ryltha · 2 years
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Coe / Sketch Last weekend we’ve played with one of my favourite RPGs, Numenera. Coe is my beloved character, I created her at 2016 but she got some rework.
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thegaminggang · 1 year
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lavilicious · 9 months
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Behold! The Ceaseless Watcher for @montecookgames #magnusrpg
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spiremassk · 9 months
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montecookgames just posted this art on instagram. is that jon???
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Astara’s Tale Part One: The Iron Wind
“It looks like a dust storm might be coming”, Cara called up to Nex, who rode on top of the aneen ahead. The great beast swatted at the stinging flies around its face with its diminutive arms as it plodded onwards. Nex looked to the horizon, shielding the eye sockets of his mask from the midday glare.
He stared for a moment, the caravan lulling to a holt. He shot up suddenly, startling the aneen and the rest of the group following. “That's no Dust storm!”, he yelled jumping down from the creature. “That’s Iron wind!” 
He pointed to a small cave opening a short distance away, his voice loud and authoritative. “Get to shelter! Move!” 
Astara froze for only a second, her mind processing the danger that had sprung upon them. She turned and sprinted towards the hole in the rock face, her feet digging deep into the soft ground. The air around her became thick with drit and took on a coppery taste. The flavour in her mouth brought with it a memory from her past. A memory of burst lips and spitting blood. She closed her eyes for a moment, trying to force the memory back when her foot hit a loose rock and her ankle gave way. She slammed into the ground with force, the air in her lungs knocked out of her violently. 
She lay on the ground for a second, dazed, the pain in her ankle shooting up her leg. It took a few moments before her mind kicked back into gear. 
I've got to move. Move or die. It's that simple.
She tried to scramble to her feet but the instant she put any weight on her ankle it gave way causing her to fall again and cry out in pain. She pulled herself across the ground, digging her nails into the earth and heaving herself towards shelter.
I'm not going to make it. The words screamed in her mind. I'm too slow. At this rate that storm is going to rip me to pieces. 
She twisted around and stared in horror as the large dark cloud on the horizon drew rapidly closer. 
Is this how I’m going to die? Here? Some dusty trail in the middle of nowhere? This wasn't how it was supposed to go. How could I die when I still had so much unfinished business? Maybe it was for the best. At least here I could see it coming, face it head on and be brave for once. 
She closed her eyes and prayed to any god or power watching.
Please don't let this hurt. Please let me die quick
She drew her hand up, the blade she kept sheathed to her wrist flicked out. If I’m going to die then it would be by my own hand.
She closed her eyes and took in a breath. She placed the cool edge of the knife to her throat but just before she could rake it across her flesh, arms tucked under hers, wrapping around her and dragging her to her feet.
She let out a startled gasp, the sudden stay of execution stunning her enough to allow herself to be hauled backwards. Dumbfounded she looked up into the pale mask of Nex as he rushed her toward the shelter. 
Once inside with the rest of the group, Nex let her drop against the cold stone walls. Spinning and reaching into his pocket, he threw out a small silver ball. It bounced across the ground before shimmering, a blue wall of light erupting from its center. It covered the entrance to the cave, sealing and protecting all those inside.
For a second they were still, quietly panting in the dim glow of the shield. The respite was short lived however, when a blood-curdling scream erupted from the other side of the blue light. All heads turned to see a silhouette still outside. Cara scrawled across the ground, desperately trying to crawl towards the cave fighting against the dark swarm that was slowly surrounding her. Her face was afire with pain and panic. 
The youngest of the group, Anya sprinted forward, moving to scoop up the silver ball but Nex caught her sharply, pulling her to face him. 
“We have to go save her!”, she screamed, trying desperately to pull her arm free from his gloved grip. “Nex please!”
“Anya”, he said softly, his voice low and gentle. “It's too late”. 
“No it's not! How can you say that? You can see her! You can hear her, for Calaval’s sake!” 
“Nex, please! She my sister! She's all I have!” 
Nex’s grip did not lessen.
Cara’s screams were becoming more guttural, the pained cries slowly giving way to loud gurgled howls. 
Anya turned towards the barrier, her eyes wide and tormented. She pulled and clawed in vain against Nex who only pulled her closer, whispering soothing words as the young girl slowly crumpled to the ground. 
Astara looked away, closing her eyes to hold back the tears she was fighting. Each pathetic wail from Anya tore right through her chest despite her efforts to keep her distance from the group. Quietly, she moved away, using the wall to help her limp over to a large bolder before sitting down. Once settled, she stared at her companions, each of which just sat quietly on the ground staring at the dirt with harrowed eyes. 
It felt like a lifetime until Cara’s cries died away. the only sound left the rhythmic clicks of Vox’s mechanics and the muffled sobs that erupted from Anya every few minutes or so.
Deciding it was best to give her some space, Nex moved back, wrapping her in his long outer robe. Without speaking, he stood up and seemed to collect himself, running a hand over the dark blue fabric that wrapped around his head. After a second or two he straightened up and made his way over to where Astara sat. 
“Can you stand?”
Astara looked up at him. “Sorry?” 
“Your ankle. Can you stand on it?” There was something to his voice now, a soft strain. It was hard to tell but he seemed tired. Though after what they all had just gone through Astara guessed that was to be expected.
Astara bit her lip and tested her ankle out. Placing her foot on the floor, she tried to bare weight with it but sharp pain shot up the leg, causing her to wince. 
“I'm going to take that as a no”. Nex signed, kneeling down in front of her. He reached out slowly, taking her ankle into his gloved hand. “Can you move it?” 
She stretched out her foot and nodded. 
He slowly pressed the muscles around her joint, stopping occasionally when she hissed in pain.
“Hmmm. Well it's not broken”. He reached into a small satchel on his belt and pulled out a wad of bandages. “Probably just a nasty sprain. Try to rest it if you can and if any of my belongings survived this storm, I’ll see if I can put something on it later that might help relieve any pain”.  
He began to methodically bandage up her ankle and Astara couldn't help but notice how soft and gentle his touch was. She shook herself and took stock of what happened. 
He had saved her life. Her. a complete stranger to him yet he had saved her life, risking his own life in the process. How was she supposed to handle that? No one had ever done something so selfless for her before. Growing up it was very much a battle to even survive. If you wanted to see tomorrow then you looked out for yourself and no one else. 
Blushing, she turned away from Nex. Maybe he had an ulterior motive, keeping her in his debt until he can trade it in for his own gain. That was the style she was more accustomed to. “No one does anything out of the goodness of their hearts”  her father would say. “Everyone wants something at the end of the day” 
Did Nex have other intentions? If so she had no shins to give nor anything else of value. She had her body but she wasn't about to sell that again without good cause. Besides, he didn't seem the type so far to seek female company - or any company for that matter.  She was already obligated to work for him so that couldn't be the reason. 
She chewed on her lip as she thought.
She wanted to say something to him, to thank him for risking his life. She wanted to tell him how much she appreciated it and how grateful she was to him, how much she would be in his debt. She wanted to say so many things but the words stuck to her teeth, refusing to budge off her tongue. Instead she looked away, a crimson glow working its way across her cheeks
“There”, Nex said, pulling the bandaging tightly. “That should at least get you back on your feet”. 
He got up in one fluid motion and Astara could feel the words ‘thank you’ form on her lips but by the time she was ready to push them out he was striding away, off to check up on the rest of them.
Well done, Astara. First kind act someone has shown you in years and you can't even manage to say thank you. Aren't you just going to be little miss popular. 
She dug her nails into her palm and cursed her own cowardice. 
She didn't need friends. Not with the path that lay in front of her. They would only get in the way or get hurt.
She looked back over at Nex who was trying to inspect Taran for wounds. 
These people had been hurt enough.
Hi!, Thank You for joining me on my first part in what i hope will be an on going story. please feel free to message me with any feedback or tip! 
Drit - Sand, ground up synth, metals etc. that make up the majority of the ground
The Ninth World - The world. As it after after eight other incredibly advanced civilisations have risen and moved away, abandoned the planet or died out.
Synth - Synthetic materials, primarily plastics. Not created by ninth-worlders.
The Iron Wind - A cloud of nanites which randomly change or destroy anything that comes in contact with it
Navarene - The country you are in, the Northern-most kingdom of the Steadfast
The Steadfast - The ‘enlightened lands’. Nine kingdoms in a fragile alliance who mostly pay fealty to the Order of Truth. Think of it as a subcontinent.
The Order of Truth - A quasi-religious organisation obsessed with the Numenera, maintaining order and control
Numenera - Artifacts left behind or forgotten from previous civilisations
Aeon Priest - Members of The Order of Truth, who oversee things in many smaller communities.
Abhuman - Mutants and sub-races. They are all bad-natured, the distinguishing characteristic from ‘normal’ mutants.
The Truth - The primary language of The Steadfast. Taught by aeon priests.
Cypher - One-use pieces of the Numenera, ranging from pills to grenades, ray-emitters to teleporters.
Shins - coins, shiny baubles, dials, buttons etc. that are used as currency. Minted coins are less common, but some places use them exclusively.
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mygamingstuff · 4 years
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Lendo em portugues agora pra saber os termos que meus grupo de jogo ira usar com @brulibonati , @helio_dalanhol e @sommastudio na pessoa do Rafaelfo #rpg #rpgnacional #newordereditora #numenera #montecookgames (em Curitiba, Paraná) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-XS179l3qQ/?igshid=ygw5tgsahx1z
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sirlockee · 4 years
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Quer jogar RPG? >> Acesse meu Stories . Todos os dias uma cena de RPG que você poderá participar. Leia e escolha sua opção. . Gosta de RPG e games? youtube.com/sirlockee . #numenera #montecook #montecookgames #scifi #nerd #nerds #opcbr #rpg #rpgbrasil #rpgsolo #cyphersystem https://www.instagram.com/p/B8Ii758hwix/?igshid=1to78i2z4okbd
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jordankwalker · 5 years
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"Weathering a Storm on the Napsidian Coast", 12" x 16" Oil on Gessoed Hardboard 2019 Jordan K Walker This is the second illustration I created for the upcoming Cypher System Rule Book 2 published by @montecookgames ! Fine art prints are avaliable in my print shop, click on the link in my profile to find out more! "Immense waves crash into the cliffs of the Napsidian Coast, showering strong woven constructions with spray and foam. These buildings house the Napsidians themselves, a race of proud reptilian entities who once ruled an entire continent but now cling to the edge of the world after generations of genocide and persecution. They have weathered storms worse than this, but nervously await the day that the sea swallows their woven cities, and washes all memory of their kind from the surface world." #fantasy #scifi #art #illustration #seascape #landscape #oil #ocean #wave #painting #architecture #basket #weaving #cliff #stormy #artprint #cyphersystem #montecookgames #coast https://www.instagram.com/p/BzN_X4EHgko/?igshid=1cuqkvdzr2g0t
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brucedrawsworlds · 5 years
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I was so honored to hear that ‘Trail of the Dream Titans’ was accepted into the Infected by Art annual with so much other amazing imaginative realism art! Thanks to the judges! #infectedbyart #fantasyart #scifi #scifiart #numenera #montecookgames #honored #weirdandwonderful https://www.instagram.com/p/BtM9_fHFokN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19o5320ukpr8v
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illuminatinggames · 6 years
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The Ninth World: A Skillbuilding Game for Numenera. I’m a huge fan of MCG’s Numenera RPG, but I was definitely skeptical of this game; I played a late playtest version of it at BGG.con a number of years ago and it wasn’t great, and the people behind it (on the boardgame side) are not exactly the top people working in the field. But I ended up being pleasantly surprised. It’s basically an auction game, which I tend to like, so that helps. It captures enough of the flavor of the RPG while not sacrificing the boardgame elements. All the wonderful Numenera art is great. I wish the stakes were a little higher - it doesn’t have Beowulf: The Legend’s terrific range and mix of stakes (and so excitement and tension) as you move from location to location everything is a little same-y, although the game isn’t long. And the typography isn’t great. As is often the case with these things they’ve chosen to highlight the terrific art, which is great, but too much was probably sacrificed in terms of readability. Still, enjoyed, and was pleasantly surprised. As usual they’re promising expansion packs; the Ninth World is so vast and interesting it would be great to see a few, but I don’t know if the game will ultimately have enough range or get enough play to justify them. #bgg #boardgamegeek #boardgames #montecookgames #numenera
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eldritch48 · 6 years
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The people of the Eastern Tidemarsh navigated their territory in bio-mechanical heptapods, searching the salt-water pools for both sustenance and ancient treasures. Another #Numenera illustration for Monte Cook Games! #montecookgames #illustration #scifi #painting #entertainmentdesign #conceptart #art #artist #sethrutledge (at Vancouver, British Columbia)
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homunculus23 · 3 years
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That house on the outskirts of town, sitting empty behind a crumbling wall. The one people whisper about. The one that has gone unlived in for years. Sometimes a few hearty souls creep in, it is said, to see what treasures or secrets they can find. Most find nothing—just an empty old house. Some return shaken. A few don’t return at all. You’ve seen this house before. If not in this city, then in some other. You’ve heard the rumors—and if you haven’t, well, someday they’ll find you.
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liesetiawanart · 7 years
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Predation wide 1 and 2
AD : Bear Weiter ©MonteCookGames this was done for predation game by Monte Cook Games , i was assigned to do 2 and the theme given to me was basically up to me, so i came up with an idea 1 would feature some assault and the other defend or protect , and there you go thanks for looking!
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realmarydiamond · 5 years
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Industry guest of honor Shanna Germain spoke today about creative resilience, and telling your story despite the guilt of not being creative "enough". #GenCon2019 #Numenera #montecookgames (at Gen Con) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0rodpMpxxg/?igshid=1jvx8yw950hvw
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ookamiletta · 2 years
Old Gods of Appalachia Roleplaying Game, via @Kickstarter https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/montecookgames/old-gods-of-appalachia-roleplaying-game?ref=android_project_share
I'm not sure how many of you have heard of the Old Gods of Appalachia podcast, but it's fantastic. They're making a TTRPG that seems to be based off Numenera. The more backers, the better the rewards for everyone!
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girlsdontplaywow · 3 years
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