#mobi the lucario
espers-n-espurrs · 4 months
// OOC
i have to revamp a bunch of art so i might as well share the stuff i dont have to revamp!
you will probably have to click for better quality !
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infini-tree · 3 years
FANFIC: return
Summary: To make a long story short, they made it back to Piqua with nothing but half-empty satchels and the word of an explorer who had risen the ranks at a supernatural pace that they were not at fault. 
Let’s skip forward by just a bit, though. (Piqua Mystery Dungeon)
A/N: While technically I do have a drabble in the works set before this, chronology is my enemy, so you get this first. This is also related to against all odds (1 + 2)-- you can see the related links on those fics for additional context to this one.
Did you know serperior had arms, because I sure didn’t.
“So, what now?”
“What do you mean, what now?” The abomasnow’s needles flattened, grimacing at the damage to an outer wall of the guild-slash-school. “You can go home.”
Between coming back, finding out that there was another one of his students had come from the future, and a near-death experience, he was ready to root himself into his house and never come out. 
“Home?” Harold mumbled, before looking at George. It was like the idea never crossed either of their minds. After what seemed like an eternity of running, it must have seemed stranger than any of their comics.
Then again, he thought wryly, they should have known it would have happened.
Between the clamor of older guildmembers trying to do damage control with limited success, teachers panicking, and students whispering, the gasp from a few paces away was near inaudible.
George was the first to notice, and he nudged the mareep insistently.
Just across the street was a serperior, lucario, and ampharos, the latter of which was holding onto a mareep that was more fluff than creature. 
He looked over to Harold. Spitting family resemblance.
None of the adults made a move. It was like they were afraid that if they acknowledged what was happening, then the illusion would break and their children would disappear. Or run away if they pushed too hard.
But the mareep from across the street had no such qualms and wriggled out of her mother’s arms and bolted straight for them. Her breath hitched, eyes teary. “H-- Harold!”
And for the first time in a long while, the boys run towards home-- their home, their family. That was enough to spur on a chain reaction of the remaining three to run to their children as well, scooping them up with watery eyes and making sure they were alright and alive and safe and well, and oh, we were so worried--
Krupp couldn’t help but look down to his feet. He shouldn’t be... here. Looking. Even if it was happening in the middle of Piqua in broad daylight, he felt like an intruder. Besides, his job was done. The abomasnow took a few steps back and to the side in an attempt to escape.
But the lucario’s aura sensors flicked up. “Don’t think you can escape that easily!” he joked, making his way over. He winced as the serperior shot a glance at him. “Uh, poor choice of words.”
“What Moby meant to say is, thank you.” The serperior made her way forward, and her next words were tremulous. “Thank you, for bringing them back.”
The most the abomasnow could muster up was a nod and a strangled noise that hopefully sounded agreeable.
“I knew all those times the boys were complaining about you was just a bit of tall tales on their part!” The ampharos let out a high laugh. “There was one they were really up in arms about-- Barbara, do you remember?”
The serperior-- Barbara-- shook her head.
Krupp couldn’t help but grind his teeth and glance at the boys. “Really now?”
George only shrugged playfully. Harold raised a brow in faux-smugness. 
Ugh, things were a lot simpler before the whole fugitive business, and their parents were still looking at him like that. So he stuffed down the literal pages of complaints he had about them he had always wanted to field to them, just this once. 
“Oh, they’ve been...” Nuisances. Aggravating. On my last nerves. “Something. I know they’re, uh... trying their best.”
“Mind saying that a little louder?” Harold said.
“And are pushing their luck.” He let his gaze turn sharp for a moment.
Between the commotion and the whirlwind conversation between the others, it was clear that Krupp was at his tipping point and was close to being overwhelmed.
“Would you like to have dinner with us, then?” the ampharos-- Grace, Harold’s mother, asked.
“Um, no, thanks but... no.” He floundered around for a moment, breaking off from the group, perhaps a bit too eager. “I’m-- I’ll be fine.”
“Yeah, don’t worry, mom,” Harold said hurriedly, somehow more fearful at the prospect of having his principal-slash-guildmaster home for dinner than being hunted down. “He said that he doesn’t really eat?”
The ampharos stared at her son, then to the abomasnow, and back to him. “Really now?”
“Something about how technically he’s one degree of separation from an actual tree, so he doesn’t need to eat as often,” George explained. “It was pretty sunny out, so yeah!”
“I see, I see,” Moby’s tone was curious, but he shot a quick glance towards his wife, clearly unsure. “I suppose that makes sense.”
The serperior’s pace had slowed down by a tick, causing her to lag behind. 
George, of course-- her perceptive, clever boy-- was the first to notice. His brow knitted together in worry. “Mom, what’s wrong?”
“I had nearly forgotten-- it’s been a long day for all of us, even moreso for you boys,” she said with an even smile. “I’ll need to buy an extra special surprise for dinner, we can eat all together and make it a whole event-- if that’s alright with you, Grace.”
The ampharos lit up, quite literally, as the orb on her tail let out a quick flash. “Oh, that would be lovely! Maybe an evening picnic, perhaps?”
Barbara shot a glance at Moby, who gave a nod. 
“Well, since we’re all in agreement.”
“What’ll the surprise be?” George asked.
The serperior patted him on the head. “I can’t tell you, it’s a surprise!”
“I think I’m nearly at my limit for surprises, mom,” he joked.
“Can you at least make room for a few more? For me?”
The snivy laughed before nodding.
“You can go ahead-- you still need to get yourselves readjusted to both being home, and your treehouse.”
And at the latter, the boys jumped to action. “Oh man, you’re right!” George gasped. “How long’s it been?”
The snivy didn’t receive an answer, since Harold was already running.
“Hey, wait a minute--”
Just like that, the rest of the group was off. All of them, except for Barbara. The serperior made her way over to the abomasnow, tilting her head. 
Krupp couldn’t help but cross his arms defensively on instinct as he braced for whatever she was going to say.
Was she going to call him out on his little quip about them pushing their luck? Has she connected the dots? He vaguely wondered if George got his general whip-smart and clever demeanor from her side or the lucario’s. 
“Photosynthesis, huh?” Barbara said after a moment, quirking a brow. “You must have been under a lot of strain if you were just relying on that for energy.”
Scratch that, it might have been better if she were calling him out on whatever slight the boys vented towards her. He looked away as the needles at his hackles flattened. “On some days supplies were low. It was... better than the alternative.”
“I see.” Another pause. Her gaze lingered on the needles on his arms. It was subtle, but there were brown needles nestled among the usual green. In some areas, bark-like skin that was never meant to be seen peeked through the clusters. “In any case, thank you, again. That must have been a difficult decision.”
“It really wasn’t.” In terms of practicality, whatever powered his counterpart made him more durable as well. Besides, it was the only decision he-- both of him-- would accept, and they were exceedingly stubborn in that regard.
Barbara tilted her head again, but let the subject lie. “Well, the offer’s still open, if you ever change your mind.”
“I have, um--” his gaze flickered over to a blue-eyed octillery near the school. “Prior engagements. I’ll be fine.”
“Oh,” she mumbled before seeing the general direction his eyes travelled to. “Oh...” The serperior shot a smile at him, making her way past him and towards the direction of the marketplace. “Well, in that case, I shouldn’t keep my family waiting, and I suppose you shouldn’t keep her waiting either.”
The abomasnow let out a little huff. And there was the family resemblance, right there in the remark and smile.
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((Since I have too much time on my hands, I made some headcanons about the Guild and their signature pokemon! This also doubles as a headcanon post about the pokemon form they would take in a PMD AU!
Francis - Persian (Kanto), because every rich bastard needs a Persian. It’s like a rule. Ask Giovanni.
Louisa - Clefable
Poe - Linoone, ecause it evolves from a Zigzagoon, which is basically a racoon. Also his name is Karl.
Herman - Wailord because Moby Dick amirte? If we really wanna go full on with this, we could give him Kyogre instead.
Twain - Talonflame.
Lucy - Braixen, before she evolves her to a Delphox. Her name is Anne.
John - Trevenant, because he speaks for the trees, and because horror ghost tree.
Lovecraft - Deoxys, because you all knew this was coming.
Nathaniel - Lucario, because it just works in my mind, and Lucario is as serious and driven as he is.
Margaret - Swannna, or Lopunny. Either would be a good fit for her, and both are beauty, grace, and will kick you in the face (more so Lopunny; Swanna will just peck out your eyes.
Hirotsu - Alakazam.))
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espers-n-espurrs · 3 months
what are mobius’ thoughts on the state of the galarian economy? and also pecha
//ask game
I do not understand what this “economy” is or how it operates as the ways humans conduct themselves can be confusing at times.
All I know is that the Boss’ and the former Boss’ city of childhood is that of the poorer variety. I do not believe that is good. Money is important. to humans from my understanding, especially when it comes to survival. Boss needs to survive.
So, I do not like the “economy” as it made it hard for Boss to survive.
I do not understand why Boss took her in. We have no need for an infant Pokemon as she cannot contribute to the team. I have tried to remove the small vulpine Pokemon on multiple occasions but this has only resulted in me being banned from being in the same room as her.
I do not like the infant fox.
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espers-n-espurrs · 11 months
oh i never shared that my riolu, mobi, evolved a few days ago!!
look at my boy!! we think his dad may have been a meowscarada
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(( ooc : pretend there is a background pls dgshsgsjgs oh and also click for better quality!! ))
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espers-n-espurrs · 1 year
Pinned Post !!!
hello! im esper, she/they pronouns please, and im currently attending naranja-uva academy here in paldea!
i was born in kalos but grew up in spikemuth over in galar and i may be moving to paldea? im still not completely sure on the details—
i like baking and reading and just generally chilling out with my friends and close ones
Team Info !!!
• Ozzy - Braviary - M
• Freddie - Alolan Rattata - M
• Lady - Persian - F
• Laffy - Lopunny - F
• Bucky - Sawsbuck - M
• Evie - Umbreon - F - Service Pkmn
• Ouppy - Stoutland - F
• Mio - Espurr - M
• Miette - Espurr - F
• Mobi - Lucario - M
• Niki - Fennekin - F
• Kippy - Skitty - F
• Maya - Plusle - F
• Lord Fuzzyboots - Furfrou - M
• Chilly - Absol - F
• Sentry - Patrat - M
• Gizmo - Rotom - X
• Berklie - Spinarak - M
• Lemony - Sewaddle - F
• Crescent - Gothitelle - F
• Batsy - Noibat - M
• Scobie - Houndoom - M - Service Pkmn
Important OOC Stuff Under The Cut !!!
No explicit NSFW aimed towards my character, vague NSFW jokes are typically okay with me just nothing explicit, thank you.
I am 18, I’m saying this just so those who are uncomfortable interacting with someone who is older or younger than them are aware.
I tend to stay with the canon of the games over the anime but if something funny/fun happens in the anime I may reference it, such as events like the Pancake Race in Alola.
If I don’t interact with something it’s typically for 4 reasons: I have nothing to add, I feel like the interaction has come to a good conclusion, I’m not including what you’ve said in my own canon, or I’m trying to set up something for plot and responding would throw that off
I will try and tag everything to the best of my ability so if I miss anything let me know!
I do like writing dark stuff so be aware that this blog may at points touch on stuff like that, I will have a tag dedicated to it so you can mute the tag if you don’t want anything like deep angst on your feed.
My asks are always open, feel free to send asks at anytime and I will try to answer them when I can!
Tags !!!
#esper posts -> any posts made in character
#esper answers -> any asks answered in character
#esper reblogs -> stuff i reblog randomly
#espers darkest day -> esper specific angst/high stakes
#high stakes -> any and all high stakes
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