miveryboutique · 4 days
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خرید آنلاین زردالو از فروشگاه آنلاین میوری
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isengard · 2 years
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also here’s miveri my beloved
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hary-and-droc · 7 years
Ginney was walking down the corridor when she came across seamus and deen standing and talking. This confused her because she had not seen either of them without their tongues down the other’s throat, and didnt exactly know what they looked like. Seamus had freckles, apparently.
‘Halla ginney’ said deen.
Ginney took a moment to process what was happeneiing. ‘....halla deen. Halla seamus. What is happening?’
The boys stared longinly at each other. ‘Every time we kiss, climate change becomes more of an issue.’
Ginney was baffled. ‘Hva? Since when!?!?’
Seamus narrowed his eyes. ‘In a potion gone wrong. It happened in potions lessons the other day.’
Deen sighed. ‘Let us demonstrate.’ They kissed.
Ginney suddenly became aware of the polar ice caps melting. They flashed across her mind. How DARE seamus and deen kiss when the ice caps were melting and polar bears were dying and there was an island of rubbish and penguins had plastic around their necks and there was pollution in the moat and the trees were dying. Ginney decided to leave and begin a riot for climate change. She gathered her peers and they began designing posters and inspiriing speeches.
Seamus and Deen decided not to kiss again, at least until an antidote was found. But some promises couldnt be kept. (they kissed 42 times that night)
Thenext day was 1396. Minvery and Hermy were playing wiazard chess on the ground on miversy bedrooms. The two had connected quite a lot over the past two days. Hermy still had the tinglging thought at the back of her mind about her exam, and about getting back to her friends, but every time they went to turn hermy back to her time, someone had always thought of an excuse for her to stay for a little bit more. Hermy wasnt complaing. Mnivery was beautiful and had let hermy borrow some of her (mainly black) clothes.
‘Bam. i win. Again. Best out of three?’ mineery asked.
‘Okay!’ hermy said. ‘But theres no way i’m going to win, even if i beat you in the next game. You’ve already won two.’
‘Best out of ten?”
Hermy agreed. Ten chess games. That would take a lot of time. Good. She got to spend more time with mivery.
‘Pawn to D6.’
Hary and droc left the room or reqipment, blinded by the light. It was day time? ‘We must have stayed the entire night!’ droc muttred. Hary took his hand and smiled. ;lets go down to breakfast.’ Mcognoal walked past them down the hallway, giving them a death glare. ‘A hundred and forty seven, a hundred and-’ (They ignored her)
When they appraoched the GreatHalleOFfOOD, Ginney ran past excitedly, holding multiple pieces of cardboard and two magic marker pens. She was dressed in an odd potato sack - looking outfit, and seemed to be chanting something. A couple of students followed behind, clad in the same clothes, singing a song, somewhat out of tune.
Droc could only make out the phrases: ‘Dogs bark!’ ‘Cappuncino loyalty card’ and ‘better education for our children!’ and wondered what Ginney was up to. Hary, meanwhile, was confused. Wasn’t Ginney crazily in love with him?
It had turned out, that Ginney had focussed her obsession with hary on climate change instead. But hary didn’t know that. And because he was a Pretentious Bitch, he wanted multiple people in love with him because it made him feel Special.
‘Why does Ginney not love me anymor?” he asked droc. ‘Why do you not LOVE ME GINNEY’ hary asked ginney. She ran down the hall, practising her tribal chants instead. Hary dropped drocs hand quickly and followed after her, desperate for attention, in hope that ginney would notice him and try to kiss him, so that he could ignore her and tell her that he had a boyfriend. Droc went to breakfast alone.
Roon was standing in the doorway of TheGreatHalleOFfOOD, gathering a feather and ink from his pocket when Droc arrived. Roon had once again forgotten to put the lip on his ink and there was a large stain acorsshis cloak. Luckily it was black so it didnt matter.
‘What are you up to, roon’ droc asked. Roon and droc were friends now because hary had told roon to be nice to droc or he would steal his pet rat scabber.
‘I’m getting out my stuff becaue i want an autograph. Where’s hary? And where’s hermy. She’s gonn be so mad she missed out on THIS.’ roon said exctiedly.
‘Missed out on what?’
‘Shrek is her fave movie’ roon continued.
‘what s a movie’ droc asked. He was a wizard and didnt know technology. Roon didnt either, and only knew the word bevause hermy told roon it was her fave movie every day. ‘And what is a SHREK’
Roon gestured with his ink stained hand. ‘THAT’S  shrek.’ a big green fella stood in the GreatHalleOFfOOD. Many studenst surrunded him, asking for autographs and trying to get their posters signed. What was this guy doing here? He looked like an orge. And orge’s weren’t good. Maybe if he killed the orge, hary would notice him again. It seemed like a plan. ‘DIE ORGE’
‘A hundred and fifty’ mcamgogo said.
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nereomata · 6 years
Los empleados de Asepeyo realizan, en 6 meses, 11.000 horas de actividad deportiva
Durante los últimos 6 meses, Asepeyo Sevilla ha desarrollado, a través de una app Miveri, un programa específico para promover los hábitos de vida saludable de los empleados. Pero es ahora cuando Miveri ha presentado los resultados globales de la experiencia en las instalaciones de la Mutua en Cartuja.
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miveryboutique · 8 days
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خرید طالبی به قیمت مناسب از فروشگاه آنلاین میوری
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miveryboutique · 3 months
قیمت روزانه میوه
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قیمت روزانه انواع میوه و تره بار از فروشگاه اینترنتی میوه میوری
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miveryboutique · 3 months
فروشگاه اینترنتی میوه و تره بار
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خرید آنلاین میوه و تره بار از فروشگاه آنلاین میوه میوری
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miveryboutique · 17 hours
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خرید آنلاین شلیل از فرشگاه آنلاین میوه و تره بار میوری
بهترین قیمت میوه
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miveryboutique · 9 days
میوه تازه
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خرید آنلاین انواع میوه تازه از فروشگاه اینترنتی میوه میوری
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miveryboutique · 11 days
خرید آنلاین شلیل
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خرید آنلاین شلیل با بهترین قیمت از فروشگاه آنلاین میوه میوری
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miveryboutique · 11 days
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خرید آنلاین هندوانه از فروشگاه اینترنتی میوه میوری
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miveryboutique · 4 months
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miveryboutique · 4 years
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وقت بخير ويژها اي امروز ميوري ١٣ شهريور ماه شامل موارد زير مي گردد رب ارگانيك دلند ١٦٠٠٠ تومان تون ماهي روغن زيتوني مكنزي ١٦٠٠٠ روغن كنجد ارگانيك نيكاتيس ٨٠٠٠٠ نارنگي نوبرانه ١٦٠٠٠ خريد از طريق سايت فروشگاه اينترنتي ميوه سبزيجات مواد غذايي و محصولات ارگانيك ميوري https://mivery.co يا از طريق تلفن : ٧٢٩٠٤-٠٢١ #فروش_ويژه #تخفيف #ويژه_هاي_ميوري #ارسال_رایگان #حراجی_آنلاین #ميوه #نارنگي #روغن_كنجد #ارگانيك #نه_به_تراریخته #ميوري #mivery https://www.instagram.com/p/CEqjgH9ggSL/?igshid=1h78g382j6q7r
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miveryboutique · 4 years
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با سلام ويژه هاي امروز ميوري چهارشنبه ١٢ شهريور ماه ٩٩ راك ملون ١٦٠٠٠ تومان آلو شابلون ١٠٠٠٠ تومان اب معدني واتا ٦ تايي ١.٥ ليتري ١٢٠٠٠ آل معدني ٠.٣٣ ليتري ١٢ تايي ١٦٠٠٠ خريد آنلاين از طريق سايت فروشگاه اينترنتي ميوه سبزيجات موادغذايي و محصولات ارگانيك ميوري https://mivery.co #ميوري #حراج #حراجی_آنلاین #خريد_آنلاين #ميوه_آنلاين #خربزه #ملون #خربزه_ملون #mivery #چناران_پارک_رزیدنس #روما_رزیدنس #شهرك_اكباتان #اكباتان #فرمانيه #شهرك_غرب #نياوران #كاشانك #پاسداران #هروي #زعفرانيه #زعفرانيه_آصف #زعفرانيه_مقدس_اردبيلي #ولنجك #بام_تهران https://www.instagram.com/p/CEoAa-KgGfw/?igshid=1gxftt4nxmllt
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miveryboutique · 5 years
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اواع میوه و سبزیجات تازه در فروشگاه آنلاین میوه میوری
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miveryboutique · 5 years
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