#moog dfam
maestroeternal · 1 year
Weekend plans = Spending time with these two beautiful machines 🤖 I only started my semi-modular/ modular synth journey a few months ago. I’ve always been a workstation type synth person with the fuller keyboards and polyphonic pad synth features. Lol. But I’m so happy I invested in getting these synths. It’s opened me up to whole new experiences. They bring me so much joy. And it’s really turned into something so relaxing to me to just sit down a tinker away at finding cool new sounds and beats - even if I’m not the greatest at it yet. Lol. It’s really the best and super fun! What are you weekend plans? Tell me what you have going on 💜
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mistermoyer · 2 years
MM A/V Club: Dance.
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soundrooms · 2 years
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L I S A   B E L L A   D O N N A   |   Sonic Sorceress 🧙🏻‍♀️🎶
Check out her secret studio in the Appalachian Mountains, only eight channel reels and a small collection of her favorite instruments.
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damagedman · 1 year
Hello my FriendsThis is just a little trip with my DfamDamaged Man - Space WalkFREE DOWNLOAD#ambientmusic #electronicmusic #DFAM #moog
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rainbowclashart · 11 months
Click here for What Is Your Function by Rainbow Clash on Spotify! Check out the EP:  What Is Your Function
Follow Rainbow Clash on Twitter Instagram Facebook Spotify Bandcamp Soundcloud Youtube +++ rainbowclash.com +++
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mvttererde · 1 year
Songs from the Wood (Jethro Tull) cover by Mvtter Erde
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thekingofgear · 1 year
Jonny's Drum Machines with Dudu Tassa
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A screenshot of Jonny from the Jarak Qaribak album teaser video.
After seeing Jonny play Dudu Tassa's super rare Fender "Nocaster", you might expect Jonny to use a drum machine even rarer than the old CR-78. In fact, his setup is surprisingly modern and super portable. It consists of a Roland T-8 beat machine and a Moog DFAM semi-modular drum synth. Both are units with "live" panel controls. Although the Roland has preset rhythms, the knobs on both units are hard-wired: what you see is what you get. That means any "automation" needs to be dialed in by hand.
The T-8 is designed to be a portable "best of" Roland rhythm boxes, with digital emulations of the 808 kick, 606 snare, TB-303 monosynth, etc. Regardless of the technology, the kick and snare at the start of Ya Mughir al-Ghazala certainly have that "Roland' sound. Given the borrowed guitar, it seems that Jonny didn't want to travel with a bunch of gear for this project. The T-8 is certainly much smaller than the vintage TR-909 that Jonny uses with Radiohead, let alone his modular. It's easy to imagine Jonny working out some of the beats on the T-8 during his flight over.
The T-8 has a few patch points for sync, mixing, headphones, and MIDI. On both Ya Mughir al-Ghazala and Taq ou Dub, Jonny has a yellow patch cable from the "Sync Out" on the Roland to the "Adv / Clock" input on the Moog, allowing him to use the Roland as his main clock. That's convenient since the T-8 has a BPM display. Jonny also uses the mix/headphone out to send his signal to the mixer (via one of the many blue DI boxes). He's not using the MIDI input on the Roland, which means he's in full control of tempo for the group whenever he uses the drum boxes.
As you might expect from a semi-modular, the DFAM is more flexible than the Roland in the range of sounds it can create. There's a patch cable routed from what looks to be the "VCO 1" output to "Velocity" input, adding some extra movement to the sound. Jonny devotes himself to the device on Taq ou Dub, only taking his hands off the device to play a few brief guitar arpeggios (and to adjust the Roland's hihat). It's worth noting that Jonny's DFAM is fitted with one of the "preset" overlays that come stock in the box with the unit. The youtube channel "Kilombo audio" made a demo of all the preset sounds, if you want to guess which overlays Jonny might be starting from.
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In this screenshot from Taq ou Dub, the bend edge of an overlay on the DFAM is clearly visible.
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Jonny adjusting the "VCA Decay" control during Taq ou Dub. Not the blue patch cable connecting the DFAM's "VCO 1" output to "Velocity" input — that's one way to add some automation.
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midi-wizard · 1 year
i’m borrowing a Moog DFAM percussion synth and completely rewriting songs around it’s sound; i guess i’m finally Moogpilled
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kdjonesmtb · 6 months
Fluidity Friends
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burlveneer-music · 1 year
Anna Funk Damage - Il Corpo Che Si Rompe - horror disco gone industrial
An icy wave of distortion. Gristle and bone bass. Incantatory, bloodcurdling poetics. Anna Funk Damage returns to Osare! Editions with a full-length LP, laying down 13 occultist tracks, turbocharged by industrialism, dissolution and heartbreak. The Italian producer more than lives up to his namesake, delivering his signature, genre-destroying blend of experimental-punk-techno and steely dance floor deviance. Opening with a howl, clatter and smash, on 'Sono Spento’, Andrea Natale takes the shape of a self-annihilating robot, his heavily pitched-down vocals laden in layers of FX. ‘Maybe I’ whirls into a slow build screech while 'Allegri Rimpianti’ joins together organic, pummelling percussion, sharp synth chords, and jangly guitar for a nightmarish trifecta of throbbing noise. Occasionally, Natale's presence falls away entirely, allowing for unadulterated machinic ecstasy to take over. Cogs grind on 'Memoria, Solitudine’, a dark and lolloping track, thrumming with sinister, malicious intent, before 'La Fine’ signs off, lurching skittishly like an anxious, artificially pumping heart. Interweaving elements of avant-garde ambient, rock, and even black metal, all rewired through a Moog DFAM and a Mother-32 interface, II Corpo Che Si Rompe is powered by unrelenting energy as Natale descends to ever more demonic, punishing depths. Cover art by Manuel Sepulveda Featuring images by Eva Kammergruber Words by Hannah Pezzack 
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maestroeternal · 9 months
⚡️New lighting⚡️
I finally got a chance to put some of my lights back up in my studio this weekend! And I added way more panels than last time too! Lol. I’m loving the way it looks so far! Lighting has always been super important to me especially when I work. And with the darker months fast approaching, I knew I needed some more light in this studio corner of mine to feel good about my space. It’s a great way to start off the Monday! ✌️✨
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mistermoyer · 1 year
Messing around.
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Underwater Cables: 24th August 2023
This was the fourth day of the Shared Summer School Programme between Singapore, Zurich and Trondheim. As I had a CHOPPA technical meeting, I joined in towards the end of Tim soundpainting. Seeing different art forms coming together to get sound painted and through the screens, through the different locations was quite interesting. Given that I had only seen musicians be soundpainted, being able to witness dancers and actors interpret the different signals with their bodies or through their speeches respectively was rather eye-opening.
In Singapore, we were then split into four groups of 3, so that we can make groups with the people in Zurich and Trondheim. We were in Group 4. My group consisted of Lemuel, TengSheng and I in Singapore; Rii and Nasrina from Trondheim; Mia, End and Olga from Zurich. We were given one hour in the telematics space to converse and get to know one another as well as to come up with the concept behind our piece.
Olga came up with the concept of distance and glitching, since we all met under the telematics circumstance. We were all in approval with the theme and found it interesting given the continuous and tireless amount of effort it took to connect with everyone in all locations. No doubt were we going to face distance, lagging and technical issues. It will be interesting to incorporate these elements already present into our performances. It seemed kind of meta and breaking the fourth dimension in a way.
We then took a group photo to commemorate working together for the next few days!
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We proceeded to set up a WhatsApp chat group where we continued to brainstorm more on our distance and glitching concept. I added my input into the distance concept in our chats as well. I thought of how coincidental it was to be in group 4 and with the Chinese word '死' which meant death. I thought it would be interesting to see distance not as straightforward or linear, but to have the possibility of exploring distance in terms of between life and afterlife, in different worlds.
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After the workshop, Lemuel and I stayed behind to improve our sonic setup. Given the idea of glitching and distance, I thought of modulating his saxophone on my Makenoise Strega. I had recorded one of our attempts.
I decided to add in another instrument, the Moog's Drummer from another Mother (DFAM) so that we can have some element of rhythm and was easier to follow by the different places. The rhythmic nature can give rise to having a ritual as well. My overall set up looked like this:
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Learning Point: I think that our group has a very strong backend concept in which we all were very open to interpretation and were enthusiastic to contribute with our own mediums. I was quite surprised by how productive we were despite having limited interaction time. We all seemed to understand our concept and each other from the get go even though we came from different backgrounds and were physically located in different countries. I just felt that people in Zurich were more perceptive and welcoming while the people in Trondheim were less forthcoming and seemed more reserved. But it could just be due to our difference in culture.
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doktordismemberment · 11 months
Brain Puke: Submissive and Bread-able
Well, I'm laid up with a hurt back again... Fucking sucks, but I think it's mostly just really bad fatigue from walking almost thirty miles this week on top of taking out way more trash than usual after a bunch of cleaning and home improvement projects.
There was this one particular moment when I was working on our shower on Monday or Tuesday when I felt a twinge in my back and thought "Oh shit, I'm definitely gonna pay for that one later" aaaand here we are.
Upside is that I checked all the big "around the house" projects off my current list, finally replaced our junked up studio monitors, and picked up a Moog DFAM which already sounds like it's gonna fit right in with the rest of our setup. (Also: Weird that Moog saw fit to release what is essentially a death industrial/ powernoise rhythm generator... No wonder they just went out of business.)
Downside is that I feel like Bane gave me the fucking Bat-Breaker and I just found out I have to limp my ass to the grocery store to get bread for dinner 'cos the bread we ordered didn't show up.
Anyway, here's some Bathory while I go deal with that, because Christ knows I'm gonna need something epic to get me through the two mile hike to Shop Rite and back.
Oh yeah, one other real quick thing before I head out: I know posting has been slow for the past couple weeks, It's 'cos I'm recording with two different bands right now. Things will hopefully pick back up when the albums are done and I have a bit more free time.
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supere1113 · 1 year
The 12 Days of Synthmas
Hey guys! The 12 Days of Synthmas! Here we go! On the 12th day of Synthmas, myself had gave to me… 12 Roland D-50’s 11 DX7’s 10 Moog System IIIP’s 9 Sub 37’s 8 Jupiter 8’s 7 Juno-X’s 6 OB-X8’s FIVE KORG M1’s!!!!! 4 Prophet-5’s 3 DFAM’s 2 MiniMoogs And a Yamaha CS-80! ~~~~ For My synth and electronic music enthusiasts out there, along with anybody who loves a good laugh, regardless…
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mvttererde · 1 year
N.I.B (Black Sabbath) cover by Mvtter Erde
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