#monsa x kihyun imagine
yuthoe · 3 years
Day 22: Reunion (MONSTA X: Yoo Kihyun)
Day 22: Fake Dating
ah yes, one of the favorite tropes in fanfic and i did not do it justice at all lmao. truthfully i was really excited about this, but the fic took a left somewhere and grew its own mind or smth. i think the poor writing is a combination of burnout and getting really distracted lmao.
tried to make kihyun the savage guy that he is, but still polite and considerate and i think i did that???? question mark???? please tell me what you thought about this lmao, i've never been to a high school reunion (except for my grandma's) and will never go to one anytime soon.
PAIRING: Yoo Kihyun x reader. GENRE: fic, fluff, mild angst. WARNINGS: mentions of alcohol, swearing. WORD COUNT: 1,769.
“Act natural,” you say as you smooth down the lapels of your friend’s coat, dust some lint off the shoulders. “Like, just act like normal. We just have to say hi to a few people and then go after an hour or something.”
Kihyun is looking you over as well, straightening out the sleeves of your shirt and making sure your hair is nice and styled and perfect. “I’m taking that as a go signal to tease you in front of everyone then, gotcha.”
You roll your eyes and take his hand, tugging him towards the glass door of the events hall. “Very funny, but you know what? These people might buy it even more, so go ahead.”
He intertwines your fingers as he pushes the door open for you. There’s a smirk on his face that says you’re going to regret what you just said. “If you say so," he says, as you pull him along with you.
Everything is decorated like a senior prom from the early 2000s--balloons everywhere, streamers hung up on the walls, a disco ball suspended in the middle of the room. There's a stage set up at the far wall, and popular tracks from your high school days play softly on the sound system. People are already mingling, table hopping when they see a familiar face.
You go to the small registration booth off to the side, Kihyun in tow, and sign on the space next to your name, walking away quickly to find a table. It's easy to weave through the thin crowd to your spot, and thankfully no one goes up to talk to you as you settle in.
A relieved sigh escapes your lips as you deflate against the seat; Kihyun chuckles at the sight.
"Why are you so nervous? You were so confident when you asked me out,” he says, smirking at your flustered state.
“Hey,” you counter, sitting up straight and pointing at him. There’s a smile of embarrassment threatening to crawl up your face, but you force it down. “This isn’t a date. I didn’t ask you out—I respectfully asked if you could come with me to my high school reunion and pretend we’re dating. There’s a difference.”
He tilts his head and laughs. “Okay, fine, this isn’t a date. But you’re shaking like a hamster, dude. What’s got you so jittery?”
Before you can open your mouth to say something smart, a yell of your name behind you makes you stop. Suddenly a flurry of pink silk ruffles envelops you, cold metal bracelets press against your face and neck, and a tinnitus-inducing squeal is blasted in your ear.
“OMG, I can’t believe you made it!” The offending classmate plops down the seat beside you and… you can’t say you remember her. You know you have a questionable memory, but you can’t recall anyone with a scarily-toothy smile and long acrylic nails. “I was wondering if you were gonna show today, I missed you!”
You smile warily. “Yeah, I thought I’d stop by, just for a bi—,”
“And who is this with you?” she interrupts, gaze fixed on your friend now.
Kihyun still has a polite smile on, eyebrow raised and patiently waiting for you to introduce him. You meet his eyes and take a steadying breath.
“This is, uh. Kihyun. My boyfriend.”
Your batchmate immediately extends a hand out to him. “Hi there! I’m Danhee. It’s very nice to meet you.”
Kihyun grasps her hand and shakes it firmly. “Likewise.”
Danhee (apparently, that’s her name. Still doesn’t ring a bell.) turns back to you, props an elbow on the table and rests her chin on her hand. “So what have you been up to lately?”
“Oh, you know, nothing much,” you say, twiddling your thumbs under the table. “Work’s keeping me busy, mostly. It’s pretty—,”
“Great! How’d you two meet?” Her eyes are sparkling, in that menacing way you’re familiar with when someone is hunting for gossip. “Probably work, right? I know Y/N isn’t that outgoing so I doubt—,”
“You know what, I’m gonna go get a drink.” You turn to Kihyun, desperate to get away. “You want a drink, Kihyun? Cool, I’ll get you something.” The chair screeches as you push away from the table and make a beeline for the buffet.
The air conditioning helps cool down your flaming face as you leave to get some reprieve from the suffocating air of the table. No matter how much you wrack your brain you can’t seem to remember anyone named Danhee; maybe she was in another class and part of the popular clique, a group you tended to stay away from.
You take a deep breath, surveying the array of finger food and wonder briefly what the main dishes are. The arrangement is no different from the ones you’ve seen at company parties—save maybe for the small picket signs that have slang from your high school days speared into some of the food. Despite looking delicious, you feel nauseous at the thought of taking a bite.
The drinks corner offers coffee, the kind that tries to pass off as Americano but ends up tasting more like candy because people keep putting too much sugar in it. It’s what you and Kihyun call “conference coffee” and shit on for the entirety of the conference you’re attending, even as you keep drinking it because there’s usually no other choice. Water is an option, as well as a fruit punch of some kind. If you’re being honest, you’d really like a beer right now, but you know the alcohol won’t come out until later.
In addition to the mound of paperwork you forced yourself to finish earlier, this week has just been plain exhausting. You’d hoped that coming to the reunion would help you relax, but apparently not.
Ice cubes clink as they go down the tall glasses. The coffee, however sugary it turns out to be, still smells heavenly and wakes you up some. You water both servings down a bit, if only to tamp down the syrupy sweetness.
“Hey,” a familiar voice says, hand coming down to rest on your shoulder. Kihyun moves into your line of vision, brows slightly scrunched. “You okay there?”
You don’t answer, thinking of words to say that won’t make you look pathetic in front of your work partner. You’re usually great at explaining and justifying your actions to your superiors, but words fail you this time.
So you just shrug and hand him his drink. “Can’t say for sure.” You take a sip and cringe; your mouth feels like it’s coated in a thick layer of sugar. Kihyun watches you and decides wisely to put his drink down, but pours two glasses of water.
“Do you know her?” he asks, concentrating on the drinks.
“Danhee? Nah. I mostly avoided her type back then. Being around them made me uncomfy.”
“‘Cuz she looks like a part of the Plastics from Mean Girls?”
You scoff. “No,” you say, but smile all the same as you walk back to your table. “Because I was a loner and operated on the mindset of ‘I’m not like other girls’ throughout high school.”
Kihyun laughs loud. “God, I didn’t think you were the type.”
“Unfortunately, yeah.” You sigh as you sit back down. “Thankfully outgrew that in college, though. Turns out being surrounded with a lot of open-minded people does something to your personality, and,” you open your arms, presenting yourself to Kihyun’s amused smile. “Now you have me, your beloved hardworking partner that throws snark at you everyday.”
If anything, his grin gets wider. Kihyun raises his glass of water, and you toast. “I’m proud of you for becoming so mature.” He takes a drink, making faces like he’s downing whiskey instead of regular water. “Although, apparently not mature enough to just ask me out plain and simple.”
You want to strangle him, you really do.
He’s right, though. Part of the reason why you invited him as your plus one is for moral support and to show people that the wallflower can also nab a man as great as Kihyun. But the other reason is that you’ve wanted to ask Kihyun on a date, but just didn’t know how to without embarrassing yourself.
You sigh and take a swig of your water. “Yeah, well, can you blame me, though? We always keep professional at work and I barely see you outside the building, so I haven’t really gotten a chance to ask.” You’re not lying—Kihyun being here is only possible because you left the building at the same time last week and asked him then before you chickened out.
He tilts his head in assent and takes another sip before crossing his arms on the table to whisper at you. “How about we make this a date, then?”
You raise an eyebrow, smiling like you can’t believe he suggested such a ridiculous thing. “What—here? My high school reunion that I only invited you to because I didn’t want to be alone?”
And maybe it’s the trick of the light, but you think you see his eyes go soft. “Well, yeah. I mean, it’s not ideal, but we’re here anyway. There’s free food, shitty coffee, and some entertainment.” He tilts his head to the stage, and you follow his gaze to where a couple of your batchmates are discussing something, mics in their hands. “Whether it’s the good kind of entertainment or the cringy kind though, we’ll find out soon,” you hear him whisper.
In theory, you have nothing to lose. Nothing really to hide. Perhaps the worst part of the night passed when you had that panicked moment with Danhee earlier, and all that’s left is to enjoy the night. You can still leave in an hour or two like you planned, but now with a higher chance of getting a few drinks afterwards, too.
So you make your decision and look back at him. “All right, Yoo Kihyun,” you say. “You’ve got yourself a date.”
His smile morphs into a smirk, the trademark confident grin making a small shudder run down your spine. You try to keep your composure as he slides a hand to your thigh. “Perfect. Wanna bet you’ll last an hour before you want to leave?” His fingers are massaging your knee, soft hands gentle on the meat of your thigh.
You scoff, grabbing at his hand to make him stop. “Deal. I’ll bet you an hour and a half.”
And before you turn your attention back to the stage, you see his smirk again, excited for the challenge.
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nthngbxtfanfics · 5 years
Not her - Jooheon scenario
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | FINAL
I lifted the weights above my head, stretching my muscles. My arms started to burn a little, but this burn was bearable. I started my workout together with Changkyun and Hoseok, after their schedule. Their manager told them to take a break from their long week of promotions. We three started to work out together, a week ago. It‘s really nice not to do it alone though and Hoseok gave Changkyun and me some really useful advices on how to improve our workout routine. I even changed some of my old routines. Hoseok made sure I stood straight, his hand right in the middle of my back, keeping me steady. He counted from 1 to 20 as I kept going.
“18, 19 and 20. Good Y/N, you should take a break now, stretch your arms a little.” I did as he told me so, I laid down the weights and stretched my arms. I bend my upper body forward followed by my arms. I let out a small groan as the pain went through my back.
“Y/N-ssi! You’ve been too hard on yourself, shouldn’t you be a bit more careful? You might hurt yourself.” Changkyun noticed my latest obsessive workout sessions. He did told me that many times by now, every time we workout together. My response was always the same.
“Don’t worry Changkyun. I’m fine, you guys are here to help me and nothing would happen to me.” But honestly, I felt the opposite. I wasn’t fine at all, my body felt numb since the past weeks. I wouldn’t go out, I’m emotionally drained and it sucked. My body was only responding to my emotional circumstances, my heart has been aching without any break. Every thought about this whole situation with Jooheon and his girlfriend pulled a sharp pain through my chest. Never did I felt so lovesick in my entire life. The worst thing is, that I did not had even one chance to see him. He’s not talking to me anymore. No texts, no calls, nothing, complete silence from his side. Jooheon only talks to me when I talk to him first, but when he responded it’s cold, he’s avoiding me. I don’t know what his problem is. I did nothing wrong, I actually started to act nice towards his girlfriend, since the other boys do it, to make him feel better.
“Y/N? -” I was lost in my thoughts until Hoseok called out my name to bring me back to reality.
“Are you really ok?” my wide eyes met Hoseoks, his features showed concern. I hated that face, especially when it’s directed to me. I shook my head and broke a smile towards him.
“No, I’m really fine. You don’t have to worry about me. Come on let’s do some more exercises?” I stood up, I tried to reach to one of the weights, but got pulled back by Hoseok.
“No, I want you to tell us what’s wrong.”
“We can see that something’s bothering you, so speak up! We won’t bite! We’re just worried about you.” Changkyun added his words to Hoseoks sentence. Their worried expressions were like salt in my wounded heart. I let out a sigh, giving up on trying to convince them the opposite.
“Ok, I’m not fine. Absolutely not.” I sat down and burried my face in the palms of my hands, I couldn’t face them, I wanted to hide. Tears started to build up in my eyes, I tried to hold them back as best as I could. But when I noticed a figure kneeling down infront of me and someone sitting next to me. I couldn’t hold them back anymore. The pain that builded itself up, was now flowing out of me like a fountain. Tears stained my face, my hands now wet. Both men waited until I calmed down. They comforted me, a pair of hands rubbed my knees, while the other man was framing my body with his arms, hands gently rubbing against my arms. The warmth from both comforted me and soon after I was ready to talk.
“I don’t know what to do! I don’t even know what I did wrong. Why is he ignoring me?” Glady both knew who I was talking about, they kept quiet until I finished my rant.
“I tried my best to be nice to her. I respected all cancelations of our plans, not once did I bitched around, when he told me he couldn’t meet me. Not once was I agressive towards him or her. I insinuated no conflict between us. Why is he so distant suddenly? Why is he acting so cold towards me?” I finished with a loud sob ecsaping my lips and burried my face in between my hands.
“School and work has been too much already, but why does he have to be like that towards me? I did nothing to him to hate me like that. I tried to talk to him about it, but he’s avoiding me, every damn time.” My heart was talking for me, the pain was too much to handle. I know that I love him, but I didn’t knew it would affect me that much. I’m scared of myself at this point, it must be the stress from work or school. It’s too stupid to be sad about their feelings, especially in a situation like that. Jooheon wasn’t my boyfriend or lover at all. He’s my bestfriend, only a friend and it was my stupid ass who fell in love with him. A stupid ass who knew, he would never fall in love with someone like me. I knew he would eventually fall in love with someone else, I knew he would be someone’s someone. But it was too soon for me to accept it. I was too delusional, to think he would eventually return my feelings.
Eventually I stopped crying, my eyes red and puffy, at this point I didn’t cared about how I looked infront of two Idols. Right now, they were my friends who took care of me and comforted me.
“I don’t know what to say to comfort you. We don’t know either what’s wrong with him.” Changkyun tried his best to find the right words, he’s clearly mad at his older friend, for being a dick that he is at the moment.
“He’s normally not like that, I bet that the snitch changed him to no good.” continued the rapper. His frustration was clear in his words.
“We see him, not talking to you. We see that you try your best for him. We have your back and it breaks our heart to see you crying like that. But if you want to let all out, cursing, screaming, no matter what. We’ll let you! But please do not let everything within you and do not build up the pain. It hurts to see you that broken. We see behind that fake smile of yours, we know you too good by now, to read your face.” Hoseok held me tight in his arms, swaying me from left to right. His grip on me got stronger as his words were streaming from his lips.
His warm chest, heated my shoulder, giving me some kind of comfort. I realised that he was right, I can’t keep my thoughts and emotions in me for too long, or else I’d die from sadness and a broken heart. But I didn’t knew who I could confess my feelings and thoughts to. My dark thoughts overtook my daily routines, I couldn’t concentrate on anything. School was tormenting and work unbearable.
I knew I should be mad, I should scream, shout, curse! But I couldn’t. Words couldn’t be laid on my tongue, my mind was yet again dark without a trace of thoughts. I didn’t even knew if I was mad at him, his girlfriend or even myself. I just hated being myself that’s it. The workout should’ve helped me getting rid of these thoughts, but it didn’t. How was I supposed to continue living if I can’t even do the simpliest things in this world, without thinking about him.
I’m going insane!
About a man who doesn’t and will never love me back and instead hates me for a reason I don’t know. Those thoughts brought back a stream of tears.
I could feel how someone wrapped his arms around my trembling body, rocking me forward and backward. Changkyuns scent filled my nose, my tears wetting his shirt. My crying muffled in his chest, sending vibrations towards his body. He didn’t let go of me until I calmed down for the second time this moment. His grip on me loosened, searching for my eyes. Hoseok left to for a moment, to come back. He gave me a glas of water, I took it thankfully and placed it between my lips. The cold liquid went down my dry throat, thankful for the moisture. Both waited for me to speak up.
“I feel so sorry, you shouldn’t see me like that. You shouldn’t deal with a mess like me. I don’t deserve all of your kindness, I really don’t, But - “I tried to hold back my sobs with full force.
“Don’t say something like that, we’re here for you. Please! You can tell us whatever you like, we won’t judge you.” Hoseoks words warmed my heart, the pain still present.
“I don’t know what to do. I just want him back as my bestfriend. He doesn’t have to love me or be my lover. Even if I have feelings for him, I still want to be by his side, to support him in any way I can. I can hold back my feelings for him, I just don’t want to loose him like that. Especially for something I am not aware of. If he truly don’t wants to do any business with me, then he should at least tell what I did wrong. I just want to know what I did, that makes him want to ignore me. These thoughts kill me, I’m just so worried about him. I want to be there for him, but it’s hard when he pushes me away.” The words streamed out of my mouth, not shuting for a moment. Every word I said were like a sharp pain through my chest, unbearable.
“I know it’s hard, but I guess you have to give him some time, he’ll eventually talk to you. I guess it’s not the right moment now. Give him some time and space. He may need it now.” Changkyun was right. I shouldn’t be too selfish and force an answer from him. Maybe he did went through some struggles and needed some time alone. But why does it hurt so much this time. It’s not the first time in our live, that Jooheon took some time for his own, to line-up his thoughts. But it only lasted for a couple of hours and now it has been a few weeks. He clearly was mad at me for some reason and I couldn’t tell why.
The only thing I could do was to accept and wait, till he comes to me and talks.
“I think we should stop for today, you should rest. If you continue you might blackout throughout the workout and I don’t want you to get hurt.” Hoseok patted my head, as some kind of comforting gesture. I’m glad they didn’t judge me for my crying and I’m thankful for Changkyuns honest words.
I hate to say it, but I really do love those dorks and I couldn’t leave them like that. A smile creeped up at the cornor of my lips.
“Oh Y/N is smiling, she’s smiling!” Changkyun exclaimed, earning a laugh from me and Hoseok.
“Ok Come on! We should go to the living room, I guess the others would come back soon.” Changkyun pointed at the door.
“I should get home, I have to go to work in a few hours and I need to get ready.” I hated to say it and I don’t want to go out like this, but I needed to.
“What? You should stay here, take a shower and rest.” Changkyun insisted that I should stay.
“I’m sorry, but I have to. Thank you for the offer, but I think I would like to have some time for myself before I leave for work.” Changkyun nodded in understanding and didn’t continue to argue with me.
“Should I drive you home? It’s better than going by bus.” Hoseok insisted looking straight at my figure.
“You don’t have -”
“No! I mean it. I’ll drive you, give me a few seconds. Let me change real quick and get the car keys.” Hoseok walked out of the self made gym. Giving me no time to respond.
Changkyun and I waited for him in the kitchen. After a few minutes, Hoseok came back ready and we both made our way towards the door. Changkyun followed us and we said our goodbyes.
“Be careful Y/N and don’t worry you’re not alone.” I smiled at his words and Hoseok guided me out. We walked towards the car, I sat down in the passenger seat. Hoseok drove off onto the street, bringing me to my apartement.
By the time, the members came back to the dorm, seeing Changkyun all alone in the living room. Kihyun spoke up as his eyes landed on the lonely member.
“Where’s Hoseok-hyung? Weren’t you both working out with Y/N-ssi?”
Kihyuns words catched the attention of one certain member. Jooheon heard your name for many times, but now he felt like he needed to listen more carefully. A weird feeling was building up in his chest, when his older bandmate questioned after your well-being.
“We did workout, Hoseok-hyung is bringing Y/N-ssi back home. He said he’ll be back in a while.” Changkyun answered innocently, his eyes still fixed on the tv.
“Why is Hoseok-hyung bringing Y/N back home?” Jooheon grabbed Changkyuns attention. The Maknae was clearly confused by Jooheons tone of voice. Many questions floated through his mind, but he kept them by himself.
“He doesn’t wanted her to go alone, that’s why.” Changykuns phone vibrated, signaling a message from the missing Hyung.
“He just texted, that he’ll come later. He’s bringing Y/N to work and will return after that.” The other members gathered on the couch, while Jooheon, Shownu and Kihyun still stood in the middle of the room.
“Why is he suddenly so nice to her? She’s clearly old enough to go to work alone, she doesn’t need a babysitter.” the annoyance in Jooheons voice was clear by now.
“Yea Jooheon, she’s old enough to even decide what to wear on her own.” Hyungwons words pierced the tense air and Jooheon let out a huff, disbelieved by his words.
Jooheon wouldn’t let that slide that off so easily.
“Well I am her bestfriend! And I clearly am allowed to have some type of decision making on what she could wear and what not.”
“You don’t seem like her best friend, in my perspective.” Kihyun got defensive and added his own salt.
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“What I’m talking about? Jooheon, you clearly have only time for your girlfriend at this point. Did you actually know that Y/N passed the big exam she studied for the past months? Did you know that her sister is visiting at the end of december? Do you actually know anything about her from the past months?” continued Kihyun.
“If you know so damn much about her, why don’t you lable yourself as her best friend?” Jooheon was enraged, he knew he would regret those words later on, but now wasn’t the moment to back down. He was mad.
“I will then. I bet I do a much better job in being her bestfriend than you’ve been the past months.”
“Stop now, both of you!” Shownu interrupted the two men.
Jooheon scoffed and walked off, not looking back at his friends. A loud bang echoed through the dorm and a lock turned.
“Why did you enraged him like that?” Shownu was a little dissapointed at Kihyun for making Jooheon upset.
“Sorry Hyung, I couldn’t help myself. I’m just so mad at him, he’s not aware of how his relationship with his girlfriend effects us all. Especially Y/N.” his mother instinct came out and defended himself and the others. He was just worried about everyone and you. He saw how devastated you are, how drained you’ve been lately, how lifeless your smile looked like. Your sad smile burned like a mark in his mind.
“Kihyun.” Shownu patted the younger one on the back as Kihyun sat down next to Changkyun. The Maknae kept quite, not mentioning your mental breakdown in the gym room. He knew everyone was worried, but he wouldn’t want to put more pressure on you, when everyone would ask about your well being. If someone has to talk about your feelings, than it’s you and no one else.
The door opened and Hoseok appeared in the living room. The tension in the room did not go unnoticed by the man.
“What happened?” Hoseok asked and all five men looked at the said man.
“Jooheon and Kihyun argued” Minhyuk summarized the event quickly.
“Why?” Hoseok was still confused and wanted to know what exactly happened.
“Jooheon got mad, that you brought Y/N back home.” Changkyun added and looked the man straight in the eyes. Hoseok scoffed, disbelieved by Jooheons behavior.
“I’ll go talk to him.” Hoseok was about to go to Jooheon, when Changkyun stopped him with a pleading look.
“Don’t go, give him some time.”
“Give him time? Are you serious? Do you know how much of an affect he has on this whole situation? Does he know how much he hurts the people around him? Especially the people who dearly love him with their whole heart?” His last words were the most heavy ones, since everyone knew who he was referring to.
He wanted answers, you wanted answers, everyone wanted answers. Hoseok was ready to fight the younger one so you could find peace in this whole situation. The relationship between you and Jooheon affected everyone. The worst pain Hoseok got from this whole situation is that no one heard your words when you and Hoseok were alone. Words that still ringed in his ears, the pain still lingered in his chest. Those heartbroken words, words of true heartbreak and true sadness. He wished everyone would hear them, but he promised you, to tell no one.
Eventually Hoseok gave up after the Maknae gave him a warning look.
“Y/n-ssi said she won’t come for a while, she has to study for a test and needs time for herself. She doesn’t want to be interrupted for now.” He lied, he wanted to give you your well deserved space. You both agreed to you not visiting the dorm until you figured out your feelings. You needed space from Jooheon and being at the said place wouldn’t help.
No one argued against your request.
“I guess I’ll make some dinner.” Kihyun stood up and walked straight to the kitchen.
“I’ll help you.” Minhyuk followed the younger member and offered his help. The other members stayed in the living room and tried to relax a little. Suddenly loud music erupted from Jooheons room. The uneasy feeling in the dorm rised, all seven knew they needed space and time to cool down. They are brothers they won’t be mad at each other for too long.
After Hoseok dropped me off at work, I started my shift with drained muscles and sore limbs. Some time passed and I was full in work mode, I was able to forget about the situation a few hours ago. My mind was now immersed with work and no feelings, I put my feelings aside. Feeling coldness in my chest, my smile was empty and forced and no one noticed, gladly.
I finished to prepare an order from a customer and returned to the front to take  a new order.
“Hello, what would you like to order?” the words automatically escaped though my mouth, my eyes fixed at the monitor in front of me.
“Look who we got here.” my head snapped up as my mind recognized the owners voice. She’s definitely the last person I wanted to see this day. Why does she have to come up at the worst moments ever.
“Hello Hyejin-ssi” I forced the kindness out of my guts and instantly hated myself.
“I haven’t seen you around lately. I started to miss you.” her sarcasm was clear and I let it slide. I tried to regain my pride and smile through this conversation.
“Well I haven’t been feeling well and that’s why I’m not around that often. The others had promotions, another reason we couldn’t meet.”
“I see.” her smirk plastered over her features, her eyes wouldn’t leave my face. As if she’s scanning me for some reason.
“Is something wrong?” I looked up through my lashes not fully facing her. My insecurity replacing my pride.
“No, just thinking why Jooheon would be with something like you. I mean you’re not even pretty and clearly out of his league. You shouldn’t be even worth of breathing the same air as him. You’re just some poor student who works at an unspecial and unpopular cafe.” she ranted. Heat spread in my chest as anger filled my upper body. It wasn’t only anger, but also sadness, hatered and insecurity. Suddenly I felt ashamed of myself.
“If you don’t like this cafe, why are you even here?” my only response, I don’t want to show her how her words actually affected me.
“Oh sweety I’m not here for your low-quality coffee. I’m actually here to tell you to back off, your ugly ass and leave me and the members of Monsta X alone. You clearly don’t fit into their lifestyle. You’re too boring, not even your body is really appealing and you say you’re working out? Girl, you seem like you are already exhausted when you lift your arm to pick up the remote. I guess the boys are too stupid to see what kind of stupid person you really are.” she continued and all my emotions switched to being offended and really mad. She’s not only insulting me but also my friends.
Who does she think she is?
I let out a scoff and looked aside, away from her for a short moment.
“If you’re only here to insult me and my friends or to question my friendship with seven really amazing, caring men and don’t want to order anything, than I suggest you to leave this cafe immediantly. You can insult me as much as you want but don’t ever call my friends stupid, you understand?” I gave her a stern look and recieved a larger smirk from the woman infront of me.
“Now you started to bark, did you learned that from your stupid friend who reffers to himself with I am?”
“I told you not to insult my friends and no I did not learn it from him. I know perfectly when to stand up for me and my friends and you are clearly overstepping your boundaries. I ask you one last time. Would you like to order? If not I’ll ask you nicely, for the last time, to leave this cafe real quick.” my patience started to shrink, I was about to burst and let everything out on her. The only thing that holds me back is our position - her being a customer and me being a waiter and preparing her order.
“Since Jooheon asked for a stupid Honey Latte from this stupid cafe, I’ll take a regular Cream Coffee.” she finished, her gaze now on the screen going through our offers of drinks and pastries.
I turned around and quickly made her order. Jooheons latte was done fast, since it’s his favorite and I did it plently of times, he would only drink my creation and no one elses. The other basic drink was done afterwards. I gave Jooheons girlfriend the drinks and she paid it. Before she would leave the counter, she tried a sip of her coffee. Her face showed a disgusted feature on her face, clearly displeased by the taste. Nothing should be wrong with the drink, it’s a basic I always made it perfectly fine.
“That tastes disgusting and you offer that to your customers?” she opened the lid of the coffee and emptied it over my face. Loud gasps erupted in the cafe, people were shocked by the sight. My coworker ran up to me asking me if I was alright. My eyes wouldn’t open, the coffee too hot, my clothes now full of the liquid.
“Oh god Y/N! What happened? Why did you threw that over her?” my coworker asked.
“The coffee tasted like garbage, I just threw that where it belonged, the trash.” she laughed and walked out of the cafe.
“Come on Y/N! I’ll bring you to the back. Dear customers I feel deeply sorry, that you had to see that.” she bowed towards the people in the cafe and brought me to the back.
“What happened? Was that the woman you’ve been talking about?” I answered nothing too empty to say anything. Tears started to form in my eyes for the fourth time this day.
“Oh Y/N, you know what? Go home, you need some time off. I’ll give you a week or two free, you seem not right in your mind. Ok?” she was clearly worried, she wiped off the remains of the coffee on my face. I said again, nothing.
“Youngbae! Go bring Y/N back home.”
“No! there’s no need for that I can go by myself!” I stopped her before her poor son has to bring me home, even though he definitely doesn’t have to. The desire to be alone was strong and I needed some time off, from the world around me.
“Are you sure?” I nodded, took my belonings and headed out of the cafe. Making my way to my apartement.
At this point, the lonliness hit me hard. My tears fell freely from my eyes, I didn’t stop them. Sadness took over my whole existence, small sobs shaking out of me. Never was my yearning for his embrace so strong, I needed his comfort, his warmth. Soft words of comfort in my ears, telling me that everything will be alright. Escaping reality together with him and now he’s not here. Too far from my reach, not even a call away, he’s just too far.
My world is gone, the light in my life, my reason to wake up and stay strong was taken away from me. So easily, I thought our bond was strong enough to overcome every circumstances or every storm. I was too blind and too stupid, this whole time. Why did I held myself onto him, for him to throw me away that easily.
Did I even meant to him anything? Was I really an important person to him?
Those thoughts kept in my head until I entered my apartment. It was dark, empty and cold. Why was I feeling this way? I feel so stupid yet again, why does this all effect me this much.
Y/N stop with those stupid thoughts. That’s not you.
My fingers reached the light-switch, my apartment lighted up and I made my way straight to the bathroom. My clothes slipped off from my body and stepped under the shower. Hot drops of water kissed my cold skin, the air hot from the steam. My arms falling loosely from eachside of my body. My eyes watching a hole into the wall.
Mind blank.
After my shower, my body automatically walked towards the frigde, taking out a can of cold beer. My fingers opening the small lid, the gas escaping the small space within the can. I brought the cold can onto my lips taking a big gulp of it. The slight bitter sweet taste of the liquid spreading in my mouth and going down my throat. Cooling down, my now hot body.
I sat there quiet, small, empty and alone.
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jiwontiddy · 7 years
Fans finding out about you and Shownu
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pairing: hyunwoo x [y/n]
warning: none
genre: angst, fluff, drama
a/n: I don’t own any of the gifts that I used...credit goes to the owners!!!! (Isn’t he just the cutest thing on earth??) ENJOY
Being awakened by loud noises you slowly sat up and rubbed your eyes, trying to see what is going on. You saw your boyfriend Shownu standing in front of your bed and getting dressed. He noticed you and quietly mumbled. "Oh sorry, did I wake you?" You pouted and nodded your head in response.
He sighed and walked over to you, lightly kissing your forehead as a way of apologizing. "Where are you going?" You asked and put on your night gown.
"I got called to a meeting and it sounded important. Go back to sleep, I'll be back before you know it." Hyunwoo promised with one of his famous eye smiles. You were beyond disappointed right now. You hoped you'd get to wake up to him and just cuddle all morning instead of waiting for him while the food you've made is getting cold. But those were the consequences with dating an idol. You had to respect his dedication and love for his job.
After leaving (y/n) behind, Shownu quickly made his way to his manager's office eager to find out what's so important to separate him from his princess. Once he arrived he noticed he was the only one from the boys here. He tried calling Jooheon but he wouldn't pick up. Where are the rest of the boys? he asked himself but nevertheless entered the office and sat down.
Hongsik, one of their managers walked in greeting Shownu with a quick "Annyeong." Shownu stood up, greeting him with a bow. "Annyeonghaseyo."
"Let's get this over with." Hongsik said and sat down, typing something on his computer. Shownu was confused and didn't quite understand why he was here.
"Where are the other boys?" He mumbled with a low voice, still tired from the lack of sleep. "Not here. This meeting is about your relationship with (y/n)." Shownu furrowed his eyebrows, already annoyed with him. Watch what you're going to say next...
"There are pictures of you and her all over twitter from yesterday." Hongsik turned the computer display around for Shownu to see. He showed him pictures of him and (y/n) holding hands, Shownu being affectionate, holding her waist, holding her from behind, whispering something in her ear.
Shownu felt the blood rushing to his ears as he analysed the pictures. He was mad but you couldn't tell due to his blank face. All he could think about was how unfair this is. Why can't he spend time with his girlfriend without feeling guilty? He didn't say anything and just waited for Hongsik to speak up first.
Hongsik could only sigh and rub his face in frustration. His chief concern is that the fans are not going to be happy about this. "Look, we all know this won't last long so just end it before you two have to go public and then break up after a few months, creating unnecessary drama that will make us look bad."
Shownu snapped his head up. "You can't expect this from me."
"She's going to crack under the pressure." Shownu shook his head, not believing what he's hearing. He knows his girlfriend better than anyone else. He knows that she's a strong woman and can handle pretty much anything.
"Hyunwoo, don't make this harder for you. I read through some tweets and the fans went absolutely ballistic." Shownu thought about it for a second. He doesn't want to see her hurt. But then again he also doesn't want his fans to be upset.
But his selfish self won't let him think about leaving her. She was always there for him. She was the only person he could actually go to if he needed someone to talk to. He could cry on her shoulder and she would listen the whole time. They admired each other so much he wouldn't want to lose her. 
But if she had to give up her privacy to be with him, will she stay?
"Think about it." Shownu stood up and walked out of the office without saying anything not able to think clear. That's exactly why he tried to keep their relationship a secret this whole time. But he was certain that he had to do the right thing.
You were wide awake and preparing breakfast, hoping Shownu would show up before it got cold. That's when you heard the front door open and close with a loud bang. You jumped due to being scared and slowly walked to the living room to see Shownu taking his jacket off in an aggressive way. You've never seen him like that. He was usually a quiet one and never got mad.
You walked up to him, putting your hands on his broad shoulders, feeling how tense he is. He flinched under your touch and took a few steps forward, away from you. You were hurt by his actions but decided to ignore it.
"Are you okay?" You asked, scared to hear the reason for his behaviour.
He took a deep breath before turning to you and looking into your eyes that were filled with worry. "Did something happen?"
"Some fans saw us yesterday and took pictures and uploaded them. Hongsik said I had no choice but to..." He stopped himself from finishing his sentence. He couldn't bring himself to.
You were getting more anxious by the minute. "Hyunwoo, you're scaring me." You said quietly already feeling your legs getting weak.
He sighed and looked down to the floor before saying. "He told me I had to end this in order to keep the fans happy."
Your eyes went wide. You couldn't believe it. Breaking up with Shownu? You couldn't grasp the idea of not seeing his face every day. His smile that brightened your day. His gestured that showed you how much he loved you. How were you supposed to leave this all behind?
"D-does this mean we're o-over?" You asked fighting hard with the tears. His stare was still fixed on the floor, he wouldn't dare to look you in the eyes. He would break down if he saw you crying.
"Answer me, Hyunwoo!" You cried out. He mumbled something under his breath but you couldn't understand a thing. "Speak up!" You voice cracked as you felt a sting in your chest. It felt like someone was suffocating you to the point where you couldn't breath.
"I'm sorry." Was all he could say. You were shocked. "So that's it?" You asked, your voice small.
"I guess so." He shrugged, still not looking at you.
It was a week before your one year anniversary when you broke up. After that the fans noticed a change in Shownu's behaviour. He was much more quiet.
More quiet than usual. He wouldn't even laugh during interviews. On stage he looked like a motionless leave in the wind. The boys didn't know what to do and tried everything to cheer their appa up but nothing worked.
It was almost a month after your break up when you watched an interview of the boys, already missing him. You noticed it too. He wasn't himself. It tore you apart to see him like this but it was his own fault. The interviewer suddenly asked Shownu why he wasn't talking. Minhyuk quickly stepped in and said.
"Our hyung has been really training hard these past days and didn't get enough sleep, so that's why." He smiled and hoped the interviewer would drop the topic. But she was persisting. "I heard a different story from your fans." She smiled smugly turning her attention to Shownu. He didn't say anything, not knowing what she was trying to say.
"And that would be?" I.M butted in.
"Oh, just that our little Shownu is having trouble in paradise." All the boys looked to their manager who was standing behind the cameras, asking quietly for help. But before Hongsik could end the interview, Shownu answered. "I don't think this type of question has anything to with our new album."
"So does that mean it's true?" She asked eagerly. "I think that's enou-" Hongsik was about to say but got cut off.
"Yes, we broke up. No, it wasn't my decision. And yes, I do miss her. Does that answer all of your nosy questions?" He said in a low tone, looking at the interviewer in an intimidating way.
Everyone, including you, was shocked to hear him speak out. How you missed his voice.
"I think this interview is finished." Hongsik said and the boys got up, taking their mics off. Shownu was the first to leave the room. You closed your laptop and decided to get dressed. You texted Jooheon and asked him where Shownu was. Jooheon responded immediately telling you he's practising. You thank him before getting into your car and driving to the Starship entertainment building, where, hopefully, Shownu was at.
You knew the fans would be understanding and that they only ever wanted Shownu to be happy. If Shownu doesn't want to man up and take responsibility for his actions then you will. You parked outside and got out, entering through the back door which lead you directly to their practise room.
You flung the door open and saw an in sweat drenched Shownu in front of you. He jumped from the sudden entrance and turned around, his eyes wide. The moment he saw you, his heart stopped completely.
"(Y/N)." The sound of your name coming out of his mouth was almost too much to handle. You decided to let your anger out on him for being such a fool and breaking up with you.
"Don't (y/n) me." You said as you slowly approached him. His breathing was irregular and his chest was moving up and down from panting too hard.
"What are you doing here?"
"I'm here to tell you how much of an idiot you are. How could you possibly think that your fans would hate you for being happy. And even if they did, that shouldn't affect you. Do you think I would get hurt by some hurtful tweets? I mean, yes a bit but the fact that I could wake up next to you would make it up!" You said loud enough for the people outside to hear too.
You were panting too but not from exhaustion but from anger. You were both panting hard when he suddenly grabbed you, pushing you against his sweaty body and kissing you passionately. You were quick to grab the back his head and run your fingers through his hair while your lips were moving against each other. "Pabo." You breathed out once you separated yourself from him.
He gave you one of his jaw dropping eye smiles that you haven't seen for almost a month and kissed you again.  
lol my first imagine...hope you liked it. The next ones will be fluff. Can’t handle the drama lol 
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