#misteria ivy
I recalled a few months ago i drew my favs of the jury of nine! and semi cleaned them up!
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all of them so neat and silly, might wanna redraw them
but as i mentioned before, these four had been given the tablets of the apocalypse so each of them have extra magic connected to those!
(its four horse men of the apocalypse stuff)
i havent exactly made the designs for their gems yet because i want to kinda make all of them be unique aaand also...they are part 2 characters so i wont exactly be doing anything just yet with them
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agoddamn · 1 year
Finally got into the Engage groove. Sat down and went from 10 to 15.
Something about MC's "I can't do this without you!" at the Emblems is really funny. Big waifufag energy.
Again, another point where I wish the Emblems were original characters. You could actually do something interesting with Alear having some kinda mildly codependent relationship with the Emblems in spite of them not being truly alive if they weren't cool iconic FE characters that need to be objectively good and admirable at all times.
Heck, you could address the unsettling idea of the Emblems not being truly alive in the first place! They identify themselves as Emblem Name, which means even they see themselves as a derivative. Are they trapped in a hell of undeath, watching everyone around them age and die? Do they still feel the human need for interaction? They get used as weapons against their consent-- isn't that an awful existence? Why would they want to become an Emblem in the first place? They're like the cookies from Black Mirror...nightmarish.
Interesting characterization glimmer from Alcryst. His boss convo with his dad has him saying that he wants to be the one to kill dad in order to spare Diamant having to do it. Damn, son
The sad piano music on the retreat chapter is nice.
I don't get why localization did that with the shitenno names...they're supposed to be colors. Mauvier and Griss are recognizably colors, but the girls are weird. Zephia = Sepia, Marni = Maroon (or maybe Marron, the French version).
Fogado feels like the character the fandom wanted Claude to be lmao
Also not sure why they renamed his sister? She's Misteria in Japanese, the siblings are fog and mist, that's the joke.
...dragon badguy kinda sexy. Forehead clit is a turnoff though
I like how Hortensia wigs out thinking Ivy is dead and everyone just chooses not to correct her
Kingdom 1's name theme is French, 2 is rocks, 3 is flowers, and 4 is...not sure, actually. Jp had the fog/mist thing, but English...
Oh, the gay bandits again. Wait...do they both call one another little brother in their death lines??
Solm palace is very pretty. Easily the nicest-looking castle interior
RIP to whatever localizer got handed Fogado's fratboy retainer lmao there are plenty of things I'll drag the localization on, but the party peep lingo is so bizarre to translate. I won't even touch it. They did their best with that shit
Kagetsu has gotten str level after str level. He's terrifying. Complete animal.
Kagetsu and Zelkov feel like weird AU cousins of Odin and Zero...Koyasu voicing Kagetsu only hammers this vibe home even harder
Starting to suffer on supports. As of chapter 15, MC doesn't have one B support. They took away support-building on the enemy phase and two-space supporting, which makes it a massive pain in the ass to get support points. I've been doing arena and cafe after every battle, too! Squeezing as many support points as possible outta this, but it still ain't much
Reclassing ends up being kind of an odd beast thanks to how Emblem-dependant it is. Losing your initial batch of Emblems takes away your ability to spread weapon proficiencies around, which hobbles your ability to reclass for several chapters. Compounding that, it's a good while before you can buy Second Seals, and money is very tight. If you have a unit who starts off in a class not suited to their growths (Jean, Clanne) they're kinda just fucked. What's the point of designing a system with so much flexibility only to take away your ability to use it for most of the game? I would have preferred the system be more stripped-down and actually usable.
Goddamn, do I feel the money crunch. Buying gifts? In THIS economy?
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So, Jury of Nine am i right?
we got all of favorite little guys here,
Huh? what? Aaron? oh yes Aaron is apart of the jury now, why? you'll just have to find out :)
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AH-Hello its me...again, I have updated the character cast list for Misteria, again. If you want to know more on my project, you can ask me or comment here on the post. Thank you :)
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More info on the list of characters below!
Padian, Modern world Dimension A
[Those are from here are...]
Garroth, Zane, Vylad, Dante, Gavin, Zianna, Ein, Aaron, Michi, Gene, Travis, Noi, Kim and Nana
Ru'aun the world of Magicks, Dimension B
[Those are from here are...]
Teony, Janus, Lucinda, Nicole, Zoey, Lily, Cadenza, Lillian, Laurence, Ivan, Zenix, Sasha, Kenmur, Emmalyn, Brendan, Kiki, Ivy, Jeffery and Katelyn
Ashyn Dimension, Gods plain
[Those are from here are...]
Menphia, Kul'zak, Esmund, Enki and Irene
Abyss Inferno, The beginning and The End
[Those are from here are...]
Shad, Asch, Lloyd, Rhys, Zen and Pierce!
I suppose those are all of them!
Yup!, Totally...
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