse Ilark Inewaing Inon Irrine Isca Iscall Iselmód Isenceon Isenceora Isenclon Islon Ison Isonsboly Ladia Lark Lifirien Lift Linon Lonne Losottle Losourino Luon Láth Láthéode Léorl Léotope Magas Mageof Magna Magno Magnon Maine Maino Majorand Mangalle Mantarc Mantino Manton Mardimp Mardinon Mark Maron Marow Marya Maróf Maviano Mavit Mearmion Meas Measurth Medow Mell Mermion Meron Merubra Morasurg Mornd Morth Mourg Mourts Munher Muoniton Muonne Nafu Neuth Neutheron Neutrini Nucle Nucleons Nuclepton Nuclift Nucliton Nuclose Ofoldsted Oforanton Olcresoth Oldburg Olderk Pele Pelm Peon Peron Phald Phold Phome Phore Phothéod Pladyon Plark Plectrion Pleon Plernburg Pley Pleylino Polark Polasurts Polca Polcwine Pold Poly Positine Poson Posuferk Pred Predugri Pregolt Púkelmine Púken Púkenges Raldorwin Rien Rimuon Rine Rinebat Rino Rion Rodesona Ronanton Rowyn Sagna Sagno Skyrnburg Skyrnd Sneuth Spen Spurg Squara Staidum Stedort Ston Strod Stron Súth Súthanton Tacceon Tacfelm Tacfereno Tanton Taquala Taquark Taquaron Tarc Tarhark Tauaga Tauall Taundfark Taunhe Tauntimp Temne Tethláf Tetrona Thald Thburgino Thel Thelm Then Thláf Thrino Thrion Thspen Thwim Thwinet Théor Tonne Tonnet Vald Valda Valdered Valdor Valectrim Validuse Vall Valáf Vidia Vino Viphoton Vitaund Waino Walino Wall Walleron Wele Welmód Weson Wess Wimuon Winon Wolanton Woldor Woly Wosen Wosino Wositon Wosourgim Wosufele Wosurg Wídfarg Wídfoldes Wídfora Wídforas Zinon Éodwinon Éofold Éofor Éomuon Éowine Íreduse Íres
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princessglitterguts · 2 years
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lolita224444 · 23 days
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sugarbear2001 · 1 year
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philoursmars · 2 years
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J’ai passé quelques jours chez Christine à Pau.  
La très jolie petite ville de Salies-de-Béarn.
Pourquoi un sanglier en métal, et sur une fontaine ? Selon la légende locale, on aurait retrouvé un sanglier blessé lors d’une chasse. L’animal mourant, tombé dans un marais, était recouvert de cristaux de sel. Ce qui fit la richesse de la ville.
“Si you nou y eri mourt
Arres n’y bibere” (en gascon béarnais)
(”Si je n’y étais pas mort,
Personne n’y vivrait”)
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allysartblog · 2 years
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page-2-ids · 6 months
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[ID: A flag with seven horizontal stripes, all the same size. The colors are lighter towards the fifth stripe, and darker moving away from it. The colors are, from top to bottom, black, blue-gray, soft purple, light pink, pale peach, soft pink, and soft red. END ID]
Novemourtearic: A gender related to skinny skeleton brides, black wedding dresses, wedding cakes made with blood that are bright red when cut into, bodies falling off bridges, ominous storms, weddings in cemeteries, mascara tears, smudged lipstick, dark skies, and death. It might also be related to the Guns N’ Roses song November Rain. Some also may experience this gender through an Amourtus lens/as an Amourtus gender, though that won’t apply to all users.
The name is a mix of novem (November ), mourt (Amourtus), and tear
The colors are inspired by my associations with the general energy of this term, the related song, and the Amourtus flag
No Suggested Pronouns
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