#mitkun writes stuff
saturniiddae · 2 years
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I lost it when you found me
Chapter 12: First
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bluecoloreddreams · 2 years
Me, writing: I am gonna write sweet smut for first time inuokko!!
Me, a nasty gremlin: P O R N O G R A P H Y VOICE KINK!!!!! KINK!!!!!!! HANDS!!!
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saturniiddae · 3 years
Please do not remix/rewrite/repost my fics without my permission.
This isn’t a post I should have to make, and in my fourteen years of writing, never thought I would have to, but here we go:
Do not, under any circumstances, remix/rewrite/summarize/repost my fics, WIP or finished, without my express permission and credit.
AO3 has a nifty “inspired by” feature, along with comments, and Tumblr has a tagging and messaging feature. There’s no reason not to contact me to acquire permission. I’m more than happy to provide it if something of mine catches your fancy or tugs on your inspiration. I am Not Happy™️ to stumble across stuff without it
Like… y’all.
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saturniiddae · 3 years
Blue Hour Mornings
Summary: Toge wakes to find a sleepless Yuuta.  Pairing: Inumaki Toge/Okkotsu Yuuta Rating: E Tags: Post Shibuya Incident, Future Fic, Established Relationship, Aged Up Characters (SEE THE REST OF THE TAGS ON AO3)
Pale blue light spills through the crack in the curtains, soaking the room in pre-dawn moonlight.
Dazed with sleep, Toge blinks as awareness soaks into his bones, trying to piece out what woke him. Warmth seeps into his limbs, making him fuzzy around the edges. He stirs, nuzzling his cheek lazily into the sheets. He’d been having such a good dream, too, something about Yuuta, an onsen, and sake.
Warmth surges, shooting to the tips of his ears at the soft ghost of breath against his neck. Yuuta, curled up against him, knees pressed into the bend of Toge’s, his hand flat against Toge’s belly, his other arm tucked carefully underneath Toge’s shoulder. Toge was never quite able to give up sleeping on his side—it’s uncomfortable now, but sometimes it’s mitigated by Yuuta propping him up in his sleep, soothing him with a low-level of reverse jujutsu when Toge wakes up cranky.
He thinks, blearily, that must be why he’s woken up—but he doesn’t hurt and he’s not overly uncomfortable, so why…?
He shifts, stretching out against Yuuta, then grins.
Ah, he thinks, an anticipatory shiver working its way across his skin, that’s why—
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saturniiddae · 3 years
I lost it when you found me
Chapter Four: Beautiful
He’s covered in literal trash, bloodied, and he’s pretty sure his entire back is bruised, and who knows what sort of curse goo was on Yuuta’s hand when he unceremoniously shattered Toge’s entire idea of what his sexuality was like, and he on top of that, he doesn’t even know if Yuuta even realizes that what he did could be considered erotic.
The dude is like, curse-married to his dead childhood sweetheart—he has no idea what he’s doing half the time. Toge once watched him eat the leaf wrapping on a zongzi without question.
God, Toge loves him.
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saturniiddae · 3 years
Leave a Trace
Chapter Eleven: Favor
“A favor,” Dark says quietly in his voice, something threatening and dark in his tone.
So he lets Dark take over, turns himself away from the sight of his own hands vaulting him over fences and onto the rooftops, closing himself off from what this means.
“You can’t stay blind,” Dark says to him in that echoing space that is their shared consciousness. “You’re going to hurt more than just yourself, you know. Riku, Hiwatari, even Risa—they’re just going to suffer if you refuse to think about this. About what it means. You know what it means! You’ve known for a while that you—”
No! No! I already said I don’t want to hear you, I don’t want to listen, I don’t want—
He curls in tight against himself, hands covering his ears.
He’s willing to wrap himself up in this space again, cocoon himself against the realization that there’s something wrong with him, that he’s let everything come to a head because he refuses to face the truth head on.
So much could be fixed if he would just… look at himself, but there’s so much about himself that he already despises, so what happens when he looks in the mirror, and there’s not a single redeeming thing about him?
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saturniiddae · 3 years
Leave a Trace
Chapter Twelve: Paradigm Shift
“About that,” Risa says pointedly. “What is going on with you and Niwa-kun? You’re so down in the dumps recently, and I don’t like it. I’ll beat him up, just say when.”
Riku laughs, flicking water at Risa. “Don’t! Geesh! That’s my thing, you know?”
Risa grins, then leans forward, her face slowly morphing into something serious as she studies Riku. “I think it’s time you tell me what’s going on with you two,” she says gently. “I know you don’t… you’re not… about Niwa-kun, Riku, I… I never want you to feel like, like we’re competing.”
Riku looks down at her knees. “Sometimes,” she says after a long pause. “I…”
She closes her eyes tightly, then immediately regrets it, remembering the winged shadow hovering over her, Daisuke’s face half-illuminated by the moonlight, eyes shining like polished garnet even as he scrambled away.
Daisuke, surrounded by feathers, bleeding and in tears outside of the museum; Dark, where Daisuke should be. A dream of a world of snow and scraped-raw palms.
Hiwatari, at the dance, ivory gun in hand, tears pouring down his face, and Daisuke, Daisuke was Dark, then, she knows it.
If this is true, then Risa needs to know. If it’s true, if it’s true…
“What if,” Riku says slowly, taking her time to form the right words, the right questions. “What if that weren’t true? If we did—if we liked the same person?”
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saturniiddae · 2 years
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This is me planning the next chapter of my inuokko coming of age comedy by texting @sinhchan the various ways Yuuta can suffer as he and Inumaki try to bang
I am a serious author
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bluecoloreddreams · 4 years
(Disclaimer: this contains spoilers for the Fruits Basket and Fruits Basket: Another manga, as well as taking into consideration tidbits from Takaya’s twitter.) 
So, okay, first of all we have to address the YMMV aspect: Some people don’t like this ship. As long as they’re respectful, I have no beef with that. I’m well aware that some people cannot/choose not to make the distinction between “real life” and “fiction”— I have the luxury of this choice, so some of the “problematic” ships/character aspects within Furuba don’t bother me (for the most part). It’s fiction, and I’m aware of this.  
Again, some people cannot/do not make this distinction, and that’s none of my business because that’s their personal life. I’m aware that people dislike aspects of Akigure, and that’s fine. 
Personally? I’ve been reading Furuba since like, basically the dawn of time. I was reading scans on, like,  MSN groups. I remember a friend at church (of all places) telling me about the Akito reveal because I was behind on updates. It’s literally engrained upon my shipping heart at this point. 
(Headcanons ahoy! Like literally, this is all headcanon/my perspective on the series as a whole. YMMV/YKINMK/Dead Dove, the whole works, if you know you know
YES I wrote it like it’s an actual research paper because I have No Chill At All, please forgive me. It’s long and pretty rambling.) 
Addressing the first elephant in the room: Given my limited interactions with the fandom, my impression of Akigure from a generalized fan POV is that it’s pretty divisive. Every episode she comes up there are “I hate this kid” comments and I cry
Akito is a favorite of mine, and it’s impossible for anime-only’s to make a deep, informed call on her character. On the other hand, a lot of manga-readers dislike her too. 
So, why am I talking about whether or not people like Akito as a character? 
I’m of the opinion that it impacts people’s ability to view her character arc as one that deserves a happy ending. That she doesn’t deserve to have love, happiness, or forgiveness, all of which are given to her when she and Shigure finally end up together on equal footing. (Do I think the way it’s rushed in the original Furuba ending? Yeah, but hey. Sensei had like a huge ensemble cast to wrap ends on. Now there’s Furubana to look to and it’s just chef’s kiss.)
There’s a mental aspect in this, involving the dichotomy between “reality” and “fiction”. 
There is absolutely zero argument that are a lot of things that Akito does that uh, listen, if it was IRL she’d be in jail! Jail for terror baby! Jail for life! 
Fortunately, Fruits Basket is a work of fiction. These characters aren’t real, they’re idealized brushstrokes of human nature created to move a plot and a message along. 
That’s why Akito and Shigure work as a couple and as characters: 
They’re both incredibly deep characters that get passed off as one-dimensional by a lot of people (and the original anime, woof). Some of it is again, because anime-only fans just don’t have the whole story, since Akito’s arc is one that builds gradually until it hits a point where all hell breaks loose, which we are a ways away from. 
So what’s the message that their relationship and characters are supposed to pass on? 
Well, it breaks down into two categories: world building and thematic arcs. The latter is more important and what I’ll be focusing on, while the former is just a little spice that I, personally enjoy, and won’t really talk about in depth. (It’s that the magical realism in Furuba sets up the idea of soulmates, it’s just…. Something I enjoy and it’s really heacanony, so I can’t really justify spending more words on it!) 
When discussing Fruits Baskets in any capacity, I feel like we must first keep in mind the thematic “lessons” of the series: 
There is an inherent loneliness in living as a human being, since loss, grief, and hurt are indelible parts of the human experience, and learning to cope with these feelings in a compassionate manner is a life-long lesson 
People react differently to the loneliness of existence, and their reactions are based upon their personalities, their upbringings, and their own choices 
Everyone is capable of change and learning, if they choose to do so, however: 
Personal agency is taught, but in the vacuum of positive reinforcement, the ability of a person to choose to be compassionate is stifled or outright inaccessible
Therefore, if you are not taught to deal with your grief and existence outside of others, your ability to connect may become warped, manipulative, or abusive, and this is not the fault of the child but instead the parental figure 
Eventually, you will be aware of your actions, and then it is your burden to choose—some people do not take this choice (the head maid, Ren, Kyo’s bio dad, Rin’s parents, Sawa’s mother in Furubana)  
Abuse has long lasting effects on the psyche and can be physical, emotional, and/or mental in nature and must be dealt with in order to grow as a person
“Dealt with” does not mean that it goes away, but that it is acknowledged and given a positive outlet (Yuki’s garden, Aaya’s shop, Rin’s art, Momiji’s violin playing)
Forgiveness is not linear
Forgiving yourself is a long and arduous process, and happens independent of other people’s forgiveness
This is really brought to the forefront in Fruits Basket: Another, when Shiki talks about how his mother interacts with the rest of the Sohma family. It’s shown she’s done what she can to make amends, but recognizes that while she can individually hold relationships with certain family members, as a whole, it's best if she allows them to be away from her. 
This is a whole tangent on its own, but there’s a certain blanket of casual forgiveness given to Akito by the entirety of the shown Zodiac in Furubana, in that they trust that she’s raised a kind and thoughtful son and allow him the grace of his own family. 
Again, in Takaya’s tweets post-series that acknowledges that Akito’s friends with Uo-chan, despite her relationship with Kureno (and it shows a depth of awareness on Kureno’s part that he stays away
People flourish in environments where love and positive reinforcement is given freely, even when people are in the wrong
This doesn’t mean that no one is ever scolded: see Komaki and Kakeru, Kisa and Hiro, Hatori chews out Shigure all the time, but never ceases being his confidant 
So okay, that’s A Lot. But every single character in Furuba follows these themes in their own manner, because the series is about healing and learning how to heal from abuse, neglect, and isolation. Someone’s gonna have to be doing it. Point blank, the end, to tell a story there must be conflict, and boy howdy, there’s a lot of conflict in Furuba. Every personal thematic arc in the series ends up tying into a romantic one, because Furuba is a romcom drama. 
There’s a loop that goes “personal betterment”->”crush”/”friendship”->”conflict”->”personal growth”/”relationship growth” in the series for every character. That’s the bread and butter of Furuba. 
But anyway. To the question: 
I love them because they work, they’re both their own people with their own narrative focuses, motivations, conflicts, and flaws. Both Shigure and Akito are believable in their own right in the context of Furuba, and I think Takaya did wonderfully in crafting a story where their personalities mesh well and give each other reasons to better themselves.
To talk about them together, you have to talk about them separately. 
I’m gonna start with Shigure because, truthfully? 
I just want to lament about how often he’s simply passed off as either comic relief or absolute trash. He’s so underestimated! 
“He’s a joke of a grown man… He is reliable and I trust him.” (Another, v. 3)
He’s incredibly intelligent when it comes to interpersonal relationships, which is why he’s able to do what he does. He’s also incredibly kind—no one made him take in Yuki or Kyo or Tohru. He could have just went “ah, I’d prefer not to” and moved on. But he didn’t, made up some bullshit so Haru would feel like taking in Yuki was a transaction, and let me just tell you, I am the same age as Shigure and if you gave ME three teenagers to be the guardian of?! It would be a full on disaster.
He’s actually incredibly trustworthy (if he wants to be), insightful, and a genuinely good guardian despite his jokes and wisecracking. 
He forced Kyo to go back to school, knowing full well it would be good for him. He lets a whole host of children run rampant through his home. Kids who actually enjoy his presence. He’s shown as having a good familial relationship with Rin (who tries to warp that for her own means), Kisa, Haru, and Momiji. His advice to Tohru is genuine, insightful, and ridiculously helpful. 
Shigure is good with people. He gets up at the crack of dawn to drive Shiki to see Sawa in Furubana. He’s who Mutsuki and Hajime immediately go “holy shit you need to do something about this” to when they find out Shiki’s getting nasty notes about Akito. He’s who Shiki goes to when Sawa fell down the stairs as a child. As much as Shiki and the others make fun of Shigure, he’s obviously someone who’s trustworthy. And that’s not some new development, he’s always been trustworthy in regards to those he loves. No one asked him to show up to Tohru’s teacher conference, he volunteered. Like this dude loves people, he’s the dog spirit after all, and rightly so. 
Does he have his own motivations? Of course! But so does everyone else in Furuba. He’s a complex character, man! 
He laughs and jokes a lot because he’s projecting this image of a laid back, doofus. When you think about who he’s friends with, the whole middling goofball act makes a lot of sense. Just like some of Ayame’s over the top behavior is a defense mechanism, I believe that Shigure casts himself as a generally unappealing man to keep himself safe from advances when he was in school, but also to temper the wildly unequal personalities of his other two friends. He’s the sort of person who would just go “eh, whatever makes it easy”, and that’s just how he is. 
He doesn’t mean the creepy school girl thing, it’s a bit and I think the only people who don’t realize he’s running a bit are Yuki, Kyo, and Tohru who are absolutely too stupid to realize he’s playing them for reactions. He thinks it’s funny. 
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When the older Zodiac had the dream of Shigure, Shigure is the only one who made the active choice to seek out that feeling. His soul was touched, and he decided that he wanted that and only that. This doesn’t necessarily mean he went full Jacob from Breaking Dawn, but it does mean he acknowledged there was a bond, and he wanted it. 
When you get into the technicalities of the curse, it’s mentioned that their Zodiac spirits influence how they interact with Akito, and that going against her can cause physical and emotional pain. Yuki cries when meeting her, and it’s mentioned that that’s just the normal reaction for the Zodiacs. 
It’s hard to say how much of their early interactions are influenced by the curse, but it’s obvious that Shigure has genuine fondness for her. She wasn’t always absolutely broken, as shown in Yuki’s backstory, and was a precocious child, one who sought affection openly. 
Shigure has an indulgent personality, and is shown to love being adored. Guess who loves him! Akito! Guess who wants lots and lots of affection! Akito! 
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Their personalities are very well matched as they get older: They’re both intelligent and coy. They both have fairly sharp tongues when needed, and have no qualms about doing whatever it takes to get what they want. 
Shigure wants Akito to be independent from the curse. He’s made it clear to her he doesn’t want to be her father, he doesn’t want to be her friend, he wants to be her lover. Those are boundaries that Akito’s never been given before, and his frankness with her and his jealousy with Kureno is something she agonizes over, simply because she’s never been given any sort of serious interpersonal boundaries, or repercussions for her actions. He’s always kept himself separate from her, because of those boundaries, even when they were children. 
That’s important. It opens the door to the idea that her actions have consequences, and is a persistent nagging in the back of her mind. 
“Even though you hadn’t realized it, I was waiting for that day.” (ch 101)
For the bulk of the series, the only person who sees Akito as a person separate from the curse, and sees a future where she can grow is Akito. He has an extraordinary amount of patience for her, and forgives her for a lot. 
There are only two incidents that Shigure cannot forgive: Her sleeping with Kureno, and at the very end of the series, I’m of the full opinion that if Akito had pushed Tohru off the cliff, Shigure would have been done with her. Look at that expression, that is the look of someone who is toeing the line of throwing away all his hopes and dreams. If she really had pushed Tohru, I just...... The series would have taken a much darker tone. 
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OKAY that’s enough about our favorite terrible author! (Okay, an aside, Shigure, please share your work ethic, you goof off so much but you’ve published so many things…how…)  
“I’ve  finally realized… she hated her own shallowness all this time, from the very start.” // “It’s frightening because you have no choices.” (ch 121) 
A lot of people dislike Akito because she, for the bulk of the manga, is violent, manipulative and just downright unpleasant. And that’s fine, but it’s not the point of her arc or the themes of the manga.  (It is, however, the point of Rin’s: you don’t have to forgive everyone.) 
She’s not the only violent person in the series. If we as readers can forgive Uo-chan and Kyoko, or even Hana-chan for her moment of violence, why can we not extend the same grace to Akito? 
Violence is often shown as a knee-jerk reaction to fear and sadness: Kyoko, Uo, Hana, Kyo, Rin, and Akito all react violently to negative situations and feelings. Even Kisa reacts violently when she’s at her worst, biting both Haru and Tohru when she’s in her tiger form, which is shown to actually cause pain like a real tiger would. (It’s played for laughs, but has anyone been bitten for realsies by a house cat? That hurts! How much more would a house-cat sized tiger hurt!!!) 
Out of all of them, Hanajima and Kisa are the only characters to show immediate remorse, because they have what the others don’t: A positive support system. Once positive role models and support systems are in place, all of the others begin to learn how to react differently and ease out of the knee-jerk reactions that were ingrained in them. 
It’s made explicit in the manga that you have to be taught how to react positively, you have to learn and choose to be good, to be friendly, to love yourself outside of others’ perceptions of yourself. Look at Yuki’s arc. Look at Uo-chan’s. Kyoko’s. 
Yuki sums it up nicely in the last chapter of the manga, where he tells Tohru that she taught the Zodiac how to become human. She allows them to grow into people who can make the choice to be loving, compassionate individuals. 
Just because Akito doesn’t interact positively with Tohru for the bulk of the manga, it doesn’t make it any less true: 
Akito is kept in a juvenile state of being: No one teaches her to suck it up, that the world exists outside of herself, that other people are people and not things. In fact, she’s actively encouraged to act the way she does. She’s incredibly broken, between the maids of the Sohma estate just… allowing her to do whatever the fuck she wants and her absolutely jacked up relationship with Ren and Akira. She has no moral compass at all. No one bothers to teach her that her actions have serious consequences. 
She knows, in a roundabout way that hey, these people don’t like me. There’s a serious mental dissonance between what she latently knows—these are all people with no connection to her other than the bond of the curse. This is why Tohru is able to break through to her at the climax of the manga: 
She knows she’s wrong, but no one has ever told her she’s wrong but understood why she’s doing it. Akito just didn’t have the words to explain herself. What do children do when they cannot communicate? They lash out. Kids will bite, scratch, yell, kick, fall to the floor and have screaming tantrums out of frustration. Eventually, most kids learn that there are other ways to express frustration, and move along. (Not all, though, but most.)
Akito was taught that this is acceptable, allowable, and is her right as god. She is actively broken and kept that way through the neglect of the Sohma family maids, Ren’s abuse, and how Akira framed her role in the Zodiac. 
I can go on and on and on and on why the way Akito was treated for her role in the Zodiac by her parents and the rest of the Sohma estate was just awful. I hate it, it’s terrible, she never had a chance to learn and grow and be the genuinely thoughtful woman we know she grows into. 
She doesn’t force her path of forgiveness onto others and is fully cognizant of what she did, the repercussions of her actions, and lives her entire life after the curse breaks trying to right what she did wrong. 
“Even if she gets hurt, she says she deserves it. She tells me not to let it bother me, but… I’ve always, always loved her so much.” (Another, ch. 13) 
Tohru opens the door for Akito. She extends her hand, offers her friendship despite having seen the absolute worst of Akito. She tells Akito that everyone is lonely, everyone wants bonds, and acknowledges Akito’s worst fears, that Akito herself is selfish and dirty for wanting something assured and unending because she, Tohru, herself is dirty and selfish. Tohru knows what Akito has done, knows she’s injured some of her beloved friends, had plans to lock up Kyo, hurt Hatori. 
Tohru still forgives her. One of Tohru’s striking traits in the manga is that she is suffering, every day, she struggles with the grief of losing her mother and the fear of being alone in the world. Through nothing but her own empathy and realization that loneliness is universal, she’s able to forgive people. She forgives Akito and cares for her, and through Tohru, Akito is introduced to the realization that she’s been wrong and that maybe, she shouldn’t be forgiven. 
Shigure also forgives her, and this is the crux of their ship. 
To me, that itself is wildly important. 
They’ve always circled around each other, and Shigure has always been waiting for Akito to be able to come to him again, in full control of her life and choices. He wants Akito the woman, not Akito the god. 
He’s been waiting for the day Akito can meet him as an equal. Akito wants it too, and has wanted him to turn and see her for a very very long time. But she’s been terrified, the entire time, that when he does see her as herself, Shigure won’t like what he sees, and will leave. She’s aware of what she’s done post-curse, she’s aware of the impacts it will have on the former Zodiac members, and she’s aware that once the “bonds” of god and the animals is gone, there may not be anyone left for her.
Neither of them are under any illusions at the end of the series: Akito knows she has to atone for what she did, Shigure knows she has to learn to grow into a person who can function alone. They both know that there are people who are against them changing the oppressive structure of the Sohma family. 
Neither of them care. There are things that they want, together, and it’s enough. There’s a whole new world for them to explore and learn about. And in Furubana, this is shown to be a lifelong effort on their parts: 
“She said after meeting me, she learned so many things for the first time. She smiled happily as she said it.” (Another, #13) 
To close, I’d like to take a moment to talk about the curse and Shigure, and how he set things in motion. 
Without Shigure, the curse would have devolved on its own, yes, but the circumstances would not have allowed for the freedom the Zodiac had at the end of the manga. It would not have ended with Akito being able to learn and live freely. Allowing Tohru into the Sohma family cracked open a door to compassion and kindness none of them had ever experienced before, because the Sohma family seems to exist in a vacuum of stability and love. 
It wasn’t that Shigure knew instantly that Tohru was kind and loving and thoughtful, if anything, his read on her was “completely normal, albeit strange, teenage girl who obviously has a rough life”. But she was normal, she was from outside the Sohmas, and he knew that was enough. No one in the family was stepping up to change the status quo and how stifling and abusive it was, so he did it himself. 
He did it because he loved Akito. 
Not because he felt bad for himself, or Hatori, or any of the others, but merely because he loved her to the point of manipulation. It backfired in his face, because he got a big ol’ dose of “loving and respecting” juice from Tohru, but he still got the end he wanted. 
What I mean to say is best summarized in  chapter 123: 
“It would be nice to live in a kind world, without any troubles, without any fear, without hurting anybody, without ever being hurt, only doing the right thing. I wish I could reach this kind world by the shortest path possible. … “That’s wrong”, or “that’s stupid”: If it’s someone else’s life it’s so easy to make such irresponsible comments. ...It would be great, but it doesn’t exist. … Little by little, walking one step at a time, is all you can do.” 
We get to experience the roughest part of the path with Akito and Shigure, we got to watch them be terrible people who were lonely and in want of love struggle and learn how to get up and move on. 
They tease each other, Shigure is thoughtful of the distinction between “the person Akito was raised to be” and “the person who Akito is”. He’s seen her at her messiest, and she’s seen him at his most jealous. They still chose each other, despite the hurt they caused each other, and others. They make up for it, reflect, and live a life that demonstrates that they have learned. They have friends who are thoughtful and loving and would not hesitate to drop everything and help them, lend an ear when they’re frustrated, help them not to make the same mistakes. 
And then we get to see them be wonderful, kind, thoughtful, loving parents in Furubana. 
We got to see their adorable, kind, compassionate child be friends with the children of the people Akito hurt, because everyone in the former Zodiac’s family collectively decided “never again, no”. 
Their child adores them. Shiki in Furubana #13 radiates love for Akito and Shigure the same way Mutsuki and Hajime do. 
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They are genuinely good parents, even when they tease Shiki, and I think that is testament for how good they are for each other and how much they’ve changed as adults. 
I think that’s enough of a reason to ship them, don’t you?
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bluecoloreddreams · 3 years
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Listen I don’t need another fanfic to write, but—
the answer is magic but forreal tho
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bluecoloreddreams · 4 years
I deleted a whole chunk of dialogue bc I thought it added nothing to the plot except disaster bi banter, but somehow there’s now a whole bit of platonic sheet folding and you know what each time I try to make this less gay, the gayer it becomes, I give up
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bluecoloreddreams · 4 years
I just thought of the funniest fucking way Ren could find out Kyoko is Bou (never mind this has probably been said before)
But if the arc goes the way it seems like, Kyoko ends up in America with Mouko for a bit—so Ren does what Ren does: Seeks advice from a mascot chicken.
Only this chicken has NO IDEA why Tsuruga Ren is asking seriously for advice, going “hey! You said it would work!” with such a serious voice and face and the poor talent filling in for Kyoko is just scared shitless and squeaks
“I’m just filling in for Kyoko-chan—oh shit!”
(Because day one of Bou orientation is “TELL NO ONE (or you will be cursed)!” from this tiny intimidating girl who seems chill but holy fuck it’s like every horror movie plays in her eyes when she locks eyes with you to deliver the ONE RULE, but no one told you you’d have all six billion feet of the nation’s most popular actor in your face ALSO looking like a serial killer and oh my god, they’re perfect for each other—)
And Ren just does his perfect gentleman smile and goes “Oops! I forgot! I’ll just call her.”
Meanwhile, Kyoko’s grudges just go “oh? Oh?! OH!!!” and she has no idea why
(Of course the flip side of this is her visiting Kuu and seeing baby Kuon and doing the mathlady.gif face)
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bluecoloreddreams · 3 years
I *have* to stop writing ahead of myself in my drafts lmaoooo 
scene outlines? fine, but there’s nothing like a criminally impatient writer realizing the holy grail scene won’t show up for months
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bluecoloreddreams · 4 years
Can i brother you with a question about your YamaTsuki fic?? You are probably tired of getting asks about it, but I always read those fics when I need some cheering up. They always put me in a better mood :3 I was wondering how Yama and Tsukki reacted when Himawari first started to calling them Papa and Daddy. I guess she started to dress Yama as papa first since they lived together just the two of them. but it be cute to see their reactions. anyway, thank you and have a nice day!
HMMM I swear I had this planned out at some point, but I couldn’t find any notes about it, so I had to think. 
Short story! They absolutely bawled. Especially Tsukki. 
Himawari sort of naturally picked up ‘papa’ for Yamaguchi, from TV and daycare and the like. (She may have been encouraged by Tsukki’s mom and Akiteru on the sly.) Yams, who at the time, was suffering a huge case of impostor syndrome--was he qualified enough to be a parent, could he really do the task he’s undertaken--just snuggled on her as he cried a little. 
Because Tsukki is away for most of the time Himawari undergoes her developmental milestones, she’s a bit shy around him. Not because she doesn’t like him, but because she DOES and doesn’t know what to do. Tsukki tries his best to coax her out of being shy when he does visit, but he is ALSO awkward and he feels bad that she seems scared of him. 
Yamaguchi is the one who encourages her to address him as daddy, because whoops, she’s been mimicking him and using “Tsukki” and Yamaguchi knows it makes Kei a little sad. So he gets her to show Tsukki stuff she’s done about her family in day care (one dark-haired stick figure, a little stick figure, and a bright yellow one) and say Daddy. They practice! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand Tsukki cries. 
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bluecoloreddreams · 5 years
Hey, I love your TsukiYama fics, they are so good!!!... and some of them are so sad. But I was wondering, if Yama and Tsukki takes Himawari to her biological parents greaves and explains the situation that got them to adopt her when she is old enough to understand. I like to think that Yama tell his late cousin how their daughter is doing
Oh, thank you!!! So, at first, I was gonna answer this with just like, an author comment, but I can do you better than that: 
It’s April again. Time and time again, the spring opens up, cool air mixing into something warm as the cherry blossoms open, replacing the snow with pink drifts of petals. 
It’s time for change. They shift from wool coats to felted ones; Tadashi layers his shirts, long-sleeve, short-sleeve, jacket. They open the windows and doors, shooing out the last dregs of winter. The dog goes to the groomer. The cat gets cornered in the bathroom trying to run away from the flea collar. Uniforms get bought in a different size, one grade’s ribbon exchanged for another. 
There’s a house, now, in the suburbs of Sendai. A house that’s big enough for them all to spread and grow. The hot water works; the paint is new; there’s a laundry room and the door never sticks in its hinges. There’s a garden, a ramshackle thing with wildflowers and tomatoes and once, corn, straight from the bird feeder (before the cat got the bird, which was a traumatic experience all around). 
Tadashi tugs a brush through his hair, mouth full of bobby pins, trying to decide the most reputable way to style his hair. At the clinic, no one really cares what their vet’s hair looks like, as long as he does his job correctly. At home, no one cares either, because if it’s not loose or in a bun, it’s done up in some odd experimental style or another, complete with Hello Kitty scrunchies. His family, on the other hand… 
They’ve relaxed in the last few years, considerably. Extended family, not so much, but this is the only time of year he really sees them anymore. 
He sighs and pins his bangs back into his ponytail, figuring it will just have to do. He straightens his tie, a silk thing borrowed from Kei with dinosaurs printed up and down the length of it, and if it’s a little bit ridiculous to wear to a seven-year memorial service, then that’s just how it’ll be. 
He hears the car pull up, and he slips from the bathroom to pad down the stairs just in time to be nearly barreled over by the dog on one side and a flying mass of pigtails and rumpled school uniform on the other. 
He hoists Himawari up, groaning as he spins her around. Eight is probably too old to be carrying her around like he did when she was two, but hours and hours of picking up heavier dogs than her allows him a little more flexibility about it. 
“Woah there, you look like you rolled down a hill,” Tadashi says, setting her down. 
Kei clicks his tongue at the doorway, leaning down to take his shoes off, holding Himawari’s loafers in his hand. “Tell your papa,” he says, sounding amused. 
Tadashi closes his eyes and counts to five. “Himawari-chan, what did you do now?” 
“Sora-chan said I couldn’t have three dads and a mom so I pushed her down the playground slide but she grabbed me,” Himawari says, eyes decidedly not meeting Tadashi’s, suddenly very interested in petting Tikachu the Dog. 
Tadashi groans, kneeling down so he’s eye-to-eye with his daughter. “We don’t push,” he says. “You know that.” 
Himawari looks away from Tadashi, fidgeting with the ends of her pigtails. “She was being mean, and she said bad things about you and dad, so I pushed her.” 
“Show your dad,” Kei says, a smirk barely concealed. His arms are crossed as he leans in the doorway, eyes glinting behind his glasses. 
Himawari tips her head back and opens her mouth and Tadashi flinches. “Okay, well! That’s, uh, great! Please close your mouth,” he says, wrinkling his nose at the sight of a missing molar. “Kei, please tell me you have it.” 
“Mm. We also have to go buy new stockings,” Kei adds like he’s being helpful. 
“Okay! Okay, we’ll address this in a moment!” Tadashi says, standing up with a clap. “Himawari-chan, how about you go get changed while daddy and I talk?” 
“Am I in trouble?” 
Tadashi shoots Kei a look, who shrugs and spreads his hands out. “You let Nishinoya and Tanaka babysit her growing up, that’s not on me,” he says. 
“We’ll talk about fighting later,” Tadashi says. “You can’t fistfight everyone who thinks our family is a little odd, Himawari-chan.” 
“Yeah but,” Himawari starts, scowling and ducking her chin into the collar of her uniform. “You are my real dads.” 
Tadashi grins then, leaning back up against Kei as he steps up out of the entry. “You’re right,” he says, throat tight as Himawari flashes a toothy grin and flits up the stairs to her bedroom. 
“You suck at discipline,” Kei drawls. “And tying ties. Turn around.” 
Tadashi turns dutifully, smoothing his fingers over Kei’s shoulders, tapping the sunflower-embossed pin on his lapel. “Keeping that on?” 
“I’m always up for intimidating idiots,” Kei drawls, undoing Tadashi’s tie, eyes focused at the other man’s throat. “I go to pick her up and find her in the nurses’ office with a piece of ice and skinned knees and a referral. They were going on about no tolerance until they saw my pin. It was déjà vu.” 
“It was because of that project,” Tadashi sighs. “When school started the new term, when you were away at that conference in Tokyo, she did a family history project.” 
“I see,” Kei says, looping Tadashi’s tie expertly. “Where’s your blazer?” 
“By the door,” Tadashi answers. “I guess the other little girl is new to the school or to the class. Was she hurt?” 
“No, her mother ran into me in the parking lot, actually. She was nice,” Kei says offhandedly. He reaches up and tugs a piece of Tadashi’s bangs free, tucking it gently behind his ear. “There you go.” 
“Did you make Himawari apologize?” 
“What do you take me for?” Kei scoffs. 
“A sucker,” Tadashi snickers, ducking when Kei reaches out to ruffle his hair. He reaches out and grabs his blazer from the peg by the door, shrugging it on as Himawari comes thudding down the hallway in her black dress and tights, pigtails a bit lopsided as she grabs Tadashi’s outstretched hand. 
Kei takes her other hand, and they both hold her up as she shoves her feet into her obnoxiously sparkly pink boots. 
“Daddy got sunflowers,” she tells Tadashi. “He said I could have one.” 
“I did not,” Kei snorts. “She stole one out of the bouquet.” 
“They’re for my mommy and daddy,” Himawari protests. “One of them needs to be from me.” 
“She’s right,” Tadashi points out, letting Himawari tug free of his hand and skip towards the car. 
Kei rolls his eyes as Tadashi steps into his shoes. “And you wonder why she’s spoiled,” he complains. 
“Oh, no, I know exactly why,” Tadashi laughs. 
“Come on!” Himawari cries, tugging at the door handle. “Come oooon! We’re gonna go see my other parents!” 
Maybe it was wrong to be so open about Kana and her husband with Himawari from such a young age, or how hard they had to fight to adopt her. But they never wanted to hide it from her, never wanted her to feel like she’d been unwanted or left behind, so they told her in ways she could understand, took her to the graves and set up a shrine in the house and taught her how to leave food and flowers, how to say the prayers. They gave her Kana’s journals, with her tiny footprint and lock of hair; they gave her her father’s rock collection and taught her the names of the tiny gemstones in it. They tried to teach her in the hopes that she could grow and be happy and learn. 
April always brought changes, and not all of them good. Every year, Tadashi grapples with how he can be so thankful for something so awful, and he prays. He prays to apologize, to thank, to hope that he’s raising Himawari in the same loving way that his cousin would have. That she always meets their memory with a thankfulness and desire to love them without knowing them. That he and Kei can be the parents that she needs, that they can grow together, until the next time the petals fall. 
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bluecoloreddreams · 4 years
Wait, so not even himawari doesn't like yams side of the family. I get the extended, but didn't his parents come around and at least try to be devoted parents. I get that they distanced themselves from yams family and do not let hima be with them without yams or tsukki there with her. i am just confused why hima doesn't like them, did tsukki and yams tell her everything that happened since yams was first kicked out and all the way until tsukki and yams was their adoptive parents?? :O thanks !!!!
His parents did come around! Yams and Tsukki are very diligent in making sure that they get to visit and babysit while being aware that there is history there that they don’t want to expose their daughter to. They try their best to not let their own anxieties about letting Himawari visit show. 
However, kids can definitely be pretty perceptive when it comes to reading off of their parents, so she’s realized in that childlike way that when she’s at her grandparents house, there’s the potential that her parents are going to be upset by something/someone, and it definitely weirds her out in the way that kids can’t explain past “I don’t want to”. 
Also: Yamaguchi’s parents are teachers (for older students) and therefore sort of strict on things like homework and TV and snacks. Meanwhile, Tsukki’s parents are a little less strict and more creative about how they enforce things like bedtime and snacktime, so she doesn’t notice until she’s probably in middle school. (They also take a lot of cues from how Yama and Tsukki parent, so it’s more of a home-like atmosphere for her.) 
It’s like going to that grandma’s house where everything’s covered in plastic when you know good and well that your other grandma lets you fingerpaint on the floor of the garage-- who are YOU going to want to visit?  
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