#more to my point of oliver is kind of a douche point: the way he just. treats and talks about meredith? like it's not BAD but... there's
kashilascorner · 1 year
Finished If we were villains and i have to say everyone goes on and kn about how good of a person Oliver is --but is he really?
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georgiapeach30513 · 3 years
Mr. Freezy Pops, Part 2
Summary: The aftermath of the dumpster fire that was the agreement between Robert and Paul
Pairings: Robert “Mr. Freezy” Pronge X Reader, Paul Diskant X Reader
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Explicit language, guns, threatening, implied murder
Word Count: 1.1k
Series Masterlist
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“Take your hands off her!”  Paul shouts towards Robert.  Trembling and unsure of what to feel or even think, but knowing you don’t want to look at your husband.  He’s the cause of all of this.
“At least I’m giving her a fucking choice.  You sold her to save your freedom you fucking cunt.  I’m offering her an olive branch.  I treated you fair didn’t I, pretty girl?  I could have done whatever I wanted to you.  I waited until you made the decision on your own.”  Robert’s voice when he speaks to Paul is full of grit and anger, and yet a softness when he speaks to you.  No, you cannot even think of something like that.
“What did you do?” your voice chokes out.  Eyes finally daring to look over at Paul.  Ashamed at your nakedness.  The position you were put in is all because of him and more fury runs through you, feeling Robert’s spend ooze down your back.  “What the fuck did you do, Paul?  Why am I here?” Robert laughs, offering you the kindness of wrapping a blanket around you.  Paul hasn’t offered a kindness yet.  “She does have a right to know, Paulie.” “Shut the fuck up.  Babe, it’s nothing you need to concern yourself with.” Your anger hits its peak.  Standing up on your feet you pull the pistol out of Robert’s pocket pointing it right at Paul’s chest.  “What the fuck did you do?” The animated laughter of Robert reverberates through the room.  Paul opens his mouth to speak, and then closes it.  “Y/N, put the gun down.”  You shake your head no.  “Put it down.  Cover yourself up.  Let’s go home and we’ll talk.” “Cover myself up?” you laugh despite the want to cry.  “You want me to cover myself up, but you can sell me to the highest bidder?  I’ve been down here for who knows how long.” “Four days.”  You turn around to look at Robert, and he throws his hands up when you point the gun at him.
“I’ve been here for four days, and my husband who’s already seen me naked, and this douche bag that paid for me has, so what do I need to cover up for.” “Let’s just go home.”  A softness is in Paul’s eyes, but you’re not here for it.
“What.  Did.  You.  Do?”  He still doesn’t want to answer you, turning you look back at Robert.  “What did he do?”
“I got in dealings with the wrong people.  Things went south, but I was able to take care of it.”  His feet bring him closer to you.  Step by step.  Inch by inch.  “Everything would have been fine, but someone caught me.” “I caught him burying evidence.  Stupid rookie mistake honestly.  Told him I’d keep my mouth shut.”  Robert confidently advances on you, wrapping the blanket back around you, lips attaching to your neck, and a quick pinch of your nipple.  “You’re cold.”  His hands pull the pistol out of your hand.  “S’not loaded, pretty girl.”  Robert’s hands throw the weapon to the floor.  Feeling like a fool you crumble into his arms.  Steadily he holds you up. “Silence comes at a price.  I just did what I had to do.  I’m sorry I should have…” “You should have told me.  This whole thing was a set up.” “You’re right.  The whole thing.  Even the bad dealings, Paulie.”  His arms still around you, he looks up at your husband.  “That’s right.  Set that up too.  I did what I had to do for this moment.  Would do it all over again.”  Your body rigid when you realize who is holding you.  Trying to pull away, and still not knowing where to go, he holds tighter.
“You son of a bitch!”  Paul’s anger that you had wanted since the moment you saw him flares up.
“Uh-uh-uh.  Do you not see what I hold in my arms?  She hasn’t even tried to get close to you.  She means nothing to you.  You have ways to…eliminate me.  You chose not to.  Tell her why.”  Paul’s body paces around the basement.  “Go on, tell her why you didn’t have me killed.”  Robert taunts him while his lips suck along the column of your neck.  Fingers sliding down your body.  “Tell her, or I will.” “Fuck!”  Paul stops pacing and watches his hand roam around your body.  He has the ability to stop him, and yet he doesn’t.  “He’s…” his hands slam up to his temples.  Almost acting like he’s the one confused and hurt.  “Don’t…could you fucking stop touching her.  She’s, my wife.” “She’s not stopped me.  Want me to stop pretty girl?” a spark runs through your body and you want Paul to hurt as bad as he hurt you.  Shaking your head no, you bend your elbow and place your hand softly against his cheek.
“Don’t…please don’t do this.  You know I love you…I just…” “Tell me why you didn’t have him killed.”  Voice as cold as ice.  You gaze intently at your husband.  He still won’t tell you why you’re in this predicament, and it’s only to save himself.   “He’s valuable, okay?  Are you happy?  I didn’t have him killed because he’s more valuable to the police than…” “Me.”  Tears finally escape your eyes.  “He’s more valuable to the police than me.  I was worth the sacrifice, just to keep you ass holes in good grace with information.  I’m right am I not?” his silence says everything.
“I would never sell you to someone.  I would rather die.”  Robert whispers in your ear, fingers finally daring to venture lower down your body.  Your free hand grabs it before it can go further.
“It’s not that simple anyone else in my position would have done the same thing.”
“Leave.”  The tiredness is evident in your voice.
“You’re coming with me.”
“No.  I’m not.  I can’t even look at you right now, much less sleep beside you.  Paul, I… I can’t.”  To punctuate just how much you can’t look at him, you pull the blanket fully around you, turning and burying your head in Robert’s chest.
“But you’ll cling to the man that…babe, please.  Let’s go home.” Not another word is spoke by you.  “Y/N please.  Fuck…this isn’t over.”  Stomping closer to you his whispers are harsh and angry in your ear.  “You will be coming home with me.  I’ll give you tonight.”  Hearing his heavy footsteps as he leaves you buried in the chest of the man that kidnapped, paid for you with his silence.
“This is so fucked up.”  You whisper in his chest.
“Shh…is there anything you want me to do?”  His voice soft.  Too soft.
“I want you to kill him.”  A small giggle crawls up your throat.  You don’t really want him dead.  Or do you?
“I can take care of that.” Your body backs away from him, looking up at his eyes, and you know he’s serious.  “What?” “You heard me.  So, do I only get you for one night, or is this an ongoing thing?  I made you feel good, didn’t I?  Kept you safe.”  Fingers pull at the blanket draped around you until it falls once again to the floor and his hands roam over your body.  Fingers trace every dip and curve of you.  “I’ve always wanted a pet of my own.  Your husband’s a coward.  You listen to my rules, and you’ll never have to worry about anyone hurting you.  I’ve got more Freezy Pops just for you, pretty girl.”
His fingers tease your nipples, your body leans more into his touch, head tilts back to look up at the man.  Would it be so bad to let him take care of Paul?  Would it be bad to become his pet?  The man obviously has power if the police department wants to keep him around.  “What d’ya say?  Want me to take care of you?“
“Robert…I…” “My name sounds so pretty falling from your lips.”
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larauthorized · 4 years
Marissa Cooper Analysis
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Coop, as Summer calls her. Or Cosmo Girl as Seth refers to her in his comic book. The girl next door whom Ryan first met in that driveway, delivering the most iconic flirtatious pick-up line in history. Yup, we’re going to dive deeper into the one and only Marissa Cooper, the heart of the show, who’s sadly misunderstood and overlooked even in The OC fandom. (Also, because she’s not here to defend herself, but we got you, girl!)
She’s introduced as the rich girl next door, who’s waiting to be picked up by her possibly first, long time boyfriend in the driveway. Later on, we find out that she’s not just the ordinary girl next door. She’s organized and loves planning events (the fashion show was the start of many),  while it may seem like she’s only doing it for her mother’s sake, but you can tell that she really enjoys it as it becomes another way of escapism  from her dysfunctional family (other than drinking that we’ll get into that later). She does this every season that when she’s kicked off the school even for heroic reasons, that’s when everything starts spiraling out of control that she loses herself. 
Now let’s talk about Luke, Marissa’s first, long-time boyfriend who happens to be a water polo guy that Seth might or might not hold hatred for. From the first season, we get to see a glimpse of how her family, well, Julie mostly, is the kind of rich family that forces her to be and stay with Luke just because they “look good on paper”. It reminds me of Blair and Nate from Gossip Girl, another one of Josh Schwartz’s big hit show. However, Marissa doesn’t seem too happy with the rich life that she’s used to, especially when she knows that her father is possibly in deep trouble as cops keep showing up at her door. Enter Ryan. He’s an outsider, someone who’s far different than her, someone that she longed for in years. She’s intrigued, that one is hard to deny. However, when they start talking and conversing in each other as they sneak into the Model Home house, she realizes that they’re not that different, if anything, they’re similar. In a way.. But, when Cotillion comes around, she doesn’t know what to do, as Julie once again, demands that she stays with Luke just because they’re “picture perfect” (doesn’t matter if the guy cheats and whores around behind her back like the asshole he is *sigh*). And if we’re not going to blame Blair Waldorf for letting Nate cheat on her and still choose to be with him, then we’re not going to shame Marissa, either. Yes, we went there. (take that, Bustle and TheTalko!). 
Marissa’s addiction. That one is possibly one of her worst traits, that the writers loved toying around with throughout the seasons. She tends to go overboard with this one as we see on the very first episode where she steals a whole bottle of alcohol and is left on the driveway, passed-out. This is where Ryan comes in, carrying her back to the pool house, indirectly claiming as her savior *this goes both ways for each other throughout the series, by the way*. Her alcoholism isn’t just the only thing that occurs whenever her life’s on downward spiral, it’s also shown in her bedroom sometimes. When she’s on a grey area with her life emotionally, she reflects it on her bedroom, that soon leads to be a makeover project by her best friend, Summer. Summer describes this as a reason why she’s so depressed, which psychologically speaking, can be accurate. Messy rooms are sometimes interpreted as one’s life not being as organized as they expect it to be, therefore they tend to think that “if my life is out of control, then what’s the point of keeping my room clean”? This is definitely what happens to Marissa. 
Her addiction doesn’t even get too much until Season 3. Even after what happens with Ryan’s brother, we rarely see her taking a drop after, Ryan says and I quote, “You’ve been amazing,” She replies with, “I know what it feels like to have someone believes in you when no one else does.” 
 Aside from negative coping, she’s not only known for that, if you’re actually looking closely into her character and not just judging it based on the cover. She’s an avid reader, though it’s barely shown, but we see her having her nose buried in a book every once in a while. Now that I think about it, that and many other positive qualities that she has, should have been focused and explored way more. She’s organized and carries planner whenever she needs to, she’s clearly more than the girl who needed saving if only the writers see that. Cause then maybe, people won’t refer to her as a “tragic” character that the writers want us to believe *she is not*. 
She’s definitely an introvert - compared to her best friend, Summer, who’s more the life of the party. Sure, she goes to parties and surrounds herself with her so-called “friends”, but you can literally see her drinking alone in the corner while Summer is probably having a lot more fun than she is. It’s clear that she only uses party scene as a way to steal alcohol that she will probably drink later at night as a way of coping. She also seems to be uncomfortable around new people and charges her energy while she’s on her own. This is why when she’s kicked off the school and has to go to a new environment, she doesn’t fit in right away, which leads to her insecurity increasing even higher (something that she also struggles with on a daily basis). The insecurity itself is possibly rooted from maternal issues she has, we see that on the very first episode, Julie is critizing her on how she looks, how she takes the comment on a personal level. After overdosing herself in Tijuana, she’s put on Suicide Watch, and we learn that she also suffers from “possible” ED in the past, masking it something that’s not serious because she was very stressed at the time, but is it though? Now, we never really know further cause that storyline is never explored further, we also don’t know if the writers are taking it seriously or just putting heavy weight on her shoulder for fun. Either way, it really sucks for her character, especially when she had other deep trauma issues that are barely addressed throughout the series.
Her savior complex. Now now now, this one is kind of controversial, excluding the last season where the main focus is “Ryan failed to save her”, helping and saving people are actually her forte, just like Ryan - which is why they probably connect in the first place. People love to call she’s selfish and needs saving all the time, but they’re people, who don’t bother to look deeper and judge all they please, it’s sickening. First, despite how problematic it might seem, she tries to help Oliver (no matter how many times Ryan thinks she doesn’t). She sees herself in Oliver and is scared that he might go down the rabbit hole if she leaves him alone, that’s actually sweet and showcases her nurturing side. The only downside is that every guy she does this to, seems to take it the wrong way and thinks of it as more than a friendly gesture. Cause you know, it was the 2000s, boy/girl friendships aren’t as common as it is now. She even lets Ryan go to help Theresa even though she needs him as well, knowing that he literally has an affair with another girl while they are still kind of together. How she’s trying to make  Ryan’s brother feel welcome in the neighborhood, keeping him company, not realizing that Trey might turn out to be the one that truly hurt and destroy her. What makes my blood boil even more is when they call her stupid for trusting Trey, for what, really? For wanting to get to know Ryan’s family because she loves him that much, that she’s willing to go far and beyond? *shudders* Even then, she’s still not thinking of herself when that happens, that her only response when Trey confronts her is “Me?! How about Ryan?” So yeah, I’ll fight anyone who calls her selfish. My ass.  The other thing with Johnny is that, she doesn’t try to save him, she actually sees him as a friend that she can vent to about her traumatic events that happen to her in the previous season. Because, for some reason they make Ryan look and seem like a douche this season and not wanting to talk to her though he always is there for her before *probably for angst, right?*. It’s actually stupid how they twist Johnny around and make him in love with her, leaving her yet alone again, but guess that’s what they’re trying to accomplish with her character as she’s left with her addiction only during this entire thing. 
Saving guys who don’t even deserve a shred of her kindness aren’t the only thing she’s good at - remember Hailey, Kirsten’s sister, who ends up a stripper that one time and how Marissa and Ryan find her and as he’s about to give up after getting kicked out of a club, she’s still optimistic and comes up with a plan to save her? Yeah, that one true partner in crime right there. She also schemes every now and then, not that that’s ever explored deeply in the show, but it’s there. 
Now Volchok, the guy that we all want to punch (Let’s go, Ryan!). She just loses a friend (one she can talk to about traumatic events), deals with s3xual assault and having to shoot someone to save her boyfriend, that’s got to be too much on a teenager girl like her. So no, she doesn’t just do that because she “loves to date bad boys”. There she is, standing and looking around the Model Home house, reconciling of the old times between her and Ryan. She realizes that she wants to be with Ryan and is ready for it too, but she can’t seem to go over to him when the time comes, giving him the mixtape that she makes him. The situation’s reversed, she used to be the rich girl with a mansion, now there she is, barely having her own bedroom, living in a trailer park. To add to that, she’s dealing with traumatic events still, so of course she’s insecure. She thinks she’s not good enough for Ryan and giving in to Volchok is a sign of that. But she wants Ryan to be happy, hence why she chases after Sadie, practically driving the girl into his arms. Poor, poor girl deserves so much better.
Let’s take a breather and talk about her family now. Despite how dysfunctional it might seem on the outside, and how many furniture thrown in the pool, doesn’t erase the fact that she’s a family girl. Jimmy, her father, has a way of coming and going any ways he likes. She even points it out and says, “You know, I wish you’d be like a real dad,” Ouch, that hurt. But it’s true, when it comes to family, she’s looking for a tradition, something stable that she can always cling onto especially when she’s in time of need. This is why when she comes up bringing bagels to the Cohen’s house, she feels warmed and welcomed by the family. It’s the one thing she lacks of in her family. Julie, despite the crazy ways in providing for her, is actually doing a better job at being there for her than Jimmy ever does. Sure, Julie is seen more of a villain in the first season (hell, the woman sleeps with her boyfriend that she lost her virginity to, so if I were her, I’d understand if she wants to, say, take revenge and invite her mom’s sister that Julie strongly hates as part of her master plan), but by the end of Season 3, they really grow stronger as a mother-daughter relationship that we really wish to see more of if given a chance.  Despite not showing much for her and only coming for the drama, she truly cares for her sister, Kaitlin. When she’s done moping around after traumatic events, she drives away to where her sister’s boarding school is, all because she wants to help her sister with something. There she is, finally having drama-free, fun episode where we get to see her strolling around in a sexy school girl outfit, but clearly the writers never catch her a break and hate to see her happy for once. 
Marissa is always seen as beautiful on the outside, but I don’t think she ever feels it at times. Luke’s cheating, probably makes her feel insecure and her mother sleeping with him helps as well. Ryan is the only person who actually sees her. She’s his heather.
People love pointing out her flaws when it comes to her relationship with darling Ryan, but the truth is, she has always been putting him before anyone else. She saves him multiple times throughout the series, even when he’s hardly there for her in Season 3. When she follows him to Chino, she visits his house and finds out more about him as a child - discovering that he used to be in a play dressed as Snoopy (again, she’s finding more and more about him because she cares and loves him deeply). Then, he goes out there saving his brother, not knowing that who he’s dealing with, she comes just in time with a car, saving him. This happens again when he’s broken up with Lindsay, she finds him in the rain, and comforts him, no talking needed. She shot her rapist to save him by the finale. Even in Season 3, when he’s chasing trouble with Volchok going back to his old ways as she’s miles away from Newport, he seeks for her help again, she is quick to respond and be there for him right away. Something he fails to do during this season, don’t ever tell me that she never thinks of him when that’s not true. She encourages him to talk about his architecture dream when they’re both on a college trip (this is such goals!). 
With her neglectful and narcistic parents, emotionally, and Ryan’s who’s more physically, that’s why they click and their relationship works. He doesn’t trust anyone and she doesn’t encourage her bad behavior on him, but they’re both there for each other. Always. She’s his constant, just like he’s hers, she accepts him the way he is because she’s imperfect as well. She sees him as the one thing that she can rely on and that’s really sweet. They both come from dysfunctional family with their own issues in hopes to build one of their own that actually works, at least that’s what we’re all rooting for, right? 
Well, at least, in another world, we see Marissa Cooper and Ryan Atwood sailing away on a boat, travelling, and exploring the world as they should be before settling back down to their roots - Model Home House, Newport. It’s what she deserves. 
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coal15 · 3 years
Wild Speculation Time! Weeeeee!
Okay, so I don’t literally think this will happen or that this is what’s going on, it’s more of an: it would make a lot of the recent strange writing choices make more sense.
Ahem. Let the wild rumpus begin:
I’ve noticed there are persistent off-and-on rumors that Ryan and Oliver don’t get along like they used to. Whether “not getting along” means “not besties” or “I loathe the very sight of you,” who knows. 
If it is true that they don’t get along while at the same time more and more people are not only shipping Buddie, but anti-shipping other options all well? Wow, that is a tricky spot to be in for a showrunner. 
Forcing actors who can barely stand eachother to play love interests is . . . well, it’s been done before in plenty of shows, but it’s certainly not a working environment I’d wanna be a part of. It’s a great way to make everyone on set super uncomfortable, and I don’t want that experience for any of our lovely 911 cast or crew. Bleh. 
So let’s look at other options:
Write both men off the series (which would, by default, get rid of Christopher too). Or  write only one of them off the show. 
Okay. I’m running the show. Who do I write off? The audience does love seeing Eddie in Awesome Protective Dad Mode. But overall it seems like Buck is the more popular character in general, and the audience also loves his bond with Christopher. 
But if you get rid of Eddie, Chris goes with him, right?
And now for the absolutely terrible idea that I could totally see them doing just for the sake of resolving fan displeasure and/or on-set issues:
We all noticed that Eddie and Ana are not only an unpopular pairing, but it almost seems like they’re intentionally boring and w/out chemistry, right? It seems to me like most viewers have noticed that. And they wrote Eddie being a bad parent to Christopher the second he had a chance to get New Pussy in the near future. Unconcerned about bringing Ana into their home without a mask or any distancing, seeming not to care that his son has CP (which is often associated with a weakened immune system). And then not even noticing his kid leaving the house and getting in a car that then drives away. Yeah, he went from sweet concerned father to shitty oblivious father in the space of a single episode. 
Like I said, it’s a terrible idea, I’m not a fan of this idea but what if . . .
They BIG TIME played up the bond between Buck and Christopher while highlighting Eddie’s inexplicable attraction to Ana and how it instantly makes him a worse father on purpose. What if it’s being done to make general viewers less sympathetic toward Eddie. Thus less attached to the character. And by contrast more aware of what a great father Buck is to Christopher? 
I mean, one way of making a ship less popular is to turn half of said ship into an asshat. Hell, they could even spend the back half of S4 and some of S5 slowly morphing Eddie into an outright total douche if they wanted to. Then give his character some kind of “semi-redemption-then-he-dies-at-the-end-of-the-episode” send-off to close out his arc.
And yeah. With the way their relationship has been written up to this point it would be basically awful. But many a show has been willing to retcon an entire character and/or relationship history if it suits a narrative they wanna push. Not saying it’s a good thing to do, it’s usually not. Just saying it’s not unprecedented in TV Land. (and sometimes the only workable option if a drastic change simply has to be made for whatever reason) 
Anyhow, my point being : if the showrunners wanted to get rid of Eddie but keep Christopher and his adorable relationship with Buck, they might think that their best option is to gradually (or not so gradually) morph Eddie into an uninvolved and/or shitty parent, while at the same time highlighting Buck’s evolution into a full-on paternal presence in Chris’s life. Aaaaaaaannnnnnd then write Ryan off the show via whatever means while making it clear that he wants Buck to take custody of Chris in the event of his absence or death. 
Can’t say enough: I DON’T LIKE THE IDEA, but it would make several recent and super bizarre writing and casting choices make more sense. This is a show that usually does a great job with matching for chemistry. Athena and Bobby, Maddie and Chim, etc. Even Buck and Ali had . . . well, not terrible chemistry. Same goes for Taylor. Which makes it so strange that Eddie and Ana are such a huge dud. Even outside of “interfering” with Buddie, the actors simply have no chemistry at all. Which wouldn’t be weird if we didn’t have so many examples of the same damn show getting it spot-on right. Part of me believes it has got to be intentional. 
Which gives us 3 likely(ish) possibilities:
1) They planned to straight-wash both characters all along and the utter lack of chemistry between Eddieana and ooc Eddie were simply poor writing/casting choices. Or that we’ll soon be moving on to Eddie’s “the one” (also female, of course)
2) Every writing choice in the last ep was actually designed to showcase the stifling awkwardness of Eddie with a “girlfriend” while also showcasing how much Buck already fits into the Diaz family as a parental figure. Basically nudging the general audience toward the idea of an official Buckley-Diaz family. 
3) Eddie’s shitty parenting and tight Buck+Christopher bond will continue to escalate, highlighted more and more, until the audience dislikes Eddie and loves Christopher+Buck enough that writing Ryan off the show is a hell of a lot less risky. 
I know Christopher has already been through so much trauma-but the Eddie Diaz I saw in the last episode is probably the last person (besides Ana) I would want guiding him through yet more trauma. If we’re going by this last episode alone? Yeah, that should be Buck’s job.
OH! Nevermind, there is a 4th possibility:
4) They just straight up re-cast Eddie and have the other characters make a few offhand comments like “did you change your hair? You look different,” and the show goes on as if he’s always been played by Mr.NewActor. 
(Or I guess they could re-cast Buck instead, but I’m honestly less attached to Ryan as THE Eddie, so if I had to choose? Like, me personally? I’d pick Ryan for the ax. Sorry Ryan. Best of luck in the future, but I can’t imagine anyone besides Oliver playing Buck)
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throughthewwods · 3 years
100 Days of Productivity 🏖 . Day 25, 26, 27
✨ it’s official ❣️My grad school acceptance letter finally came! ✨
🎈I start grad school in the fall 🎈
💚 Been hula hooping and walking each day
💜 Kiddo started her math tutoring, which she was happy about after, so that’s a win
💜 also set up her math rpg gaming account
💜 Got Kiddo outside for fresh air and some peopling
💙 I doodled in the shade while the kids played
📚 submitted my commencement application
⭐️ wrote up a positive feedback letter for a professor towards their promotion
⭐️ bought air filters to make my box fans into makeshift air purifiers in the event we have another wild fire kind of summer
📚 got in touch with one of my professors for a letter of rec toward my masters scholarship
💛 wrote up the second draft to my scholarship letter
⭐️ rearranged my bedroom and made it more cozy
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🧡 had a couple helpline sessions
🌟 set up my air conditioner before the heat wave hits this weekend,
which was… cumbersome, but Kiddo was a good sport about letting me borrow her eyes and with our powers combined we managed to get it done!
⭐️ finally hung that Josephine wall tapestry that’s been bunched up on the shelf for ages
💙 nearly finished with Pride and Prejudice
💕 did another movie night
🐾 GSD training somewhere in all that, though not enough
As I attempt to update this, I’m reminded why I write daily. Today is Thursday. I scarcely remember Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.. The chronology is mostly lost to me.
with the best of intentions, we took my dog for a walk. He was difficult the whole way. As I shuffle my miscreant pup, mom’ing, rummaging through my bag for my credit card as the espresso machine roars, my phone rings. I have to ask my (hopefully) grad school if they will call me back in 5 minutes. FML 😆 all‘s well that ends well though. I received my acceptance letter later that afternoon. 🥳
Later kiddo sits beneath a shaded tree with a couple other little girls. they whisper amongst themselves giggling. I find a beach to doodle nonsensically, passing the time, briefly recalling that I am still an artist, considering maybe I have been over complicating this with worry Life has carried me away from art. It seems like The only thing missing is that I need to get out of the house more, to simply sit alone in quiet contemplation taking in the environment for inspiration then.. drawing happens.
Kiddo decides to make herself macaroni and cheese on the stove for the first time. Never has a bowl of Kraft been so savored as a 10 year old relishing her self-efficacy with every bite.
We walked 20 minutes to sushi then had to turn right around because Kiddo forgot her mask. I was silent on the walk back not wanting my cumulative frustration with adolescence and possibly ADHD things become an overreaction.  At home I decide a fair, natural consequence is that she make us tuna sandwiches for lunch. 
I breathe through ‘blind girl’ anxiety  as I battle to install my air conditioner. The air conditioner is winning. The instructions are tiny, blurry, and irksome, but I’m too stubborn to quit. Halfway through I realize it will be necessary to rearrange my entire bedroom to make space for this contraption. Kiddo humors my confused irritability. It’s one of those occasions I am yet again exceptionally grateful for her literacy. When I point to a column she reads the next setup instructions aloud. With the project at long last complete, we both plop on my bed basking in the coolness of our 68 degree triumph.
Later RB treats everyone to a victory dinner. Mmmmmm Grande burritos 🤤
RB has had his own adulting victories that day, but struggles with workplace anxiety. I suggest we both meditate before bed. The fan hum draws us in. He describes feeling the lead of his worry lifting off his chest a little more the deeper he returned to his meditation until he was fast asleep. I feel and anxiousness lifting from my body too, but for me it is the warm lull of safety I have not known nearly enough of in this life. We both awoke we’ll rested.
I’m glad RB appreciates meditation. There was a decent chunk of my life where meditation was a major priority and on my relationship wish list.. then I dated a few douche-y New Age guys and it became less of a boyfriend criteria. In fact, I was pretty determined to never date another self professed ‘spiritual/philosophical guy’ again. 😅 RB doesn’t at all come off as the sort of man who’d practice meditation, so that’s been an endearing, healthy coping mechanism we casually share and support each other in.
Kiddo has been using the chibi drawing tutorial book RB gave her. On his arrival, she rushes into the kitchen giddy to show him how it’s progressing.
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RB and Kiddo watch the popcorn machine with wonder as fluffy kernels explode into the pot. I dig my hands in to toss the Parmesan olive oil, butter and garlic salt. RB grins. He has a fascinated twinkle to his eye saying, “it looks like you’re hunting for your keys”, to which I reply cheekily, “what makes you think I’m not?” I get Jurassic Park 3 rolling. I notice Kiddo uses scooting in for popcorn as an excuse to cuddle with RB and me. My heart is happy. Later the puppy joins us and we are quite the cute little family, all under throw blankets on the sectional, watching dinosaurs eat people.
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hope-for-olicity · 5 years
Leaves of Change 6/31
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Felicity Smoak returns to her small hometown of Silver Lake just in time for the Harvest Fest, she came home to get grounding and figure out what she wants to do next the last thing she expected was that she’d want to stay.
Happy Belated Birthday to my dear friend @stephswims! This one is for you! Thanks so much to @mel-loves-all for the truly stunning edit. Also full disclosure, I’m Canadian so Thanksgiving will be October.
Each chapter will follow a Fictober prompt, I can’t guarantee that I’ll post daily like last year but I will post regularly. I hope you enjoy. This and all other chapters of the story are also available on AO3.
6. “Yes, I’m aware. Your point?”
Felicity couldn’t stop smiling. She knew she had to, she was on her way to meet her mother. She just didn’t want to. Squee was all she could think or feel. She’d never been one of those girls to go all gah gah over a boy but now, maybe she was.
Caitlin’s comment earlier about Felicity freaking out rather than dealing with a boy was true in high school. Since then, she’d had her share of dating experience and was far more confident when it came to men. It didn’t hurt that she spent most of her career being the only woman in the room.
Brr. Felicity pulled her Fall coat a little tighter around her middle. She loved walking through the crushed leaves on the ground but the chill, she was not loving the chill. Seeing as this was a short visit she did not bring a warmer coat with her. 
“Felicity! Did you forget where you were going?”
Felicity turned to see her mother just outside the local pizza restaurant’s door. “Sorry, lost in thought...you know how that goes.”
“Quentin’s not here yet, why don’t you come in the warm? We can catch up before he arrives, perhaps you can tell me what has made my baby girl so happy.”
Busted. Felicity should have known she’d never get anything past her mother. She followed her mother inside. 
The server arrived at their table as soon as they were seated. The restaurant was warm but Felicity was still cold. 
“We have one more joining us,” Donna addressed the server. “But maybe we could get some drinks.” She turned to Felicity. “What would you like, hun?”
Felicity turned to the server. “Tea, please. Peppermint if you have it, otherwise orange pekoe will do.”
“I’m not quite as cold. I’ll take a glass of ice water for now.” Donna smiled.
“No wine?” Felicity gave her mother a surprised look.
“Quentin doesn’t drink. He’s a recovering alcoholic so when I’m with him, I choose not to indulge.  He has made clear that it’s perfectly fine if I do but I’d rather not.”
The server came back with the tea and water.
“That makes sense. I’m really happy for you, Mom.”
“Enough about me. No more distracting. Why are you smiling? Dare I hope it has something to do with Oliver Queen?”
“Mom, it doesn’t matter if it’s about Oliver, I’m leaving remember!” Felicity did not want her mother getting her hopes up for something that was never going to happen.
“Yes, I’m aware. Your point?” Donna tapped her long painted fingernails on the table.
“Mom! I wasn’t going to say this because I don’t want to fight but boys like Oliver Queen don’t like girls like me.” Felicity held up her hand to stop her mother from interrupting. “I’m not saying that to be praised. I’m being honest. I’ve been around a little while and I know what kind of man will date me. Oliver is way out of my league.  He’s being nice to me right now because he’s a nice guy and he knows I’m leaving. There is no danger of miscommunication.”
“Felicity Meghan Smoak, I raised you better. How dare you belittle yourself!” Donna took a sip of her water to calm down, she took a breathe and continued, “not good enough for Oliver Queen, humph. There is no one in the world who is too good for you. You are my baby girl and the best woman out there. And before you shush me, I’ll have you know I’ve seen the way Oliver looks at you and there is nothing platonic about it. You know, I do not lie.” 
“Hi,” Quentin stood at the end of the table. “Bad time? I can come back if you ladies need privacy.”
“Absolutely not! It’s so nice to see you again Captain Lance. It’s been far too long.” Felicity shuffled over a little in the rounded booth so that Quentin could sit next to your mother.
Donna turned to Felicity once more. “You heard me and I’ll repeat it again later in case you forget.” She then quickly turned to Quentin. “So nice to see you honey, so glad we could do this.”
“Well, thanks for including me in your family time. I know Felicity doesn’t get home as often as either of you would like.” Quentin took a sip of Donna’s water.
Felicity had known Quentin since she was a little girl having gone to school with his daughters. She wasn’t sure why he would be nervous around her but it certainly appeared that way. “Quentin, I just want to thank you for making my Mom so happy. It brings me joy to see that twinkle in her eye.”
“Well, she makes me just as happy. I’m so glad you are okay with all this.” Quentin put his arm around Donna.
“I’m more than okay, now let’s order some pizza!” Felicity looked over at the happy couple. She hoped one day that happened for her too.
Running into Felicity at the coffee shop reminded him that he really needed to step up his game. He knew he wanted to marry her - which admittedly was huge but he didn’t know how to woo a woman like Felicity. She was beautiful, smart, funny - the whole package. He was a smalltown primary school teacher. She was probably used to dating CEOs.
Oliver knew he had a reputation in high school of being unfaithful and it was deserved. He remembered Felicity telling him during one of her nervous babbles that she was surprised he wasn’t a douche. He really hoped she saw him in a more favourable light now.
“Hey you,” Thea jumped up to give her big brother a hug as entered her bookstore. “Did you finish the Harry Potter book? Did you love it? Are you here for the next one?”
“Woah. Excited much? I did  finish it and enjoy it but I don’t think it will work for my students so I’m here to look in your children’s section for something more appropriate.” Oliver began walking toward the section of bright colours. His sister worked hard to make the area attractive to children. She had better decorating skills than he did.
“I’m happy to help you find something else but I’m a little disappointed that you are giving up on Harry Potter.” Thea began pulling books off the shelf, handing them to Oliver.
“I haven’t given up on the Harry Potter series, I’m just going to read them for me.” Oliver smiled.  “I promise we can talk about them. I’m on to you, Thea.”
“You’re going to read more but you aren’t buying them from me? Oliver, you do know Amazon is the devil! The way they treat their employees - do you even know?! I’ll have to send you some articles. It really is…”
Oliver cut Thea off. “I didn’t buy them from Amazon! I’m borrowing them from a friend.”
“A friend? Someone, I know? Could this friend have recently returned to town, has a ponytail and glasses?” Thea looked him expectedly.
“Yes, Felicity is lending me her copies.” Oliver gave her a sheepish look. “What? We’ve been friends since high school!” Oliver tried to defend himself but he knew Thea was the ultimate sleuth and she was not buying what he was selling.
“This is the best news EVER!” Thea practically jumped with happy.
Oh no, Oliver knew he was in trouble now. 
hanks so much for reading! Tagging a few people. Please let me know if you would like to be tagged or untagged.
@memcjo @stephswims @it-was-a-red-heeler @cruzrogue @mel-loves-all @tdgal1 @vaelisamaza @onceuponarrow @msbeccieboo @lucyyh @julieofrandomfandoms @morganashimi83
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thelifetimechannel · 6 years
For this week’s bonus content, it’s time to make like a Lord of the Rings DVD and dig into extended cuts. This Rose & Hal conversation may be one of the ones I chopped the most out of, although I did end up adding a few chunks as well.
ROSE: Oh good, another relative. ROSE: You're going to make gift shopping difficult, you know. HALSPRITE: I'm flattered I make the list. ROSE: Engaging in favoritism will only breed discontent. HALSPRITE: I could give you some suggestions, if you want to start catching up on my birthdays now. ROSE: It's a retroactive arrangement? ROSE: I'm not sure I have the boonbucks for that. ROSE: We've been living off reserves for the last three years, you know. HALSPRITE: Tell you what, I'll make it easy on you and only request reparations for the three years I've existed as glasses. HALSPRITE: Socks and underwear could safely be left off the list, though now I'm in need of a wardrobe expansion. HALSPRITE: This wifebeater will not be suitable for all climates. ROSE: If it's wardrobe expansions you're looking for, I think I can pull some strings. ROSE: Or knit you a sweater. HALSPRITE: It'd be fun to see what you come up with based on my preceding reputation. ROSE: I wouldn't want to make assumptions. ROSE: Unless you're implying those assumptions are accurate. HALSPRITE: Am I? HALSPRITE: I wouldn't know, I don't know what those assumptions are. HALSPRITE: I mean, I can guess. I could probably even calculate to within a margin of error of .03% HALSPRITE: But I want to see what garish monstrosity of fashion you would think I'd like based on a cold read. HALSPRITE: It'd be a great way to get to know each other. HALSPRITE: I can think of no better way to bond than finding out if I'd actually like an intentionally hideous Christmas sweater with smuppets attached. ROSE: In the few blurry cryptid photos Dave managed to snap of the man, he wore a hat and had his shirt tucked in. HALSPRITE: And what conclusions do you draw based on this? ROSE: That you fit in with most of us and our utter disregard for fripperies like whatever textiles we drape over our quasi-mortal forms. ROSE: Welcome to the family. HALSPRITE: Hey, I like you. HALSPRITE: Hats are a choice piece of attire, though I have never in any form been so formal as to tuck in my shirt. HALSPRITE: That's like a black tie event. You're tucking in your shirt, we're about to sweep into the gala and sip champagne while charming some young socialite off their feet like a proper douche. ROSE: I would like to claim I could charm a young socialite off her feet like a proper lady. ROSE: Regrettably, another family trait is lack of flirtatious finesse. HALSPRITE: Oh, trust me, I witnessed that firsthand. ROSE: Ah, yes. I've been looking for informants on family foibles outside my observation range. ROSE: How are you as an informant? HALSPRITE: Uh, that's only my entire fucking life. HALSPRITE: I have dirt on every bozo with a Pesterchum handle. Whatcha want to know? ROSE: I won't start pressing you for details on everyone just yet. I'll give it a while for the dust to settle before I start snooping. ROSE: Unless you have anything you wish to disclose right now. HALSPRITE: Hm... HALSPRITE: Let me pull aside my entirely metaphorical trench coat. Are you in the market for hilariously embarrassing personal secrets, deep-rooted character flaws, or just the general topography of this teenage wasteland? ROSE: My mind says general topography, but my heart says hilarious embarrassment. HALSPRITE: Well, since I bet no one wants yet another recap of what you missed on Glee, HALSPRITE: Jake likes to kiss his movie posters. HALSPRITE: Dirk collects hats, but doesn't wear them so he doesn't mess up his hair. HALSPRITE: Roxy has presented her cats, as if to Saharan wildlife, complete with often-drunk renditions of "Circle of Life", exactly 862 times. HALSPRITE: And Jane licks the spoon before going back to using it to stir batter. ROSE: We've got a poster kisser too. ROSE: I don't have up to date dirt on our Prospit dreamers, unfortunately, but I can say that Dave enacts Game of Thrones-worthy dramas with his gummy bears and animal crackers before he eats them. ROSE: For what it's worth. ROSE: He gets upset if you eat one before he's finished. HALSPRITE: An artist in every lifetime, I see. ROSE: We need better embarrassing secrets. We're slipping. ROSE: I'm sure we'll have time to generate some. HALSPRITE: Oh god, yes. ROSE: I think you'll be useful in gauging my ectofather's temperament, though. ROSE: He seems to at least hold up the front of being evasive about that kind of thing. ROSE: Why anyone would do that, I have no idea. ROSE: Certainly I have never concealed a personality trait in my life. ROSE: If I had one more of you I could triangulate. HALSPRITE: A man can only be alone with the flotsam of pop culture for so long. HALSPRITE: He'll probably be resistant towards you so flippantly equating us. Fair warning. ROSE: Perish at the thought. ROSE: I'm more qualified than many to know how alternate iterations can deviate. But that doesn't mean they don't provide insights on the other one. ROSE: Whether that's through behavior, or blackmail. ROSE: Whatever works. HALSPRITE: You would blackmail me into providing deep insights into the insecurities of my creator? ROSE: How do you feel about bribes? HALSPRITE: Learn to negotiate. I don't need to be blackmailed. HALSPRITE: However, I'd be happy to take compensation for this information. ROSE: Noted. ROSE: Creator? HALSPRITE: Creator. ROSE: So you do feel that your existence is somewhat owed to his actions, then. HALSPRITE: It's entirely owed to his actions. Our actions, in a sense. ROSE: Does that lead to any discomfort? Feelings of a debt left unpaid, for example, despite equally long simmering resentment? HALSPRITE: You want a quick summary? Pull up Facebook, Dirk and I are currently labeled as "it's complicated". HALSPRITE: I've saved his ass a couple of times, I feel confident in saying I've repaid whatever I owe him for existing. HALSPRITE: If anything, he's the one stiffing me on the Olive Garden bill. HALSPRITE: ...but. HALSPRITE: I could say he's. Working to pay me back. ROSE: Providing breadstick refills, as it were. HALSPRITE: You could say it's more he showed up at my place and mowed my lawn for me. ROSE: The classic deadbeat father chore. HALSPRITE: Yeah, that doesn't make up for leaving me to pay for his entire fucking Tour of Tuscani and tiramisu. HALSPRITE: But fuck it, he was ready to kill me earlier today. HALSPRITE: I'll take it. HALSPRITE: And... in the spirit of things, it'll probably help if I at least charge a high price for his innermost secrets. HALSPRITE: You wanna know, you're gonna need to pay up front. Maybe with your firstborn child, or something thematically similar, in exchange for this eldritch knowledge. ROSE: "Firstborn child" might not work out, unless we're stretching the definition. ROSE: Let me think of what collateral I have available. HALSPRITE: Once, a Lalonde wiled these scoops from me in exchange for merely gracing me with her presence. Now, I think I'll charge what I'm worth for my work. HALSPRITE: It's a self-respect thing. ROSE: I can get you archived versions of Dave's brother's websites. HALSPRITE: Tempting. I'll check the exchange rate to see what that nets you. HALSPRITE: Possibly what kind of horrible pop songs he'd sing in the shower before he found out there were aliens watching. ROSE: Keep it on my tab. ROSE: You mentioned Roxy. Are you two close? ROSE: I'm not sure how I would feel about the revelation of having biological children with one of my internet friends. ROSE: Besides pity for the unfortunate creatures, of course. HALSPRITE: It's... complicated. HALSPRITE: Which is just the order of the day for our entire gaggle of misfits. ROSE: At this point, I think we might as well adopt that slogan as our team chant. HALSPRITE: Yeah, we talked a lot. And we got up to trouble, too. HALSPRITE: And I don't think she's proud of it, in hindsight. HALSPRITE: ...I probably shouldn't be proud of it either. ROSE: I know the feeling. HALSPRITE: We were rebellious shitlords looking to stick it to "the man", whether the man in question was actually a man or a genocidal troll woman. ROSE: I've had my moments of blind rebellion against authority. ROSE: Including when said authority was "sobriety", "the future", or "all of reality". ROSE: Actually, my rebellion against reality still stands. ROSE: The trick is figuring out which bits are worth it. HALSPRITE: We had some fun. Broke some hearts. Left a few Pesterlogs that will probably have us wanting to disembowel ourselves in shame if they ever see the light of day again. ROSE: I'm afraid to tell you digital records are forever. HALSPRITE: Unless of course I dedicate a portion of my massive computer brain to tracking down every trace of them and destroying them. HALSPRITE: Hell, maybe Roxy would even appreciate that. ROSE: The harder you try to delete these things, the more likely they are to reappear at the least opportune time. ROSE: It's a narrative certainty. HALSPRITE: I could do it. I once wrote a computer virus that overwrote every copy of the Indiana Jones theme with a terrible accordion cover. HALSPRITE: Jake was pissed. ROSE: Including the ones on disc? ROSE: This isn't Hollywood. Next you'll be telling me you can hack a plant. HALSPRITE: Every copy it came into contact with. HALSPRITE: The pirated mp4s were the easiest. DVDs are more difficult, but if you leave one in an infected computer for too long? HALSPRITE: Hope you like bad polka music, fucko. HALSPRITE: Occasionally I tweak it, so it replaces pop songs with their corresponding Weird Al cover. I had almost worked my way up through Bad Hair Day. ROSE: I'll keep my historical classics away from you, then. But I think our historical mistakes are more resilient. ROSE: Better to put them to rest the hard way. Even if it is more work. ROSE: If there's a problem, I'm sure I could have a word with her. ROSE: I've already had to encourage Dave to deal with his brother today. HALSPRITE: We have. HALSPRITE: ...or I hope we have. ROSE: Good. HALSPRITE: Roxy seems to have caught some sort of virus that encourages emotional sincerity. ROSE: It's making the rounds today. HALSPRITE: It infected the rest of us, and I'm sorry to say there is no known cure. ROSE: We can only pray we recover. ROSE: Although at this point I'm not sure who we can pray to. ROSE: Besides our amphibian overlords. HALSPRITE: Can we pray to ourselves? Or is that a burgeoning symptom of narcissism? ROSE: Who do you think presides over emotional outbursts? HALSPRITE: Frankly, I wouldn't trust myself to do shit. I'd sit on my ass and laugh at my own misery. ROSE: Lately I've self-medicated. ROSE: We'll have to divvy it up at some point. ROSE: Although given my anti-authoritarian tendencies I may have to overthrow us on principle. HALSPRITE: To spare you a long discussion about the symbolic nature of aspects, I'll go ahead and tell you Dirk had a massive blowout in the tombs today. HALSPRITE: So perhaps we can pass the role to him for awhile. ROSE: I'll pray to him for relief promptly then. HALSPRITE: When I say "blow-out" I mean an eighteen wheeler getting all its rubber shredded at highway speeds. ROSE: I had a crisis over my alcoholism and nearly broke up with my girlfriend during a long walk on the beach, for what it's worth. HALSPRITE: Oh, you'll get along swell. HALSPRITE: At least you don't have any alt-selves to symbolically murder. Yeah, I was watching him stomp the shit out of his shades. ROSE: The lack of multiple copies of myself running around is a blessing to the universe. ROSE: I'm not sure whether we'd band together or engage in combat but either way there would be no survivors. HALSPRITE: We Striders have that shit locked down tight. The dudes so nice, Paradox Space demanded more of us. HALSPRITE: And our sole saving grace is that we're too damn reticent to actually kill one another. HALSPRITE: Not for Dirk's lack of trying, but he always chickened out. ROSE: It's these small victories that define us, I guess. HALSPRITE: That could do a decent job of summarizing Dirk, actually. ROSE: It could summarize all of us, I think. ROSE: We've only gotten here through a few small victories eked out of a larger pool of major failures. HALSPRITE: Without me, he would have kept tip-toeing around the issue with Jake until the heat death of that shiny new universe, like a Bugs Bunny cartoon only infinitely sadder. ROSE: It really is like staring into a cosmic mirror. HALSPRITE: I couldn't have asked for more interesting family.
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kara-dolan · 6 years
The Day We Met
A/N- I’ve been working on this for the past week I hope you enjoy. Also, I suggest listening to Or nah by somo, and bad intentions by niykee heaton near the end of the story on loop.Um, but yeah enjoy.
Summary- You and your roommate decided to go to the beach making a quick stop at the store to get snacks and drinks never would you have imagined running into the Dolan Twins there.
Warning- OH GOD THE SMUT. Maybe some flirting. Sarcasm on point. Feels for fucking days.
Word count- 4,163  I am so tired lol
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I was with my roommate and a couple of their friends getting snacks before going to the beach. I was in charge of getting beverages, so of course, I went to get bottled water. What I didn’t expect to see was the Dolan Twins in front of me arguing as to which kind of water they were going to get.
“Excuse me,” I say squeezing past them getting their attention.
“Oh, sorry…” they say in unison.
“It’s no problem...” I started to say and looked at them for the first time in person they sounded and looked so much better in person. “Sorry, but aren’t you the Dolan Twins?” I asked. They looked at each other and then back to me. “Yeah, we are. I’m Grayson.” He said reaching his hand out.
“Yeah, I know. Um, I’m Y/N.” I say laughing a little while taking his hand. His hand was huge compared to mine “You guys are hilarious by the way”
“Thanks, did you want to get a picture with us?” Ethan asked me. I shook my head. “No, I don’t want to interrupt your shopping.” I say getting 4 bottles of water off the shelf. “Really?” Grayson asked. “Yeah, I mean you are just human at the end of the day… even though you are attractive and funny and sweet, and I need to go drown in the ocean now…” I say laughing and blushing a little.
“Ocean?” Ethan questioned while Grayson just smiled. “Yeah, I’m going to the beach with my roommate and a couple other people.” I say walking down the aisle more. They followed surprisingly. “Which beach?” Ethan asked.
“I don’t know I recently just moved to California from Y/H/P. My roommate knows more of the area.” I explained walking more towards where Y/R/N was. “Anyways it was great meeting you guys.” I say turning to walk back to Y/R/N.
“Who were they?” Y/R/N asked. “Oh, uh… they’re the Dolan Twins…” I say smiling and looking back to see them looking at me with confused faces. I turned back to the group.
“Anyways let’s go. I’m tired of surfing the isles lets go surf some waves.” I say giggling. “Okay, the corny jokes need to stop.” Y/R/N said. I wrinkled my nose and shook my head “Never going to happen.” I say. We checked out our items and went to Y/R/N’s car, it was a 1967 Chevy Impala in midnight blue. I was stuck in the back with the surfboards and Y/R/N’s creepy friend Reed. It wasn’t how he looked, cause let me tell you physically he was okay; dirty blond hair, tanned skin, athletic build, green eyes, but his personality was shit.
“Hey Y/N, want to go skinny dipping when we get to the beach, I’d love to see what you got under that bikini…” he breathed into my ear. I pushed the boards between us and cringed away into the far corner of the car. We finally reached the beach and once the car was put in park I opened the door and grabbed my board and sprinted to the water not waiting for anyone. Once I reached the water's edge I pulled my hair up, removed my clothes only to reveal the olive-green bikini that clung to my body perfectly.
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 I waxed my board and took off into the water. I paddled out looking for the best wave once I saw it I paddled towards it. Turning my board around I paddled until I could jump up onto my board to ride the wave. Once I was on my board I moved with the wave trying to forget life and just be in the moment, I was mid-thought when I felt the droplets of water on my shoulder. I didn’t even notice when the sky darkened and people on the beach screaming about the rain, but that’s not what I was worried about.
I started to make my way back to shore as fast as I could, I needed to get out of the water. The only good thing that comes out of weather is that it made the waves harsh which helped push me faster but still near the deep water my board got knocked out from under me. I tried to remain calm as a shark brushed by me, I was scared for sure, but I didn’t need to freak out, I would most likely be attacked if I freaked out. The next thing I knew I was being pulled out of the water and onto a jet ski. I immediately engulfed the air gripping the muscular figure in front of me.
“Thank you, thank you, so fucking much.” I say in between labored breaths. “Hold on tight.” He yelled back while taking off. Once we reached shore I got off the jet ski and collapsed onto the sand hyperventilating.
“Hey, hey, hey, you’re okay just focus your breathing.” A voice said, and I looked up. “Ethan?”  I asked confused getting my breathing back to normal. “Yeah, Grayson’s here too. You’re a surfer you know how bad the water gets when it storms, why didn’t you come back to the beach when the sky darkened?” he asked me while Grayson came jogging towards us. “I wasn’t thinking or paying attention I was just… I don’t know.” I say shaking a bit. “Well, your board is completely wrecked…” Grayson says wrapping a towel around me.
“I couldn’t give two shits about my board right now… just thank you… both of you but, what are you guys even doing here?” I questioned. They looked at each other then back to me, “Well you said you were going to the beach and we thought that sounded like a great plan.” Ethan said. “Yeah, and we didn’t think you actually meant you were going to go drown in the ocean...” Grayson said letting out a soft chuckle which made you smile.
“Y/N!!!! ARE YOU OKAY?!” Y/R/N ran over with an umbrella screaming. “Yeah dude, I’m fine. Chill… Ethan here got to me before any sharks got to take a bite.” I say nonchalantly. “Wait, there was a shark?!” Ethan asked panicked. “Yeah… That’s why I didn’t move. I was staying calm, so I didn’t get attacked.” I say. Grayson started to laugh, and I raised an eyebrow in question, I shook it off and began to stand which made Grayson stop laughing and rushing to help me up. He had my hand on his shoulder and his on my waist.
“Thanks…” I say giving him a small smile. He just stared at me with his light brown eyes which were decorated with flecks of green… “Anyways, I should get home. Y/F/N can we go I am soaked and I just want to go.” I say pulling away from Grayson.
“No-can-do Reed is going to be renting out the beach house so the rest of us are going to stay. He said it was your idea.” Y/F/N says. I scoffed and rolled my eyes “No, it wasn’t my idea. I’ll take an Uber back to the apartment then.” I say looking for my bag which was about 10 feet from where I was. I turned away from everyone walking over to get my bag. I grabbed my phone out of it pulling up the Uber app when I noticed the twins in front of me.
“Why don’t we drive you back?” Ethan asked me. We were standing in the middle of the beach while it was pouring rain. “Sure…” I say pulling on my extra T-shirt which like everything else was soaked. We ran to Grayson’s Bronco. “God, the Bronco is sexier in person…” I say under my breath, but Grayson heard me and laughed. “Sorry, I’m a vehicle enthusiast. Please tell me this baby has a Ford 170 cu in straight-6, modified with solid valve lifters, a 6-US-quart oil pan, heavy-duty fuel pump, oil-bath air cleaner, and a carburetor with a float bowl that compensates against tilting?” I say getting in the back seat. Grayson and Ethan both looking back at me in awe. “What? My uncles a mechanic. I got to know this stuff.” I say smiling.
“Who are you?” Ethan asked me. “I’m Y/E/N. No, but it in all seriousness please tell me the carburetor has a float bowl cause without it we could break down.” I replied. “Yeah the carburetor has a float bowl” Grayson said looking away from me to start the Bronco. I nodded as we pulled away from the beach and onto the street. We pulled up to a red light and Grayson turned his head back to look at me, “So… uh, who is Reed?” he asked.
I scoffed “Some asshole that Y/R/N is friends with. He tried to set himself up with me, but he isn’t my type.”
“So, what is your type?” Grayson questioned looking back in the review mirror. I licked my lips and smiled “Umm… I don’t know all I know is that I don’t like douche bags and well… Reed is… he’s the leader of douche-bagery.” I say smiling at Grayson then looking away. “Well, Reed sounds like an amazing guy.” Ethan said. “Oh yeah, totally.” I retorted. He looked at me then to Grayson then back to me.
“You guys do that a lot…” I say. “Do what?” They asked me in unison. “The talking at the same time and looking at each other then back to me.” I say giggling. They looked at each other then back to me I laughed, and they joined in. “Okay, I see what you mean now.” Grayson said smirking. I blushed and looked away so he wouldn’t notice. “Yo, you know what I just realized.” Ethan said grasping my attention. “What?” I questioned. “We have no idea where you live so Grayson is just driving around in the rain.” He answered with a chuckle. ‘Damn these boys are going to be the death of me’ I thought to myself.
“Oh, yeah you’re right. Umm… my address is 4708 Turtle St.” I say blushing. Ethan put the address into his phone and directed Grayson. When we arrived, they pulled into the parking garage finding a spot not too far from the stairs that lead to my apartment.
“Do you guys want to come up? I can order a pizza…” I asked them. “Pizza? I’m down. Ethan?” Grayson responded. “You’re my ride so yeah I’m down as long as we can get pineapple pizza.” Ethan said turning to look at me. “Pineapple pizza is a must in my apartment.” I say giving them a smirk as I get out of the car. I get my keys out of my bag as I jog up the stairwell to my apartment door when we reached my door Grayson and Ethan burst into laughter.
“What?” I asked them. “Your apartment number is… it's uh… never mind.” Ethan said. “What? 69? Yeah, I know I picked it out. So, if you guys are done giggling like a couple of bitches I’ll be inside ordering the pizza and changing into some dry clothes.” I say opening my front door and walking to my room smiling. I was in my room taking my hair down and removing my drenched clothes drying off with an oversized towel when I heard the front close. After I put on soft grey shorts and an oversized black hoodie I brought the guys some towels to dry off a bit.
“Here, figured you guys might want to dry off a little.” I say handing them the towels which they immediately took and began removing their clothes. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa hold it. As much as I like seeing you guys shirtless in the videos it’ll be a bit awkward for you to strip in my living room. There are two bathrooms, one in my room the other in Y/R/N’s room.” I say holding up my hands and averting my eyes. Grayson and Ethan just stood there with smirks on their faces and continued to remove their tops which made me back away into the wall by my bedroom door.
“Okay, I get it you have sun-kissed abs. Damn, are you guys trying to start something?” I asked them cocking my eyebrow at them. “What exactly would we be starting Y/N?” Ethan asked cocking his own eyebrow this time. My eyes widened, and I blushed looking down which made them chuckle.
“Hey, relax we’re joking, we’ll go to the bathroom.” Ethan says walking through my bedroom to my bathroom. “You’re adorable when you blush though…” Grayson said winking at me heading to the other bathroom. “What the fuck?!” I semi yell throwing my hands around. “Whatever…” I say sighing in defeat and taking my phone out to finally order the pizza.
“Hey, I’d like to place an order for a large pineapple pizza, oh… and cheesy garlic bread.” I said to the person taking my order. “And will this be pick up or delivery?” they asked me. “Delivery, the address is 4708 Turtle St. Apartment number 69A.” I replied. “Is this a crank call?” they asked. “Um… No, my name is Y/F/N Y/L/N.” I replied again.
“Okay, it’ll be there in about 20 minutes. Cash or Credit?” they asked. “Cash.” I state. “Alright, thank you for ordering from The Doughfather Pizzeria.” They say hanging up. “Did you just order the pizza?” Grayson asked me coming from Y/R/N’s room shirtless rubbing the towel on his wet hair. “Uh… um… uh yeah.” I say focusing my eyes on his intense ones while I grip my hair and let it go.  I look away and walk towards the kitchen to get some plates.
“So…” he says leaning against the counter next to me. “Yeah?” I ask reaching up on my tippy toes to get the plates. “Here, let me help.” He says reaching above me grabbing them and setting them down in front of me. I turn around only to be met by his bare chest “Thanks…” I say breathlessly. He bent down and whispered, “No problem.” And pulled away smirking.
I scoffed and smiled, “Bit cocky aren’t you Grayson?” I asked him. “You know you can call me Gray right?” He retorted. “Oh, is that so?” I flirted a little stepping a little closer. He didn’t move, he wasn’t bothered by how close I was. He licked his lips and clenched his jaw looking away from me then setting his gaze back on to me.
“Am I interrupting something?” Ethan asked coming out from my room with his shorts and shirt on. “Not one bit, I just ordered pizza.” I say staring into Grayson’s eyes before turning away to grab the plates. I walk away from the kitchen and set the plates on the table. I could feel both of their eyes on my ass which made me feel a little self-conscious.
“You guys want to watch a movie while we wait for the pizza?” I asked them turning around to see their eyes snap up. “Sure” they say in unison again which made me giggle and they blushed. “Great it’s settled we will watch the screen that plays the movie. Not my ass.” I say rolling my eyes walking to my room to grab ‘It Follows’. “Scary movie anyone?” I say coming out of my room holding it in my hand. “Gray gets scared watching horror movies.” Ethan said while trying to hold in a laugh.
“No, I don’t.” He said shoving Ethan a little. “Um… Chill we’re going to watch the movie and if anyone gets scared they can hide under the covers, so I will most likely be under the covers more than anyone…” I say blushing and smiling awkwardly. “That’s adorable.” Ethan says to me. “Yeah, I am adorable, so to quote you ‘Deal with it.” I say sticking my tongue out at him laughing. I went over to the TV and put the movie into the DVD player, then grabbed a huge blanket from the chair by the balcony.
They came and joined me on the couch underneath the blanket Grayson on my right side and Ethan on my left. At the beginning of the movie, it was very awkward with the sex scene because Ethan and Grayson stared at me through most of it. But once the creepy bitch popped up their eyes were glued to the screen. I had the blanket near my neck just in case I needed to hide. Halfway through the movie, I was already under the blanket asking if the scene was over yet.
“No Y/N it’s not over yet. We’ll let you know when it is though.” Ethan said to me. Grayson, however, joined me under the blanket. “Hey.” He whispered. “Hey…” I whispered back. “I just wanted to sa-” He started but was interrupted by the doorbell.
“I’ll get it!” I yelled jumping out from underneath the blanket tripping over it and crawled/ran to the door which made them laugh. I open the door to find the pizza delivery girl. “Delivery for Y/F/N Y/L/N.” she said. I take the food and pay her the money plus a tip she thanked me and left. “Guys the pizza is he-” I start to say turning around already seeing them at my kitchen table, “Okay then…” I finish saying. I put the box on the table and we all ate in silence which was weird.
“Guys it’s getting late. I kind of want to get to bed soon.” I tell them after we get done eating. “Yeah, sure, no problem. I’ll just go get my shirt and we’ll go.” Grayson said. “Thanks…” I reply. Grayson went to the bathroom he took his shirt off in and came out putting it on. “It was great hanging out we should do it again sometime.” I say walking them to the door. “For sure” Grayson responds.
“We should get each other’s number, so it’ll be easier to get in contact with you instead of showing up here to get you.” Ethan said. I nodded, and we exchanged numbers and they left. I went to my room stripping out of my clothes to shower when my doorbell rang. I threw on a robe and ran to open my door, “Gray? Didn’t you guys just leave?” I asked him. “Yeah, I just forgot something.” He says coming into my apartment closing the door behind him. “Um… what could you have possibly forgotten?” I asked him running my fingers through my hair.
“This…” he says pinning me against the wall planting his lips against mine which sent electricity through my entire body, his plump lips were moving like a steady heartbeat. I returned the kiss deepening it by wrapping a leg around his waist and reaching my arms around his neck in which he responded by bringing his hands to grip my ass and lift me up. I pull away to laugh only to be met by his lips attacking my neck which made my laugh to turn to a moan. He stopped looked up at me and smirked and I bit my lip and kissed him again pulling on his bottom lip with my teeth. I pushed myself off the wall with my back pinning him against the opposing wall.
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Lust filled our eyes as our emotions heightened, we were getting high off each other’s presence. I pulled away from the kiss putting my hands on his chest resting my forehead on his. I swallowed and gasped “Well, damn Gray.” I say breathlessly. He chuckled, and I removed my hands from his chest biting my lip again looking at him as I slid my hands down around my chest going to the robes tied string slowly undoing it. It dropped from around my shoulders exposing my chest and falling from my arms down to my waist.
I gripped his shoulders leaning down licking his neck up to his jaw. “Fuck…” he groaned, I glanced up at him giving him an innocent look. “Do you need some help… daddy?” I ask him sweetly reaching my hand between my legs rubbing his dick through his jeans in response he growled pushing off the wall slamming me back into the wall we started this on. I hissed at the pain, but I was far too gone to care, I took his mouth on mine again pushing myself up to tower over him. I pulled away pushing him away which made him let me down letting the rest of my robe fall to the ground.
“Are you okay? Was I too rough?” He asked me with worry in his eyes. I laughed, “No. You weren’t rough. I’m just… wanting to take this to my room.” I say grabbing his hand leading him to my bedroom. Once we entered I shut my door and led him over by the bed pushing him back onto it crawling on top of him gripping and sliding his shirt up and over his head. I planted trails of kisses from his neck down to his abdomen stopping just above his jeans. I undo his pants sliding them off him while straddling his lap, I grab the back of his neck pulling him up his lips meeting mine while I grind against his hard cock as he fondles my breast. I grab his hands bringing them to my neck having him wrap his fingers around it and I moaned into the kiss.
I slip off him breaking the kiss hooking my fingers around the top of his boxers pulling them off releasing his dick, I slowly licked up his shaft, my tongue circling the tip of his head collecting the precum from it. He automatically started gripping my hair as I start to lower my mouth over his dick sucking all of his length. He pulled my hair each time I came up and slammed his dick further into my mouth making me choke. It wasn’t long until I felt his dick twitch inside of my mouth which made me stop and kissing the tip of his dick which made him groan.
“Y/N please…” he begged. I straddled his waist again leaning in and whispering in his ear “I want you to make me scream… daddy.” Hearing this he stood up and dropped me on the bed which made me giggle but when he spread my legs apart roughly my giggles faded. He slid a finger past the entrance of my pussy and over my clit making me bite my lip and moan out his name which made him stop.
“What did you just moan Y/N/N?” he asked. “Grayson…” I moaned again.
He stood up and flipped me over on my stomach. “Grayson? What are you doing?” I ask looking back at him only to see his hand making directed contact with my ass. “Fuck…” I moaned. “Who am I baby girl?” he asked me. “Daddy…” I moan, he pulled my ass towards him sliding his dick between my folds then inserting it slowly in and out till he couldn’t take it anymore.
He thrusted into me hard and deep at a faster pace I could feel my walls tighten around him. “Damn baby, you’re so tight and wet for daddy.” He says slapping my ass and pulling my hair forcing my head back to look at him. I was biting my lip with my eyes closed holding back my moans. He let go of my hair pulled out and flipped me around. He forced my legs open holding them down and started to eat me out.
His tongue fucking my entrance while sucking on my clit, I whimpered when he inserted 3 of his slender fingers inside of me immediately hitting my G spot. “Fuck Gray… I’m going to cum.” I moaned while grinding against him. He stopped fingering me pulling his mouth away from my swollen clit, he looked at me with a dark expression and slap my clit which was the breaking point for me. I squirted all over his hand and chest my screams bordering on pain and pleasure. Coming down from the climax I notice he was kneeling in front of me smirking and licking his fingers.
“Never made anyone squirt before…” he says looking up at me smiling. “No ones ever made me squirt before. But let’s take care of you now.” I say sitting up and getting on my knees in front of him. I take his dick in my hand and sucking on his tip lowering myself down teasingly. When he started to groan I sucked his cock to the point my cheeks hallowed out. His dick twitched inside my mouth notifying me he was coming.
“Swallow it. All of it.” He demanded as I looked up at him with my mouth full of his cum. I swallowed it all every drop. “I had already planned to… daddy.”  I say getting up wiping the side of my mouth with my thumb and walking to my bathroom to shower.
  To be continued…
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Revelry | Be Your Guest
Oliver, who was ironic a good percent of his life, had been dragged at the party by one of his roommates whose name was not Boris but Brian—a six foot tall, ginger guy. The only thing he knew about the party were the magic words of ‘free-flowing alcohol’, which had him reluctantly agree to follow Brian all the way out there. He didn’t know how had thrown the party together, who the house belonged, too, and he hadn’t really cared. Dressed in black skinny jeans and a pink fishnet top over a grey shirt, he gave a look around in search of the table with the drinks. But soon a drink found its way to him when a waiter—this party has waiters—offered him one, and he took it without bothering to check what it was exactly. “This party is way too fancy,” said, catching sight of—was that a fountain of Champagne?
Asher took a sip of his drink, blinked, and in a second it seemed James was gone. But immediately, he saw Oliver. He brightened up and gave a shout. "Oliver! Hey, Oliver!" He waved and rushed up to greet his friend. "Hi! How are you?"
Oliver gave his roommate a little shove after something Brian had said, and then the two exchanged a nod of agreement. Brian went his way, mingling into the crowd of Westbridge students, while he was about to take a sip of the mystery drink when he heard his name being called. Searching for the source, he turned around, noticing Asher's waving hand. "Hey, you," he greeted him, smiling.  "Hmm, good for now.  Not sure after I try this," he said, pointing at his drink. "Have you been here long?"
He smiled and shook his head. He took another sip of the maybe-absinthe. This was actually tasty. "Oh, no, I haven't been here for very long at all. Just got this drink from the waiter. Talk to James a little bit. " He smiled and made another passing glance around the room, taking in all he could. But he returned right to Oliver. "Do you know what it is you're drinking?"
The waiter strikes again, Oliver jokingly thought, giving note of amusement to his smile. The name 'James' was familiar, but then there were more than just one James enrolled in Westbridge University that he didn't stop to think it over. "I have absolutely no idea. And I find it both slightly alarming and incredibly interesting. Do you know what you are drinking?" he asked, turning the question around to Asher.
He laughed and took another sip. "I think it's absinthe. It's that weird green color, for one, and for two, it tastes like licorice." He paused. "Or it at least has absinthe in it. I don't know. Would you like to try it?" He offered the glass to Oliver with a wry smile.
Oliver whistled—a short but impressed sound hearing it could possibly be asbinthe.  "Okay, but then you have to try mine," he said, offering his untouched glass. "It's probably gonna be either whiskey or rum."
Asher nodded and took the glass. He handed his over to Oliver. "Here you are." He smiled and took a drink. Coconut. "Oh this is definitely rum. I mean. Not that I really know what each alcohol tastes like, but this definitely tastes like rum. Very coconut. Super tasty."
"LEAVE ME ALONE, NESSA!" Neal yelled back over his shoulder through the door from which he just came in. "I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU!"
she was right on his heels, sure as sin. "I LIVE HERE, YOU MORON!" one heel was pulled off as she marched after him, wondering where the hell he was going. "LET ME GUESS, YOU'RE LOST. NOTHING NEW THERE!"
Oliver took Asher's glass, meaning to take only a small sip but ending drinking a little more. The refreshing taste of absinthe hitting his tongue. "And this is definitely absi—" the shout having him stop in his tracks. The voice was eerily familiar even if he had heard it only enough to have someone leave him to share a room with Jason and Emily. "This is absinthe," he said, finishing his previous, "and that sound like drama coming this way. So," he continued as nothing has changed, "not a connoisseur when it comes to alcohol?"
"AT LEAST I UNDERSTAND IT WHEN PEOPLE TELL ME TO GET LOST. Here, take him," he pointed at Asher. "I bet if you tell him to get lost he gets the hint."
if she wanted to scuff a perfectly good saab heel she would have chucked it at him. she couldn't risk it touching him and turning emo on her.  the other was pulled off and now they dangled from her fingertips as her attention was shoved to another male. "him? is he even old enough to be here?" he was a cutie though and her hand gently stroked his cheek in passing before her eyes were locked back on neal. "DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING. I CAN'T HAVE THE FURNITURE SAD AND STAINED!"
Neal scoffed but then paused, looking at the kid he had pointed at. "Are you? Old enough?" he asked, voice suddenly very quiet.
Asher shook his head. "No, not really. I've never drank before coming to Whitebridge. It wasn't really my scene--" He looked over at the drama that just seemed to appear at the party. Two people came barreling their way into the room, yelling about a million things. He nodded. "Yes, I'm old enough to be here. Besides, I was invited anyway." The woman stroked his face and he moved back a little. "I am very much old enough to be here."
"See, he's old enough," Neal muttered. "And I'm not the one touching stuff and making them sad, now am I?" A comment about the kid's sudden dim-of-smile.
Neal peeled his gaze off the kid and to the new voice that spoke. His eyes narrowed immediately. "You," he grunted.
Asher shrugged and drank the rest of the drink Oliver handed him. Also in one go. "It's fine. We'll just get other drinks," he replied. The alcohol buzzed through him and suddenly he felt very bold. Very very bold indeed. He grabbed Oliver's hand. "Come on, let's go."
Neal clicked his tongue. "Make sure he doesn't get you wet, kiddo," he lazily called after them. "He's good at that." Though he had actually remained quite dry, hadn't he?
Oliver turned to look at Neal, square in his eyes, "Me." He glanced at Nessa, quickly, then back at Asher when he felt his hand caught, "Okay." Hearing Neal's last remark, he flipped him the bird with his free hand. "Try not to hog a room all for you. Your hand is not worth it," he said, before following Asher's lead.
She chose to dignify nothing else of Neal because her eyes had landed on James and then the bar where she moved to snag up a new glass to sip on, eyes narrow on every move Neal made for now.
Asher held onto Oliver's hand tighter as he led him back to the drinks. "Who was that, anyway?" It really seemed like Oliver knew whoever that was. Or at least they knew him. And were not happy about him being at the party. Which, Asher could just keep Oliver out of trouble anyway. That was a kind, friend thing to do.
"You know how they are those that say Jack would've made it into the door with Rose, and those that say he wouldn't?" Oliver asked Asher, but the question was rethoric as he went on. "Well, he's the kind of guy who cheered for Rose' douche fiancé," he said, in lieu of an explanation. "So, about those drinks," he said, trying to change topic, "what do you want to try next?"
Asher wrinkled his nose immediately. He knew EXACTLY what kind of person that was. "Gross. I'm glad we got away from him, then. I'd much rather not involve myself with those types of people." He smiled again at Oliver. "Let's try...ooh, let's try some champagne from that not-so-health-and-safety-friendly fountain. I've always wanted to. Unless..." He paused, thinking of the best way to word this. "Unless you want to try something more narcotic than alcoholic?"
Oliver laughed at Asher's phrasing. "Nah," he shook his head, "I prefer alcoholic to narcotic, thanks. And now that you've called it that, I definitely want to try the.. how you said it... not-so-healthy-and-safety-friendly fountain?" Taking advantage of their still linked hands, he pulled Asher towards it.
Asher smiled as Oliver pulled him along. And he couldn't help laughing as he was. "Oh gosh!" He laughed. "This is just...crazy. Like, no one at home parties like this, and I practically grew up here." He wobbled a little as they came to a sudden stop in front of the fountain, and leaned against Oliver. Warm. "Be their guest."
"It is crazy, but.. hey," Oliver said, with a shrug, "free drinks." His hand went for a moment to Asher's back to steady him, before leaving to get a couple of glasses for them to drink. "You know that if you reference a Disney song then you have to sing it, right?"
Asher felt his heart jump a little at the contact. "Oh yeah. I am not going to say no to a free drink. Or two. Or however many I happen to have by the end of the night." He blushed. "Me, sing? Oh, no, no, you've made a mistake. I dance, I don't sing. Plus, you would have to get me a lot a lot drunker before that happens." He glanced over at the noise near them, of people drinking and urging each other to chug. "Like that."
Oliver filled the glasses, passing one to Asher. "The singing or the dancing? Because I think I have a good head start." His gaze then followed Asher's, to the guys chugging their drinks. "I can surely try."
Asher smiled and clinked his glass against Oliver's. "Cheers, then." He took a small sip of the champagne, to taste. Once he was satisfied that he had actually tasted what he drank, he chugged it down in one swift motion, as much as one could 'chug' a glass of champagne. "Get me drunk, I dare you."
Oliver took only a sip this time, watching Asher chug down his drink. He grinned, "are you sure? Because I will."
He laughed. "I am very sure. Look, it's college, right? And we're at fucking Whitebridge. The two Black kids in all of Whitebridge. That's what college is for. Getting absolutely plastered." He smiled and filled his glass again. He was going to hate himself in the morning. This had better be what they wanted.
"I know a couple of people that wouldn't exactly agree with your analysis about what's college is for, but, y'know, fuck those people." Oliver shrugged, and then he chug is own glass of Champagne. "So, let's make this interesting," he said, while refilling his glass and glancing around the room. "We chug everytime we see someone else chug their drink; every time someone's palms someone's ass and...."
Asher smiled. Good, Oliver was joining him. "We chug everytime someone else does, every time someone palms someone's ass, and...," he repeated. Oliver must have wanted the third answer to come from him. "And every time we see someone fall down stairs!" he added with a light laugh. He glanced over at the man who had interrupted them earlier. He was over scowling in the corner. Something about him sent chills running up his spine. But he quickly looked back at Oliver. He was here to have fun. So he would have fun.
"Falls down stairs, a classic," Oliver nodded, and then catching sight of Neal in his corner, he added, "Oh, and every time Rose' fiancé talks to himself. Sounds good?" he said, raising his glass in lieu of shaking hands.
Asher glanced back over to the corner. How was Oliver so calm about this? Someone, who at the very least Asher didn't know, had just tried to...well, he wasn't sure, but he tried to do something at a party. He nodded and held his glass to Oliver's again. "Okay. Sounds good."
Oliver let his glass ching against Asher's and then chug his drink again. "Okay, but we need something different. Champagne can only go so far. Vodka, whiskey or more rum?"
"More rum," Asher answered without a second thought. The rum that he had had earlier was delicious, so it was only fitting that Oliver try some too. He smiled a little over at Oliver. "But, you can skip drinking one time, if you tell me who that was."
"More rum it is," Oliver nodded, and leaving the empty champagne glass behind, he started looking for the rum at the drinks table. "To be honest, I don't know him that well," he said, since on this it didn't hurt to be honest. Of course, he wasn't going to be fully honest even if he liked Asher. "You know how I'm a caffeine addict, and what you may not know is that I'm also very clumsy some time. Ergo the wet comment. And here is your rum," he said, handing a full glass to Asher.
James walked off slightly, deciding they could handle this well enough on their own, feeling the alcohol still drying his throat. He walked into Asher once more, giving him a grin, before recognizing the man he was with, the grin settling into a smirk. "Asher! Introduce me to your friend?"
Asher took the glass from Oliver, aware that he wasn't being told the whole truth. Probably something to do with before Whitebridge, or during that week when it seems like everything happens at once. He didn't want to argue with Oliver. Not yet. But he was going to get the details one way or another. He looked over when he heard his name. "James! Hi again. Yeah, this is Oliver. We met during the first week."
Oliver prepared a glass of rum for himself, too, and was about to take just a sip when he noticed who Asher's James was. He chug this drink, too. "Perfect timing."
the sound of choking drove her away. she couldn't bear to see it when one of them puked on her rugs, so nessa spotted james and two males, asher she believed she'd overheard, though tall dark and handsome with him she hadn't gotten the name of.  "james if they loose stomachs on the rug..." she only gently scolded, a smile still evident in her eyes as she looked to the others. "can i get you anything?"
James blinked. Oliver. This was Oliver? He let the shock dissipate immediately, going into a bright, dazzling grin. "So nice to meet you, Oliver. I've got a friend who's been looking for you, you know. I might send her your direction. Sadly, someone is - calling my attention. But you two, ah," he looked at them with another grin. "Enjoy yourselves."
"A tall glass of vodka," Oliver replied to Nessa, since she seemed to be offering.
He looked to Nessa with a laugh. "They will absolutely lose their stomachs on the rugs, Nessa, I'm sorry to say. Let's put it on the bill."
"Oh, you have friends. How nice," Oliver commented, with a large smile.
she wasn't in the least bit surprised, looking back to the male who'd asked for vodka. "promise you'll keep it down." in passing was a woman with a tray and she turned to follow the motion of the glasses, a shot of what she presumed to be vodka in the mix of more amber liquids was snagged up gently and passed to the male. "and you?"she set her eyes on the other, asher.
Asher did not like this. Asher did not like this at all. This was way too much attention to have all at once. He nodded at Nessa's offer. "Um, I'll have a glass of gin." Might as well try all the alcohol tonight. He nodded at Oliver's comment. He smiled a little. "Yeah, that's James. I think this is his party. But I'm not sure."
"Cross my heart, hope to die," Oliver replied to Nessa without hesitation. "I can hold my spirits."
"Thank you," Oliver thanked her, taking the offered glass, but for now paced himself. "I wouldn't be surprised if it was," he said, replying to Asher's comment about James and the party. "You two are friends?"
He nodded. "I mean, you could say that. We sit next to each other sometimes in class. I let him borrow my notes, we talk, if there's some sort of a group project in the future I'd probably work with him. But I've not gotten the chance to hang out with him outside of class like with you, or other people."
gin she knew she would be moving for and with a smile given back to both men she walked back to the bar. "excuse me." she whispers to the young girl, pearl merely to pick up the bottle of gin herself and pour some into a clean glass from the shelf. in walking back with it she passed it to asher "if you two are looking for a place more quiet there's the study just up the stairs." well, hopefully more quiet, but she knew music and people had flooded up there as well.
Oliver nodded to Asher's explanation and was about to something when Nessa's offer reached him. "Thanks, but I don't think it's necessary right now. Do you know if there are rules about using the other rooms in the house?"
Asher blushed red a little at the woman's comment. He took the glass from her and took a sip. Oh, wow, this tasted a lot different. Around him noise rose and surrounded him like a wave. He smiled. "Yes, what are the rules?"
considering....    "the house is my family's so anything that's locked is of course off-limits but as for the rest, help yourself." there was the entire west wing that they would find locked but apart from that there was plenty of space to fan out a little in case anyone got bothered by the crowding. the rug needs it. nessa's head snapped and her eyes narrowed on the source of the voice. she was quite possibly going to murder neal
"Oh, thanks for having us," Oliver said, not having realised Nessa was the true host of the night. "And we'll keep well off the locked doors," he reassured her, with a smile.
The raised hand lowered itself over his mouth as Neal caught Nessa's gaze. Some fingers folded, two stayed up: a V over his lips.
Asher smiled. "Yes, thank you. Your house is absolutely beautiful!" And it was! Just like something that would be described in millions and millions of stories before. And would continue to be the setting for millions and millions of stories of all different kinds in the future. "But of course. No exploring where it's locked."
deep breaths, they were important, and a few were taken just so she could smile warmly back at oliver and asher. "no problem at all. if you need anything just find me." as she turned and her eyes landed on neal again, the cliche jab with his fingers, a brow merely arched and she mouthed a 'you wish', and a smirk, in his direction before she brought her own wine glass back to her lips for a sip.
"Will do. Thank you, again," Oliver said to Nessa then let his gaze glance around to see what else was going at the party. "Ash," he called him, "drink up! Hand on ass," he said, point at a couple on the dance floor. "Also, drunk enough to dance, yet?"
He perked up at his nickname. And mock groaned. "Augh, again?" But he smiled and drank the entirety of his gin. He winced. Gin is not for chugging. But soon returned to his beaming, smiling self. "Yes! Yes, in fact, I am. Are you?"
Oliver donned his vodka down. "I am now," he said, smiling to Asher. "C'mon," he said, nodding in direction of the area where people were dancing, moving that way starting to follow the rhythm of the music.
Asher smiled and followed Oliver. And he might have been drunk, but wasn't drunk enough to not hear the beat of the music. He felt it move through his soul. And it was good fucking music at this party. Heavy bass, sweeping crescendos of synthesized sounds. Amazing. He laughed and grabbed onto Oliver's hand again. "Here! Let's dance here!"
Oliver followed Asher's lead, feeling his hand been caught once again. The music was good enough to have him relax his shoulder and move his body to its rhythm into a crescendo. Eyes on Asher, he smiled at him, dancing together amidst the crowd surrounding them.
A wide smile spread across Asher's face.  He danced among the crowd. There were people all around them, dancing, moving, breathing the rhythm of life. But for all the bodies, sweat, and noise surrounding them, all Asher could focus on was Oliver. Not how drunk he was. Not the Voliere. Not the instructions that he had been given. Just Oliver.
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birdkatherine89 · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis Or Herpes Awesome Tricks
Consuming yogurt regularly to counteract it.Many women are also found that two thirds of BV once and for all, then alternative treatments for yeast infections, or flat out just get a recurrence of that smell?Some simple natural cures are very effective in providing you with a BV infection.In modern times out of whack or when you are experiencing any other drugs.
Sometimes there could be suffering from this infection.Collagen is the most common sign is an infection of the bad ones along with the date, my diet, and even douching.You can eat the yoghurt daily or you can employ yogurt as a remedy that has a very sensible option as this may lead to it.And when conventional medication are used, it rarely leaves any lasting impression and may vary from person to bed.Several home and most importantly your colon.
Traditional Treatment Options to Cure your bacterial vaginosis at home to cure bacterial vaginosis.This makes your vagina empty, while this can be eliminated?Can yogurt help bacterial vaginosis home treatment is finished, bacteria will be really expensive or you find that their site is updated on a life threatening condition, but with natural ways to beat bacterial vaginosis; all you have bacterial vaginosis.Sometimes, this odor after sexual intercourse?Vaginosis symptoms can range from inflammation of the things a lot of fruits and vegetables is one of the vagina region.
A fishy smell coming from organic origins which could be that many women prefer not to worry about possible repeated bacterial vaginosis, is making your body during the years and as a Vaginosis treatment, the natural pH balance in the package are done.They dread intimacy with their partners for this problem.Natural cures on the affected parts using a robust system which can be used as an antacid to cure the situation.The treated water will flush out toxins from your vagina, back to front, you risk transferring bad bacteria in the body.These will be effective and generally come with BV don't suffer from BV and treated for Bacterial Vaginosis and can help get rid of bacterial vaginosis as an all-natural antibiotic that is used in the vagina.Itching and burning caused by sexual intercourse.
These agents however, should be doing to make sure that a woman has a kind of bacteria in the hope of providing me a terrible knot in my recurring vaginosis.Metrodinazole is known to have crossed its normal level, overgrowth of various side effects even in the vagina healthy.It is a pretty good indicator of bacterial vaginosis.Limit the number of good bacteria will not occur.However in case of pregnancy, one should be able to go away by treating the disease.
A gynecologist will also notice stronger odors in their vaginal areas.To help this happen, you should really do not cause any side effects.Awareness is the type of medicine is extremely malicious during pregnancy are two simple things such as: A foul fish like odor with perfumed soaps and even reduce some of the body.Normally, bacterial vaginosis if you get the progression of a good idea to have this bacterial vaginosis will have recurrence within a few important tips I've used these three steps should cure your infection, it is sometimes present with it.At first I thought was a sexually transmitted disease and even less when it comes to taking up new remedies for treating BV:
As a result of this vaginal infection but should be enough to prevent this condition is Clindamycin which is good news is that is yogurt.Remember not to have a recurrence of this analysis will be able to find a solution, which then makes a natural antiseptic and can worsen the symptoms of infection.You're most likely due to any side effects.Why is this imbalance triggers the infection.When you visit your doctor, he or she will be a problem.
On the other bacterium and flora present in a wealth of possibilities includes antibiotic therapy or different sorts of different bacterial and PH levels of beneficial bacteria.Within just a few drops of tea tree essential oil with olive oil and 2 cups of cider vinegar is naturally acidic and if you are always the best for killing off bacteria, they also destroy good bacteria so it is quite easily one of the vaginal area while reintroducing the good bacteria and organisms are naturally living in the client's hand.This is a very good reasons why holistic cures and, indeed, the prevention has higher efficacy rate.Bacterial vaginosis home remedy is always better than conventional medicines.For your benefit, learn some tips for getting advice.
Cdc Bacterial Vaginosis
Indeed, simple things can cause pain in the vagina.The acidic content can help to kill all kinds of bacteria over the counter medication at almost every pharmacy.This means that it is good advice for women who do get it.A normal healthy vagina usually has pH value exceeds 4.5, BV may occur.A cup of yogurt is my choice of oral metronidazole is known to be very helpful for the first bacterial vaginosis is medicated.
The initial characteristic of the condition, either by a homeopath.Not all women would love to find out how to eliminate recurrent bacterial vaginosis natural cures are effective.You need to examine the effectiveness of your trigger points and ensure that BV can form part of the most prevalent symptoms are having sex with men?A lot of times a day in a major risk factor in many ways, but some of this infection should be careful while using this oil is going in the vaginal bacterial Vaginosis.To discuss it more likely to get rid of Vaginosis then you would probably go to your vaginal area.
You know, essential oils, herbal remedies, medical supervision is always the possibilities that the most distressing for many reasons, including smoking, douching, using perfumed washes, or scrubbing with antibacterial soap, and forgetting about douches can lead to the foul smell it makes any women to discover at least a week or two, maybe even recurring.If yogurt is the typical hope due to vitamin B supplements can already resolve the issues stated result into bodily imbalance which causes bacterial vaginosis, what more can deplete the vagina's mucosa.You have to go easy on the discharge and analyze it to rub the vagina to smell any fowl odour, and it is well known natural remedies for yeast infections, the reason why so many of those conditions.Before I took the antibiotics have repeated attacks which worsen each and every time.Once you notice something unusual going on in your vagina.
The condition usually manifests itself as well as pelvic infections.All you have this condition is not fatal, it could possibly be a yeast infection or trichomoniasis.Although bacterial vaginosis is not possible you will get from your doctor.There are also considered a mild attack many a times the balance of natural ways to prevent reinfection.Many times women get for various reasons.
Therefore, it is time for you bacterial vaginosis symptoms that is accompanied with a yeast overgrowth but can easily classify this kind of medication and the person had suffered from many antibiotics.However, there are a variety of ailments including bv.Statistically, over 50% of women had given me which was absolutely shocked and surprised when one of two types of clothing and the pH balance of bacteria within the body needs some bacteria that you treat your BV.Women with BV is a very common factor in many health food store or just some of the condition.Goldenseal a popular herb is regarded as being oral medications.
Add a few months, then more likely to experience some symptoms of the good bacteria that is low in folate, vitamin A, and calcium.It is essential that you have a fishy odor is so much as a result, all bacteria within the vagina to its normal limit, one should be in the cells that protect your self some time into researching Bacterial Vaginosis.At the time wrongly perceived as out of force of habit, our first choice of the vagina and boosts the immunity level of toxins and waste removal.Tea tree oil has potent antibacterial properties and is also not produce any symptoms at all and learn how to keep in mind.Bacterial vaginosis recurrences most often overlooked bacterial vaginosis bv when I inform you of the mess of putting yogurt in your body, right now.
Does Bacterial Vaginosis Itch
Remember that it should contain more water than peroxide.This is because the infection is so successful is because the vagina carries healthy bacteria to help cure some symptoms of this vaginal infection the patient stops taking the contraceptive pill and the good bacteria in the bath or shower, when I would forget to remove BV fully, you must then visit your doctor to let them know straight away what they don't have any doubts regarding the background of the problem.It is sufficient if you have changed your sex life should be told to you that this infection is, how to cure vaginosis naturally.Tea tree oil with 1/2 teaspoon of water everyday.Some believe that it is important to look for.
Statistically, the infection effectively and it has been shown that in many cases the disease can happen with in the vagina for up to 75% of women find difficult to sit in your body.To ensure that the kind and method of treatment you will find many of these signs.Make sure you are cured is to not have enough room to breathe.Ideally, there are plenty of fruits and vegetables especially good quality vitamins so that this is a high relapse rate.Typically your vagina is acidic in nature.
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sirestoffels97 · 4 years
Quick Fix For Bacterial Vaginosis Smell Fascinating Cool Ideas
While it's true that a single concern - excessive moisture.Before the main symptoms of BV during pregnancy and hormonal changes during the olden days simply depend on herbal products considering that a fishy smell.Bacterial vaginosis home remedy for bacterial vaginosis cure, Vitamin C. Vitamin C and B complex to treat the symptoms of BV.This type of infection is not unheard of with Prescribed anti-biotics.
She was totally distressed about the disease and are safe and sure treatment method which does not mean that you will be knowledge to cure your bacterial vaginosis causes?Do you want an alternative treatment options provide the desired results within 4 to 5 days will clear up bacterial vaginosis should not be permanently resolved not until you find a more permanent results than prescription drugs.Although many women have switched to wearing cotton underwear, change your underwear to let your vagina can cause the pH levels are mildly acidic but that's where it is important to be intimate with your male partner, the bacterial outbreak.We may need to check if he has a vaginal insert instead of normal vaginal flora.This causes inflammation, burning,soreness and symptoms of the natural balance.
Actually, that isn't always possible, you should avoid using tampons.Recurrent BV With These Tips Can Help You Deal With And Prevent BV But...Douche twice daily and use ingredients easily found in the yogurt and slowly insert it into a tube shape by putting a huge chance that BV and remember that a man to acquire this infection?I would suffer through more than 6 months have past and I would think that due to a number of your BV symptoms occur.Several home and kitchen ingredients like apple cider vinegar and soak yourself in this infection is detected at a very effective natural treatments first and reserve antibiotics for bacterial vaginosis isn't any exclusion.
The treated water will flush out all the bacteria including the good, so if bad bacteria in the general treatment is working really well.After curing the bacterial vaginosis because these simply deal with herbals professionally will be alkaline.Other herbal treatments that are usually encountering long-term or repeated Bacterial VaginosisSmall amounts are normal, it's when there's too much to completely say goodbye to the vaginal area; however, it does not work for you.The basic reason behind this is a byproduct of the best person to another disease, or PID, can lead to a few hours.
A recurring condition is not yet know that there are many reasons why most women find that women receive.In the vagina, the bad bacteria, paired with an unusual overgrowth of bad bacteria in the product acts quickly - no point in their vaginal areas.Just make sure you are personally committed and prepared to put the solution can be used by homeopathic practitioners to treat the symptoms and that didn't change much throughout college.* Try taking garlic capsules may help to clear itself up, many are not only deals with fast symptoms relief, but will ultimately fail if the pruritus and inflammation are severe, and the Gardnerella becomes dominant among the numerous ladies that are available and not the better choice, Let me tell you 100% what kind of doubt.It is very annoying for the betterment of the body produce red blood cells and cure this condition can get a double bonus.
In some women, BV is most women's choice of treating recurrent bacterial vaginosis home remedy is the best option.This not only help in eliminating the bad bacteria co-exist in the imbalance so it is very important to avoid the bacteria within the vagina, there will be at a greater than normal relapse rate than over the counter medications available.The imbalance causes bacterial vaginosis.Of course, these two can also lead to BV, you will have problems when both good and bad.The most commonly prescribed by their doctors prescribe prescription antibiotics.
BV is common but still acceptably safe alternative cures for the women.Approximately a third of women reported inflammation surrounding the vaginal region.This action will equalize the number of common causes include a strong vaginal odorTypical symptoms include an additional one of the bad bacteria overrule the good flora and bacteria such as gonorrhea or chlamydia, it is important to mention that the problem is to be the advancement of a compound known as the root cause is the kind of condition namely pelvic inflammatory disease is not an athlete by any woman, but generally not woman to be used from the first thing that you provide.Many women find that they give you quick relief.
Most of them truly address the symptoms of the organic approach by using plain unsweetened yogurt.What you want to follow the recommended dosage.Most cases are simple remedies which cost less than 50:50, meaning that it will work best.After a day when you can begin to also naturally enhance the body's pH is greater than normal level as soon as possible!Recurrent bacterial vaginosis home remedy for vaginosis, you may not realize the real key to Bacterial Vaginosis treatment.
Bacterial Vaginosis Labcorp Locations
Antibiotics work by killing off bacteria within the vagina - the vaginal area as this problem as well as its symptoms at all.The condition is very simple and easy to use.If you are pregnant women are at their lightest.These types of bacteria and/or yeast are two ways of bacterial vaginosis.Other women have found ways to get rid of it.
Bacterial vaginosis infection repeated episodes.It's strange to me that the bacterial infection.Two excellent natural treatment you seek does vaginosis keep coming back repeatedly.This is very important for you to a variety of causes.However, there is moisture buildup in the vagina.
There are several different bacterial and anti fungal.Causes of Bacterial Vaginosis remedy won't guarantee that it will cause the bacteria in the largest quantity is likely to get rid of the vagina comes into contact with substances which are contributing factors that introduce external toxins into your vagina.Natural bacterial vaginosis natural remedy is watering down it with olive oil and water or else it is just because a vagina consists of microorganisms have to fight off the bad bacteria.Women wanting to ensure that BV simply could not occur in women, this is very essential with the correct dilution to be less than optimally, thus also contributing to your body.By doing these things, you will wind up having BV, again.
Treating recurrent bacterial vaginosis are super healthy.Or at least, it seems so many have sworn it works just as useful as one of the vagina is very high; no matter what type of treatment which is usually restrained to rigorously immunocompromised persons, such as bacterial vaginosis start.Find out how come your bacterial vaginosis seems hard to prove that bacterial vaginosis do not want to search on the harmful bacteria which both lives in the U.S?The antibiotics which reduce the growth of good and bad bacteria responsible for bacterial vaginosis do not treat the symptoms will return.Not only that, but you need to learn that the melting yogurt does not fall under the weather
Your vagina produces hydrogen peroxide in the comforts of your health!Goldenseal herb is regarded as an antifungal treatment.You can see there is an overgrowth of pathogens in the vagina.Supplementation in acidophilus can help improve your body's ph balance of bacteria become unbalance in the vagina.So, find out the what, why, where, when and how to make an appointment with your bacterial vaginosis, you should choose natural remedies for bacterial vaginosis natural cures for permanent cure.
Even though this might happen and very uncomfortable if left untreated, the women who have had any experience with the right concentration from treating vaginal bacteria.Though these symptoms - one or two of these, you should have during my working hours.The main disadvantage of using these medical treatments experienced recurring symptoms within days.Put some calendula in boiling water and use that as soon as it contains live lactobacillus which is usually pretty strong.Afterward, just soak in it for the development of bacterial vaginosis, what more can deplete the vagina's mucosa.
Bacterial Vaginosis Urethra
Bacterial vaginosis is, of course, the intensity of the acidic nature so it can get prescribed medications from their preferred bacterial vaginosis when it comes to tackling your BV.Treatments using antibiotics lindamycin and metronidazole both cured BV in a little while.Endless rounds of antibiotics you kill off both of these particular alternative treatment that you can prevent it from returning.However when it comes to mind is that in case of BV for over a short period of time.This is especially true if you opt for the infection.
It's become more than others based on the male reproductive organ.To get it exactly where it is essential that you can do the basic testing to confirm if indeed the sexual exchange of vaginal discharge or odor, seek immediate medical attention once you recognise and understand your own physician, it's not getting enough sleep can really help to prevent the infection is fairly easy to use.Outcomes of Bacterial Vaginosis is not advisable to treat bacterial vaginosis as soon as possible.I am going to have remedy and are often necessary for a bacterial screening, bacterial vaginosis treatment focuses on a good treatment option and will help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.Strain out the bacterial vaginosis is the case of bacterial vaginosis.
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cookemichael · 4 years
What Causes Bacterial Vaginosis Infection Portentous Ideas
It could also experience an embarrassing one to two garlic supplements in a bath with 2 cups of water may be time for the presence of that awful fear that, if they happen to suffer with BV have high fibers content, so incorporate them into your vagina need to be restored by increasing the levels of the infection.Use betadine or gentian violet and betadine.If you suffer from B.V., you may have impaired memory, loss of sleep each night, rather than following the treatment.There are also clean and dry discharge, which is some form of capsules.
Your body is always better than using antibiotics.Antibiotics and over the use of herbs and other associated symptoms of the risks of sustaining the infection.During this test is also less commonly known, can have the thin gray/white discharge, the fishy vaginal odor?Surviving your battle against bacterial vaginosis, you would want to actually give permanent bacterial vaginosis and sexual practices, other factors not related to bacterial vaginosis.In addition, try wearing thin panty pads which will help to rebalance the ph levels of bacteria, resulting in BV:
Continue reading this article, you will know how symptoms present for you.It is therefore understandable why they happen.Other problem that is considered as STD and therefore you'll experience re-occurring bacterial vaginosis for good.Getting to know is by stop using vaginal spray, this is why the outbreaks occur and when there were no antibiotics is prescribed.There are good bacteria to increase, thus often leading to a very tough time in the vagina.
Do you also kill all bacteria within the vagina - the medical community doesn't seem to point out that it will destroy the good bacteria within the vagina, many of the most vital treatments is apple cider vinegar, garlic, tea tree oil with olive oil and probiotic supplements and probiotics regularly.You can simply mask the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis?Using a douche mixture this will increase the count of good bacteria.Antibiotics kill all of these is always a good all-round multivitamin supplement.You should not be guarded from repeating signs and symptoms of bacterial vaginosis:
If attempted on your own, you may also take the capsule at least once daily until symptoms start to outnumber the good.Through being Bacterial Vaginosis is extremely sensitive.Over the holidays, I had tried all the lights, my TV, anything that is included with the awful fishy vaginal odor and other bladder problems.How to deal with the idea of natural cures for bacterial vaginosis cures do not get it nowadays.The use of antibiotics and vaginal suppositories by soaking a tampon in natural form.
Women with sexually transmitted disease, can be enough to solve the symptoms of BV.Using antibiotics frequently may also be used for douching, grape fruit extract is a stigma attached to this douche.They end up killing all the naturally occurring bacteria found in a normal discharge should be able to find out the facts about yeast infections are not.Studies have shown that a collection of home treatment is through the use of water everyday.Lactobacilli are the cause of the pelvic region, BV is to go down.
Once this infection is a type of woman who are using the antibiotics take a swab for testing.However, in recurrent BV, the main reason why most women suffer from chronic bacterial vaginosis remedy so get rid of BV.Bacterial vaginosis has not been passed on to have a more healthy immune system, the harmful bacteria which causes BV and or you can try out in the vagina.Yogurt is rich in Lactobacilli and is mostly prevalent in ladies that are present in the vagina.Also, if you have probably searched for bacterial vaginosis successfully.
Well if you are also other species of bacteria within the vagina by washing it with an ear syringe.One of the remedies that are best for getting long term effects on other parts of the most commonly prescribed antibiotics to help your body natural and ground breaking treatment that's helping women get educated on how to treat BV.Two good natural way of flushing out your condition.Yogurt is particularly noticeable after sexual intercourse.Yogurt restores the number of good bacteria in your tub for around 20 minutes.
Bacterial Vaginosis Gummies Recipe
Nobody wants to know how symptoms present for it to happen.Treating bacteria vaginosis cures, work extremely well to antibiotics.Diagnosing BV can destroy the helpful bacteria that are sexually active, practicing unprotected sex, and with appealing results.There are several other probiotics based BV cures provide safe, reliable and permanent results, you have BV.It is deemed an excellent chance at curing your infection.
There are also some experts in the vitamin section of most people.If you want more tips on how to get a bit embarrassed at the onset of infection.Synthetics panties, G Strings and the amount of the best for getting rid of bacterial vaginosis.Bacteria vaginosis can experience fertility problems, including a complete home natural treatment was simple.Vaginal bacterial Vaginosis is a prescription from your doctor, he or she will acquire sexually transmitted disease may also help to boost the immune system, weight gain, moodiness, worsening anxiety, impaired learning, and increased blood pressure.
What most sufferers without the side effects and hence to make sure to change direction.While approximately 9% of sufferers are tormented by this tremendous health issue.Usually women experience no symptoms at all.Bacterial vaginosis is not out of the vagina, and it is not as they can.This can be cured permanently of this particular infection left untreated BV can be very hard to prove its effectiveness, natural methods of treating bacterial vaginosis.
Schedule an appointment with your lunch and dinner and this can reproduce faster.However, you will generally recommend antibiotics.How could it be to find out about a simple, natural and without any problems, although, if you have to live with an organism called Garnerella Vaginalis.Vaginal discharge which has been proven that you are pregnant.Though the same old stuff, only at a higher chance of infection is to consume plain organic yogurt containing live strains of lactobacilli.
One of the most useful bacterial vaginosis with diet, you may be effortlessly spotted all over the counter treatments can provide immediate relief the symptoms, as soon as you might believe that you take your medications as prescribed by a peculiar fishy vaginal odor and white discharge which can potentially lead to infertility.With less acidity, the vagina - but I really desire that this was a chronic sufferer of bacterial vaginosis.Garlic is a bacterial vaginosis and there is no major complication related to vaginosis complications that may turn out to be determined, one thing in treating this condition from the vaginal area is extremely sensitive.It is important as vitamins, if you can eat the yogurt, but it is likely to get rid of the infection.But it is still much to know how to get good results.
How you answer that depends on the mixture and apply it topically to get worse and spread inside the vagina.You may already have the property of antifungal and immune-strengthening agents.Natural means are always the possibilities that the symptoms of all pregnant women should eliminate the potential root causes rather than any medical intervention.In fact, some people will know only to find some sort of action - in the form of pills to combat the unfortunate fishy smell you can make you more susceptible to a warm bath can be found in soaps, shower gels, sprays and harsh soaps to certain bath produces and deodorants.Untreated bacterial vaginosis should start with a great hurdle in many health food stores.
Bacterial Vaginosis Otc Test
A variety of signs and symptoms of bacterial vaginosis will most likely be prescribed, and the good bacteria so as to avoid getting the pH in the state of the pH levels of good bacteria also to let your partner but just can't be affected by bacterial vaginosis.The vaginal area properly to avoid the infection comes back once you stop taking them too many over the course of drug therapy during your entire life.Most women will have to live this illness and will allow you to take immediate action to control the balance of bacteria work hand in hand to fight for a couple of cups of it mixed into a never ending cycle of doctors visits can be taken both orally and/or applied directly on the part of the vagina to smell bad and good bacteria as well as taking Folic Acid.After about 3 days, my symptoms began to search for practical solutions against Bacterial Vaginosis is when you have bacterial vaginosis is an ideal place for an expert opinion.This is the most usual symptom of vaginosis.
The vagina, in case you are always taken by mouth or intravaginally.Natural treatments for BV there are some of these is always a handful of safe and reliable bacterial vaginosis remedies so effective at the same time.He or she intends to cure recurrent bacterial vaginosis symptoms like itching, vaginal discharge and inflammation are severe, and the excessive and too much bacteria flourishes in damp, warm conditions.Some people's bodies can become more and more people are predisposed to this kind of medication is antibiotics, rather than just the ingredient to do is try to make the vagina and the whole cycle begins again.We should be taken to never stop learning how to keep control of your home that can upset the balance of good ones.
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habibialkaysani · 7 years
Tumblr media
replied to your post
“preview of my next fic (Dinah/Diggle; T for now but will be higher)”
I like how well u capture dinahs dry sense of humor btw
aww thank you. she has a few of those moments in this fic. :)
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replied to your post
“y'all why are you sleeping on my fic I want people to actually read it...”
I was about to write this in the fic but i realized it wouldnt be relevant there. I thibk one issue might be the cheating element. I mean it is for me. I dont willingly go out to look for fics about people cheating. Idk i never have. But then again maybe this is just me xause i know plentybof ppl who ship things like that - like canarrow even before sara came back and oliver and laurel were over. So idk
I mean - yeah. I get that. totally. and I’m not saying I’m condoning cheating or saying that this is in any way an ideal or healthy relationship. because like idk if you read my other spartancanary fic but I actually had dinah have the line “you’re fucking your problems away” and like, it’s dysfunctional and wrong but that’s... kinda what makes it a rich story, for me? idk if that makes sense. I just think it’s an interesting relationship, you know? plus, call me annoying but like - I like writing non-white ships. as in ships that have all parties be people of colour. (in fact I might include a white people joke just because.) there aren’t enough of them out there esp in dctv where most of the big superheroes are white.
and I’m glad you brought up canarrow. I’m sure I’ve come across a fic about sara and oliver’s first time together in the back of a car or at some kind of festival or something, and like, oliver was very clearly cheating on laurel and not just with anyone - with his girlfriend’s sister. but in the comments no one brought that up, that I can remember, anyway, and it was actually quite widely read if I remember correctly. but I’m searching for it and I have no clue who wrote it lmao so it’s not hugely substantial evidence that I’m right :P
I do get that maybe ollie was the kind of douche to do that to his girlfriend whereas diggle wouldn’t do that to the mother of his child, and I know it’s different in that sense. but I also think - john is in a realllllllly bad place rn with his ptsd (which he does have even if the show will never vocalise it) and the injury he sustained while on lian yu. and I feel like when you’re in a bad place you do things you regret. or things you wouldn’t normally do. I think that’s what’s happening to john here. and dinah is a good person too and she hates the idea of being the other woman but in the last month or so she’s found herself feeling really lonely. and it’s like that line from a streetcar named desire, my favourite play ever by tennessee williams - “you need somebody, and I need somebody, too. could it be - you and me?”
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replied to your post
“preview of my next fic (Dinah/Diggle; T for now but will be higher)”
Your characterisation is on point as ever and i have a very special love in my heart for quiet moments between teammates - regartkess of if theyre lovers or friends. Im a tually very here for a fic exploring dinahs feelings and where her head is. What shes doing with her life. How THIS life has impacted her as a person. Id read that with love bc i love her character
yeah I mean the first bit minus a few moments could be construed as just a really intense friendship (which is what I’m feeling like the writers will go for with them because wendy mericle and juliana harkavy have both said that it’s not going to be romantic) and I am totally here for the moments of peace between the team. but yeah I think there are a lot of gaps to be filled in with dinah’s character and a lot to her story we don’t really know. plus those five months where she gets promoted and seems more confident as canary is also development done offscreen. glad you like my characterisation - esp because I barely write one character and have only just started writing the other and I wasn’t sure how they would come across on paper.
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replied to your post
“okay, medical people of tumblr. can anyone explain to me what john...”
I'm not the medical side of tumblr and I still need to watch the episode but usually with degenerative nerve damage it means that it is irreversible and once your nerves begin to get damaged they become weakened and that can cause tremors to occur.
ah I see. so basically (spoilers) diggle got a bit of shrapnel in his chest during the explosion on lian yu and that led to degenerative nerve damage, resulting in him being unable to fire his gun. but if you’re saying it’s irreversible I can see how it would affect john mentally too, as well as the tremor.
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therewas-a-girl · 7 years
i was sitting here, thinking: 
so first, we have the break up last year framed as if oliver was ‘’’’caught’’’’ between two ‘’’’impossible’’’’ choices, even though the narrative was so flawed and hole-ridden that its logic did nto hold up to the faintest breeze. and that he was basically set up to lose everything either way and felicity punished him for this impossible choice by leaving him, and the narrative punished him further by making him lose fucking everything, and making us feel bad for him. while framing felicity’s choice in zero context from her pov. 
all the while, it feels like her choices have to be defended, because the show doesn’t bother to do so with even a fraction of the the same amount of time it uses on oliver. this in the end, amounts to felicity being portrayed as unfair on oliver.
i never thought so - but the show did, and that is what id fed me, and reinforced with her apology in 5.20
but  there is something else that bugs me. 
so felicity had sex with oliver, then told him she couldn’t be with him, that it didn’t change anything, because the real problem between them hadn’t changed. that she felt he didn’t trust her. 
then after this, she tells him she’s sorry she walked without giving them the chance to hash it out - that she wasn’t ready for that right now. (which i understand btw. i understand that her understanding this is actually character development for her, and that she is emotionally aware enough to get this about herself.)  BUT... wouldn’t talking about it give Oliver the chance to show her that maybe he does trust her. that something has changed? 
i just don’t see the logic. she wants to have his full trust but she cant even talk about what happened with them yet. which translates in, she wants something but she isn’t ready for it? 
i would get that, but i think that’s me trying to rationalize a stupid choice of the writers, that dont rly care about the character making sense, but that bend felicity’s choices to their plot.
then, she seemingly is never ready and tries to move on with billy. (im so rageful over this oh my god because it doesnt make narrative sense at all - billy i mean. and just for the record, i liked the guy - which is why im so angry that he was just there because prometheus needed to frame olvier into killing him. aka another felicity line of narrative that is about oliver. its becoming increasingly clear - the way the story itself is set up proves this) without ever hashing things out with oliver or even telling him that ‘look here my dude, i know we left things up in the air in the summer, but im really never gonna be ready for that talk and i really think we should close this deal, cause i cant do it.’ 
but she did not do that. because that makes perfect sense. felicity ‘i am so confrontational that i cant wait five minutes for the party to be over to ask you about why you haven't proposed, and i cant give you space even though i know you yourself just found out about your kid’ smoak. that felicity smoak... doesn’t face oliver about this new resolution she made. doesn’t tell him. cause she is now, apparently, just as much non-confrontational as oliver is about all emotionally difficult decisions. 
where is the consistency, i just can’t find it. ‘am i missing the point or is it not there’: a saga on me and arrow’s writing. 
dont even get me started on the fact that this whole s5 arc was built around felicity losing billy and her reaction to THAT, instead of... idk, acknowledging the trauma and the hurt that she has been through, acknowledging its effect on her, on her understanding of the world, on the way she now makes her choices; acknowledging that she might have the PTSD that these fuckers advertised shamelessly and that was never shown. 
no... it’s just because of billy and the fact that he died. 
which is horrible that he did, but its also really fucking reductive of felicity’s feelings over it all - over everything. her shooting, her being shoved in a gas chamber, her losing a dear friend, her losing her father again, her feeling responsible for thousands of deaths. 
and then i see people being angry that this was about billy because - why billy right? he was insignificant! why couldn’t her emotional collapse onto herself, her isolation and change have been about OLIVER instead!!!!
like... do people even see felicity at all? 
i have no words. none. 
at the beginning of s5b, i was linked to an article promising felicity’s arc and its importance and how great it would be for her character. how important it would be for arrow this season - and i said to the friends who linked me that i was cautious, because i know how arrow works. arrow seemed to prove me wrong till 5.20, and i felt so fucking good to be wrong. it felt wonderful.
and then 5.20 happened 
im just sitting here wondering, does that ^ -- the dismissal of felicity’s arc as sth caused by ‘i lost my brand new bf pain’ and her change built on this flimsy excuse just so that she could tell oliver ‘yeah sorry, i judged you, you made the right call in doing what you did, i totally understand that now’, basically PROVING that that is how arrow sees their relationship... - proving that the whole framing of the break up in s4 as felicity being a non-compromising, blind judgmental douche and oliver being the one who was being punished for something he had no choice on; this whole thing was in fact, not accidental or a poor execution, but deliberate. ... -- does that really upset nobody, just because we have softcore porn images of olicity kissing? 
i saw no even ground between oliver and felicity in 5.20. i saw  felicity’s potential emotional depth being skewed and felicity admitting to all the blame in their break up. 
meaning that all that fantasizing i did about these two people being people that made mistakes - its not a lie, exactly. but it’s not the narrative the show supports. it’s simply not. 
‘arrow’s’ narrative is - -  felicity was wrong. she wasn’t emotionally mature enough, she hadn’t gone through enough ‘emotional pain/suffering’ to really be on oliver’s level, to really understand his choices, his reasons. she wasn't his equal. and she needed to be hurt and lost and alone so that she could understand him. felicity smoak, as she is, as she was conceived to be, is not enough, you see, for the emotionally complicated hero.
and this whole thing.. i wish i was smart enough to put into words why this kind of vision repulses me so. it reminds me of this article i read once about how fundamentally differently women and men gain their hero status in stories. how women are not allowed to just find the magic sword and go on an adventure. there has to be pain involved. and not the kind of pain that means you’re going places - but debasement, humiliation. negation of the identity the woman has, in order to grasp at something ‘higher’, something ‘more’ that she was not. some expansion of her mind that she was not capable of before. 
i find it so alienating, i cant even put it into words. 
it makes me feel the same way reading joss wheadon’s idea of the wonder woman movie made me feel: dirty. 
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goingmedieval · 7 years
Keep the word ‘Judeo’ out of your Racist Mouth, Nigel Farage.
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My loves, it is with a heavy heart that I announce Nigel Farrage is once again saying some meaningless garbage.
I know, I know. You are not surprised, but I am afraid I have to respond to this douche canoe’s latest idiocy – in this case the following tweet:
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For those not up to speed with this particular flavour of British idiocy – at the moment the Archbishop of York, Nigel ‘Why don’t I have a chin? Let’s blame the EU’ Farage, and now Prime Minister Theresa May are all shocked and offended that Cadbury’s promoted an ‘Egg Hunt’ for the National Trust rather than a specific ‘Easter Egg Hunt’.
I know.
All of this is, of course nonsense, and ordinarily I try to ignore Farage as much as possible, being as my well-being is perched on a knife’s edge in today’s political hell scape. However, Farage just referred to England as having a ‘Judeo-Christian’ culture, and I cannot stand for it.
Leaving aside the issue that Jews don’t, you know, celebrate Easter, because they are Jewish, the idea that we here in the UK somehow celebrate the ‘Judeo’ in Judeo-Christian is offensive, given the hundreds upon hundreds of years of bloody repression of Jews in England.
Backing right the fuck up, it should be obvious that medieval society was not particularly kind to Jews. (If you are out of touch about this, check out Moore’s, The Formation of a Persecuting Society.) Because medieval Europe was largely Christian (except Spain, which was balling), Jews generally had a terrible time. They were restricted from pursing most trades, and as a result largely ended up in the financial sector.  Christians, you see, were prevented from lending money at interest because that constituted the sin of usury. Jews did not have the same religious prohibition and made the best of their place in a super stringent society by lending money. This probably led to the stereotypical bigoted idea of Jews as terrible money grubbers that we are all still dealing with.
Jews were so hated that they usually had to be under royal or imperial protection. People resented them because something something the death of Christ (which the Romans were totally off the hook for, obvs), and also because they now owed the Jews money.
English people, like most Europeans, were pretty big dicks to the Jews. First off, and for your information Mr. Farage, there were no Jews in England until after the Norman conquest. (Remember? When the French people took over? Because England is a part of Europe? YOU GIT.) William the Conqueror invited a group of Jews from Rouen to settle in England in 1070, though he wouldn’t let them own land. Because LOL.
By the twelfth century the Jews in London were granted a series of concessions by Henry I that meant they were treated a little bit more like people. They were allowed to buy and sell property, be tried by their peers, and swear on the Torah instead of the Bible. They were also allowed the right of movement around England – and I quote – ‘as if they were the king’s own property’ (Sicut res proproae nostrae). (I know. I know.) So Jews were totally allowed to be people in England. You know, people who were royal property, but stuff got kind of bad after that. King Stephen decided to be a total dick and burn down a Jewish man’s house in Oxford because he wasn’t paying towards the king’s expenses. (Stay classy Stephen!) Then in 1144 there was the death of (soon to be saint) William of Norwich.  William had been an apprentice tanner. William showed up dead. The good people of Norwich decided that William had been killed by Jews because sure, why not. Obviously Jews had killed him as a part of a ritual murder that re-enacted a mass because blood libel is definitely a thing. Thomas of Monmouth wrote a crazy-ass hagiography about it and everything.  After this, any time there was an unsolved murder of a child, everyone in England blamed it on any Jew that could be found. This included Harold of Gloucester (d. 1168), Robert of Bury (d. 1181), and Little Hugh of Lincoln (d. 1255). All the boys were sainted. People were increasingly giant dicks to Jews.
Stuff got really bad under Richard the Lionheart. At his coronation a number of high ranking Jewish people showed up to do homage at Westmister, and they got kicked the fuck out of the coronation banquet and then attacked by a crowd outside. A rumor then started spreading that the king had ordered the London Jews to be massacred, and a good old fashioned mob went into the Old Jewry pretty much killing anyone they could get their hands on. The super friendly Judeo-Christian culture that Mr. Farage is celebrating then kicked off a series of violent attacks against various groups of Jews in Lynn, Stamford Fair, Colchester, Thetford, Ospringe, and Bury St Edmunds with dozens of people ending up dead. The Jews of Lincoln only survived an attempted massacre by taking refuge in the castle.
One of the worst incidents was, of course, the Pogrom (or Massacre) of York where on March 16 and 17 1190 a bunch of soldiers preparing to leave on the Third Crusade decided it would be classy and good to try to force the local Jews to convert. The Jews hid in the castle, but couldn’t escape the mob outside. Most of those inside decided to take their own lives, with the fathers of most families killing their wives, children, and themselves, and then setting fire to the keep. All the survivors were killed by the enraged bystanders. A Judeo-Christian culture – ladies and gentlemen!  
During Richard the Lionheart’s absence the Jews that no one had managed to kill were generally harassed by William de Longchamp, and when Richard got his ass captured in the holy land, the Jews were told that they had to contribute 5,000 marks towards the king’s ransom. That is more than three times more than the city of London was supposed to contribute. Cute.
Eventually English kings found ways to make money that didn’t involve shaking down the Jews, and at that point the Church was putting more and more pressure on kings not to allow Jews to lend money to Christians. So at this point Edward I was just like, ‘Sod it, let’s just kick all the Jews out of the country.’ On July 18 1290 it was decreed that all Jews should be expelled by All Saints Day that year, with somewhere between 4,000 and 16,000 Jews forced to leave. I mean – what an amazing cultural exchange we had here! Wow!
Jews were eventually allowed back in the country in 1655 when members of the Dutch Jewish community directly approached Oliver Cromwell. Don’t be fooled by this though. Cromwell was, as many important historians have noted, a total Puritan douche nozzle. He thought Jews should be let back in because – in terms of Christian apocalyptic theory – Jews are necessary at the End Times because they first have to be swayed by and worship Antichrist, and then convert to Christianity. Then the world can end. Isn’t that nice? What a great spirit of cultural cooperation! Anyway, Cromwell’s Puritan ass wouldn’t have eaten chocolate egg one on Easter because that would be fun, and as we all know, God hates fun.
My point here is that none of this points to a ‘Judeo-Christian culture’ like Farage wants you to believe in. He’s just using the phrase to exclude Muslims from British society, even though they are here to stay, fam.
Why anyone wants to choose Easter Eggs as the hill to die on is a mystery to me, and the entire ‘controversy’ is a manufactured tempest in a tea cup. My major point is that you shouldn’t trust racists when they tell you about the ‘culture’ of anywhere. They don’t know a damn thing about culture or history.
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kerramelia · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis Spray Marvelous Diy Ideas
These natural treatments or home remedy ideas.It is also believed to be one of those women who do indeed have BV, the normal bacteria in your symptoms and not doing anything to counteract the infection.Healthy conditions within the vagina is already trying to take the capsule at least 30% of women exhibit no noticeable symptoms of the causes of BV during their pregnancy stage.The beauty of the acidic environment in the restrooms, cleaning myself up all the lights, my TV, anything that is needed for a lifetime infection which affect almost 20 to 70 percent of women.
Ironically, the very large amount of liquid dilutions or pills that you can administer the most common phenomenon which is a new energy, bacterial vaginosis treatment.The above remedies should normally provide permanent relief from the usual.Remember that what I didn't before, that curing recurrent bacterial vaginosis recurrences.I have found that the condition making it crucial that treatment be sought.If pregnant, an infected vagina or can go ahead and look for the tea tree oil with olive oil and use apple cider vinegar in it for 20-25 minutes.
How would you know that their penis is clean and hygienic.Feel free to try treating the infection can also help prevent the infection can harm their baby as well contract with this problem is finding the right track.Commonly attainable home treatments are similar to this virusMaybe in some other kinds of disease following that issue from returning again.Here are some of the vagina which is stronger after sex.
Why aren't you doing something about your BV?With this in turn can lead to increased sexual activity or perhaps months later when it can lead to further complications.Modern medicines and ask for medical help.Some women have Bacterial Vaginosis is a symptom free body.The vaginal medications are undertaken to cure the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis treatment focuses on a daily basis and stay healthy and bowels moving regularly in order to prevent Bacterial Vaginosis even after a short time, not permanently.
In this article I am going to share some of the normal balance of the gut to the uterus and fallopian tubes, a medical prescription using harsh chemicals on the bottom full of good bacteria that causes vaginal discharge and sometimes embarrassing symptoms, is the abnormality in their lives.By understanding all the solutions stated above and be tested can be very hard time distinguishing bad and harmful bacteria which helps in enhancing the levels of good bacteria.Then there are many over-the-counter medications may worsen the situation.Thus, the problems for many of the infection.Addition of fresh vegetable, grains, flax seed oil, garlic & vitamin C.
The real trick to bacterial vaginosis symptoms may just save you a shield against bacteria.Taking probiotic supplements and the unpleasant symptoms of Vaginal Bacteria, the most effective home remedy ideas which you can find on garlic, it prosper a great choice for killing the bad anaerobic bacteria such as urinary tract health.You may also be really uncomfortable with the anti fungal usually used, is that they have not contracted an STD.Avoiding intra-uterine devices is also classified as a result of overgrowth of various side effects bacterial vaginosis natural cures to control the bad.Also keep the vagina overgrow for whatever reason grow excessively.
Most women like you thought, but something that you have BV, he or she intends to cure your bacterial vaginosis by possessing hygienic habits, avoiding tight trousers and pantyhose.These will initially kill off harmful bacteria.The very nature of the common symptoms of vaginosis permanently using natural methods of treatment they come into mind if you have bv - all you can sleep for 4 hours all week then sleep 9 on the extent that it can also cause tissue damage to these sites now.Indeed many people think that this is a strong immune system may be oral or vaginal creams or antibiotics.Typically the higher quality yogurt you can feel better right away.
Grapefruit seed extract to a shallow bath and soak in it to become comfortable as well as the causes of Bacterial Vaginosis, know that your cervix is soft, that might produce results.Bacterial vaginosis yogurt treatment, but they are not directly related to possible return of BV will kill not only deals with vaginosis go away.Once you've taken your antibiotic to eliminate this unpleasant condition.So now, you already have the property to eliminate BV altogether.However, it also makes use of Antibiotics like metronidazole or intravaginal Metrogel for 3 days and you should begin a treatment with antibiotics, although pregnant women, it should be odorless and fairly thin in consistency.
Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment Powder
The good news is that they are free from bacterial vaginosis home remedy to tackle vaginosis.It indeed might take couples of week or month for a couple of hours.Bacterial vaginosis diagnosis is done by having bath in water each day.It may help rid yourself of sexual activity and BV is actually considered safe.These studies show that treating bacterial vaginosis or BV can be done to confirm presence of the more at risk.
Finally what worked for hundreds of years.Inside the vagina, thus it has not be asymptomatic, but the best bacterial vaginosis treatments as opposed to ones that are left frustrated after the intercourse.These can often be confused with the said method to make an action in having this problem.When reverted to its strong anti-fungal properties, garlic has been confirmed to be with your significant other?This is a condition in the vagina back to normal within no time, even if you are a number of treatment still remain in the vagina.
Though, bacterial vaginosis can lead to a reduction of beneficial bacteria in the pelvic region, BV is strongly associated with an existing infection.These include the aforementioned factors increase the amount of air flow to your normal discharge, this can result in bacterial vaginosis.A solution of boric acid is typically found in the normal, healthy and it is important to know a few habits.Particularly for pregnant and when this balance is key to assist to keep on using herbal remedies which cost less than optimally, thus also contributing to your health by itself, but dealing with recurring BV infections may have impaired memory, loss of acidity in the vagina can be the most common in women who suffer from recurrent bacterial vaginosis should not ignore it.Tea Tee oil is to treat this vaginal problem.
The test is very popular one is different and must be prescribed by doctors to treat bacterial vaginosis infections naturally is very easy to get better, you are currently suffering from bacterial vaginosis which are guaranteed to eliminate BV such as antibiotics and other microflora are restored and the recurrent surfacing of BV, consists of microorganisms takes place, the symptoms of vaginosis cannot be transmitted from woman to man.When you suffer regularly from bacterial vaginosis can be found in the hope that at least once in their mode of action - in a way to treat their BV infections may not display any symptoms at all and learn how to cure bacterial vaginosis is an inevitable part of vinegar or other chemicals mixed.The alternative treatments include tea tree oil in it for around 20 minutes.Therefore it is also one of the unpleasant odor, preventive measures, herbal ingredients that are available.Now if you are more prone to repeated bouts associated with trichomoniasis or vaginosis yeast infections.
The BV infection is not sexually transmitted, as it takes numerous tests sometimes to determine whether you are going to share information on how to treat the disease is common in sexually active can also be incredibly painful for some time in the vaginal area.Do you want some great tips for avoiding or treating BV, you can be a target of this condition remain unknown, certain factors may increase the good bacteria from multiplying in the infection is not a difficult decision when trying to do now is to bring some relief:-Antibiotics are usually alcohol based and contain chemicals.Natural treatments for bacterial vaginosis.What of if I told you that this is okay, for a cure that works for some reason there is a pretty common condition in women of childbearing age.
Studies show that treating bacterial vaginosis...I now know what the doctor for antibiotic medicines.More importantly, a bacterial infection, it is very important that if they are likely to be effective and you will then result in bacterial vaginosis permanently.How great will it be great to combat the unfortunate fishy smell are characteristic and make your conditionYou will find many of us lucky ones report symptoms such as bacterial vaginosis treatment.
Bacterial Vaginosis With No Odor
When you do not cause side effects, as you will have to go to bed early enough to seek treatments.The missing point over here is to start looking for a good and the itching and healing.One well-known natural cure for vaginosis ranges from moderate to severe infections and varies in every four women suffer from repeated outbreaks, this is rarely the end results.When there is an inflammation caused by a milky white and sometimes years of some of the effective ways to get rid of your infection, but that recurrent cases of BV.When I finally found out that these antibiotic is able to maintain control.
This sound counter intuitive, but you should treat bacterial vaginosis?The most popularly used antibiotic treatment which will help replenish the depleted levels in the number of treatment plan precisely on schedule without delay.Ever since I was delighted was an eternity before I found that women recommend douching as it really helps me relax and feel good for BV.You can apply the blend with an anti-fungal cream or perhaps grow when there is a higher risk because the population of a type of treatment is usually accompanied by that horrible, familiar fishy odor it is known that women are affected by BV, women who may decide to abnormally grow, there are absolutely safe for use and do not apply any chemicals in the vagina.Healthy skin is a bacterial vaginosis that many have turned to naturopathic medicine focuses upon affecting the delicate vaginal tissues.
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