anotherlogic · 5 years
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The extremely rare ipdobb, here captured on film for the first time in history, has to be in constant movement from the moment it hatches. If it stops moving, even for a moment, it dies on the spot and, consisting mainly of semi-vapoured water, methane and glycerin, it subsequently pops and vanishes completely, instantly, like a soap bubble.
Unfortunately for the ipdobbs, they have very little stamina. The cumbersome work of munching their way out of their tough, hairy eggs with their soft and toothless facial cavity exhasusts them and they usually faint or colapse within seconds after leaving their nest.
It’s a good thing then that they are hatched in such mind boggling multitudes! One single gigantic furr coated egg can contain tens of thousands of ipdobb embryos, all sharers of the exact same DNA. Each egg releases therefore a huge army of ipdobb clones, that leave their shared nest in a remarkably organized way. They begin their short lived journey facing northeast, forming a straight line of ipdobbs, one after another and always one at a time.
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anotherlogic · 5 years
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Did I forget to put the lid on?
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anotherlogic · 5 years
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Ciao! Soon enough you will find mochahah.com to be a nice place to join the flying cow in exploring some exciting things, as you enjoy your favourite hot drink in a cup. Mine would be a small caffè macchiato. Dynamite espresso with a neat cap of froth. Not a lot of latte. The cow prefers to go completely dairy free (though SHE’s not) What’s yours? 
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